#Building a rapport with my alters
avelera · 1 year
Ugh, popped on Twitter to geek out about the Wheel of Time S2 and immediately find a bunch of WoT dudebro fans complaining that a 15 book series of 800+ pages each isn’t getting the exact word for word adaption that exists inside their heads when they read the books. And let me remind you all, these books were my life, my first fandom, and basically my personality pretty much from when I first read them in 1999 until Robert Jordan died (alas, I read to the end but Brandon Sanderson never quite captured the magic of RJ’s writing for me again, even if I think he did the best job anyone possibly could.)
So let me just say from a place of deep respect and obsession with these books that any hate for the show based on it not being a page for page adaptation is patently insane. Much of Wheel of Time relies on the strengths of prose which are untranslatable to a visual medium. Stuff like how magic (or the One Power) feels to cast makes up a huge proportion of the book. You can externally portray a feeling, sure, but there are still limits.
They forget that Book 1 was written to be standalone and has a ton of inconsistencies with later books that need to be shored up. That means logistical changes which cause necessary alterations almost all of which have actually been massive improvements in my mind. For all my love of Wheel of Time, its pacing is atrocious and I think even RJ would agree that if he could go back with the whole story in mind and edit it to be more streamlined, he absolutely would have. The show HAS to do that or we’d still be in the goddamn Two Rivers with the book pacing.
Centering the first season on the White Tower and Moiraine’s POV makes sense. The book relied on Moiraine being a Gandalf figure that gave information away at the pace of reader reveals, in tiny drips meant to tantalize a slow-paced book’s reader. That would be immensely frustrating for a tv show viewer of a story set in a sprawling fantasy world that needs tons of explanation and world building up front to have any idea what’s going on. Focusing on Moiraine, who has the answers, instead of sticking to the ignorance of the kids isn’t just a good choice it’s very nearly the only choice you can make. The White Tower is one of the most complex and interesting parts of that world. Centering it and introducing it earlier was an incredibly wise choice.
Other smaller choices make sense too if people thought about it for two seconds. Aging up the kids makes sense. They’re teens in the books and it would be incredibly awkward on screen. But once you age them up, it makes sense that at least ONE of them has been married before. Perrin makes SENSE to have been married if he left Two Rivers later. He’s a responsible guy with a good trade and a level head on his shoulders. He’s sweet and caring and mature. Of course he got married, he’s from a small farming community in a medieval-esque world with shorter life expectancies. Furthermore, I love Perrin to death but his obsessive fear of hurting Faile later is frankly ungrounded in anything that isn’t benign misogyny on some level. It doesn’t update and translate well on its own. Giving him Laila, giving him the manner of Laila’s death grounds his later attitudes towards Faile so well I literally gasped when I put it all together.
Other changes like in S2 having Min and Mat meet the way they do in Tar Valon was genius. It matters more that Mat and Min have rapport than that they meet in the same circumstances as the book (and Mat wouldn’t even remember that meeting anyway lol). The rapport set up and the way it showed Mat’s genius and con artistry was brilliant. Showing these characters LIKE each other was incredibly engaging and endearing which is so important because the adaptation has to be enjoyable to non book readers too, especially since the 15, 800+ page books of meandering pacing are pretty much impenetrable to new readers. Book readers simply can’t make up the majority of the audience, there’s not enough of them to sustain a show with any kind of budget which WOT requires. Thus, it needs to be an enjoyable show in its own right, not just a meandering exact adaptation ffs.
I can literally point to any show change and say it was either logical, practical, thematic, or simply genius. Wheel of Time desperately needs an edit to be accessible to modern audiences. What an adaptation prioritizes is always a risk that’s going to be run for a fan of the original material but so far I’ve been wildly impressed by every choice made in how logical or thoughtful and most of all loving it was to the actual important emotions and themes of the book. Any complainers are seriously missing the point of what an adaptation even is.
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
Actually we have a system friend that has been though RAMCOA and it’s a bit more involved than “just torture”.
Think of it as a way to put a virus into a computer system so that you gain control from the inside. The goal is to get compliance and a victim that will return to you or do other things if they ever try to “break free”.
There is several different programs that can trigger a programed alter to do their programming which can include: denying the trauma, false memories, reporting on the system to the abuser, and self-harming oneself.
From what I have been told the abuser will build up rapport with the victim after all it’s the only way how some of this works. It was extremely hard for my friend to escape the situation and stay away. They are at risk to return to their abuser if their recall program gets triggered.
We are no experts but it’s a bit rude in our opinion to see it as just a torture thing that can’t work out. Which, yes, torture is really ineffective that’s why there is other parts to RAMCOA it’s an acronym for Ritual Abuse [RA], Mind Control [MC], Organized Abuse [OA].
I think context is getting lost here.
This started from an anti-endo claiming the existence of RAMCOA systems proved endogenic systems couldn't exist because if abusers could program someone without torture, the abusers would do it that way because the traumatic ways would be more trouble.
My point with the torture in interrogation was that humans have a long history of relying on torture even when it proves ineffective.
None of this was to comment on the effectiveness of RAMCOA in controlling people or to reduce it to just torture.
Although, I also want to note that there's probably no single way for RAMCOA to occur. I doubt your Satanic cults are meeting up with your Christian cults and your pagan cults and your assorted human traffickers to share their secret brainwashing techniques with each other. So techniques used on one person probably wouldn't be exactly the same as those used on another.
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granulesofsand · 7 months
Good gay/night/else, Dune! Never wrote you (probably, I don't remember) but now I have a question and wander if you guys can know answer. Do not answer if what is inside makes you feel uneasy or bad or smth else, take care of yourselves, you are one of my favourite blogs to follow
TW for programming, brief mention of torture, sex and missing limbs (nothing detailed, not real gore)
1) our whole life (as we remember it) our legs sometimes just deactivate randomly during day. We always needed to spend some time to make them work again
2) as we understood more about being system, we noticed that "no-no legs" is actually switching to somebody
3) it's nonhuman alter that "smells" like somebody related to sex, thinking about itself as thing made for sex
4) we probably have programming and do wander if it's programmed alter or smth like this
We have bad feelings about it. It feels very wrong. We wonder if you have ever seen something like this or expiriensed it. We heared only about hc-did systems being tortured aka programmed to think that body misses limbs, but we don't remember anything like this and we never had even big bruises in childhood, our parents would notice
🗝️🏷️ programming/torture and deprogramming details, sex and sexuality, RAMCOA in general
We’ve heard of a few similar experiences, and I’m fairly certain all of the ones I’m thinking of were from RAMCOA systems. I’m going to respond to each of the numbers as best I can, and we’ll see how that goes.
1) That sounds like dissociative paralysis (assuming y’all don’t have a physical condition causing it), which I’ve seen in both system members who thought that body part was absent or who had to hold the body in a certain position.
The main thing is that whoever is paralyzed doesn’t know they can move the body part that isn’t working. I have read about system members coming to this conclusion on their own, but even then it was usually because they were conditioned into it while forming.
Programs that can have this effect on legs include: doll/puppet, animal (especially snakes or those whose limbs don’t work like humans’), statue, and any punishments that were targeting that body part.
2) It could be switching, passive influence (especially if the one doing it is less elaborated) or someone whose job it is to turn on that paralysis (it can look like a button, a switch, a lever, a book, anything). The best way to find out (if you can’t observe them do the thing) is by asking.
We’ve seen some of your posts about conflict between alters, and, from experience, people who don’t trust you don’t tend to answer. Building rapport has to come first, otherwise you risk punishment and retaliation.
Reassuring them that there won’t be consequences (only if it’s true) and writing it out somewhere the others won’t stumble upon it can help, because there’s less chance of someone hurting them and it might get around don’t-talk rhetoric if they’ve been taught it.
