#Burton Mack
movietonight · 2 months
Burton "Gus" Guster. Character of all time. His middle name should be "Yes And". He is ride or die but he will kvetch about it. He is literally screaming crying throwing up. He's divorced. He has strong opinions about Pluto. He almost joined a cult. He claims his bestie on his taxes. He can tap dance and sing like a pro. He blogs about marine animals. He has so many niche interests. His bestie had to blackmail his boss to allow him to continue running around solving crime. He accurately deciphered the text message "binshot not lol". He went undercover as a model. He's not over losing the spelling bee as a child. He owns a shirt advertising cold sore medicine. He drove a stolen car to San Francisco to be with his bestie and only turned around 12 times. He's a sympathetic crier.
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lostanddeadmedia · 1 year
The Q Gospel Part II
So since I hit the character limit in the last part, this is Part II of whatever. All trigger/content warnings that may apply still apply, this is Dead Dove, Do Not Eat territory. Picks up from where I left off under the cut (it's there as a courtesy, I don't want to trigger anyone).
"The common material in Q and Mark (cf. Mark 1:2; 1:7-8; 1:12-13; 3:22-26, 27-29; 4:21, 22, 24, 25: 4:30-32; 6:7-13; 8:11, 12; 8:34-35; 8:38; 9:37, 40, 42, 50; 10:10-11; 10:31; 11:22-23; 12:37b-40; 13:9, 11, 33-37) has repeatedlyled to the hypothesis of a literary dependence of Mark on Q. But if Mark had known Q, his criteria for selecting the material he used, and especially the sayings he omitted, cannot be explained. The reasons given remain hypothetical (Mark as a supplement to the sayings source, Q as a supplement to Mark, a critical debate by Mark with the Christology of the sayings source), and fail to make plausible the considerable differences in the literary configuration and theological orientation between Q and Mark. A direct literary connection between Mark and Q must be regarded as improbable. The text complexes they share point rather to independent access of each to old Jesus traditions, but contacts between the two streams of tradition at the pre-redactional level are not to be excluded." -Udo Schenelle commenting on the relationship between Q and Mark (op. cit. p. 195)
"A much discussed feature of Q arises out of Q's version of the mission charge. Here the Q missionaries are told to take absolutely nothing for their journey, not even the basic necessities of life such as food or clothing. Elsewhere, too, Q sayings seem to presuppose an extremely radical break with past personal ties. The Q Christians are told that they must 'hate' their own families (Luke 12:46); they are told that they must take up their cross (Luke 14:27). They are not to worry about their daily needs (Luke 12:22-34) since God will provide for them. They are to be followers of the Son of Man, who has nowhere to lay his head; and they are to break with their past in such a radical way that they are not even to go home to bury a member of their own family (Luke 9:57-60). These saying have led to the plausible theory that behind Q lies a group of Christians who obeyed these instructions to the letter. Hence Q presupposes the existence of wandering prophets or charismatics who made a radical break with their own homes and went about preaching the message of the kingdom (Hoffman 1972; Theissen 1979). However, the presence of sayings like 10:2 may suggest that the final stage of Q also presupposes a group of settled Christians providing backup support for the wandering preachers (Zeller 1982, 1984)." -C. M. Tuckett's observations (op. cit., pp. 570-571)
"J. S. Kloppenborg proposes to explain the origins of Q in terms of a three-stratum model. In his view the oldest layer of Q was composed of 'wisdom speeches', including the nuclear elements of the Sermon on the Plain/Mount and the Missions Discourse, as well as Luke 11:2-4, 9-13 Q; Luke 12:2-12, 22-34 Q; Luke 13:24-14:35 Q; and others. At a later stage this complex was combined with, and partially reshaped by, materials that treat the proclamation of judgement against Israel (preaching of the Baptist, the nobleman of Capernaum, the Baptist's question, the Beelzebul controversy, the demand for signs, the Q apocalypse). The third and final stratum was provided by the temptation story, which presents Jesus as a model for one's relationship to God." _Udo Schnelle summarising the stratification proposed by Kloppenborg (op. cit., pp. 188-189)
"The original version of Q must have included wisdom sayings as well as eschatological sayings. It cannot be argued that Q orignally presented Jesus as a teacher of wisdom without an eschatological message. The close relationships of the Gospel of Thomas to Q cannot be accidental. Since the typical Son of Man sayings and announcements of judgements which are characteristic of the redaction of Q are never paralleled in the Gospel of Thomas, it is evident that its author had no knowledge fo the final version of Q, nor of the secondary apocalyptic interpretation that the redactor of Q superimposed upon earlier eschatological sayings. The Gospel of Thomas is either dependent upon Q's earlier version or upon clusters of sayings employed in its composition." -Helmut Koester (op. cit., p. 150)
"For the followers of Jesus whose tradition is represented in the original composition of Q, the turning point of the ages is the proclamation of Jesus. In the sayings of Jesus, his followers find the continuation of this announcement. These sayings are not only reassurance of the eschatological moment, they are also the rule of life for the community of the new age insofar as Jesus continues to speak in sayings of wisdom and in rules for the community. Jesus may indeed have been viewed as the heavenly wisdom. This is especially evident in Q 10:21-22 which defines the relationship of Jesus to the Father in terms of the established sapiental concept of Wisdom and God. If Q 13:34-35, the lament over Jerusalem, should belong to the original composition of Q, Jesus is also the one who sends Wisdom's envoys.
