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“Les Cyclades” de Marc Fitoussi avec Olivia Côte, Laure Calamy, Kristin Scott Thomas, Pános Korónis, Nicolas Bridet et le jeune Alexandre Desrousseaux, janvier 2023. J'imagine ce que ppurrait être des retrouvailles 43 années après, nous c'était plutot l'Amérique Latine et les Incas ^^)
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
fondazione primoli, 20-21 aprile: "colloque. la légende des poètes"
20-21 APRILE 2023 COLLOQUE LA LÉGENDE DES POÈTES JEUDI 20 AVRIL 9h30 Salutations, par Letizia Norci Cagiano (Fondazione Primoli). Salutations, par Stéphane Poliakov (Institut français). Présentation, par Adrien Cavallaro et Andrea Schellino. VOIX ET IMAGES Modérateur : Luca Pietromarchi 10h : Esther Pinon (Rennes 2 / CELLAM) : « “Le poète parle” : enregistrements spirites d’une légende romantique…
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Bridet x fem! Oc
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“Your mommy is going away for a while my little teacup, so don’t fret it.” Red nodded, holding onto her mother’s dress as the woman walked through the halls.
“Have you picked out an outfit yet? Your grandparents are coming over soon!” Red’s eyes widened, looking up at her mother with an open jaw.
“Gramma’s coming?! I haven’t picked out an outfit yet?!” She started dragging her mother to her room, Bridget followed her with an amused smile.
“You’ll look wonderful in anything my heart, please don’t think too much!” She chuckled as Red started rummaging through her closet with haste.
“Will Mama be there?” Bridget’s chuckles disappeared, and she looked down at her hands with a small frown.
“No sweets, she’ll be away for a long while…” the queen trialed off, staring blankly at the floor as she recalled her own desperate attempts to search for her wife.
“Oh… well she’ll be back soon! She can’t leave us for more than a few days!” Red’s giggles filled the room, and Bridget was painfully reminded to the fact that her wife wasn’t going to be able to get back anytime soon.
“Of course she’ll be sweets, now show me what you’re going to wear!”
“So, now that Odette has left, any suitors?” Her mother asked, arching a brow at her daughter whose hands stilled.
“Mom, you know why she’s not here, can we not do this in front of Red?” Red looked up at her name being called, happily skipping over to her mom with a bright grin.
“Gramps favourite is this one!” She proudly showed one of her drawings, and the Queen patted her head with a smile.
“Of course it is! Anything you make should be in the museum!” Red grinned even wider and ran back to her grandfather, Bridget turning back to her mother.
“You know she’s incapable of returning any time soon, so why do you think i’ll remarry?” Her mother shrugged, taking a sip of her wine and twirling it lazily.
“Purely because i’m worried, maybe she just left because she didn’t want to be here anymore? She has another kingdom to take care of, you know that.” Her grip on her cutlery tightened, eyes narrowing at her predecessor.
“Mom, i’m not replacing Odette, just because that man has captured her doesn’t mean our marriage is annulled.” The elder woman arched a brow.
“Then why isn’t she back yet? True love breaks all bounds, even the strongest curses placed upon them, so why isn’t she here? It’s time to look for another suitor sweetheart.” Bridget gritted her teeth, glaring at her mother.
“No. It’s the true love’s kiss that voids any magic, now get out of my castle before i’ll do something I won’t regret.” The woman scoffed, sipping her wine as she looked at her daughter sceptically.
“Really? You? The sweetest Queen of Hearts in history? I don’t believe it. Besides, we’re here for our granddaughter.” Bridget stood up, placing her cutlery down and staring down at the former queen.
“Guards! Off with her head!” The guards were startled, they were never called upon for something other than to go get Red off of somewhere the queen couldn’t reach, or to go get something akin to flowers or sweets.
They hesitated, glancing at one another before rushing to take the baffled elder from the dining hall.
