#brezziana x reader
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domxmarvel · 9 months ago
Just dance-Masterlist
💙=Male 💖=Female 💛=Neutral 🌈=Fluff 💦=Smut 💀=Angst 💜=Mtf 🖤=Ftm
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Koala bear 💖🌈
The Villain’s Heart 💖🌈
Jack rose
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Louise Dials
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Leda nox/Nightswan
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maxinexstars · 8 months ago
Just dance bingo
Please read the guidelines before requesting
A/N: I know it’s a prediction but I decided to use it as a just dance writing bingo
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Midnight phone/text conversations
”You remembered that?”
Wedding vows
Taking your side even if you’re wrong
Wrong delivery
Caught you staring
Time travel
Dating app
Stuck in an elevator together
Serenading Brezziana x femreader
Free space
Disco ball Sara x femreader
Corrupted/night version
Bed sharing
Truth or dare
” Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while”
Horror movie night
Video games
Blind date
” We need to talk”
Accidental kiss
”I Almost lost you”
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daydreamteardrop · 1 year ago
*hisses and throws self indulgent Jack Rose X Reader Fluff at you, that is 100% sleep deprived and Im too tired to remove the ao3 html formatting*
The stage was alight, gold shimmers all over, no fans awaiting him and cheering. Night swan has fled, afterall. The floor was so clean, Jack Rose could see his reflection in it and saw how the sounds of his steps synchronized with his mirror image. The red suit he adored, resting upon himself in a high manner, the only thing that stung in his eyes however was the batch of feathers, decorating his shoulder.His hand reached up, grabbing them and bunching them up in his hand, clutching tightly.
The image of his mother scrutinizing him. She's standing miles above him, laughing as she holds her hand in front of a condescending smirk, feathers falling all around.
Teeth grit, he was about to rip the bush of pink off of his jacket, when he heard heels echoing through the space. He tensed, and stood as he did, hand still in the feathers. The sound got closer and closer, he <em> recognised</em> the sound, not in a negative way.
Eyes averting to the ground he saw the familiar shape of someone he had come to adore, mirror image slightly warped, gold striken, yet nothing - no gold, no glitter, no otherworldly shine, could ever enhance the sun that she already was.
"You look tense…", she started, yet trailed off and he could feel it melt him. The sweet light tone in her voice entered through his ear and reached his heart. He let go of the feathers, hand sinking to his side, no words leaving his mouth. She stood next him, followed his gaze to their mirror images on the shiny golden floor.
It's been over five weeks since Night Swan had fled. The tower was as empty as it could be, yet people…visited him. He wasn't lonely, though he preferred to visit the others. The woman next to him, Y/N, she and Sara were from a different universe altogether, yet unlike Sara, Y/N didn't like to leave the danceverse. Always saying she preferred it here, she had nothing to lose. Sara also loved the danceverse, yet was more prone to frequent visits, than basically almost living here. Jack wished Y/N just lived here fully.
She started swaying a little and her frilly and upbeat skirt flowed with her. He swallowed hard. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak.
"What brings you here?", he tried to sound suave, his voice almost never betrayed him. He was a born performer afterall.
"I was just wondering how you're doing."
"How so?"
They were still looking at each other's reflections.
"Brezzianas beach party…you missed it."
"Right." He forgot. Too occupied in his own sorrow, perhaps.
"Is there a reason you didn't go?"
"No, to be completely honest with you, I merely forgot."
She giggled a bit at that. He raised his eyebrow and snickered. "You're not there either."
"Well…it felt off without you."
<em>Felt off without you.</em>
It rang in his head, like a loud BANG that you would hear from a large bell falling. Gut churning and butterflies rising. How can he help it though? When he first saw her, stood next to the others of the crew, a little shy and timid, yet when she had started dancing, there was an energy to her, drawing him in.
Maybe you could call it love at first dance. At least he did so in his head.
Only laughing at her statement, she lightly shoved her elbow against his. "What's so funny?"she was smiling at herself.
"Nothing, it's just…I'm so important that I'd be missed at a party?"
"I was hoping we could dance together."
"Her dances are a lot more workout than a typical waltz."
"I cant waltz, I don't mind doing workout dancing. And with you there it's like icing on the cake."
"Not in this suit."
