#Buffy Cosplay Costumes
cosplayclans · 18 days
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Game Identity V × B.Duck Buffy Cosplay Costumes
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suchawrathfullamb · 13 days
I want to go to a Halloween party where the theme is: extremely niche costumes and whoever has to explain theirs more times gets a prize
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alexprime · 4 months
Finally made my bustle cage (lobster tail) for my Victorian Loki cosplay! It ended up being a bit bigger than I thought, so I may have to make my costume more 1880s rather than 1870s! I used the 'Truly Victorian 163' pattern, which was super easy to make! Although, I somehow sewed the wrong edges of the back to each other and had to seam rip out five rows of bias tape and all the hems to redo it. I only cried a little! 🙃
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queenqunari · 6 months
Voted “the person least normal about vampires” in a queer discord server.
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This wasn’t even in a poll we had. Everyone just felt the need to call me out.
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chiefpurpleimp · 3 months
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My pale vampiric ass went out into the sunshine and got burnt. I always forget that sometimes in the UK we have something called summer.
I clearly need to make myself a set of bat wings to wrap around me to protect from the sun 🤣🤣
I made these a few years ago for a photographer client. They're fully poseable and can be wrapped around the body. They were the most fun I've had making wings.
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transtrentftm · 1 year
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Waking up on October 1st like
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lafgl · 2 years
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if the apocalypse comes, beep me!
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hallowcos · 1 month
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer High School Cheerleader Uniform
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aahsoka · 1 year
could i hyperfixate long enough to pull together a halloween costume while having many school projects to worry about or should I just wear something i already own
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dan and phil spike and buffy halloween calling it now. or spike and angel honestly
If we don’t get a Spike cosplay from Phil while he has blonde hair the only explanation is that the costume didn’t make it out of the bedroom/ Dan wouldn’t let anyone else see
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btvs-smush · 5 months
First poll! To raise awareness for this blog and to practice polling, here is a little starter poll.
This poll is too simple, because it's a practice poll! (An example of a future poll would be Spuffy vs Bike for the Buffy x Spike ship. It will be tagged with any common ship name and also both versions of the name tag.)
Notes for future BTVS smush name polls:
If the mod likes a name that wasn't in the original poll, there may be a round 2. For best results please reply with your smush name suggestion.
Reminder: no ship bashing allowed!
Fandom elders, feel free to share your wisdom in the replies.
10 options may seem like too many but once we get into three and four poly ships - we may need them!
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michellemisfit · 1 year
Tag Game Tuesday
Thanks to @celestialmickey for coming up with the fun. Thanks for the tag @tanktopgallavich @deedala @mikhailoisbaby @heymrspatel @lingy910y @thepupperino @energievie
Name: Michelle (or Lady Farmer according to a small child on the yard today lol)
Age: Never quite got past 27 in my mind 🤟
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 5 hours. 1am-4am and 5.30am-7.30am
Tumblr mobile or desktop? 100% mobile. Which means that I can’t copy and paste all the questions for these games at once, I have to copy and paste them one line at a time, or just type them from scratch.
A hobby you’d like to pick up? I’ve been invited to go axe throwing and I’ve just been so busy and tired I’ve not had a chance to go. So that, I guess? lol
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Cassis
What was your average screen time last week? 9 hours 33 minutes 🤷🏽‍♂️
A song you put on every playlist? There isn’t one. My playlists are ‘Chill, Baby Girl’, ‘Driving’, ‘Feral Hours 😏’, ‘Cape Cod Tunes’, ‘Gym 💪’, ‘King and Lionheart’, ‘MICK MILK 🤟’, ‘IAN GALL 😎’, and ‘🎶🎶🎶🎶’ - You name me a song that can go on all of those playlists, I dare you!
Having said that, everyone should have Frightened Rabbit on one of their playlists!
Favourite holiday? … May Half Term? It’s generally nice and sunny without being crazy hot yet. It’s shearing time, which is mad, but fun. There’s generally baby animals about and flowers are in bloom. What’s not to like?
Something on your bucket list: Bungee Jumping.
You’re invited to a costume party, what are you dressing up as? What aren’t I dressing up as?? I’ve got two large under the bed drawers. One is dedicated to art & craft supplies, the other one is costumes.
Arthur Pendragon is always fun (horse sold separately). Jessie from Toy Story is the CUTEST (though I’d have to get new doll contact lenses).
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And then there was the year Ruth and I went to NY Comic Con with 3 matching cosplays from 3 different shows.
