#Bucky x reader x Natasha
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Uncertain 02
Summary: Pregnancy progresses, and while your relationship stays strong in the beginning, the dynamics start as the pregnancy progresses.
Warnings: self-doubt, depression, anxiety, general not great feelings
Words: 5.6 k
Natasha x Reader x Bucky
Uncertain 01 / Uncertain Masterlist
Less than a week later, you’re in the med bay, flanked by both Natasha and Bucky, lying on your back, knees spread, waiting for the doctor to finish with the ultrasound.
Seeing as how you were the first person to be carrying the progeny of a super soldier, the very best OBGYN in the world had been brought in just for you. A whole new wing has been added to the med bay now too. The idea had been to keep everything ‘in house’ until they had an idea of what to expect with this pregnancy.
Not that it mattered to you one way or the other. Natasha was grateful for the preparations and that there would always be someone close by if anything happens. Bucky, on the other hand, grumbled about letting the government have their hand in your very personal, very private ordeal. But, he didn’t really mind as long as you were ok with it.
You were an anxious mess regardless, trying your best to focus on the grainy image on the big screen tv that was attached to the ultrasound machine. Nat squeezes your hand, and you look up to her to see her giving you a reassuring smile. She was excited. You and Bucky were more reserved, but it did nothing to dampen her spirits. Her brilliant green eyes were shining as they moved between your face and the screen.
It was easy for you to get caught up in the moment with her. You didn’t have to force the smile on your face when you looked back too. You reach your other hand over your head in the general direction where Bucky was brooding, and was greeted with his warm hand engulfing yours, fingers interlocking, his thumb stroking your wrist.
“And here’s your baby. Let me take some measurements and we can get a more approximate idea of how far along you are,” the doctor says as she points to the peanut-shaped blob right in the middle of the screen. “Looks like you’re a little further along than we expected. I’m getting about 9 weeks. Which means that maybe, let me just see here, maybe we can…oh yeah, here we go…”
And breath is sucked out of your body when a rushed whooshing noise fills the room. You know what it is even before the doctor tells you.
“...there’s the baby’s heartbeat.”
Natasha is squeezing your hand harder, holding it to her chest, and you can feel Bucky shift behind you, releasing your hand so he can lean down to kiss your forehead. His fingers stroke your hair, never breaking contact as he looks up at the screen again.
The doctor is printing out a long line of pictures, makes a couple notes in your chart, and then is cleaning you up.
“Everything looks great. Mama and baby both look healthy and everything appears to be as expected at this stage. I don’t see anything abnormal or that would be a cause for concern. Your hormone levels look normal. I know it’s too early to say, but I don’t see anything here or in the bloodwork that would indicate this would be unlike any other normal and healthy pregnancy.
“But with that being said, I’d like to see you again in two weeks. I'd also like to repeat the bloodwork then too. Just to be on the safe side. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions or concerns. This is my personal cell phone and home number,” she says as she hands you a card that Bucky promptly takes and puts in his back pocket with a nod. “I’m on call 24/7. You are my only patient until we deliver this baby. So believe me when I tell you I am being very sincere. Please. Call me with anything. It has been a pleasure to meet all of you. I’ll give you the room and you can let yourselves out whenever you’re ready.”
And for the next few months, everything has been great. Natasha has been over the moon. Even her normally stoic demeanor when working with the team has been a little softer, a little less scary.
Sam and Steve have been the only ones brave enough to tease her, and she only replies with a smile in kind. ‘How could I not be so happy. Look how perfect my life is.’
But when she’s in the privacy of your home, she’s a wildfire. She consumes you, every bit of you, every chance she gets. Always touching you, always seeking you out, craving your closeness.
She’s also obsessed with making sure you are eating enough and eating well, but also indulging every single craving. Bucky has fussed at her more than once for it, but it hasn’t stopped her yet. You want ice cream at 3 am, you best damn well believe that she’s already on her way to get you your ice cream. She helps you remember your vitamins and to drink plenty of water, quick to chime in with the, ‘no, my love, that has too much caffeine. Maybe I could make you this tea instead.’
She dotes on you constantly. Everyday that she’s home, she’s making your breakfast, bringing you lunch to your desk at work, sneaking in extra snacks in case you get hungry later. That part wasn’t unusual to happen before the pregnancy, but now she’s made it part of her daily routine. She’s made it her mission to spend as much time as physically possible by your side.
And you won't deny, you absolutely love it.
And Bucky. Your poor, sweet, hopelessly overwhelmed Bucky. He hasn’t figured out what to do with himself. Right after the first doctor’s appointment, he bought a dozen different pregnancy and baby books, and threw himself full force into reading them all as quickly as possible. Every morning he greets you with a sweet kiss and a new fact he’s learned concerning the development of your baby.
“Did you know the baby can open and close her hands?”
“The baby can sense light and soon, it’ll even be able to taste...how wild is that?!?”
He spends a majority of his time brooding just like before, but the further you progress with this pregnancy, the more relaxed and comfortable he becomes, and dare you say, he may even be getting excited. Which is refreshing as you are officially starting to experience symptoms of your pregnancy other than morning sickness.
But when you’re in public, his attitude is wildly unpredictable. Sometimes, he’s constantly following you around, hovering over your shoulder, throwing threatening glares at anyone who might try to come too close. Other times he’s so soft and gentle, like you’re made of glass and may break if you overexert yourself. He’s always got you in his line of sight whenever physically possible. If he’s in the building, you may not be able to see him, but you better not doubt that he can see you.
You love the predatory behavior just a little less, but you appreciate it all the same. It’s his way of showing you he cares.
In the bedroom is where you’ve noticed the biggest change.
Bucky barely touches you. It’s almost like he’s afraid to. He’s too soft, too hesitant. And it doesn’t matter what the pregnancy books say, or how many times you try to assure him that everything is fine, that he shouldn’t handle you any differently, he only ever gives you a small smile, kisses you on the forehead. Sometimes he will pull you into a hug, and although he never says anything, you can tell he is silently dismissing the conversation. You never want to push him or make him uncomfortable, so you always let it go, chalking it up as an unpleasant side effect.
The biggest change in the relationship comes after you first start showing. It happens around the 5 month mark, just a couple days before your next ultrasound appointment.
It’s Sunday morning and you’re all three lounging on the couch, your head in Bucky’s lap, your body lying on the length of the couch, while Natasha is laid between your legs, her cheek resting on your belly, her hand rubbing lazily along the slight swell. Everyone’s quiet and you’re even on the verge of a nap when suddenly, Nat is jumping from her spot up to her knees, hands held up in front of her, a wild look on her face. She’s starting at your belly for a long couple seconds before her eyes dart up to yours.