Her father rushed up to her, eyes wide as he looked at his wife being dragged away.
“What have you done Bridget? We didn’t raise you like this-!”
“Well, she was talking about me forgetting about Odette, so, if you think alike…?” Her father took a step back, staring at her horrified.
“We didn’t raise you like this.” He repeated, hurrying out of the room, Red standing next to her mother and staring with wide eyes.
“What does off with your head mean mom?” The queen looked down at the 7 year old, sighing as she picked her up and booped her nose.
“Something very bad, you mustn’t say it!”
“Day… what was it?” Red flipped the page ti her diary, checking the former day. “Day 362, it’s almost been 10 years since the first execution, and it’s the same day my mother was declared missing, well, to the kingdom, not to me.” She scribbled down, muttering the words to herself as she laid on her heart shaped bed.
“I remember showing my drawing to my gramps, then all of a sudden, the queen shot up and ordered for grams to be executed, then she told me her iconic phrase was a ‘bad word’. Why has she been saying it non stop then?” She rolled her eyes at the irony.
“My mom’s supposed ‘trip’ has not ended yet, but i’ve heard from some older maids that she won’t come back ever, and that some old creep placed a curse on her… Doesn’t a true love’s kiss break all that? I mean do we even know where she is?! I know she’s at some guy’s castle, I think he’s called Rothbart? And that he’s the mage that cursed her, seems likely, but where is he?! Also, apparently my mother was the sole heir to the kingdom of king William, but now that she’s gone indefinitely, it’s gone to king Derek for safekeeping, who is apparently a douche, but there are rumours that he’s a changed man after his wife gave birth to a daughter, so that’s that, maybe he’ll find mom?” She placed her pen down on the notebook, rolling her eyes at the thought before she closed it and slid it under her bed, sitting up.
“Breakfast!” One of the maids knocked on her door, and Red rushed out, grinning at the woman, who gave her an unimpressed look.
“It’s 4 in the afternoon princess, this isn’t breakfast.” She held the tray, handing it over to the princess who smirked.
“Breakfast is a condept.”
“It is not a concept majesty, definitely not. Your tutoring with Maddox has been cancelled, one of his inventions exploded once again.” Red frowned, she’ll have to check on him, before grinning at the woman and going back into her room.
“Breakfast is a concept.” She grumbled, plopping back down on her bed and pulling off her shirt, that she had only put on for formality.
“It’s not like it’s that late.” She glanced at the clock that had 12 pointers, all pointing in different directions, but never all spread out evenly.
“Okay so it is 4, but who cares man!” She whined, falling back onto her back and closing her eyes.
“Mh, I should go spook some guards.” She quickly changed, rolling up the carpet in her bathroom a bit, and jumping into the hole it opened up, she placed the carpet back down, which had a stone on it so you wouldn’t fall through.
She navigated the lowly lit up halls as if it was her second home, which, in a way, it was, before she got to the guard’s canteen.
The few painting that there were in that huge room, one of them had the halls behind it, and Red slightly cracked it open to try hear how many there were.
She used her magic to light a firecracker, throwing it as far as she could through the small gap, then quickly throwing a smoke bomb after.
Slipping in and out of the canteen was easy, especially since it was all chaos now, and she quickly made her way to the Royal Portrait Hall, where the only picture of her mother hung.
“Wowza, there’s another painting of her?” Red stopped in her tracks when she spotted a tiny painting in the midst of all the others, she quickly pocketed it and made her way to the big portrait of the Queen and the Queen’s consort.
“Hey mama, wanna guess who got beheaded today? The guards were all over it! Jack of diamonds! He was the captain of the East wing, mom’s quarters, she was really mad when something vandalised the wall of her rose garden… even though I’d say i’m a pretty good artist.” She placed her fingers to her lips as if to say ‘keep it between us’, as she stared up at the blonde woman, standing behind the Queen, both smiling as they looked at her.
