#Brooks Betts
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iamtryingtobelieve · 1 year ago
We could sit around and cry
But frankly you're not worth it anymore
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whimsicallylyrical · 2 years ago
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Miserable At Best - Mayday Parade ✨
Feel free to leave requests in ask box ✨
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theadamantium · 3 months ago
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Harri's Concert Photography // Mayday Parade // All Your Friends Fest // August 2024
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sofums · 1 year ago
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Brooks Betts from Mayday Parade at Reverb Wi
Photo by Sophia Bronwyn
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core-bands · 2 months ago
'Cause I know I'm good for something, I just haven't found it yet
Mayday Parade ��� Miserable At Best.
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madmachaca · 8 months ago
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I get it, Brook...
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miksweety · 1 year ago
THRILLED to announce that The Rose has won BEST ANIMATION at Experimental, Dance & Music Film Festival!
Song & Performance: Michaela Betts
Animation & Edit: Hilary Bunt
Dance & Choreography: Chrissy Brooke
Massive thanks to all involved - my heart is full!
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erstwhile-punk-guerito · 1 year ago
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Luther: Never Too Much (15): Shining A Spotlight On An Icon of American Music History.
One Mann's Movies FIlm Review of "Luther: Never Too Much". A vibrant and joyous documentary about one of the greats of US music history. 4/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Luther: Never Too Much” (2024). “Luther Vandross…. Luther Vandross…?” I was thinking on the way to watch this new documentary about the American hit-maker of the 70’s and 80’s. “…What did HE sing?”. I came up with his cover of “Endless Love”, mainly because the Lionel Ritchie version was the title song from that dodgy 1981 soft-porn-teen film of the same title…
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icarusthelunarguard · 1 year ago
 This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Somebody made a suggestion for a theme this week! Well, far be it for us to say “No”. So this week you’re ALL getting famous creepy monsters randomly assigned to guide you this week. Let’s see if you can survive the experience.
=Next Week: =
Not gunna lie, Aries - you’re starting us off weak. You get a classic monster that literally everyone knows about and its depiction never makes sense. You get a  “Skeleton”. How many times have you seen them moving around, stalking people, drinking wine, or even whistling? “Too Many Times” by our count. So this week… watch the Schoolhouse Rock song, “Them Not-So-Dry Bones” and learn the difference between a Tibia and a Femur.
Ok, now THIS is how you start off a list like this correctly. Some would say this is the ultimate Modern Halloween monster, but others would say, “Who Hurt You?” This week you get to deal with “Creepy Clowns”, but we can give you a way to help with your Clown-a-phobia. This week… find and watch “Killer Klowns from Outer Space” and we’re sure you’ll get over your fears. Either that or you’ll never eat pink cotton candy again.
We’re going to flip the script just a little bit for you and give you “Dr. Frankenstein”. Not his creation, known as “The Monster” but on the Doctor himself. You know there’s just a little bit of that drive in every medical professional out there. That desire to beat back Death itself. To stave off the reaping of a soul. But it’s too late. Dr. Viktor von Frankenstein is long dead, his secrets, ironically, taken with him to the grave, and there’s nothing you can do to change that. This week… avoid using jumper cables.
Cancer Moon-Child 
The scariest part about your monster is how incredibly inconsistent they are. Maybe they’re smart, maybe dumb, maybe fast, maybe shambling and otherwise unstoppable. In any event you’re getting, “Zombies”. The only way to be sure you’ve killed them… well, they’re already ‘dead’, kinda. Anyway… –to be sure they’re dead is to pop their head like a Gushers Candy. This week… Play “7 Days to Die” on “All Blood Moon” setting. 
You can’t reason with yours. You can’t talk to it. You can’t shoot it or stab it or contain it for long. In your case “Mummies” are the cursed remains of a long-dead person, usually Egyptian. That means they’re like 5,000 years old, can only read hieroglyphics, and can’t talk with a damn anyway. But you have an advantage over them - You can produce enough fire to turn them into ash. This week… invest in a Bic Lighter and hairspray.
We’re gunna do some chemistry here. Take an old dude, say, just about 2 Metres tall. Make him speak six languages, be a world champion fencer, participate in more on-screen sword fights than any actor in history, serve for five years as a British Commando blowing the shit out of Nazi asses in World War II, and have him, at 88 years old, became the oldest person to ever record lead vocals on a progressive symphonic heavy metal track about the life of Charlemagne (because why the fuck not?). You have the best “Vampire” in history: SIR Christopher Frank Carandini Lee. This week… we don’t care that we’re not giving you an actual monster - DUDE! Christopher Lee was the MAN!