“What...I...did she just...I think I felt her move…” Natasha whispers as she stares down at your belly again.
You giggle and relax back into Bucky’s lap, reaching both your hands out for hers. She’s slow to comply, but eventually does. You take her wrists and push her hands under your shirt, her palms flat on your stomach. Your hands cover hers and you’re moving them around, trying to find the spot where you feel the baby kick the most.
You settle and hold her hands still, just watching her face as she’s staring at your intertwined hands. Then, her eyes light up again when she feels the baby move again.
“You feel that?” She asks in wonder.
“All the time,” you smile, relishing in her excitement as she lowers her body back into the couch, her hands still planted firmly on the spot you put them. Her face is inches from your belly and she’s whispering something you can’t hear, but she’s delighted when she can feel the baby bump against her hands again.
“You wanna feel?” You ask, looking up to Bucky who looks like he’s frowning from this angle.
“Maybe later. Don’t wanna impose on her moment,” he says with the smallest smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, as he jerks his head to Natasha who is clearly having the time of her life as the baby keeps pushing up against her hand over and over again.
Something about his reaction feels off and it’s almost unnerving, but you push it to the back of your mind as Nat starts with rapid fire questions.
‘What does it feel like?’
Like I have gas.
‘How long have you been able to feel it?”
I don’t know, a couple weeks maybe?
‘Why didn’t you say something sooner?’
Lord, Tash, I don’t know, cause of this?
‘When is she most active?’
When I’m trying to sleep mostly.
There’s a dozen more questions, and you answer each with what’s left of your patience as you try to close your eyes. All the while, Bucky sits above you, still as a statue, his blank expression giving nothing away as you relax into his lap again.
At your 20 week appointment, during the anatomy scan, all three of you are surprised to find out that the baby is a boy!
All this time, you and Natasha were so sure it was a girl. It felt like a girl. The image in your head was a girl. But you’re not disappointed in the least, as the image starts shifting to a little mini version of Bucky, with deep, blue eyes and shaggy dark hair.
The image on the screen in front of you is a strong, healthy, active, and quite large baby boy. Absolutely perfect and healthy in every single way.
“You’re measuring a few weeks ahead of gestation age, but that’s nothing to worry about just yet. Maybe start taking it a little easier at work. Might be a good time to start to lighten the load at work. Maybe also not physically exerting yourself too much. As I’ve said, nothing to worry about, you’ll be able to feel it when it’s uncomfortable. Just don’t push it,” the doctor assured.
So with a clean bill of health, you leave the office. Bucky beaming like the proud papa he is, staring down at the new ultrasound image, but isn’t offering you much else besides a bashful smile and a sweet kiss to your temple.
Natasha wants to celebrate. She’s insisting on throwing a party, and wants to invite everyone in the compound so she can express her excitement with everyone that means anything to her.
You’re not sure how you manage, but you and Bucky talk her into a quiet dinner at home instead. She’s not especially thrilled about it, but she relents when you promise she can be in charge of decorating the nursery anyway she likes; total artistic freedom.
And everything still continues to be fine.
Your belly has started to become more noticeable every passing day. You’ve long since stopped being able to fit into your regular clothes, finally surrendering yourself to pick up a few new outfits from the maternity store. Natasha is unbelievably excited to help, throwing shirts and pants and dresses and skirts over the door of the changing room.
It’s not long after that she sneaks into your dressing room and makes you come twice as she presses you against the wall.
And she continues to be as affectionate as she’s always been, if not even more so.
But Bucky has just about pulled away from you completely…at least he has physically. It happened so slowly that you weren’t really sure it was happening at all until he stopped joining you and Nat in your bedtime activities almost every night. There’s always an excuse why he can’t come to bed just yet with you, opting to wait until you’re already fast asleep before crawling under the blankets and pressing himself into your back.
You know he still loves you, he shows you that everyday. He still kisses you good morning and goodnight. He occasionally drops by to intimidate all of your coworkers. He still laughs at all your stupid jokes and does all those little things he’s always done to show you he still cares.
But he won’t touch you anymore, not like he used to. He’s careful not to touch your belly and it’s been too long since you’ve been intimate with him.
And every single day, you try to tell yourself that it’s not you, that everything’s fine, everything’s normal. This is all in your head.
But also with every day that passes, it’s getting harder.
All those insecurities you’d felt before you’d met Nat and Bucky, and even at the beginning of your relationship, and all your self-doubt starts to creep back in, whispering to you every single reason Bucky doesn’t want you anymore.
Every time he pulls away before you can deepen a kiss, the voices start to get a little bit louder. Every time you see his hands lingering on Natasha’s waist instead of yours, you sink a little further down. And on the several occasions you’ve walked in unexpectedly to see his dick sink deep, deep inside of her instead of you, you’re already so far gone that you can’t see the light anymore.
Why won’t he touch you like that anymore?
Why doesn’t he hold you the way he holds her?
Does he not find you attractive anymore?
How could he, have you seen yourself in the mirror lately?
Everyday it becomes more harrowing a task to push the repulsive thoughts away.
Now, you agree with them. How could you not? They’re true. You have gained a lot of weight.
Sure, the doctor says you're well within the healthy range, and it’s what is supposed to happen! This is healthy for the baby, right?
But you are unable to ignore them when you’re standing in front of the mirror, in the privacy of the guest bathroom, all by yourself.
Suddenly, the light seems harsh and you can’t help but see everything that’s changed in the last few months.
You aren’t sure how you let it get this far, but you’ve become so self-loathing that you can only see every extra pound you’ve gained and every horrifying, ugly stretch mark.
Your hips have widened. Your butt is bigger. Your boobs have started to swell and droop just slightly. Is one boob bigger than the other now?!? Even your face seems to be a bit chubbier. At 6 and a half months, these things were to be expected, sure, but you can’t stand it.
Now that you see all the ways your body has changed, seeing what you believe he is seeing, you completely understand why Bucky doesn’t want to be intimate with you anymore.
So, it starts to feel almost natural that you should start shying away when Natasha tries to initiate intimacy. At first, she’s worried because you’ve never denied her before, you’ve never wanted to before, but she eventually brushes it off as a side effect of this later stage of your pregnancy.
Your wardrobe starts changing along with your mood. All the cute maternity clothes you’d bought with Natasha six weeks ago have all been exchanged for overly large, shapeless sweaters and tee shirts; anything you can find that hides your baby belly.
The time you used to spend cuddling on the couch, you now opt for the plush armchair across the room. Bucky furrows his brow, but doesn’t say anything. Natasha will try to persuade you to join them, making plenty of room for you to snuggle in between them, but that usually ends with you excusing yourself to the bedroom for the rest of the night.