Just as the departure of Wisdom or of her envoy does not constitute a change in the urgency of the message, so too Jesus' death would not be seen as a crisis of his proclamation. The disciples are already called to follow in the steps of Jesus, in their discipleship (Q 9:57-62) as well as in their task to carry on his proclamation (Q 10:2-12). Jesus' departure would make this call even more urgent. The ages have already begun to turn through Jesus' announcement. Any emphasis on Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection would be meaningless in this context. Thus Q can not be seen as a teaching supplement for a community whose theology is represented by the Pauline kerygma. Q's theology and soteriology are fundamentally different." - Helmut Koester (op. cit., p. 159)
"On the other hand, the Synoptic Sayings Source is an important piece of evidence for the continuation of a theology of followers of Jesus that had no relationship to the kerygma of the cross and resurrection. It is evident now that this was not an isolated phenomenon. The opponents of Paul in 1 Corinthians 1-4, the Gospel of Thomas, the Dialogue of the Savior, and the opponents of the Gospel of John in the Johannine community all shared this understanding of the significance of Jesus' coming." -Helmut Koester (op. cit., p. 165)
"Recent studies have shown how fruitful a redaction-critical approach to Q can be. At first sight such work may appear to be extremely hypothetical, being based on what some would argue is a very questionable presupposition (the very existence of Q as a single document). However, the very distinctiveness of the Q material as shown by the recent redaction-critical studies of Q is in itself an indication that this material did exist as a separate entity at some stage in development of the synoptic tradition. Theories about the theology of Q, if successful, may therefore provide support for the hypothesis of the existence of Q. Q may also alert us to the great variety within primitive Christianity. It shows us a version of the Christian faith which perhaps less cross centered than, say, Paul or Mark; but is nonetheless real for that." -C. M. Tuckett (op. cit., p. 571)
Mark and Q
Explanation 1: Q was a book of sayings and teachings attributed to Jesus.
Counteracts the reliance on actual events that Mark had.
Explains why Matthew and Luke's writings are so similar (like students copying from a primary source.
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." - Matthew 7:1-2
"Judge not and ye shall not be judged: condemn not and ye shall not be condemned: forgive and ye shall be forgiven." -Luke 6:37
The explanation is seen as problematic due to surviving proto-Gospel works sharing little with Matthew and Luke.
Matthew and Luke
Explanation 2: Matthew and Luke copied from each-other, much like students cheating on a test.
This theory is seemingly supported by the fact that the book of Mark was used as a source for the books of Matthew and Luke.
Scholars agreee that the books of Matthew and Luke do not depend on each other like they depend on Mark.
Q is Non-Canon
Explanation 3: Q is the non-canonical 'Gospel of the Hebrews'.
The Gospel of the Hebrews would be a short gospel consisting of the sayings attributed to Jesus.
The Gospel of the Hebrews is second among Jerome's chronology of Christian Writings (listed after Mark).
The Gospel of the Hebrews shares very little in common with either Matthew or Luke.
Q + Mark + Matthew = Luke
The Three-Source Hypothesis: Suggests Q is a proto-Gospel quoted in the works of Papias.
Papias' writings are often mistaken as an abridged version of Matthew.
