nocturna-iv · 3 years
Chapters: 23/23 Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies) Main Relationship: Ben/Harry Hook/Uma Secondary Relationship: Chad Charming/Gil/Jane/Audrey Rose Summary:
Supply boats came and go in a very specific schedule. Ben had memorized the entire routine, like hundreds of other things that could be important. So when he tossed a note in the boat that was leaving the island, it surprised him that one of his plans worked. Because the next boat appeared with an answer with quick handwriting in turquoise ink.
From the other side of the barrier, Uma is competing for the throne of Auradon but she found out long ago that everything is a farce. They had been taught pure lies. But what the Beast forgot is that Uma is not a simple princess. She’s a goddess and Uma has already chosen two champions and they possess more than her blessing.
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theamityelf · 4 years
 AU where all of the Descendants characters have been training since they were toddlers to be assassins for wealthy people. They all have their methods of attack and their specialized areas of study (Evie woos targets and poisons them; Mal, Uma, and Carlos specialize in tricks and traps; etc.) and they’ve formed their own cliques (the Core Four and Sea Three; they’re the best in their year). The target for their final exam is Ben.
But he’s a tough one, because they all fall in love with him and vice versa.
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badabjng · 4 years
Harry: [doing something extremely stupid]
Uma [watching him from the distance]: Sometimes I look at him and ask myself "Really? That's the spermatozoon that won the race?"
Ben: Try to look at the bright side. If that's the one that won, imagine what the others were.
Uma [shuddering]: Yes... We got lucky...
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glambitions-a · 4 years
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harry: hows it feel being king now eh?
ben: *tied up* i mean, im not a slut, but who knows?
i’ve calmed down now... tagging @nocturna-iv because... well...
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trueishcolours · 4 years
I am in a lockdown sulk and feedback on my Descendants fics would really cheer me up! I write mostly Ben/Uma/Harry. <3
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dani-luminae · 3 years
001: Descendants and/or 003: Ben please ❤️
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Ben
Least Favorite character: (surprise, surprise) Mal
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Huma, Baudrey, JayxGil, BenxGil, and MalxSOMEGODDAMNTHERAPY
Character I find most attractive: It’s a tie between Ben and Uma
Character I would marry: Ben. Is that answer getting repetitive? Fine. I would also marry Jay, if given the chance. (I’d also say Uma, but Harry wouldn’t let me.)
Character I would be best friends with: Probably Gil. Or Carlos.
a random thought: This series had so much potential. Fortunately, we have fanfic to fix it.
An unpopular opinion: An extremely unpopular opinion, I’m sure - Auradon isn’t actually as terrible as the fandom wants to believe, it’s just stupidly put-together for kids and not meant for critical thinking to pick apart. 
my canon OTP: Huma. They’re canon, fight me.
Non-canon OTP: Baudrey. They should have been together.
most badass character: UMA
pairing I am not a fan of: I don’t mind BenXHarry as a ship in itself but when it’s grounded entirely in the scenes when Ben’s tied up on the ship and fearing for his life - yeah, no. That’s not hot, that’s ignoring trauma.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Every. SINGLE. One. Of their named Disney characters. Heroes and villains alike. No one was allowed to be in-character for this series at all. And Mal. They screwed her up after the first movie too.
favourite friendship: Carlos and Dude were fantastic until the second movie made Dude rude as hell.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I wouldn’t wanna adopt anyone from this world, to be honest. And I wouldn’t wanna be adopted, either, because almost every parent is Not Good.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: I LOVE BEN SO MUCH OKAY. HE’S SO PRECIOUS AND SO SWEET AND HE DESERVES SO MANY HUGS and way better than the crappy True Love and demotion to second character that this franchise has pinned on him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Audrey, Uma, Jay, Gil, not in that order necessarily
My non-romantic OTP for this character: BenXChad. They were best friends as children and canon is sh*t for implying that Chad would happily take the crown if Ben died.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He’s a pushover. That’s more the writing’s fault than his own (look at his D1 character vs. D3).