Then, you started changing in the bathroom where neither could see you. You started locking the door whenever you would shower, not wanting to risk them accidentally walking in and seeing you.
They’ll be repulsed.
And it’s not long after that that you start sleeping on the couch. Or in the guest bedroom that Natasha was slowly transitioning into the nursery.
Both protest the first time it happened, but when you claim you’re too uncomfortable and need a little extra space, they let you do whatever you say you need to do. They both give you very disapproving glares when you snatch up your pillow and make your way out of your bedroom, but they never try to stop you.
Natasha is trying to spend all her free time with you, but you were soon finding excuses as to why you can’t anymore. You’d start staying later at your desk, claiming you had too much to do to prepare for your maternity leave, even though that would still be almost two months away.
But no matter how many times you tried to convince them otherwise, they both still insisted on going to all your doctor appointments with you. They were both still so incredibly into this baby.
The appointments were becoming more frequent since you entered your third trimester. Instead of twice a month, you are being seen every week. And used to, the three of you would walk to the appointments together, but now, you worked right up until the last minute, meeting them in the doctor's office not a minute sooner than you had to.
They both stand when you enter the room, each pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head, or your cheek, but you’d shrug away as you’d take your place on the exam table. Natasha, as always, looked like a kid on Christmas whenever she would hear the baby’s heartbeat. Bucky is always right there, his hand on your shoulder, smiling like a proud papa.
For these brief moments, your life would feel normal again, that everything was as it should be, especially when they’d look at you the way they are right now. But, as soon as the doctor walks out, the spell is broken.
You’re coming up on the 34th week of your pregnancy, and you absolutely can not take any of this anymore. Your hormones are wreaking havoc on your mentality. Everything makes you cry; songs on the radio, tv shows, the fucking commercials about the dogs…EVERYTHING.
And that’s not counting the physical changes. Your body has stretched to unbelievable proportions, and you feel like you’re looking into a funhouse mirror every time you accidentally catch a glimpse of your own reflection. Everything hurts no matter your position. You’re never comfortable. The baby has gotten so big now and he thinks your bladder is his own personal trampoline, causing you to run to the bathroom every 30 minutes.
And above all else, the icing on the cake to make everything so much worse, you miss Bucky and Natasha.
You HATE yourself for how much you miss them.
You miss the way Bucky’s eyes would crinkle when he smiles at you first thing in the morning. You miss the way Natasha’s hands always felt so soft as she would cup your face when she’d kiss you. You missed their heat as you snuggled between the two of them every night. You missed the way the three of you used to fit so perfectly together.
You used to think that it was going to be the three of you, forever. You used to think that there would be nothing that could have separated you from each other.
Oh, how wrong you were. Turns out that this tiny baby, weighing no more than 6 pounds at this very moment, was just big enough to set your world on fire, destroying everything you ever loved.
A tiny nudge from the inside pulled you back. And crushing guilt was added to your already depressing episode. Of course the baby was not to blame for your crumbling relationship. You had nobody to blame for that but yourself. Because you weren’t enough anymore. You were never going to be enough ever again.
Unsure of how you managed to get here, you find yourself curled up as much as your belly will allow you to in the middle of the bed, clutching Natasha’s pillow to your chest as half your face is buried in Bucky’s. You don’t hear the front door open, so you don’t bother trying to hide the fact that you are full on sobbing as you were supposed to be home alone for the rest of the day; Natasha and Bucky both supposed to be at some training exercise off site.
And you can see them almost as perfectly as if they are standing in front of you now. Natasha, clad in compression capris and a sports bra, so firm and voluptuous, no doubt commanding everyone’s attention with her graceful movements and perfect form.
And then Bucky, so tall and broad and handsome as he broods, but executing each drill with commanding force and precision. What a beautiful pair the two of them make.
Maybe Nat is sending Buck a flirtatious wink from across the training area. Maybe he’s giving her that playful smirk. Maybe there’s some teasing touches, some witty banter. Maybe their hands linger on the other for a second or two longer than is necessarily polite.
And you sob harder.
Of course this was why Bucky wouldn’t want to touch you anymore. That’s what started all of this in the first place. Your body was changing and he didn’t find you attractive anymore. And who the hell would be compared to what a knock-out Natasha is at any given moment.
And you know from experience exactly how beautiful she is. When you have someone like her, someone with such ethereal beauty that transcends all of space and time, how could anyone ever look at someone like you the same way? You only wonder how Bucky had ever found you attractive in the first place.
God, they are going to be so much happier once they cut you loose and get you out of their way.
You imagine their life may go back to the way it was when they were together before, all those years ago, before you came along.
It takes a moment to register that someone’s in bed with you, curling themselves around your body under the cocoon you’ve made with the duvet. Your instinct is to pull away, but strong, slender arms only hold you tighter as you’re pulled closer.
“Please,” Natasha’s voice is in your ear, broken and small. “Please, don’t push me away anymore. It’s killing me.”
You can feel a shuddering breath as she inhales and it’s more painful than you'd ever imagined, to know that she’s hurting too. That you’ve been the one hurting her.
“Talk to me, милая девушка (sweet girl). I can’t…'' Her voice definitely breaks this time and you can feel her sobs more than hear it. “I can’t be without you any longer. Tell me what I’ve done to hurt you.”
Oh no. Does she think she’s done something wrong? How do you begin to tell her how perfect she is? How could she ever think she had hurt you?
It’s you. You’re the problem. She has to know that.
You have to tell her the truth. It’s the only way she will finally understand what you already know.
You tell her everything, even though it hurts, but it would continue to hurt so much more if you didn’t.
She holds you close as the words mixed with broken sobs pour from your mouth. Every insecurity that has grown into a festering wound inside of you; every dark and sinister thought that whispers its vicious poison when you’re alone, filling your mind with darkness and pain; every self-deprecating realization that your only loves deserve far better than you.
You lay it all bare and then you wait. You wait for her to tell you it’s all true and while they might still love you, you’ll never fit into their perfect little family anymore.
When she lets you go, you know this is the beginning of the end. You know she’s pulling away. She’s going to walk away from you, this time forever…
But no, while she does release you, it’s only to crawl over your body so she can lay face-to-face with you. Her green eyes are red-rimmed as her own tears fall freely.
“I need you to understand something. I am always going to love you. I am always going to want you, whether you weigh 100 pounds or 300 pounds or even 500 pounds. It doesn’t matter to me if you wake up tomorrow morning, having developed elephantitis and are permanently deformed for the rest of your life.
“It doesn’t matter to me what you look like, because that’s not the part of you that I fell in love with. I fell in love with who you are on the inside, and on the inside, you are always going to be the most beautiful person I’ll ever know.