She laughed again and that's when he finally averted his eyes and looked at her. Her eyes were squinted due to her smile, her pretty face a little reddened in a blush and he did his best to not turn red himself.Their gazes met and her expression did not change.
“You can't waltz? He asked, sounding appalled.
“No, not really, might sound off, but I have two left feet when it comes to dances like waltz.”
“I don't believe that.”
“Well, you have to.”, Y/N giggled.
Dark gloves suddenly meet a pale one and Y/N looks down. Jack grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. They have touched hands before, several high fives exchanged, why did she look startled? Why was his heart beating faster?
“No…no no no no…”, she laughed nervously, “...you're not gonna teach me that now.”
“And why won't I?”, his hands have already claimed positions, one at her waist the other one holding her hand.
"Because I don't want to miserably fail in front of you and on a stage!", she laughed, a nervous tone clearly visible and Jack laughed.
"What do you mean, "and on a stage"? There is now audience."
"But its still on a stage, you know?!"
They both laughed, Y/Ns nervousness was clear, but Jack somehow found it adorable. She was still in his hold and despite the hesitance to learn that traditional dance. He got an idea.
"Stand on my feet."
"Huh?? But-...your shoes!"
"Come on, just stand on them.", after saying that he pulled her a bit closer, trying to get her on his feet himself. But with a nervous laugh she did as he asked, and her shoes atop of his and Jack now in control of their movement. After making sure he was steadily holding her up, he started with the simple stepping pattern of the waltz. Box step being as far as he could go with her on his feet she slowly started to giggle. He continued swaying them like that for a while, observing her. Y/N looked down at their feet basically the whole time, sometimes her lips would purse in concentration despirte him doing all the work, her lashes were so long, he didn't notice it before. Being this close to her gave him that chance, to get another good look at the woman who stole his heart.
As if moving on their own, his feet broke the step pattern and started to just spin them around. Effectively creating a freestyle that would definitely look weird to outsiders looking in, but how good there weren't any. This tickled all the gorgeous laughs out of her.
"Is this still waltzing?" she almost shouted that laughter talking mix. A deep chuckle left his own lips, but he didnt awnser, merely getting caught up in the moment, gloved hands grasped her tightly and lifted her into a princess carry to then freely spin her around.
"Ja-hahaha!! Jack!!", her cheeks were blossoming with color besides the glowing white, he could feel his own do the same.
When he finally slowed down with a small stumble, he still held Y/N, both still laughing. His hand felt warm on Y/Ns back and one of hers was braced against his chest, the other one around his neck. She was the first to regulate her breathing, having done less work after all, and she thought about changing the placement of her hands, despite knowing she wouldn't be able to bring herself to, maybe she could indulge in the moment for a while longer.
He was still panting a little when looking down at her, realizing his cheeks hurt from smiling. That was an odd feeling to him. Of course he has felt it more often since he has made his new friends, but this smile here, with her, it felt even wider. “So? Can't waltz, huh?”
“You did all the work.”
He merely shrugged and let out a breathy laugh. Y/N couldn't help but giggle too.
“I should probably put you down.”
“Oh…right.”, but at that moment she decided she was stubborn. Her arms wrapped around his neck, heat rising to his cheeks, but he quickly startled all together, because she suddenly made herself feel very heavy. Like a toddler during some sort of protest. Holding onto her, he struggled a little to stay upright on his legs.
“Wh-what is this you're doing?”
Y/N only laughed and after another minute of just feeling him struggle, she lifted the weight from his arms and stopped challenging gravity. “Sorry.”, it was sheepish, she enjoyed this too much. And Jack set her down, shaking his arms as if to wake them up.
“Thats how you repay me for teaching you how to waltz?”
She belted a laugh. “You can see it like one of those trust fall tests?”
“Right.”, he laughed himself, his arms might have a burden less on them, but they missed how they perfectly fit against her body, like puzzle pieces. Sudden emptiness washing over both limbs. But her own smile hardened a little, turned serious.
“So…why did you really not come to the party?”
And his eyes widened. Was he always an open book? No, only to her. Her gaze pierced right through that performer persona, seeing the weeping traumatized boy beneath it. Lips pressed into a thin line, he first tried to think of a lie but knew it was pointless.
“...I was too busy moping, I suppose.”
Her face changed again, the hardened smile turning into sympathy.
“And I think you can guess because of what.”