Spike & Willow (Buffy), Eleanor Guthrie & Anne Bonny (Black Sails), and Jace & Clary (Shadowhunters). That was good fun!
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What show takes up the most space in your brain? Right now it’s counting down the days until I can watch Season 2 of The Bear!!! 😬😬
And finally, share something you’re looking forward to: Going to Cape Cod in September. I’ve not been able to go since before the pandemic and I miss it! Also Ruth and I are planning another recording junket up North, that’s always fun. And then end of this year or early next year Ruth and I are going to (hopefully) see the Northern Lights. So lots to look forward to <3
I’m late in the day so sorry if you’ve already been tagged a million times! @creepkinginc @lupeloto @grumble-fish @grossmickey @gardenerian @sluttymickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @look-i-love-u @rereadanon @crossmydna @mmmichyyy @takeyourpillsbitchh @deedala @harrowhark-a-vagrant @francesrose3 @too-schoolforcool @whatthebodygraspsnot @captainjowl
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girl4music · 2 years
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Analyzing the Grey Identity of Willow Rosenberg and how Dark Willow emerges
One of Willow Rosenberg’s worst fears (possibly her greatest worst fear) is that she’s going to lose the ones she loves because of her perceived inadequacies at being somebody who can protect and defend them. She believes that she will fail because she lacks the capability and capacity to perform to her best quality and intention. She worries that she isn’t enough for them to keep her in their life and especially not enough to be loved by them. This fear she has really is just a fear because she proves time and time again that she’s more than capable and that she is worthy of being loved when she’s not trying to control everything that happens between herself and the ones she loves. Her hunger for magical power and specifically accumulating more and more of it as she keeps reaching her milestones in her witchcraft is fully grounded in this belief that she needs to be and do more so that she can be a warrior and hero equal to Buffy if not better than Buffy. Because it goes the other way - because she ends up becoming more like a killer and villain - this changes Willow forevermore. She truly did cross the point of no return. She is never as she was before she became a killer and villain. To use an analogy used in Xena that I love very much: the water that had a stone thrown into it that created ripples eventually calmed down, but that stone still remained under it. Meaning it was now part of it instead of separate from it. So she had to find a way to work with it since it was never going to be something that could leave her. Never something she could just simply discard from her persona as if it was a piece of clothing she was wearing then and didn’t need to wear now. If you will - her villain costume. Her cosplay of villainy.
You could also argue that Dark Willow was always a part of Willow and therefore it was inevitable it would emerge in all its terrifying glory. And that is a perspective I have considered many times given there’s so many instances in Willow’s character representation that show that she’s not quite right. That there is darkness bubbling under the surface. Not evil as such. Just darkness. But darkness carrying a tendency to do evil things. To act them out even if it’s just words at that point because she didn’t possess enough power to act them out. You could most definitely argue that Dark Willow was always what and who Willow was. But I would say to believe that would significantly regress the development of the character. It would make her one-dimensional to put her evil arc down as “she was always this way - it was just well hidden”. That’s a little short-sighted and so I have since abandoned that idea because as fascinating as I think it is in terms of studying Willow as a character, I think it just weakens her as a person. The real Willow is a much stronger spirit than that and she really only ever does evil things because she ultimately is a good person. It’s just with so much power that she can’t control - power that is mostly fuelled by Black Magic - that goodness and intention to do good becomes corrupted and she can’t really differentiate anymore between what is “evil” and what is “good”. She loses that of which gives her a conscience. The ability to differentiate between right and wrong, good and evil, light and dark, and peace and war. This essentially means that, as Dark Willow, her moral compass is missing. That’s a much more accurate explanation for her evil arc than “she was always secretly evil” because it’s much more human. Humans do get corrupted by that of which is more powerful or stronger than themselves. By forces that are above their capacity to withstand. And there’s no shame in that. It’s just what happens because humans ultimately are good but flawed beings. They make mistakes. They mess up. They do evil things. And they act as if they can handle the power given to them when they really can’t. Not because they’re weak. But because they’re pure. They have never encountered a powerful experience like this before and so it goes straight to their head because it feels good to have it. It feels good to be powerful. They feel like they can be and do more through it as that’s what they’ve always wanted. To be and do more. And I would say that’s a better description of Willow Rosenberg and all that she goes through as a character in the show because Dark Willow is still part of all that Willow Rosenberg is. She's just not all she is.