“You, my sweet, sweet girl, have always been, and always will be my greatest love,” she whispers as she cups your jaw and swipes at the steady stream of tears running down your cheek. Her hands are soft and her movements are so gentle and you’d forgotten how wonderful it was to be touched by her.
“B-but Bucky…” you argue, but she cuts you off with a finger pressed to your lips.
“I love him too, always, with everything in me, but it doesn’t make anything I’ve just said any less true. I’ll never have anyone else like you. There’s nobody that makes me feel the way my sweet girl does.”
She pulls you in close, carefully positioning herself against you so she’s cradling your large belly in her lap, your head under her chin. You still cry as her hand rests gently on your belly, rubbing soothingly across the taut, stretched skin.
“I thought it was me,” she admits after you’ve finally started to calm down. “I thought...I thought you were going to leave. When you started pulling away from me, I thought I was going to lose you because I wasn’t enough anymore.
“And then, if you left, it would only have been a matter of time before Bucky would leave, too. He’d follow you anywhere. You’re the mother of his child, how could he not? And what am I compared to you? What can I give him? There’s no future with me if you’re not here.”
It was your turn to hold her as she cried. It took some serious wiggling, but you managed to pull her into your chest, cradling her, comforting her. Her tears came hard and fast, staining the front of your shirt.
“You’re my forever, Tasha. I wouldn’t...I couldn’t live without you. And I’m so sorry that I did this to us. I...I...I don’t know how to fix it,” you whispered into her hair, stroking the sweat dampened locks with one hand as the other held her close.
“There’s nothing to fix, sweet girl,” she said with a sniffle, pulling back to look up at you. “I’m yours, мое сердце (my heart). I’ve always been yours.”
“But what about Bucky?” You whisper, willing yourself not to cry again as you think about the other half of your heartache.
“It’s not what you think. I don’t know what’s up, but I know him and it can’t be what you’re thinking. He adores you. I know you can’t see it, but he still looks at you like you hung the moon. You’ll need to sit down with him and talk about it. We have spent too long tiptoeing around each other and look what it’s done to us,” she says as she scoots up so you're lying nose to nose.
“And come back to bed. Please. I can’t stand to spend another night away from you. I don’t know if I can suffer through broody Bucky on my own anymore.”
“He can’t have been that bad,” you say with a small chuckle, curling a strand of red hair behind her ear.
“You have no idea how insufferable he’s been without you,” she assures with a warm smile.
“Speaking of, where is he? No...wait...what are you doing here? Both of you are supposed to be at…”
“At the thing, yeah, no, I couldn’t stand to be there a second longer knowing that you were here all alone.”
“Won’t Steve be upset you left?”
“Nah. But hey, even if he was, what is he gonna do? Kick me off the team?” She says with a scoff and a wink. “Besides, it was mostly for the incoming agents. We were there just as a morale booster.”
“But Bucky stayed?” You ask in a whisper.
“No, he didn’t,” comes a deep voice from the doorway. Your head whips around, your body following sluggishly after, to see Bucky standing in the doorway, arms crossed, and brow furrowed.
“How long have you been here?” You asked as you struggled to push yourself up off the bed, to move anywhere else, feeling incredibly vulnerable and exposed in this position.
But Nat’s arms hold you in place, keeping you on your side, as Bucky walked over, kicked off his shoes, and laid down next to you.
“Long enough. Nat beat me here by a few minutes. I would have been here sooner if she would have waited for me to get in the car…” He’s smiling playfully, but his eyes are shining, wide, unblinking, and a little pained. “I waited in the hall, figured I’d give you two a few minutes…”
The silence stretches as you stare at him. There’s so many things you want to say, but you can’t seem to make yourself speak. You need to tell him how you feel. You need to tell him…
“I’m sorry,” he says, cutting you off before you can even get your mouth to open. “I’m sorry I made you feel like this. I’ve done this to you; I’ve done this to all of us, and I’m so, so sorry. But it’s not what you think. Not that there’s an excuse, but I never imagined it would have led to this; that you’d think I wasn’t attracted to you anymore…that I didn’t want you.”
You’re blinking away tears when they start springing back up. His hand reaches out slowly, pausing just inches from your face, giving you the opportunity to pull away. And when you don’t, his hand falls to your hair, pushing the tangled mess back away from your face. The touch is so tender that you can’t fight the tears from falling anymore.
You’ve closed yourself off from them for so long that you’d forgotten how wonderful it felt to be loved by them.
“It was me,” he whispers, closing his eyes. “I’m not...I won’t be...I’d die if I ever hurt you, or him. It’s all I can see every time I close my eyes. It haunts my dreams. And, ok, I’ll admit, I did pull back some, but you just seemed much more delicate than before. There’s a brand new little person growing inside you. And if I hurt you…or him..I couldn’t…”
His voice breaks and he’s blinking away his own tears. You know how he feels. It’s the same self-loathing you’ve been dealing with for the past few months.
What a mess this has turned into. All three of you have been suffering through the same exact thing, feeling inept compared to each other, and instead of anyone talking about how they feel, you’ve been keeping it bottled up until it’s reached this breaking point.
“What a trio we make, huh?” You whisper, reaching out and placing a hand on Bucky’s bicep. You’re giving him a watery smile which he returns as Natasha is hugging you from behind.
“Maybe this would be a good time to suggest we go back to therapy…together…” Natasha piped up as she shifted upwards again, curling around you so she, too, could reach Bucky.
“S’ not a bad idea,” you agree. “It helped before. Could be good to go in for another refresher before the baby gets here.”
Bucky sighs and nods.
“I’ve missed you,” you breathe as you feel the both of them snuggle into you. “I’ve missed you both so much.”
And for the first time in months, with both of your loves snuggled in close, you feel whole and loved and complete.
Chapter 03-Final Chapter
#marvel#captain america#winter soldier#black widow#bucky x reader x nat#bucky x reader x natasha#nat x reader x bucky#natasha x reader x bucky#bucky#bucky barnes#nat#natasha#natasha romanoff#pregnant!reader#uncertain
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It's Tasty Tuesday! Who Wants a Sample...
A weekly sample of what I have to offer. Be it a WIP or a completed fic, I'm here to give you a taste.
Well enough to wet your appetite at least...
Hors d'oeuvres for the week of August 26th 😈
Moonlight & Fang Ch. 5 (The Rogue): Alpha!Ari Levison x x OC Omega!Selene/Red
Strings Attached: Mechanic!Biker!Sy x POC!Reader
You Were Finished Long Before We Had Even Seen The Start: Indie Rocker!Eddie Munson x POC!Indie Rocker!Reader “Sug” x Fuckboy!Steve Harrington
Bittersweet (Part I): POC!Reader “Lux” x Walter Marshall
LUNATIC III: Avengers x POC!Reader "Nyx"
As all of my samples are 18+ material they can be fun under the cut. MDNI
Happy Feasting Heathens

She wants to play with fire and tempt my wolf. Well, I’ll gladly watch her burn.