“Does your curse have a time limit? Why can’t you come home?” She looked down at the ground, kicking at nothing in particular.
“I snatched a painting of yours off of the wall, d’you think she’ll mind?” She showed the tiny portrait, which was of Odette, sitting at a huge lake at night.
“It’s a really good painting, I heard from Maddox that you like to wander around at night, I do the same! But we probably don’t do the same things on these walks…” Red trialed off, staring at the face of a Mother she once knew.
“I hope Mom’ll turn back into herself once you return, I don’t think she’ll have all that many subjects left to kill off soon. It’s been almost 10 years… seems like a good way to dramatically reappear, right? Also, apparently you’ve been kidnapped by Rothbart?? Who is that loser.”
The Queen of Hearts stared at her daughter as she talked to the portrait of her and her wife, silently standing at the end of the hall with her hands in front of her, listening intently.
She quickly left soon after, going back to her study where she grabbed her phone and dialed to king Derek, who answered after the third ring.
“Bridget? You never call, what’s up?” The man certainly had matured and stopped being a dick, but unfortunately for him, Bridget wasn’t all that sweet anymore.
“Check up on Rothbart, he had Odette, you know she’s cursed, so look at the animals, furniture, anything, anything that moves or acts human.” Derek sighed, he had already done it once.
“Sure… but i’ll have to do it tonight, because my girl’s 14th is tomorrow, and I have to prepare her gift.” Bridget rolled her eyes.
“Of course, put haste to it will you.”
Derek arrived at the tower a few hours later, a bit before midnight.
The path he walked took him past a lake, where the same swan as all those years ago raced up to him, flapping its wings.
He sighed, crouching by the lake as he watched the swan with a smile.
“Y’know, you remind me of someone…” he trialed off, eyes widening when water covered the swan.
The water grew, and eventually splashed off of the woman, who quickly walked up to land and fell into his arms, hugging him tightly.
“Derek, please, take me back to Bridget right now, we only have a few hours before the sun comes up.” She looked down at the turtle and the frog by her feet, quickly picking them up and staring at the man with wide, hurrying eyes.
“Uh- right! Come on!” They ran, Odette was slower because she wasn’t used to it anymore, holding up her white dress, her blonde hair longer than before, which was expected by 10 years of absence.
“Why do we have to hurry?” Derek asked as they both sat on his horse, hurrying towards the rabbit hole he had in his kingdom, which also wasn’t apart of Auradon, as well as William’s kingdom.
“Well I don’t think that Bridget wants our first kiss back together to be with a swan, now does she?” Derek quickly nodded, spurring his dearest horse on further.
“Call Bridget, so she won’t stop us when entering.” He handed his phone to her, and she stared at it for a while.
“Derek. I wasn’t around for 10 years, the last thing I remember was the landline.” The man pursed his lips, right, he forgot.
“Riighhhtt, i’ll dial, have I told you about my daughter? She’s the cutest, she looks so much like my wife!” Odette rolled her eyes, shoving the phone back to him.
“Derek, dial Bridget for god’s sake.”
“…right, you don’t want to hear about my daughter-?
“Later Derek, later.”
“Bridget? Hi! Yeah, so, you were right.”
“Of course I am, about what?”
“I found Odette, she was cursed to be a swan, she’s human now! But until the sun comes up..?” He trialed off, unsure of his words as Bridget yelled at him to elaborate.
He quickly handed the phone off to Odette, who chuckled.
Bridget fell silent at the sound, almost chocking on air.
“Hi my Baker, how are you?” Bridget felt like crying, even though she was sitting in her bed and Derek called at an ungodly hour, again.
“You’re real?”
“I hope so sweetheart, now if you could maybe wait on me at the rabbit hole? Or you’ll have to kiss a swan… not the best experience, but it’ll even out the score.” Odette shrugged, the forest next to Derek’s castle coming in sight, the sun would be coming up in a few hours.