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I WISH HE STOOD UP TO MAL. Or got a cathartic moment to just tell her off. Say he won’t take part of the blame for her decisions, because he shouldn’t be. 
my het ship: Buma
my fem/slash ship: BenJay
my OTP: Baudrey
my OT3: admittedly I can see the appeal of Bumarry
my cross over ship: none really
my kink: nope
a head cannon fact: The reason that Ben “forgot” to bring over more VKs between D1-D2 was because Mal spelled his memories so much, she erased more than she thought. 
my gender bend: Bianca Mercier, Queen of Auradon! Not much backstory has changed at all, but she wears more yellow/gold than blue.
Thank you for the ask and the ❤️! Ask box is open! Give me 001 with a fandom for thoughts, 002 with a ship for thoughts, 003 with a character for thoughts, or 004+two fandoms for a crossover OTP!
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dxscxndxnts · 6 years
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 As for your ben x uma x harry idea i would laugh so hard i would cry at uma's spell book love spell working out and like you said ben being the arrangement on the side and harry being the main and mal, knowing ben's spelled and uma's getting her way, vk's all off the isle, and no one can do anything about it because ben's king now. out by the pool uma's relaxing, harry's chillin, ben relaxing out here too b/c he doesnt know whats going on irl so why not [insert "my way" by ella mai]
Yaasss Anon! Tbh tho whether Ben is spelled or not, I think it’d be an interesting dynamic. Ben has obviously been raised under the “Thou shalt have one female partner only” premise for a long time but maybe a few years post-cotillion (and probably post-Mal), just imagine Harry starting to hit on him in the college hallways and Uma sliding a little closer to him in study hall and Ben going insane like “omg can I like two people? is that a thing?” And Uma’s patient so she’ll wait for him to figure things out (and she makes sure Harry does too). 
Then when Ben thinks he’s finally sorted it out, he walks up to them in one of his cute little vest-suits (casual Friday) and has a whole speech planned out and then he actually sees them and just freezes up. He eventually manages to sputter out his feelings and Harry is trying so hard not to laugh while Uma is just kinda making the ‘aw por boi he’s struggling’ face but luckily they’re “quite fond of” him too (Ben’s words exactly).
BUT OMG DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON DOMESTIC BEN X UMA X HARRY! (Bumarry? Barma? H.U.B.? idk imma call it Bumarry)
Like imagine King Ben coming home from a LONG ass night of working to see his beautiful wife Uma sitting at the kitchen in a rockin pantsuit with a few buttons undone so she can finally breathe. She’s almost as tired as he is since she serves on the council as Head of Villain Affairs and Domestic Security (I feel like she would go into politics if she didn’t sail the seas) but he had to stay out longer since he’s the King. Dinner is already served, a lovely fish and chips dish (Uma and Harry switch off who cooks, but nowadays Uma is too damn tired to do it, but Harry still makes her favs). Ben sits down, so relieved to be able to relax after a lot of work.
Ben and Uma start to chat about anything other than work when their husband Harry, wearing nothing but his boxers and a cooking apron because he’s just THAT kind of guy, and holding a small little form in his arms and doing that bob thing, before saying “keep it down, the wee lass is tryin’ to rest.”
Yes, Harry is the stay-at-home-dad (he would normally work down at the docks, fishing and keeping all the ships in ship shape, but Uma had a kid and he dropped everything to take maternity leave) they tried to say he couldn’t but he’s married to the king
Also, they don’t know which one is the father, but all they know she’s Uma’s child and they would love her no matter what.
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nocturna-iv · 4 years
Apparently "kidnapping" was very common in ancient Greece as part of the courtship ritual. A show of passionate interest was to take your future partner away from their family for a time so that they couldn't refuse your marriage.
In addition to the fact that in the myths the most sincere romantic interest of a god in a mortal was to kidnap them (as opposed to deceiving said mortals by pretending to be animals, rain, or someone else (I'm looking at you, Zeus)).
That is why the myth of Hades and Persephone, in addition to their marriage itself, is of a happy couple and that Persephone wanted to be with Hades. And that more than a "kidnapping", it was something planned so that Demeter couldn't refuse their marriage in the end.
