#Bulk Deal
ssmtbusiness · 1 year
Penny Stock में हुआ Bulk Deal कंपनी विंड टरबाइन बनाती है | Suzlon Energy को भी पछाड़ दिया
प्रिय निवेशक हाल ही में एक Penny Stock में बड़े इन्वेस्टर काफी भारी मात्रा में Bulk Deal किए हैं| और इसका फायदा उठाने का सही मौका यही है कि आम निवेशक भी इस शेयर में अभी निवेश करके अच्छा कमाई कर सकते हैं| क्योंकि आपको पता है कि जब भी किसी शेयर में Bulk Deal होता है तो वह शेयर काफी तेजी से ऊपर भागती है| Penny Stock में हुआ Bulk Deal कंपनी विंड टरबाइन बनाती है | Suzlon Energy को भी पछाड़ दिया और…
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mandibazaar · 2 years
Mandi Bazaar Offer Indian Cosmetics in New Zealand. like Ayur Rose Face Pack, Sri Sri Fortifying Cream, Patanjali Neem Aloe Vera Face Wash, Fair And Lovely Cream, Fair And Handsome Cream and Heena Mehandi Cone.
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tanglepelt · 10 months
Dc x dp idea 168
Flash messes with time, in doing so Danny ends up in a bad position.Danny was totally by coincidence summoned to clockworks towers. He gets back to see His parents way are now way big mad scientist. Like on the leagues watch list mad scientist. Like villainous mad scientist. But the two do hide there identities shockingly well.
Danny in this never had his accident. So his parents had enlisted his rouges to help cause chaos and mayhem. The world is now constantly pestered by ghost from the zone.
Phantom does not exist. No one is friends with jazz or Danny out of fear.
Jazz is the one to realize something is wrong, followed by the parents who want to forcibly make Danny help them, even if it means breaking him. Jazz helps Danny escape.
Danny had it and knows it has to be flashes fault. Clockwork has told him stories about flash, mainly to make fun of him. But it has to be his fault.
Cue Danny dragging jazz along to go yell at flash for messing with time. Flash has no idea who Danny is (he was small time Danny had avoided them). Danny is not having it at all just screaming at him about his parents being crazy, none of his friends being his friends and blames him for the ghost problem now facing the world.
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tj-crochets · 18 days
I have sewed a few more blocks from the beach quilt, and I repaired a stuffed animal for a neighbor (no pictures because it's not my stuffed animal), but crafting updates might be a little sparse for the next week or so? I have a short week at work this week, a lot of work to get done, and I am getting my covid booster this week (we'll see how that goes lol)
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fisheito · 1 month
eiden inspires me to new heights [working up the courage to negotiate prices at the farmer's market]
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moregraceful · 2 months
what is a goalie tandem but the two guys who work the night shift at dairy queen getting blazed out of their fucking gourd and making out with tongue when there are no customers. anyway. don't look at me, i'm going thru something personal
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Is anyone claiming that it is? Rings of Power is currently the number one show on Amazon. No one’s saying it was bigger than Fallout, which was the number one show in Amazon when it was released. Also need to add some context to those numbers. That 65 million was based on 16 days and 8 episodes as Fallout dropped its entire season in one go. Rings of Power's 40 million is based on 11 days and only 4 episodes as it releasing weekly. Fallout's 11 day total would've been something like 44 million, still ahead of Rings of Power, but not massively and again that's because it had more episode available to watch. Of course, the only source we have on this is Amazon itself. As with all streamers we need to take what they say with a pinch of salt. You can never really be sure what is and isn't a success with them. Even cancellation isn't a sure sign of failure because they will axe a hit show just to save money and avoid wage increases for cast and crew.
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digimontamerlayne · 2 months
I'm playing Cyber Sleuth for the first time because I got it on sale, and I am now angrily glaring at past me for not looking for it on deals sooner cause I love it. So here's my over excited rant of my general experience. I actually cut this short remarkably.
I am only on Chapter 4, so my info only goes to after defeating the Eater in the Subway.
At the start I felt pressed on the whole Pokemon Starter-esque way you gotta choose between Terriermon, Palmon, and Hagurumon. But you can still get them all later which is nice. The need to choose just put me on the spot.
Normally, I'd have jumped at getting Terriermon (I prefer Lopmon but you can't go wrong with Terriermon), but I wound up doing "wheel of fate" and got Hagurumon.
And now I'm attatched to it. I digivolved it to Clockmon cause I knew one digivolution was Guardromon, so I was curious about the others' possibilities. I could tell one was Scumon, though, and that was not happening. Thank you.
My current team set up is Clockmon, Gabumon BLK (I got attatched to him too), Fanbeemon originally but it has been switched for Lopmon for now, and Impmon in my reserve because the moment I found out Kuramon and then Pagumon digivolve to Impmon that felt mandatory to do.