“Oh! Uh- yes! Yes i’ll be there in a second!” Bridget rushed to get up and get dressed, running through the castle to get to the first vehicle she saw, her trusted truck.
She quickly stepped in and stepped on the gas, screeching through the wonderlandian streets, the famed Red Runner watching her go with a frown.
“Uh… what the fuck??” Red narrowed her eyes as she saw the headlights slowly leave her sight.
She quickly followed, grabbing her bike and turning on the ignition, racing after the Queen.
“Odette!” Bridget embraced her tightly, Odette smiled as she placed her chin on Bridget’s.
“Hi sweetheart, good morning.” Bridget smiled into her neck, leaning back a bit to stare at her wife.
“You’re back…” she trialed off, eyes wide with tears.
“I’m back, so, what horrifying things have you done in my absence? Derek filled me in.” She pointed behind her at the man, who sheepishly waved when the Queen glared at him.
“Shut up! You have until the sun comes up right? Well we should hurry up!” Odette looked through the dense woods, seeing a bright light approaching, so she quickly pressed her lips against Bridget’s.
Even though it was supposed to be a quick peck, it soon turned into a slow, passionate kiss filled with their due love for one another, lost nights returning with more to find.
“Mama!” Odette parted from Bridget, looking up at the girl who jumped off of a motorcycle and let it slide through the bright yellow grass, the trees around them slowly lighting up in purple and pink as the dawn soon approached.
“Red?” The girl had tears in her eyes as she buried her face into her mom’s chest, almost crunching her in the hug.
“Well you’ve certainly grown.” The princess grinned against her collarbone, gripping onto her dress as if she was going to disappear.
“So you’re not awake at 3 but you’re awake at 5?” Bridget frowned, staring at her daughter who glanced at her but looked away in favour of clinging to her mom.
“Well, everyone has their priorities?” Derek piped up, and Odette rolled her eyes.
“Derek, go get the gift for your daughter ready.”
“So you were listening!”
“And so mom started beheading people! Also she chased Cheshire away and maddened the mad hatter even more.” She threw in the last sentence, and Odette’s eyes widened.
“Well it’s good to be back… is the jack of Diamonds still here at least? He was my favourite- don’t tell me.” Odette closed her eyes when she saw Red grimace.
“Yesterday morning, someone vandalised a wall of the castle-.”
“You mean you vandalised a wall of the castle.” Red rolled her eyes and fell back on the couch.
“Details! Details…” she waved it off, and Odette looked around.
“Very dark decor, not very Bridget-y. You remember Chloe? She’d love to meet you.” Red tilted her head, trying to remember the girl.
“Yeah, you two were bickering the whole time you two had play dates, it was humorous.” The princess groaned, closing her eyes.
“Wait- did you two-?” Red came to an unsettling revelation once she had thought for a bit too long, gesturing at Odette and Bridget, who had just entered.
“No, we did not.” Odette rolled her eyes at the insinuation, and Red sighed in relief.
“Hello darling.” Bridget smiled as she approached, Red slightly creeped out by it.
“Good morning my love, Red was just filling me in on every atrocity you’ve committed.” The queen sighed as she sat down ‘next’ to Odette, more like in her lap.
“Well, I suppose I can only try excusing myself from that.” Red scoffed, indicating that it’ll be a difficult task.
“Maybe annul some of your ridiculous rules and curfews.”
“Curfews? Well, I thought you were the one that said that curfews were suggestions?” The queen looked away from Red’s piercing eyes, pulling out a letter.
“It’s an invitation, to attent Auradon Prep.”
“Well, since you’ve grown a heart, I think you’ll let me go?”
“Derek.” Odette sighed when the man came up to her at Auradon Prep, brightly smiling as he pointed at his eldest daughter, who was also 17.
“Look at her! Isn’t she the prettiest girl here?” He looked at Odette, who merely shook her head.
“No, that’s my girls, your girls are second.”