I have ruled out that Dark Willow is any kind of possession of Willow. Willow suddenly doesn’t become evil out of some demonic spirit taking over her body and mind. It’s not an Exorcist-type situation that’s going on with Dark Willow. There’s rhyme and reason for Willow to turn evil when you really analyze the character and her development. But I’ve also recently ruled out that Dark Willow is any kind of incarceration within Willow too. She is still part of Willow but she’s not Willow’s whole existence. Therefore, she’s not who Willow really is because Willow is many things. There’s many dimensions to Willow Rosenberg and not a solitary one of those dimensions completely encapsulate and define her character. All of them combined do because that’s a lot more realistic. Identity is made up of many facets of the human experience and that’s partially why I don’t believe identity to be a real thing in itself. Because the human experience is an interaction with all of existence - human or not. Identity instead to me is the attempt to box experience itself into a specific narrative that the person believes it must be based on its interactions. And I think what Willow represents as a character is that identity isn’t a solid, permanent thing at all. It’s wavy and fluctuating and essentially just… made up. Abstract. It's not a permanence. There is no such existing thing as “identity” in the sense that it has a specific face and name and age and gender and sexuality - ‘cause it doesn’t. Identity is whatever feels right to be whenever it feels right to be it. Willow absolutely expresses that philosophy as a person that is always fluctuating between one perceived ideal to the next. So identity is always an ideal of which fits for the moment. It’s never what anything is fundamentally. Just whatever is suitable at the time. Willow is a very “in the moment” person not in the sense that she lives by the moment, because she most definitely doesn't as a character constantly plagued by anxiety, but that the moment becomes her. She’s a very grey character that doesn’t recognize how grey she actually is because she’s so busy expressing herself by extremities. By a “black” and then a “white” and then back to “black” again. She doesn’t seem to realize that it’s black and white together. That it’s grey. And maybe this is me just projecting my philosophy into the character here but I think it makes more sense to understand this character as “grey” from the get-go because Dark Willow doesn’t seem so shocking when the boxed-in specific narrative of the “pure, innocent, helpless wallflower” is understood as just a passing phase. It’s not who Willow really is either. So it’s not a loss when that phase of her is tarnished by the dirty, guilty, offensive and abrasive phase. It’s just more to her that we haven’t been introduced to yet. That we have yet to know. And that she herself has yet to come to be aware of. That’s what being grey ultimately means in my head. There’s more to “black” and “white” than can be seen on the palette when mixed in together on the canvass. You’re painting something with much more depth and complexity and nuance than “good” or “evil”. You’re painting the whats-in-between of all that. The potentiality. You’re painting that of which resides in a state and position of “there” and “not there” at the same time. And for some people that might not make much sense because if it doesn’t exist yet, why should it matter? Well, the point is that it doesn’t matter until you make it matter. If it’s in your perception, it already exists to you. You perceive it as clearly as anything else you perceive. It is already a part of your subjective experience regardless whether it’s objectively “real” or not. And you will make actions and choices based on it. To avoid it. To claim it. To instate it. To either make it disappear or emerge. Thus, it is a real experience if not a real existence as it's still on your canvass. 
