#Brezziana imagine
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maxinexstars · 7 months ago
Brezziana x femreader
Slot: Serenading
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The beach was very relaxing,with the sun just starting to rise over the water,leaving you alone with no other person in sight. You set your board on the sand beside your chair,looking out over the water. You saw someone swimming,but who could be swimming so early when the water was still cold. You stared out at them for a bit, trying to get a better view as they got closer, you could start to see their features more clearly. The person had purple hair tied into a pair of buns,pale freckled skin and a pretty muscular frame. From her appearance, you assumed it was a girl your own age. She ducked below the water and you didn't see her resurface. You sat back down,watching the water. You saw her come back up and swim off. A while later you saw a perfect wave,grabbing your board and getting into the water. Paddling out to it quickly popped into a standing position as you rode the wave for a bit, moving and leaning to keep a good balance as you surfed. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the same girl watching you now and something made you want to impress her despite not knowing her. You weren’t even sure if she was really looking at you or at something else, but your brain couldn’t help but wonder if she was impressed by your surfing skills or not. You surfed until the wave came down fully. You sat on your board for a moment,getting your hair out of your face. It was then that you happened to look out over the water once more and noticed that the mystery girl was swimming over to you. You could finally see her clearly now. This was the first time you had ever seen her up close, and she was absolutely gorgeous. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but there seemed to be something distinctly different about her. The girl’s beautiful features were even more evident close up, and you felt your cheeks start to warm up a bit as you looked at her, suddenly feeling nervous. She stared at you for a moment, seemingly studying you closely before she suddenly spoke up. You didn't want to possibly scare her off so you just smiled and waited for her to start. The girl seemed to hesitate for just a moment before speaking.
“Your surfing skills are quite impressive,” she said, tilting her head slightly.
"Thank you..." you waited for her name She seemed to debate whether or not she wanted to tell you.
“Brezziana,” she said quietly.
"I'm Y/N. What are you doing swimming so early in the morning?"
“I like to swim in the morning. Less people around then,” she said in a strangely casual tone. You couldn’t help but notice that she seemed weirdly nervous about something. But the other confusing thing was her swimsuit,or rather the top that you could see as her bottom half was under the water.
"That's some fancy stuff for just an early morning swim"
“Oh…this?” she said, her voice even quieter now. “This is just how I like to dress, that’s all,” she added quickly.
"I don't think I've seen you around here before,are you new?"
“No, I’m not new…I just don’t get out much,” she said quietly. You got the feeling that she was lying or wasn’t telling the whole truth, but couldn’t quite pinpoint why. You were about to ask but decided it was better not to. Looking around you saw another wave incoming.
"That looks like a good one"
“You’re going to surf it?” she asked, watching as the wave got closer. Her voice held a strange mixture of curiosity and nervousness.
"That's exactly what I'm gonna do" Brezziana watched as you paddled off towards the incoming wave, her eyes never leaving you until you finally mounted the wave. She sat there, watching as you rode the wave, and there was a strange sort of fascination in her eyes as she stared. Even though Brezziana had come over to you initially looking pretty nervous, you noticed that she was now becoming more entranced as she watched you ride the wave. Her eyes followed your every move, never once leaving your form as you surfed across the water. It was almost as if she couldn’t look away from you, and there was no mistaking the look of fascination and awe on her face. The wave finally began to subside, bringing you back to where Brezziana was waiting for you. She stayed quiet for a moment, continuing to stare at you with the same curious expression on her face as before. She seemed to be thinking something over, as if she wanted to say something but wasn’t entirely sure if she should. "What's on your mind?" You asked once you realized how hesitant she seemed.Brezziana stiffened again, seemingly having been brought out of her thoughts by your question. She glanced down at the water and then back up at you, something almost like conflict in her gaze, before she spoke.
“Can…can you keep a secret?”
"I can" Brezziana still seemed hesitant, almost as though she was fighting with herself on whether or not she should actually say what she wanted to say. She took a deep breath, seemingly steeling herself, before she finally spoke.
“I…I need you to promise you won’t freak out or scream, okay?”
"I promise" you said,swimming a bit closer to her. She took another deep breath, her eyes darting around as if checking to make sure no one was around before she spoke again.
“I’m about to show you something that you’ll probably find strange…and you have to promise that you won’t freak out when you see it,” she insisted.
"I promise I won't freak out"
“Whatever you do…don’t scream, okay?” she repeated quietly.