Story thus far is pretty cool. Interesting characters. Kyoko Kuremi is pretty and rather interesting, but she needs to have her coffee pot removed from her office immediately. Anyways, she and Nokia feel a bit on the nose to pull in specific audience through use of "attractive allure" (*eye roll*), but I was told for Nokia it's part of her character of how she likes presenting herself and I know people who do the same and especially when they were 17 like she is, so she does make sense to me. But half the time that outfit of her's does not. It defies logic, I swear. Pretty or not. But Nokia's connection and partnering up with Agumon and Gabumon is pretty freaking cute and feels like a hint at her true colors underneath the choice of flashy-ness.
Arata felt pretty enigmatic, though less than Yuugo because Arata had just enough "I'm deliberately acting too cool" and was just enough of a smirking "jerk" to counter most of the enigmaticness. And then he gushed about the Cyber Sleuth thing after trying to brush off his interest. He revealed his true colors: he's a geek like the rest of us. I will hold that and the fact he ditched me to escape Crazy Detective Date on my own over his head whenever I talk about him. But the rest of him still feels "mystery" enough.
I'll talk more about other characters some other time when I feel more connected or understand them better. Right now, I only really got connected to Nokia (plus Agumon + Gabumon) and now Arata enough to give opinionable interest. Except one, dude. I'm gonna gripe about Jimiken here in a minute for a reason.
But anyway, I love a lot of the side stuff going on too.
Example: Mirei sending me to make hackers abusing Digimon repent is nice. But in the second round, the Three Scammers Siblings you go after, I was not ready for that! The oldest sibling as a nonbinary character with motives linking towards their identity and how pressed they felt having to "choose", and how their scams (which were mostly just catfishing compared to their brother's scams) link back to their harsh emotions towards that. Not justified (especially if you look at the "forcing their digimon to do the work" part which is why you're confronting them) for what they wound up doing to others, but clear in what motivated them. I was neither expecting nor ready for that, and I love it. And the fact we get to give them a pep talk about how they were strong and are a great sibling to their brothers to cheer them up was awesome. I am sorta sad that the dialog where they ask for our digiline wasn't actually interactable. C'mon, in Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold, you get more numbers than you can keep up with. Why not with this?
So, I'm having the time of my life with this game.
Although I found out the hard way about the Game Overs when you lose a battle. I loath Jimiken and the chapter and a half BACK he sent me. What I felt on par with "not saving in Pokemon and your device dying" level of despair. I had to redo chapter 2 and then my progress through chapter 3 back to that stupid fight, saving every few minutes out of sheer paranoia! It undid digimon I had converted and digivolutions I had done!
I was cussing out his Devimon and Meramon while fighting it. I was having flashbacks to Adventure Devimon, just channeling 12 year old me's emotions to relive that hatred of Devimon for this fight... But that died the moment Jimiken blamed his Digimon for losing. I became this specific Devimon's number 1 advocate cause screw this Paul Stanley wannabe. It is not this Devimon's fault you suck. This Devimon was Hella strong and made me scream cause it took me from just under half health to no health on my reserve digimon when he himself had just one last hit point before I beat him (can you tell I'm still a little sore on that?).
This was an amazing moment for me. I hated Jimiken so much it somehow bulldozed right over the loathing I had for Devimon in general that my introduction to Digimon drilled into me in a matter of moments. This is a bizarre development for me I'm still getting used to.
Also, WHAT IS CRAZY DETECTIVE LADY DATE!? What is her problem? It's funny but she is unsettling with her yelling.
Alright, I'm cutting this rant short here before I keep going over board.
I got carried away in the tags, so there's a rant in there, too.
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mossflower · 3 months
terfery is evil and they’re vitrolic bigots who don’t believe in bodily autonomy. but their perception of gender - that it doesn’t exist - is an interesting one!! i don’t really agree with it but it’s interesting. like i’m afab and i’ve never once felt like a woman. ‘woman’ to me is a box that gets ticked on paperwork because i have tits and a vagina. but then they turn around and act like sex is a fact as immutable as gravity which is just patently false. my tits and vagina are not as immutable as gravity!!
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colorisbyshe · 4 months
so many stores/companies are getting rid of their free rewards programs and just leaving any possible benefits to paid members... cash back, stamp cards (digital or physical) where if you buy 10 or so of X item over a year you get one free, even COUPONS are being hidden away behind apps that steal your data and paid memberships
discounts have been turned into a paid subscription or locked behind getting a credit card with them and it's like... i'm not getting a credit card for every place i shop i'm just not doing that
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fromtheseventhhell · 11 months
I don't want to imply only Arya antis think she'll go to the Riverlands first lol I'm pretty sure us Arya stans came up with the theory she'll reunite with Lady Stoneheart and give her the gift of mercy in the first place. Unfortunately though there are a lot of people whose speculation for Arya starts and ends at her killing people and disappearing off the face of the earth or realizing "revenge is bad" and then doing absolutely nothing afterwards. Though one thing I've seen very common with Arya antis is the idea that she'll effectually never reunite with any of her family members or identify as Arya going forward, either staying in the shadows or dying nameless or faceless without anyone recognizing her. That's a bit that worries me somewhat with her returning to the Riverlands first thing. Most Arya fans do expect her to be crowned by Lady Stoneheart and lead the BWB and Nymeria's pack up north but a lot of speculation from non-Arya fans ends up similar to Arya's reunion with Sansa and Bran in season 7; out of the loop, out of place, her journey treated as boring compared to the others, underwhelming reunions, conveniently out of the picture long enough so she can't ruin relationships that otherwise wouldn't happen with her present, secondary to Sansa.