She hummed in response to that, looking a bit lost in thought, as to what to do? To say? He didn't know either, only that he was embarrassed about still being hung up on his mother having fled after a raging defeat. But she remembered what he seemed to almost do before she arrived and moved to complete the job. Or she at least tried. Naturally shaky hands gripped the suspenders that held the array of feathers against his shoulders and Jack's eyes widened in shock, though she quickly figured out that she was somehow not able to pry the button and buckle apart and only grew frustrated. Jack smiled at her puffed cheeks and placed his hand over hers, undoing the suspenders with no issues. The feathers almost fell, but Y/N caught them and pulled them off his shoulder herself.
As soft as the feathers were, she only let herself marvel at the feel for a second before throwing it onto the empty space where a crowd would be.
“A fan of yours would have died to catch this just now!”, she laughed.
“Yeah, yeah. I'll probably pick it up later.”
“I guessed as much. I would have too.”
“My outfit looks empty now.”, his hand unconsciously met his shoulder, not used to there being nothing. And Y/N looked dumbstruck at that.
“uhm…we can trade jackets?”
“I doubt your short cut cardigan will fit me, but I suppose…”, he did think taking his suit jacket off might help the outfit. Having always had to keep an eye on his appearance he's quick to pick apart his outfit, knowing he needed to look presentable. When he shrugged the jacket off, he was left in his dark purple dress shirt whose sleeves were folded neatly barely above his elbow, the satin shined in the lighting. Looking up at Y/N he found her eyeing him, especially the tattoo on his right arm.
“I've had this since a rebellious phase in my teen years.”
“Oh! Uh…”, that snapped her out of the trance that seeing him shrug the jacket off put her in. <em>Was she…enjoying the view?</em> “So? Do you feel lighter? How is Jack Rose?”
“I do feel lighter, but what do you mean with, how “Jack Rose” is?”
“Well, I'm asking Jack Rose how he's feeling. Not Jack Swan.”
She said it so nonchalantly. So calmly. The gentle smile gracing her face again, and god, how can one person have so many different smiles? His facade broke down more. “Jack Rose is…happy to be where he is right now.”, he pretended to ignore the way his voice cracked.
“I'm glad.”, stepping closer, Y/N pressed him into a quick hug and released him again. Then she spoke again. “We're all super excited to have you with us. Who knows what would've happened, had you not joined our side. Never are we gonna condemn you for your past, it happened already afterall!”
She gestured a little wildly with her arms, to put even more emphasis on her statements, their gazes locked. “What counts is now and if I'm gonna be honest, I couldn't be happier to know this present Jack Rose.”
His head screamed at him to not act irrational, yet this was his last straw in a way. His heart was filled to the brim - more than that - it was overflowing, bursting, cracking and leaking all at once. Jack's hands reached out to cup her cheeks, as he pressed their lips together in a chaste kiss. His hold loosened and then tightened again when she reciprocated afterall. And so they stood there, kissing, on a brightly lit stage, their only audience being each other and their hearts pounding out of their chests. When they finally pulled apart, he whispered an I love you, and she teared up.
“I love you too.”, she whispered back.
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maxinexstars · 7 months ago
Brezziana x femreader
Slot: Serenading
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The beach was very relaxing,with the sun just starting to rise over the water,leaving you alone with no other person in sight. You set your board on the sand beside your chair,looking out over the water. You saw someone swimming,but who could be swimming so early when the water was still cold. You stared out at them for a bit, trying to get a better view as they got closer, you could start to see their features more clearly. The person had purple hair tied into a pair of buns,pale freckled skin and a pretty muscular frame. From her appearance, you assumed it was a girl your own age. She ducked below the water and you didn't see her resurface. You sat back down,watching the water. You saw her come back up and swim off. A while later you saw a perfect wave,grabbing your board and getting into the water. Paddling out to it quickly popped into a standing position as you rode the wave for a bit, moving and leaning to keep a good balance as you surfed. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the same girl watching you now and something made you want to impress her despite not knowing her. You weren’t even sure if she was really looking at you or at something else, but your brain couldn’t help but wonder if she was impressed by your surfing skills or not. You surfed until the wave came down fully. You sat on your board for a moment,getting your hair out of your face. It was then that you happened to look out over the water once more and noticed that the mystery girl was swimming over to you. You could finally see her clearly now. This was the first time you had ever seen her up close, and she was absolutely gorgeous. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but there seemed to be something distinctly different about her. The girl’s beautiful features were even more evident close up, and you felt your cheeks start to warm up a bit as you looked at her, suddenly feeling nervous. She stared at you for a moment, seemingly studying you closely before she suddenly spoke up. You didn't want to possibly scare her off so you just smiled and waited for her to start. The girl seemed to hesitate for just a moment before speaking.