Further states that the book of Luke was written later than accepted and took from Matthew, Mark, and Q.
Four Source
Four Source Hypothesis: Suggests the Q Gospel alone is not enough to explain the discrepancies between Matthew and Luke.
States that the books of Matthew and Luke not only drew material from Mark and Q, but also a Proto-Matthew and Proto-Luke (supposedly evidenced by the writings of Papias).
Alternate Theory: These three gospels draw common elements from either the Ur-Gospel or oral traditions.
Probability of Recovery
Highly unlikely for any unaltered written version to be unearthed.
A List of Stories Attributed to the Q Gospel
The Beatitudes (describes the blessedness of those who have certain qualities/experiences peculiar to those belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven)
Love Thy Enemies
The Golden Rule
Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged
The Test of a Good Person
The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
The Parable of the Talnts
The Parable of the Leaven
The Parable of the Blind Leading the Blond
The Lord's Prayer
Expounding the Law
The Birds of Heaven and The Lillies In the Field
Lost Media Wiki
Early Christian Writings
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Dude who the fuck are the new Broadway alts they’re leaving TODAY.
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After the mission
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heartofsix · 2 years
broadway alts 😍
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sixcostumerefs · 2 years
@lightleckrereins got an ask about which roles each queen would be most/least likely to add to their covers if Six went back to their five cover system. I provided some input on which roles I think each queen would be most likely to be given by Six. However, that doesn’t always line up with what covers I’d most want to see them add on. So, without further ado…
Mallory Maedke: Boleyn, Cleves, Parr (would be a very solid swing)
Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert: Parr, Seymour, Howard
Courtney Mack: Seymour, Aragon, Cleves
Keirsten Hodgens: Aragon, Howard, Boleyn
Ayla Ciccone-Burton: Howard, Aragon, Seymour
Holli’ Conway: Seymour, Parr, Boleyn
Kristina Leopold: Howard, Boleyn, Cleves. But honestly she’d probably be my top pick to see as a swing for all six roles.
Aubrey Matalon: Parr, probably Cleves then Aragon
Erin Ramirez: Seymour, Aragon, Cleves
Kelly Denice Taylor: Boleyn, Parr, Howard (would actually love to see her Howard, but think it’s least likely)
Cassie Silva: Seymour, Aragon, Parr
Kelsee Kimmel: Cleves, Howard, Boleyn
Cecilia Snow: Boleyn, Parr, Howard
Jana Larell Glover: Boleyn, Howard, Seymour
Aryn Bohannon: Aragon, Cleves, Parr
Tay Pearlstein: Aragon, Seymour, Cleves
Marilyn Caserta: Seymour, Howard
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six-costume-refs · 2 years
Is it me, or does Broadway seem to have an unspoken first/second cover system? It seems like Mallory is almost always prioritized for Seymour, Nicole for Aragon, Courtney for Boleyn/Howard, and Kiersten for Parr? Cleves seems like one of those roles that Nicole and Kiersten split relatively evenly
They do! There's a hierarchy that dictates who is first priority. Essentially seems to mean that they learn the role first, debut it first (if scheduled), would typically be the first person called on to cover the role for scheduled vacations (although recently both covers have been splitting), and are first priority to cover the role for any public performances. It's mostly for the sake of logistics - it makes sure that there's always someone who can go for a role, even if it's at the last minute or the other cover hasn't yet learned the track. Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert is first priority Aragon/Cleves, Courtney Boleyn/Howard, Mallory Maedke Seymour, Keirsten Hodgens Parr. With the addition of Ayla Ciccone-Burton and Holli' Conway, it seems like it's shifted towards Ayla taking over Cleves and Holli' taking over Howard. Again, that's reflected in public performances. A few examples include Broadway in the Boros w Keirsten Parr; Tonys with Mallory Seymour; The View with Courtney Howard; Thanksgiving Parade with Courtney Boleyn; and Late Night with Nicole Cleves. There have been a couple recent exceptions with injuries/transition, most notably Broadway on the Boardwalk with Courtney Boleyn and Keirsten Cleves (Nicole was out then) and Bryant Park, where we saw Mallory Aragon, Nicole Boleyn, Ayla Cleves, Holli' Howard, and Courtney Parr. In that case Ayla + Holli' were covering their first roles and Keirsten wasn't performing, which meant Courtney Parr, which meant Nicole Boleyn, which meant Mallory Aragon. You are right that they do send Keirsten on as Cleves quite a bit as well! In terms of actual performances, Boleyn, Seymour, and Cleves cover numbers have been pretty even this year. As the production goes on and everyone knows all three of their tracks very well, that sort of hierarchy is less important from a logistical perspective and it becomes more about who is available and most comfortable with the role on any given day.
