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officalrafecameron · 24 days ago
hi rafey, i was wondering if it’d be okay if i signed off my asks with ‘bunny’? if not could i be 🧸 anon please? she/her, 19!
of course it’s okay. you can sign off with bunny if that’s what you want, sweetheart.
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holybibly · 3 months ago
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Since my bunnies reminded me that today is the first anniversary of my blog, I wanted to surprise you with a little treat.
You've asked me several times to write something for MILF Hwa, but what if I offered you something fresher and kinkier, as an androgynous dilf Hwa, huh?
So, unholy thought of the day:
Your best friend invites you to spend the winter holidays with her in a remote mountain hut, because she doesn't want to be alone with her weird father. Her parents' divorce was a big deal, and she firmly believes that her father, his weird addictions and his complete incompetence as a man are to blame. And if it weren't for his huge bank account, she'd never want to see him again, and in general your friend tells you that she wouldn't be surprised to see her father getting fucked by another man one day. The way he dresses, the way he talks, the way he acts makes her life incredibly difficult and all he can do is embarrass her and make her blush all the time.
"Don't pay any attention to him, he's not worth it." She tells you dismissively.
But there are always two sides to every coin, and what if you run into Seonghwa in the kitchen later that night and he shows you what a weird and incompetent man he can be, turning you into a drooling, stupid mess while he fucks you hard into the marble kitchen floor?
Or: Never judge a book by its cover, because sometimes we can bite off more than we can live with.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 1 year ago
fear not, bunny
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words: 600
warnings: 18+ only, male masturbation, neighbor!rafe, creep!rafe crybaby!reader
“rafe.” you whisper into the phone, voice wobbling despite the lowered volume. “can you-can you come over right now?”
“bun, what is it?” rafe asks, already heading out the door. 
“im scared.” it's all you need to say to have rafe sprinting next door. 
you open the door the second he gets onto the front porch, tears in your eyes that rafe would never admit to you immediately turn him on.
“what is it?” he asks, cradling your small face in his large hands, palms soft against your jaw.
“there-” you struggle to talk with the tears running down your face, sobs threatening to ruin your speech. “there's some strange man in my backyard.” 
rafe tugs you into him, hand rubbing over your back as you let your tears loose, face pressed against his crisp shirt.
“im sorry i didn't know who else to call and you told me if i ever needed anything-” you begin to ramble. rafe is used to it by now. you call him for anything and everything, ever since you moved in next door and he came over to “introduce” himself, aka get a look at you up close.
you've called when you needed help hanging up your tv. when a kitchen drawer won't close properly. even when you couldn't choose an outfit and needed his opinion. rafe always comes running.
he hopes every time that he runs over that you're in your bikini again like you were when you called him and asked him if he owned any beach towels you could borrow, having just moved to the outer banks and not having any.
“its alright, bun.” rafe says. “ill go look for you, yeah?”
rafe doesn't expect any actual credible threat. you have a tendency to overdramatize, and rafe isn't even sure if you knowingly do it. he lets you stay in the hallway, hands shaking slightly while he heads deeper into your house until he's able to look out your glass doors and into the backyard, letting out a small chuckle when he realizes.
“oh, rafe.” you run to him when he appears back in the hallway. “i was so scared.” 
rafe doesn't say anything about how he's only been gone for a few seconds, accepting your hug.
“it's alright.” he soothes you softly. “it was just the meter man.”
“w-what?” you blink up at rafe, clearly never having heard of it before.
“he comes to all the houses and checks the gas meters. that's why he's in your backyard. he's going to go to my house next probably.” rafe resists the urge to end his sentence by calling you dummy, not wanting you to take the insult too seriously.
“oh, okay.” you let out a dramatic sigh, reaching to push your hair out of your face, flipping it over your shoulder.
“but you did a good job calling me, bunny.” rafe says softly, like he's teaching a child a lesson. “need you to keep doing that whenever you need anything.”
“i know.” you hum. “i only trust you, rafey.”
“that's good.” he nods. “im all you need.”
rafe thinks about making a move, but ends up walking back across the yard to his own house as he always does. it's a game at this point, how long he can struggle with having you living next door without getting you to bounce on his cock.
he knows you'll do it, but for now rafe just walks back up to his room, his window facing your bedroom.
all you're doing is sitting down and fixing your makeup from your tears, completely oblivious to rafe watching you, completely unaware when he takes his cock out and begins to stroke it, eyes on you in your thin, tight tank top.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie
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spirit-lanterns · 9 months ago
I just had a BIG thot. Casino au girls gamble for a once in a year, really chonky plush (bunny or nonbunny) of us. Different types and games are included to give some of the girl failures a chance.
(This is a 2nd send because the Wi-Fi was being funky. So ignore this one if the other one got through.)
You actually sent the first ask to my PTN blog, but thankfully you sent it again to my HSR one (the correct one) 😅
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This but in your preferred bunny fur color, ofc. DUDE THE HSR WOMEN WOULD GO ALL IN FOR THIS CHONKY PLUSH. I kid you not, this is probably a limited edition Chonk Bun plush, so it’s definitely worth a ton of credits within the HSR universe 😭😭
Asta is about to drop her entire bank account for this plush. Kafka might steal it, Constance might commit atrocities, it’s all going to be so chaotic.
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wardenparker · 1 month ago
In the Still of the Night, ch 9
Zach Wellison x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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Grown up and looking to the future, Zach Wellison and bunkmate Shane Morrissey are working for a new cruise line that offers its guests a vintage Vegas experience on the Mediterranean. The romantic atmosphere is rubbing off on many of the crew members, and Zach finds himself to be no exception when he meets the beautiful lead singer of Shane's band.
But being wrapped in the seductive arms of an atmospheric cruise is a far cry from real life. How will their relationship fare on dry land? They can't know unless they try.
Rating: M for Mature but this blog is always 18+ Word Count: 9.7k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this story include: Cursing, alcohol, food, cooking, eating, discussion of clothing/costumes. Mentions of prison time served, mentions of past homelessness.* Family death, grief, unexpected complications, family secrets, mentions of military service, loss/death, surprises around every corner. Summary: Making a stop at the local food pantry on your way to the soulmate chapel leads to a surprising revelation, and it is only the first of many for this day. Notes: I apologize for the extra delay! It appears my flare up was not done flaring, but I didn't want to make everyone wait a whole extra week for this chapter. Happy reading!
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8
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“It will only take a few minutes.” Zach promises. “And it’s on the way.” He feels strange to be arriving to the food bank dressed in the immaculate suit that had once belonged to your grandfather. One of the half-dozen that your grandmother had saved, and he honestly wonders if it had been his wedding suit. It fits so well with the dress you are wearing.
"I don't mind at all." He's taken the lead in driving around over the last few days, and when he pulls into the parking lot of the church that runs the local food bank you're just happy and starry-eyed in the front seat next to him. Your grandmother's dress only needed a few pins to fit perfectly, and Zach is maybe an inch or two taller than your grandfather was based on the way the suit fits – but not different enough for him to be uncomfortable or for him to look anything over than devastatingly handsome.
He gives you a brilliant smile and leans over to kiss you. “Want to stay here?” He asks. “I can get everything out.”
“No, no, I want to help.” This is something that means a lot to both of you, and if you get to show off the fact that you’re obviously wearing a wedding dress? Well…you’ll be very happy to tell anyone who asks why.
He chuckles. “Don’t get your dress dirty.” He warns before opening the door to the SUV to hop out and go around back to open the trunk. There’s several boxes and the cooler with all the cold things. A good donation haul that can hopefully put some food in someone in need’s home.
“I won’t!” The dress, or the nearly convenient blue flats that you wore today that are now your something blue. You stack up two of the smaller boxes in your arms and trot up to the side entrance of the church at Zach’s side.
Zach had called first, to make sure they were accepting donations, so the doors open quickly. The preacher obviously watching out for the donation.
"You must be Mr. Wellison." The preacher opens the door wide to let you in and stops short when he sees you slightly behind your now fiancé. "Bunny! What a surprise." And all at once he understands. "These...these donations must be coming from your grandmother's house. I'm so very sorry for your loss, dear."
"Thank you, Reverend Michaels." The best you can offer is a small, polite smile. It doesn't seem right to be beaming with joy that you're about to marry your soulmate when someone offers their condolences. "But, yes. We thought that these would make a good addition to the pantry, especially since it's not the usual time of year for donations. There are a few more boxes in the car outside."
“Absolutely.” He nods, “I’ve got some extra hands here.” He turns back into the church. “Darrel! Come lend a hand, son.”
It figures.
It absolutely figures.
The spare set of hands the reverend has to offer is none other than your ex-boyfriend.
Darrel comes in from the other room with a smile on his face that drops the second he sees you and Zach – and his expression says it all.
“Don’t worry, we’ve got it.” Zach insists. Although he knows that Darrel hasn’t pressed any farther since you’ve talked to him, he doesn’t like the idea of taking anything from him, including help to donate food.
"It's okay." Darrel's head hangs a little, but he dusts off his hands and motions toward the door. "More hands make light work. It...looks like you're on your way somewhere, anyway."
“We are.” Zach’s jaw clenches slightly, but he doesn’t refuse his help a second time, it would be rude and the reverend would notice. He’s starting to think that Darrel is either the sweetest man in history, or he’s somehow bugged you to find out where you are. He wants to believe the latter rather than the first option.
"We're just dropping a few boxes off." You explain needlessly, and head rather immediately for the door.
"Headed to Windrixville?" Darrel guesses, shoving his hands in his pockets as he follows you out the door.
Zach pauses and looks over at you. Wanting to tell him yes, but it’s not his place.
He's right. It is up to you. Which is why you roll your shoulders back and try to find that poise you're somehow capable of onstage, even in the dirt parking lot of the church. "We're getting married," you tell him honestly. There's no point in being coy – he already guessed.