3) The non-humanness of the alter doesn’t necessarily imply they’re programmed, but smelling like a perp (or anyone, really) is something I’ve never heard for by-chance alters. The believing they’re made for sex can be tended to the same regardless of origin, and looking to programmed survivors might help kick-start the healing process purely because it’s a common belief for programmed alters.
We usually start the same for anyone who has strict self-concepts like this, which is by giving them choices wherever possible. Simple things, yes-no questions like if they want ketchup with fries (and giving them space to choose outside the yes-no as long as it isn’t causing harm), then open-ended questions like what their favorite fruit is, then slightly more abstract ones like what their favorite color is.
You& can skip the orange paragraph, it has to do with sex and sexuality.
If that doesn’t work, we move to treating it as a sexual problem. Sometimes we have to get their attention by putting on (ideally non-harmful, or fictional is the next step) porn or using the kind of touch they’re used to (but let them do it or keep it to your most trusted systemmates, then move to your& most trusted outside people) and then packing in as much information as they can hold while you’re around them.
A harm reduction approach helps to make progress without immediately demanding perfection. Decide what the end goal is for this person and set incremental targets. Celebrate every target met, even if it’s not how you envisioned it happening.
4) If it is programmed, there are a lot of ways for perps to get this reaction without causing marks. Holding the position, for example, or limiting the amount of space that person had to move around could have them maintaining that behavior when they no longer need to. Hiding their legs or a larger impact could have them believing their legs aren’t usable without damaging the skin.
Our system consensus is that programming is the intention and the effect, and if the conditioning had both, it counts. You& don’t have to agree with that, and labels are always optional. You& can address the symptoms without naming the cause, or you can give it another name if ‘programming’ isn’t helpful.
The discomfort (or other bad feeling, if that’s too mildly connotated for you&) could be leaking over from those who do remember, or it could be that you’re recognizing something is strange about the situation. Human brains are very good at picking up on subtle details, and trusting that something is up because of those alarms is generally healthy.
Still do try to treat everyone with dignity and respect, including if they feel wrong, but have plans for going forward in both cases, whether the feeling is correct or not. Especially with trauma, it’s easy to decide someone isn’t worth helping, and that’s not conducive to healing whatever wounds are present here.
I’m glad you’re& noticing members in pain, even if you& can’t or aren’t ready to help them yet. Creating bonds and strengthening them will keep your system on a different path from whatever your& perps intended, and spite is a hell of a motivator. I believe in your& ability to heal, pitfalls and lapses included.
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Hypnokink Basics: Special Techniques (pt 3) - Neurolinguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
I don't have an example for this one and will instead link to "Kinky NLP" by sleepingirl
NLP is a bit of an odd creature, because it has such a woolly definition. In the broadest possible terms, it is a suite of techniques that use the way we talk about things to reframe the way we think about things, as a kind of in-language extension of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. It also overlaps with conditioning/brainwashing to some extent.
One common technique of NLP is called an "Incantation," though hypnokinksters might better know it as a "mantra." Repeatedly saying something that you want to be true or to make true about yourself - "obedience is pleasure," "I am a good doll," "I am my Master's perfect fucktoy" or whatever you might want as part of your kinky dynamic - can gradually, over time, make it more and more true and transform your mind. It can reprogram your brain, bit by bit. This has limits, of course, in that there are certain things that are hard-wired into your brain that are unlikely to change, but there are many more than you think that are not. Using something like this does not require a hypnotic induction to work. It might benefit from one, or from being in some other altered state (heightened arousal or the edge of orgasm, for example), but it doesn't require any of that in order to work. All it needs is motivation, and to be used with regularity over time.
A second technique which is often poached from the NLP playbook by many hypnotists, and many (pardon me I feel a bit ill) "pick-up artists" is "mirroring." This technique is, essentially, to help build rapport with someone more quickly by mirroring their body language, word choice, and so on - taking a drink whenever they take a drink, using the same words they do when describing things, etc. I bring it up because this is an example of a technique that, when used carefully, thoughtfully, and in moderation can be very helpful... but when used thoughtlessly and carelessly, can be less than useless.
For example, if you start mimicking every action of a person to whom you are speaking, leaning in altogether too close for comfort, using their exact body language, their precise word choice... that's incredibly creepy. Don't do that. The way I employ mirroring is more targeted. If I notice that a partner consistently uses a certain word to describe something in trance - they see a "scarlet" ball of light, for instance - then I make sure to use that word, not some similar word like "red" or "crimson" when I describe that same thing. However they tell me they experience trance, that is how I describe the experience back to them. If they make it clear that they want [x], [y] and [z] in trance, then that is not only what I want, that is what I am enthusiastic to provide (though that's because of my own personal proclivities as much as it is any mirroring on my part, but it does serve the purpose).
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daedrabait · 2 years
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This is Veris, one of my other Skyrim ocs who is still in development. He is not dragonborn but he is still a funky lil guy.
Gonna include more info about him below the cut.
Cw for gender fuckery and some brief mentionings of discrimination.
Veris's basic info:
- Gender: trans male, he/him
- Sexuality: omnisexual (he loves everyone and anyone)
- Race: Dunmer
- Age: 27
- Height: 5'3" (I love short kings)
- Love interest/who he is shipped with: Balimund
- Morality: moderate to low. He does what he needs to get by, isn't always completely honest, and likes to manipulate people. He steals and kills a lot especially in Windhelm but tries to be a little more merciful after leaving. But he does grow to care about others pretty easily and is fiercely loyal to them, doing whatever he can to protect them. He loves his friends.
Veris escaped the Windhelm Grey Quarter to go to the city of Riften to discover more opportunity.
He respects Azura even if he doesn't actively worship her. He does worship Dibella and eventually Mara.
- adept at destruction (especially fire) and conjuration magic
- adept at swordsmanship (one-handed)
- not very good at restoration
- moderate skill with alteration (he uses stoneflesh and transmute ore mostly)
- high speechcraft.
- wears exclusively robes and light armor.
- adept pickpocket (What he fails at, he flirts his way out of)
- bad at picking locks. He magicks or breaks them open.
- decent alchemist. He makes the essentials like health, stamina, and magicka. Others not so much.
- master at enchantment. He loves soul gems cause they're pretty and powerful, so he sought to learn a lot about it.
- adept smith (he learns from Balimund and makes mostly jewelry)
Veris was orphaned at the age of 10, found in the middle of the icy docks of Windhelm after his mother left the city for Solstheim and decided that taking her child along with her would be too much trouble. He was taken back into the city by the guards and raised by the community of Dunmer in the Grey Quarter of the city. Veris was always a troublemaker and never quite felt that he belonged anywhere. He learned to manipulate people into getting what he wanted and needed. He stole and did odd jobs for people, never backing down from the mistreatment of the Nords and often getting himself into trouble and using his silver tongue to get himself back out of it. He presented mostly as feminine in Windhelm though he always introduced himself as male, never having been taken seriously by more than a very small handful of people.
Veris likes pretty things and dressing more femininely especially as his transition progresses and his outward bodily appearance is more masculine, but is timid about doing it openly in Riften at first because of bad experiences in Windhelm. Balimund helps him be more comfortable with this, reassuring him that he's still a man no matter what he wears and that everyone knows it.
Veris goes to Riften, a far cry from Windhelm, to start his new life. Along the way and once he gets there, he does lots of mercenary work to make more money and to build up rapport with the townspeople as he presents more masculine in attempt for them to take his gender seriously. He grows stronger and more skilled as he does these jobs. He meets Balimund and forges a bond with him, and attends the temple of Mara to try and work out his feelings. He continues his work as a mercenary even after he and Balimund get married, and though he isn't nearly as cruel as he was before, Veris doesn't try to pretend that he is the perfect picture for morality and doesn't care to be.