“Your surfing skills are quite impressive,” she said, tilting her head slightly.
"Thank you..." you waited for her name She seemed to debate whether or not she wanted to tell you.
“Brezziana,” she said quietly.
"I'm Y/N. What are you doing swimming so early in the morning?"
“I like to swim in the morning. Less people around then,” she said in a strangely casual tone. You couldn’t help but notice that she seemed weirdly nervous about something. But the other confusing thing was her swimsuit,or rather the top that you could see as her bottom half was under the water.
"That's some fancy stuff for just an early morning swim"
“Oh…this?” she said, her voice even quieter now. “This is just how I like to dress, that’s all,” she added quickly.
"I don't think I've seen you around here before,are you new?"
“No, I’m not new…I just don’t get out much,” she said quietly. You got the feeling that she was lying or wasn’t telling the whole truth, but couldn’t quite pinpoint why. You were about to ask but decided it was better not to. Looking around you saw another wave incoming.
"That looks like a good one"
“You’re going to surf it?” she asked, watching as the wave got closer. Her voice held a strange mixture of curiosity and nervousness.
"That's exactly what I'm gonna do" Brezziana watched as you paddled off towards the incoming wave, her eyes never leaving you until you finally mounted the wave. She sat there, watching as you rode the wave, and there was a strange sort of fascination in her eyes as she stared. Even though Brezziana had come over to you initially looking pretty nervous, you noticed that she was now becoming more entranced as she watched you ride the wave. Her eyes followed your every move, never once leaving your form as you surfed across the water. It was almost as if she couldn’t look away from you, and there was no mistaking the look of fascination and awe on her face. The wave finally began to subside, bringing you back to where Brezziana was waiting for you. She stayed quiet for a moment, continuing to stare at you with the same curious expression on her face as before. She seemed to be thinking something over, as if she wanted to say something but wasn’t entirely sure if she should. "What's on your mind?" You asked once you realized how hesitant she seemed.Brezziana stiffened again, seemingly having been brought out of her thoughts by your question. She glanced down at the water and then back up at you, something almost like conflict in her gaze, before she spoke.
“Can…can you keep a secret?”
"I can" Brezziana still seemed hesitant, almost as though she was fighting with herself on whether or not she should actually say what she wanted to say. She took a deep breath, seemingly steeling herself, before she finally spoke.
“I…I need you to promise you won’t freak out or scream, okay?”
"I promise" you said,swimming a bit closer to her. She took another deep breath, her eyes darting around as if checking to make sure no one was around before she spoke again.
“I’m about to show you something that you’ll probably find strange…and you have to promise that you won’t freak out when you see it,” she insisted.
"I promise I won't freak out"
“Whatever you do…don’t scream, okay?” she repeated quietly.
"Okay,I won't" she slowly dipped below the water’s surface. You waited anxiously as she disappeared below the water, your heart racing in your chest. You weren’t sure what to expect, but you knew that whatever it was that she wanted to show you would probably be a shock. You couldn’t help but wonder what it could possibly be, and why she was so insistent on you not freaking out. After what seemed like forever, Brezziana’s head bobbed back up from beneath the water. She emerged a few feet away from you, her hair sticking to her face and shoulders in wet strands. She didn’t speak for a moment, just staring at you with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. Slowly, she began to make her way toward you again, and as she got closer, you noticed that there was something unusual about her. As Brezziana slowly made her way towards you, you couldn’t help but notice the odd way her eyes seemed to glisten in the sunlight, almost as if there was an unnatural glow to them. Her teeth also stood out in a strange way; they were pearly white and perfect, but you noticed that they looked sharper than a human’s teeth should. Three slits on her neck that you soon realized were scales,like fish scales. Brezziana wasn’t human. She was a mermaid.
"You,you're a mermaid" Her eyes flicked from left to right as though afraid someone might overhear.