"Okay,I won't" she slowly dipped below the water’s surface. You waited anxiously as she disappeared below the water, your heart racing in your chest. You weren’t sure what to expect, but you knew that whatever it was that she wanted to show you would probably be a shock. You couldn’t help but wonder what it could possibly be, and why she was so insistent on you not freaking out. After what seemed like forever, Brezziana’s head bobbed back up from beneath the water. She emerged a few feet away from you, her hair sticking to her face and shoulders in wet strands. She didn’t speak for a moment, just staring at you with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. Slowly, she began to make her way toward you again, and as she got closer, you noticed that there was something unusual about her. As Brezziana slowly made her way towards you, you couldn’t help but notice the odd way her eyes seemed to glisten in the sunlight, almost as if there was an unnatural glow to them. Her teeth also stood out in a strange way; they were pearly white and perfect, but you noticed that they looked sharper than a human’s teeth should. Three slits on her neck that you soon realized were scales,like fish scales. Brezziana wasn’t human. She was a mermaid.
"You,you're a mermaid" Her eyes flicked from left to right as though afraid someone might overhear.
“Please…keep your voice down,” she whispered frantically. She seemed to be even more nervous now than she was before, knowing that you now knew her secret.
"Oh,sorry" You whispered,taking her hands in yours.
"That's so cool. Can I see your tail?" You kept whispering. A hint of excitement appeared in her eyes when you said her secret was “cool”, and she gave you a small nod when you asked to see her tail.
“You can…but I'll have to get under the water again,” she answered quietly. You took a deep breath and dipped below the water with her. Her tail was even more beautiful than you had imagined; shimmering scales of pink and orange adorned it, while the fin on the end was a gorgeous shade of purple. You swam closer to her,doing your best to stay for as long as you could under the water. You needed air but still tried to stay underwater. Brezziana noticed when your movements began to get sluggish and realized that you were getting close to drowning. She quickly wrapped her arms around your waist, swimming upwards with you in her arms and bringing you both back to the surface. You gasped for air as she held you tightly against her. Brezziana held onto you tightly against her chest as you gulped in deep breaths. She silently rubbed your back to soothe you as you coughed. Once you had finally managed to catch your breath,she gently pushed some of your wet hair out of your eyes, her own eyes filled with concern.
“Are you alright?” she asked, her voice filled with worry.
"Yeah,I'm fine"
“I didn’t mean to keep you under for so long…I wasn’t thinking about how long people on land can hold their breath for" "We're not exactly made for water" You laughed but were cut off by another coughing fit.
“There…there’s something else you should know…” she said cautiously.
"What is it?"
“The reason why I need you to promise not to scream. Is that you’re not the first human I’ve ever spoken to.”
"I'm sorry Bree" you put your hand on her cheek,the first one must've been scared,explaining why she made you promise.
“I promise I didn’t mean to scare you earlier when I made you promise. It’s just humans aren’t supposed to see me, let alone talk to me. If my people found out”
"What do you mean,why can't you be here?" Brezziana sighed deeply, staring down at the water again before answering.
“My people have a rule that we’re not supposed to be seen by humans ever. We’re supposed to stay far away from land, and anyone who is foolish enough to break the rule” she trailed off, shuddering slightly at some unknown memory.
"Bree,what happens?" “Anyone who breaks the rule, anyone who shows themselves to a human is punished. Heavily.” Brezziana shifted uncomfortably, It was clear that talking about the rules and punishments made her uneasy. Before she continued, she glanced around again, as if afraid that someone might overhear her.
“Anyone who breaks the rule is punished, but it’s especially worse for me.”
"How much worse?" She went silent for a moment, almost as if she was struggling to decide how to answer. When she finally spoke, her eyes fixed on the water instead of meeting yours.
“For anyone else, it’s bad. But for me my punishment would be unspeakable. I mean, I’m…” She trailed off, her voice catching in her throat. You waited to see if she would continue. Brezziana’s voice trailed off, her throat seemingly constricting as she was unable to finish her sentence. “I… I should probably go. I’ve already stayed out here too long” she muttered, her voice still nervous.
"Wait" Brezziana paused as she turned to face you. "Will I see you again?"
“You will…if you promise not to tell a soul about me. Can you do that for me?”
