#Bryan Dawson
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livresderomance · 5 months ago
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📕Reconquérir le cœur de ma femme PDG📕
Pendant deux ans, Bryan n'a considéré Eileen que comme une assistante.
Elle avait besoin d'argent pour le traitement de sa mère, il ne pensait donc pas qu'elle le quitterait facilement. Il lui semblait juste de l'aider en lui donnant de l'argent en échange de relations sexuelles.
Cependant, Bryan ne s'attendait pas à tomber amoureux d'elle.
Eileen lui a dit : « Tu aimes quelqu'un d'autre et tu couches toujours avec moi ? Tu n'as pas honte ! »
Au moment où elle claque les papiers du divorce sur le sol, Bryan s'est rendu compte qu'elle était la femme nominale qu'il avait épousée il y a six ans et qu'il n'avait jamais rencontrée.
Déterminé à la reconquérir, Bryan l'a choyée.
Alors que d'autres se moquaient des origines d'Eileen, Bryan lui a donné toute sa fortune, heureux d'être un mari compréhensif.
Aujourd'hui, Eileen est devenue une PDG influente, mais Bryan s'est retrouvé plongé dans un autre tourbillon…
𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙯 𝙥𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙞𝙧 𝙥𝙡𝙪𝙨👉https://reurl.cc/lyZk0v
Chapitre 1 Donne-lui vingt millions (Partie 1)
Dans le salon du PDG du Groupe Apex.
Une fois sortie du lit, Eileen Curtis a ramassé le chemisier et la jupe courte qui jonchaient le sol et les a enfilés rapidement. Alors qu'elle s'habillait, un charme séduisant flottait dans ses yeux, encore frais de sa récente rencontre intime avec l'homme dans le lit. Son regard a rencontré l'expression froide de l'homme.
Cet homme s'appelait Bryan Dawson, le PDG du Groupe Apex, son patron et son bienfaiteur.
Leur relation secrète était strictement limitée à ce salon. Au-delà de ces murs, elle n'était rien de plus que son assistante particulière.
« M. Dawson, si vous n'avez rien d'autre à ajouter, je vais reprendre mes fonctions », a déclaré Eileen, en offrant un sourire expérimenté.
Tout en parlant, elle a habilement arrangé ses longs cheveux en un chignon, son apparence passant rapidement de séduisante à strictement professionnelle.
On aurait presque dit qu'elle n'était pas celle-ci avec qui il avait été intime.
Bryan a plissé les yeux, son regard s'attardant sur le visage fragile d'Eileen.
« Vivian est de retour. »
Eileen avait atteint la porte du salon, la main prête à l'ouvrir, lorsque les mots de Bryan l'ont stoppée dans son élan.
Son corps s'est crispé et son visage s'est vidé de ses couleurs ; même sa respiration s'est momentanément arrêtée.
Cependant, elle a rapidement retrouvé son calme et s'est retournée, conservant son sourire bien mesuré.
« C'est compris, M. Dawson. Je ne reviendrai plus dans cette pièce », a-t-elle déclaré.
Le premier amour de Bryan, Vivian Warren, qu'il a attendu pendant six ans, était de retour. Pour lui, Eileen n'avait été qu'un moyen de lui satisfaire les besoins.
Malgré le fait que depuis deux ans, la présence de ce jeune homme était sa seule source de soutien, elle était parfaitement consciente qu'elle ne l'avait uniquement pour elle que dans les moments d'intimité.
Bryan a quitté le lit, indifférent à sa propre nudité. Il a récupéré son pantalon sur le sol et l'a enfilé.
« Qu'est-ce que ça a à voir avec toi ?», a-t-il demandé avec un petit rire, lui tendant sa chemise, qu'elle a commencé à l'aider à enfiler.
Pendant qu'elle lui boutonnait la chemise, sa voix s'est fait entendre. « Rédige-moi une convention de divorce.»
Eileen s'est arrêtée et a regardé son visage, les lignes nettes de sa mâchoire et ses lèvres minces.
« Je lui ai fait perdre six ans de sa vie avec moi. Il est temps d'y mettre un terme », a-t-il déclaré en lui tendant sa cravate, la sortant de ses pensées. « Qu'en penses-tu ?»
Sans un mot, Eileen a pris la cravate, le cœur en proie à un tumulte d'émotions.
En fait, la femme dont Bryan venait de parler, c'était elle.
En plus d'être son assistante et son amante, elle jouait un autre rôle dans la vie de Bryan, celui de femme.
Il y a six ans, on avait diagnostiqué un cancer chez la mère d'Eileen, qui avait besoin d'un traitement urgent et coûteux. Fraîchement diplômée et financièrement incapable, elle était désespérée jusqu'à ce que la famille Dawson lui vienne en aide, un acte de gentillesse qu'elle n'oublierait jamais.
Plus tard, lorsque Vivian, la fiancée de Bryan, l'avait quitté pour s'installer à l'étranger, les ragots et les moqueries s'étaient multipliés.