“Please…keep your voice down,” she whispered frantically. She seemed to be even more nervous now than she was before, knowing that you now knew her secret.
"Oh,sorry" You whispered,taking her hands in yours.
"That's so cool. Can I see your tail?" You kept whispering. A hint of excitement appeared in her eyes when you said her secret was “cool”, and she gave you a small nod when you asked to see her tail.
“You can…but I'll have to get under the water again,” she answered quietly. You took a deep breath and dipped below the water with her. Her tail was even more beautiful than you had imagined; shimmering scales of pink and orange adorned it, while the fin on the end was a gorgeous shade of purple. You swam closer to her,doing your best to stay for as long as you could under the water. You needed air but still tried to stay underwater. Brezziana noticed when your movements began to get sluggish and realized that you were getting close to drowning. She quickly wrapped her arms around your waist, swimming upwards with you in her arms and bringing you both back to the surface. You gasped for air as she held you tightly against her. Brezziana held onto you tightly against her chest as you gulped in deep breaths. She silently rubbed your back to soothe you as you coughed. Once you had finally managed to catch your breath,she gently pushed some of your wet hair out of your eyes, her own eyes filled with concern.
“Are you alright?” she asked, her voice filled with worry.
"Yeah,I'm fine"
“I didn’t mean to keep you under for so long…I wasn’t thinking about how long people on land can hold their breath for" "We're not exactly made for water" You laughed but were cut off by another coughing fit.
“There…there’s something else you should know…” she said cautiously.
"What is it?"
“The reason why I need you to promise not to scream. Is that you’re not the first human I’ve ever spoken to.”
"I'm sorry Bree" you put your hand on her cheek,the first one must've been scared,explaining why she made you promise.
“I promise I didn’t mean to scare you earlier when I made you promise. It’s just humans aren’t supposed to see me, let alone talk to me. If my people found out”
"What do you mean,why can't you be here?" Brezziana sighed deeply, staring down at the water again before answering.
“My people have a rule that we’re not supposed to be seen by humans ever. We’re supposed to stay far away from land, and anyone who is foolish enough to break the rule” she trailed off, shuddering slightly at some unknown memory.
"Bree,what happens?" “Anyone who breaks the rule, anyone who shows themselves to a human is punished. Heavily.” Brezziana shifted uncomfortably, It was clear that talking about the rules and punishments made her uneasy. Before she continued, she glanced around again, as if afraid that someone might overhear her.
“Anyone who breaks the rule is punished, but it’s especially worse for me.”
"How much worse?" She went silent for a moment, almost as if she was struggling to decide how to answer. When she finally spoke, her eyes fixed on the water instead of meeting yours.
“For anyone else, it’s bad. But for me my punishment would be unspeakable. I mean, I’m…” She trailed off, her voice catching in her throat. You waited to see if she would continue. Brezziana’s voice trailed off, her throat seemingly constricting as she was unable to finish her sentence. “I… I should probably go. I’ve already stayed out here too long” she muttered, her voice still nervous.
"Wait" Brezziana paused as she turned to face you. "Will I see you again?"
“You will…if you promise not to tell a soul about me. Can you do that for me?”
"I promise as long as you promise to try to see me again"
“I promise” Two days later it was a bit later than you'd usually stay at the beach. The last two nights you stayed longer,hoping Brezziana would come back. As you were about to leave you heard someone singing. You swam out towards the sound,finding Brezziana sitting next under some of the large rocks,hidden from everyone. You listened to her sing,staying in place until she noticed you. Brezziana continued to sing, completely oblivious to your presence. Finally she finished the song and her eyes wide at the sight of you. “You…you’re here…” "You came back"
“I said I would,didn’t I?”
"I didn't actually think you'd actually come back" you moved to sit on the rock next to her.
“To be honest. I wasn’t sure I was going to come back either,” she admitted quietly. “But I couldn’t stop myself,I needed to see you again.”
"Can you keep singing,your voice is lovely"
“Alright… I’ll keep singing. But only because you asked me to…” Brezziana took a deep breath and prepared to start singing again. Her soft voice filled the air once more. The song she sang was one you didn’t recognize, a soft and gentle tune that floated through the air, making the hairs on your arms stand on end. Her eyes were closed as she sang, almost as if she was in a trance.