I'll also note that Aragon Tour and Boleyn Tour have a similar set up, although Aragon Tour so far seems to hew much less closely to it than Broadway. For Aragon it's Kelly Denice Taylor Aragon, Erin Palmer Ramirez Boleyn/Parr, Kelsee Kimmel Seymour, Cassie Silva Howard, and then Cleves is less clear. We don't know all the set up for Boleyn Tour yet, but it looks like Tay Pearlstein is first priority Boleyn, Aryn Bohannon Seymour, and Jana Larell Glover Cleves.
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If the alternates of Broadway had alternate costumes, my take!
Mallory Maedke - Black (Standard Variation, Seymour Variation)
Nila Kyoung-Mi - Teal (Aragon Variation, Boleyn Variation, Cleves Variation w/ Teal Leotard)
Courtney Mack - Opal (Standard Variation, Boleyn Variation, Parr Variation)
Keirsten Hodgens - Orange (Standard Variation, Seymour Variation, Cleves Variation w/ Orange Leotard)
Ayla Ciccone-Burton - Silver (Boleyn Variation, Cleves Variation w/ Silver Leotard, Parr Variation)
Holli’ Conway - Silver (Standard Variation, Cleves Variation w/ Silver Leotard)
(Thank you, @lightleckrereins for making this game!)
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junebugwriter · 10 months
Trans Awareness, Remembrance, and the Dangers of Existing 
For those who still yet live. 
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(Image from GLAAD.)
November 13th – 19th was the annual Transgender Awareness Week, a week that ends in Transgender Day of Remembrance. The Day of Remembrance is a day that is solemn, tragic, and rather sobering. It’s the day we take to remember our transgender siblings who were killed in acts of transphobic hate. It is a day of mourning, of gravity, and many, many tears, because of how truly painful it can be. For me, a newly self-realized trans woman, it’s even more sobering. 
Rewind to about a year ago. I was beginning to acknowledge the enormity of my gender dysphoria after 35 years of denial. It was something I was desperate to avoid at the beginning because I knew. I knew how much the world hates trans people for existing. How dangerous it is to step outside of the boundaries of the fragile social structure that we have encoded into our lives. How brittle and unsafe it can all be for someone who does not conform to the gender that we were assigned at birth.  
I wanted to look away for so very, very long. To not admit the truth of my nature. But the funny thing about the truth is that it just stays there, even if you don’t believe it. And my truth was that I was trans. My new reality was that no matter how far I go in the journey, no matter how well I might “pass” (even though passing isn’t the goal, it’s being authentic to myself), there will always be people who hate me for existing.  
I was unable to write this yesterday, due to obligations, but I wanted to write about it, nonetheless. Some friends of mine were able to hold a ceremony for the lives of our trans siblings who were taken this year. They got to say their names. They got to hold a candle for these brothers and sisters, dear people whose lives ended because someone decided that they shouldn’t exist.  
These are their names. * 
London Price. 
Lisa Love. 
A’nee Johnson. 
Chyna Long. 
Sherlyn Marjorie.  
Kylie Monali. 
Luis Angel Diaz Castro. 
Thomas “Tom-Tom” Robertson. 
De’Vonnie J’Rae Johnson. 
Jacob Williamson. 
Chanell Perez Ortiz. 
Ashia Davis. 
Banko Brown. 
Rasheeda “Koko Da Doll” Williams. 
Ashley Burton. 
Tasiyah “Siyah” Woodland. 
Cashay B. Henderson. 
Imanitwitaho Zachee. 
Maria Fer. 
Jasmine “Star” Mack. 
Unique Banks. 
Say these names in your heart. Know that theirs was a life that was beautiful and should not have been taken away by a person with hate in their heart and fear in their mind. Recognize the fact that the largest percentage of these victims were black women by far. The oldest one of them was only 41 years old, 5 years older than me. Most were in their twenties. Some were in their teens. All were beautiful. All were born with innate divinity, the same innate divinity that dwells in each of us, the same image of the transcendent God that created all of us.  