“Wow, uh, congratulations.” He offers, biting his lip before he offers you a smile that might not be completely genuine, but it’s not mocking or brittle.
"Thank you." While you're very aware that it's not what he wanted to hear out of your mouth, and you don't really want to hurt anybody, the fact is that ending this whole confusion once and for all is going to be a good thing. "I'm sorry about whatever my parents might have said, Darry, but this is it for me. Zach is it for me. And I don't say that lightly."
“He’s your soulmate.” Darrel acknowledges. “Your parents were always against soulmate matches, but- I know that you aren’t.” He swallows and shuffles slightly before moving to grab a box out from the back of the SUV. “Well, the quicker we get this unloaded, the sooner you can get married.”
"We appreciate the help." It's even more awkward than you thought it would be, and for a second all you can think to do is nod your head and reach for the cooler in the trunk.
“Babe, let me get that.” Zach tuts. “Here, take this smaller box, I don’t want you to ruin your dress.”
"Still tryin' to do more than you need to, Bun?" Darrel almost laughs as he shakes his head and looks to Zach. "One day you're gonna wake up to your whole house being redecorated, and she'll do it with a broken arm or something."
“I don’t doubt it.” Zach appreciates the spirit of the comment, and relaxes slightly. “Only reason our suite hasn’t been redecorated is because all the furniture is built in or bolted down.”
“Cruise ship,” you explain, when Darrel looks like he’s about to get a spinning cursor on his forehead trying to wrack his brain for the full context of Zach’s comment. “We’re working on a cruise ship.”
“Right.” Darrel laughs at himself, shaking his head. “I guess I had no idea they bolt down the furniture. But that makes sense.”
“It would make rough seas a bitch.” Zach admits. “Not showing up for work because you got knocked out when the boat rocked.”
“I can’t even imagine.” Darrel admits. He grabs the largest box from the trunk and tucks it up against himself carefully. Safely. “Furthest I’ve ever gone from home is Dallas or maybe Texarkana.”
Zach can’t relate. “I’ve been a lot of places.” He admits as he hefts the cooler up after taking it away from you. “Some I didn’t want to be and never wish to see again.”
“What branch?” Darrel knows that sentiment all too well from his old friends.
“Marines.” He knows that you broke up with Darrel before his tattoo, so he’s not bothered by the question. “Baghdad, Fallujah.”
Darrel shifts the box in his hands and offers one outstretched hand to Zach in all sincerity. “Thank you for your service.”
It’s surprising, so much so that he nearly drops the cooler instead of setting it down inside so he can take the man’s hand. It’s been a long time since he’s been thanked and probably the first time since coming back that he doesn’t mind it. “I’m not good at this kind of thing.” He admits sheepishly. “So, uh, yeah.”
“It’s not an easy thing to do.” Darrel acknowledges. “I lost my kid brother in Fallujah.” His eyes shift to you momentarily, knowing your parents would have told you when it happened, before he looks back at Zach. “Life is complicated. And not usually what you expect. But…it seems like things are looking out okay for you now.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.” Zach murmurs quietly. “I understand completely, even if they weren’t my brothers by blood, I miss every damn one of them everyday.”
You hang back, as surprised as either of the guys are for this encounter but trying to give the whole situation a chance to be less awkward. It seems like they might actually be on a path to civility, and you would love for this trip to end on a positive note. Darrel and Zach being on polite terms would be a hugely positive note.
“It was difficult, but we got his letter a few weeks later.” Darrel tells him quietly. “The guy who was with him when he died mailed it to us.”
“Robby was a good kid.” You offer, knowing that it would have been a strain on the entire family to lose their middle son. Your parents had talked about it like losing a pillar of the community.
“Robby???” Zach looks bewildered and slightly nauseas. “Robert Tyler Rodriguez?” He asks softly, praying that it’s not the same person.
Darrel pales instantly, freezing in his tracks as the puzzle pieces in his mind fall into place. He knew the name Wellison sounded familiar but he just thought maybe it was a client whose house he had worked on or the name of some long-forgotten classmate.
But no. The name Wellison had been printed in block letters on the letter that told his family that their bravest son was never coming home again. He wants to be angry. He wants to be furious. But all he can feel is the ring of hollow sadness in his chest that is left after losing his brother...and a thick feeling of something emotional that has him setting down the box on the stairs up to the side door of the church. "You're the one who sent us the letter," he says finally, when he remembers to speak again.
“Yes.” He had thought it was a fucking coincidence, plenty of people live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Plenty of people have the last name Rodriguez. Robby had called his brother ‘Dee’. “You’re Dee.” He swallows harshly and wishes he was anywhere else but here. Ready for the onslaught of blame and accusations. After hand delivering Tommy Mansfield’s letter and accompany his body home, being slapped and screamed at for being the lone survivor, he couldn’t come to Robby’s home. Already sinking into a depression that nearly made him eat a bullet, he had just mailed the letter off with his own written note, saying he was sorry.
For the second time today, Darrel Rodriguez holds his hand out to the man who has everything he ever wanted for himself. And for the second time, there is nothing but sincerity behind the gesture. "Thank you for writing that letter," he intones, quiet and serious but no less true. "It couldn't have been easy. And we appreciated getting something other than a paper-pusher on our doorstep to tell us the news."
Zach frowns, staring down at the offered hand and then back up to Darrel’s somber eyes. He cautiously takes the hand again. “You don’t— blame me?” He asks, his voice low and almost disbelieving.
"I admit, it was tempting. The letter came and..." he shrugs slightly, shaking Zach's hand firmly once more. "Grief is sticky. But Robby–" His voice waivers for a second and he takes a breath. "My brother knew what he was signing up for, when he joined up. He knew the risks and the responsibilities. So while it might be cathartic, to wrap up all the blame and put it on your shoulders–" He glances at you and you know in your gut he isn't just talking about Robby, but Darrel goes on. "That wouldn't be fair. You're not responsible for the fate of the whole world. Other people make choices, too."
“I miss him every day.” Zach chokes out. “Like I know you must- only more so.” He would never compare his grief to losing his friends and brothers in arms to losing a true brother. “I still have nightmares about it. I miss them all so fucking much.”
"He wrote to us about his brothers." Darrel admits. Now that they're standing face to face, he has to admit the hand of fate has bashed in his door rather thoroughly. "It's– I didn't think I'd ever actually meet one of them. After everything. Well– you know."
“I’m the only one that survived.” A fact that he has tremendous guilt over every single day. Since getting back on his feet, meeting you, he has vowed to make sure that it’s a life well worth the sacrifice. He still doesn’t know why it was him that made it home, but he doesn’t hide away from it anymore.
“Well…” Darrel clears his throat gently and gestures to you. There’s more than a time of sadness in his voice but he still tries to mask it. “You had something important to come back for.”
Zach understands his meaning and gives him a solemn nod. “Yes I did.” He agrees.
If you're honest, this unexpected connection is something of a relief. Darrel isn't the enemy, after all. He was misled by your parents and has been gracious since meeting Zach. It's awkward, sure, but not ill intentioned. "I'm glad you guys got a chance to talk," you tell them, and are very happy to mean it.
“I owe you both an apology.” Darrel murmurs softly, glancing between the two of you. Zach shakes his head. “You don’t owe me anything.” He promises, knowing that he can’t blame the man he has learned so much about from his younger brother. He had been told he was a good man, and he’s glad to learn that is true. He might have been a little overeager in his plans, but he was accepting the situation now.
"The people who owe an apology are my parents." And you will be insisting that they give it.
“Babe.” Zach shakes his head. “I don’t think they will think they’ve done anything wrong.”
The fact that he's right is frankly upsetting, but you'll wrangle with that later. On a day when you aren't looking forward to marrying your damn soulmate. Instead of pressing it, you nod a little. "My parents and I have a little work to do between us, I think. But that's...that's not something to dwell on today." It does impact the fact that you're essentially eloping, but again...that is a thought for a different day.
“No, today is for us.” He agrees, shuffling slightly and moving over to your side. “Are you ready?” He asks, the boxes donated and the air cleared between you and Darrel it seems.
"Absolutely." The one thing in this life that you're absolutely certain of is Zach. No hesitations. So the question of whether or not you are ready to marry him is unnecessary.
Zach takes your hand and starts to turn away. Not sure what else to say to Darrel, but the other man surprises everyone, even himself. “Do you want a witness?” He blurts out.
“What?” You turn around in confusion, certain you must have heard him wrong.
Instead of denying that he said anything, he straightens his shoulders and repeats himself. “Do you want a witness?” He asks again.
"I–" You glance over at Zach, who looks just as startled as you do. "I mean...it would be helpful..."
“Why would you want to do that?” Zach asks seriously. “I know you have deep feelings for her. It- it doesn’t make sense to me.”
“Because—” Darrel pushes out the word and shoves his hands in his pockets. Zach is right. He does have deep feelings for you. He has for years. But pining doesn’t make him a bad guy. “All I ever wanted was for her — for you — to be happy.” He tells both of you. “You folks made it seem like you weren’t. You were still trying to find your way, and like you might come home any time. But you—” If he jams his fingers into his pockets anymore he’s gonna break a finger. “You obviously love your life. And your guy. And if I’m gonna claim that all I ever wanted was your happiness? Then I gotta step up and acknowledge that that means it might not be here with me.”
It’s a very eye-opening outlook and Zach knows immediately where Robby got his sunny, upbeat attitude. “Your brother and I promised we would stand up for each other when we found our soulmates.” He tells him. “I think- it’s….a way to honor him and I would be honored if you would. But it’s not just my decision.” He looks over at you. “What do you want, baby?”