“What?! Come here! We’ll fight it out!” He got ready to swing, punching the air in front of Odette.
“Oh wow, how incredibly scary.” She splashed him with water that she saw sitting in a glass, and he gaped at her.
“You can manipulate water now?! Oh my god can he curse me too?”
“You want a stalker.” Odette gave him a judging look, crossing her arms.
“Uh… no?”
“Mama! Mama look!” Red pulled at her arm, pointing at the fairies.
“Real fairies…” She trialed off, Odette sighed and placed a hand in front of her eyes.
“Don’t stare Red, it’s unmannered.” Red rolled her eyes, and pushed her hand away.
“Who’s that?” She pointed at the Charming family.
“Don’t point, and that’s Ella and Chloe.”she smiled, quickly jabbing Derek in the ribs before making her way over with Red.
“Ella!” She smiled at the woman, who turned around with wide eyes.
“You’re back! Can I ask what-.”
“Since when do you ask?” Odette smiled at the fellow queen, who sighed at her.
“Of course you’d say that, but what kind of curse were you under?” Chloe looked up at that, eyes wide as she noticed Odette.
“He turned me into a swan, very fitting, but now I have feathers behind my ears and…” She showed her neck and shoulders, stark white feathers going from a thick density to scattered around, then showing off the longer feathers at the back of her ears.
“It’s awful to wash it, but that’s all.” Chloe’s eyes nearly fell out.
“Aunt Odette! You’re back!” Chloe smiled as she hugged her, Odette smiled down at her and patted her back.
“Mhm, i’m back, unfortunately.” She glanced at Derek, who glared at her, knowing she was saying something about him.
“Still up to your antics huh? What did your parents think when they set you two up?”
“Probably not for him to be like a little brother.”
“My sweets, put the cards down.” Odette placed a hand on the Queen’s wrist, who was nervously fiddling with the cards, she was so scared that someone would say something about her tyranny.
“Am I boring you two?” Principal Uma called them out, and Odette smiled politely, the octopus arching a brow at the feathers.
“Actually, you are.” Bridget stood up, and Odette sighed at her antics, shrugging at Uma when she cast her a confused glance.
“Mom no!” Red’s voice called out, but Bridget only threw her cards up to turn into bubble hearts, looking at Odette with a smile, and then at Red, her smile broadening.
“I’m so happy that my daughter gets to go to this school, and I hope for nothing more than the best time for all of you.” Odette chuckled, standing up and wrapping an arms around Bridget’s waist, kissing the side of her forehead with a smile.
“Well? Why are you such a statue Red?” Odette looked at her sceptically, she knew that the sudden switch up was weird, but why did she look at her so confused.
Red hugged them, but it felt weird, not like the desperate clinging from a few days ago, but unfamiliar, as if Odette was a stranger invading her privacy, that hurt, she knew that she missed a lot.
“Let’s go talk a bit away Sweets.” She mumbled to Bridget, who quickly nodded and grabbed Red’s wrist, dragging her with as Odette chuckled once more.
She looked over at Chloe with a smile, eyes narrowing when hers followed Red’s departure.
“So, you do have a thing for my daughter, huh?” Chloe looked up at her, clearly caught.
“Who are you?” Odette frowned, now she was really hurt.
“You just hugged me a bit ago, all happy I wasn’t cursed anymore, really?” Her frown deepened, something was up with her daughter and Ella.
“Uh-no! I totally remember you- haha!” Odette sighed dejectedly, staring up at the sky sadly.
“Mh, well, my name is Odette, so, nice to meet you again.”
“Oh my god that’s Odette.”
“You’re not our daughter.” Odette spoke up, leaning against the doorframe to her daughter’s new dorm, Bridget freaking out over her words.
“Darling! Don’t say that?! Why would you-.”
“You’re right, i’m not, but I am, i’m from a… alternate universe? Where she’s about to stage a violent coup, and you’re… not her wife and certainly not in my life, probably a fling.” Red sat down on her new bed, kicking her feet and staring at the floor.