Remember them. Feel the weight of them. It’s a heavy load to bear, and much more than the community can stand. We are in an era of rapidly increasing transphobia. There is a concerted effort to mandate us out of existence legally. I honestly am somewhat afraid of coming home for Christmas this year because of my running into the wrong person while trying to spend time with my loved ones. (Then I remember it will be in Austin, and that’s probably as safe as it gets for gender-nonconforming individuals, and I relax, but it’s still by a slim margin.) 
Before the day of remembrance is Trans Awareness Week. What's funny is before the past couple of years, I would rate everyone’s awareness of transgender people as relatively low, until certain lawmakers decided to make it an enormous issue. The truth of it is that trans people have always existed. We’ve always been there. Going back thousands of years, in cultures all over the globe, you will find trans people in history, if you look for them. Even going back, a couple of decades, yeah, things weren’t great for trans people, but mostly it was because people didn’t know what we were. People lived entire lives, not being free to be themselves. Now, we have people trying to educate people so that kids like me might understand more about themselves, and in response to simply new, better information about transgender identities, people react with hatred.  
The thing about transgender people that I’m learning every day is that they are some of the bravest people I know. It takes bravery to ask yourself the hard questions about your identity. It takes bravery to live authentically as you are meant to be.  
I was afraid that I didn’t have it in me to be brave enough to be trans. 
But it doesn’t matter if I’m brave. It matters that I live. It matters that I exist. I’m extremely lucky, and privileged, to be where I am. To have lived the life I have lived is an extraordinary blessing. To have a family that still loves me and supports me is a blessing beyond measure. To have a partner who is willing to support me is an even greater blessing. So many trans kids and adults don’t have that. So many are turned out into a cold world that doesn’t want to make space for them. So many people would rather we did not exist. 
The truth is, we do exist. And no matter how much they can try to legislate us out of existence, there will always be trans people. That’s the truth that cannot be erased or ignored. Just like I couldn’t ignore the truth about my gender identity, we as a people can’t ignore the hatred and violence that is done to trans people all the time. We cannot ignore the concerted effort by a few hateful individuals whose world is so small they cannot appreciate the infinite amount of beauty that trans people give to the world just by our existence.  
I’m writing this because I want to make sure at the very least that I remember my siblings who have gone before me—those who face hatred and violence because of the small-minded hatred of bigots. Our world is so much more beautiful for us living in it.  
May we one day live in a world where we no longer need to remember the lives of those killed because of anti-transgender hatred.  
*Names retrieved from https://glaad.org/tdor-memoriam/. 
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redladydeath · 1 year
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"Sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said I'm just try'na have some fun Don't worry, don't worry, don't lose your head I didn't mean to hurt anyone LOL, say "Oh well!" or go to hell I'm sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said Don't lose your head"
[Grace Mouat; Vicki Manser; Mallory Maedke; Collette Guitart; Courtney Stapleton; Bryony Louise Duncan; Cherelle Jay; Jennifer Caldwell; Zara MacIntosh; Liv Alexander; Courtney Mack; Harriet Watson; Karis Oka; Natalie Pilkington; Abbi Hodgson; Esme Rothero; Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert; Ashlee Waldbauer; Danielle Rose; Roxanne Couch; Shannen Alyce Quan; Chiara Assetta; Rachel Rawlinson; Leesa Tulley; Channing Weir; Erin Ramirez; Cassie Silva; Grace Melville; Harriet Caplan-Dean; Kayla McSorley; Ayla Ciccone-Burton; Princess Sasha Victomé; Taylor Pearlstein; Aryn Bohannon; Monique Ashe-Palmer; Marilyn Caserta; Jillian Worthing; Madeline Fansler; Aubrey Matalon; Eden Holmes; Izi Maxwell; Willow Dougherty; Ellie Jane Grant; Darcy Stewart; Leah Vassell; Aleksandra Gotowicka; Shakira Simpson; Julia McLellan; Meg Dixon-Brasil; Audrey Fisher; Naomi Alade; Izzy Formby-Jackson]
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hearteyes-wheeler · 7 months
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𖤐 intro post!!!! 𖤐
𖤐 hiii i'm nana :) i'm 20, demiromantic asexual lesbian, my pronouns are she/they, and i'm latina 🇲🇽
𖤐 i speak spanish, english, and i'm learning german
𖤐 i'm in many fandoms, but i'm mostly into stranger things, the owl house, arcane, and andi mack
𖤐 i love horror and tim burton movies
𖤐 i'm a goth metalhead (my favs rn are motionless in white and twin tribes), and i also enjoy chappell roan and 80's music!!!!
