#Bumpy Bumblebehr
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st4rstudent · 6 months ago
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second batch
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themagicalghost · 9 months ago
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How many people know that this thing has three daughters
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piinkiheartz · 7 months ago
Spoiler(?) since it's from the @/corporate-clash newest post.
Bumpy's other two daughters' names have finally been revealed!!!
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xxx-mundiemudsnapper-xxx · 11 months ago
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i think about that one tweet a lot. also i have a couple HCs about bumpy & lauren in my mind, so I made this comic about it.
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supertwist-royalty-ttr · 5 months ago
Due the start of Inktober/Drawtober season, I would like to show one of my FAVORITE fanarts I haver EVER done:
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It was made for Inktober in 2016, where I drew without a list and did what I liked. You guys don't know how much I LOVE this drawing, because I think I managed their expressions correctly 🥹 Even if it's not well drawn, I like it a lot :D
I also did another drawing in the same year of the bosses' rivals (Mata, Bumpy and Giggles)
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I hope you have a nice Drawtober season. I'm doubting in joining yet (And if I do, it would be of my original characters and stories) :D
For that reason (In case I join), I decided to create a side Twitter account, where I'll also post my TTR fanarts and interact with the memes (Tumblr will still be the priority btw)
Also, I made a TTR strawpage! Send something nice if you want (SPECIALLY SUPERVISORS HEADCANONS PLEASE)
That's it! And a surprise is coming here, I just have to translate it!
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madocactus · 7 months ago
Happy Parents' Day!
Happy Parents' Day to the parade of passionate parents living in Toontown... and C.O.G.S. Inc.?
Cogs and Toons sure know how to fight about everything. Oh. Here come the baby pictures. Oh boy.
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While they're busy being competitive, give some appreciation to the caregivers that do their part!
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vamp1r1cjuggalo · 8 months ago
Update about the downfall AU?? I love it already, so I must ask.😭
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Hi hi! Yes yes! I’m really glad you like it!
So we do actually a lot of updates! I’ll start off with our status list and then dive into characters!
Status list
Flippy: dead rip L
Lord Lowden Clear: Alive, the new mayor
Mata Hairy: Alive, doing well
Good Ol’ Gil Giggles: Alive
Bumpy Bumblebehr: Alive
Rain: Alive and well, chilling with William
Reid Stock: Alive
River: Alive
Barnacle Bessie: Alive
The elders: Alive, old as shit
Timmy: Alive
Rocky: Might be dead, possibly due to an encounter with an odd red cat lawbot
Vinny: Alive but injured, not critically however
Rhapsody: Alive
Moe Zart: Alive, heavily disgruntled
Rose: Alive
Reed: Alive
Coach Zucchini: Dead
Lil Oldman: Alive
Ridge: Alive
Mac Opsys: Alive
Winn Dos: Alive
Elvis Purrsly: Questionable
Ok yeah most of the toons R alive
William: Alive, but fired, bad condition
Buck R.: Alive-ish, stuck in a permafusion w/Dave
Brian: Alive, fired, with Mac and Winn
Alton: Alive
Mary: Alive, on the search for misty, left the company
Misty: Alive but missing
Winston: Alive, very bad condition but alive
Holly: Alive, trying to help finding misty
Prester: questionable
Ben: Alive, forced to stay in the company
Cathal: Alive, the current VP
Allan: Dead, they killed my wife
Belle: Alive
Dave: Alive-ish, stuck in a permafusion w/ Buck
Chris: Alive
Flint: Alive, in the mafia
Cosmo and the inventors: Alive, buisness is kinda going to shit, hence them trying to get more people into the family
The Litigation team: Chimeraed
CLO; Critical condition but alive
Spruce: Alive
Chip: Alive, stuck in override
Craig: Alive
Desmond: A lot better than William that’s for true, Alive
Buck Wilde: Alive
Dana: A bit fucked up mentally but she’s doing ok, propaganda machine
Tawney: Alive
Graham: Alive but kinda starting to not be great mentally and physically L
Thomas: Alive but doin shit mentally
Robert: Alive, doin shit mentally, desperately trying to stand ground
Now for character updates:
Rain and William
William and Rain end up partnering up, the two coming together to survive after William left the company, having to leave for his safety as his age and outdated shell and software led to him beginning to fall apart, not able to withstand battle.