A hell of a lot of thoughts are running through your head at the moment, if you’re honest with yourself, but not the least of them is relief. And some kind of gratitude. This whole issue with your parents can be put to bed with Darrel supporting your marriage, and he deserves to be able to move on after carrying a torch for you for so long. A part of you hopes that this could be that for him. And a way to honor his brother, to boot. “I think it would be nice to bury any grievances,” you admit, looking at both men. “And to have a witness that has a real connection to our pasts.”
“Let me say goodbye to the Reverend and I’ll be ready to go.” He frowns for a moment before looking down at his jeans and work jacket. “I’ll need to change though. Make sure that it’s understood that I support this.”
“Do you still keep a change in your truck?” You ask, figuring that would be easiest. “Windrixville isn’t far. I’ll check what time the chapel closes.”
“No, but I had just picked up my suit from the cleaners.” He chuckles, shaking his head at the irony. “Let me grab it and change. Although I’ll be in my work boots.”
“Doesn’t matter to us.” He could’ve just come along in jeans and it would be the gesture that mattered most. “Take your time.”
“I’ll be quick.” He nods towards both of you and disappears out the door to grab the plastic covered suit out of the back of the truck. It might not seem like the best idea to some, but he knows that it would send a clear message to your parents.
“Well…this stop turned out…unexpectedly.” You turn into Zach’s side and tilt your head to look up at him. “You okay, baby?”
“I never put it together.” He admits sheepishly, shaking his head. “Robby talked about his family a lot.” He murmurs. “I— I came so close to coming out here, but after the first time….” He trails off, knowing you would understand.
“It was still so fresh back then.” With one hand, you gently rub his back. “Grief settles over time. It doesn’t go away, but it’s less harsh. Less angry.”
“I wonder if that’s how we were supposed to meet?” He wonders softly. “He had invited me back to Oklahoma to visit when we came back on leave.”
“Oh…” The realization makes you sag a little. “Maybe. I did…back then I used to come home for thanksgiving every year.”
“He had told me that his family used to do a huge BBQ every year. Something about an entire cow.” He chuckles. “Said I would love it.”
"They do it every year." You nod and blow out a long, slow breath. "The day after Thanksgiving. This great big, day-long thing. People pop in and out all day as they come back from or leave to go Black Friday shopping. His Dad loves it, it's–" Instinct as you hugging Zach tighter, like you're hanging on to that past chance meeting that never happened. "We always used to go for the afternoon. My mom makes this mashed potato casserole that everybody always goes nuts for." It's how you would have met. Years ago. Zach would never have been through the terrors and the hardships of being alone with no place to go, and you wouldn't have been through your own bullshit out in New York. You would have been together.
“Isn’t it amazing how a few seemingly inconsequential decisions completely change the trajectory of your life?” He asks, knowing you are feeling the same.
"It's...weirdly discouraging and encouraging." The feeling is a little disorienting, if you're honest. "Knowing that things will always end up where they're supposed to, but that the journey might be pretty fucked up along the way."
He hums, pressing a kiss to your hairline. “We’ve had a rough road, but it’s getting better.” He admits. “Better now that we are together.”
The little chapel in Windrixville is built on the top of a hill where an old church burned down back in the 60s. The space around it is manicured now instead of just being a wide-open field, and soulmates who choose to get married here in a less formal ceremony have the chance to take a few pictures in the chapel's flower garden. Zach pulls the rental car into the mostly empty parking lot and Darrel's truck parks right on the other side.
"Are you ready to do this?" He asks after shutting off the engine. He knows that you are protected legally, the pre-nup already signed and filed, but he wants to make sure that this - done this way - is what you truly want.
"Absolutely." You take his hand and lean across the center console to give him a kiss. "I wanted to be married to you. To start that next step together."
“Are you sure you don’t want the entire big thing?” He asks, smiling softly.
"Do you?" It's worth making sure that he's not just doing this for you. That he isn't missing out on something he's dreamt of just because you don't care about skipping the expense.
“Baby, I have no family but you.” He reminds you softly. “All that matters is that you and I are together.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” You’ll remind him later on that he had so many people who love him as well as a kitchen full of staff who admire the hell out of him. For now, you have a wedding to focus on.
“What indeed?” He grins and notices that Darrel has climbed out of his truck and is standing in front of it, doing something on his phone.
"Everything good?" You ask, slipping out of the SUV and back into Zach's side. Darrel's face is drawn in concentration.
“Yeah.” He sighs and slips the phone into his front jacket pocket. “Ranch stuff.” He tells you. “My parents are talking about selling.” He’s been trying to change their minds, but the decision is ultimately theirs.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry." Your shoulders drop again, knowing that must be devastating for him. Darrel always loved the ranch so much.
“It’s okay.” He shakes his head. “This isn’t the time to worry about what might happen anyway.” He shoots you a smile. “Let’s go get you crazy kids hitched.”
The girl sitting at the reception desk inside the chapel smiles when three people walk in the front door, two of them obviously matching in nice clothes. "Well hey there." She chirps happily. "What can we do for you folks today?"
Zach walks up the counter with a nervous, yet eager, grin. “Uh, we want to get married.” He tells her, pointing between you and him.
"That's what we're here for." She smiles and starts shuffling through some unseen things at her desk. "Let me get the paperwork together. I'll need legal identification for both of you and I'll get the chapel ready. The justice will be down to see you in a moment." She waits just long enough for you and Zach to hand over your driver’s licenses, then thanks you and hustles off down a hallway that you hadn't noticed.
“Well that was pretty easy.” Zach murmurs, sure that there would be some kind of test or proof required that you are soulmates.
"I'm sure they'll want to see our marks. But that's easy enough."
“We can just show the initials .” He reaches for your hand and rubs his thumb over the webbing between your thumb and finger. It’s a calming pressure point for him and apparently for you too, he’s discovered. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Just that little measure of sweet steadiness from him has you feeling comfortable and confident again.
If there was even the slightest sliver of doubt that this man was your other half, part of your soul, it dies when you smile at your soulmate. Darrel realizes that he’s never seen that light in your eyes, at least never directed towards him. You are looking at Zach like he hung the moon in the sky, responsible for the stars sighing bright. You had always enjoyed looking up at the stars and you are looking at Zach with the same wonder. It clicks that door shut permanently inside his heart and relegates you towards the bittersweet first love you has always been and he had just not been able to accept.
The man who comes out to meet the new, happy couple asks a few questions and takes a peak at shared marks, all the while explaining how these short ceremonies work. “And you’ve brought a witness.” He looks very pleased at that. “Fantastic. Is there anything special you would like to include in your ceremony this evening?”
“Babe?” Zach turns towards you and lifts his brows. “Anything you want?” He knows next to nothing about weddings and what is expected, so he will leave it up to you. He’s just wanting to be your husband.
For a second you consider, knowing that the important part of today is just that you want to be married to your soulmate. “Do you have a version of your ceremony that talks about partnership instead of obedience?” You ask finally, deciding that while the old-fashioned wording is fine, what you and Zach have really is about being a team.
He smiles when you say that, nodding in agreement when the man discreetly looks over at Zach for his opinion on the issue. “Partnership.” He echoes. “That would be perfect.”
"Of course." The man nods politely and brings the three of you into in a large circular room that is mostly walled in glass. This ceremony room looks out over the garden surrounding the building and is lit with soft, romantic light as well as having some gentle music playing. It's not cheesy like you had expected one of these places to be, and you slip your hand into Zach's as you walk inside together.
This is actually pretty romantic, like it would actually be a venue a planned wedding would choose. He’s impressed and he smiles over at you. “Should have gotten you a bouquet of flowers.”
“It’s ironic,” you tell him, happily clinging to his arm. “We get each other flowers all the time. But don’t have any today.” Every opportunity to get a few fresh flowers on a land excursion always results in a bouquet in your room. It’s amusing that they’re missing today, when other people would consider them mandatory.
He chuckles in approval and nods. “It’s fitting.” He agrees. “The irony makes it even more so.”
The ceremony, for what it is, is short. The justice lays out a few pieces of paperwork and has you and Zach check the pertinent information that the receptionist filled in from your IDs, and then he asks Darrel to stand to the side of the small altar while he says a few words about togetherness, partnership, and commitment. It's actually a very nice speech, and one that you're glad that you saw a copy of amongst the papers on the altar with your soon-to-be signed marriage license.
It’s surreal, standing with you and Zach can’t concentrate on the words being spoken. Focusing on the way your eyes soften and melt as you look at him, obviously moved by what the justice is saying. He just knows that he is the luckiest man in the entire world right now, bonding himself to his perfect soulmate.
It’s like being wrapped up in a whirlwind, the way reality has become fuzzy around you, and all you can see is Zach. You both manage giddy, teary I do’s, and the pronouncement of: “You may more kiss your bride” makes your heart leap.
With the hand not holding yours, he reaches for your waist, pulling you close. “Until my dying breath.” He vows, nudging his nose against yours and then softly pressing his lips against yours in the sweetest kiss.
Three sets of hands applaud politely, while you are off somewhere on Cloud 9, and in the furthest part of your mind you can swear that you hear bridal music playing. None of it matters, though. Nothing beyond standing here being joined with Zach and being able to go forward into your future with him.
This is the bliss you never trusted yourself to dream about. Strive for. It’s right here in your hands.
Three hours later, Zach pulls into the driveway of your parent’s house, the blissful euphoria of getting married isn’t even dimmed by the upcoming confrontation. Another family dinner. One where Darrel has been invited again, this time by you and Zach. He shuts off the engine. “Ready, sweetheart?”
“Ready.” Back in your regular clothes — and happily relaxed after celebrating your marriage back at the hotel room — you give his hand an encouraging squeeze and lean over the car’s console to kiss him. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He’s not sure how they will react, but he’s sure it won’t be good. His fingers play with your new - handed down - wedding set.
