unplaces · 6 months
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Lindsay St, Burwood (Sydney).
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bumblebeeappletree · 14 days
Costa visits a rooftop farm where deaf and hard of hearing students learn essential job skills through food cultivation.
On the rooftop of a suburban shopping centre in Burwood, east Melbourne, is a surprise feature – a highly productive community garden.
The garden is run by a group called Cultivating Community, and organiser Cerys ap Rees says they aim to include people from culturally and linguistically diverse groups.
There is an employment program run in partnership with the Victorian College for the Deaf, providing work experience opportunities for those with hearing disabilities.
Learn more: https://www.abc.net.au...
This segment is from Gardening Australia Season 35, Episode 16 titled "Autumn: Fantastic ferns & rooftop farming".
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12 August 2024, Monday
            Xiaoting Wang, 21, was found murdered in a Burwood, Sydney, Australian apartment that she shared with her boyfriend, 21. She had been stabbed to death. Her boyfriend’s body was found in the courtyard with injury to his ankles, possibly jumping from the balcony trying to flee the scene or to take his own life. He was naked from the waist down; they are still investigating if Wang had been sexually assaulted before or after her death.
            Wang was a university student from China. Before she was murdered, she had a conflict with her boyfriend in the early hours of that morning. She told friends that she had planned to leave her boyfriend.
            It is unknown if a third person was involved.
            There is a possibility he may have killed Wang because he wanted to control her and didn’t have any respect for her or her own choices.
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#xiaotingwang #burwood
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bizypeople · 7 months
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Dear Friend of BPW Strathfield I hope this message finds you well. 
With sincere excitement, the Business and Professional Women Strathfield (BPWS) cordially invites you to our upcoming International Women's Day event, scheduled for March 6th, 2024. 
This event, in collaboration with Burwood Council, Strathfield Council, and ACU Strathfield, aims to champion Gender Equity through Economic Empowerment and features a lineup of distinguished international and national speakers. 
International Women's Day holds immense significance, especially for our younger audience, who will be in attendance. As a committed member of your profession and a passionate advocate for gender equality and women's rights, your presence will not only mark this special occasion but also underscore your dedication to fostering understanding of gender equality, women's empowerment, and their pivotal roles in building an inclusive society.
Details: Event: International Women's Day Celebration - Gender Equity through Economic Empowerment 
Headline speaker: The Hon Jodie Harrison, MP. Member of the Legislative Assembly Member for Charlestown. Minister for Women, Minister for Seniors, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. 
Speakers: Dean ACU, Assoc Professor Belinda von Mengersen, Jordon Baker SMD, Sweta Gupta BPWS President. Message from 3 International BPW Members and members of the UN Standing Committee. 
Date: Wednesday March 6th, 2024 Time: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm 
Venue: Australian Catholic University Strathfield, 25a Barker Rd, Strathfield 2135. 
Collaboration: Business & Professional Women Strathfield, Burwood Council, Strathfield Council, and Australian Catholic University Strathfield Campus. 
Your attendance is sure to leave you with a lasting impression. Should you have any specific requirements or require additional event information, please don't hesitate to contact us. 
We eagerly anticipate your favourable response and sincerely hope you will REGISTER and join us in this important celebration. 
Warm regards, Sweta Gupta President BPWS (0411228445) 
Janette Weeding Director BPWS (0411135295) 
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buzywomen · 2 months
Equal Pay Day 2024.
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**Business and Professional Women Strathfield**
**Invites You to an Equal Pay Day Dinner and Conversation**
**Date:** 19th August 2024  
**Time:** 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM  
**Venue:** Coro88, 88 Burwood Road, Burwood, 2134  
**Parking:** Free undercover parking available at the venue
**Women Mean Business**
Did you know that it took an extra 50 days over the past year for women to earn as much as men? Join us to hear what's the buzz!
Equal Pay Day symbolises the additional time women must work to earn what men did in the previous year. It highlights the gender pay gap—the difference between average earnings for men and women.
### Key Points About Equal Pay Day:
1. **Origins and Purpose**:
   - The concept of Equal Pay Day was introduced by the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) in 1996.
   - It aims to raise awareness about the gender wage gap and advocate for equal pay for equal work.
2. **Calculation of the Date**:
   - The date of Equal Pay Day changes each year based on the previous year's wage data.
   - It typically falls in March or April in many countries, symbolising how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned the previous year. In australia we celebrate in August.
3. **Global Recognition**:
   - Many countries observe their own Equal Pay Days, reflecting their specific gender pay gaps.
   - In Australia, Equal Pay Day is often observed in August or September, reflecting local wage statistics.
4. **The Gender Pay Gap**:
   - The gender pay gap is influenced by various factors, including occupational segregation, differences in work experience, education, and discrimination.
   - The gap can vary significantly by industry, age, ethnicity, and education level.
5. **Why It Matters**:
   - Highlighting the gender pay gap brings attention to broader issues of gender inequality in the workplace.
   - It encourages businesses, policymakers, and individuals to take action towards achieving pay equity.
6. **Activities and Events**:
   - Events like the Equal Pay Day dinner and conversation hosted by Business and Professional Women Strathfield provide platforms for discussion, networking, and advocacy.
   - These events often feature speakers, panels, and workshops focused on strategies to close the pay gap.
### Action Steps to Address the Gender Pay Gap:
1. **Policy and Legislation**:
   - Support and advocate for laws that promote pay transparency and prevent discrimination.
2. **Workplace Practices**:
   - Encourage employers to conduct regular pay audits.
   - Implement transparent salary structures and promotion practices.
   - Support flexible working arrangements and parental leave policies.
3. **Education and Awareness**:
   - Raise awareness about the gender pay gap through campaigns and educational programs.
   - Empower women with negotiation skills and career development opportunities.