Rain has taken on engineering, to keep him together as best as she can.
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Flint Bonpyre
They join Pluto’s crew officially, mostly out of desperation for a bit more money since repairs and stuff have been more expensive as of late due to the rise in them as well as lack of resources
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Elvis Purrsly
Looking a little more robotic then usual, but it was found out he is alive. Sort of.
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Misty Monsoon
While alive she may be, no one can find them, they’ve gone missing. Though reports have shown heavy and rapid weather changes in certain areas around toontown.
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Mary Anna
Mary quit COGS inc, due to both her heavy concerns for the pollution, how awful everything has been, and to make more time to search for Misty. She has been leading the search for a few months now, but no one has been able to find Misty.
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And that’s all for now folks!
We do have high roller lore but I still need to draw her ack
But yeah! Here are some updates! Thank you for reading!
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mad-doodle-disease · 2 months ago
bad omen
finding the sellbot in that picture would end up being a bit harder for tumbles than he was expecting. armed with nothing but a bottle of water and a handgun, tumbles made the trek back into the brrrgh, figuring that it'd be a lost cause to search for them in the boatyard. he forgot just how cold it was, last time he was crossing through it he had a bit too much on his mind to truly notice the frost biting at the tip of his beak.
tumbles almost would have missed it if he wasn't paying attention. he stopped, looking over at a nearby building. it was a pizzeria of some sort, "mozzarella styx", tumbles had ate there one time before. the food quality was... questionable, but, right now, tumbles could totally go for a "special pizza". but that wasn't what drew in tumbles attention, no no. that honor would go to the makeshift missing persons posters taped to the wall. notebook paper with cut out photos of toons and cogs alike glued to it, with details scribbled on hastily. tumbles drew in closer, recognizing one of the faces.
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Cosmo Kuiper/Plutocrat
Cashbot Cog
Last seen [2 DAYS AGO FROM CURRENT DAY] in The Brrrgh/Coal & Ice District
This paper has been put up by the Satellite Investors.
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Sweaty Pete
Last seen [3 DAYS AGO FROM CURRENT DAY] in The Brrrgh/Coal & Ice District
This paper has been put up by "The Blizzard Wizard".
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Hernia Belt
Last seen [5 DAYS AGO FROM CURRENT DAY] in The Brrrgh/Coal & Ice District
This paper has been put up by "The Blizzard Wizard".
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Barry Brief/Case Manager
Lawbot Cog
Last seen [7 DAYS AGO FROM CURRENT DAY] in The Brrrgh/Coal & Ice District
This paper has been put up by Lawbot HQ.
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Lauren Ordier
Last seen [8 DAYS AGO FROM CURRENT DAY] in The Brrrgh/Coal & Ice District
This paper has been put up by Bumpy Bumblebehr.
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Graham Ness Payser/Pacesetter
Sellbot Cog
Last seen [10 DAYS AGO FROM CURRENT DAY] in The Brrrgh/Coal & Ice District
This paper has been put up by Sellbot HQ.
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tumbles zoned in on that last paper. he pulled out the photograph he had in his pocket, comparing the face of the sellbot in it to "graham's". exact match, a pit formed in tumbles' stomach. how was he supposed to find someone thats been missing for over a week, someone that couldn't even be found by a possible actual search party of competent suits?? it was a fools errand, he was probably dead by-
???: uh... hey.