À l'époque, Bryan avait eu besoin d'une femme pour sauver la face. Sa grand-mère avait trouvé Eileen, qui avait accepté d'épouser Bryan pour lui rendre la pareille.
Reconnaissante de l'aide de la famille Dawson, Eileen avait fidèlement joué son rôle d'épouse de Bryan, ne demandant rien de plus.
Après le mariage, pour continuer à payer le traitement de sa mère, elle avait quitté une petite entreprise et avait rejoint le Groupe Apex, espérant de meilleures opportunités.
Alors seulement, elle avait découvert que le PDG du Groupe Apex était Bryan, son mari, qu'elle n'avait rencontré qu'une seule fois le jour de leur mariage et qui ne l'avait pas reconnue depuis.
Déterminée à obtenir des fonds pour les traitements médicaux en cours de sa mère, Eileen avait choisi de rester dans l'entreprise, évitant Bryan autant que possible. Le destin avait cependant d'autres projets et elle s'était retrouvée un soir à coucher avec un Bryan ivre. À la suite de cette rencontre involontaire, Bryan l'avait promue de façon inattendue au poste d'assistante particulière.
Satisfait de sa compagnie, Bryan l'avait forcée à coucher avec lui à plusieurs reprises, faisant d'elle sa partenaire sexuelle.
Chaque fois qu'il la convoquait, elle obéissait sans broncher. Parfois, il lui demandait si elle avait besoin de quelque chose, et dans les moments financièrement difficiles, elle lui demandait ouvertement de l'argent.
Mais lorsqu'elle n'avait pas besoin d'aide financière, elle refusait ses avances, s'efforçant de préserver un semblant de dignité dans leurs échanges, résistant à la volonté de limiter leur relation à de simples transactions.
Eileen avait envisagé à plusieurs reprises de mettre fin à ce type de relation avec Bryan, mais les coûts élevés du traitement de sa mère l'avaient obligée à mettre sa fierté de côté.
De plus, elle avait fini par tomber amoureuse de Bryan.
Se sentant indigne de Bryan, elle avait dissimulé ses sentiments, se consacrant à le soutenir au travail.
Mais à présent, Vivian était de retour.
Qu'elle soit l'assistante de Bryan ou sa femme, Eileen savait qu'elle devait passer à autre chose.
Elle s'apercevait qu'aucun de ses rôles ne pouvait rivaliser avec le premier amour de Bryan, ce qui l'attristait vraiment.
Un sourire amer a soudainement traversé les lèvres d'Eileen.
Bryan s'en est aperçu et a froncé les sourcils, confus. « Pourquoi souris-tu ? », a-t-il demandé.
Eileen l'a aidé à ajuster la cravate et s'est dressée sur la pointe des pieds pour lisser son col.
« Je suis simplement heureuse pour vous, M. Dawson. La femme que vous chérissez est enfin de retour », a-t-elle déclaré.
Prenant une profonde inspiration, elle a fait un pas en arrière et a hoché légèrement la tête. « Je vais maintenant rédiger la convention de divorce. »
Bryan a froncé les sourcils, ressentant d'une certaine manière une pointe d'agacement. « Tu es une assistante tellement exemplaire, Eileen », a-t-il fait remarquer.
Le détachement de la jeune femme l'a fait douter de son charme.
𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙯 𝙥𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙞𝙧 𝙥𝙡𝙪𝙨👉https://reurl.cc/lyZk0v
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xoivy · 1 year ago
some people really love saying that the world has gone soft and it's not like the good old days anymore, but in said old days it was normal and quirky to sexually harass people in interviews, bully people into offing themselves, acting as bizarre and bigoted as possible to the point of looking like a caricature just for fun on the internet. i think it's way better that as time goes the world is healing and learning that some things people used to do, say and think in the past weren't so okay to engage with
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philiania · 5 months ago
pinned post 💗💗💗
welcome to my tumblr😋
um ok
- im 18 and a lovely little lesbian
- my messages are always open
- im always looking for moots, even if we aren’t into the same stuff! i love making friends!
- my favorite hobbies are writing and reading. i mostly write poetry and read fiction/poetry/philosophy
- i use they/them pronouns
- call me anything
- im a huge fan of adrianne lenker, ethel cain, hozier, kimya dawson, and zach bryan
- my blog is no place for hate so please dni if u find urself posting about hateful things(terfs, racists, misogynists, etc)
- meow
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soovermyself · 1 year ago
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Sophia and Katie Holmes and friends at Global Citizen in New York City on September 23, 2023
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digitalpetprincess · 2 years ago
So I’ve been a YouTube addict since it came out. Like I was watching music on YouTube on dial up. Lol I got into tea channels on YouTube cause I liked to keep tabs on my favorite larger youtubers like Jenna marbles, Shane Dawson (Definitely don’t watch him now LOL) Shane actually got me to start watching H3 cause he had a interview on there. I’ve been hooked on that since. I loved Primink, Adam Mcintyre, Inabber, Markie, Repzion, Spill Sesh. So many I’ve watched. Adam is still my favorite though. ❤️ I started watching tea channels more than the big YouTubers. Lol 😆 idk who half these people are that they call out but they r always wild. I was there for the whole onision and Dahvie Vanity stuff which they still should be locked up. Chris Hanson screwed all that up! I was there for the fall of Bryan stars. I watched MDE and MDE 2.0. I had Half of the members autographs and merch but gave it all away but Johnnie’s autograph. I kept that. 😊Was there for the Jaclyn Glenn and Social Repose relationship till the end. I’ve hate watched Trisha Paytas from the beginning and am just waiting for her ass to fall. She’s been sick, awful, toxic, compulsive liar her whole carrer…. Anyone else a big YouTube fan?