One thing I think gets overlooked is how close Braavos is to Westeros. I've seen a lot of people act like Sansa in the Vale is a hop, skip, and a jump away from the Wall while treating Braavos like it's as far away as Meereen but they're actually about the same distance away. Braavos does appear to be perfectly placed if his original intent was for Arya to end up somewhere in the North, whether at the Wall, White Harbor, or even Hardhome.
But mostly I reject the idea that Arya will end up secondary to her brothers if she goes North. I have faith in GRRM loving Arya too much to ever treat her the way the show did in seasons 7 and 8. I think she has a role to play in the North considering how much of the Northern plots in ADWD are tied together with the "Arya"-Ramsay marriage and Jeyne. Stansas ASOIAF fans really believe that Jeyne will have absolutely no intersection with the person she's impersonating despite GRRM spelling it out that she's almost guaranteed to sail to Braavos for safety. It makes absolutely no sense to believe Jeyne would go to Braavos and never even encounter Arya. We also know GRRM intended for the Stark direwolves to go against Ramsay's hounds at some point in the future of which there's about nine named ones so far. Sounds like Ramsay will find out what wolves to do dogs ;) That may be enough to overwhelm Ghost or Shaggydog even if together but even a fraction of Nymeria's pack going north with her could handle them. I also refuse to believe Lady Stoneheart will die again before encountering a resurrected Jon. There's been rumors she and her men have been seen disappearing into the Neck which did lead to in book speculation the BWB has some contact with the Crannogmen. Arya can also be a bridge between Bran and Jon if GRRM keeps the estrangement between them.
And I really want Roose to find out he was in fact careless with a prize of great worth by not realizing he had the real Arya Stark under his nose in Harrenhal as his cupbearer lol. It'd be a shame if he died before finding out. But I do agree that she could go to either location and GRRM could make it work. I seem to remember jokes about GRRM being stuck because there are too many locations he wants her to be in lol.
I didn't think you were implying that, I just wanted to clarify that there were valid reasons for her heading to the riverlands and that I agree that some people only theorize that because they view the North as the most important location so they ignore her connections to it. I agree with a lot of your points and it's very frustrating that Arya's arc gets reduced so much because people refuse to see her as an important character. A majority of the theories surrounding her are the barest bones and people only expect her to leave the faceless men, kill [x] character, and then fuck off in a boat while her siblings (i.e. Sansa) carry the bulk of the Northern plot. The reality is that Arya's arc is difficult to predict because she has so many plot setups. There is an entire arc in Braavos waiting to play out, she has connections to the Northern plot, and she has plenty to do in the Riverlands. Arya is one of George's favorite characters and he's spent a lot of time developing her for a reason, so safe to say that whatever route he ends up taking it's going to be well-written and respectful to her character.
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designsdefiance · 6 months
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day 19: danger
reasonably, she knows that m'kipfhi's been in the first longer than she's been gone from the source. she's not a baby anymore, she can handle herself. that doesn't make it any easier for m'seyli to watch her charge recklessly into danger like that!!!
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mandibazaar · 2 years
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Heena Mehandi Cone - Bulk Deal on 12 Cones - Mandi Bazaar
Mandi Bazaar Offer Indian Cosmetics in New Zealand. like Ayur Rose Face Pack, Sri Sri Fortifying Cream, Patanjali Neem Aloe Vera Face Wash, Fair And Lovely Cream, Fair And Handsome Cream and Heena Mehandi Cone.
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augment-techs · 2 months
Okay, but imagine you're giving head to your werewolf bf and he knots in your mouth so you have to choke on his cock for like an hour.
-What Goldar hears Bulk and Skull talking about when sent on a spying mission. Which provides an instant excuse to present to Rita to NEVER have to go on these missions.
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fullmoonfireball · 10 months
i think the only Pikmin character i will not at least give side-eye for drawing with big ol titties is the President's wife ngl . i genuinely cannot blame anyone for giving her jugs, she's just got that vibe.
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this is a woman with big titty energy whether you like it or not
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loudmound · 2 months
i feel bad for having romance in so many of my stories but i hope that they come across as different flavors of such bcs people will naturally go about that in different ways or not at all if it's not something they desire or are into. idk. i'm a hopeless romantic either way.
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