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doggendoodle · 25 days ago
enough slutting out the cogs*. what do i need to do to see bumpy bumblebehr show off that dilf bod
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incakola06 · 11 months ago
Bumpy Bumblebehr gangstor
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lawbots run 💣💣💎🔫💰⛓️
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watchtowersbane · 2 years ago
TTC: Time for First Impressions
Lord Lowden Clear:
Hey again {name}! Glad to see you're getting settled in so nicely. With how well you did in training, I'd say you'll be ready for some real tasking in no time. But first, a formal welcome to the team. As you know, I'm Lord Lowden Clear - head of the Toon Resistance. We're the top-of-the-line team that's been established to strategize and fight against the Cogs. Here stands some of the most experienced and trusted Resistance memebers in all of Toontown. Mata Hairy - Head of strategy and banana collection. Bumpy Bumblebehr - Head of stealth tactics and round objects alike. Good ol' Gil Giggles - Head of disguises and ordering our catering. And me, leader of the Toon Resistance itself. When the Cogs first invaded, Toontown needed someone to help organize our retaliation. That's where I came in. Since then, we've had all kinds of Toons come in and rise through the ranks, eventually becoming Resistance Rangers. There's dozens of us in Toontown now, and we're hoping you'll join those numbers someday. We need as many Resistance Rangers as we can get taking down these Cogs and taking back Toontown, once and for all. We'll start you out simple, don't you worry, {name}. First things first, you'll need some Gags. And that means earning some Jellybeans to buy them! There's a few ways to earn some around town, one of them is riding the Trolley and playing some games. Hop on there on your own, or with up to 3 friends! The Trolley takes you to the Gag Shop after each game, so make sure you stock up before heading back. Go on, give it a try!
<You play some Trolley games and buy Gags before returning to Lord Lowden Clear.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Great job! Now that you're all stocked up, you're ready to take down some Cogs. We've managed to keep the playgrounds safe for now, but you can still find Cogs roaming the streets. You can go through any of the tunnels in the playground to reach the streets. Try not to wander too far, as streets beyond Toontown Central's harbor more dangerous Cogs! Defeat 2 Cogs, then come back and let me know you're finished. Stay safe out there.
<You go and defeat 2 Cogs and return to the HQ.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Nice work on taking down those Cogs! As you may have noticed, Cogs come in all different shapes, suits and sizes. Each Cog comes from a specific department. From what we know, there are five departments: Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, Bossbot, and Boardbot. You'll learn more about this as you train more and become stronger. You may even want to check out the Cog Gallery page in your Schtickerbook from time to time, if you're curious! Now, let's try defeating Cogs from a specific department. Check your ToonTasks, and follow what it says.
<You defeat 3 Sellbot Cogs and return to Lord Lowden Clear.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Back already? With turnaround times like that, I think you're ready to take on some real Resistance work. Go ahead and talk to my colleague next to me, Mata Hairy, for some more assignments! And, once again, welcome! At this pace, I'm sure you'll become a Resistance Ranger in no time!
<You go to speak with Mata Hairy, ending this quest and starting A Hairy Introduction.>
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maxiemcsoda · 3 years ago
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never posted the lil guys whoops
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piinkiheartz · 7 months ago
I have a confession...
For the longest I thought Bumpy Bumblebehr was a woman, when I first found out he has kids in the wiki (as in Mama and the three bears.) Until I read the legacy comic; I was like "ITS A GUY???"
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kirbyswarpstar · 3 years ago
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i just think they’re cute together
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trolleytracksmoved · 2 years ago
You know that if they hadn't cut Funny Farms, then there would've been those really dark "it was all the delusions of a dying child" theories floating around about the Toontown lore, right?
I can already imagine the creepy voiceover playing over disturbing fanart as one of the Bossbot HQ themes plays in the background.
I can already imagine all of the "symbolism" they bend over backwards to work into the theory with all of the confirmation bias you could possibly cram into it.
I can already see all the edgy Bumpy Bumblebehr theories.
Yeah we really dodged a wildfire with Funny Farms staying in the drafts.
I wouldn't say I'm necessarily opposed to Toontown having a slightly darker twist, but I do think you need to have tact and cohesiveness when it comes to deciding what those things are. Funny Farms lacks both and clashes terribly with the Tooniverse as a result. It's a mess.
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surleetonin · 2 years ago
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screenshots from my first cj fight! maybe it's just my nerves still being a bit active after the fact but i feel like i might not do this one as much
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