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picturethisshow · 1 year ago
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NEW YORK: Remember what a great show we had with Animation Block Party this August to celebrate their 20th year?? We do, thanks to Mike Bryk's great pics!!
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We're back NEXT WEEK for a special FRIDAY show!! 10/20 at Union Hall!! Don't miss another FABULOUS lineup of one night only live animated comedy sets!! Save $5 on tix now:
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Right! Right! !THATS RIGHT!
The Man to Engines Movie is NOW WORKING AGAIN
Experience new and revisitors , a journey with Thomas with @dieselstooyou pinchy and glory to recruit their team in the east of sodor for their battle to rescue their ducked friends.
Epic battles, character arcs, humans representation,lore mystery inspired by the rws book of history, people and places™ , and an ancient power is unleashed across the island.
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The Ttteumblr reblog RPG ever
13.7 Billion Years in the Making RAILWAY SERIES MASTER POST!
Humanoid drivers are extension Engines on the island of Sodor! strange visitors came to the island and cause havoc and confusion for Sudrians and it's up to our tank engines to solve the mystery of those who are missing.
this WebComic series is rated TV-14: intensive violence, language, suggestive content, usage of alcohol, and adult themes
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Reference sheets
Steam Team 1-6
Green Thomas
The Diesels
Proteus, Godred, Stephenson, Scotsmen
Rolling stocks
Other characters
Ten Cents
How do they become Humanoids?
Mask lore
What happens if you take it off
Fun facts about humanoids
Their heights
Engine X-ray
Hair lore
Diesel blood
Truck lore 2
Diesel 10
Out of service
Twos Diesels
Act 1
Where's duck? + I am duck!
Looking for some body + where's my brother
Over Heating
Oliver's Exploit
Sunny the Magic Baby
Hello me from another dimension
Fixing arms
Act 2
Who's the new guy?
Lockdown due to complications
New tasks and orders+ new shed
Duck's day off
Duck season
Breaking into Diesel 10s shed
Full bodied claw
A walking corpse
Act 3
Man to engines
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no1tolerateitfan · 6 months ago
got lovestruck went straight to my head...
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please please please reach out to me if we have the same interests , need to chat , or wanna be moots, i love meeting new ppl and being able to interact with you guys. my sideblog is @vani11alattes , if you wanna check it out! xoxo💗
!! dni if you are nsfw , 18+ , a mature themed blogs , racist , homophobic , misogynistic , and rude. this is a safe space for myself and others, do NOT ruin it by being oppressive !!
^if you are over the age of 18 and a girlblogger you are exempt from this
i am catholic , pro-palestine , and do not support russia. i don't typically talk about these topics, but if you don't agree with my views and beliefs , simply do not interact with me. thank you!
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thisisyourdriverspeaking · 3 months ago
Well, this took me a lot of online digging & a lot of patience but this is the top songs in the charts/most popular songs for each of the winners of the Indy 500. I hope you guys enjoy the effort 😂
30th May 1911 - Ray Harroun - Arthur Collins - Steamboat Bill
30th May 1912 - Joe Dawson - Enrico Caruso - Dreams Of Long Ago
30th May 1913 - Jules Goux - Harry Lauder - It's Nicer To Be In Bed
30th May 1914 - Rene Thomas - Heidelberg Quintet - By The Beautiful Sea
31st May 1915 - Ralph DePalma - Alma Gluck - Carry Me Back To Old Viginity
30th May 1916 - Dario Resta - John McCormack - The Sunshine Of Your Smile
31st May 1919 - Howdy Wilcox - Henry Burr & Albert Campbell - i'm Forever Blowing Bubbles
31st May 1920 - Gaston Chevrolet - Al Jolson - Swanee
30th May 1921 - Tommy Milton - Marion Harris - Look For The Silver Lining
30th May 1922 - Jimmy Murphy - Al Jolson - Angel Child
30th May 1923 - Tommy Milton - Carl Fenton - Love Sends A Little Gift Of Roses
30th May 1924 - Lora L Corum & Joe Boyer - Al Jolson - California Here I Come
30th May 1925 - Pete DePaolo - Ted Lewis - O! Katharina
31st May 1926 - Frank Lockhart - Gene Austin - Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue
30th May 1927 - George Soulders - Ben Bernie - Ain't She Sweet?
