#Brewers Podcast
themlb · 4 months
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Tough Start to the Road Trip but the Milwaukee Brewers Move Onward
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airspeedprime · 17 days
Avatar Online Podcast Episode 277 - The Bounty Hunter and The Tea Brewer Review
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kenziekugler22 · 2 months
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Yelich podcast alert
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Ann Dowd and Madeline Brewer talk about Aunt Lydia and Janine’s journey in Season 5 and the significance of Esther’s poisoning.
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chicagobeerpass · 2 years
Chicago Beer Pass: Happy St Patrick's Day!
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Welcome to the Chicago Beer Pass and Happy St Patrick's Day!
On this episode of Chicago Beer Pass, Brad Chmielewski and Nik White are joined by Jimmy Callahan who is a Guinness Brewery Ambassador. It seemed fitting to have Jimmy Callahan on the St Patrick's Day episode to share with the guys all things Guinness. The three of them talk about the history of Guinness as well as the future opening of the Guinness Open Gate Brewery here in Chicago.
Having issues listening to the audio? Try the MP3 (84.8MB) or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes!
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margareth-lv · 2 months
😬🐴🤦🏻‍♀️ My Jamie is a stud 🤦🏻‍♀️🐴😬
Or: Après nous, le déluge [After us, the flood, this French expression is said to have been used by King Louis XV of France to Madame de Pompadour, his favourite. Brewer translates it as "When I'm dead, the deluge may come, and I couldn't care less," and "Ruin, if you like, when we're dead and gone."]
*** *** *** I hope you don't mind me going on a bit at the start. This quote from King Louis XV of France pretty much sums up my thoughts today. But let’s take a step back for a moment. 9 July, 2024: Happy 11th #castaverasary of the wonderful Sam Heughan. Starz posted an oldie but a goodie on social media, an antique video in which the Outlander stars talk about their first scene with the 'birthday boy'.
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By the way, I was just wondering, when did we last see Caitríona with such long and damaged or neglected hair? I think it might have been on 8 March 2023 at The Gannet restaurant in Glasgow for the Grilled Live podcast?
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Whatever. In an old recording from over a year ago (Caitríona's hair is longer than it was in Glasgow in March 2023), Caitríona shares the very first moments she spent on set with Sam. She's got this weird look on her face, and what she's saying is even weirder.
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After weeks of beautiful, sunny weather during filming with Tobias, the first day of shooting with Sam was a real downpour. And it just kept on raining, a real deluge. It just didn’t stop bloody raining.
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I have no idea what Caitríona wants to tell, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to say something nice. As if saying something kind is the worst possible thing to do.
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And I just can't stand the fact that she's such a coward. And it really bothers me when she makes a public show of cutting herself off from Sam.
I think if they were just 'costars', she'd probably have more 'sympathy' and more 'heart' for him. And it made me think of an interview I saw ages ago that I never quite got. I'm thinking of the one with Sam, Caitriona and others from 13 February 2020 for Entertainment Weekly.
You know: Caitriona doesn’t picture Sam Heughan when reading the Outlander books. You know, her “Jamie” is a stud, as opposed to…
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It was pretty awful, to be honest. Just look at Sam's face. He wants to get away from there. To disappear. To evaporate.
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Oh my, oh my, oh my. After me, the flood.
[10 July, 2024]
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Labor of love
I was very interested to see what S told Mark Gillespie on the last episode of the latter's WhiskyCast podcast, @bat-cat-reader immediately shared with us.
It was a most instructive 35 minutes. I listened to all of it, because I wanted to also hear Gillespie's tasting notes forThe Sassenach. And I regret nothing: once you get past the traditional (and a bit obnoxious) 'why The Sassenach?' question, you're in for some interesting news.
You can listen to it here, by the way:
Before anything, who is Mark Gillespie?
One of the most respected professionals in the very small world of alcohol specialized podcasters, with a 37 years work experience in media and broadcasting, spanning household names such as CNN, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Gallup and MSNBC. But also, and this I found very interesting, given the current context, the owner of CaskMedia, a firm specialized not only in media production, but also marketing and PR.
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The podcast was recorded at The Metropolitan Club's library, moments before the Keepers of the Quaich dinner, where S was a keynote speaker. So not 'just there for the Haggis Ceremony ' - a 'guest of honor' is never invited just for the show, people should have known better, eh?