Willow does this. She overcompensates for that of which she already possesses but has no belief in. She identifies with situations that have no bearing on her character to control that of which she believes she has to for the sake of others. She performs all these different identities and characters and personas in order to be and do more than what she is already being and doing. Her paranoia being that if she doesn’t be and do all of this, she will lose those she loves and most cares about. Her only real problem is that she fundamentally does not believe she is enough just as she is. Just being “plain old Willow”. To her, that’s something that must be changed, must be avoided, must be improved upon, must go away. The only thing that makes that possible for her is magic. So the only solution to her problem to her is accumulating magical power. Because with magical power she can be and do more. And she can get people to forget “plain old Willow” - either voluntarily and naturally or forcibly and unnaturally. And she is so desperate that either way is fine. Either way will get the job done. She ignores all the consequences and potential damage because she’s powerful enough to fix all of that if need be. She’s powerful enough to control anything that happens as a result of her wanting to get the job done quickly and easily. Willow believes that her "plain old Willow" identity is her Achilles’ heel. That it's the weakest point in her character. It’s the place where it’s easiest for people to attack or criticize her. To her, to remain just that is what will bring about failure, pain, grief, loss and humiliation. And someone with her level of intelligence just cannot let that happen. See, she's always had the smarts, just not the power. And now she has both, she’s not taking any chances. That’s where Dark Willow resides before she completely emerges through rage and vengeance. In Willow’s arrogance and entitlement that she’s powerful enough to do whatever she wants in whatever way she believes is quickest and easiest. In her insistence to take control. And you have to pay very close attention but there’s a particular expression on her face throughout all seasons of the show, a particular glare that she gives, that shows that there’s definitely darkness within her that is just waiting to be pushed over the threshold. But it is as I said: The character is grey - so this part of her personality doesn’t completely define her - all it does it just gives her more depth to admire about her if you can appreciate that her evil arc is a development of her character and not a regression of it and is therefore something that had to happen so that her character could continue to grow and expand into whatever this Willow was:
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It's all Willow - the light and the dark - and she had to live and work with that because it was the only way she was ever going to be happy with herself - or at least content. The character was never satisfied with just being and doing whatever she did naturally. She was always striving towards a loftier goal to prove herself to others. The medical term for her condition is "imposter syndrome" or "perceived fraudulence" but I think the most accurate term to call it is "grey" because there was never a point when anything she was being or doing was an imposter or fraud. She just perceived it as such and therefore had a constant anxiety that she would be exposed for it, which led to her doing horrifically abusive things to her loved ones so that she would never lose them or they would never leave her. Didn't quite plan out that way. In the end, she was her own worst enemy and she proved her greatest worst fears true by believing they would happen to begin with. She never meant to be or do evil. She never meant to be a villain. She was just so afraid that she would lose the ones she loves and so when she did - Dark Willow emerged. I'll likely never come across another non-lead female character in TV art/entertainment like Willow Rosenberg again and that's a shame. But now that I think about it... I don't think I want to. She's special and TV today would only cancel her.
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visage-of-hell · 5 months
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Munday About Me
Name: Yeen
Age: 38
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bi
Single Or Taken: Married as FUCK!
Hobbies: Art, writing, gaming/streaming, painting/customizing figures and tabletop minis, lots of other nerdy craft shit you should totally ask me about if you never want me to shut up. LOL
Favorite Color: Electric Blue
Fandoms: Hazbin/Hellaverse (obviously) but SOOOOOO many others I would be here all day. The main ones right now (and most frequent ones to flare up again) are Warcraft, Overwatch, Baldur's Gate 3, Vampire the Masquerade, Warhammer, DETROIT: Become Human, Mass Effect/Dragon Age, The Walking Dead, The Quarry
Other Blogs: The full list of these would have us here til tomorrow--trust me, you're better off not knowing. XD The only time I ever really use Tumblr is for RP, I haven't had an OOC/personal account in YEARS!
Favorite TV Show: As far as actual Ye Olde "TV Shows" back when I used to actually sit in front of a television for entertainment, my go-to's were Law & Order SVU, CSI: Miami, Forensic Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and a literal FUCKTON of different Saturday morning cartoons. Other series, if they count, would be Hazbin and Helluva Boss (duh), Beastars, Attack on Titan, Nightwatch, and probably a bunch of others I'm not remembering at the moment. LOL
Do You Cosplay: Back when I used to dabble in LARPing, I did lots of costume work, so I GUESS you could count that as cosplay? Also have fursuited a few times back when I was still active in the fandom. I'd like to tell myself that someday I'll get back into making cool character costumes when I have the perfect combination of time/money/space ... buuuut we'll see. X3
Favorite Media: Oooo this is hard to pick, I'm into so many. XD UHHHH ... Warcraft!
Favorite Book: The entire Redwall novel series (though I definitely have my individual favs)
Favorite Band: Am I dating myself if I say "Evanescence"?
Favorite Movie: WAY too many to just pick one, so here are my top 5 that I has watched over and over for a loooooong time: Lost World: Jurassic Park, Lion King, The Matrix, Beetlejuice, Dragonheart
Do You Have Pets: That are mine? Two--my dog-daughter Blondie and my cat-daughter Velcro. Extended animal family that belong to my folks? 11 kitties (they all live either in specially-designed indoor rooms just for them or in custom-built kitty condos that are outside in the back yard but are safely enclosed) and 4 doggos (all indoor, though they also go out in the yard a lot).
Favorite Animal: As an extreme animal nerd, I have a TON of favs but the Number One Winner right now are hyenas! Mostly spotted hyenas, but I loved striped and brown yeens, too!
