#Bubble anime
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ethercollective · 1 year ago
be gay do crimes found family... save me..
be gay do crimes found family
save me be gay do crimes found family
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years ago
The Search for a Solarpunk Anime
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Allow me to think aloud for a moment. Because I noticed something.
Whenever people ask for movie recommendations or anime recommendations for Solarpunk, a movie that often gets named is Netflix's Bubble. And on one hand... I get it. The aesthetic of the movie is more Cozy Apocalypse than Solarpunk (aka lots of greens on the buildings and what not, but not because they have been planted there to make a better environment, rather than because the buildings falling into disrepair). But it scratches that certain itch, aesthetically.
Yet, the movie does not really feel Solarpunk to me. While one can argue that the folks who have fled into the bubble zone are kinda anarchistic in that they do lack clear hierarchies, they also do not do a ton of mutual aid, rather competing over ressources. Which to me is the issue. The movie does not have a lot of that Solarpunk spirit. Not much in terms of either mutual aid or environmental protection going on. It just has a pretty green aesthetic. (Though it should be said: Fucking darn, that movie is pretty.)
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Of course, the obvious answer to name when it comes to Solarpunk anime movies is Studio Ghibli. Obvious, because the studio is one of the central inspirations behind the genre. So, duh, yes, there are quite a few Ghibli movies out there that are pretty darn Solarpunk. Most notably of course Nausicaä, Laputa and Princess Mononoke. These movies all are not only Solarpunk in some aesthetic aspects, but also when it comes to the themes inspiring them. Which is kinda funny to me, because neither of the movies is classical science fiction - making clear that scifi really is not a prerequesit for the genre.
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But there is also another genre, I would say. And that genre is the movies, that do not have much of the aesthetic - outside maybe a vague cottagecore aesthetic - but have a lot of the themes I associate with Solarpunk.
To me two of those movies are Ame to Yuki: Wolf Children, and Misaki no Mayoiga. I already talked about the second movie, but just to sum up: Both movies really go deeply into the aspects of community building, mutual aid and also living in harmony with nature in some degree. Both very much show that we are really good at helping each other. And that you can have a good life without rigid organisation. And I really fucking love that about those movies.
Funnily enough: While funnily enough Makoto Shinkai with his generous aesthetic does have some scenes in several of his movies that just have the aesthetic flair of Solarpunk, I would say that thematically Suzume is the one most in line with the genre. Because it, too, as a lot of themes of mutual aid and just forming community and what not.
And I do not know. Maybe we are gonna see more of that stuff in the future?
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tinyperson00 · 7 months ago
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Total time: 12 hours, 36 minutes
Really proud of finishing this even with my nonexistent motivation, it turned out amazing honestly. Click for better quality
tagging: @kimetsu-chan @larz-barz @aceofstars0
speed paint + closeups:
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my prediction was spot on as well.. uploading the speed paint literally took 29 minutes and 14 seconds 💀
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boverisme · 5 months ago
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ydotome · 1 year ago
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Bubble - Dir. Tetsurō Araki - May 13, 2022
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inkedwingss · 1 year ago
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I'm not big on anime, and usually skip the intro, but I need to talk about some reasons I find Bubble to be so brilliant.
Spoiler alert.
1. The little mermaid was one of my special interests for years, so yes, there is that.
2. The pure, tender but also "I will die/kill for you" love story. Beautifully done, even when we understand their fate, it doesn't discourage you from watching and it does not disappoint;
3. Good plot with cool characters that actually add to the story.Hibiki and Kai's development, first on that big jump when Kai shows how much of a true leader and self-sacrificing person he is, so we understand it was never jealousy but his desire to be useful and relevant - love how they animated that moment -, and then when Hibiki, that does everything alone, asks Kai directly, in front of everyone, to go with him. These are just two of my favourite moments, but let's keep moving.
4. The quality of the animation itself. Seriously, animating can be a pain but animating parkour? The camera movements are sick, and the dynamic is amazing! Parkour is not a cool background: they are fully committed. Also, they pay attention to other details (like Hibiki's freaking headphones flying on that epic scene) that make all the difference. I could post a ton of pictures about the poetry of it all, but I'm gonna stick with those four.
5. The way they portray neurodiversity: casually, naturally, and with its inherent value. It's a relief to see someone like Hibiki being a pro at something that is not what we usually see in this type of character. Enough with the chess player/reader/tech genius autistic characters. People can have other abilities! Other needs, other characteristics. They can be relevant because of what makes them different, even if it's "small", like an auditory hypersensitivity. This was something very special, and I quite like how this post talks about it.