“Mh, so not much different.”
“Darling I wasn’t married to you?!”
“Well I mean if her first 7 years of her life were awful too, it must’ve meant that the group Rothbart send after me the day of Castlecoming successfully kidnapped me.” The princess nodded, lying down on the bed with a sigh.
“So time travel?” Odette guessed, and Bridget had taken to holding her hand tightly.
“Darling, don’t you feel sad that she’s leaving so soon after all this?” Bridget asked, shifting to lay even closer to Odette.
“Of course I do, I wasn’t there for 10 years and now when I am she’s gone, but… well i’m more sad that our Red is gone, she doesn’t remember anything from when I was there, and that hurts the most.” The redhead hummed, staring at their intertwined hands in thought.
“I… feel the same, in a way, I physically was here, but mentally I couldn’t live another day without you, so I checked out for my own sake, somehow I feel like i’ve missed those 10 years too, but now she only knows those 10 years, nothing will make her remember all that time.” Odette stroked her hair, staring up at the ceiling sadly.
“Well, as much as I want for our Red to come back, she won’t, and this Red took her place, so we’ll try help her as much as we can.”
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sarimwonderland75 · 8 months
Vibri Meets Buster And Bridet
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lemagcinema · 1 year
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Le Consentement: On accuse
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Un film de Vanessa Filho Avec: Kim Higelin, Jean-Paul Rouve, Laetitia Casta, Nicolas Bridet, Tanguy Mercier, Élodie Bouchez, Lolita Chammah, Noam Morgensztern, Johan Cardot Da Costa, Miglen MirtchevParis, 1985. Vanessa a treize ans lorsqu’elle rencontre Gabriel Matzneff, écrivain quinquagénaire de renom. La jeune adolescente devient l’amante et la muse de cet homme célébré par le monde culturel et politique. Se perdant dans la relation, elle subit de plus en plus violemment l’emprise destructrice que ce prédateur exerce sur elle.
Retrouvez l'article complet ici https://lemagcinema.fr/films/good/le-consentement-on-accuse/
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ellenchain · 1 year
I think evil Jonathan just hasn't learned how to disguise his eyes. Elisabeth canonically committed atrocities and her eyes appear normal. At the end of the game Jonathan has been a vampire for a week, he knows so little.
Snacking on evil people is so satisfying. Shame most of them have such a high resistance.
Popular fanon theory is that Geoffrey is a nimrod(nemrod, meaning legendary hunter), a type of vampire that only feeds on vampires. Jonathan pribably only made him more powerful.
I read on the pembroke hospital discord that there were rumors that DLC would feature Geoffrey, highly intriguing concept
You're right - none of the other vampires have such eyes, maybe Jonathan just needs to learn that. Little bebi, so young and so inexperienced…
Oh that would be a good explanation for Geoffrey! I was wondering anyway, how he can just drink King Arthur's blood without turning? Later, Jonathan finds out that King Arthur was also a vampire - a direct progeny of Myrddin. He doesn't seem to have drunk it for the first time either. Maybe he's made himself more and more of a vampire over the years without realising it?
A DLC about Geoffrey would be really good 👀 Actually, I would almost find a modern adaptation of the Vampyr characters exciting - Elisabeth, Old Bridet, Jonathan and actually then also Geoffrey in 2020 - new epidemic and this time it was even about a bat (although that is still only a guess so far I think, like irl)
Honestly, it would be funny to see Jonathan reading messages from Geoffrey on his phone and rolling his eyes into his skull because this man can't shut up about vampires and the new epidemic while accusing him of being the cause of it (again)
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golfbloggercom · 1 year
GAM Womens Championship Day 2
I'm at the GAM Women's Championship for the second day at Washtenaw Golf Club.