𖤐 i love making friends on here, my dms and askbox are always open!!!!! 🖤
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movietonight · 2 months
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lostanddeadmedia · 1 year
The Q Gospel Part I
Yes, I know this is a lost media blog focusing on film and television, but this particular subject really caught my interest last night when I should have been asleep. As related to the Bible, all applicable trigger/content warnings apply.
What is the Q Gospel?
"The Q Gospel is a potential source document for various texts of The New Testament containing a collection of unmitigated sayings and teachings of Jesus Christ." - LMW
These writings are classified as hypothetical and thus their existence is unconfirmed.
AKA: Q Source, Q Document(s), or Q. The name is taken from the German word Quelle (source).
The existence of these writings are commented on by several early Christian scholars such as B.H. Streeter.
"It is doubtful if more than a very few cases of variation between Matthew and Luke can be explained in this way. The Semitic nature of Q's Greek does not demand an Aramaic Vorlage; influence from LXX is quite conceivable in a Greek-speaking Jewish-Christian milieu. Many of the alleged translation variants turn out to be simply cases of synonyms, and the differences between Matthew and Luke can often be explained just as well due to the redactional activity of the evangelists (Kloppenborg 1987). For example, in Luke 11:41, Luke's "give alms" may well be LkR (Lukan redaction), reflecting Luke's concern for almsgiving. In other parts of the Q material, the verbal agreement between Matthew and Luke amounts to virtual verbal identitiy in Greek (Luke 3:7-9; 11:9-10 and pars.). In these instances the measure of verbal agreement seems to demand a common Greek source. Further, some features of Q's Greek can be shown to be characteristic of a source originally written in Greek and uncharacteristic of translation Greek (Turner 1969). This suggests that much of the Q material was available to Matthew and Luke in Greek form." -C. M. Tuckett (op. cit., pp. 567 - 568)
"The Sayings Source presumably originated in (north) Palestine, since its theological perspective is directed primarily to Israel. The proclamations of judgement at the beginning and end of the document are directed against Israel (cf. Luke 3:7-9Q; Luke 22:28-30Q), numerous logia are centered on Palestine by their geographical references and the cultural world they assume (cf. only Luke 7:1Q; 10:13-15Q), the bearers of Q tradition understand themselves to be faithful to the Law (cf. Luke 16:17Q; Luke 11:42Q), and Q polemic is directed against the Pharisees (cf. e.g. Luke 11:39b-44Q)." -Udo Schenelle (The History and Theology of the New Testament Writings, p. 186)
"Q10:13-15 announces the coming judgement explicitly with the view to two Galilean towns, Chorazin and Bethsaida: even Tyre and Didon will be better off in the coming judgement. And the same saying threatens that Capernaum will be condemned to Hades. Except for the lament over Jerusalem (Q 13:34-35) and the localization of John the Baptist's activity in the area of Jordan (Q 3:3), these are the only names of places which occur in Q. It is, therefore, tempting to assume that the redaction of Q took place somewhere in Galilee and that the document as a whole reflects the experience of a Galilean community of followers of Jesus. But some caution with respect to such conclusion seems advisable for several reasons. One single saying provides a very narrow base. Polemic against the Pharisees cannot confirm Galilean provenence - Greek-speaking Pharisees could be found elsewhere in the diaspora, viz., Paul who persecuted the church in Greek-speaking synagogues, probably in Syria or Cilicia. Even the sayings used for the original composition of Q were known and used elsewhere at an early date: they were known to Paul, were used in Corinth by his opponents, employed perhaps in easter Syria for the composition of the Gospel of Thomas, and quoted by I Clement in Rome at the ned of the first century. The document itself in its final redacted form, was used for the composition of two gospel writings, Matthew and Luke, which both originated in the Greek-speaking church outside of Palestine." - Helmut Koester (Ancient Christian Gospels, p. 164)