S's 7 minutes interview starts at the 09:32 mark. Comments in brackets are mine.
Gillespie surely doesn't like to beat around the bush and after the customary niceties, asks a million-dollar question:
MG: 'I have to ask: did you have the troubles (problems?) in Germany straightened up?'
SH: ' Ha, ha, ha [not an organic giggle, but hey - gotta do what you gotta do, eh?]. Well, I am not entirely sure I should talk about it [speaks very quickly and through his teeth - visibly annoyed/nervous; not entirely sure I got it all correctly, so feel free to amend in comments], ah... ummm... not as yet... not as yet...ummm...we did fall into an issue with the name Sassenach, which was similar to a big brand in the US... ah!... in Germany, sorry... of a beer brand... I...I personally don't see the similarity [neither do I, S...neither do I], but I am sure once people taste our whisky, they'll know what it is, whatever the name is on it.'
Yes, this interview was probably rehearsed. Yes, Gillespie might have sent the questions to S/his people in advance for reviewing. No, he could not speak about a legally complicated situation before the final settlement with that Schoppingen beer brewer (penalties are probably still to be fixed and paid, but I will check that, so don't take my word for Gospel truth, yet). I will write separately about this whole thing, because I still think that was a very questionable decision of the EUIPO. Not because it royally pisses me off (so fucking unfair!), but because I really fail to see the proper legal reasoning and basis for it. His answer was perfect, under the circumstances. Absolutely perfect.
Anyways, FWIW, it would seem some sort of solution has already been found ('whatever the name is on it') and that most probably would be to rebrand it. And sell it on the German/EU market under a new name.
Lallybroch (https://trademarks.justia.com/981/67/lallybroch-98167525.html), perhaps? Time will tell, but that could explain this recent trademark application I didn't have time to properly look into, yet:
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Further ahead (and fast forward through the cask version release, these things bore me to death), we land on another (as yet) unexploded ordnance:
MG: 'I have to mention your show MIK that you do with Graham McTavish, you visited a bunch of distilleries during that one... any visit in particular stands out?'
Now I am not very sure if that question was the best possible one, since that SAG-AFTRA strike is still an ongoing situation. And his answer was quite clever, changing the focus on their visit to Laphroaig's distillery on Islay and waxing lyrical about the casks, the peat, the landscape, etc. But other than a perfunctory and logical 'we', I heard absolutely nothing about McTavish, and it could have been so damn easy to further change the subject and mention his bourbon, with a few kind words. Therefore, I think things are pretty obviously not exactly on the sunny side, between the two. And I guess we all know why.
To end this long post on a cheerful note, I almost forgot to mention something very important. Answering a listener's question about Sassenach not being available in Rhode Island/part of New Jersey, S said something very interesting: 'obviously you can get it online, (...) we've just signed a deal with Southern Glazer's, so we're rolling it out. It is a limited batch, so you know, every year we do do a release and it is very limited, so it does tend to sell out pretty quick. But yes, it is available (...), but obviously you're not gonna see it in every bar, restaurant or retailer, because we just don't have enough of it. But online you can get it and great delivery service, it's very quick.'
I am taking two things home from this last answer: demand exceeds supply, which is both a blessing (solid yield, room for expansion) and a curse (lackadaisical market presence). On short to mid term, distribution will concentrate on the online market, with the help of Southern Glazer's superb infrastructure.
Remember the older guy he had lunch with in MIA, in May? You should, if you didn't focus on Mordor's inept babble about shirts, ballerinas and the like. That guy was instrumental into arranging the deal with Southern Glazer's. Just the biggest wine and spirits distributor on the US market, mind you.
Don't believe me? Check this out:
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That company was founded in Florida. Its HQ is still in MIA. He didn't go there because he was looking for ballerinas at his birthday dinner. He went there because when these people are available to meet you, well: you leave everything aside and you damn GO.
Now who the hell is writing fanfiction, eh? You really should be ashamed, madam.
I rest my case.