30th May 1928 - Louis Meyer - Gene Austin - Ramona
30th May 1929 - Ray Keech - Rudy Vallee - Honey
30th May 1930 - Billy Arnold - Rudy Vallee - Stein Song (University Of Maine)
30th May 1931 - Louis Schneider - Bing Crosby - Out Of Nowhere
30th May 1932 - Fred Frame - Louis Armstrong - All Of Me
30th May 1933 - Louis Meyer - Leo Reisman ft Harold Arlen - Stormy Weather
30th May 1934 - Bill Cummings - Duke Ellington - Cocktails For Two
30th May 1935 - Kelly Petillo - Guy Lombardo - What's The Reason (I'm Not Pleasin' You)
30th May 1936 - Louis Meyer - Benny Goodman - The Glory Of Love
31st May 1937 - Wilbur Shaw - Teddy Wilson ft Billie Holiday - Carelessly
30th May 1938 - Floyd Roberts - Shep Fields - Cathedral In The Pines
30th May 1939 - Wilbur Shaw - Benny Goodman - And The Angels Sing
30th May 1940 - Wilbur Shaw - Bing Crosby - If I Had My Way
30th May 1941 - Floyd David & Mauri Rose - Deanna Durbin - Waltzing In The Clouds
30th May 1946 - George Robson - Denny Dennis & The Skyrockets - Mary Lou
30th May 1947 - Mauri Rose - Bing Crosby - Among My Souvenirs
31st May 1948 - Mauri Rose - Bing Crosby - Galway Bay
30th May 1949 - Bill Holland - Burl Ives - Lavender Blue
30th May 1950 - Johnnie Parsons - Billy Eckstine - My Foolish Heart
30th May 1951 - Lee Wallard - Les Paul & Mary Ford - Mockin' Bird Hill
30th May 1952 - Troy Ruttman - Jo Stafford - A-Round The Corner
30th May 1953 - Bill Vukovich - Frankie Laine - I Believe
31st May 1954 - Bill Vukovich - Doris Day - Secret Love
30th May 1955 - Bob Sweikert - Eddie Calvert - Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White
30th May 1956 - Pat Flaherty - Ronnie Hilton - No Other Love
30th May 1957 - Sam Hanks - Andy Williams - Butterfly
30th May 1958 - Jimmy Bryan - Connie Francis - Who's Sorry Now
30th May 1959 - Rodger Ward - Elvis Presley - A Fool Such As I
30th May 1960 - Jim Rathmann - The Everly Brothers - Cathy's Clown
30th May 1961 - AJ Foyt - Temperance Seven - You're Driving Me Crazy
30th May 1962 - Rodger Ward - Elvis Presley - Good Luck Charm
30th May 1963 - Parnelli Jones - The Beatles - From Me To You
30th May 1964 - AJ Foyt - Cilla Black - You're My World
31st May 1965 - Jim Clark - Sandie Shaw - Long Live Love
30th May 1966 - Graham Hill - The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black
31st May 1967 - AJ Foyt - The Tremeloes - Silence Is Golden
30th May 1968 - Bobby Unser - Union Gap - Young Girl
30th May 1969 - Mario Andretti - The Beatles with Billy Preston - Get Back
30th May 1970 - Al Unser - England World Cup Squad - Back Home
29th May 1971 - Al Unser - Dawn - Knock Three Times
27th May 1972 - Mark Donohue - T.Rex - Metal Guru
30th May 1973 - Gordon Johncock - Wizzard - See My Baby Jive
26th May 1974 - Johnny Rutherford - Rubettes - Sugar Baby Love
25th May 1975 - Bobby Unser - Tammy Wynette - Stand By Your Man
30th May 1976 - Johnny Rutherford - J.J Barrie - No Charge
29th May 1977 - A.J Foyt - Rod Stewart - I Don't Want To Talk About It
28th May 1978 - Al Unser - Boney M - Rivers Of Babylon
27th May 1979 - Rick Mears - Blondie - Sunday Girl
25th May 1980 - Johnny Rutherford - Hot Chocolate - No Doubt About It
24th May 1981 - Bobby Unser - Adam & The Ants - Stand & Deliver
30th May 1982 - Gordon Johncock - Madness - House of Fun
29th May 1983 - Tom Sneva - The Police - Every Breath You Take
27th May 1984 - Rick Mears - Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
26th May 1985 - Danny Sullivan - Paul Hardcastle - 19
31st May 1986 - Bobby Rahal - Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer
24th May 1987 - Al Unser - Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
29th May 1988 - Rick Mears - Wet Wet Wet - With A Little Help From My Friends
28th May 1989 - Emerson Fittipaldi - Gerry Marsden, Paul McCartney, Holly Johnson & The Christians - Ferry Cross The Mersey
27th May 1990 - Arie Luyendyk - Adamski - Killer
26th May 1991 - Rick Mears - Cher - The Shoop Shoop Song
24th May 1992 - Al Unser JR - KWS - Please Don't Go
30th May 1993 - Emerson Fittipaldi - Ace Of Base - All That She Wants
29th May 1994 - Al Unser JR - Wet Wet Wet - Love Is All Around
28th May 1995 - Jacques Villeneuve - Robson & Jerome - Unchained Melody
26th May 1996 - Buddy Lazier - Buddiel, Skinner & Lightning Seed - Three Lions
27th May 1997 - Arie Luyendyk - Eternal ft Bebe Winans - I Wanna Be The Only One
24th May 1998 - Eddie Cheever - Tamperer ft Maya - Feel It
30th May 1999 - Kenny Brack - Shanks & Bigfoot - Sweet Like Chocolate
28th May 2000 - Juan Pablo Montoya - Sonique - It Feels So Good
27th May 2001 - Helio Castroneves - DJ Pied Piper - Do You Really Like It?