"I promise as long as you promise to try to see me again"
“I promise” Two days later it was a bit later than you'd usually stay at the beach. The last two nights you stayed longer,hoping Brezziana would come back. As you were about to leave you heard someone singing. You swam out towards the sound,finding Brezziana sitting next under some of the large rocks,hidden from everyone. You listened to her sing,staying in place until she noticed you. Brezziana continued to sing, completely oblivious to your presence. Finally she finished the song and her eyes wide at the sight of you. “You…you’re here…” "You came back"
“I said I would,didn’t I?”
"I didn't actually think you'd actually come back" you moved to sit on the rock next to her.
“To be honest. I wasn’t sure I was going to come back either,” she admitted quietly. “But I couldn’t stop myself,I needed to see you again.”
"Can you keep singing,your voice is lovely"
“Alright… I’ll keep singing. But only because you asked me to…” Brezziana took a deep breath and prepared to start singing again. Her soft voice filled the air once more. The song she sang was one you didn’t recognize, a soft and gentle tune that floated through the air, making the hairs on your arms stand on end. Her eyes were closed as she sang, almost as if she was in a trance.
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rey-0f-sunshine · 4 months ago
Just Dance Week Day 3!!
As you can probably tell by now, I couldn’t get Day 3 up yesterday, but fear not, Day 4 is still going up tonight‼️
The game plan for the rest of the week is for Day 5 to go up tomorrow, and on Sunday both Day 6 and Day 7 will go up as a sort of finale
But anyways, onto the actual piece! I have this idea for how each of the Night Just Dancers would play a different role in Night Swan’s army, and I imagine Brezziana would play into the “influencer” part of her character by either…well…I guess torturing into compliance?? (hey she looks like she’s raring to kick some ass leave me alone) OR maybe she’d be the poster child, “all is well” type performer who puts up the front that everything is normal like an actual influencer within Cygnus
so I went with that (obviously) because it lines up with the “Perform” prompt for Day 3 and I wanted to make my own version of the Madison Beer BeReal meme because it’s the funniest thing ever and it sends me every time (of course Sara is screaming in the corner, who else)
And with that, here’s Day 3: Perform/Spotlight! (ft. Night Brezziana & Night Sara)
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chocoloutje · 2 months ago
if Night Swan escaped to Earth, Wanderlust, Brezziana, Mihaly, Jack Rose and Discoball might have to got to Sara’s home world earth to stop her once again, I always wanted the tables to turn on Sara
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That a good take in the story
I kinda imagine it too but the coaches might look a bit different if they end up in the real world
I hope you like the sketch of the story so far and soon make a full drawing as well
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ponyluvesonic09 · 3 months ago
The Just Dancers smash ultimate deluxe some move-set ideas
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People didn’t like this idea but I really wanted all five of the Just Dancers from Just Dance in Smash Bros Ultimate Deluxe. they all appeared 13 years after the 1st Just Dance game, they represent the lore.
I thought of a unique gimmick in which they are completely separate fighters, and you can chose which one you want to fight solo, but if you play one, you get the other four. As I imagine there will be this unique Gimmick that you can swap out your characters tag team style, if you want to switch out for fighter, you can and a portal will open and they characters will take turns. But I don’t know about that
All five attack with dance moves that they dance to in the games, and some of them are also their taunts, I’ll tell you ideas for their moveset separately (these are not my ideas, but all came from Reddit)
Sara (and Disco Ball)
this idea was by Front-Peanut8057. A Rosalina and Luma type fighter. Sara and the disco ball create attacks together with Sara tossing and twirling the disco ball around, her neutral special also does this.
(These next three were inspired by SonicStarGaming)
He is a more agile character, similar to Falco, his neutral special is a gold move inspired attack. And wears the outfit from his Legendary avatar as his final smash (the avatar is Wanderlust - Chosen one)
The one I have ideas for the least, but a psychical brawler would be perfect. I know that she would take her jacket off during her final smash (based on the avatar Brezziana - Ultimate)
They are a ninja type character, and the teal crystals from their song Rather Be will be their neutral special, and their Final Smash would be based on their panda form (idea by Sowhatayty79)
Jack Rose
This is solely my idea.
I do imagine his entrance would he transforming into a human from his swan form, based on the story of swan lake. His neutral special would be him singing with his microphone. And his final smash would be that stampede/army of replicas from the Treasure song. And that one of the alt costumes would be with his unreleased Lose Yourself, and a costume what would have been if his mom corrupted him in Swan Lake along with his friends.