"The Sayings Source was composed before the destruction of the temple, since the sayings against Jerusalem and the temple in Luke 13:34-35Q do not presuppose any military events. A more percise determination of the time of composition must remain hypothetical, but a few indications point to the period betweeen 40 and 50CE: (1) Bearers of the sayings tradition, which possibly extends all the way back to pre-Easter times, included both wandering preachers of the Jesus movement as well as local congregations. Thus the conditions in which the Sayiings Source originated included both continuity with the beginnings and with the developing congregational structures across the region. (2) The Sayings Source presupposes persecution of the young congregations by Palestinian Jews (cf. Luke 6:22-23 Q; Luke 11:49-51 Q; Luke 12:4-5 Q; 12:11-12 Q). About 50 CE Paul mentions in 1 Thess. 2:14-16 a persecution of Christians in Judea that had already taken place. The execution of James the son of Zebedee by Agrippa I (cf. Acts 12:2) occurred around 44CE. (3) The positive references to Gentiles in Q (cf. Luke 10:13 - 15 Q; Luke 11:29-31 Q; Matthew 8:5-13 Q; Matthew 5:47Q; Matthew 22:1-10Q) indicate that the Gentile mission had begun, which is probably to be located in the period between 40 and 50CE." - Udo Schenelle, the dating of Q (op. cit., p. 186)
"Mark wrote his story of Jesus some time after the war and shortly after Q had been revised with the Q3 additions. If we date Q3 around 75C.E. to give some time for the additions obviously prompted by the ewar, Mark can be dated between 75 and 80 C.E.... For Mark, Q was extremely useful, for it had already positioned Jesus at the hinge of an epic-apocalyptic history, and it contained themes and narrative material that could be easily turned into a more eventful depiction of Jesus' public appearance. Q provided Mark with a large number of themes essential to his narrative. He was taken with the epic-apocalyptic mythology, the theme of prophetic prediction, and the announcement of judgement upon the scribes, Pharisees, and "this generation". The figure of the son of man intrigued him, as did the notion that the kingdome of God would be fully revealed only at the eschaton when the son of man (or Jesus, according to Mark) (re)appeared. Q also provided material that could easily be turned to advantage as building blocks in a coherent narrative account. The John-Jesus material was a great opener. The figure of the holy spirit was ready-made to connect the Q material on John and Jesus with the miracle stories Mark would use. Q's characterization of Jesus as the all-knowing one could be used to entity could be used to enhance his authority as a self-referential speaker in the pronouncement of stories Mark already had from his own community. The notion of Jesus as the son of God could be used to create mystique, divide the house on the question of Jesus' true identity, and develop narrative anticipation, the device scholars call Mark's 'messianic secret'. The instruction for the workers in the harvest could be turned into a mission charge, and the theme of discipleship could be combined and given narrative profile by introducing a few disciples into the story. The apocalyptic predictions at the end of Q could then become insturctions to the disciples at that point in the story where Jesus turns to go to Jerusalem. And, as scholars know, there are a myriad of interesting points at which the so-called overlaps between Mark and Q show Mark's use of Q material for his own narrative designs." - Burton Mack (The Lost Gospel, pp. 177-179)
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weknowthend · 1 year
Seeing as in the 6 weeks after the Aragon Tour closed and there have been four returns, I am going to assess the possibility of the remaining queens’ returns.
- Erin Ramirez: Back in the NYC area and recently performed at 54 Below. Could help provide coverage for Broadway with Ayla Ciccone-Burton having temporarily left for rehearsals for The Great Gatsby. They both covered Boleyn and Parr.
- Olivia Donalson: Unsure of upcoming gigs, appeared in NYC for Broadway Sings Acoustic on September 8th. Could help out on Boleyn Tour with Cleves coverage, but they seem to have it down pact right now.
- Courtney Mack: Never say never. Has expressed interest in playing Parr again. They likely would only have her back as Howard, but they definitely still have her costumes from when she was an Alternate around.
- Gabriela Carrillo: I’m not sure if I see it in the cards for right now. Sydney on the Boleyn Tour has incredible attendance and Taylor typically calls out once a week. Even without Ayla, Broadway still likely has it covered with Kristina, who seems to be their first cover for Parr anyway.
- Storm Lever: currently in Europe on vacation. Leandra and Zan hardly ever call out as it is, and with Cassie rejoining, there is not a strong need for a Boleyn emergency cover.