In the time since the wedding you’d not only celebrated enthusiastically, but also stopped at a large fine jewelry store in the city to pick out a wedding band for Zach. He’ll probably choose to wear it on a chain while he’s working in order to stay safe and not have it get crushed with ingredients every week, but it was importance to both of you for him to have the simple gold band on his finger. “We’re in this together, babe,” you remind him, pushing open the car door and flashing him a grin. “Whatever happens, happens. They’ll probably be more upset about the inheritance than the marriage.”
“I hope not.” He frowns, shaking his head. “I know Ms. Flores said the will could be contested, but it would be foolish.”
“We’ll see what happens.” Honestly, your parents are more of a wildcard than you had ever expected, so tonight is a bit of a question mark as far as they are concerned. “We should go in.” The bottle of bubbly you picked up as a gesture of celebration is in one hand and you take his with the other, then head to the door.
As agreed, Darrel will be arriving in less than five minutes. To create a buffer, or distraction if it’s needed. Zach knows that your mom had an appointment with the attorney today and is surprised that you haven’t heard a word from them.
“Mom?” When you open the front door the house is silent, and you can’t think of anything more foreboding. “Dad?”
Maybe they are in the kitchen?” He asks softly, holding tight to your hand as you both step inside and he shuts it behind the two of you.
They aren’t. They aren’t on the back porch by the grill, and they aren’t in the living room.
Where your parents are, is upstairs in your bedroom. And the sight is as confusing as it is unexpected.
“Do you want me to give you a minute or stay?” He doesn’t know exactly what this means, but he sees the confusion marring your beautiful face when you see your parents in your childhood bedroom.
“No.” You shake your head and reach for his hand instead of letting him move away. “No. Whatever is going on, I want you with me.”
“Then I’ll stay right here.” He promises softly, frowning as he turns back towards your parents.
"I–um–" Despite being sure that this is going to be awkward, or perhaps because of it, you're not quite sure where to start as you step closer to your bedroom. "Hi, guys...? Are we not having dinner tonight?"
Your mother looks up, her head buried in an old photo album and she bites her lip. “You’re so grown up.” She shakes her head and looks down at the photos when you were probably three or four. “I can’t believe how much things have changed.”
"Yeah, it's..." You don't want to point out the obvious – that of course things have changed – since this might be an unexpected part of your mother grieving for her own mother's death, but it does strike you as odd. "It's been a long time since those were taken."
“You were such a happy little girl.” She murmurs, flipping the page and catching sight of a photo of you and your grandmother. Her breath catching on a small sob. “So close to her.”
"I miss her too, Mom." Yes...this is definitely an odd part of the grieving process. Your eyes turn up to meet Zach's and he nods, urging you forward to go into your room. He's close behind when you sit down on the bed next to your mother. "But she's with us every day as long as we take the time to remember her."
“I can’t believe it.” She murmurs softly. “I never really believed that she would be gone.”
"It's going to be hard to get used to." For once, you agree with your mother wholeheartedly.
Your father hums as he pats your mother’s back. “It will be better in time, dear.” He comforts her.
"Do you want to bring some of the photos downstairs?" You offer, wondering if they might have lost track of time and forgotten that you were coming for dinner tonight. "Zach and I can cook so you two can look through photos, if you like."
“Dinner?” She frowns for a moment and then her eyes widen. “Oh my god! I forgot about dinner!”
"It's totally okay, Mom," you promise her. Your hand is on her back now, too. Rubbing soothing circles. "Let us take care of it, okay? Darrel should be here any minute and we can all share stories. How does that sound?"
“Darrel?” She frowns and shakes her head. “You said— why would Darrel be coming? I didn’t invite him.” Her eyes beg you to believe her, knowing how upset you had been earlier when he had shown up that first day.
“I know you didn’t.” A gentle pat of your mother’s shoulder as you sit behind her doesn’t seem like quite enough, but she isn’t a very huggy person. That’s your father. “We invited him.”
“You did?” The confusion in her voice is clear, much like the frown on your father’s face. Both of them had been unhappy with the boundary you had set and now you seem to be throwing that all away.
“We ran into him earlier and had a good talk,” you explain. It’s time says the look in your eyes when you glance up at Zach, and his subtle nod is encouraging as he moves closer to your side. “A lot has happened today,” you tell your parents gently, trying to be kind to them in their grief.
“I know.” Your mother swallows harshly and looks away, fidgeting with a folded piece of paper that is under the bottom of the photo album. “We had the meeting with Mother’s lawyer today.”
"So did we." It's probably against some kind of disclosure policy for Ms. Flores to disclose to your parents that you spoke with her this morning, or what was spoken about, but just in case it's not you lean toward complete transparency. "Why don't we all go downstairs, Mom? We can talk about that after dinner."
She nods, not saying a words, not even sure if she has the words to say. It’s been a long day, filled with harsh truths that she’s been forced to confront.
"We'll take care of dinner," you offer again, and you and Zach lead the way back downstairs. The headlights of Darrel's truck are just shutting off in the driveway, and you're hoping that the distraction of another person here will help break some of the tension.
It’s rare that your mother doesn’t interject some opinion, but this time, she just nods. “Whatever you want to do.” She murmurs.
The best you can do is chalk it up to grief again, because normally she would be either insisting in doing things herself or giving you step by step instructions. “I’ll figure it what we have,” you offer to Zach. “Do you want to let Darrel in and maybe we can all talk in the kitchen while we make whatever dinner is going to be?”
“Come dear, let me make you some tea.” Your father hooks his arm around your mother’s waist and steers her towards the kitchen.
Zach kisses your forehead and goes to say hello to the man he never expected to be friendly with, and you lead your parents into the kitchen. While your mother sits down at the table and your father puts a kettle on, you take inventory in the refrigerator and in the cupboards. It seems like your mother intended to make pork chops and mashed potatoes casserole tonight, and you're relieved to find some frozen green beans. That's plenty enough food for five people to eat dinner. The few apples in the fruit drawer will make a delicious, quick applesauce.
It feels a little weird to be opening the door of his new in-law’s home as if he were the host, but he sees Darrel and grins in relief. A stark contrast from where he would have been just half a day before now. “Welcome.” He jokes.
"Normally it's Miss June at the door acting like the sun's just come out." He admits. They shake hands – not quite at the level of anything more yet – and nods toward the inside. "You tell 'em yet?"
“Not yet….” Zach admits and shakes his head. “Something’s going on, and it’s odd.”
"Odd?" Darrel tips his head.
“Miss June is….docile.” He huffs quietly, keeping his voice down so it doesn’t carry far. Darrel has spent time with your parents so maybe he can clue the two of you in on something you might not be aware of. “She was up in Bunny’s room, looking at a photo album and didn’t cook dinner.” He shrugs. “She’s letting us cook.”
“That’s…” Darrel frowns, shucking his jacket at the door. “Unlike her.”
“I know.” Even if he hasn’t spent much time with your mother, getting her to let him help with the funeral food had nearly been the beginning of world war three.
“Think it’s finally sinking in?” He asks, concerned because the unexpected nature of your grandmother’s death.
“Maybe?” Zach shrugs and reaches out to slap his shoulder. “Into the fray we go.”
When they come into the kitchen your parents are bent over cups of tea at the table and you’re starting to peel potatoes. “Hey Miss June, Tom.” Darrel steps into the kitchen and moves over towards your parents to hopefully ease the obvious tension in the room. Although it’s not a hostile tension, it’s morose.
“Good evening, Darrel honey.” June sniffles and draws herself up to her full sitting height. “It’s good to see you.”
“How are you doing?” Just because your parents had plans for your future and had also kept him hoping that that dream would become reality, he genuinely cares for the older couple. Leaning down, he hugs her and kisses her cheek.
“Oh, it’s been quite a day.” She returns the kind gesture half-heartedly. “How are you, dear?”
“I’m…good.” He realizes, shifting back and smiling at her. “I’m actually really good.”
"That's good." She nods vaguely, obviously still very distracted, and looks around the room again. "How did...I don't..." Your mother stops, pauses, takes a deep breath, and tries again. "How did this invitation come about?"
“We ran into each other at the church.” He doesn’t think that you’ve told them, so he doesn’t mention that you had invited him over to celebrate, and drive home the point that their wishes for you life were never going to happen.
"We brought over a donation to the food bank," you explain. Zach has already picked up a peeler and it helping you with the potatoes, but you turn around to face your parents at the counter. "We...have something to tell you guys." Everything in the kitchen stops for a moment, and Zach comes back to your side – dirty hand reaching for dirty hand in an odd sort of symbol of the promise you've made. No matter what, you're in this together.
"We went up to Windrixville a few hours ago." You brace yourself for the coming storm of disapproval. "To get married. Darrel came as our witness."
A pin drop could be heard if one fell. Zach, you and Darrel seem to collectively hold your breaths to see what their reaction would be. Your father looks like he was sucker punched in the gut and your mother immediately bursts into tears.
To be honest, it's better than you were expecting. There's no screaming, you aren't immediately being thrown out, and there is a distinct absence of guilting you about how you're dishonoring your family for reasons that make absolutely no sense. Still, it is a very big life event to have happen unexpectedly so you have to give them a little bit of grace.
“I did it Tom, she said I was going to do it and I did it.” She wails, jolting your father out of his frozen shock to turn and curl his arm around your mother.
“You didn’t—”
“I did!” She insists, pulling that same folded paper out of her pocket and shaking it as if it would explain everything. “Our daughter got married without us there because I’ve driven her away!”
"Mom, what is that?" Instantly, you're wiping your hands off and moving to your parents' side. The sting of the fact that it's true can be dealt with another time. There had been barely a thought paid to the fact that your parents would be there today. They have been so obviously against you and Zach as a couple – as soulmates – that you had simply figured that no matter where or when you got married, they would never want to be there.
Your mother can’t talk, too busy burying her face in your father’s shoulder as she sobs her heart out, but Tom gives you the answer you need. “Your grandmother left her a letter.” He murmurs quietly.