“Where… Wolves? …THERE wolves. There… Castle.” And if you don’t get that reference we can’t be friends anymore. This week, watch “An American Werewolf in London” and “Young Frankenstein”... AGAIN. 
The worst part about your monster is how very un-real they are. Because if it was a matter of people having unfinished business with The Living, why the hell aren’t there any Ghost dinosaurs out there? And why are they always shown wearing the same clothes all the time. Like.. My Dude, you can wear anything you want! Imagine what a Borat Ghost would be like. (*PAUSE*) Second thought, never-you-mind!
AH, yes! The women who gave society the proverbial finger and got turned into well-well-well done kabobs. You get “Witches”, and we’re going to put some existential fear into you from them. First… Can we all just agree that Winifred Sanderson’s lipstick and buck-teeth are just The Worst? Now riddle me this, Sagittarius; why were we taught to fear the witches and NOT the people lighting them on fire? This week… No cook-outs. 
We already mentioned your Not-A-Monster monster, and we can make them very humanized. “The Grim Reaper” isn’t a monster per-say, but a person fulfilling a necessary function for Life! Imagine, you accidentally shoot Death in the forehead, killing them, and now YOU have to take on the “Office of Death”, reaping souls, with no training at all. Do you ever wonder how he’s doing in his newly promoted position? Have you pondered what happens if he’s allergic to horses? This week… find a copy of “On a Pale Horse” by Piers Anthony and Read It! (He’s still alive, BTW!)
This is a SUPER speciesist fear-monster for no good reason. You get “Bats”. And really this is silly! They’re GREAT little flying mosquito-devourers and stunt fliers and you know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?! They’re smol! Well.. except for the Flying Fox. Imagine a bat with a CUTE FACE, weighing in at 1Kg with a 1 and-a-half Meter wingspan… and you know what they eat? Flowers and fruit! That’s it! And they’re just the most adorable sky puppies! This week… Re-exam your personal biases.
You are NOT Captain Kirk or Commander Riker. You are NOT going to be flirting with this “monster”, if we can even call it that. You get “Aliens” - and before you say anything, just remember… Humanity’s just as much a threat to other life as they are to us… So this week… learn how to nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord and BLUESKY.
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whimsicallylyrical · 2 years ago
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More Like A Crash - Mayday Parade ✨
Requested by @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom ✨
Feel free to leave requests in the ask box ✨
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connormccafferyhater · 3 months ago
can y'all give me players to watch out for this upcoming season that aren't on this list already???
players to watch
paige bueckers
kiki iriafen
juju watkins
hailey van lith
flau’jae johnson
kiki rice
tessa johnson
tehina pao pao
lauren betts
lucy olsen
olivia miles
hannah hidalgo
sonia citron
georgia amoore
aziaha james
rori harmon
madison booker
hannah stuelke
audi crooks
zoe brooks
jaloni cambridge
jana el alfy
kennedy smith
emily ryan
sarah strong
lauren jensen
harmoni turner
clara silva
clara strack
zamereya jones
rori harmon
audi crooks
ayoka lee
emily ryan
gianna kneepkens
mikayla blakes
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core-bands · 25 days ago
You're all that I hoped I'd find in every single way.
Mayday Parade —Miserable At Best
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444namesplus · 9 days ago
(long one)
Aarolynn Accring Accris Acleeth Aclem Adalle Adley Agnestroy Alandershot Alando Alces Alcestert Alcomboroud Alesey Alewickham Alforsham Alframon Alifax Alinds Alisaac Alishope Alstock Alstreen Altrington Alybrigold Alyssop Amandbacup Amborne Ambrosa Ambrough Amelba Amenoakham Amesburt Andbacup Andra Anicham Annah Annield Annon Anton Appley Arbutton Arley Arnon Arthley Arting Arundham Ashborough Ashburston Ashbury Ashirs Askear Astle Athery Attin Axmunds Ayler Aylerinca Aylesle Aylsha Azalexandon
