#Brian finch
kindaskimpy · 5 months
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whumpdoyoumean · 2 months
beloved show/movie rec (whumpy or otherwise)
Limitless (2015) is one of my favorite and most re-watched shows! Which isn't that much of an accomplishment as it's only a single season haha, but it is SO good. Good humor, a touch of angst, occasional whump (but with lots of potential for so much more), and I love pretty much all of the characters! Plus the dynamic between Brian and Rebecca is PHENOMENAL. There are a lot of shows from the mid-2000s to the mid-2010s that have a similar thing going (eccentric, goofy, lovable man with unusual skills paired with a female law enforcement officer that has to keep him in line) but this is by far my favorite. They let Rebecca be a bit goofy as well, and she's just great! And their relationship is entirely platonic! :D Plus they took one of the movie's biggest weaknesses (having a protagonist that is kind of unlikable) and turn it into a strength (putting him into a more antagonistic role) and fixed a weird plot hole. Anyway, I adore it and am so so sad it only lasted a season, and that the fandom is pretty small. It's super underrated. Everyone should go watch it!
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Thank you for the ask! I hope you don't mind this long-winded answer hahaha
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kuulpenguin · 1 month
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I think Brian has a theory! :D
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jakemcdormans · 1 year
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LIMITLESS (2015) 1x06 “Side Effects May Include…”
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enfernalinferno · 9 months
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Drawing a duo for every day in October [duotober] - 9/31
Click for better quality | my ask box is open for requests
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beachesgetpeaches · 8 months
so glad that i rewatched this show but ALSO there truly is no escaping taylor swift not even in a cancelled (prematurely! sucked that it was cancelled! i was devastated ngl) 2015 tv show.
also brian finch is my tv husband no take backsies
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r34bsorbedtw1n · 11 months
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brian finch fucking dies
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theinconveniencing · 1 year
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Limitless - Page 44
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sporkazoid · 2 years
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bradley cooper needs to pay me for being this franchise’s number one fan
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blorbodiaz · 2 years
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limitless 1x22 / 9-1-1 2x03
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breannacasey · 2 months
Just Who He Is
A reflective story about Brian's sexuality
Brian Finch, Limitless. Teen and Up, 609 words.
Read on ao3
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whumpdoyoumean · 9 months
Whumptober #11
xxx all the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed
Brian probably should have known better than to continue the investigation after hours by himself. His hunch had been right; detective Will Coulby of the NYPD is, in fact, corrupt. Unfortunately for Brian, he isn’t the only one. Which is how Brian ended up here (wherever here is), with no phone, bleeding in the trunk of a car.
On the bright side (if there is such a thing in situations like this), he’s pretty sure he’s got some time until he bleeds to death. The bullet had hit him on the outside of his left shoulder. If it had gotten an artery, he’d be dead by now, so assuming Coulby and his buddies don’t come to finish the job he probably has a while, right? When he doesn’t show up for work tomorrow, they'll come looking and everything will be fine. In the meantime, he’s just going to close his eyes and try not to panic…
“Open your eyes.”
Rebecca’s voice startles him and he jumps, grimacing at the pain in his shoulder. 
“Ouch. You startled me.”
“You startled you,” Rebecca corrects. “I’m you, remember?”
“Yeah, whatever…Look, it’s gonna be fine, okay?” Brian forces a smile. “You’ll find me.”
Rebecca gets a sympathetic look on her face. “No one will find you, Brian. Not before it’s too late. You know that, right?”
Brian swallows, trying to ignore the creeping urgency that’s starting to build in the back of his mind. “Well he took my phone and this is an old car. There’s no trunk release-thingy. I don’t really have any choice but to wait and hope, right?”
“Wrong,” Rebecca says firmly. “Come on, Brian, think!” 
Brian groans. “What am I supposed to do? There’s no way I’m going to get the trunk open.”
“Then maybe you should try something else.”
“Try something else,” Brian murmurs. “What am I gonna do, go through the back seat?”
Rebecca smiles. “There’s an idea.”
“That isn’t gonna work.”
“Well, you have to try, Brian.”
“You’re right.” Brian sighs. “Ugh, you’re right.”
It takes some doing, not to mention the pain almost makes him black out, but he manages to shift onto his left side, planting his feet against the back of the backseat. And then he kicks. And he kicks again, and he’s pretty sure it’s not actually going to accomplish anything but he’s desperate so he kicks again, and again, and he yells and he kicks and--
And it works. It actually works. The seat falls forward and he lets out a cry that’s equal parts excitement and relief. He scrambles through the small opening, then tugs at the door handle. There’s a brief moment of panic before he realizes that the door is locked, a fact which he quickly remedies. And then the door is open and he’s stumbling out onto the cold, wet pavement. He lands hard on his hands and knees, letting out a sharp grunt as pain radiates through his shoulder. He sits up, clutching at the wound with his right hand. Blood leaks lazily between his fingers. 