Veris is still marked by his upbringing in Windhelm. He is a strong and charismatic man in most situations but falters when people (especially those he barely knows) are overtly nice to him, unsure how to react to it. He can be quick to anger when discriminated/seeing someone else be discriminated against. He is very affectionate with those he's come to care about and will defend them fiercely and passionately.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
I realized I had a lot of fun doing the Arcann & Tyr post and that it’s not the only npc dynamic that fascinates me that I don’t often exactly write about, so!! I may or may not be doing a little series of these kinds of post now, lol, because there’s a few others I’d like to explore more on!
Today I bring you... Lana and Tyr! Whom I’ve talked about before in a few answers and whom I’ve even written something about as far as the progression of their dynamic, but we do love centralized information, so I’m gonna put it in a post! : D Because they still fascinate me constantly.
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In short, Lana and Tyr’s relationship spends a lot of time in relatively rocky territory. Part of what I enjoy so much about their dynamic is that it’s utterly different than any other character I’ve played this far; even my Republic characters take to her faster than Tyr ultimately does - which at one point I found interesting because you’d think being on the same side would help, but there’s a lot of Tyr’s experience specifically as Cipher Nine that goes a long way into altering their relationship.
She was a superior to report to, another Sith to keep a careful watch on, long before Tyr could ever feel comfortable calling her a friend. It isn’t really until they’re in the Alliance together that they find more even ground and, even then, Tyr’s guard isn’t completely down all of the time. But they are on better terms than they are when they first met.
A lot of Tyr’s reticence with her is based on having first met her as a superior to report to. When they are first introduced to work together on the assault on Tython and the corresponding defense of the Korriban Sith Academy, Lana still outranks him as a Sith Lord and Tyr’s still suffering a rather precarious job security predicament in the nebulous space between the shutdown of Imperial Intelligence’s Operations Division and the restructuring of the department to serve Sith Intelligence. Tyr’s modus operandi here then is trust no one. In his experience, the Sith are unpredictable and fickle creatures. In short, he keeps his head down and serves his assigned purpose as infiltrator, scout, and combat support in the blooming hunt for the Revanites, but they have a distinct power imbalance that Tyr’s far more painfully aware of than Lana. This does, however, go unaddressed by both parties because Lana doesn’t think of it as keenly as Tyr and Tyr isn’t about to risk his position to bring it up when it’s not particularly bothersome at the time.
Lana, at the time, is focused on the job at hand, and Nine, for this purpose, is a tool in her kit to complete that job. She’d be remiss to refuse the assistance of one of Intelligence’s surviving assets and, for his part, Tyr raises little complaint in being handled like a weapon more than a comrade, for now. The less close she is, the less likely he is to get burnt, after all.
Interestingly, Nine bonds with Theron Shan rather rapidly in comparison. As a fellow agent also trapped sort of between a rock and a hard place of doing what is necessary even when the odds are stacked against them all, Tyr sees him more as an equal, despite the faction lines between them - but that’s a whole post itself, lol.
But Theron is a catching point for them several times in their history. In the hunt for the Revanites, Tyr begins to see Lana as pragmatic. She’s involved in the process and shows a willingness to learn that he doesn’t see in most of his other Sith contacts. He’s still far more loose with Shan than he is with her, but they build a decent professional rapport by the time they hit Rishi.
And then Theron Shan gets captured. On her watch. By her design.
It brings what respect he’d been forming for her to a screeching halt. He almost shuts down again, back to reporting to her as Nine more than Tyr. For Tyr, it’s the kind of behavior that reminds him alarmingly of the Dark Council’s desire to execute him that the Minister of Intelligence only very narrowly muzzles into the Castellan Restraints. It’s a reminder of Corellia. It’s a stark reminder that Imperials are pawns to Sith games. He pushes her for an apology. Still, they don’t alter the ‘terms’ of their particular relationship, but Lana does learn one of his non-negotiable lines: operatives are not disposable. (That fic is here)
Tyr’s worked with her long enough to know he can voice his opinions and she will consider them. Where Lana may have considered them friends by Rishi, Tyr still sees a more professional-only relationship. And they maintain this weird balance into their collaborations during Sith Intelligence. As Commander and one of the prides of Imperial Intelligence absorbed into the new agency, I imagine Tyr helps her run operations somewhat from the shadows, acting still both as a field operative and a somewhat unofficial right hand man. She learns quickly, but Tyr has the experience on the ground and from the Citadel that helps smooth out the finer wrinkles of operations and managing agents. At the very least, they’re not afraid of handling candid conversations about the way the agency is being run, even if it’s in a locked office away from the eyes of their operatives, even if sometimes voices get heated because of their differences in opinion.
And then comes Zakuul. There is a lot about Zakuul Tyr never particularly anticipated. Surviving the destruction of Marr’s fleet is one, for sure, but that it’s Lana Beniko of all people seeking to rescue him to fight for the fate of the galaxy sure makes a run for the top of the list. In the Endless Swamps, Tyr finally gives her his name. His name. Sure, she had his files as Minister, but this is his symbolic trust. It renegotiates the terms, so to speak, at last. Tyr makes the active decision to trust her. He recognizes she’s someone he can rely on. (Annd that fic is here!)
It’s still odd through much of the Alliance. Their roles have essentially reversed. Lana is relying heavily on his judgement for decisions and offering relatively unconditional support. A tinge of their professionalism remains. Theron may give him space and come to understand when it involves managing his struggles with the transition. Lana is who he can rely on to be almost brutally honest with him. She still pushes him in ways neither of them really name - even now. The pressure to fill a role for her still goes largely unaddressed - it’s Commander of the Alliance instead of Cipher Nine now, but the weight settles similarly.
Still, they’re as close to equal as they ever get.
Lana is strong-willed, determined on a path once she has set herself upon it. Again, they butt heads over the matter of Theron Shan when pursuing the Order of Zildrog. Lana’s displeasure at being fooled, at not being able to protect her Commander and their Alliance, drive her closer to sharp edges. They get short with each other at times over not driving their operatives to their breaking points. Tyr never gives up on Theron. Lana presses him about doing what is necessary, when the time comes, about the risks, and Tyr balks. Had she not backed down when he asked, they absolutely ran the risk of getting into a fight about it.
And yet again they play a precarious game over their allegiance. Lana, ever-pragmatic, still reasons for the benefits of an Imperial alliance, but doesn’t walk away when Tyr resumes the mantle of double agent. He doesn’t entirely understand her loyalty to him, but he’s grateful, nonetheless, for her support.
In short, I suppose they continue to suffer because they never quite clear away all of their communication holds. In a way, the distance that’s established at their first meeting never entirely closes, but the gap’s much shorter than it was. They’ve both had their reasons for their actions and it’s something they have developed a respectful understanding for. In the end, after all of this time, they are at least certain the other will watch their back when they ask. That kind of loyalty is hard to find.
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void-tiger · 5 months
…the difference between me and my allo friend… she already has a friendship with her crush. Her crush jokes and texts and visits her back. He’s even hugged her. And if he isn’t attracted to her back, she’ll throw all that away. Is there ANY consideration for his feelings at all?!
While me? I will rip out my own heart by keeping my distance if that’s what would be needed from me—because of a lack of interest, or because things are just complicated; there isn’t a lack of interest back. The opposite, apparently. There’s an Old Guilt about Yet Again feeling unable to reciprocate back the way they wish to…when this whole time all I’ve wanted was to try and find a middle ground. I will aggressively and persistently defend the right to JUST friendship and gently but firmly tell everyone to Leave It Alone, Stay Out Of It, Don’t Pressure EITHER Of Us. Because actual trust and respect and building a solid friendship at whatever level the other person either wants or can offer back…that means more to me than “I’m romantically attracted to this person emotionally and if they feel the same way I’d be open to exploring that with them at whatever point in the future.”