With a growl, I reach forward. Wrapping my hand around the back of her neck and pulling her forward into a bruising kiss. She tastes of wild magic and sin. Breaking the kiss, I leave her breathless. Hand placed on her heaving chest as she tries to regulate her intake of air.
“Dress. Gone. Now. Before I cut it to shreds.”
She pulls her dagger back out, turning it over with a flick of her wrist and cuts it off herself. Nicking her chest in the process. “It’s just fabric. Need further assistance with yours.” She innocently asks. Doe-eyed and sweet.
“Oh you’re dangerous, little one.”
“What better to challenge you with.” She giggles.
I kiss her once more as I unlace my pants and release my aching member into the chill night air. Gripping her thighs, I lift her up onto my naked chest. Walking forward, I allow my wolf to navigate us to the nearest tree and I slam her up against it. Affording me a nip to the lip in retaliation.
Her slick if making a mess of the thick hair trailing down my abdomen. She’s ripe and ready for me. So I notch my swollen head between her leaking folds and thrust inside her.
Only giving her a moment to adjust to the size of me splitting her open, I start a punishing pace. Slamming into her hard and deep. Hitting all of the sweet spots and grinding my pelvis down against her little bundle of nerves. As her back scratches against the bark, leaving its own mark behind. Our chests, still slick with blood, slide against one another as the very essence of our beings co mingle together.
I can feel her orgasm coming on quickly and with one more deep thrust, I watch her soar over the edge. Screaming my name to Gods, as she promised.
This is not how I wish to claim her. No, I have something special in mind for that.
Continue: ao3 tumblr

“You’re a needy little one tonight.” He grits out. “Remember to stay quiet Peach. Wouldn't want to alert the neighbors now, would we?”
I have no chance of responding as he pulls his hips back and thrusts them forward. Gripping my waist tight, he sets a hardy pace. I bite my bottom lip to keep from screaming as his weight pushes me down against the leather and metal beneath me.
He slaps my ass, making me cry out, before clamping my mouth shut once more. “If your pussy keeps squeezing me like that Peach, this is going to be over sooner than I would like.”
So of course I purposely do exactly that. I clamp my walls around this girth and circle my hips as best I can in my current position. Rubbing my clit along the leather seat. I can feel a tingle begin to move up from my toes into my core. I’m right on the precipice of ecstasy and I want to take Sy along with me.
“So close.” I whisper out.
“I know, baby. I know.” He groans. “Be a good girl and come for me so I can fill you up. Wanna watch my cum drip out of you onto my seat.”
He picks up the pace and suddenly I feel like I’m flying. Goosebumps erupt along my skin, and I forget all about staying quiet as I come around his cock.
“That’s it, babygirl. Fuck you feel so good when you come on my dick baby.”
I lay there, riding the waves of pleasure as Sy fucks me through my orgasm. Just as the last pulses ring through my body, he thrusts in as deep as he can go. With his tip notched at my cervix, he growls and groans as he unloads inside of me. Hips twitching until the last drop is spent.
He slowly pulls out of me. Reaching forward, he spreads my cheeks. Admiring his seed leaking from my abused hole. “One of these days I’m going to have to film this. My mind never does it justice. And you really need to see just how damn sexy you look all swollen and dripping of me.”
“Why not just do it now? I won’t be moving without help thanks to that orgasm. Enjoy the fruits of your labor Beasty.”
I observe him reach into his pocket and pull out his phone. Taking his sweet time, he snaps pictures and even takes video from practically every angle.
Next thing I know his screen is before me with a video playing. My pussy, front and center, spasms. An aftershock most likely, and a fresh trickle of cream trails down my lips. I’m a mess, but I have to admit, he’s right. I do look sexy with his claim painted on me.
“Fucking perfection.” He whispers in my ear. “Now let’s get you inside and cleaned up, baby. I’m going to push my cum back where it belongs and pull your pants back up. Then I’m carrying you to bed.”
“Such a chivalrous beast.” I giggle.
“Only for you, Peach. What can I say. I’m attached. Strings and all.”
Continue: ao3 tumblr

Your mouth opens on a silent moan. Eyes rolling to the back of your head with the intrusion as you whisper a soft, “Oh fuck.”
“What is it Bunny?” Eddie, who has been watching with his own hand wrapped around his dick, asks.
“Big.” You moan out. “He’s so big. Sooo full.”
Eddie gives a little sadistic chuckle. “Oh this is going to be even more fun than I originally thought.”
Steve turns his head. Having caught his breath from the initial shock of your tight pussy gripping him tight. Ready with a sassy reply on his tongue. A reply that never makes it past his throat, as Eddie takes his fingers coated in your slick and teases them against his hole.
With a little pressure, Eddie’s fingertip sinks in. He pushes it further past the ring of muscle until he is two knuckles deep. Pulling out he adds a second finger and begins scissoring them.
Steve groans at the intrusion. Hips grinding involuntarily from the sensations. His trimmed patch of hair along his pelvis rubbing against your sensitive pearl. Pulling quiet moans from your throat.
Eddie continues with his prep until he feels that Steve is ready to take his cock. Snapping the bottle of lube open, he applies a generous amount to his rigid length.
Pulling his fingers out, he grips Steve’s cheeks. Spreading him wide and spitting on his hole for good measure. With his dick firmly in hand he kisses the tip to Steve’s puckered hole and gently inches his way in.
Both men groan as Eddie bottoms out. Steve, overloaded with pleasurable sensations, is a panting mess.
“You gonna get those hips moving and satisfy my girl or am I going to have to fuck the both of you myself?” Eddie taunts.
“How the hell would you do that?” Steve ponders out loud.
“Like this.” Eddie pulls out almost to the tip and slams back forward. Thrusting so hard that he moves Steve’s hips. Pushing him deeper inside of you.
When he pulls back once more, Steve’s hips back out from you just a bit with them.
Than Eddies does it again. Choosing to stay still once he’s slammed home. “So again. Are you gonna fuck us yourself or am I going to be the one doing all the fucking?”
“Fuck. You. Eddie.” Steve grits out through pants.
“Maybe next time.” Eddie teases. “At least rub Bunny’s clit. Want to watch her come all over your dick before you lose it. With how taut your muscles are I expect this to go rather quickly.”