26th May 2002 - Helio Castroneves - Eminem - Without Me
25th May 2003 - Gil De Ferran - Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body
30th May 2004 - Buddy Rice - Frankee - F.U.R.B (F U Right Back)
29th May 2005 - Dan Wheldon - Akon - Lonely
28th May 2006 - Sam Hornish JR - Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
27th May 2007 - Dario Franchitti - Rihanna ft Jay-Z - Umbrella
25th May 2008 - Scott Dixon - Rihanna - Take A Bow
24th May 2009 - Helio Castroneves - Dizzee Rascal & Van Helden - Bonkers
30th May 2010 - Dario Franchitti - Dizzee Rascal - Dirtee Disco
29th May 2011 - Dan Wheldon - Pitbull ft Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer - Give Me Everything
27th May 2012 - Dario Franchitti - Fun ft Janelle Monae - We Are Young
26th May 2013 - Tony Kanaan - Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith - La La La
25th May 2014 - Ryan Hunter-Reay - Sam Smith - Stay With Me
24th May 2015 - Juan Pablo Montoya - OMI - Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix)
29th May 2016 - Alexander Rossi - Drake ft Wizkid & Kyla - One Dance
28th May 2017 - Takuma Sato - Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee & Justin Bieber - Despacito
27th May 2018 - Will Power - Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa - One Kiss
26th May 2019 - Simon Pagenaud - Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber - I Don't Care
23rd August 2020 - Takuma Sato - Joel Corry ft MNEK - Head & Heart
30th May 2021 - Helio Castroneves - Olivia Rodrigo - Good 4 U
29th May 2022 - Marcus Ericsson - Harry Styles - As It Was
28th May 2023 - Josef Newgarden - Calvin Harris & Ellie Goulding - Miracle
26th May 2024 - Josef Newgarden - Sabrina Carpenter - Espresso
And yes, this wouldn't be a post from me if I didn't create a playlist 😂
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 1 year ago
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🌈 Good morning and happy Wednesday, my bookish bats! You didn't think that tiny "queer books coming out this fall" guide was ALL there was, did you? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR this month. Happy reading!
❤️ A Vision of Air by Nicole Silver 🧡 Eli Over Easy by Phil Stamper 💛 How to Get Over the End of the World by Hal Schrieve 💚 Kween by Vichet Chum 💙 The Forest Demands its Due by Kosoko Jackson 💜 The B-Side of Daniel Garneau by David Kingston Yeh ❤️ Midnight Companion by Kit Barrie 🧡 Let the Waters Roars by Geonn Cannon 💛 Into the Glittering Dark by Kelley York 💙 When the Rain Begins to Burn by A.L. Davidson 💜 Been Outside by Amber Wendler & Shaz Zamore 🌈 The Forest Demands Its Due by Kosoko Jackson
❤️ A Necessary Chaos by Brent Lambert 🧡 The Spells We Cast by Jason June 💛 Pluralities by Avi Silver 💚 Salt the Water by Candice Iloh 💙 Beholder by Ryan La Sala 💜 This Pact is Not Ours by Zachary Sergi ❤️ Dragging Mason County by Curtis Campbell 🧡 Menewood by Nicola Griffith 💛 Mary and the Birth of Frankenstein by Anne Eekhout 💚 The Dead Take the A Train by Cassandra Khaw & Richard Kadrey 💙 Bloom by Delilah S. Dawson 💜 Let Me Out by Emmett Nahil and George Williams
🌈 In the Form of a Question: the Joys and Rewards of a Curious Life by Amy Schneider ❤️ Songs of Irie by Asha Ashanti Bromfield 🧡 A Haunting on the Hill by Elizabeth Hand 💛 Being Ace by Madeline Dyer 💚 Charming Young Man by Eliot Schrefer 💙 The Glass Scientists by S.H. Cotugno 💜 The Fall of Whit Rivera by Crystal Maldonado ❤️ By Any Other Name by Erin Cotter 🧡 Brooms by Jasmine Walls and Teo DuVall 💛 Stars in Your Eyes by Kacen Callender 💚 Shoot the Moon by Isa Arsen 💙 The Bell in the Fog by Lev A.C. Rosen
🌈 Brainwyrms by Alison Rumfitt ❤️ Family Meal by Bryan Washington 🧡 A Murder of Crows by Dharma Kelleher 💛 A Light Most Hateful by Hailey Piper 💚 Love at 350° by Lisa Peers 💙 Greasepaint by Hannah Levene 💜 The Christmas Swap by Talia Samuels ❤️ Mate of Her Own by Elena Abbott 🧡 Mistletoe and Mishigas by M.A. Wardell 💛 Elle Campbell Wins Their Weekend by Ben Kahn 💚 All That Consumes Us by Erica Waters 💙 If You’ll Have Me by Eunnie