I…dunno. Maybe it’s just the difference between allosexuals and asexuals. Or Lust/Infatuation and alterous/queer platonic attraction. I won’t claim that I’m immune to limerence because…I’m not. But the kind I experience isn’t built upon The Idea of a person and what they look like…but my brain refusing to not get hyperfixated on someone and struggling to pry its jaws open to Let It GO, and…hope, I guess. Hope to finally actually be accepted and not containing myself so tightly inside.
Who someone actually is, if we have a spark of a platonic rapport (over QPR or romantic), matters more to me than an Idea of them, how they look, etc.
And it’s hard to not feel exasperated with apparently…this isn’t how people experience things. I’m always worrying my desire for a connection is too heavy and ultimately selfish. Even as…I really Don’t Care what sort of relationship I have, I just want to discover what it is and fortify it then privately compartmentalize anything leftover. While the majority of people…really don’t take someone’s feelings into consideration at all. It’s only how they feel and how the object of their attraction makes them feel.
…how am I supposed to not feel completely furious about this utter objectification regardless of someone’s gender and sexuality being considered the Acceptable Norm.
Especially when I have always had to fight so damn hard to even have friends and platonic intimacy with friends. Forget when I do have “extra” platonic attraction at play as well.
#tiger’s roar#don’t mind me. it’s just ANGY Ace Time#and I DO have the respect and care and dare I say it affection and attraction more or less returned#but like. I had to fight SO FUCKING HARD for it#harder than anyone else would’ve bothered to#…but the draw just Wouldn’t Go Away and the Draw even existed at all because they ARE someone who’s acted like they yearn for that too#that they are kind. and accept me. and have similar/same interests and to some degree a similar sense of humor#the tension…is circumstances. and misunderstandings for like. 2.5 years. but I think I FINALLY got those resolved#because…I am. stubborn like that. if I’m not told No each time I Check For A No. if I can accept I’m Not A Bother#then…yeah. I’m gonna put energy into exploring for a middle ground and defending the right to friendship and understanding/accepting#in addition to the selfwork I’m going to keep on doing. for my own healing. my own future self.#but especially when it might/is affecting other people#’iT’s nOT tHAT dEEP TiGER!!’ okay but LISTEN. I have A LOT of trauma to resolve and yearning for connection to deal with#and social skills to be stuck practicing very much delayed because my developmental environment STUNTED them#but the pain of Not Dealing With It is poisoning me so…I HAVE to deal with the extreme distress of taking that on#so…yeah. it IS That Deep to me#and when people just…take the friendships they already have for granted… BRUH.
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deathsbestgirl · 2 years
i’ve said it before but i am obsessed with this episode. it’s so good. one of my favorite cases & the msr moments are some of my favorite (the way i love the slow build up is embarrassing but i sincerely love every damn step they take in their partnership & relationship). the paranoia, the fear, the trust, the *care* — beautiful
but literally this is one of my favorite openings. i don’t even know how to explain why. it’s something about “we’re not who we are…and it goes no further than this. it stops right here, right now.” and the way these two men are so clearly aware their mental status has been altered and they don’t want to do what they’ve done & are doing. and the moment they stop pointing their guns at each other (after a pretty brutal fight) and turn the guns on themselves. in that moment, they made the decision not to kill another person, but they had to kill. so their choice was killing themselves to put an end to it. the absolute insane circumstances they were in, made these intelligent & seemingly happy men (prior to whatever happened) made them choose something they probably never seriously considered. killing another or killing themselves. and specifically doing it to *stop what was happening* it’s chilling & heartbreaking, but in a weird way shows the good inside of them. that good broke through a parasite driving them to violence & murder.
it’s also just so interesting to see how differently mulder & scully take it when they’re reviewing the case. i think they’re both pretty horrified, but mulder gets excited at the prospect of the unknown and uncovering the mystery to find the truth. whereas scully shows a deep concern for what they’re going to find. she also wants to find the truth, but there’s an edge to her that you don’t see in mulder. they are both driven to help people, they both love puzzles & mysteries. but scully is more obviously affected.
i wonder if a lot of that can be chalked up to mulder’s previous experience, where scully’s only field experience is on the x files. later on in the series, mulder talks about preparing himself (irresistible). not just that it isn’t an x file, but also for the actual horror of the case (and he just wanted to take scully on a date). he worked in the violent crime unit, he’s a profiler. he has definitely seen some very dark human things. but scully has a lot less direct experience. she may have learned a lot at the academy (like she talks about later in irresistible i think), and even seen some terrible things during autopsies and learned plenty about human suffering getting her md. but there’s something different about actively working the cases, being directly confronted with the realities & having the direct contact with people connected — she sees more firsthand the world’s cruelty and the consequences. she is never fully prepared for it the way mulder is and doesn’t yet have the coping skills to deal with it all. there are always certain cases that get to them anyway, but you can more visibly see it with scully, especially early on. (at least until mulder gets very deep in a case.)
scully seems to struggle facing human suffering. her empathy just bleeds out of her.
this case is different than their cases before. they’ve been building trust & a rapport with each other but it’s still early. now they’re going to be at the top of the world with four people they don’t know & have never worked with. and immediately upon meeting them, hodge is suspicious wanting to see ids to confirm their identities. mulder & scully share a look, already feeling the tension & an inherent distrust. then dasilva makes the comment about them being fbi. it’s obviously a stressful situation for all of them, but having to work with unknown people brings it up a notch for all of them. bear adds another layer because he’s immediately antagonistic and likely doesn’t know the full story like the others.
it’s just a situation rife with many unknowns, a lot of tension & stress, two partnerships and two on their own. and mulder & scully’s partnership is about to be tested.
when they get up there, mulder & scully want to document the scene, the others want to dive right in to the research of their particular specialties. but they’re immediately confronted with a dog who attacks mulder and actually bites bear. they all have to work together the first minute that they’re there, before they get to do anything they set out to do.
and while they manage to work together to subdue and examine the dog, tensions rise quickly. bear is bitten & infected (though they don’t know they yet), and is immediately properly fearful of what’s going to happen to him & his paranoia starts building. he finds the black nodules on himself and starts to look sick, and he chooses to hide it from the others. probably fearing what they would do. they don’t know him, he hasn’t exactly been pleasant, and he’s aware of the preexisting connections. on top of bear’s issues, they all have varying opinions on how to move forward.
it’s fascinating to see how lines are drawn, yet at the same time they all put their minds to solving the case. they go over the facts they know, observe the unknown worm they found, throw out theories about the worm & what it does & what happened with the dead men. all of it just causes more fear, stress & paranoia. because if their theories are right, that worm they discovered is a danger to them and the rest of the population. they all have an instinct toward self preservation but a strong sense of responsibility to the science, the case & protecting the outside world from a possible outbreak. (and it’s funny to see that it shines out of each of them at different times. it’s always someone different who reminds the group of what’s at stake. depending on who the threat seems to be & who is threatened. i love it)
truly this could be such an incredible case study for human behavior. these are extreme circumstance on a case full of unknown variables. no survivors but the dog. one of their team already dead — the only one who can get them out of there. so what now that their immediate escape route isn’t an option? (i think the writers handled it wonderfully.)
i feel like it isn’t often we get to see so many different professionals with different expertise work a case with mulder & scully so actively. or maybe it happens more in the first season (the jersey devil) right now i can’t really recall, but it feels different.
anyway. it also tickles me how dasilva yelled out agent mulder when the dog appeared and how bear called her just “scully” like mulder does. and i think eventually they all just call each other by last names. no titles, no first names. and this alone is somehow loaded with subtext.