Banburford Barna Barnatien Barne Barnold Barnon Barnsea Barrell Barrie Basilsworth Basing Basingsea Batty Bawten Becca Becclesham Bedward Begon Begonio Begord Berket Berkham Bernadine Berne Berning Berri Berto Bertsey Berworth Besse Bette Bettenham Betton Beula Bevedo Bever Biddle Biddulvern Biggles Bigglober Billington Billom Bilshary Blacey Blana Blanchley Bland Blandaltham Blandra Blandy Bonne Bonnield Bonningel Bornes Boroud Borough Botterierly Bourbith Bover Brach Bradforth Bradingham Braig Braignton Brainster Bramstow Branca Brand Brandonne Brangera Brauncent Braunt Brencent Brene Brentreen Bretter Bridge Bridgefiel Bridgewood Bridlina Broadston Brombe Bromer Brook Brosaltrick Broses Bruth Bryabith Bryabitham Bucklina Bulwellish Bulwelwyn Buntham Bunton Burne Burntwort Butisher Butte Button
Caistin Callara Callinth Calnwich Calver Calyptus Calyssando Calyssum Cambe Camela Camium Candbacup Canthouse Carlow Carmouth Carnon Carola Carringham Cassie Castleby Castworth Cattie Ceceling Cecill Cecillie Celingtone Celly Charon Charyl Cheathley Cheley Chendra Chestrach Chilip Chinchelle Chinchicky Chinias Chipswich Cholsovert Chorne Chornes Christle Christleham Christock Chrystal Chryston Chudley Chudlowen Cinda Cindale Cindsay Cirenceston Clamer Clamereham Clarrent Clauntin Claurie Cleet Cleoburgh Clesdenias Clifax Clitwick Clydd Clydia Colberton Coleathyme Colytham Congton Conster Coramont Cores Corne Corrainflow Corrie Courne Cowslie Cowslindsay Craine Crainton Crangele Cravelina Cravisty Creden Crewendra Cromleigh Crowley Crowston Croya Cyclareham Cyntonham
Dahlian Daistaffham Danis Danium Danna Darleigh Darlendra Darles Darry Darryllinds Dartle Darwick Daven Davent Davieverst Davis Dayleigh Dealic Deane Debonnina Deborough Debractor Deburn Deliam Delinda Denham Derflow Derik Dershall Desdenbury Desdon Dewsburn Dianage Dianette Dolyton Donarcis Doncastwith Dorah Doramline Dorie Dorkingham Dorksop Dudle Dudlewe Dukington Dulvern Dwaynemouth
Easillie Easing Easter Eastin Eastine Edmouth Edney Eduard Edwich Edworth Eilacact Eileenbury Elenn Elinehough Elinton Elleronflow Ellie Elliss Elsey Elstock Elvincanvey Emsworkspur Emswort Enryn Eppinks Eriam Erine Eristock Eritherby Erman Ermanchley Ermin Ernadiham Estephan Esterry Estockton Eston Ethornes Eucallinda Evedon Evesenda
Falma Fanna Fanne Farion Farne Farnold Favenot Faver Felia Felinton Fernance Fernatie Fernes Ferri Ferry Fileed Fileen Fileybush Fleek Flores Flower Floydon Foxgloreham Foxgloreops Foxgloston Fraci Fracy Framondham Franca Franda Fredon Freton Fringham
Gailsby Garleybush Geneviever Georgeshua Georgie Geralbe Gerford Gerton Gladell Gladelody Gladett Gladiham Glastle Glenage Globell Glorian Godalm Godmore Gracinda Grassie Graven Gravena Gread Greatha Grimrosa Guadalm Guildon Guise Gwend Gwenda
Halie Haling Hallia Hallie Halls Hanita Hannie Hardo Harinchessa Harla Harlee Harles Harley Harlie Harrene Hartina Harwend Harwendown Harwick Haryport Haryporth Hasle Hatheryl Havernice Havertford Haylill Haywaret Heartlanda Heatrian Hectorian Hedna Helscot Helseate Helson Hemum Herborought Hessie Hibiscott Highouse Hincasey Hington Holbeace Holbergh Holeford Holmersham Holmesborne Horetone Horlesey Horlesiree Hornbury Horpe Horpes Hough Hounslouis Howar Hughbridge Hyacindy
Ilfracy Immine Ingham Ingsbridge Ingstone Ipston Iriston Irmanna Irton
Jackley Jacklyptus Jacorby Jacqueen Jacquel Janield Janise Janiton Jarences Jaresa Jarrian Jasonia Jasonya Jeand Jeannia Jeannock Jeanort Jefford Jeffording Jeffred Jenne Jennina Jeres Jeron Jille Joannah Joannon Jodil Joham Johampton Johnnield Jonatal Josemario Josemarion Joses Josestbury Juane Judia
Karazion Karlee Karloston Katham Kathery Kathet Kathfleek Kathyme Katrife Kayleignton Keigate Keitherik Kelleromley Kenham Kenheatrin Kerek Kesthomas Keswade Keynington Kimbe Kimble Kridge Kristerth Kristle Kristleigh Krysantone Kryston
Lanciss Latorpeter Lawren Lawrene Lawrenevin Leaford Leanorma Leignmouth Leisty Lendon Lenhalla Leobury Leomilton Leony Leriet Leswich Letoe Leton Lewendula Lewendy Lilaceham Lilax Lillom Lilyoft Lilyoftus Lingham Linghan Lingtonice Liskelleroe Litham Llompton Loberton Longay Longrimrose Loosefield Lorah Loretty Lorey Lorrie Lough Lucill Ludgetmen Lutton Lympton Lytchlea Lythilla