Steve turns to glare over his shoulder at Eddie. The subtle movement causes his hips to tilt in just a way that has his thickness grazing against your sweet spongy spot making you moan. Grabbing the attention of both men.
Your eyes are glazed over, and your bottom lip is being held hostage by your top teeth.
“Look at you little one. Laying here all patient like a good girl while we bicker like fools.” Steve coos. Mesmerized by how gorgeous you look underneath him.
“She’s the best girl.” Eddie says. Leaning over Steve’s shoulder to gaze down at you. “She deserves a reward for such good behavior don’t you think? How about a cream pie? Hmm. Stevie fills you up with a fat load while I do the same to him. Sound good to you Bunny?”
Continue: ao3 tumblr

Do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand.
The smile that graced my face this morning when I received the text from Walt letting me know he closed the case and to come over for our usual post case dinner and decompression; was megawatt status. This case really took over his life. Even more so than usual. I barely heard a word from him for two weeks.
Receiving that text, knowing he was okay and that I would be seeing him, was a breath of fresh air.
I arrived to his house and let myself in.
It was eerily silent. I thought that maybe I beat Walt home. That is until I stumbled upon his sulking frame on the kitchen floor, slumped against the cabinets. A highball of whiskey clutched tight in his fingers.
“Walt, is everything okay?” I lower myself to the ground to get closer to him. Uncaring of the dress that took me hours to decide on.
“She didn’t survive.” He mumbles out.
“The wife.” He deadpans. “It was a home invasion. They did horrible things to this woman in front of her husband who fought back with everything he had. They both ended up in the hospital. Beds next to each other. Something went wrong. A bleed they didn’t catch, and she lost her life. He had to watch her die and could do nothing about it.”
“Oh, puppy. I’m so sorry. That poor man. Did you get the assholes responsible?”
“Yeah. Young idiots trying to make a name for themselves.”
“Good. Now justice can be served. So what has you so upset?”
He takes a sip of his whiskey. “The husband looked so hollow when I came to tell him we caught the ones responsible for his wife’s death. I’ve seen some horrible things but nothing that will haunt me as much as that look on his face did. It reminded me of what I have to lose. I don’t know why you even put up with me and all the shit I put you through, but I can’t lose you baby. I can’t.” He confesses with tears in his eyes.
On instinct I climb into his lap and begin kissing them away until I land on his downturned lips. Where I place the softest of kisses. Barely a graze.
He sets his whiskey down and places his hand loosely around my throat as he pulls me in for a deeper one.
It quickly turns desperate. His jeans are quickly unzipped, and my underwear are pushed to the side. Simultaneous groans ricochet off the walls as our pelvis’ connect and we being to grind in tortuous pleasure. Succumbing to the need to reenforce our bond to each other.
It’s both loving and painful. Raw and unfiltered. An emotional mess of our demons dancing together before we chase them away to their dark depths once more.
“I love you.” I pant out. “Demons and all.”
Continue: ao3 tumblr

“Have a look around. Make yourselves comfortable. Get acquainted with the space. I'm still a bit of a mess from my performance. Sticky with sweat, among other things. I’m just going to wash the night away so the fun can begin. I’ll leave the door open. You’re more than welcome to join.” You give your most innocent smile, mischievous eyes giving you away.
Nat wastes no time following you into the bathroom. “Here let me.” She runs her fingers up your arms, pushing the straps down as she reaches your shoulders, letting the dress fall to the floor. She looks down and quirks a brow. “Your panties seem to be missing. I distinctly remember you leaving the stage with them on.”
“Everything about August is large. Down to the size of his loads.” You state. “Not to mention, the viscosity. I didn't feel like walking around with it slowly trailing down my thighs, so I did a quick cleanup and decided to air dry.”
You smile sweetly at her as she reaches around and unclasps your bra with one hand. “Let’s see if he left anything behind shall we.” Her dainty fingers traverse up your inner thigh, slapping each one to get you to spread them, before sinking her middle finger to the knuckle into your dampened folds.
She pumps her hand a few times, crooking her finger to reach all the good spots, making you weak in the knees already. Pulling out she raises her wet hand between you. “Well would you look at that, it’s all you.”
“Thor can’t stop talking about how amazing she tastes.” Bucky speaks from the door frame. “Is it true, doll?”
Nat licks her finger clean, moaning as your essence coats her tongue. “Fuck that’s good.”
“Guess I’m going to have to find out for myself.” He steps into the bathroom. “Turn around. Hands on the counter and present that dripping little cunt for me, doll.”
You easily comply, bending over the counter, ass high in the air, weeping pussy on full display.
He stands behind you, catching your eyes in the mirror before lowering himself to his knees. Placing his hands on your hips, the cool of the metal soothing your heated skin, he leans forward and runs his thick tongue slowly from clit to slit and back again. “I don’t think his words did you justice, doll. If I’m not too careful, I could find myself addicted to your taste on my tongue. I think I may be ruined already.”
You remain in place and just whimper at his words. “Someone is feeling subby.” Nat mentions. “She hasn’t moved an inch since you commanded her to present for you.” She looks at Bucky.
“That what you need tonight, doll? To surrender? Feel that loss of control?” Bucky asks.
“Yes.” You whisper out. “Yes, I just want to float away.”
“We can provide that for you.” Nat states. “Let’s set some guidelines before we begin.” You and Bucky both nod. “Good. We can go over them while you shower if you still wish to do so.”
“I do. Muscles are still tense.” You reply.
Bucky starts the shower, checks the temp, lifts you up and places you inside. “Wash up, but leave your hair dry if possible please.” He hands you a hair tie from around his wrist for you to do so.
“Okay. Now. Let’s clarify what is happening here.” He starts. “You want to partake in a scene where Nat or I…”
“Both.” You quickly squeak out.
He chuckles. “Where Nat and I Dom you. Is that correct?”
“Yes.” You nod.
“Anything specific you would like to have happen? Safewords?” Nat asks.
“I use the traffic light system for scenes. Simplest for all parties to remember.” You lather up your body. “And I do have a certain kink in mind that I would love to have utilized if you're comfortable with it.”
“Which kink would that be, doll?”
“I think I have an inkling.” Nat teases.
“Knife play. If getting a little bloody isn't an issue for you.” You look at them. “I wouldn't be opposed to being tied down at your mercy either.”
You watch the tent rise further in Bucky’s jeans. “I can most certainly accommodate that for you.” He twirls his favorite knife around his fingers.
“This is going to be fun.” Nat responds. “Anything else?”
“No that’s pretty much it.”
“Great. Now hurry up and rinse off.” Bucky states as he goes to grab a towel. “You’re to dry off and wait for us to call you into the room.” He pulls you to him by the back of your head and kisses you for the first time, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. “Marks?”