Also, who doesn't like apocalyptical scenarios nowadays?
A lot of spoilers ahead:
At the very start, Hibiki falls from the tower and Uta follows him, presumably to save him. As he drowns, the bubbles of his breath meet Uta, and they merge into something that resembles a supernova. This is going to be referenced later by Makoto: "It's said that the world repeatedly collapses and rebuilds. Assembles, bursts. Scatters. Then assembles again..."
Uta becomes a human through him, quite literally. As she grows into multiple bubbles, we see a poster on the train with a girl on it, and the similarity between them suggests that she used that as an inspiration for her human form - although her hair is blue, which brings her authenticity forward. Funny enough, the poster says "beyond the border". Then, still underwater, they touch (kiss, in my opinion, for the sake of Hibiki's need for oxygen), but her human form is not affected by touching him like it happens when they are on the surface - beyond the border.
It's also interesting to think about the many layers of the word "bubble", not only as an obvious reference to the original fairy tale. A bubble can be a cage or a protection. When underwater, it holds the air, and "air", "breath" and "wind" are terms extensively used in literature and in various religions to refer to our spirit. We also have a similar situation with "sound" and "music" being connected to frequency and the creation of the world. We know Uta signs and her name means music, in Japanese. A name that was given to her by Hibiki, by the way, which I love, and definitely means a lot to me for so many different reasons.
With all that said, I believe there is a reason why Hibiki and Uta's parkour movements are synchronized and their hair is so similar (with rebel strains on the top of their heads). This sense of oneness is brilliant, and she chose it. She chose to follow him. In the same way she chose to use the shape of that girl in the poster, she chose to conform herself to Hibiki's image - which, to me, is the greatest way of showing admiration and love, the act of considering the "object" of your love so high that they inspire you, they influence you! They change you/ in the end, allowing you to become yourself.
I also like the way they chose to approach our post-modern dilemmas, like doing dangerous stuff for views, the collective "orphan" feeling, as well as this "danger" and "independence" that they "seek" as a way of escaping the ridiculous reality outside (or are they pushed to it?). As a result, they end up living inside another bubble, the bubble that actually originated their trauma. When they choose to live and thrive on their own terms inside that doomed place, it's just a weird but relatable type of irony.
Now, let's talk about the end. I absolutely love the end? Like yeah, smashed my heart, and I'm gonna cry again every time I watch, amazing voice work and all, but that final scene has tons of hope and an amazing perspective of what truly happens when we have a connection (love), which is it never dies.
Love does not die. It lives inside us, and it changes us, and it becomes part of us. It is true that love suffers, but isn't that a consolation? The reality is that suffering can not be avoided unless you want to live a meaningless life, isolated with your headphones, struggling to be yourself, to find your path, wishing you could cease your own existence.
It even makes me think that we can only be ourselves through others.
Society is all about being independent nowadays, but this is just pure bullshit. Our level of co-dependency is higher than we think it is. Without love (connection), all will die. We die, and I mean this literally.
That's why, in my opinion, Hibiki says he wants to leave at the beginning of the movie. He is not going to leave the bubble. Why would he? I believe he wants to leave. You can tell his actions are not only autistic traits or trauma response, and that he is not deliberately rude - they are clear signs of depression: he is just not interested. He is somewhere else, a place no one can reach, detached. He threw the flag after a victory because it didn't matter. It's that stage where we look bored, rude, cold... But we are actually sinking.
Well, if I'm right and he wants to end it, he still needs to understand what that sound is, that song, that calling. So when he goes to the tower, it seems to me he is actually fine with risking everything for it. Hibiki is confident in his skills, but also smart enough to know how dangerous it is. It's better if he dies trying, though, right? The need to find meaning is more important, so he doesn't care if the answer costs his life; he has nothing to lose.
In fact, maybe it's something to win because in the worst scenario, he would not be taking his own life, he would be trying really hard to find the purpose and dying for it. It's a good excuse to die.
This search for meaning is present in the whole crew, but here I have literally so many things in my mind that I can't type, so I will jump to the conclusion that the purpose is found in the community.
And that's the most precious thing Uta did. Since her first moments with them, she was bringing them together in her own way (in chaos, with crazy chickens), and birthing a new pattern. Because of her giving nature, her surrender, her love, and her being, all of them end up overcoming whatever patterns were holding them back before, and that's why I said we can only be ourselves through others. Community is powerful beyond measure when its foundation is true love.