moving on. there are SO many disagreements & doubts. hodge makes a comment that scully could have missed something, and it gets in her head enough that she wants to double check. scully wants to kill the worms, mulder thinks they need to be researched, his typical alien spiel that she doesn’t hesitate to turn down. because she believes the risk in doing that is far too high. but he thinks the risk is too high not to learn everything they can about it. and as mulder & scully argue (loudly) hodge throws out more accusations against them to dasilva. and it’s so interesting that she sort of defends them by pointing out what he said about scully is true of him too. bear’s blood got on both of them. so if scully is to be under suspicion of being infected, then he is too. hodge also tells her he thinks mulder & scully knew what was up here the whole time. honestly pretty outrageous when they all appeared to get the same information and their reactions were just as raw as anyone else’s. though mulder ~does try to take point. like he’s the one who tells bear he needs to be examined — and stupidly holds his gun as he does so (stupidly as in WHY did he do that, it’s threatening *and* that isn’t how you hold a damn gun mulder lollll)
i have to mention the examinations. the men, whatever. but scully & dasilva — that was queer activity!! scully was so soft with her. it wasn’t a detached medical examination. that moment was bonding over their fear & giving support through it. it was beautiful with a touch if homoeroticism idc what anyone says. let bi scully reign! but in all seriousness, scully is truly one of the most tender & kind hearted characters ever.
AND THEN THE IDIOT THAT MULDER IS SHINES THROUGH. as they’re all going to bed, all in separate rooms, scully says ‘at least everyone’s okay’ and his response?! ‘don’t forget, the black nodules on the dog went away.’ why would he heighten her fear & paranoia after the exceedingly terrible day they had.
the confrontation when mulder finds murphy’s body is SO INTENSE. it’s easy to think he’s infected, but it’s easy to think any of them are infected. they’re all paranoid, hodge doesn’t hesitate to turn to violence even if it’s self defense / defense of others the way it’s portrayed.
the exchange “for gods sake scully, it’s me” “you might not be who you are” THE DEPTH OF IT. they really do already have such a strong trust. they have each other’s backs. it shouldn’t be a question. but circumstances being what they are, neither of them can be sure.
she convinces him to at least be locked up & isolated, but once again. ‘i’ll be safer in here than you out there’ however he phrased it. kicking up scully’s nerves even more. it’s good this time though because it keeps her aware.
and hodge’s little bitch fit at dasilva gives her the chance to look at the microscope and get the answer they need. dasilva’s “mistake” aka something hodge (and all of them) should have considered, especially given that it’s causing the victim’s to murder.
the way scully refuses to turn her back on mulder. she won’t back down and just put a worm inside him without knowing for sure, and certainly not without his consent.
god they’re both so scared & paranoid, but alone they’re able to speak openly & be vulnerable. “i don’t trust them. i want to trust you.” and scully grabs onto that. their examinations of each other are a lot to take in. so much unnecessary touching. scully so aggressively examines him & rubs his neck, while mulder is so gentle but grabs her neck in a way that wrecks me.
but just as mulder & scully were getting back on track, dasilva turns up hodge’s paranoia. and again they turn to violence !!! thankfully, hodge sees his mistake in time (obviously ahaha i love tv, predictable in where it needs to go). i just love the way he fumbles, embarrassing. it does make way for mulder to get free and let scully out and i love the way it seemed to be his only thought.
mulder & scully cradling dasilva is also queer activity.
it’s hilarious to me that at the end, mulder is ready to go back and truly get to the bottom of those ice worms and hodge is suddenly the one with information they don’t have — after he & dasilva act like ~the fbi agents know more than us, they already know everything~ i love that turnabout.
but this episode — the way their trust is tested by their understandable paranoia?? great preface of what’s to come later on. you always know something is wrong when they don’t trust each other (anasazi, wetwired). and every time it happens, it’s completely different circumstances, different sources of the paranoia. mulder was being drugged, scully was affected by subliminal messaging, diana fowley, the fucking smoking man. incredible the way they’re tested and come out stronger every time.
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luffyisanickname · 2 years
Chase Brody theory
TLDR: Anti probably doesn't have malicious intent towards Chase directly because he needs him to survive in a world made of matter, and Anti probbaly entered the world because of iris using anti-matter for power.
p.s if you do read all of this i apologise for any spelling mistakes and/or anything that doesn't make sense because i have literally not slept and won't be getting any sleep any time soon and i don't feel like editing and proof reading rn.
also feel free to ask me to explain shit, this is very half-assed lol
Okay so i've only seen the gt live reaction to the new mini film that Sean put out on the alter lore, so I don't know probably as much as some people but an interesting point that they made that i'm sure they'll expand on when making their own theory was the idea of iris using anti-matter to power their camera's and systems. As well something else that caught my attention was the idea that Chase is important to Anti in some way or is different from other people hence why he was contained instead of the facility removing Anti without alarming Chase. i wanted to build on that with this little 6am rambling.
So. from what my understanding of the lore is, is that iris discovered a town of people being affected in a negative way by a stone tablet and interveined to protect those people by containing the tablet. That immediately raises a red flag in my brain that Chase is now in the facility being contained and observed. I would hedge a bet that he is right at the epicentre of all that's going wrong in his life up until that point. A vessal, if you will, for the negativity that is directly influencing all of the events around him.
I noted that iris (the interviewer specifically who is likely trying to build a good rapport with Chase so he will trust him with information) mentioned how they were trying to put the blame for what is happening on Anti (and likely that is their understanding of it). However, i would like to point out that Anti as far as we know is not something found anywhere outside of Chase, which would make Chase someone worth being concerned about because what if he is the thing that is causing the problems but is actually unaware of it and has therefore created this character to push all of the blame onto?
Or it could be possible that since again Chase is meant to be the centre of all the things going wrong he could be some kind of entity that unknowingly creates these alters which would explain why for the most part he is the only one who seems to be able to not be fully possessed by them (unlike Sean who is frequently getting his body taken over by alters for shenanigans). This would mean that while the facility may be trying to capture Anti as he is the only alter that is truly a malevolent being (the other's being fairly lighthearted and fun moreso than a danger to others) it could also be that the facility hasn't realised the role in which Chase plays as the creator of these alters yet.
Alternatively, a different theory to mull on is the reference to anti-matter which i mentioned before. Maybe iris had first been a research facility into the usage of anti-matter to power objects made with matter. It could be plausable (although i have no basis for this theory beyond the obvious time and spacial warping that happens to Chase) that anti-matter is not simply the opposite of matter but instead a place beyond the known universe where the places beyond reality are made of anti-matter instead of regular matter. This could mean that when iris harnessed the powers of anti-matter to control and power their machines they unknowingly released entities from that place and allowed them into this universe, and in order to cover it all up they are going around and trying to collect the items and creatures that have leaked through and contain them away from the rest of society until they can figure out a way to send them back.
This would explain the usage of the same prefix of 'anti' for both anti-matter and anti-septiceye as they both could originate from the place. This could mean that Anti would be able to affect the technology (as seen happening in both the short clips in Sean's videos as well as during the mini film) around him much more easily as it is powered by the same stuff that he is made from. This would also explain why he is able to live almost between realities because the general rule of matter and anti-matter is that they can't co-exist in the same place at the same time, meaning he would only be able to hold a corporial form for a short amount of time before being sent back to what is likely a space between realities (like that dark place in the Darkiplier v Antisepticeye video (i'm not dragging darkiplier into this i'm just using that as an example)). This could also explain his connection to Chase in some capacity as he would likely need something to tether him into this reality through means of possession, or just taking over a body entirely as he has likely done before.