Do You Play Any Instruments: Do my vocal cords count? LOL
Favorite Hellaverse Character(s): Hazbins Favs: Alastor, Angel, Husk. Helluva Boss Favs: Blitz, Loona, Ozzie
Tagged By: @radioiaci (Thank youuuuuu ilu <333)
Tagging: @sanguineradio, @angie-long-legs, @top-shelf-tender & aaaanyone else! <3
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biblicalhorror · 1 year
Photos of each possible outfit + pros/cons below:
1. Disco Lady
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Adjustable in terms of warmth (I can add light blue tights)
I've worn it to multiple costume parties, including my own most recent birthday
I don't have any new real twist to add
2. Flapper Lady
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I own all these costume pieces for it
Pretty cute
I could do some sort of fun dead makeup with it
I've also worn this to multiple costume parties
It is very hard to wash
Pretty boring
3. Rupert Giles if he Slayed
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Funniest and most creative costume by far
I already have a stake carved from an old Buffy costume I did 5 years ago
Gives me an excuse to bring my Buffy Tarot deck
Will be the most fun character to live as for the night
Most likely to win the costume contest
Quite warm
Pretty much looks like a tweed Harry Potter cosplay
Looks like a SpongeBob costume when I take the jacket off
4. Anglerfish
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Comfy as shit
Hilarious concept for a onesie
Easiest costume on the list
Very warm
Will definitely not win the costume contest unless maybe I figure out a way to do some fun fish makeup
It has wine stains on it. I didn't notice till just now lol
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sunnydaleherald · 11 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, November 5
JENNY: This weekend. GILES: Would you like to go out? JENNY: Mm, no, I think I'd like to stay in.
~~The Dark Age~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Common Ground by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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get me off at eight by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny, M)
Stand Off by MillennialCryBaby (Buffy/Spike, E)
Blazon by HAL1500 (Giles/Jenny, G, major character death)
knockout darling by CallMeVampy (Giles/Jenny, E)
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One Shot Too Long by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Turning Point by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, collection rated R)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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throw me a line, if I reach it in time - Chapter 1 by CallMeVampy (Giles/Jenny, T)
Is This the Closest I Get? - Chapter 1 by luthorlezcorp (Buffy/Faith, Buffy/Tara, Giles/Joyce, canon pairings, M)
Open Your Eyes - Chapter 1 by MissPointy (Buffy/Cordelia, T)
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Destiny or Choices Made? Ch. 24 by charmed4lifekaren (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Dead End Plots, Ch. 13 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Amara Time, Ch. 6 by Joan963z (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
56 Hours, Ch. 5 by Soulburnt (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy, Ch. 3 by slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lover's Walk 2.0 (After When Anne Met Spike) Ch. 3 by To Be Hers (Buffy/Spike, G)
The Freak Show, Ch. 3 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
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Welding a Family, Ch. 32 by Buffyworldbuilder (Iron Man and Daredevil crossover, Willow, FR13)
Healing After Heaven, Ch. 12 by Kate (Highlander crossover, Buffy, FR13)
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Something Blue & Vegas, Too! Ch. 1-2 (COMPLETE!) by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Use It or Lose It, Ch. 7 by Dynamite (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Cosplay video: An extremely low effort Buffy costume by salamisav (Buffy Summers, worksafe)
The Gift gifset by spuffygifs (Buffy/Spike, worksafe, it's about death)
Next in my attempt to disnify the characters of the Buffyverse... Willow Rosenberg by chxrcasm (worksafe)
Digital painting: Spike by keelifallen (worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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ReWatch: Angel (the series) S1, E13-15 (She, I've Got You Under My Skin, The Prodigal) by kimannebb
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Video: Buffy Review - 5x6 Family by Reverse Angle (via AlphaFoxtrot)
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I found the tone shift in Season 3 jarring by MapleCourt
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1992 Movie: Did it always look as good as it does on blu-ray? by 1r3act
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Favorite fics? requested by Dry-Sport-9231
[Fandom Discussions]
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The other thing Gingerbread and Helpless have in common by coraniaid
[Imagine if Angel Investigations showed up to Buffy’s birthday party in s6] by evilwickedme
Picture this: instead of coming back in s3, [Angel] only comes back in s7... by annieofhearts
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Okay, It’s Darla’s Time To Shine! by Angelfirenze
Which character has aged *well* or what aspects of characters have aged well? by Excellent-Durian-509
The personality of Glorificus by Jockwarrior
Could Glory have come up with a less overkill plan to get home? by Jockwarrior
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