Mabelish Mabelison Mabelisonya Mabeth Mabetsy Mabledburne Madelinda Madells Maghulloyd Maider Maldingden Maltha Maltwhittle Malvador Malvia Malvian Mances Manne Manton Marcell Marcellian Margarla Margarley Margill Mariam Marigh Marjoriam Markington Markspur Marlee Marlingham Marsham Marshanna Marth Martium Maryl Maryportle Mashby Mationfloyd Matte Maura Maurield Melia Melindalm Melish Melodder Mershampton Mexboroud Micharley Middley Middula Midhur Midston Minchessa Minsted Miriston Mitche Mitchipston Modbrien Monald Monio Monteley Moorsyth Moree Mornburgh Mornslow Mosse
Nadinge Nailsdon Nailsham Nancester Nancissa Nandytuft Nastere Nastwood Nathaxted Natienny Nella Nesburgh Nesburnes Netham Newbigg Newburford Newburget Newes Newhall Newhavan Newmario Newporthy Newtoniton Newtony Nicay Nicharla Nicot Nington Noragby Noramsgater Normanda Northa Northfleed Northington Northley
Oakenham Okeham Okehampston Olingela Olington Ollene Opaldon Orampthia Ormskiptone Oscabith Osweet Otter Otton Ounderforth Oundhampton Ounstaffrod Ounstaver
Paddon Painet Painford Painsteria Pames Patchagford Patie Patringford Paulet Pauleticia Pauleton Peacombert Pedruton Penham Penilworth Penise Penkriston Penwort Penzanna Perryhildon Petunich Petuniperst Philli Phinham Phinium Phyllington Phyllip Pington Poletchley Pontere Pontonya Pooleton Porth Portisburne Potte Preesalle Pricay
Racey Racharlenda Ralbe Ramlina Rampton Ramsgater Rance Randerina Raymoor Reatelford Redenbridge Regin Reigh Rhodorkspur Ricia Rinchelma Riple Riteham Robeflore Robeflow Rober Roberry Roberton Robing Rochfording Rodnestbury Rolyn Romley Romleyton Romsgate Rosefina Rosephend Rosephenryn Roses Roseston Rosia Rothy Rothyme Roystone Rubenja Rubrood Ruthmindell
Saffhamster Safford Salceston Salla Salle Salli Saltha Salvirgia Samance Samuelyn Sanderri Sandham Sandian Sawberton Sawbridge Scabingsea Scabith Scarlenne Scombe Scomberto Sedberwich Sedge Seduard Selba Selston Serginife Setterhead Shales Shall Shanita Shanna Sheanda Sheat Sheley Shell Shellian Shelma Shelscombe Sherington Shifnaldon Shilia Shillie Shilton Shipswicky Shorncassa Sidnes Silda Sildforge Sildon Silsdon Skegnes Skerry Slower Smeth Snailsby Snapdra Snodle Snodlewe Sohanna Someremouth Sophilton South Spatrin Spendy Spenham Spenna Spiderfield Sprowle Stable Stailsea Stall Stanciss Staple Stapley Stavert Stephan Steringham Sterla Sterri Sterry Stevert Stoke Stopherham Stourne Stracey Stravenham Stree Streen Stroom Sudburne Sunflow Surbith Susand Suttes Suttesbury Suzanna Systacy
Tabine Tadcarsham Tadcassie Tadcasteryl Tamanda Tamandra Tamforsham Tamie Tamium Tanthany Tashiller Taunds Tavenoaks Teigh Tenbrough Terham Terryl Thale Thalexandi Thather Thenden Therince Theryl Thoreen Thryn Tiffannet Tiffield Tingdon Tington Toddona Topshead Torian Totney Towces Tratford Triana Trice Trick Troyd Trudhoe Trumpetunia Twich Tyleigan Tyleignton Tynett Tyron Tyronio
Uckfaster Uckley Ulvert Upping Utter
Vercup Verhillie Verleigh Vernette Versharion Verth Vertrude Virgio
Wadebonnie Wadelix Wadelois Wadhur Wadhursley Waine Walla Waller Walls Wally Wandian Warmanscot Watchurst Watchwayne Watelle Watesbury Watle Watlehavan Watlock Wattle Watty Wedna Wedney Wella Wellas Weller Wellium Wendulah Wenthorpes Westell Wester Westratford Wetheva Whistin White Whittle Whitwich Wigater Willara Willip Winchella Winda Winder Winia Winster Winswich Wirkby Wirket Withia Witnesterry Wivenoaks Wobury Wokingtown Wolvern Woodland Wooleford Worth Wragerta Wymoonfleen
Yarri Yates Yvetter Yvetterwort Yvonnias Yvonnie
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byneddiedingo · 1 month ago
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The Stepford Wives (Frank Oz, 2004)
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick, Bette Midler, Glenn Close, Christopher Walken, Roger Bart, David Marshall Grant, Jon Lovitz, Dylan Hartigan, Faith Hill, Fallon Brooking, Matt Malloy. Screenplay: Paul Rudnick, based on a novel by Ira Levin. Cinematography: Rob Hahn. Production design: Jackson De Govia. Film editing: Jay Rabinowitz. Music: David Arnold. 