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domxmarvel · 9 months ago
5 year celebration-B characters
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domxmarvel · 9 months ago
Just dance- Requests open
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Jack rose
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Louise Dials
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maxinexstars · 8 months ago
Requests are open-Just dance
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Jack rose
Louise Dials
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domxmarvel · 9 months ago
Koala bear 
Pairing: Mihaly x Female!Reader
A/N:The Mihaly request is taking a bit longer,so I wrote this in the meantime
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Mihaly's eyelids grew heavy as they nuzzled closer to you, a contented sigh escaping their lips. The warmth of the blanket and the rhythmic sound of your heartbeat helped them relax, making them feel both safe and loved.
The next morning, you were awoken by the sound of voices in the main room. You could hear Sara, Jack, Brezziana, and Wanderlust talking with a note of urgency in their tones. With a yawn, you sat up and stretched, feeling the warmth of Mihaly's body against yours. Looking down, you saw them peacefully asleep, their breathing slow and steady. You brushed a strand of hair away from their face, feeling a pang of affection as you did. Gently setting them on the bed so you could get up and check the situation. Opening the door and you saw them standing there 
"What's with all the noise?" Mihaly was fully asleep and you were half asleep as you asked. Jack turns to you and smiles, clearly amused by your sleepy state.
"Ah Y/N, you're finally up! What a night you must've had, huh?” He winks at you, his tone laced with innuendo. You rolled your eyes. 
"Don't start,and nothing happened last night" Jack grins, clearly enjoying teasing you.
"Oh, really? Nothing at all? I guess you were just having a late-night pillow talk session, eh? You better hope Mihaly doesn't wake up and see you looking so unruffled. They might get jealous!" Sara playfully shoves Jack's shoulder, clearly amused by his antics. Before you could answer you felt Mihaly's arms around your waist and their head on your shoulder. Half asleep as they begged you to come back to bed. "I guess that answers my question."
"Oh boy... Mihaly's like a koala bear when they're sleeping." Sara cooed
"Aww, how adorable."Wanderlust added.  You turn your head to look at Mihaly and can't help but chuckle at their clingy state. You can feel the warmth of their breath on your skin, and their sleepy plea for you to come back to bed makes your heart flutter. They wrapped around your tighter and begged you again,clearly Mihaly wasn't letting go anytime soon.
"Yeah, Y/N. You'd better listen to Mihaly, or they might never let you go." Jack teased.
"They've got you wrapped around their finger - or should I say wrapped around their whole body! They really do make a cute couple, don't they?" Sara teased you too.
"It's adorable. But also, incredibly funny. Mihaly is usually so reserved."
"I'll join you to plan as soon as they let go" you shut the door.
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maxinexstars · 3 years ago
Requests are open
Fluff,angst &smut (no pwp)
Female,male,ftm and mtf
No OC’s
 No ships
Only x reader
If something you want isn’t on this list,please message me about it
don’t spam 
Read the guidelines/characters that I write for before asking something.
If you disrespect my guidelines I’ll ask you nicely to stop, if you don’t,you will be blocked.
I will turn down requests that I don’t want to write or that I don’t feel comfortable with.
I’ll pick the readers gender if you don't specify it
You’ll have to send me an idea of what the plot should be. I won’t write anything without a plot
No yandere
No headcanons
Miraculous ladybug
Marinette dupain cheng/ladybug
Adrien agreste/chat noir
Alya ceisare/rena rouge
Luka couffaine/viperion
Felix graham de vanliy
Code lyoko
Aelita shaeffer
Yumi ishiyama
Odd della robbia
Ulrich stern
William dunbar
Carmen sandiego
Carmen sandiego
Avatar: the last airbender
My hero academia
Shoto Todoroki
Denki Kaminari
Kyoka Jiro
Momo Yaoyorozu
Dabi/Toya Todoroki
Himiko Toga
Tomura Shigaraki
Hawks/Keigo Takami
Tenya Iida
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Tokoyami Fumikage
Shouta Aizawa/Eraser head
Tamaki Amajiki
Present mic/Hizashi Yamada
Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum
Alrawabi school for girls
Monster high
Clawdeen wolf
Cleo de nile
Deuce Gorgon
Calwd wolf
Frankie stein
Abbey Bominable
Seth/Pharaoh Ptolemy
Catty Noir
Nefera de nile
Just dance
Jack rose
Louise Dials
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