But above that, sometimes there is that one special connection, that powerful type of love, that will change everything, that strong and pure love that is just... Something else. And we crave that. As humans, we crave spiritual, deep, mystical connections. We crave the things that are beyond. That we can feel but can't fully explain. We crave love in its deepest, most consuming levels.
"Love suffers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends."
I truly hope we can all be found by it.
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nocinovae · 5 months ago
Im a nerd and have been starved of minecraft roleplay series for too long soooo I have fallen prey to fanart and peer pressure of my social media pages to watch Parkour Civilization.
It’s good. I guess it hasn’t like clicked yet but I’m not all the way through it
Like the cinematic and editing style they have is definitely anime-like which only drives me to think of the block parkour they’re doing as something more epic.
I imagine an anime version of Parkour Civ would be like Netflix’s anime film Bubble (it’s so good, a Cinderella/Ariel inspired movie with gangs of orphans competing in parkour battles over a post apocalyptic gravity manipulated Japan)
I can’t enjoy this without imagining the parkour as something other than actual minecraft parkour. Though that’s what minecraft fans gotta do turn awkward minecraft cinema and cursed skins into epic scenes with incredible designs
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thegifmakersapprentice · 2 years ago
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Bubble & Parkour
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ninjaaa-go · 1 year ago
Are there seriously only ten fics for Bubble on ao3?? That’s criminally low and I might need to write something to help out the numbers…
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noeggets · 2 years ago
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canofsouup · 2 years ago
Ok, so I rewatched bubble for the 5th time. Never gets old. I love it because I feel so similar to Hibiki every time I watch it. I don't really like loud noises very much (especially thunder) so it's nice. I'd recommend it to anyone with appreciation for good animation because it's eye candy. So pretty!
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dragonbird505 · 4 months ago
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Hey guys!
It’s been a while since I’ve done a digital drawing but after watching the movie Bubble on Netflix I felt inspired to draw this little scene where Uta (a character from the movie) meets Mily as a cute bubble dragon for the first time. I had a lot of fun with this movie so I definitely recommend it.
Hope you enjoyed 😊.
Note : Mily is my character.
Salut, salut!
Ça faisait un petit moment que je n’avais pas fais de dessin sur tablette mais après avoir regardé Bubble sur Netflix, j’ai eu l’inspiration de dessiner cette petite scène où Uta (un personnage du film) rencontre Mily, transformée en un adorable dragon bulle, pour la première fois. J’ai beaucoup aimé ce film et je le recommande fortement à tout amoureux de parkour et d’histoire d’amour.
En espérant que ça vous plaise 😊.
Note : Mily est mon personnage.
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tinyperson00 · 7 months ago
Yoooo- the all nighter brain works different!
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That actually looks so cool omg
all I gotta do is color them and then I’m finished >:D
and no, I don’t intend on sleeping tonight. I shall suffer more than I already do during the day 🫡
edit: jk I just remembered I gotta handle a kayak on my own tomorrow for like 4 hours then hike after- ill be going to bed in like 20 minutes lol, dont feel like passing out fainting out in the middle of nowhere
tagging: @larz-barz @kimetsu-chan @aceofstars0
is anyone even awake rn??
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vocalux · 1 year ago
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★ Utacharic - A gender related to Uta from Bubble ! // Um gênero relacionado à Uta de Bubble !
Bubblemovieic - A gender related to the anime Bubble ! // Um gênero relacionado ao anime Bubble !
★ Hibikicharic - A gender related to Hibiki from Bubble ! // Um gênero relacionado ao Hibiki de Bubble !
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shuubah · 1 year ago
Bubble AMV: Hibiki × Uta — Shikisai by Riria. 🫧
So I did a thing. I made an AMV for the anime, Bubble. This is actually my second AMV. The first one wasn't for the international anime fans, which is why I didn't share that one. But this time it's for everyone (as long as you watched Bubble, that is. Because AMV=spoilers, duh!).
Turn on CC for the English translation of the lyrics, which I translated myself on top of editing the video. Because the lyrics encapsulate Uta's feelings for Hibiki perfectly, so not understanding it would make you unable to appreciate the AMV to the fullest. And as a perfectionist translator, I just had to go that far to take the matters into my own hands!
Not gonna lie, it was a huge pain in the ass to do all that by myself. But the animation and the song are both so God damn beautiful that I enjoyed the process all the same. Well, hope the ones watching it enjoy it just as much, if not more! 🫧
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excalibur0 · 2 years ago
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this movie has everything
parkour, autism, men in crop tops, blue hair and pronouns, lone wolf accepts the power of teamwork, autism, cheesy doomed romance, amputation, men in high heels, and autism
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