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messinwitheddie · 1 year ago
If you ever watch the movie *A bugs life* I can’t help but headcanon Lich’s voice as Hopper cuz he’s a bully and a boss man.😅 especially the last scene where the ants finally are fed up with him and face him for being a tyrant that he is.
That's awesome you have a voice you can hear for Lich. I haven't watched a Bugs Life in a long time, but I liked the movie as a little kid. I can see the parallels with the characters.
Originally, when I first came up with the concept of Lich's character (Can’t even remember what I originally named him. Maybe it was the same name. Can’t remember. Wow…
Either way, Lich's original backstory/ role in a fanfic [I won't name because I wrote it in middle school and it was AWFUL], was very different from what it is now. The plot of the fuc was a ripoff of the movie ,“Heavy Metal” so Ronnie James Dio or Alice Cooper were the two voices I usually associated him with. "The Mob Rules" and "The Black Widdow" are Lich's theme songs.
BUT Kevin Spacey's voice fits Lich very well, now that you pointed it out.
He is oozing with Hopper vibes.
If I had an obscene amount of money to spend, I would hire these voice actors/actresses/ singers (resurrect them from the grave if necessary) to play my ocs and/or Characters from Invader Zim that never officially were assigned hired voice actors.
At least most of my Irken ocs have voices picked out.
Pepperoncini: Sir Christopher Lee (?) Earle Hyman (?) Even those two would have to pitch their voices lower and more gravely. Cini's voice, especially in his later years, is very, VERY deep and ravaged by centuries of smoking pipe amber. I guess the contrast in his bright, lighthearted, bubbly personality amuses me.
I can’t think of a voice that perfectly matches the voice Cini has in my head. Any suggestions would be welcome.
I loosely based his personality on Phyllis Diller and Vincent Price, to give an idea of his mannerisms.
Spinch: Martha Kelly (so shy)
Hoola: Eric Bauza (His personality is based on Daffy Duck, though lacking in WB toon antics and the lisp.)
Mem: Bette Midler (first choice), possibly Kathy Bates or Meryl Streep
Some of Mem's swarm I have casted
Handoverfist aka Hof: Eugene Mirman
Ferocity: Betsy Sodaro
Skathe: Jenny Slate
Starboard: John Fiedler
Zee: Jillian Bell
Rook/ the Sage: Originally I imagined John Cleese playing Rook, at least in Rook's older years (because he was based on the Monty Python’s Holy Grail Tim the Enchanter) or Suzy Izzard.
But again, now that you pointed out the parallels, David Foley fits pretty well too.
Miyuki: I'm sure plenty of people would disagree with me, but I think Cher (or at least a younger Cher), Lynne Lipton (again, younger), or Cree Summer would make great choices for Miyuki.
Kii: Can't get Melissa Fahn's voice out of my head for her, but any suggestions are welcome. Maybe Doro Pesch.
Soxx: Percy Rodriguez (would have to bring him back from the dead)
Hitz: Richard Romanus
Spork: Lorenzo Music (I just do)
Commander Poki: Brooke Dillman (I love that woman's voice. Boss as shit.)
Frylady Soo-Garr: Kristin Chenoweth or Grey DeLisle. Either. Either or would pull off her vindictive personality perfectly.
Pielord Emis-Gee: Ron Funches
Brewmaster Shakkin: Christopher McCulloch
Yeet: Hong Chau (so spunky!)
Vroog: Billie Mae Richards or Maria Bamford for a living person to play her.
Irken Gir would be played by Rosearik Rikki Simons, just no synthesizers or anything.
This is not a complete list by far. If you’re curious about any of ocs that I didn’t list, you can ask about or make suggestions.
Hearing the voices helps develop the character for me.
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