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Episode 17: Kathryn Maude on politics, the queen as evangelist, and the 11th century Encomium Emmae reginae
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British Library Add MS 33241, fol. 1v
In Episode 17 of Inside My Favorite Manuscript, Dot and Lindsey chat with Kathryn Maude about the 11th century Queen Emma, who was married to and had children with both the English king Æthelred the Unready and his successor the Danish king Cnut the Great. The resulting political situation was complicated, and the Encomium Emmae reginae can help us understand the lines that Emma was attempting to walk as her sons grew into adulthood and prepared to take the throne. The text survives in two copies, the earliest one of which is British Library Add MS 33241, believed to be the copy that was presented to Queen Emma herself. Kathryn walks us through the manuscript and we talk about both the politics and the materiality of this fascinating text.
Listen here, or wherever you find your podcasts.
Below the cut are more photos and links relevant to the conversation.
British Library Add MS 33241, aka Encomium Emmae reginae (digitized online)
Folio 1v, the presentation of the book to Queen Emma, with her sons peeking out from the margin.
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A close-up of folio 1v focusing on Emma and her sons.
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A close-up of folio 1v focusing on the scribe presenting the book. Note that his hands are covered with a cloth. The son's hand has been added.
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A close-up of folio 1v focusing on the curtains
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Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bibliothèque municipale, MS 11, miniature of Saint John, folio 107r
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Close-up of folio 107r focusing on the curtains. Note Saint John holding the book with a cloth around it.
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Copenhagen, Royal Danish Library, Acc. 2011/5, aka Courtenay Compendium, which contains the late 14th century copy of the Encomium Emmae reginae (apparently not digitized)
Doors of Durin, drawn by JRR Tolkien.
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The Doors of Durin (Gates of Moria) from the Fellowship of the Ring film by Peter Jackson
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Middle Aged Women in the Middle Ages, edited by Sue Niebrzydowski. Gender in the Middle Ages, Volume 7. D. S. Brewer, 2011.
Folio 18r, Sven and Cnut's names are capitalized Half Uncials while the rest of the text is a regular Carolingian script.
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Folio 48r, another example. Here Emma's name is capitalized at the top.
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A king pointing to the text on folio 46r - "a manicule with a king attached" - with a note written beneath in the later middle ages, probably at Saint Augustine's Abbey in Canterbury.
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An ugly manicule (hand pointing at the text), folio 46v.
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Folio 5r, a gloss in the margin.
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Folio 60r, an emoji in the margin of a couple of eyes to annotate the word oculi (Latin for eyes) in the text.
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Close-up of the eyes.
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Folio 58v, the parchment has been mended during the parchment preparation process, before the text was written.
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Folio 54r, space was left for initials that were never added (the penciled M is probably contemporary but was never decorated)
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Folio 2r, the first page of text, featuring a zoomorphic initial (i.e., an initial in the shape of an animal, in this case some sort of dragon and a fish eating each other) and colorful capitals.
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Folio 8r, a zoomorphic initial R made of more critters eating each other. Good for a tattoo?
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Folio 19v. "Explicit Lib[er] I" means the end of book 1, and "Incipit Secundus" means the beginning of [book] two (the second book).
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Folio 50v, featuring Lindsey's ugly manicule
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A close-up of the manicule
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The Annunciation of Mary in Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bibliothèque municipale, MS 11
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We talked to Brandon Hawk about the Vercelli Manuscript in Episode 7.
A hedgehog in the Luttrell Psalter (folio 19v)! (See it online)
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"The Social Centrality of Women in Beowulf: A New Context" Dot's very first published article!
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eclipsemeteor · 7 months
Breathing New Life into Magic Cards
What do you do with your cards when they don't have a home in a commander deck?
Make a new format variant out of them!
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(well ok, you don't make a revolutionary format from scratch, you steal take inspiration from the paths trodden before)
My name's Cole, I've been a content creator for Commander and EDH for the last 3 or so years. I was introduced to Magic when I was about 6 or 7 years old, read the earliest Magic novels at 10, and officially started playing in 2011 with Innistrad. I've done two podcasts, the Uncommon Commander and the recently started Hero's Blade Vibe Check podcasts that's available in many places!
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One of my biggest grievances as Commander player is that 100 cards never seems to be enough for my decks. 36-41% of the deck is dedicated to a combination of a commander(s) and lands. That leaves you with approximately 60~ cards to mess around with, cut, fiddle with, and optimize, depending on your intent and level of investment.