❤️ Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Lillah Lawson and Lauren Emily Whalen 🧡 10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall 💛 It’s a Fabulous Life by Kelly Farmer 💚 Let the Dead Bury the Dead by Allison Epstein 💙 These Burning Stars by Bethany Jacobs 💜 The Goth House Experiment by SJ Sindu ❤️ Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant by Curtis Chin 🧡 Mudflowers by Aley Waterman 💛 Here Lies Olive by Kate Anderson 💚 Fire From the Sky by Moa Backe Åstot, trans. by Eva Apelqvist 💙 Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date by Ashley Herring Blake 💜 On the Same Page by Haley Cass
❤️ A Dish Best Served Hot by Natalie Caña 🧡 Art of the Chase by Jennifer Giacalone 💛 The Haunting of Adrian Yates by Markus Harwood-Jones 💚 The Sword: Xcian by Elle Arroyo 💙 The Complete Carlisle Series by Roslyn Sinclair 💜 300,000 Kisses by Sean Hewitt and Luke Edward Hall ❤️ Just a Pinch of Magic by Alechia Dow 🧡 Blackouts by Justin Torres 💛 Wrath Becomes Her by Aden Polydoros 💚 Let the Woods Keep Our Bodies by E.M. Roy 💙 Everything Under the Moon: Fairy Tales in a Queerer Light edited by Michael Earp ❤️ Frost Bite by Angela Sylvaine
🧡 We Met in a Bar by Claire Forsythe 💛 Sweat Equity Aurora Rey 💚 Pumpkin Spice by Tagan Shepard 💙 The Misfit Mage & His Dashing Devil by M.N. Bennet 💜 Love and Other Risky Business by Sarah Brenton ❤️ Enough by Kimia Eslah 🧡 A Fire Born of Exile by Aliette de Bodard 💛 Twelve Bones by Rosie Talbot 💚 Wild Wishes and Windswept Kisses by Maya Prasad 💙 Dragged to the Wedding by Andrew Grey 💜 Fox Snare by Yoon Ha Lee ❤️ Murder and Manon by Mia P. Manansala
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cinegeek237 · 1 year ago
Horror is Queer
Horror has always had queer creators behind and infront of it.
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F.W. Murnau directed Nosferatu (1922)
James Whale directed Frankenstein (1931), The Bride of Frankenstein (1935), The Invisible Man (1933), The Old Dark House (1932).
Clive Barker is a well known horror writer, I know Stephen King isn't the only one shocking. He's also directed some of his own work, notably, Hellraiser (1987), Nightbreed (1990), and Lord of Illusions (1995).
Kevin Williamson is the creator of Dawson's Creek, as well as, the screenwriter of Scream (1996), I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997), The Faculty (1998), and Sick (2022). He also did a treatment for and produced Halloween: H20 (1998).
Don Mancini is responsible for the Child's Play/Chucky franchise. He also wrote the screenplay for Dweller Celler (1998).
Eliva is a goth, camp, queen, ICON! She's a horror host, and lifestyle.
Christopher Landon wrote the screenplays for Disturbia (2007), Paranormal Activity 2, 3, 4, Next of Kin, and the Marked Ones which he also directed. He wrote and directed Scouts Guide to Zombie Apocalypse (2015), Happy Death Day (2017) and it's sequel (2019), Freaky (2020), oh and he's slated to direct Scream 7!
Bryan Fuller was the showrunner of NBC's Hannibal and is now working on the Friday the 13th prequel series, Crystal Lake.
Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstien.
Daphne Du Maurier wrote Rebecca and a short story that would become The Birds. Hitchcock was clearly a fan.
Joel Schumacher directed The Lost Boys. Meanwhile Tom Holland made Fright Night which might be the queerest vampire movie ever made... huh.
Gus Van Sant... well he directed the Psycho remake... so that happened...
Carter Smith directed Ruins (2008), Swallowed (2022), The Passenger (2023), and a few others. OH and Swallowed has Mark Patton from Nightmare On Elm Street II: Freddy's Revenge.
I'm sure I missed some.
Then you get into some phenomenal actors...