"She seems to have left them for all of us." The envelope is barely in your mother's grip and one nod from your father is enough permission to take it. Her name is scrawled across the front and there is just one sheet of paper inside, but it's easy to tell that your grandmother must have sat down and written all of these letters at once. Slightly morbid, if you're honest, but she was always very conscious of her own mortality after her friends started to get sick and begin dying.
Your father just hums and Zach shuffles behind you as he watches your mother continue to cry.
Junie, the letter begins, in your grandmother's distinctive handwriting. I hope very much that you never need to read this note. That I am simply able to tear it up and write you something new. But unfortunately you inherited my stubborness, and we both passed it on to Bunny. If things were a bit less dramatic right about now, you would roll your eyes at that, but this isn't the time.
I don't have any delicate ways to try to say this anymore, dear. Perhaps if I had been more direct with you these last few years, the situation would be different. But the fact is, my dear, you are losing your daughter. Your eyes widen, staring at the page, tears springing to your own eyes just the same as they are to your mother's. Had your Gram really been so on the nose with her about all this? It seems so...dramatic?
Punishing her for changing her major should have been where I put my foot down with the whole thing, but this nonsense with Darrel Curtis has to end. She is in love, Junie, and so excited about it. It's no good to play pretend anymore, and I'm sorry if it still hurts, but losing your soulmate doesn't mean that Bunny deserves to lose hers. Or that she will be just as happy with someone else, the way you have been with Tom. Darrel is a sweet boy, but he and Bunny want different things. It's as plain as the nose on my face.
Let her choose her own life, Junie. Let her be happy and just be happy for her. I know you don't get the same once a week phone calls that I do. I know that you don't get to be updated on her life the way I do. She is only going to drift further out of your grasp if you keep this up.
Zach can see the way you tense, covering your mouth with your hand and he moves over to your side. Sensing, rather than seeing the tears and wanting to comfort you, no matter why you might be crying.
“I just – I was trying to stop her from caring.” The broken explanation probably doesn’t make sense to anyone who hasn’t experienced loss, but your mother tries desperately to explain. “I love you, you know I do and I always will, but- but you know how it still aches to this very day.” Tom shushes her softly, nodding and murmuring quietly. “I know sweetheart. I know.”
“You had a soulmate?” For your entire life, you had always known your parents as the perfect unit. Both of them choosing to be together instead of having the universe choose them for each other. Your father’s mark is shared only with his twin brother — a rare instance of platonic soulmates — but you had lived your entire life thinking that your mother had never, ever born another person’s mark.
Darrel’s eyes widen, aware that this is a conversation that is between family and he is not family. “I’m going to go light the grill.” He offers quietly to Zach, reaching out and squeezing Tom’s shoulder as he moves by.
“Mom?” You feel like you’re shaking, barely registering Darrel leaving the room as you step closer and practically fall down into a chair. How long has she been lying to you? How much has she lied about?
She pulls away from Tom’s shoulder, eyes devastated and red. “I- I never knew how to talk about it, about him without-“ she chokes out a sob and covers her mouth as fresh tears pool. It takes her a moment, the steady and comforting hand of her husband around her shoulder as she swallows harshly and continues on. “Yes.” She whispers quietly. “I had a soulmate.”
“And…” You swallow back accusations and anger for the sake of seeing her so upset, but are grateful when Zach comes to sit down beside you. “He died?”
“Car accident. September 10th, 1979. Four twenty-five in the morning.” She sighs, closing her eyes as she starts to tell you the secrets that have been buried for years. “He was- older.” Even though she isn’t looking at you, she bows her head. “Dropped out of college already to make his dreams of being a rock star come true.”
The exact date and time. Shit. That, you know without hesitation, is exactly how you would be if anything happened to Zach.
But no wonder. No wonder she had freaked out when you changed your major to music after your first semester of college. “You were just a kid…” You realize a second later. September 1979…your mother was nineteen years old.
“Still, I knew that I wanted to be with him forever.” She looks over at Tom, a watery, apologetic smile on her face. “We met at his show. His band was performing at my college. It was…..instant. All consuming.” She swallows harshly and looks back at you. “Traveling musicians think they are invincible. He was coming back to see me.” Her chin wobbles and she presses her lips together to stop herself from crying again. “Late night, overly tired….” She closes her eyes again. “He fell asleep at the wheel.”
“I’m so sorry, Mom.” What else can you say? What could even come close to expressing how awful it is to hear that your teenage mother lost a man she loved dearly? The best you can do is reach for her hand and listen.
“His name was Marcus.” She knows you are upset at her, there is a tightness to your eyes. “He was 23.”
“And I’m guessing…” The breath you draw is sharp. Anguished in a way you can’t quite describe. “That I hit a nerve by deciding to pursue a music career.”
“I didn’t mean-“ she shakes her head. “I was so shocked when you choose music, even though I shouldn’t have been.” She sighs. “I was trying to ignore it.”
“You didn’t have to.” To banish the memory of an entire person sounds endlessly painful and complicated. It sounds like torture. “We could have talked about it. About him. The whole situation.”
“It—” she glances over at Tom. “It might have confused you. I didn’t want that.” The one hand held in yours squeezes. “I love your father.” She promises.
“I don’t doubt that for a second,” you assure her, giving her that gentle squeeze in return. “But what’s confusing about knowing that my mother has a big enough heart to have loved two people in her life?”
“I don’t know.” She murmurs softly. “We just agreed that you should just believe that your father and I didn’t have traditional soulmates.”
“What I don’t understand, though…” Well, there is a lot that you don’t understand, frankly, but the larger puzzle pieces are starting to come together. “Is why you would object to me finding Zach?”
“Your mother never wanted you to ever experience a tenth of that kind of pain.” Tom murmurs softly. “She was broken, and part of her heart has never healed.” He picks up the hand you aren’t holding and kisses it. “When she was carrying you, we talked about what we wanted and we just felt it was best. She was having nightmares, vivid ones.”
“Will you finally tell me how you met Dad?” The question jolts out of you like a lightning bolt, not meaning to be accusatory but hoping for some kind of clarification. Your parents had always said they were best friends and that was it. Nothing more was ever said and it has felt like a lie of omission for your whole life. Now you know why.
“We grew up next to each other.” Tom admits. “At least since third grade when I moved next door.”
June sighs softly, hoping you don’t hate her now. “Tom was over at the house when the officer came. They knew he was headed to my house because—” She swallows. “I was his wife.”
“Mom.” Your back hits the flat of the chair with a thud when you nearly fall backward while sitting up. “You were married to your soulmate?”
“I was still in college,” she is begging you to understand. “And there didn’t seem to be any need to wait. We were young, in love and destined to be together.”
“I’m not mad at you for being in love.” It seems important to clarify. To be particular about what has your stomach and chest all tied up in knots. “I don’t care how many people you’ve lived or how many you married. I’m upset because you hid an entire life from me and pretended you had never done anything other than the perfect thing. It’s made me feel like a fuck up for my entire adult life.”
“Oh sweetheart.” She wilts at your confession. “I wanted you to think things were perfect so if you chose to be with Darrel, you wouldn’t feel like you were wrong.” She reaches out and caresses your face, letting go of Tom’s hand. “You are probably the one thing in my life I got right.”
“The problem wasn’t that you liked me being with Darrel. It’s that you never let it go.” You’re both crying not, hot tears of anxiety, fear, and anguish staining both of your faces. “To the point where the poor guy sat on his hands waiting for me to come home and never got to go live his own life, and I felt like if I invited you to my wedding you would have hated me for it.” Sniffling through the tears, it’s only Zach’s steady hand on your back that keeps you from accelerating past upset and into angry.
“I am so sorry.” She swallows harshly. “I should have let it go a long time ago. I should have been happy that you were happy. Instead, I ruined it for you.” She shakes her head. “I blame myself for him dying and I got so worried about you feeling that pain that I caused a very different kind of pain for you.”
“Seems like Gram was the only one who knew the whole story.” The long, low exhale you let out just makes you feel tired. Exhausted, really. Another layer of missing your grandmother seems to settle on top of you in the most unpleasant way. “No more secrets.”
“No more secrets.” She agrees, wiping away her tears. “So you are married?” She asks, looking between you and Zach. He nods and she gives a watery smile. “Then we need to celebrate.” She decides. “What do you think? We could order in?”
“Darrel went out to light the grill.” You nod almost dumbly to the porch, where your ex is trying very hard not to watch everything going on inside. “We should get him back in if we’re not going to cook.”
“You shouldn’t do anything on your wedding day.”
“We don’t mind,” you insist, but that stubbornness that all the women in your family share is right there in her eyes. “Alright…” you glance back at Zach and he nods. “We’ll order in. And we’ll talk. All of us.”
“Why don’t I call Redrock Canyon Grill?” Tom offers, patting your mother’s knee and standing up. “They have some good food, Zach. There’s talk of getting a Michelin star.”
“Sounds like it would be perfect.” Zach agrees. His hand has been rubbing soothing circles on your back and doesn’t let up, letting you know that he is here and supporting you but letting you have whatever conversation you need to have with your mother.
“Good.” Your father nods, only stepping away to open the sliding door and beckon Darrel back inside. The night’s plan has changed yet again, but he can hope that there might be fewer tears from here on out.
“I know you must have questions.” Your mother offers quietly, hoping that by answering them, she can repair some of the damage she has done. Repair your relationship. “But I also want to know about your wedding.”
“We went to the soulmate chapel in Windrixville.” It’s something to smile about, thankfully, and tries to put some distance between tears and potentially being upset with each other. “Gram…she left Zach a letter, too. Along with a gift.” You hold out your hand tentatively, wondering if she’ll be upset. “She was going to send him a few of the rings I liked best when I was a kid. She wanted him to choose one to propose with.”
“She did?” She takes your hand and looks down at the ring set on your hand, running her finger over the ring. “I always liked this set.” She looks back up at you and smiles. “He picked beautifully.”