For people who've had lifelong commander decks, that usually means having a Ship of Theseus situation: more cards come out that are circumstantially or objectively better than previous versions. For whatever your end goal is, you add and remove cards for your needs and eventually may even change the commander!
EDH/Commander is not the same beast it was a decade ago, let alone when the original premise was in its infancy. Decks today are much better than what was around in 2011, and sub formats like PrEDH (any card printed before Commander Precons) are an example of the blatant power creep that we players have had to deal with.
As I've evolved as a player and brewer, I've made my peace with having to make compromises with deck building, but there's always that small feeling in the back of my head that says "these cards need a home, and it's not just another commander deck, or selling/trading these off". Duplicating a commander deck for the sake of scratching that itch isn't enough.
I needed to do something. The thought came to me at 5am.
(Well ok, it stewed for a long time before inspiration struck upon waking up at 5am because one of my cats is insanely regimented and wanted breakfast ASAP, so after getting bitten on my arm, lightning strike and I got to work)
Making Killer Queen - A Compromise
So what is Killer Queen, and what does this have to do with finding home for cards?
I've trapped myself as a Magic player. As I stopped playing Standard back in 2014 and more or less dedicated myself to Commander brewing, a lot of skills have fallen to the wayside. I'm terrible at Limited Draft, subpar at Sealed, and have radically changed my viewpoint of 1v1 magic. Brewing a 360 card cube felt impossible to do myself.
So how do I consolidate these feelings and viewpoints? I make a single deck that everyone can play from like the fan format Dandan (aka Forgetful Fish), use only 3 colours (Mardu/Red-white-black), give everyone the same Commander (Queen Marchesa) and make it singleton.
Boom. Killer Queen, aka Marchesa Dandan, aka MarDanDan!
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One 155 card deck (plus 2-4 copies of Queen Marchesa) that everyone plays from, one shares graveyard and a bunch of different ways to set up or influence your opponents!
It's been a recent project I've been working on since October 2023, and while games are far and between, it's been my personal answer to my issues of cards being shuffled around decks with no real home, but still having commander-like gameplay that appeals to people in general. Public sentiment so hard? It's a neat way to play Magic, and it's something that can be brought along to game nights in case people want a change of pace.
It's been a great exercise, and makes me go back to my original point: there's a lot of ways to play Magic. There's a lot of ways to engage with Magic that isn't just constructed formats, and you can do it on a budget (or using online creatures like Moxfield's playtest feature in tandem with a digital camera program like OBS).
So where does that leave us?
People are frustrated with the direction Magic: the Gathering is headed, and I encourage everyone to healthily engage with this game we've all come to love, or love to hate, in a way that is satisfying to you.
If you're unsatisfied with Universes Beyond, don't play the cards! (just don't fault anyone for playing them) Go back and look at old sets, and forget the new ones. There's lots of hidden treasure in New Capenna, I hear.
Get back to your kitchen table routes if you have to. Do a Commander League, a deck building challenge, get wild, get crazy! Or take a break! Magic isn't going anywhere right now.
Do a deep dive on Scryfall, whatever it takes for you to enjoy this game in peace.
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robynochs · 5 months
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In this episode, host Meredith Brewer sits down with renowned activist Robyn Ochs to explore the evolution of bisexual activism, the importance of inclusive language, and strategies for building community. Get ready for a deep dive into the past, present, and future of the bi+ movement, packed with wisdom and inspiration for activists and allies alike.
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louisegluckpdf · 1 year
The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli is a beautifully written book about time (or its nonexistence) in physics. It was recommended to me by my intro astrophysics professor and some passages have stuck with me for years
i was just listening to carlo rovelli today on this episode of sean carroll's podcast! i've been interested in rovelli since reading william brewer's the red arrow, a novel (work of metafiction? autofiction? it's hard to say!) featuring a character explicitly based on carlo rovelli. i also really want to read there are places in the world where rules are less important than kindness by rovelli.
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laiqualaurelote · 2 years
(this is a bit belated but I have been In The Countryside all weekend with next to no Internet - anyway! I was a guest reccer for @thereccenter last week. I've been the beneficiary of many kind recs in this newsletter and wanted to pass it on, so I made a list of my favourite heist AUs. I am thrilled it has appeared in the same edition as Michelle Yeoh's Oscar win.)