In any case!
If you think about it, when Uma kidnaps Ben, to her, ahm, culture, she's courting him (and because Harry is involved, that's a two-on-one courtship).
Oh, and now I can't help but think that at some point, Uma must have "kidnapped" Harry. Quite possibly around the time, Captain Hook didn't want his son to be Uma's first mate.
That's the way she shows interest. It's her way to say "You're mine now"
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nocturna-iv · 3 years
Uma is a sea witch
One of the things I wanted to do with my current Bummarry is having both, Harry and Ben, fall in love with Uma for who she really is in every way. That includes her physical form as a sea witch. That they must commit to the limitations that this implies (that she cannot transform in a human form when she goes to the island or that they cannot breathe underwater, leaving them with very limited places to interact). First, because I don't feel like there is enough content with Uma in her non-human form.
And second, because people fantasize a lot about the romance of mermaids with humans. But let's face it, the mermaid image is very conventional. Very... Delicate. But... The image of an octomaid? That is powerful. Disney used this representation for Ursula (and Morgana) because it screams power and dominance. Because a woman with eight limbs that scream phallic form is here to destroy the patriarchy. And yeah, a dominant woman is often associated by the Media with villainy.
So I wanted every encounter in my fic (at least the first ones) of Uma with Harry and Ben to be in this clear difference. Not only that she is an AK and they VK. Or that she is a goddess, Harry is human and Ben is a "fairy". Rather, they are different from where they belong. The sea and the land. They have to compromise.
And of course, in my fic, Uma was raised to know that her appearance is associated with Ursula and Morgana, that being a sea witch gives the impression that she is dangerous, so she has always had to be regal but also not promote those stereotypes. They taught her that instead of teaching others not to discriminate against her. So Uma always is very aware of her actions in her true form. But on the island, where the villains are the leaders, all those characteristics would make her stand out in a positive light. So for Harry and Ben, Uma is no different, they grew up with other sea witches (daughters of Morgana, they excellent with the violin). So Uma is more comfortable with Harry and Ben. Being in her sea witch appearance that she considers more hers. Despite the technical difficulties that all this implies.
Well... This is just an idea.
In the end, what I mean, I need more content with Uma in her octomaid form. And I know that Harry and Ben support me 100% in this.
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nocturna-iv · 3 years
Of course, the second Uma meets Harry and Ben, I have to change the tags in my fic because things got hotter.
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nocturna-iv · 4 years
I love your Bumarry!!! At what point did you knew that they would be your OT3?
Hi luv!
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From D2 my OTP was/is/will be Huma. And in second place Buma. All the scenes that Ben and Uma shared were pure fuel for the ship. And Huma? Oh, you know me, Huma is all.
But Bumarry as a strong polyship emerged from D3.
The scene when Harry confronts Ben...? Oh, my heart! I've only seen Harry being vulnerable with Uma. And then I see that? Oh, Disney, I know you didn't mean to, but you gave me such a functional polyship from every corner. And it's MINE now. Also, the moment when Uma and Ben dance together in D3? The intensity! Oh, my golden boy will be in good hands with Uma and Harry.
Also, you know my position on all the isolation that Ben has suffered. The idea that not only Uma and Harry but Gil and the entire crew are there to support every decision he makes and make him see what a good leader he is? Gold. My boy needs love! And a lot of attention and affection, many demonstrations of love and love marks. You understand me.
They make very interesting combinations for AUs.
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nocturna-iv · 3 years
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies) Main Relationship: Ben/Harry Hook/Uma Second Relationship: Chad Charming/Gil/Jane/Audrey Rose
Supply boats came and go in a very specific schedule. Ben had memorized the entire routine, like hundreds of other things that could be important. So when he tossed a note in one of the boats that was leaving the island, he was surprised that one of his plans worked. Because the next boat appeared with an answer with quick handwriting in turquoise ink.