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halfratsalready · 6 months ago
Wanderlust: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all of the items you’ve lost throughout your life.
Jack: Self-esteem, haven’t seen you in years!
Brezziana: Oh, wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Sara: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Mihaly: My moral code, is that you?
Wanderlust: I was just gonna show you all this cool trunk my mom gave me but do you guys need a hug?
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localsimpissleepy · 1 month ago
For the ship bingo Brezziana x Sara?
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Although I mainly see them as just friends, I still think they'll be cute together
Brezziana helping Sara opened up alot more and I imagine her staying by Sara's side after she gets unpossessed, just to make sure she's safe
I can also see Sara assuring Brezziana that she doesn't have to be strong all the time for the others, telling her it's okay if she can't keep up a brave face
Although that's how I see their friendship, I can also see it as romantic, which again, I think its cute
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libra-cant-just-dance · 7 months ago
I don’t we appreciate the amount of in universe memes that would spawn after enter the danceverses. Like Jack is a popstar, Brezziana is an influencer, and Wanderlust is a damn prince. The internet would just be a meme factory on that basis alone for like the next week
Oh absolutely. Imagine if Lady Gaga, Mr. Beast, and Prince Whatever-the-British-prince-guy-is-called teamed up to fight an evil bird dictator. We’d never get over it
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rachmob · 1 year ago
Well, last drawing because I have homework :'[
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Headcanon moment: I like to imagine that before going to defeat Night Swam Wander, Sara, Brezziana, and Mihaly accidentally kidnapped Jack. Breziana, who wanted to know him better, asked the group if they could go to other places first and at the same moment alert everyone about Night Swam menace.
At some point, they would get at the planet where the wedding happened. The Bride has a lot of friends around the Danceverse, so the wedding was full of different people (it would be the perfect place to spread the word). Of course, things didn't go well for The Bride, and she kicked out everyone except for Jack, which actually wasn't that bad about "people who you trust and think will be whit you left you in your moment of most necessity" thing.
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croftersforlife · 4 months ago
I had a tv show concept were Wanderlust, Brezziana, Mihaly, Jack Rose and Discoball are sent to Sara‘s home world, Earth to retrieve Wanderlust‘s crown, after Jewelry Robin steals it.
Even if it will never be a show. I still have a thought
What would happen if Wanderlust, Brezziana, Mihaly and, Jack Rose went to Earth though? We know what happens to Sara, a human comes to the Dance verse (obviously) but never the other way around. But I imagine that the result would be pretty hilarious.
Interesting concept! I think that would make a pretty good fic
If you like the concept of coaches going to Earth, you should read Mirrored Walls by LibraLelia if you haven’t already!
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supyovalk · 8 months ago
Okay but Imagine this...
"You'll play your part" but It's Wanderlust, Brezziana & Mihaly singing to Jack Rose to help him after "Enter the Danceverses".
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surr3al1sm · 10 months ago
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A lookbook for my Brezziana sim that holds all of her outfits and CC in one neat little pile.
You know I told myself I was going to work on MLYiD before I made this but she was demanding my attention more- I'm just heavy in the Jack and Brezz being besties brainrot rn idk what to tell you. I do hope you like her! She doesn't fully look like how I imagine Brezz but making female sims is not in my skill range so, I tried. Hope you guys like her!
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General CC: skin detail | lashes | hair recolour* (*I was going to use another hairstyle on her but the recolour of that broke in my game)
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Everyday: top | glove recolour | socks | shoes | pose
Formal: skirt | boots | pose
Athletics: socks | shoes | pose
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4. Sleep: top | shorts | pose 5. Party: skirt | rings | pose 6. Swimwear: pose
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7. Hot Weather: top | skirt | socks | shoes | pose 8. Cold Weather: shoes | pose
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maxinexstars · 8 months ago
Requests are open-Just dance
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Jack rose
Louise Dials
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sunshine-zenith · 1 year ago
Okay since we love to talk about Just Dance, Parents issues and Therapy. I've perceived this idea (well now it's two): Since it's heavily implied that Mihaly were a former student/servant of Nightswan, I would like to imagine them actually going through therapy with Panda to mend that Abusive hold Nightswan on them in conjunction to their shaman training. And I guess Brezziana is scot-free? Like she seems to have it the most figured out of the main 5, but she would also wouldn't mind joining and helping her friends' therapy sessions.