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naturesfirstgreenisgold · 1 year ago
Childhood lovers with Jake ‘H_ngm_n’ Seresin
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All the Pretty Girls- Kenny Chesney
American Kids- Kenny Chesney
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not- Thompson Square
Austin- Blake Shelton
Beautiful Crazy- Luke Combs
Buy Dirt- Jordan Davis, Luke Bryan
Carrying Your Love With Me- George Strait
Chicken Fried- Zac Brown Band
Cover Me Up- Morgan Wallen
Cowboy Take Me Away- The Chicks
Crash My Party- Luke Bryan
Craving You- Thomas Rhett, Maren Morris
Diamond In My Pocket-Cody Johnson
Die A Happy Man-Thomas Rhett
Dirt On My Boots-Jon Pardi
Dirt Road Anthem-Jason Aldean
Do l- Luke Bryan
Drunk On You-Luke Bryan
Even Though I'm Leaving-Luke Combs
Fast Car- Luke Combs
Feathered Indians- Tyler Childers
Fire Away- Chris Stapleton
Footloose- Kenny Loggins
Forever & Ever Amen- Randy Travis
Galveston- Glen Campbell
God Gave Me You- Blake Shelton
Greatest Love Story- LANCO
Hard To Love- Lee Brice
Heading South- Zach Bryan
Head Carolina, Tails California- Jo Dee Messina
Heartache On The Dance Floor- Jon Parti
Heart Like A Truck- Lainey Wilson
He Could Be The One- Hannah Montana
Hold My Hand- Lady Gaga
Home- Blake Shelton
Hometown Girl-Josh Turner
Honey Bee- Blake Shelton
Hotel California- The Eagles
I Ain’t Worried- OneRepublic
I Don’t Dance- CHAD, Ryan, Disney
I Don’t Dance- Lee Brice
I Don’t Want This Night To End- Luke Bryan
I Drive Your Truck- Lee Brice
If I Didn’t Love You- Jason Aldean, Carrie Underwood
If I Was Your Man- Blake Shelton
I Like The Sound Of That- Rascal Flatts
I’ll Name the Dogs- Blake Shelton
I’m Comin’ Over- Chris Young
I’m In A Hurry (And I Don’t Know Why)- Alabama
I Wish Grandpas Never Died- Riley Green
The Kind of Love We Make- Luke Combs
Last Night- Morgan Wallen
Life in the Fast Lane-Eagles
Life’s a Dance- John Micheal Montgomery
Like I Love Country Music- Kane Brown
Love Like Crazy-Lee Brice
Lovin' On You Luke Combs
Meet In the Middle-Diamond Rio
Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right-Billy Currington
My Maria-Brooks & Dunn
New Kid In Town - Eagles
Night Shift- Jon Pardi
Nobody But You- Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani
ONE BEER- HARDY, Lauren Alaina, Devin Dawson
One Of Them Girls- Lee Brice
One of These Nights -Eagles
One Thing At A Time- Morgan Wallen
Playing with the Boys -Kenny Loggins
Play It Again- Luke Bryan
Renegade- Styx
Rhinestone Cowboy-Glen Campbell
Rumor- Lee Brice
Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)-Big & Rich
She Got the Best of Me- Luke Combs
She Had Me At Heads Carolina-Cole Swindell
She's Country- Jason Aldean
Sixteen-Thomas Rhett
Slow Dance In A Parking Lot-Jordan Davis
Small Town Boy- Dustin Lynch
Sold- John Michael Montgomery
Somebody's Problem-Morgan Wallen
Something in the Orange-Zach Bryan
Song of the South-Alabama
Southern Nights- Glen Campbell
Stay-Florida Georgia Line
Strawberry Wine-Deana Carter
Sure Be Cool If- Blake Shelton
Take It Easy -Eagles
Take My Breath Away -Berlin
There Was This Girl-Riley Green
Things a Man Oughta Know-Lainey Wilson
Thought You Should Know-Morgan Wallen
Til You Can't- Cody Johnson
Two Dozen Roses- Shenandoah
Unforgettable- Thomas Rhett
Wagon Wheel- Darius Rucker
The Way I Talk -Morgan Wallen
What Ifs- Kane Brown, Lauren Alaina
Why Don't We Just Dance-Josh Turner
Write This Down-George Strait
You Should Be Here-Cole Swindell
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13o7byitm-railwayseries · 2 years ago
Previous next
Isle of Engines part 11
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storiesfabled · 6 months ago
updated muse list
under the cut you will find the most up-to-date muse list.