- Didi Romero: In LA working on new projects, seems to be on some sort of tour? Has likely moved past this chapter, I don’t see her returning.
- Natalie Paris: I know we joke about her never leaving but hear me out! She’s likely back in the UK preparing for the Pretty Woman UK Tour, which leaves her in this category.
- Jasmine Forsberg: Currently in Here Lies Love on Broadway. Never say never, as it is Six we’re talking about, but I feel she has a low chance of returning any time soon.
Not Included:
- Kelly Denice Taylor: Joined Boleyn Tour to provide extra coverage with Aragon, Seymour and Cleves about a week after the Aragon Tour closed.
- Khaila Wilcoxon: Temporarily principal Aragon on Broadway while Hailee is out with an injury until tomorrow night.
- Cassie Silva: New Universal Alternate for Broadway and Boleyn Tour.
- Kelsee Kimmel: Standing by on Boleyn Tour while Amina is out.
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ealvara7 · 7 months
Character ask game! 4, 14 and 23 for beetlejuice🪲🧃
Yay! I get to talk more about Beetlejuice! ✨
Once again, I will be focusing on Musicaljuice, since I have a lot to say about him-
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I've rambled several times about how I want to see this man in a cartoon reboot, but if I had to put Musicaljuice in any other kind of media, I would love to see him in a video game! Personally, I love RPG games! I think it would be really cool to see him in that kind of genre.
Realistically, I can see him being in a video game adaptation of the musical, or a post-musical plot where Lydia and Beetlejuice go on all kinds of crazy adventures.
Now... if I were to be self-indulgent as to what kind of game I would personally like... I'd really like a Luigi's Mansion-esque game where you work alongside Beetlejuice to keep living people from trying to take over the house he and a couple of other ghosts reside in, rather than trying to throw them out.
It would start with you and Beetlejuice butting heads with each other (our first instinct is going to be to exorcise the ghosts haunting this house, and obviously Beetlejuice doesn't want that), but after living with him and the other ghosts for some time... you both begin to warm up to each other.
Honestly, I would just like a game where I can have the option to romance Beetlejuice JDSFDFHGF
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
This question was a little bit complicated for me... I wasn't so sure if I wanted to approach it like, "what kind of aesthetics do you think he rock in?" (which, the answer to that would be that he will adapt to any aesthetic you threw him in) or "which aesthetic do you think the best characterizes him?"
If you were to ask me what I think his aesthetic should be... I really love the idea of him leaning more towards the romantic goth aspects that Tim Burton's Corpse Bride has.
I've just always loved how that aesthetic can be so captivating and beautiful, while also having the ability to be morbid and terrifying - I feel like that best suits my depiction of Beetlejuice.
Also, the thing that made me love Musicaljuice over the other two well known juices is how he captures the essence of his predecessors while absolutely just ✨️slaying✨️.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
I have several, depending on the context, but I'm going to just stick to my favorite one that I have drawn and my favorite one of Alex.
Unfortunately... I haven't been able to draw Beetlejuice as much, since I've been busy and making art takes some time for me, so I'm going to have to stick with my very first drawing of him! I still wish that I took more time to properly figure out the structure of his body, but I couldn't be happier with how his outfit turned out!
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When it comes to my favorite Alex-related image, I have to go with this professional photo by Davy Mack. I just love how beautiful Alex's makeup looks in this one! This was also the image that inspired me to give Beetlejuice yellow demon eyes!
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heartofsix · 6 months
Completing the Alternate-to-Principal Pipeline (US)
Out of the 16 former full-time alts, 7 have become principals in some form. Here is what I would give the remaining 9!
Keirsten Nicole Hodgens: Seymour Ayla Ciccone-Burton: Boleyn Holli' Conway: Howard Aubrey Matalon: Howard Erin Ramirez: Boleyn Cecilia Snow: Seymour Aryn Bohannon: Howard Jana Larell Glover: Cleves Taylor Pearlstein: Parr
If you need a refresher, here are the 7 that have happened!
Mallory Maedke: Seymour Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert: Cleves Courtney Mack: Howard, Parr Cassie Silva: Boleyn Kelsee Kimmel: Seymour Kelly Denice Taylor: Seymour Kristina Leopold: Aragon
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