Laiqualaurelote adores AUs and crossovers, often incredibly niche ones. She is the author of the Ted Lasso heist AU “they will see us waving from such great heists” and can be found on Tumblr here.
Someone once described heist fic to me as the Little Black Dress of AUs—it’ll go with anything, provided you can pull it off. The joy of the heist AU lies in how it deploys its tropes—it’s delightful to see an ensemble you love cast in the archetypes of the heist crew: the Mastermind, the Grifter, the Hacker, the Hitter, the Thief, the Driver, the Forger, the Person Who Blows Stuff Up, etc. (All the better if this unfolds in a Recruitment Montage.) Most heist AUs riff off Ocean’s Eleven and/or Leverage, but the good ones are especially ingenious in how they adapt the cons to fit the fandom and manage to keep the reader guessing till the final sleight of hand. Heist heist baby!
(General content warning for criminality)
“Rose’s Eleven” by leupagus (@leupagus). 50K words, rated Explicit. Fandom: Schitt’s Creek; Ships: Patrick Brewer/David Rose, Ted Mullens/Alexis Rose Backstory: Schitt’s Creek is a show about a wealthy family losing all their money and being forced to relocate to a small town they once bought as a joke. (I have never actually seen it, which is how good this AU is.) In this fic, David Rose, released on parole, assembles a team to rob the Met Gala as vengeance against the man who got him sent to prison, Sebastien Raine—who seems to be dating David’s ex-husband Patrick. Rec: This AU appears at first to be your standard Ocean’s Eleven dynamic combined with an Ocean’s Eight plot, but there’s a lot more going on. I was bowled over by the complexity of the heist, with its double-crosses and triple-crosses. Love the criminals who are also working mothers. Content warnings: N/A
“The Kansas City Shuffle Job” by arboreal_overlords (@peri-hellion). 45K words, rated Teen. Fandom: The Magnus Archives; Ships: Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood/Tim Stoker, Basira Hussain/Alice “Daisy” Tonner Backstory: The Magnus Archives is a horror podcast in which fear entities manifest in the world through human avatars, who are granted eldritch powers. In this Leverage-based AU, the characters still have their avatar powers, only they use them for crime. Jon, who left the Magnus Institute after his assistant Sasha was murdered in a conspiracy involving his boss, is hired to lead a heist team comprising hitter Daisy, hacker Melanie and thief Tim. When they are double-crossed, they have to bring on board the best con man in England, Martin. Rec: Wonderful reimagining of the Magnus universe as a criminal underworld, with an intricately plotted heist and character studies carefully woven into the cons. “Let’s go steal an Institute!” Content warnings: Canonical character death, some canon-typical suicidal ideation
“Three Card Monte” by enjambament (@enjambament). 14K words, rated Teen. Fandom: Harry Potter; Ships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Caradoc Dearborn/Fabian Prewett, Lily Evans/James Potter Backstory: In this non-wizarding Marauders AU, Sirius gets out of prison and looks up Remus with a plan to rob the casino at Hotel Voldemort and steal...a piano. Rec: A clever, compact Oceans-esque heist with fun twists on canon, from grizzled hacker Mad-Eye Moody to young thief Tonks, still learning to grift on the job. Content warnings: Mention of past abusive relationship
“The Casterly Rock Job” by Netgirl_Y2K (@netgirl-y2k). 3.2K words, rated Teen. Fandom: Game of Thrones; Ship: Yara Greyjoy/Daenerys Targaryen Backstory: Daenerys’ plan to steal the Lannisters’ dirty little secrets for their business rival Olenna Tyrell involves enlisting Arya’s burglary skills, Margaery’s knack for seduction and Yara’s speedboat driving. Rec: Love an all-women heist crew! Criminal mastermind Dany has a delightful swagger, seen through the eyes of hard-bitten mobster’s daughter Yara.  Content warnings: N/A
“i don’t need a parachute (if i’ve got you)” by thewestwinged (@aberfaeth). 6K words, rated Teen. Fandom: The Locked Tomb; Ship: Gen, Camilla Hect & Palamedes Sextus Backstory: Thief Camilla teams up with the hacker known as The Warden to one-up his mother, the legendary grifter Juno Zeta, Who Met God And Convinced Him She Was One Of His Angels And Then, Ostensibly, Stole A Lot Of Money From Him. Rec: Spot-on voices for Camilla “hides a taser in a fake gun” Hect and Palamedes “uploads erotica onto Elon Musk’s website” Sextus. I would watch an entire series of Cam & Pal Commit Crimes. Content warnings: N/A
“Provenance” by rageprufrock (@rageprufrock). 20K words, rated Teen. Fandom: Inception; Ships: Arthur/Eames, Dominic Cobb/Mallorie Miles Backstory: Inception is technically canonically about a heist, but in this AU there is no dream technology and it’s about art theft instead. The theft of a Raphael painting from the National Gallery reunites Interpol agent Dom, insurance company representative Arthur, and the painting’s owner Eames, who may or may not have stolen it himself. Rec: Brilliant, funny, unusual in that it follows neither the Ocean’s Eleven nor Leverage moulds but strikes out on its own. The long-suffering hapless POV of Dom Cobb, usually a hugely unedifying character, is priceless. Content warnings: N/A
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leitch · 1 year
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This is a real photo, I have no idea how we survived. Also, we are taller than you might think.
