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theakandrewscollection · 9 days ago
Flinch #11, "Red Romance" (comic books, 2000)
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A pair of ultraviolent sadomasochists up the stakes.
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25th anniversary
"Red Romance" written by Joe R. Lansdale (BubbaHo-Tep) with art by Bruce Timm (of Batman The Animated Series fame.) One of 3 stories in the 11th issue of the Horror anthology series, Flinch. Released on this day, February 23, 2000, by DC Comics under their Vertigo imprint.
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This story is much darker with more nudity than what I usually post. I don't want the entry flagged, so....
The 10 page story can be read in full here -
Or here -
Flinch #11 cover date April, 2000, released February 23, 2000
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(It's a love story)
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years ago
Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
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Although Bubba Ho-Tep didn’t do it for me it's likely to be a blast for you. There’s a lot to like but I think how much you laugh at this wild-concept depends heavily on how much you think erectile dysfunction, the word “ass” and toilet humor is funny.
Elvis Presley (Bruce Campbell) is alive and living in a nursing home. The King is not dead, but he will be unless he and a black J.F.K. (when they patched him up after the assassination they dyed his skin so no one would recognize him, which is why he's played by Ossie Davis) stop a soul-sucking mummy from murdering the residents of Shady Rest Retirement Home.
I love this premise. It’s so crazy it works! Elvis Presley ditched his life of fame and now he's all washed up, wishing he HAD died in 1977. He’s teaming up with a man who claims to be John F. Kennedy. What are they up against? Nothing less than a mystical threat that preys on the elderly. This movie knows its premise is ludicrous and revels in its silliness with laughable special effects and dialogue that'll make you think “Did they just say that?!”
People will tell you the monster or lead characters are their favorite things in Bubba Ho-Tep. I'd choose the recurring theme of Elvis feeling completely useless in the face of the young staff and visitors he encounters. People don't even take him seriously when he’s trying to be offensive, so obviously, no one will believe him if he tries to say the truth. There are some nice moments of reflection as Elvis contemplates what he’s been reduced to. His youth, his strength, his dignity are all gone.
The film is enjoyable despite its unhealthy obsession with Elvis’ pecker and impotence. You can’t go more than 5 minutes without Elvis reminding you he can't “get it up” anymore, that he wishes that he could feel anything down there, etc. The juvenile humor is not limited to ED. We get jokes about bowel movements; lame insults from everyone (including the mummy); and even critical plot points revolve around people getting their pants pulled down. I didn’t laugh nearly as many times as director/screenplay writer Don Coscarelli wanted me to.
As a short subject, Bubba Ho-Tep would've worked a whole lot better. You could've ditched the lengthy and repetitive flashbacks, the headache-inducing hallucination, and the recurring jokes about hard-ons. On the other hand, this may be exactly what makes it a cult classic. If you think Bubba Ho-Tep might be your kind of thing, make a point to seek it out. My rating is a positive 2,5/5. When you do, stick around for the end credits. There’s a nice written gag right at the end. (On DVD, June 29, 2015)
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alienatheart · 6 years ago
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by: @baronvonriktenstein​
Favourite colour: Orange or Aquamarine
Favourite ships: Enterprise-D, Swordfish II, X-Wing ;)
Oh, you meant?
I ship everything, but my favorite dynamics are 10K, 39, 58, any combo of Kou/Doku/Yaone, Lunar Eclipse, and Hacker/Hitter/Thief (Leverage)
Lipstick or chap: Neither because I can’t stand the sensation so i just constantly lick them
Last song: “Roundabout” YES
Last movie: Theater: Captain Marvel! At Home: BubbaHo-Tep
Pretty sure everyone else is tagged by now
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