“You’ve got to keep moving,” Rebecca says behind him.
Brian nods. “Yeah. ‘m just gonna…catch my breath here for a second…” 
He looks up, taking in his surroundings. He’s on a dock somewhere. There’s some sort of abandoned building behind him, and he can see the lights of the city in the distance. It’s starting to rain. It’s just a drizzle, but he knows it won’t take long before the cold wet is seeping through his clothes. He takes a deep breath, then forces himself to stand. A wave of dizziness passes over him and he sways a little on his feet. He takes a deep breath, waits for the feeling to pass. And then he starts walking. 
He’s barely standing by the time he reaches the little bodega. A little bell rings as he stumbles inside. There’s a man stocking shelves at the front near the counter, and he doesn’t look up as Brian enters, just points at the door. 
“Sorry, but we’re closed.”
The exhaustion hits Brian all at once, and he manages to make it another three steps before he falls forward. He reaches out with his right arm, trying to catch himself with a bloodied hand. He only succeeds in knocking things from the shelves as he falls, hitting the ground hard. 
“Hey, mister! What, are you drunk?”
“Call--” Brian gasps. His breath is coming in short pants, and the world is starting to get dark and blurry at the edges. 
“I’m calling an ambulance,” the man says, but his voice is far away, like he’s talking underwater. “Hang on!”
Brian blinks heavily, trying to stay awake, but he’s cold and soaked to the bone and he’s been bleeding for the last few hours and he’s made it this far but damn, he’s never felt a tired like this before, and there’s nothing he can do as the world spins and fades to black. 
Brian wakes up slowly, awareness coming in stages. Hearing comes first--two voices, low, in hushed conversation, and a steady, rhythmic beeping. Physical sensations follow--a faint tickling in his nose, a stinging on the inside of his elbow and the back of his hand, a dull, throbbing ache in his shoulder…He groans a little, grimacing. What the hell?
“Whoa, hey. Hey Finch, you awake?”
The memory comes suddenly--Brian, standing in the empty parking lot with four police officers, Coulby raising the gun, firing--shit.
Brian’s eyes fly open and he starts to sit up, only for pain and dizziness to knock him back again. 
“Brian!” Ike is standing next to him, putting a strong hand on his wrist. “Finch. Brian, you’re okay! You’re safe. You’re in the hospital. You need to calm down. Daryl, get someone in here, will you? And let Agent Harris know he’s awake.”
Brian shakes his head, heart pounding. “No, no, you don’t understand. It’s not. Safe. It wasn’t just Coulby, okay, there were--there were others.”
“I know,” Ike says, nodding. He’s surprisingly, frustratingly calm. “I know, Finch. You gave a list of names to one of the paramedics that brought you in and told them to get it to Rebecca. You don’t remember?”
Brian blinks, trying to slow his breathing and get the panic under control. “No. I don’t remember any of that. Ow, my shoulder…”
“You need to take it easy,” Ike says, his voice surprisingly gentle. “Coulby is already in custody, and it’s only a matter of time before we get the others. You did good. Just--don’t tell Agent Harris I said so. She’s furious, and would definitely kick my ass.”
“I probably shouldn’t’ve gone off on my own, should I?”
“Oh, absolutely not. We almost lost you.”
Brian feels himself pale a little, the ache in his shoulder making itself just a little more known. “That bad?”
Ike nods. “Pretty bad. But you did it. You got yourself to help, and you weren’t even on NZT…How’re you feeling?”
There’s something in his expression, an empathy in his eyes that lets Brian know he’s remembering the time he was shot. 
“Okay…Hey, did they let you keep your bullet?”
Ike snorts. “Yeah, no. It’s evidence, Finch.”
Brian makes a face. “Damn.”
The door opens a second later, and Mike returns, a nurse in tow. 
“Agent Harris is on her way here,” Mike says as the nurse starts taking Brian’s vitals. “She’s probably going to make you wish that bullet had taken you out.”
Brian smiles a little. He definitely isn’t looking forward to a lecture, but he’s excited to see Rebecca, for real this time. 
“I can take it.”
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Where are my Richard Castle and Brian Finch enjoyers and why are they not the best of friends
also, crossover, anyone?
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birbgalaxy · 1 year
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jakemcdormans · 2 years
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Jake McDorman as Brian Finch and Jennifer Carpenter as Rebecca Harris in L I M I T L E S S (2015) - 1x01 “Pilot”
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as-amanda · 9 months
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