From the other side of the barrier, Uma knows that she will be the future queen of Auradon but discovers that her coronation would be a farce. They had been taught pure lies. The race for the throne and her unexpected victory at the cost of King Adam's wishes would be Uma's motivation to break the rules
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nocturna-iv · 4 years
This is D2 in the eyes of my 3 year old nephew
Every time my 3-year-old nephew visits me, he asks me to see Uma's movie (This is how he refers to D2). Before continuing, I want to make something clear. According to my nephew, marriage is for living with someone. In dating, you don't live with that person. That is all the difference he sees. So, according to him, these are the things that happen in the movie:
Mal isn't happy in Auradon. And because she's not happy her hair doesn't have its original color.
Uma and Harry are married. They love each other. And Gil is their son (My nephew yells “Time Out” at Gil when he tries to enter the restaurant again and later does the same when Gil says he will tell Uma that Ben is on the island. Throughout the film, my nephew lives in conflict because he is Team Uma but also Team Ben.).
Everyone wants to be Uma's partner in "What’s my name?"
The reason why Ursula doesn't leave the kitchen is that she is very big (like at the end of The Little Mermaid) and the door is very small.
Ursula should go live with Gaston and leave Uma alone with Harry and their children. Because Ursula is a bossy grandmother. (Some context: My nephew is a fan of Ursula (I take responsibility for that.) When we saw "Beauty and the Beast" he concluded that Gaston is dumb because he needs someone to do "Time Out" to him. And today, while he was playing he decided that Ursula would be perfect for Gaston. So according to him Ursula and Gaston are officially a couple. And when I asked him why Gaston would be good for Ursula, my nephew said that Gaston could replace Ursula's eels because she misses them a lot. Their eels are big and evil. Gaston is big and evil. So he is perfect for her.)
Mal is not happy in Auradon, but on the island, she's very happy and artistic (which is always good). So they should let Mal live there. She wants to live there. And I quote the 3-year-old boy: "No it's no."
My nephew got a little confused with all of this. But until “Space between” he came to this conclusion:  Mal loves Evie. But Ben and Evie are dating and they love each other very much. Evie is happy in Auradon and Ben too, but not Mal, Mal should stay on the island. Ben and Evie should live in Auradon.
Mal shouldn't touch Harry's hook because Harry is Uma's husband.
Mal made a graffiti of Uma and it is very beautiful. Which is good because Uma is very pretty.
My nephew sees D2 dubbed into Spanish. There “Bad to the core” was translated to “Bad from birth”. So according to him: Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay crawled wickedly breaking the glass decorations in the living room of their house.
By the end of the scene with Ben tied to the mast, my nephew came to a second conclusion: Uma and Harry are married. Ben and Evie are dating. Harry possibly likes Ben. Ben definitely likes Uma. Uma likes Ben. Ben asked Uma to marry him ("You are a leader like me" and "Be part of the solution" for my nephew is "Marry me"). And Harry is not going to like that Ben has asked Uma to marry him. And Ben should ask Evie to marry him.
The reason why Harry wants to throw Ben into the sea is that Ben wants to take only Uma to Auradon. And that is bad. Because Uma has a family. Ben must have told Uma that she could take Harry and Gil with her.
Evie is incredibly beautiful, has blue lashes, and is the most beautiful princess he has ever seen.
Harry is very handsome and moves around a lot, which is good because that makes him more handsome. Besides that his makeup is pretty.
Mal must have stayed on the island and not returned to Auradon. Because she is not happy in Auradon. Mal should stay on the island and draw a lot. Uma and her family should live in a ship at sea. Evie and Ben should live in a castle.
According to my nephew, the best version of Uma is the transformed and giant Uma.
Uma likes Ben very much but she can't stay in Auradon without Harry and Gil, so that's why she leaves him. But luckily Ben has Evie.
According to my nephew, Mal and Ben are not dating. Mal doesn't love Ben. What Mal wants is to be happy and she is happy throwing stones, poisoning apples, and drawing very good portraits on the walls. And those things are not good for Ben. People must let Mal be happy. On the island.