GAM Women’s Championship Day 2 The GAM Women’s Championship is on Day 2 at Washtenaw Golf Club. The leaders — Bridet Boczar of Canton, Anci Dy of Traverse City, Lauren Timp of Macomb, Macie Elizinga of Byron Center, Elizabeth Harding of Bevery Hills, and Emilie Alba Paltrinieri of Ann Arbor — tee off starting 9:50.
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autumncottageattic · 3 years
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Tu seras mon fils (2011)
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aparticularbandit · 3 years
Having now gotten through Batwoman s2, I have a couple of content problems. Not theme problems or really even plot problems - I actually really enjoyed s2 overall! Approximately equal to s1!
Don't think the through plot was as strong, but I think that had more to do with having to reshape the series after Ruby Rose left, so I'm not going to fault them for that. The Kate/Beth dynamic was central, and you lose something when you lose Kate. That was inevitable. And they did SO WELL with introducing Ryan and I love her (maybe more than Kate, who I didn't really click with) and I love the issues they addressed with her and I really liked the themes they dealt with in s2. They didn't pull punches, and I mostly enjoyed that. (Would've liked more time given to the Luke development at the end of the season, but you know, they have room for that.)
My main problems with s2 were 1) lack of on-screen lesbian pda comparative with s1 and 2) the focus given to the Alice/Ocean romance.
Gonna start with the second and then make my way to the first and comment on the interaction between the two and how the second highlighted the first. Okay? Okay!
I did not like Alice killing Mouse at the end of s1. That felt completely out of character for her after the whole season. I understand her potentially seeing him as getting in the way of what she really wants, but killing him felt wrong to me.
Alice/Ocean felt like a shoe-in for replacing the Alice/Mouse dynamic except now let's make him hot and romantic instead of found family. And to be honest? It wasn't as good. The Alice/Mouse dynamic was so well built throughout s1 that the jump to "oh, they forgot they were lovers, and Alice forgot this really important part of her life, and now she remembers and he's suddenly super important and she has to choose between him and Kate" - like, look. Mouse was better for that purpose. Anyway.
I didn't feel the chemistry between Alice and Ocean, for the most part, and using "suddenly remembering erased memories" felt like a bad. set-up. to jump start an old relationship from nothing that we as the viewers are supposed to have this connection with, but we didn't see it develop. Not really. We get the memories and a lot of backstory information told to us, but that's not the same. (As opposed to Kate/Sophie, where we are given both the backstory and the real time present development regarding the complications that happened in the backstory.)
And because I didn't feel the strength of Alice/Ocean, I didn't get that big impact of Alice having to choose between him and Kate or of him dying. Multiple. Times. (And that's another thing - with killing the same character multiple times in a short time span, like, look, I'm going to stop caring. Even if it is twice, that's a general same emotional point being hit and idk. I just. Didn't feel it.)
But the other issue is that the frequent use of physicality in the Alice/Ocean relationship highlighted that NOT happening with the Ryan/Angelique relationship.
Now! I do not have a problem with - like, I don't need my ships making out or sleeping together on-screen. Not necessary to me. I am a simple ace. Handholding and hugs are okay, etc. But it felt wrong to me that the straight couple (Alice and Ocean can be other things but we don't know, so please don't @ me for that) had so much kissing and etc. but the lesbian ship. did not. Especially after s1 where Kate kissed Sophie and Reagan and Batwoman kissed Sophie and Sophie and Julia were together and Kate slept with Reagan and we got sheet cover up stuff with that--
I'm not saying any of that is necessary but when you put so much physicality into your lesbian ships in s1 and then drop that (with the exception of the Kate/Sophie kiss in the finale) and replace it with het physicality - like, that's concerning. To me, at least.
And to be fair, that wasn't a big thing to me, just something I noticed as the season went on - that a show so focused on reminding us that these characters (and the villains!) are lesbians, we're not seeing much with that. We see implications or evidences (Ryan and Angelique definitely slept together!) but most of the physicality on screen was handholding or hugging compared to the multiple kisses and backstory making out Alice/Ocean got. And for a show that uses lesbians as a main draw, idk, I have a bit of a problem with that. Not a big one? But enough that I. wanted to bring it up, idk.