However, I again circle back around to the point of Chase being special in some capacity because if the facility knows about Anti in any way then they must have encountered him before, although those encounters are not yet explained or may never be explained. If that is the case, then Anti must be aware of how whatever tactics he was using to get into this reality before would no longer be good enough at keeping iris away from him and had to set out to find a new way of hiding essentially in plain sight. This would be where Chase would come in as likely Anti discovered him and possibly the other alters surrounding him (again no basis for this, the origins of this being a possibility have no canon in the lore as of what is known so far) and realised that there is probably something different about Chase that means that Anti can hide and use Chase to bring himself into reality whenever he pleases while not directly possessing Chase (as we know by the fact that Anti is able to walk around the facility separate from Chase and leaving bloody bare footprints while Chase is wearing shoes).
Likely, Anti didn't anticipate Chase being so negatively affected by his presence in what is probably his subconscious and when Chase (possibly) killed his wife and child, then got taken into the facility, he realised he would need to get Chase out of there and therefore raised enough trouble to have the people make a move to transfer Chase somewhere else, which would give Anti an opportunity to kill all of the facility members present and escape with Chase.
Again, this is entirely just a little theory I came up with after having no sleep and barely any knowledge of the ins and outs of the lore so it is probably mostly false. However, I think the idea that Chase is important to Anti in some way would make sense, as in the previous iterations of Anti he is constantly talking about Sean being weak and already gone, never coming back, and how we didn't do anything to help him. That could play into Anti's relationship with Chase as him having found someone strong enough to host him, someone strong enough to not die when Anti fully takes over. And i would say that when Anti approaches Chase in the hallway, he doesn't seem particularly malicious, despite appearances, towards Chase at that moment. If we ignore how terrified Chase is of Anti (because in that position who wouldn't be given how Anti looks) it almost seems like Anti saves Chase when he is distressed and wanting to get away from the people trying to detain him.
In conclusion I need sleep and to wait for a game theory/film theory episode dedicated to proving all of my theory bullshit.
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lemonpixycat · 1 year
So hey, now that things have been Permanently Altered for you in cat land, how have you been doing with all sides of it? If you don't want to talk about it that's fine too and I understand <3. Just wanted to check in
Things are going okay, though it's still really really difficult to deal with the grief of losing Dinah when that grief starts to flare up. I still miss her so very much. But I feel like me and the new cat, Cassie, are really starting to build up a good rapport with each other. She likes to follow me around the house, she likes to ask to be held, she likes to meow at me! She seems to like me quite a fair bit.
Only thing is, I think she also likes my sister a fair bit? Sometimes, she'll leave me in favor of going to see my sister. Like, if they're both in my room and my sis leaves, Cassie will follow her instead of staying with me. She doesn't sleep with me at night, she sleeps in my sisters room either in the cat tree or on her bed (though she is starting to sleep with my more often). I'm hoping I'm just being paranoid and she isn't getting more attached to sis than me, though. That was, like,one of the the biggest concerns of mine is "what if the cat attaches to some one that isn't me?" when I was getting a new cat. Not sure why or what I'm doing wrong? I give Cassie treats, I'm the one that feeds her, I'm the one that plays with her. Sis does nothing for her but still she likes spending time up there with her (and sis has explicitly stated she's trying to be hands-off with the cat so she'll bond to me, too, this isn't by any means her fault), so I don't know what it is Cassie is getting from that relationship that she isn't with me? But I'm really enjoying having Cass around. She really is such a sweetheart! She isn't Dinah, and that's always going to be difficult, she's her own cat, but I'm really enjoying the cat that she is. I'm hoping as time goes on, we grow more and more attached and eventually, we'll be inseparable buds like Dinah and I were.
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tokiro07 · 2 years
Ch. 136 thoughts
[Bringing the Heat]
Short-lived as it was, it serves as a great introduction for how she’s grown; all of the experiences that she’s gained thus far (learning to draw in preparation to meet Anno Un leading to her using G-Liner, learning how to use her gun post-Unrepair arc making her a skilled shot, learning how to alter her Unluck from her time in Andy’s past allowing her to use it on objects, etc.) all culminate in a fantastic new moveset that really makes Fuuko feel like she’s as capable a fighter as anyone else
That’s not really as important as the revelation that Fuuko can impart Unluck onto objects though. It makes sense; people value objects in much the same way they do other people, often personifying them in the process, so for Fuuko to feel personally attached to the bullets that she took the time to craft herself feels like a natural evolution to her ability and one that frankly I should have seen coming. Just goes to show how engrained in the rules one can get!
Also very clever that God would send Heat to Gina’s cold town, knowing that he would go out of his way to “change” the temperature and prompt Gina to try to hold things as they are. Really explains how she used Unchange on the entire local atmosphere, she was literally trying to prevent the atmosphere itself from changing
Nico using his Pods to make a cube, thus altering the parameters of Gina’s “atmosphere” was also really clever, we love to see how the Rules can be manipulated at every turn
I’m especially glad to see Fuuko explicitly becoming friends with Gina, they established such a nice rapport right at the beginning that didn’t get to go anywhere. I wonder how that’s going to affect Gina’s feelings for Andy?
Finally, Feng being what was summoned by Fuuko’s Unluck is a really great transition to the next conflict; the fight with Heat was really short, so knowing that we’ll be able to see Fuuko face off against one of the strongest human enemies she’s ever faced really builds the hype for the next chapter!
I doubt she’s going to solo him since we’ve got Nico, Ichico and Gina around now, and considering that Undead Unluck itself is a very Friendship heavy series (I mentioned recently that there are very few one-on-ones), we’re bound to see how these three underused characters can contribute to a group-battle. Especially fitting that we’re seeing them fight against Feng, the most “I fight alone” character in the entire series
Now here’s my question: if this is 50 years before modern day, Feng should already be 120, meaning that he should have been stuck at age 70 for the last 50 years already, so why is he clearly in his 20′s again? Did he somehow get Unfade early? Did he somehow survive the Loop? Did he find Life is Strange already and use it on some unsuspecting person? ...Did Andy let him use it on him?
We are ROCKETING towards the final battle, and I. Am. PUMPED!
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starship-imzadi · 6 months
S6 E3 Man of the People
(I typed most of this out a long while ago; this is just a much delayed posting with minor additions.)
Another episode to add to Troi's suffering and trauma. This is one of the tough ones to watch.
So I actually stopped doing these for a while because I got busy but also because I didn't feel like I had the emotional energy to watch this episode. (Now I can't quite remember what happens, so let's do this!)
I always love some silent eye contact between Riker and Troi.
I wonder, do they just hold them in the pattern buffer untill whoever is supposed to greet them gets there? Troi walks in right before the materialize; It's such perfect timing....
What a way to make a bad first impression. And Troi looks deeply uncomfortable.
This beginning has a little more exposition than I want with a few too many names that are meaningless.
Worf's tai chi class. For all of Worf's supposed physical training he never strikes me as an especially poised or graceful person.
Troi and this guy's interactions immediately seem a bit awkward and forced; like bad flirting. I'm not sure if that's intended or they're meant to be establishing a positive rapport (one of the down sides of characters confined to a single episode is there's never enough time to build what feels like real chemistry and tell both plot lines A and B).
Awkwardly long shoulder touch to end the interaction. I imagine this might have been intended to display comfort? but it makes me uncomfortable because we barely know the character. Anyone lingering like that, even if they're only touching my shoulder, would make me uncomfortable if I've only known them for five minutes. (For anyone who is interested, the field that looks at non-verbal, interpersonal interaction through touch is known as social haptics or haptic communication.)
This guy's "mother" is a HUGE red flag. From her jealousy to her impertinent question. Also telling a woman that if she "mates" with this man she'll regret it for the rest of her life.... is a pretty outrageous statement.