Yooooo I love that
It makes so much sense, too — why Mihaly was the one who could resist Night Swan the longest during the Swan Lake map, why they were able to send out an SOS signal, why their Night form has the least amount of the feather motif, even why they’re one of the masters of Flow — they have first hand experience with Night Swan, they know how she works, even if shes able to overpower them in the end they still have experience breaking away/resisting her power, and they’d be the student of/influenced by two different powerful beings
It also adds an amazing layer to the Rather Be map — Night Swan is immensely powerful. To choose to walk away from that, to be brave enough to walk away from that- serious kudos to Mihaly (and Jack, of course)
But yeah. Learning under the tutelage of a villain before running from them — probably super terrifying and potentially traumatizing
Plus, it adds a potential fun layer to their relationship with Jack
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This is canon in my heart
(Also for Brezziana, good for her lol, I can’t even imagine. Fun fact, I came very close to making her the therapist before deciding the panda was funnier)
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lightning-and-sparks · 1 year ago
The 2024 lore is technically Wander’s fault bc he passed like the more powerful object right to NS and then gathered both Brezziana and Mihaly and brought them right to NS… not saying he’s evil (well technically) I’m just sayin imagine the guilt when everything’s over… like if Jack dies (which I think would be kinda funny) or is permanently turned into his evil form or just traumatized. And also with Brezz and Mi idk I’m actually really tired but I’m just sayin it all Wander’s fault lol
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abigailthedreamer · 1 year ago
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Just dance s/I :3
If u wanna hear about her and her parents go to the link cuz this will be more focused on her actually in game. Also I settled on 2 songs for her. one for JD23 and 1 for JD24. Here we Go- O-OOOOOOO---
The Daughter of That Psychotic bride? How amusing. And she Harbours feelings for my own Son no less? Well, you know what they say, Like Mother, Like Daughter.
Quite reserved and shy when Abi's not in her comfort zone. She currently resides in a part of the Dance-verse called Scrap-side. A place that used to be quite quiet and housed, u guessed it, scraps. It was quiet until a lot more residents began coming in because of Night swan's takeover.
The outfit on the left is what she'd call her 'Uniform' rather than her outfit. She thought if she dressed like her environment she'd be unassuming. That is until, during her dance of 22 By Taylor swift, Wanderlust, Sara, Brezziana and Mihaly dropped in to get her.
But they came in early during Abi's dance, causing her to, quite hilariously, get knocked out by the Little mirror ball. Causing her to have an interesting dream of running up a semi sinking wedding cake, and when she makes it to the top, a certain red suited man is there waiting for her. (Pretty much implying that she's always had a sorta celebrity crush on Jack Rose. She's never been able to attend a live performance of his due to her autism.)
Coming too, Abi agrees to join Wanderlust and Co since the Coaches coming to Scrap-side are her friends from JD 1-3 and she just wants to help get their homes back.
What She DIDN'T Realise is that the next coach they recruit is the very same Jack Abi has admired. So, quite bashful and nervous, she hides behind the girls and Mihaly while Wanderlust confronts Jack. If you know how Majesty begins, it doesn't go well.
As the gang splits off to save some of the coaches, Abi saves 3 herself. The dog DJ from who let the dogs out (JD1), The Big girls you are beautiful Coach (JD2) and the Crocodile teacher from land of 1000 dances (JD3).
Soon the crew take the fight to Night Swan and is able to send her away. Abi is satisfied for now, since she believes that Night Swan is the Culprit behind her parents disaster wedding.
Through IYWP and post JD23, Abi insisted on keeping in touch with the gang, Mainly Jack Rose, as you can imagine she doesn't want this chance encounter to end.
Scrap-side, thankfully is close to Dancity, So Abi and Jack would meet there on the off chances they're able to meet, Given now that Eternyx is very unstable without their leader.
Then one thing leads to another, Abi and Jack Rose do end up getting together, The roses on her headphones are ones that Jack has put on himself. So all is well.
Also since I know JD got like seasons, maybe I could have it that these two have a dance on the night they confessed. But again, all is well.
For Now.
(A minor story detail but keep it in mind for later, Jack Rose would always sing to Abi, a song he'd sing to her the most would be Treasure, again keep that in mind)
JD2024 Lore time.