“Nothing permanent please.”
“Understandable.” He kisses you once more and heads back into the room to set up. Nat places a light kiss to your lips then follows.
Continue: ao3 tumblr
#tasty tuesday sample platter#poc reader#poc oc#abo au#ari levinson x reader#ari levinson smut#alpha ari levinson#captain sy x reader#captain syverson x reader#captain syverson smut#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson smut#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington smut#steddie#steddie x reader#steddie smut#walter marshall x reader#walter marshall smut#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes smut#bucky x reader x natasha#natasha x reader#natasha smut
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This has it all! i am gasping! so fun! a little dangerous! and so messy filthy!
have you seen baby?
pairing: bucky barnes x reader x natasha romanoff
word count: 3,196
summary: You and your two lovers haven’t gotten to spend much time together. Also, sex pollen.
warnings: Bad words. Filthy, filthy smut. Sex pollen.
a/n: Thank you so much to @cake-writes for this commission! I loved writing it and I really hope you enjoy it!
It’s late.
Well. Relatively late. Nearing three in the afternoon, and Natasha hadn’t seen you. Of course, that barred that morning when she woke up to your pretty face still sleeping beside her. Unfortunately, Bucky was on a mission, otherwise she’d get to see his equally as pretty face on your other side. It was disappointing. There was just something so sweet about waking up to the two loves of her life.
But now, it was almost three, and you hadn’t even emerged from your lab for lunch.
Which is why she headed down two floors to the huge lab that you, Tony, and Bruce shared. You kind of played as an inbetween for the both of them, wanting to know it all and then some. It was precious.
But it also meant that you had a bad habit of getting lost in your work and not emerging for hours or sometimes days. You had been getting better about it, if only because Bucky and Natasha were always on your ass about it.
Which is only because they love you. So much. Like. So so much.
Keep reading
#bucky barnes x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#bucky barnes x reader x natasha romanoff#bucky x reader x natasha
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when y/n does something so bad/embarrassing you have to facepalm and close your eyes for a minute


#bucky barnes x reader#hannibal x reader#spencer reid x reader#dean winchester x reader#supernatural x reader#evan buckley x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#jasper hale x reader#sanji x reader#aaron hotchner x reader#criminal minds x reader#joe goldberg x reader#derek morgan x reader#mattheo riddle x reader#theodore nott x reader#sirius black x reader#remus lupin x reader#eddie diaz x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#fanfiction#x reader#y/n#sam winchester x reader#eddie munson x reader#steve harrington x reader#loki x reader#loki laufeyson x reader#tate langdon x reader#daryl dixon x reader#astarion x reader
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family: “why are you just sitting in ur room smiling at ur phone?”
me who’s been reading smut about fictional characters for the past 6 hours:

#smut#relatable#neteyam x reader#jake sully x reader#lo’ak x reader#tonowari x reader#miguel o’hara x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#ghost x reader#konig x reader#draco malfoy x reader#mattheo riddle x reader#ellie williams x reader#harry potter x reader#rick grimes x reader#dean winchester x reader#neytiri x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#steve rogers x reader#bucky barnes x reader#edmund pevensie x reader#eddie munson x reader#steve harrington x reader#robin buckley x reader#five hargreeves x reader#leon kennedy x reader#gojo satoru x reader#rafe cameron x reader#logan howlett x reader
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every time i remember my favorite person isn’t real

#eddie munson x reader#steve harrington x reader#remus lupin x reader#benedict bridgerton x reader#anthony bridgerton x reader#x reader#deadpool x reader#wolverine x reader#sirius black x reader#james potter x reader#rafe cameron x reader#jj maybank x reader#dean winchester x reader#aaron hotchner x reader#spencer reid x reader#meme#derek morgan x reader#peeta mellark x reader#daryl dixon x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#logan howlett x reader#wade wilson x reader#peter parker x reader#bucky barnes x reader#evan buckley x reader#eddie diaz x reader
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When you're reading a fanfic and suddenly the reader has a name
#fanfic#fanfiction#logan howlett x reader#jake lockley x reader#marc spector x reader#miguel o'hara x reader#steve rogers x reader#steven grant x reader#anakin skywalker x reader#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barns x reader#din djarin x reader#dean winchester x reader#castiel x reader#peter parker x reader#loki x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#james potter#sirius black x reader
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fanfic writers NEVER contemplate or apologise for your fic being over 3-5k words long, we readers LOVE longer fics!! anyways have a good day/night 🙂↕️



#writer appreciation#for fanfic writers#x reader#jj maybank x reader#jake seresin x reader#bradley bradshaw x reader#top gun x reader#rafe cameron x reader#twd x reader#jeon jungkook x reader#park jimin x reader#kim taehyung x reader#kim namjoon x reader#min yoongi x reader#jung hoseok x reader#natasha trace x reader#josh washington x reader#sarah cameron x reader#john b routledge x reader#pope heyward x reader#rick grimes x reader#daryl dixon x reader#carl grimes x reader#carl gallagher x reader#steve rogers x reader#bucky barnes x reader#peter parker x reader#frank castle x reader#chloe price x reader#warren graham x reader
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You know who's truly a million different people? Y/n
Y/n is a doctor, FBI agent, CSI, reporter, vigilante, hero, vilian, singer, actor, the most famous celebrity, a vampire, the most powerful character, assistant, CEO everything you say this mother fucker has done it
#fanfiction#x y/n#y/n core#wattpad#wattpad core#dick grayson x reader#bucky barnes x reader#jason todd x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#bruce wayne x reader#tony stark x reader#and your favorites
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Sinful (5)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: dash of anxiety, smut (masturbation, fingering, voyeurism, mentions of M-F-F threesome), 18+ only
Summary: It’s not considered homewrecking if you want both of them, right? Maybe not, but it sure is naughty.
A/N: So, I decided there will be six parts! Next part will be the end! This one is only slightly smutty, but you know the rules, you shouldn’t be reading this if you are under 18! Seriously, please don’t make me be the bad guy and take the whole series down because I find out minors are reading this. Ily x
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated (: x
Keep reading
#bucks and noble reblog#bucky x reader x natasha#bucky barnes x reader x natasha romanoff#bucky barnes#natasha romanoff#buckynat#winterwidow#buckynat x reader#winterwidow x reader#bucky barnes x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#lates fic recs#late to the queue
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i don’t write fanfics i literally just repost them and sob my eyes out.

#hwang inho x reader#harry james potter x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#daryl dixon x reader#spencer reid x reader#jess mariano x reader#rafe cameron x reader#gilbert blythe x reader#din djarin x reader#bucky x reader#carl grimes x reader#gi hun x reader#marvel#x reader#pls help#i’m going insane#draco malfoy x reader
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Y/N: Bye Natasha!