My nephew's solution for the end of the film is as follows: Evie and Ben have to marry and live in a castle because Ben has a castle and Evie wants a castle. Ben must be Uma and Harry's boyfriend. Because then Harry wouldn't be jealous that Ben would take Uma away. Uma and her family (the crew) must navigate the world. Mal must stay on the island. And Uma must be in her transformed form as long as possible because that way she can hug her husband, her family, and Ben at the same time. And so she would be very happy.
Everyone would be happy!
I cannot promise that I have not influenced my nephew in some of these ideas. He has seen this movie over 20 times with me. And surely I have let out a comment or another about Huma, Buma, and Benry, in addition to Benvie. But credit where credit's due. My nephew's solution to bringing peace includes a queer and polyamorous world.
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nocturna-iv · 3 years
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies) Rating: Mature Main Relationship: Ben/Harry Hook/Uma Secondary Relationship: , Chad Charming/Gil/Jane/Audrey Rose
Supply boats came and go in a very specific schedule. Ben had memorized the entire routine, like hundreds of other things that could be important. So when he tossed a note in one of the boats that was leaving the island, he was surprised that one of his plans worked. Because the next boat appeared with an answer with quick handwriting in turquoise ink.
From the other side of the barrier, Uma knows that she will be the future queen of Auradon but discovers that her coronation would be a farce. They had been taught pure lies. The race for the throne and her unexpected victory at the cost of King Adam's wishes would be Uma's motivation to break the rules. The island called her, in more ways than she expected.
But when the future queen of Auradon meets the leader of the VK, she discovers that Ben has been keeping a certain pirate for himself. Maybe they needed to learn to share.
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nocturna-iv · 4 years
Chapters: 9 Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies) Rating: Mature Main Relationships: Ben/Harry Hook/Uma,  Ben/Harry Hook, Ben/Uma, Harry Hook/Uma. Secondary Relationships: Chad Charming/Gil/Jane/Audrey Rose, Jane/Audrey Rose, Chad Charming/Gil, Gil/Jane, Chad Charming/Audrey Rose Additional Tags: VK!Ben, AK!Uma, Ben son of the Enchantress, Uma granddaughter of Triton, Ben leader of the VK, Uma Crown Princess of Auradon
Supply boats came and go in a very specific schedule. Ben had memorized the entire routine, like hundreds of other things that could be important. So when he tossed a note in one of the boats that was leaving the island, he was surprised that one of his plans worked. Because the next boat appeared with an answer with quick handwriting in turquoise ink.
From the other side of the barrier, Uma knows that she will be the future queen of Auradon but discovers that her coronation would be a farce. They had been taught pure lies. The race for the throne and her unexpected victory at the cost of King Adam's wishes would be Uma's motivation to break the rules. The island called her, in more ways than she expected.
But when the future queen of Auradon meets the leader of the VK, she discovers that Ben has been keeping a certain pirate for himself. Maybe they needed to learn to share.
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nocturna-iv · 4 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies) Rating: Mature Main Relationships: Ben/Harry Hook/Uma,  Ben/Harry Hook, Ben/Uma, Harry Hook/Uma. Secondary Relationships: Chad Charming/Gil/Jane/Audrey Rose, Jane/Audrey Rose, Chad Charming/Gil, Gil/Jane, Chad Charming/Audrey Rose Additional Tags: VK!Ben, AK!Uma, Ben son of the Enchantress, Uma granddaughter of Triton, Ben leader of the VK, Uma Crown Princess of Auradon
Supply boats came and go in a very specific schedule. Ben had memorized the entire routine, like hundreds of other things that could be important. So when he tossed a note in one of the boats that was leaving the island, he was surprised that one of his plans worked. Because the next boat appeared with an answer with quick handwriting in turquoise ink.
From the other side of the barrier, Uma knows that she will be the future queen of Auradon but discovers that her coronation would be a farce. They had been taught pure lies. The race for the throne and her unexpected victory at the cost of King Adam's wishes would be Uma's motivation to break the rules. The island called her, in more ways than she expected.
But when the future queen of Auradon meets the leader of the VK, she discovers that Ben has been keeping a certain pirate for himself. Maybe they needed to learn to share.
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