By contrast, the rapport Troi has with Riker feels very natural and authentic. Her body language and face expression seem relaxed. His voice is softer and seems more gentle too (which is to say they both seem at ease.)
It's funny, you can hear Troi pat Riker's knee
The old woman's hands are stiff like....rigor mortis already? (Is 93 old for this time period?)
Troi had such a strong reaction when the rocks touch, clearly negative, and I want to know what she's feeling. Does she realise something is wrong?
She has such long fingernails. Wow.
(ensign Janeway?!)
What's that little thing Troi has? A skirt?
I love Picard's jacket. It was such great costuem development.
I really want to know what Troi is feeling. She's exhibiting different behavior externally but there's really nothing to tell us how she is feeling about it.
"i don't know anything about you" sounds like a potentially alluring line but the reality is she really doesn't know anything about him so she has no idea if being alone with him is even really a safe place to be.
"if there's anything else I need I know where to find you" this statement immediately displays a selfishness and a self-centeredness that is uncharacteristic of Troi. Clearly the sexual interaction she just had with this crew member was about satiating her desires, with literally the closest available person. And it brings into question abuse of authority; she has no personal relationship with the man so their only connection is professional, and she out ranks him.
And then Troi's first question to Riker seems intent on instigating jealousy, and he handles it very well. (Which is a testament to his character.) I wish he'd been written to be concerned about her altered behavior rather than apparently annoyed (but we've still got 25 minutes to get through and if he got suspicious too early there wouldn't be a plot.)
Damn, Troi is really going off the rails.
Crusher getting clever for a work around.
Data is like a child, pointing out obvious but important details. Marina does look incredible in that dress. It's much more flattering than her typically bland one piece not-uniform.
The question is, is what Troi says born from whatever she's feeling or is it genuine perception?
I'm glad to see Riker intervening. I wonder if telling her she's "way out of line" is as a commanding officer? He certainly has a harsh tone.
Troi using "imzadi" as a means of manipulating Riker makes me cringe so hard. Rather than being in tune with him she seems oblivious to his emotions and social cues. "I'm worried about you" now feels like a it's coming from a friend despite still being stern. I feel like it should have been sooner but at least he is paying attention.
He is resistant to her, but still gentle, calling her by name and not outright rejecting her kiss. When she hurts him, literally drawing blood, he looks so confused and shocked; probably too much so to register being hurt. When she says "please" it sounds so desperate and genuine.
It really isn't clear why Troi desires this guy (or anyone) when he seems so disinterested in her. (He even pronounces ger name incorrectly). I don't know what his behavior was in the beginning (that awkward flirting) that he has done away with it now. Was it just to gain her trust for the ritual?) because he doesn't seem to have any other interests in her.
"I'm closer to Deanna than I've ever been to anyone." Aww 🥰
Deanna is really taking a turn for the worse, and fast. Picard's reaction to her is a perfect mix of shock and confusion.
Cute little moment between Picard and Crusher. It's funny that Picard as the patient assures Dr. Crusher that he'll be fine.
Crusher's impassioned "I don't care" seems more about her care for Deanna than a flippant reaction to a different culture.
This guy is horrible and he's totally fine with it. The arrogance; He's playing god and he's self appointed. A very important question that should be asked is why he chooses women to carry the burden of his "negative" emotions? It would seem to be an all too real display of how "great" men use and neglect the women whose support (chosen, coerced, or forced) makes them "great" without sharing the credit or benefits and while insisting they, as men, are more logical and capable than those same women.
Look at Riker's utter shock and panic when Crusher says Deanna has to die, as he turns to Picard for .... emotional support, or help. And you can see his panic rising more as the conversation goes on.
The makeup on Marina is incredible and also really ugly.
It's unfortunate that an episode were Troi gets so much screen time involves abusing her. That seems often to be the case; like the writers don't know what to do with her otherwise.
Is everyone in on the plan to kill Troi? Because Worf didn't seem phased.
This guy has an incredible ego. He's so manipulative and....predatory.
I don't know how the damage to Troi isn't irreparable. But okay. (The little brain defibrillator is so comical.)
It's cute that Riker is there the whole time and he's the first person Troi turns to once she regains consciousness. (Notice the optimistic little brass theme that signals that everything is okay again).
At least the experience seems distant to her, and potentially less traumatic.
Aww, little affectionate kiss. I love that.
"thanks for sticking by me"
"I always will"
And a cute cuddle
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Hypnokink Basics: Special Techniques (pt 3) - Neurolinguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
I don't have an example for this one and will instead link to "Kinky NLP" by sleepingirl
NLP is a bit of an odd creature, because it has such a woolly definition. In the broadest possible terms, it is a suite of techniques that use the way we talk about things to reframe the way we think about things, as a kind of in-language extension of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. It also overlaps with conditioning/brainwashing to some extent.
One common technique of NLP is called an "Incantation," though hypnokinksters might better know it as a "mantra." Repeatedly saying something that you want to be true or to make true about yourself - "obedience is pleasure," "I am a good doll," "I am my Master's perfect fucktoy" or whatever you might want as part of your kinky dynamic - can gradually, over time, make it more and more true and transform your mind. It can reprogram your brain, bit by bit. This has limits, of course, in that there are certain things that are hard-wired into your brain that are unlikely to change, but there are many more than you think that are not. Using something like this does not require a hypnotic induction to work. It might benefit from one, or from being in some other altered state (heightened arousal or the edge of orgasm, for example), but it doesn't require any of that in order to work. All it needs is motivation, and to be used with regularity over time.
A second technique which is often poached from the NLP playbook by many hypnotists, and many (pardon me I feel a bit ill) "pick-up artists" is "mirroring." This technique is, essentially, to help build rapport with someone more quickly by mirroring their body language, word choice, and so on - taking a drink whenever they take a drink, using the same words they do when describing things, etc. I bring it up because this is an example of a technique that, when used carefully, thoughtfully, and in moderation can be very helpful... but when used thoughtlessly and carelessly, can be less than useless.
For example, if you start mimicking every action of a person to whom you are speaking, leaning in altogether too close for comfort, using their exact body language, their precise word choice... that's incredibly creepy. Don't do that. The way I employ mirroring is more targeted. If I notice that a partner consistently uses a certain word to describe something in trance - they see a "scarlet" ball of light, for instance - then I make sure to use that word, not some similar word like "red" or "crimson" when I describe that same thing. However they tell me they experience trance, that is how I describe the experience back to them. If they make it clear that they want [x], [y] and [z] in trance, then that is not only what I want, that is what I am enthusiastic to provide (though that's because of my own personal proclivities as much as it is any mirroring on my part, but it does serve the purpose).
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thandoluhlengema · 1 year
The phrase "therapeutic use of self" typically denotes the deliberate actions taken by therapists to enhance their interactions with clients (as noted by Cole & McLean in 2003 and Punwar & Peloquin in 2000). The most commonly referenced modern explanation of this concept characterizes it as a therapist's intentional utilization of their own personality, insights, perceptions, and judgments as integral components of the therapeutic journey (Punwar & Peloquin, 2000, p. 285) which is cited by Taylor, R.R(2009).
The psychosocial block of therapy/treatment can evoke both the emotions of the client and those of the therapist. This occurs because the mind encompasses various cognitive and psychiatric processes, such as perception, memory, and reasoning (executive functions), which are inherent in all of us but may vary in degree (CogniFit, 2023). Below, I will describe how I've employed my comprehensive self to provide holistic care to my patients.
The paramount aspect of working in such a field/block is being able to build trust and rapport with the ones you are working to treat. Establishing a strong therapeutic relationship by being empathetic, nonjudgement and genuine is of utmost importance. The truthful openness I gave my clients meant that the comfortability for them to share their experiences and emotions came at ease. This would help them recognise that they are not so different as society has made them to be yet just altered in their unique perspectives and experiences.