Anyway, tl;dr - Alice/Mouse platonic/familial relationship > Alice/Ocean romantic one; more lesbian smooches next season please and thank; you've got Bridet playing Ivy like. THE OPPORTUNITY THERE.
Sorry if this is belated commentary. I really liked s2 on the whole! Just not Alice/Ocean. And missed the lady smooches, idk.
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“Nicolas Le Floch (Saison 2)” série de Nicolas Picard-Dreyfuss (2009) - d'après les romans policiers “Enquêtes de Nicolas Le Floch” Jean-François Parot (2001-02) - avec Jérôme Robart, Vimala Pons, Mathias Mlekuz, François Caron, Vincent Winterhalter, Michaël Abiteboul, Sava Lolov, Sébastien Thiéry, Claire Nebout, Marie Verdi, Jean-François Garreaud, Swann Arlaud, Joakim Latzko, Philippe Demarle, Noémie Rosenblatt, Nicolas Bridet et le jeune Jules Sadoughi, janvier 2021.
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jadysinactive · 3 years
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Bridet, Bridget, Sadie and Tia are all best friends (this was before Sadie and Bridet were a couple)
The OC Bridget was made by @Rebecca Holly on Pinterest. The rest of the OC’s are mine.
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tnkphotodotcom · 6 years
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I consider myself as a champion in life as I have you by my side. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/2zEqYWI
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netlex · 5 years
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La Révolution Surréaliste n°3   15 avril 1925  (pdf)
1925 : Fin de l’ère chrétienne
If the title adorning the cover of number 3 of La Révolution surréaliste, “1925 : End of the Christian era”, may appear as a provocation, it ordains more deeply the coming of a new age that is conceived however in contradictory ways. The open time of poetry and the vectorized time of revolution both look forward to less make epoch than make the epoch but they understand it differently and no enduring convergence can take place.
Guillaume Bridet, « 1925 : Fin de l’ère chrétienne, an I du surréalisme ? », Littérature Nº193 (1/2019), pp. 45-59, Armand Colin. 
L'Europe surréaliste: contributions au colloque de Strasbourg (septembre 1992) publié par Henri Béhar
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bellethemagazine · 6 years
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Riki Dalal Wedding Dresses Spring 2019 Glamour Bridal Collection. Embellished mermaid wedding dress with high illusion neck. Chapel train sleeveless glamorous bridal gown. #weddingdress #weddingdresses #bridalgown #bridal #bridalgowns #weddinggown #bridet
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klarionchaos · 6 years
2018 in Theatre
During 2018 I was lucky enough to see:
VAULTS FESTIVAL SHOWS: Revelations Lamplighters Bridet Christie’s Scratch Night Evros White Outside Xbox D&D Live The Super de Nova Pendulum People Who Need People Lolo Brow Attention Seeker Unburied Team Viking TRADITIONAL THEATRE SHOWS Big Bang - Camden People’s Theatre An Execution [By Invitation] - Camden People’s Theatre Questing Time - Phoenix Bar April - Old Red Lion Theatre Improv Night - Comedy Club The Trench - Southwark Playhouse IMMERSIVE THEATRE SHOWS Party Skills for the End of the World - Shoreditch Town Hall Basic Space Scratch Night - Peckham Houses Hollow Hotel - Biscuit Factory Blade Runner - Secret Cinema The Agency - CoLab Theater Macabre - California LA [secret location] The Grand Expedition - London [secret location] For King & Country: D-Day - CoLab The Grim - CoLab
Shout out to Cabaret! Vicious Von Vixen’s Cabaret LADs [RIP Her Upstairs] Haus of Royalz House of Meihua Sunday Supper Club
Here’s to another year of theatre!  
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