Abigail, hanging out in Scrap-side, but get's a strange feeling that Something is very off. So her dance So Am I By Ava Max plays (A nice contrast to The Bride's Sweet But Psycho dance) as she as well as her 'Band of Misfits' all put together a plan to head up to Eternyx and Swan Tower to see Jack. Which includes a disguise of Night Swan's minions.
She puts it on over a surprise new outfit as the rest of the dance is her heading through Dancity and to Eternyx.
Near the end, she ends up sneaking into Swan Tower and meeting up with Jack. When the beat Drops near the end, she sheds her disguise, revealing her New outfit (One on the right) and her newfound confidence as she finishes her routine.
Jack Rose would dance with her but, he was also just awestruck at Abi's transformation. Afterwards, Jack and Abi hurry off together, Hoping to find where Wanderlust and the others have gone.
Then, Treasure happens. while the pair goes through the palace, Night swan silents Wanderlust, and presents Jack with the 'ideal' outcome, hence Treasure begins.
Where's Abi in this vision? Why, among the crowd of Jack Roses, trying to worm her way to the stage. But as the song goes along, the more she's lost and consumed by the crowd.
See why i brought up Treasure earlier? Jack would sing it to Abi when she felt insecure about herself. Night Swan took that song and twisted it to a song of utter self absorbance and narcissism.
After the song, and into Swan Lake, Jack and Abi get Mihaly's message, and Into tainted love, it's a race against the clock to get to Night Swan's ship.
But...Jack and Abi are too Late. They, Hopelessly, watch as the Ship Takes their friends away. It's now up to the pair to save them and the Danceverse at large.
And that's all of my S/I's Lore! If u wanna do art for my S/I or the Ship between my S/i and Jack, then i'd be so damn honoured!
And yes, JDAbi is the only one to not have a dark self. (Her and Jack if u count the fact that Treasure was just a vision.) But hey, Maybe she does get her dark self in JD25 or it remains a what if.
That's it now. You're free to ask questions as well!
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bongo50ize · 2 years ago
day in karting and a night of a dream would become a nightmare of Brezzihaly
description: The Danceverse 5 had go-kart day when Mihaly hitting brezziana's car that went to the ER later that night, Mihaly has a nightmare about how it could have been different.
and The Danceverse 5 they went to see brezziana in the hospital
Sara opens the door: hey friends, I invite you to karting, it's free right now. The whole group jumps for joy and brezziana imagines: Night Swan she dance on the witch during the chorus suddenly brezziana knocks her down
we see the night swan with its body crushed and suddenly dead we hear jack's voice: brezziana the goal is not to crush people, it's to participate.
brezziana, blushing: it's true what came over me.
30 minutes later they arrived at the karts and set everything up. And, everyone has a car each.
wanderlust: i will win the race
Mihaly watching wanderlust: in your dreams cousin
man: on your marks get set GO!!
everyone was driving without a coach.
Before the end of the race Mihaly do the check they go towards Brezziana's car without doing it on purpose.
brezziana not full of wounds in his bus. Mihaly runs to the karting workers she says: brezziana she is injured
man: we take care of it, the car is what color.
Mihaly: Violet.
and the man is running after injured brezziana.
30 minutes later
when a helicopter that transfers brezziana and mihaly cries
Sara: mi don't cry brezzi she's fine.
mihaly: you are telling the truth?
Sara: yes I am telling the truth.
jack: tomorrow we're going to see brezziana at the hospital.
later that night
Everyone in the house was sleepy. With the exception of mihaly, she was just sleeping, thinking back to the events that happened. She was sleepy so she closed her eyes but then she had a horrible dream
The nightmare
mihaly, she goes to her car control and crashes brezziana's car. when mihaly who got out of the car to see brezziana with the body completely crushed.
Mihaly cried trying to get a response from them, a twitch, a wink, a huff, anything. Aim
There was nothing
They were gone
"PLEASE DON'T LET ME scream a desperate cry to keep them with her any longer." then she wakes up with a start
mihaly: Fortunately, it was a dream, but it almost became a reality for her. at 9am the four of the group went to the hospital to see brezziana in the hospital with a cast.
mihaly cries of joy: BREZZI I had a nightmare that I was gone.
brezziana: it's good mi dry you have a weapon I'm here.
wanderlust: i brought a gift for you
brezziana thank wanderlust she opens the eiffel tower keychain gift. that sara found her country of origin.
sara: it comes from my country for the day end well.
Jack: I'm so glad you're okay.
brezziana: thank you very much for your support.
while everyone is having a good time
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