The necessity of not just listening with just ears but also through keen observation is a crucial component of crafting customized interventions. Allowing for optimal observation, paying attention to the physical components brought more understanding to what is being said by the clients and what their thoughts are. This has allowed for empathetic communication by validating the feelings of the client through their body language as well. Consequently, being self-aware of my own body language and emotional reactions makes or breaks the clients trust, ultimately influencing the intervention.
Role modelling by showing appropriate behaviour and demonstrating healthy habits can show a client that you’ve built a rapport with positive things to take away from sessions without you as a therapist even knowing. This was consistently demonstrated in sessions involving effective communication and appropriate social skills when interacting with colleagues and facility staff. As the clients I worked with had difficulties in replicating coping strategies, demonstrating these strategies illustrated the potential for adopting specific behaviours. Consequently, this aligns with the encouragement provided to the client, which can be practiced independently even when the therapist is not present. Prioritizing and maintain own personal physical and emotional self-care shows a being a well-balanced therapist worthy of providing constructive feedback allowing for the client to increase their insight and recognize their progress in problem areas.
To sum up, the concept of therapeutic self-use in occupational therapy can be characterized as the deliberate utilization of our inherent qualities and personal insights as therapeutic tools to support our clients in achieving their occupational objectives. This approach is highly adaptable, placing a strong emphasis on self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to adjust one's approach in interactions and interventions to best serve the client’s needs and goals.
Taylor, R. R., Lee, S. W., Kielhofner, G., & Ketkar, M. (2009). Therapeutic use of self: A nationwide survey of practitioners’ attitudes and experiences. The American journal of occupational therapy, 63(2), 198-207.
CogniFit. (2023). What You Should Know about Your Mind. https://www.cognifit.com/mind
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What Is Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and How It Helps
Have you ever felt like there's a hidden power within you waiting to be tapped into? You may not have heard of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) yet, but it's a fascinating tool used in the world of personal development and wellness that can help you unlock your potential and get you on the path to leading a happier, healthier life. In this blog, I’ll explain what NLP is, how it’s applied in everyday life, and the incredible benefits it can offer. 
Defining Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) 
At its core, Neurolinguistic Programming, or NLP, is a powerful approach to communication, personal development, and transformation. Developed in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, NLP explores the relationships between how we think (Neuro), how we communicate (Linguistic), and our patterns of behavior and emotion (Programming). It's essentially a user's manual for the mind, helping individuals understand and harness the power of their thoughts, emotions, and actions. 
What Is NLP Used For? 
NLP is an incredibly versatile tool with a wide range of applications in personal and professional life. Some of the key areas where NLP can be transformative are: 
Self-Improvement and Personal Development: NLP techniques can help you break free from limiting beliefs, overcome phobias, and boost self-confidence, enabling you to reach your full potential. 
Effective Communication: NLP teaches you to communicate more effectively, build rapport, and influence others positively. 
Stress Reduction: Learn strategies to manage stress and anxiety, promoting mental and emotional well-being. 
Goal Achievement: Discover how to set and achieve your goals effectively by aligning your conscious and unconscious mind toward success. 
Health and Wellness: NLP techniques can be used to address issues like weight management, smoking cessation, and chronic pain management by altering behavioral patterns. 
Professional Growth and Development: This tool isn’t restricted to just your personal life. NLP can be used in professional settings to improve leadership skills, enhance decision-making, and develop resilience in the workplace. 
What Are the Benefits of NLP? 
Now that you know what Neurolinguistic Programming is and how it can be applied, let's explore the incredible benefits it can bring to your life. 
Better Self-Awareness: NLP helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, including your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. With these valuable insights and heightened awareness, you can better redirect your thoughts and actions. 
Improved Relationships: Enhanced communication skills can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. 
Freedom from Limiting Beliefs: When you identify the self-imposed barriers that have been holding you back, you can reprogram your brain to overcome them and move freely toward your goals. 
Reduced Stress Levels: Everyone has some level of stress or anxiety in their lives. And while we can’t ever get rid of it completely, we can reduce the toll it takes on us by learning to properly manage it.  
Enhanced Resilience: You’ll know how to bounce back stronger when faced with challenges and setbacks. 
So, are you ready to unlock your full potential; realize your aspirations; and live a life of fulfillment, success, and well-being? As an experienced NLP coach, I’d be honored to guide you on this transformative journey. Don't let unhelpful patterns hold you back any longer! Invest in yourself by booking a 30-minute NLP coaching consultation with Restoration Wellness during which we’ll discuss if my one-of-a-kind eight-week Neurolinguistic Programming track is a good fit for you. In the meantime, feel free to reach out with any other questions about my wellness center and offerings!
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lethiwebhengu · 1 year
BLOG 1 psych
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Experiences That Left Letty with Questions.
“Letty, I can’t really see properly here but I think you passed. You are going to do your fourth year!” these are the words I always imagine my mother would say in the middle of December this year. It’s been tough, rough, “scratchy” and heavy this year, but they say growth happens through pain (and a few questions for me).
First of all, fieldwork for OT3 is scary so what helped me cope is ASMR which helps with anxiety. one of my favorites is (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SYwOAe6V_4&ab_channel=CoromoSara.ASMR  ). I am not sure if it’s appropriate to use for patients with anxiety. It is amazing how I stepped into fieldwork not knowing much about physical treatment but ended up knowing a thing or two. During my physical block, I had a client who did not really see the point of OT since there is physiotherapy. This was hard for me because as a Zulu girl, adults are superior and nothing they say can ever be wrong to you. With the help of my supervisor, I had to brush up on my handling skills because they were challenged. I had to come up with more of a “if you do not co-operate during my sessions, you are likely to get worse” than trying to convince him that OT is beneficial and important. This taught me how handling is different and has to be altered for EACH and every patient because we are not the same people.
(Fleisje. A. 2023) explains that ethically it is great to have that person’s consent but as a health care professional, sometimes you have to work on contract the patients who refuse to cooperative rather than care to build rapport. In other words, consent is important, but you must always find ways to persuade the client if you know the therapy will benefit them. This was highlighted a lot by my current client who I have had for the past two days. She is the kind of client that needs gentle and soft handling most of the time. It is important for us as students to get a range of personalities of clients just to avoid ending up with assault cases because we are not trained enough to calmly find a way to get cooperation from the client.
I remember my first time on fieldwork. My first ever patient was an old man who had just been admitted to a psychiatric ward and very high functional. He was cooperative but I could tell he could not understand the meaning of the assessments I was doing (neither do I, because he was perfectly fine according to me!). on some days he would disappear for our sessions because he would do well for his assessments. So, he was non-compliant. He was an old man so every time we met after his disappearances, I would not address them because my approach was now a “as long as I get all the information from him and get out of here" approach. I didn’t try to persuade him or tell him about the importance for therapy and it looked like the third years at that time also did not care. Which is a problem now because it’s better that he was not be assessed but he was not getting therapy treatment.
why do we come with the “you need me, and if you don’t that’s none of my business” approach and not the “you have to let me help you” approach.” Why do we, occupational therapists (and students) and even other healthcare practitioners, not reinforce handling during training if our aim is to restore or maintain function? How will we do this if we let our clients be when they refuse to cooperate? If we let this be then that means our purpose as OTs is biased to only “easy” clients?
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With all the statistics rising for paralysis, comorbidities, unemployment, substance abuse, crime, and mortality in this country and the rest of the world. It seems we do not know that we are also part of the problem.
Fleisje. A. (2023). Paternalistic persuasion: are doctors paternalistic when persuading patients, and how does persuasion differ from convincing and recommending? Retrieved from: file:///C:/Users/Student/Downloads/s11019-023-10142-2.pdf
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