evan buckley
maddie buckley
charlotte buckley-diaz // rowan blanchard // buck & eddie daughter
eddie diaz
athena grant
may grant
howard han
tommy kinard
bobby nash
harper nash // er registrar // ashley benson // bobby & marcy daughter
jonah nash // firefighter // tyler blackburn // ray & margaret son
raymund nash // principal // d.w. moffett // bobby’s brother
matthew ransone // police officer // casey deidrick // lou’s son
josh russo
ashlynn wilson // college student // victoria justice // henrietta & karen daughter
henrietta wilson
karen wilson
911: lone star
nancy gillian
trevor parks
arianna reyes // maiara walsh // tk & carlos daughter
carlos reyes
gabriel reyes
gabriella ryder // troian bellisario // judd & grace daughter
grace ryder
jackson ryder // football coach & pe teacher // eric stonestreet // judd’s brother
judd ryder
weston ryder // oil tycoon // jeffrey dean morgan // judd’s brother
aubrey strand // madison davenport // owen & npc daughter
owen strand
tk strand
victoria strand // liana liberato // owen & npc daughter
paul strickland
billy tyson
chicago fire
tricia boden // aisha dee // wallace & donna daughter
wallace boden
sylvie brett
matt casey
gabriella dawson
christopher hermann
stella kidd
patrick mcholland // hunter parrish // mouch & trudy son
rachel mcholland // anna kendrick // mouch & trudy daughter
randall ‘mouch’ mcholland
peter mills
kelly severide
leslie shay
brian ‘otis’ zvonecek
chicago med
anna charles
daniel charles
Mackenzie Crawford // er nurse // Elizabeth Olsen
will halstead
maggie lockwood
connor rhodes
chicago pd
kevin atwater
antonio dawson
eva dawson
hannah halstead // willa holland // jay & erin daughter
jay halstead
erin lindsay
trudy platt
adam ruzek
savannah ruzek // dianna agron // adam & kim daughter
Hank voight
Madeline voight // police officer // charisma carpenter // hank & trudy daughter
Criminal minds
Penelope garcia
Aaron hotchner
Alexandra hotchner // ssa bau // alona tal // aaron & haley daughter
Jennifer jareau
Emily prentiss
Derek morgan
Brynnlee reid-morgan // aisha dee // derek & spencer daughter
David rossi
Rylee rossi // hayden panettiere // david & erin daughter
Ann ewing
Bobby ewing
Christopher ewing
John ross ewing
Olivia ewing // britt robertson // bobby & ann daughter
Bryan jones // history professor // colin donnell
fire country
Bode Donovan
eve edwards
jennifer jameson // bakery owner // aja naomi king
luke leone
Sharon Leone
Vince Leone
freddy mills
Gabriella Perez
Manny Perez
Grey’s anatomy
Teddy altman
Jackson avery
Miranda bailey
Tuck bailey-jones
Stephanie edwards
Lexie grey
Meredith grey
Zola grey-shepherd
Alex karev
Chloe montgomery-shepherd // er nurse // madelaine petsch
Arizona robbins
Mark sloan
Sofia sloan-torres
Callie torres
Private practice
Cooper freedman
Addison montgomery
Jasmine montgomery-reilly // dove cameron // addison & jake daughter 
Jake reilly
Station 19
Travis montgomery
Theo ruiz
Ben warren
Zoey warren // college student // amber riley // ben & miranda daughter
Annabelle buckley-moore // hunter // josephine langsford // evan buckley & jess daughter
arianna simmons // hunter // chloe bennett
Bobby singer
Rufus turner
Dean winchester
Johanna winchester // danielle campbell // dean & castiel daughter
John winchester
Sam winchester
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picturethisshow · 1 year ago
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Wow it's our first weeknight show!!! AND this year we are blessed with BI-COASTAL SPOOKY live animated comedy!! #Brooklyn get ready for lots of "Ha ha ahhhh!-s" 💀
Comedy by 🎃 Richard Perez 🎃 Martin Urbano (Tonight Show) 🎃 Pat Byrne (The Best Show) 🎃 Brooke Finegold 🎃 Blair Dawson Animation by 👻 Jason Chatfield (National Cartoonist Society) 👻 Bryan Brinkman (Saturday Night Live) 👻 Laura Rankin 👻 Adam Howard 👻 Josh Pilch 👻 Vick Montes
Hosted by😈 Samantha Ruddy (The Late Show) TICKETS: $10 pre-sale, $15 day-of/at the door 
at Union Hall (702 Union St, Brooklyn, NY 11215)
Masking HIGHLY encouraged when not actively eating or drinking.
21+, Street Parking available, ride share encouraged
Flier art by Jason Chatfield *Lineup subject to change without notice
Follow us!  PictureThisShow.com IG: @PictureThisComedy Twitter: @PictureThisShowFB.com/PictureThisShow YouTube.com/@PictureThisComedy
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20thcenturyfox2010 · 9 days ago
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Angry Birds Terence Characters
Hang McKinley
20th Century Fox 2010
Twenty - Number 4
Mai Thu
Aichi Momoko
Daisy Gina Torte
Amanda Camelion
Twenty - Number 5
Syria Takito
Katherine Manning
Rowdy Chipmunk
Icy Marshmallow
Ice Cream Jester
Frederick Paris
Betty Ford Snowflake
Cherry Bloomsom
William McKinley
Mayor Pink
Grover Cleveland
Mrs. Russia
Ida Saxton Hedsika Francais
Angela Salt
Aichi Fung-eol
Julie Davis
Veruca Williams
William Jennings Bryan
Claudia Jordan
Andrew Jackson
William Henry Harrison
William Howard Taft
Helen Herron Taft
Stella Rosario Dawson
Jacqueline Fernandina
Frances Ashley
Dolley Madison
James Madison
George Washington
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Betty Ford
George H.W. Bush
Donald Trump
Joe Biden
Barack Obama
Thomas Jefferson
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jamie Oliver
Blake Shelton
Mrs. Bucket
Mr. Fertilizer
Santa Claus
Lucky Patrick
Bunny Holes
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