Y/N: Bye Tony!
Y/N: Bye Steve!
Y/N: Bye Bucky!
Y/N: Bye Natasha!
Tony: You said 'Bye Natasha' twice.
Y/N: I like Natasha.
#source: ???#incorrect marvel quotes#marvel incorrect quotes#incorrect mcu quotes#natasha romanoff#natasha romanoff x you#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff x y/n#natasha x you#natasha x reader#natasha romanov#natalia romanova#black widow#black widow x reader#tony stark#tony stark x reader#tony stark x you#iron man#iron man x reader#bucky#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x you#steve rogers#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers x you#captain america#marvel#marvel x reader#the avengers
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Steve, seeing Y/N babying Bucky: What happened??
Y/N, putting a bandaid on Bucky’s finger: Bucky got a paper cut.
Steve, rolling his eyes: Seriously? Yesterday Sam was screaming "I've been stabbed!" and all you did was yell "shut up!"
Y/N, after kissing Bucky’s boo-boo: That's because he was screaming "I think I've been stabbed!" Bitch, you're either stabbed or you aren't!
Natasha, sitting next to them while casually eating cereal: She's right.
#avengers incorrect quotes#marvel incorrect quotes#mcu incorrect quotes#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x you#avengers x reader#steve rogers#sam wilson#natasha romanoff#bucky barnes x reader#avengers x platonic!reader#source: two broke girls
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I love Bucky loving his body. I love Bucky loved by the team. I love Bucky having his happy ending with a family. Imagine Bucky lounging around the sofa with his little baby girl tucked in his arm, her sweet face covered in frosting after smothering half of her cupcake onto her cheeks. The icing is bright red just like Tony's suit and it's his birthday party afterall, so everything is in full swing. Most of the cupcake is squished between her fingers, very little actually making it into her mouth but Bucky doesn't mind. He chuckles, watching her with heart eyes as she happily smears it onto his crisp white shirt, babbling and cooing, now sucking her thumb.
He is absolutely unbothered by this, all he sees is his happy little baby with her cheeky smile licking up all the frosting just like her mama. While Bucky couldn't care less about his shirt, a few others certainly did.
"Better get dunk that shirt into a bucket of tide pens Barnes" Clint snorted.
"Actually the quicker you get it off, the less likely it is to stain. Take it off now" Tony's voice went from fatherly advice to a seductive growl making Bucky's face twist in amusement, pink starting to color his cheeks.
"Yeah, give the little munchkin to y/n and take it off. Cause of the stain" Nat agreed, cocking an eyebrow. You giggled watching the scene unfold before you, your husband growing bashfully shy.
"Can't hurt punk" Steve shrugged and Bucky's eyes nearly popped out of his head until he realized his best friend had been nursing a rather large glass of Asgardian mead. Tipsy Steve was always a little bit of a pervert...
"For the stain"
"I think you just want me to take my shirt off" Bucky huffed while you grinned, giving his cheek a peck before taking your little princess in your arms.
"Can't blame them handsome, c'mon, show em' how lucky I am" you whisper and that sells it. Couldn't hurt and since they were all asking...
"Just take it off!" Nat howled with a wink, a bunch of whistles when Bucky sighed, indulging the team a little. He unbuttons his shirt and hands it off to a genuinely concerned Sam who would normally make sure the shirt got sent to the cleaners but this is too good so he throws it into a bucket of cold water and is back within seconds.
"Good God"
"You look fuckin' good terminator"
"Alright, alright" Bucky holds his hands up, unable to stop the way his ears are bright red, shaking his head when you blow him a kiss making him blush more.
"Body shots!"
Tony's eyes glimmer with excitement, and Bucky snorts, loving the way you egg him on, his daughter also squealing with excitement.
"Go on Sarge, y'know you look good"
He lies down on the bar table, surrounded by just the team, abs beautifully flexed as Nat pours a generous amount of some type of alcohol right on his belly button.
"When else will we get this lucky" She says with a playful smirk while Steve cracks his knuckles.
"Why are you cracking your knuckles, what the hell do you plan on-
"ME FIRST" He doesn't give anyone a chance, face planting himself into Bucky's tummy, his lips sealed, drinking every bit of the burning liquor with a satisfied hum.
"How much has he had to drink"
"Who cares, me next"
"I think you've licked enough of my husband"
"You get him all the time, don't be greedy"
"That cute little chubby ball of frosting and giggles is enough evidence you get him every which way, besides isn't there another one cooking, y'can't have any now git"
"Blink twice if you need help"
"Bro looks like an angel"
"Why aren't you blinking"
"Crafted by the heavens"
"You like this, don't you"
Bucky can't help but chuckle, surrounded by idiots. Drunk idiots. His wife. His baby girl. Another little one on the way. All who love him. Would protect him. Life was good.
#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky barnes fluff#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes x reader#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x f!reader#bucky x y/n#bucky barnes fanfiction#marvel#marvel fanfic#marvel fic#marvel fanfiction#marvel fluff#marvel imagine#marvel x reader#mcu fanfiction#mcu imagine#bucky barnes x reader fluff#bucky barnes x fluff#bucky barnes crack fic#natasha romanoff#iron man#tony stark#steve rogers#captain america#avengers fanfic#avengers fanfiction#avengers fluff
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Yeah my life might be complicated but at least me and [fictional character] are living our best lives right now.
#joel miller x reader#lalo salamanca x reader#ellie williams x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#ari levison x reader#daryl dixon x reader#rick grimes x reader#steve rogers x reader#tess servopoulos x reader#bucky barns x reader#peter parker x reader#nacho varga x reader#din djarin x reader#abby anderson x reader#pedro pascal x reader#leon kennedy x reader#carlos oliveria x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#andy barber x reader#tommy miller x reader#hobi brown x reader#negan smith x reader#kendall roy x reader#roman roy x reader#javier pena x reader
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in another universe, your favorite characters are reading fanfic about you. Feel special.
#i enjoy fueling delusion<3#eddie munson x reader#steve harrington x reader#remus lupin x reader#benedict bridgerton x reader#anthony bridgerton x reader#x reader#castiel x reader#dean winchester x reader#sam winchester x reader#colin bridgerton x reader#spencer reid x reader#aaron hotchner x reader#derek morgan x reader#rafe cameron x reader#jj maybank x reader#peter parker x reader#emily prentiss x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#jennifer jareau x reader#penelope garcia x reader#bucky barnes x reader#hank voight x reader#peeta mellark x reader#finnick odair x reader#rick grimes x reader#daryl dixon x reader
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