"It's Zach's birthstone." A fact which still feels quite close to your heart. Like it was the perfect reason to choose it. "The wedding was just simple. A few kind words about partnership and support." It does, however, bring a smile to your lips to think about again. "I have the paperwork in my purse. And the receptionist sent us the video of the ceremony already. If–if you want to see it?"
Her eyes light up, a wonderful hope shining in them. “Please? I would love to—” she cuts herself off and starts over. “I would be honored if you shared it with me.” She admits. “I— I’m sorry that you felt that you had to go to the soulmate chapel.”
"We wanted to be married, not to have a giant wedding," you tell your mother honestly. "That's all. We had talked before now about having the captain on the ship marry us."
“You wanted a small wedding.” She’s repeating it like she’s burning that fact into her brain and trying to offer suggestions to ‘fix’ what is not broken. “Then you got what you wanted, sweetheart.” She agrees.
"Like Gram and Grandpa getting married at the courthouse. Just something simple." The video will keep until the guys come back from getting dinner ordered. At your father's request, Zach had joined them to look over the menu.
“As long as you were happy with it.” She promises. “That’s all that matters.”
"I am." Like a peace settling over a tumultuous evening, that truth blankets anything else that might get in the way. "I really am."
------ Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
ItSotN: @greenwitchfromthewoods @copperhalfcent @ariavitiellos @spishsstuff @76bookworm76
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milfswriter · 1 year ago
Can I request Daddy Dom Rhea/Submissive Fem!Reader where Reader comes home from a big match that she lost and Rhea comforts her please?
Rhea Ripley x Reader Summary: You lose your title match against Charlotte, Rhea’s there for you.
Notes and warnings: r’s kinda miserable, comfort, slight daddy kink, not my best writing tbh, mentions of smut, kinda short
(that squishy little face of hers is making wanna pinch her cheeks!!)
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You slammed the door of the hotel room shut, throwing your duffel bag across the room. You were livid, to say the least. You knew Charlotte was a bit of a nepo baby, but tonight was too much. The fact that Creative made her retain the title against you at Money in the Bank was too much to handle.
As you turned to face the bed, you saw Rhea giving you a look of understanding as she sat at the edge of the bed. Typically, you'd be punished for throwing a tantrum but Rhea faced the same thing against the same person years ago.
Charlotte didn't need the title, she's a 14-time women's champion and you thought it was enough for her. Rhea did, too. Until Creative told you 20 minutes before your match that you were losing.
Rhea got up, walked over to you and cupped your face "It's okay.." she said, pushing your damp hair from the shower out of your face. You scoffed, shaking you head as you wiped your tears, pulling away from her.
"You know it's not" you whispered yelled, "they fucked me over! why did they have to change everything 20 minutes before?!" you ranted until rhea placed a finger on your lips.
"that's enough.." she husked out, "You did your best, and I'm so proud of you bunny" She kissed your forehead, pulling you into her as her bigger muscular body enveloped yours, inviting the tears back in all over again.
Everything you trained for was for nothing, the happiness you felt that morning as Rhea called you "my little champ" as she fucked the shit out of you even though you hadn't won the title yet was for nothing. You were just another underdog that-
"Stop running that little mind of yours," rhea said, cutting off your thoughts as her hand rubbed up and down your back, your nose against her shoulder as you trembled from the all crying.
“I can’t…Daddy” you whispered, “s’all too much. I gave everything to this company. Yet they keep treating me like shit” you were too tired of it all, and Charlotte's spear didn't help at all.
“Love. you didn’t actually lose…I’m sure they want to give you a better story than defeating Charlotte in a 2 week feud” she assured, but nothing was stopping the tears from flowing anytime soon.
Your lips trembled again and she sighed, sitting you on the bed and leaning down to face you properly. Rhea nuzzled her nose against yours and softly whispered “Please don’t cry, hun” She pouted, wiping your tears with her girthy (yes I said it) thumbs and kissing your frowning lips softly, "You'll get another shot..I'll make sure of it, baby"
You kept looking at the hotel room floor as your mind wandered again before Rhea appeared once more, this time with a glass of water and painkillers. “Your face is bruising, pretty” she explained. The rage you felt pretty much masked all the pain from Charlotte’s merciless punches, but just as you started to calm down, you started to feel the soreness and ache of your face and muscles.
You took the pill and gulped the glass of water halfway before laying back sideways on the bed, your legs dangling from the edge of it as your spread them. “so…you coming?” You teased and Rhea gave you that toothy grin.
“In more ways than one, bunny”
@rhea-ripley @rebecca-quin @ara-a-bird @jungwoospeach @neganwifey25-blog @yourmisosoup @cameronsdruthers @dementedtrashcat @1c4ntg3ty0u0ffmym1nd @sweety-jamieluvss @mega-met-44 @babybatlover @potatohead2019 @charlieg1rl @obsessed-with-wwe-women
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ficsforgaza · 6 months ago
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for 08 September to 14 September
Hi all—please check out this week’s Creator Spotlight! For anyone who doesn’t know what this is: every week we highlight one creator with WIPs to sponsor, one creator with open requests, and one fundraiser that is in desperate need of funding. If this is your first time seeing our blog, welcome! Please check out our pinned post for more information about what we are doing to help the people of Gaza!
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↳ @persicipen / Link to their WIPs
Manu writes for Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact. They have a long list of WIPs available to sponsor which you can check using the above link, including their kinktober WIPs! Here are two of their short stories available for sponsorship:
Feixiao x reader
feixiao’s favourite concubine visits her in a tent during the resting hour to bring a special scroll from lingsha
Zhongli x reader
dragon zhongli returns from the archon war and claims his gifts, including a young priestess sent to welcome him in the shrine
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↳ @bakubunny / Link to their Requests Page
Bunny is accepting requests for the following fandoms: My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Final Fantasy XIV, and Sk8 the Infinity. She also has some WIPs available to sponsor if you'd like. So please check out her ficsforgaza post linked above!
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↳ Medical Aid for Palestinians
This week we will be featuring an organization called Medical Aid for Palestinians, which has been working to help Palestine for 37 years.
MAP's goal is to enable Palestinians to be able to access effective, sustainable, and locally-led healthcare, and to establish their rights to health and dignity. They provide access to essential health services, and respond rapidly with aid and assisstance to humanitarian emergencies in the region. You can read more about what they do here.
In Gaza, MAP has provided millions of dollars worth of medicines and medical care to Palestinians. They also have medical teams working on the ground in places that have been attacked by IDF forces. You can read more about what they have achieved so far in Gaza and the West Bank here.
Find ways to help MAP here.
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hazeljunee · 1 month ago
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about me!
۶ৎ estp
۶ৎ virgo
۶ৎ interests - music, shopping, pinterest, blogging, fashion, nature, animals, my bed, the internet, tennis, flowers, films, tv, singing, musical theatre, trinkets, anything vintage, makeup, autumn, jewlery, thrifting, collecting vinyls + cds, horror, perfumes, k-pop, traveling, astrology, astronomy, organization, social studies, doomscrolling, twitter, youtube, glitter, shoes, fanfics, celebrities, psychology, deer, dogs, bunnies, mice, moose, cats, downtown girl, coquette, midwest emo, grunge, dark academia, star girl, y2k, indie sleeze, indie, scandi, pink, green, brown, red, navy blue, gifs, sinjin drowning, emergency intercom, sweet boys podcast
۶ৎ favorite movies + shows - the perks of being a wallflower, little women, midsommar, priscilla, virgin suicides, i believe in unicorns, dead poets society, coraline, brooklyn-99, squid game, the trunk, buisness proposal, starwars, princess diaries, speak, wicked, thirteen, ladybird, saltburn, challengers, nope, get out, a quiet place, mean girls, clueless, legally blonde, tangled, icarly, victorious, sam and cat, XO kitty, the end of the f****** world, im not okay with this
۶ৎ music artists - jeff buckley, fiona apple, taylor swift, gracie abrams, newjeans, twice, the cranberries, sabrina carpenter, the velvet underground, sza, ariana grande, daniel ceaser, noah kahan, bon iver, paramore, wallows, clairo, cage the elephant, lorde, charli xcx, billie ellish, lana del rey, tyler the creater, pinkpantheress, olivia rodrigo, joan baez, bob dylan, tame impala, alex g, black box recorder, radiohead, frank ocean, the strokes, kendrick lamar, yeah yeah yeahs, steve lacy, blood orange, tv girl, bryson tiller, elliot smith, arctic monkeys, men i trust, childish gambino, brent faiyaz, a$ap rocky, pheobe bridgers, faye webster, imogen heap, mitski, mojave 3, adrianne lenker, bôa, cocteau twins, mazzy star, maya hawke, cigarettes after sex, the sundays, the weeknd, modest mouse, wet leg, lily allen, lizzy mcapline, azealia banks, the dare, ethel cain, mf doom, sade, laufey, the 1975, lake street drive, norah jones, chappell roan, mac demarco, alice pheobe lou, rihanna, natasha bedingfield, sonder, the smiths, harry styles, billy joel, joost klein, renee rapp, montell fish, boygenius, pixies, oasis, kimya dawson, clara la san, fleetwood mac, rex orange county, frank sinatra, lil yachty, the police
where else you can find me! (moots pls)
۶ৎ pinterest - https://pin.it/52gl6c4Gd
۶ৎ instagram - https://www.instagram.comhazeljunee?igsh=MTZkZWZicGw4aWY5Yg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
۶ৎ spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/31cmcwy5lvvvyfovo3a6rcxhhzwy?si=L7-VG6p4S6Czkz83FE6pGw
۶ৎ letterboxd - https://boxd.it/amfy3
۶ৎ twitter - https://x.com/hazeyjunee?s=21
۶ৎ airbuds - https://i.airbuds.fm/haze.77/Q6n7n8iSD9
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crackrodent · 5 months ago
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Hello! A few quick things to know about this blog:
The order? None.