By participating in Equal Pay Day events and supporting initiatives aimed at closing the gender pay gap, individuals and organisations can contribute to creating a more equitable workforce.
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indudefaus · 6 months
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Get Help For Your Industrial Hearing Loss Claim. Industrial Deafness Australia Has 25 Years of Experience in Industrial Deafness Claim. Qualify for FREE Hearing Test.
Visit: https://www.industrialdeafnessaustralia.com.au/about-us/meet-the-team/
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furniturebedding123 · 6 months
Affordable And Best Furniture Store In Burwood
Design your home with the latest furniture. Our furniture store in Burwood provides a huge range of products: Living Room Furniture Mattresses, Bedroom Furniture, Recliners, Lounges, Dining Tables, Outdoor Furniture and many more. For convenient, efficient, and cheaper online purchases, visit our website!
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modestcatholiclife · 8 months
After a Week Away...
After more than a week away, I'm posting again. I've been busy but not with anything that warranted its own post. On top of that, a close friend is going through an extraordinary hardship at the moment so my thoughts haven't really been on this.
As to the past week, I got back from my grandparents' place last Tuesday. It was a long trip home and very exhausting. By the time I was home, I was so exhausted I felt sick. That may sound overdramatic, and maybe it is, but it's not often that I go anywhere that's more than a few hours away from home.
On Wednesday, I tried to spend as much of the day as possible cleaning. Most of that was unpacking and the resulting loads of laundry, but I was also able to do something I've been wanting to do for a while: reorganise my bookshelf. I was a voracious reader as a child up until my early years of high school. However, now that I'm converting, I'm reevaluating some of the books I have and how they align with my values. Additionally, some of the books that I have are just not very good. My ultimate goal is to only own books that I'd be happy for my own children to read one day. I also have a bunch of religious books that I haven't had space for since it's only a small shelf. I'm very happy with the set up, I had so many books that they were taking up all the space on top of the shelf, which I can now use for things that need to be on display.
On Thursday, I joined my friends on a trip over to Burwood, a suburb off Sydney. My friends had seen TikToks about there being a lot of good places to eat there and wanted to visit their K-pop store. It was a very nice shop, serving complementary tea and with a cute crafting space in the back.
Friday and Saturday were spent working a dog-sitting job. I was caring for two Dachshunds, a 13 year old boy named Jensen and a 1 year old girl named KC. I had looked after them before quite recently, they were one of two jobs I took between Christmas and New Year's. KC is as energetic and friendly as they come, while Jensen is more reserved. He didn't much like me when we first met but after I comforted him through a very scary storm during my first time looking after them, he became a lot more comfortable around me.
Finally, we come to yesterday. My fiance and I were happy to be back at one of our usual Ukrainian churches for the first time in a few weeks, this time St. Andrew's in Lidcombe for their English language liturgy. The English liturgy has its own small but solid young adult community that my fiance and I are always delighted to be with. It was a joy to catch up with everyone and talk about how we've spent this holiday period. And most exciting of all, my fiance spoke to our priest and has been told that we can start officially arranging my catechism in the next couple of weeks!
This turned out to be a lot longer than I anticipated, I guess my week was more fun than I realised. I think I'll do a separate post about today and my coming week so as not to drag this post out unnecessarily. Though I will give one final update about my past week: I've finally told one of my friends about my recent engagement. All of my friends are secular and don't believe in marrying young or quickly. I'm sure they'll support me all the same but, especially with the relationship struggles my friend is having, they'll be concerned and doubtful.
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
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innerwestcleanersau · 9 months
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xiongnanpark · 10 months
Unsent Love Letters from Strangers in Sydney(Burwood)
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Found a fairy garden. I love how their window looks like the moon over the town.
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Seen on iCarly on the wall in the kitchen since episode one
Vintage Burwood family drive in clock
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ferrum-by-design · 1 year
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Revamp your outdoor space with seamless style and function! 🌦️ Thinking about drain grates replacement Burwood? Our skilled team is here to make sure your property stays dry and beautiful. Embrace efficient drainage and bid farewell to puddles! #Burwood #DrainGratesUpgrade
LEARN MORE HERE! https://ferrum.com.au/blogs/news/drain-grates-replacement-burwood
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operatiling · 1 year
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Bathroom Renovations Burwood is your go-to service provider for transforming your outdated bathroom into a luxurious and modern space. With a team of skilled professionals, we offer top-notch renovation solutions tailored to your specific needs. From sleek fixtures to stylish tiling, our attention to detail ensures a stunning bathroom makeover that exceeds your expectations.
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bizypeople · 7 months
BPWStrathfield- IWD2024
IWD #bpwstrathfield #bpws  WED 6 MARCH -10am. 
Count her in: invest in women.
Headline Speaker - Minister For Women The Hon
Free underground parking 250 spaces on site.
Tour of University 12:30 pm 
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sydneyman2020 · 1 year
シドニーナイトマーケット Sydney Night Marketをご紹介致します。
こんばんは、シドニーマンです。   シドニーではいつもどこかでマーケットが開催されています。多くのマーケットは日中営業。だいたい営業時間は朝8時もしくは9時頃から午後4時30分から午後6時頃で、夜になると閉まります。   ですがナイトマーケット(Night Market)と呼ばれるマーケットがあり、このナイトマーケット(Night Market)は読んで字のごとく夜開かれます。 今回はそのナイトマーケット(Night Market)についてです。 昼間行われているマーケットとは趣向も趣も違うので出かけてみるのも悪くないと思います。 ナイトマーケット(Night Market) ナイトマーケット(Night Market)とは、夜開催されるマーケットのことです。通常のマーケットは朝もしくは午前中から開催され夜は閉めています。 ですが、このナイトマーケット(Night…
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