Chaos? Lots.
Minors? Not interacting.
Hate and Bigotry? NOT WELCOME!
Autism & ADHD? Yeah, I got them.
Actual drug use? No.
Literary drug use? Definitely.
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Fuck Yeah!
I am still learning to write and mostly do crack prompts hence the blog name. So if you want to ask about some characters robbing a bank together or getting married for tax fraud then I am your rodent!
I write:
Niffty, Emily, Baxter, Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer, Husk, and Angel Dust. (You can ask for others but high chances are I will not feel inspired to write it so it won't get done.)
Fluffy crack
Angsty crack
I can try regular fluff but no promises
I also can draw a really bad Niffty but not by request. Just a humble brag.
Some things I will not write:
X Reader - Yet
Smut - Yet
Unhealthy relationships (If someone is a minor, has their soul owned by the other, they are related by blood/law/declaration) - Ever
Anything that breaks up Chaggie or Huskerdust. - Ever
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Husk Is Afraid Of Boats The Rodeo Niffty's Missing Meds
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Sponsored by VoxTek Prompt of the Week Week 1: I'm Surrounded By Idiots Week 2: What. Are. Those?
Voxtek Server Winter Event 2024 Prompt: Christmas Lights
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Mobile Link
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For the love of God, Cthulhu, Lucifer Morningstar, or whomever you worship, please go read my ask blog and send Niffty and Baxter asks.
Maid Scientist Find A Baby
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YES! Here are some of my Hazbin Homies! And some of what you will find on their blogs.
Blue! - Alastor x reader/OC
Inu! - RadioApple (also the creator of the Zoology series)
Sepphy! - RadioApple & RadioStatic and general writing content
Saffy! - Alastor x Wife!Reader
Sunset! - Alas, wait... NOT ALASTOR, its Emilute, and GuitarSpear
Red! - Alastor x reader and Vox x reader (she's an Adam simp too but on the down low)
Kit! - Alastor, Vox, Lucifer for Hazbin (she also reblogs a lot of pictures of Tom Hiddleston)
Nyx! - Yall, not only does she write (for multiple characters), she also creates audio versions of some of Kit and Red's stories
And a bonus, my arch nemesis,
Bunny! - Hazbin and Helluva Boss multi-shipper
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danosaurlovesphillion · 8 months ago
people are doing this on twt so I thought I'd do one here too!
-i'm dev , 26 yrs, and my pronouns are she/her, i'm a poc phannie (i'm bengali)
been in the phandom since 2011, had this sideblog since 2013!
unfort this is a side blog and my primary is @a-dreaming-bunny tumblr when are u gonna let us switch btw prim and second :///
my twt is @/usagi_dev !
i am going to red bank NJ show m&g on 11/26!! hmu if you are too pls let's be friends!!
lastly i loveeee any arts and crafts (tho the strugg w mental health has kept me from being creative boooo tomato) and baking as well!
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officalrafecameron · 17 days ago
hi rafey, missing you:3
xo, bunny
hi bunnyy. missing you too.
what have you been up to? anything fun?
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heretyc · 1 year ago
What Outlast Characters Do For Halloween
This blog is a HALLOWEEN BLOG. STARTING...now.
Jokes aside, I thought I'd do some Halloween HC's since I'm late. I mean I'm not late...what are you talking about? You're crazy. I'm gaslighting and girlbossing you.
Mentions of genitalia. Minors GTFO.
Miles -
Miles is definitely the kind of guy that goes as something funny. Couple costumes are a must, but you need to expect something hilarious. Cock and balls. Outlet and plug. Moth and lamp. Shrek and Fiona. As long as it's hilarious, he WILL want to do it. He hates Pinterest but made an account just for funny ideas.
He is def the type to walk around and hand out candy, but no one wants a giant penis handing "sour patch kids" to their children. He eventually swaps costumes with you - you're the designated balls by the way - and he paints them red and says he's a bunch of cherries.
He buys the full size candy bars but gives assholes the small versions.
A pre-teen dressed as Homelander knocked on your door once and insulted Miles. Homelander then went crying to his mom after Miles ate a full size Snickers in his face and slammed the door.
Lore accurate Homelander.
He'd also go as Michael Myers just to silently stare at people and freak them out. He DOES eat candy with the mask on. It's funny as hell, dude. When you go door to door, he will take candy, eat it with the mask on, and with the WRAPPER on, and then leave after the candy falls to the ground, smashed. The people who give you the candy are so confused.
Miles likes to go all out for Halloween, too; the outside is coated in cobwebs, and the inside is full of orange and purple lights. Expect to watch cringy horror flicks with him.
Waylon -
Waylon adores cute costumes! Mario and Peach, Bugs Bunny and Lola, Howl and Sophie. He loves seeing little bunnies and princesses and superheroes come up to the door. He's soft and gentle and hands them as much candy as possible.
He will dump the entire bowl of candy into a kid's pillow case if they're adorable. He is the type to do that. Because of this, you have to buy 5 boxes of candy. There goes your bank account!
He doesn't go all out, but he does enjoy horror flicks and posters!
When you go door to door, he's always the one to say "trick or treat" because he's precious. Who WOULDN'T give Waylon candy??
Blake -
Blake enjoys costumes that take little to no effort. Funny or cute, he likes them both as long as they're subtle. He loves going as Shaggy for Halloween. Just need a green shirt and khakis! He's already Shaggy, anyway. He solved a mystery...he just couldn't rip Knoth's face off. Or Val's mud boobs.
He buys small size candy bars and keeps the big ones for you and him. He doesn't go all out.
He goes trick or treating with you, but lets you do the knocking and "trick or treat"ing. If he sees a priest costume, he will have a mini panic attack.
Trager -
Trager is the KING of funny shit during Halloween. You're the olive to his martini. The boob to his other boob!
Yes, he'd make you go as boobs. He's a man of class.
He definitely goes all out. His lawn has a skeleton with a lawn mower. He also enjoys scaring the shit out of kids and has that automatic bowl with the skeleton hand that closes on kid's hands.
There's a fake head in the garden, and he affectionately called it "Jeremy". You can guess why.
He goes all out just to scare people. He would 100% hire a scary clown to guard his lawn.
In terms of candy, he hands out bags of sprite. He buys candy for him and you.
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Trager's door on Halloween, real footage.
You don't go door to door since last time, Trager cut someone's hand off for not giving you a full size Aero bar. Serves them right, to be honest.
Eddie -
He loves couple costumes!! He refuses to dress up unless you're involved! Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio, Jessica Rabbit and Roger Rabbit, and Ellie and Carl are just some of the costumes you guys wear on Halloween!
He goes all out for the kiddos! Candy apples, full sized candy bars. He loves making their nights!
He doesn't like horror flicks. He prefers romance. Romantic horror might be up his alley, though. ;)
He's wonderful with a knife, so he carves pumpkins!
You go door to door and give THEM candy instead. It's funny, but most of the time, they're appreciative.
Jeremy -
Jeremy doesn't celebrate Halloween, really. But he does love doing sexy costumes with you. Any costume that has him in a suit and you dressed to the nines is good enough for him.
He doesn't give out candy, no. He buys EVERY SINGLE BOX at EVERY SINGLE STORE and spoils the both of you. The Rich Who Stole Halloween, much???
There's a skeleton with scissors on his lawn, who he affectionately named "Richard". There's another skeleton, looking like it's about to knock Richard's head off with a golf club.
And that skeleton is named "Jeremy". Hm. Wonder why.
You don't go door to door. Jeremy thinks he's above everyone else, and he has an entire room dedicated to the candy he bought for you. It's huge.
Marta -
Marta IS Halloween!!! She started it!!! She was there to scare Jesus in the manger.
She'd go as a nun. What did you expect??
She buys full sized candy bars, but the poor dear scares kids every year. "TAKE YOUR SNICKERS...HEY WHY ARE YOU RUNNING..."
Her house is always gothic, so she's technically ready for Halloween all year. Queen!!!
She goes door to door with you, but she's more of a scary, tall body guard.
Val -
Val loves sexy costumes and will 100% dress scantily or gothic. Jessica Rabbit, a cheerleader, Morticia Addams...they will dress in anything that shows off their figure or chest, mud boobs or not. You go as Billy and Stu from Scream sometimes! They have a mask kink. This was bound to happen.
Spooky season doesn't stop their horniness, y'all. It's actually kind of scary. You'll go door to door and they will make out with you as a guy in a Michael Myers costume stares at you holding out a bowl. You can't even say "trick or treat". They insist that kissing you is a treat, though.
You 100% watch horror flicks all night. But you're not watching, if you know what I mean.
What's scary is what's in their sex toy collection. You're going to be busssyyyyy.
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bunnies-and-sunshine · 2 years ago
The king of distraction.
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Gotta re-direct River's attention from the dump truck treats with strategically placed bunny kisses.  Granted, Simon can't eat them while giving kisses, but River can't either because she's too busy purring.  I think he's banking on her going into a blissed-out coma allowing him to eat all the treats.
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.
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wbbgetsmewetter · 7 months ago
its a pink princess world
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⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ about moi ! ⊹
tini, tiny, tina, tintin or mel . she/they . 18 . bio med student . unapologetically black . pop culture enthusiast . still waiting for my hogwarts acceptance letter . secretly a vampire that is also a mermaid . unhealthy obsession with the colour pink . raging lesbian
⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ interests ! ⊹
°‧🫧⋆ music.ೃ࿔*:・
➵ music enthusiast (add me on airbuds! @/pnkprincess)
SZA . Brent Faiyaz . Kali Uchis . Azealia Banks . JT . City Girls . Kehlani . Bad Bunny . Blood Orange . Karol G . Young Miko . Rina Sawayama . Clairo . Ethel Cain . Lil Uzi Vert . Bossman Dlow . Megan Thee Stallion . PND . Bryson Tiller …
°‧🫧⋆ obsessions .ೃ࿔*:・
trashy reality tv (aka mtv n tlc) . wbb . twilight . H2O just add water . Barbie movies . Game of Thrones . Mean Girls . White Chickz . women’s football . BPWF . Pinterest . Bridgerton . Challengers . women’s rugby
⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ blog ! ⊹
just a teenage girl navigating through life. this blog is my diary. i like to disappear often so don’t expect to see me post consistently but i’m always lurking ;). asks are always open pls talk to me♡ ~('▽^人) [caution: i don’t bite but i do enjoy to nibble on arms :) ]
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circle--of--confusion · 1 day ago
Get to Know Your Mutuals!
I was tagged by @ibikus and @silverofthunder (thank you! Sorry for the wait 😅)
what's the origin of your username?
it's a photography term for the blurry/out of focus range you get from a camera lens. When i was getting my degree I thought the fact that the term existed was too hilarious so I made it my URL back in 2018 I think. It's stuck but I can't think of anything else to rename my blog so I will forever be a confusing range of glass lenses
OTP(s) + shipname:
I don't really have any. At least nothing that stick out that I keep going back to. (I'm also a mean old self-shipper so, that could be why)
Favorite color
purple 💜😌 (others are black, green, and red if i cant wear purple). When I was in middle school I told people my favorite color was black 😅 (and yes I got weird looks)
Song stuck in my head
Little dark age by MGMT
Half horse half man by OCT
Weirdest habbit/trait
- bite my nails?
- when I count, I have a specific way of organizing the numbers in my head
Knitting! 💜
But also sewing, painting (rare now but i do like it), drawing (not as much lately but I want to do more), writing (new but im vibing with it)
If you work, what's your profession?
I'm an auditor for a small loan company. Mainly we look over renewals and new loans to make sure necessary documents are sent in and that their bank transactions are received. It feels like a lot of knitpicky busy work most of the time so I've begun to get really bored with work 😅
If you could have any job you wish, what would you have?
I don't want to work. I want to magically win 2 billion dollars in the lottery and then fuck off somewhere so I can do my hobbies and maybe learn an instrument.
if I actually had to choose a job and if have solid income with Healthcare benefits I'd work in theater. I love being a part of the stage crew. I did it in high school and it was really fun
Something you're good at
Knitting? I'd like to think im pretty good for having done it for 10 years. (Though I still have a lot to learn)
Something you hate
loud cars or just unwanted, uncontrollable noise
Something you collect
Small glass figures from a glassblowing shop in north Georgia. About 90% of it came from mystery grab bags
hockey pucks (though it's only a few. I want to visit every NHL arena one day and buy one from each arena. Most of what I have are bought online or I found it in a shop (the Nashville and Carolina ones are the only ones that I got at their arena)
enamel pins
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Something you forget
To do maintenance on my sewing machines (sorry my vintage beauty. I've been neglecting you)
Your love language
Quality time for sure. Just let me hang out with you! (I've also been thinking more and more that I might like touch too but I could just be touch-starved so idk 😄)
Favorite movies/shows:
Movies: The Martian, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Miracle, National Treasure
Shows: Psych, Whose Line is it Anyway?, Bones, Great British Bake Off, The Repair Shop
Favorite food
I'm a sucker for sweets so ice cream and doughnuts. In the past few years for my birthday, my mom and I go get doughnuts for breakfast.
Also, speaking of. Breakfast foods! The best genre of food
Favorite animal
Cats, bunnies, sheep
What were you like as a child?
Outgoing if I liked you, quiet if I didn't.
Favorite subject in school
Anything to do with the arts (theater, music, art class)
Least favorite subject
Math (which is funny because my grandmother, the woman I'm named after, was a math teacher lol)
What's your best character trait
I try to be open-minded.
What's your worst character trait?
I can be a bit quick to anger. Or just easily annoyed if I'm not in the right headspace. Trust me I'm trying to work on it
if you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
A better brain lol. Other than that, a bigger room for all my hobbies
if you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
You'd think I'd have someone in mind but I'm drawing a blank. I like learning about history but not specific people of the past.
Maybe I'd want to meet my grandmother. She died when my mom was young and i have always been curious about what she was like.
Thanks for tagging me!!!
I'll tag: @copia @ficandkaboodle @visiosatanae
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justsomeectoplasm · 2 years ago
Me every time you mention your characters:
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This applies to worldbuilding too
Im late in answering this but THANK YOU! I was always kind of scared of sharing my original oc's since I keep thinking no one would be interested in them.
But I'd like to take some time to actually explain one set of them instead of just throwing vague hints at them. I did draw some of them on this blog but if people like them enough I'll start actually drawing them.
So uh, here take this!:
This world has a bit of a animals (not furries) x criminal underground x martial arts idea. In this world, hybrid animals of all types roam the world. But our characters live in a city called "Zoia", a lawless city full of hybrids that live tough lifes of crime and chaos. In this city, 4 bosses called the "Wilders" rule parts of the city through thier meticulous scheming and martial art prowess.
An aspiring young con-man of 30 years old. He's charismatic, but also kind of a loser that doesn't know when to seperate his outrageous goals from reality, making it his job of doing petty thefts and reselling what he "borrowed" at the kiosks. His arrogance often leads him to get his ass kicked, and he gets in trouble with smaller gangs because of his thefts on their turfs. Still, he likes to think he has a shot at making it big in this city. His current goal? Becoming the next big Wilder.
Local 27 year old organ trafficker hiding as a dentist. She works for a small gang because her shitty brother got both of them in debt. She's a nervous and shy girl who tries to cover up her snake-like appearance to look passive and insignificant just so that nobody can disturb her. But underneath all that lies a tempermental snake, and she's one day away from showing her fangs. Cunning and harsh, Snake will do anything to get a one up in this harsh world, even if it means betrayal. She's catching the attention of Tiger, who was coincidentally looking for a doctor. Currently has beef with Mongoose because he keeps fucking around with her orders.
25 year old guy that became a Wilder by pure fucking rage. Because of his hybrid type, he's been seen as weak and small his whole life. After some people tried to mug him, he snapoed and sent them to the hospital. What followed was the rumour of a bunny hybrid that's been going on a rampage and fighting big shots. So, bunny climbed to the top of the criminal food chain by fighting. Other then that he's a quiet and introverted guy that kind of has a weird way of thinking. But since he's so sure of himself, many started following him. He earned the title of the new Wilder and he's making bank by the night clubs he opened up that's actually a back drop for meetings between the dangerous groups of the city.
The current leader of the west side and the most powerful fighter next to Bull. A 34 year old Wilder that was recently given the title after his mom stepped down. Stoic and prideful on the outside, but has a strong sense of tradition and justice. He has a close group of friends that are loyal to a fault, and his pride in his work often attracts the younger generation to join. Don't be mistaken though, his work is built on generations of fear and blood, and he's not willing to give it all up. Currently wants to help Mongoose find his sister, as she was a close friend of his mother and a role model.
Nonbinary 31 year old that's both smart and eccentric. Neither a Wilder nor weaker then one, they currently run a small organ trafficking business and loan company, but their main job is arms dealing. They travel across the world making deals with all kinds of people, but stop by Zoiac to say hello to her dearly beloved "workers". Charismatic and a bit of a flirt, they'll make you dance in the palm of their hand without you ever knowing it. Currently, they like to bother Snake by pushing her buttons. They really seem to enjoy testing her, but it looks like they have other plans for her?
A 19 year old outsider looking for his missing sister. He's naive about the ways of the city and often gets himself in trouble by sticking his nose into businesses he shouldn't. But he's pretty smart and knows how to persuade people into helping him. He's very energetic, but also so serious that if you tease him he'll actually get mad at you. Currently, he lives with Monkey as his roommate. They get along suprisingly well, since they both love old kung fu movies. He also believes that Snake has something to do with his sister's dissappearance and they're this 👌close to getting into an all out brawl with each other that'll probably end in bloodshed.
A 35 year old Wilder woman that's hard working and cunning. She's the first of her family that managed to rise their debt induced name into fame and luxury. She's the wealthiest Wilder of the city, and has her claws into multiple famous casinos and clubs. Cold and brutal, she's stubborn into getting whatever she wants in this city, and her plan to have full control of this city is only stopped by some pest she wants to swat away. But she's all to patient to wait for them to wander into her gaze so she could dig her teeth into them. Snake and Mongoose has caught her attention as of recent, and she's debating on whether she wants these two animals to work as bodyguard and an informant for her by 'persuading' them into a deal that's very beneficial for both of them.
8 year old orphaned little girl that's in the middle of a very dangerous world. She has a mutation on her eyes that's causing her to see the future. Because of this, she's sought out by the Wilders and she's constantly running away from them, only to find herself deeper into the city. She's quiet and very meticulous with her plans, untrusting of those who reach their hand out to her. She also may have some form of autism (one od her special interests is dragons). She currently lives with Bull, and she doesn't know whether he pretends to act as her dad for the sake of it or he wants to use her for her foresight. Either way, she doesn't trust him and she's planning on getting out of his grip.
40 year old Wilder that's been playing this city's game since he was 20 years old. A family guy that likes people who are "interesting", and likes to tip things slightly on edge to relieve him of his boredom (this bastard). He's friendly and has that leadership vibe that just makes you want to have one drink with him at least. He just went through a divorce and is currently wanting to get along with his 19 year old daughter that seems to have no interest in inheriting the family and instead wants to pursue her love for art. Currently looking after Wolf who he picked up after, uh, "fired" the last Wilder. He slowly kind of sees her as his adoptive daughter (if only she doesn't run away every 5 damn seconds. He swears he doesn't care about her ability to see the future and wants to spoil her, but she's determined to tear each gift up and throw it back into his face.)
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