Here are this week's stories:
SATURDAY Why the Brewers Are in First Place (MLB.com)
MONDAY Matt Damon Movies, Ranked and Updated (Vulture) Will Ferrell Movies, Ranked and Updated (Vulture)
TUESDAY Aaron Rodgers Would Like You to Forget (New York) Verlander/Scherzer Trade Destination Power Rankings (MLB.com)
FRIDAY Your MLB Alll-Stars For July (MLB.com)
Grierson & Leitch (subscribe in iTunes) Big massive show, with Barbenheimer business and Tom Cruise's new movie.
Seeing Red (subscribe in iTunes) We ran down every Cardinal and their likelihood of being traded.
Waitin’ Since Last Saturday (subscribe in iTunes) Time to start doing regular shows, season's gonna start soon.
My kids go back to school NEXT WEEK, they do it so early down here. Have a great weekend, and remember: Many of the scientists at Los Alamos were young, it is true, but were they as young as the actors who play them here? Wearing their fedora hats and rimless glasses and smoking cigarettes, some of these actors look like high school kids playing adults in the class play.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
who doesn’t want to listen to that paparazzi podcast:
“The Harry and Olivia talk begins about 28 minutes in and only comprises a small part of the episode, if you just want to listen to that part. Like the previous anon said, the rumor was that Olivia was dating a woman. Clint Brewer kind of glossed over how he ended up at Jeff's wedding or even knew it was happening. That kind of strains credulity for me because the wedding venue was all the way in Montecito, so he must have gotten a tip about it. If you aren’t paying attention, the way he tells the story by saying they spot Olivia and she goes to a hotel makes it sound like this was all happening in a less-out-of-the-way location - but I digress. It sounds like Clint Brewer and his partner were expecting to get pictures of Olivia and a girlfriend and then were surprised to see Harry Styles show up. But he took those pictures of Harry in a bathrobe with Jeff and Glenne first. (But supposedly he didn't even know who Jeff and Glenne were - he thought Harry was "just randomly taking pictures with someone.") Clint Brewer sees Harry go off to his room and Olivia is there, so he makes a call and learns there's a rumor that they're together. And at that point he takes the famous photos of them holding hands. He said nothing about it being PR or not being PR.”
Yeah--because paps just hang out in Montecito. Also, who would have cared that Olivia Wilde was dating anyone at that point? She had publicly split with Jason by then. It would be a non-story because she wasn't relevant enough.
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NITA STRAUSS Recruits Singer KASEY KARLSEN For Upcoming 'Summer Storm' Tour
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Nita Strauss has recruited a vocalist named Kasey Karlsen to join her onstage during the guitarist's upcoming "Summer Storm" tour.
In a Twitter message introducing Kasey, Nita wrote: "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Kasey Karlsen to the squad!!
"Kasey will be holding down the vocal duties on the upcoming Summer Storm tour starting next month!!"
Strauss added: "We needed someone fearless and versatile for this tour who could handle tons of different vocal styles, and if you've seen Kasey's videos you already know she can do it all. She is going to destroy these stages and we are beyond excited to have her with us!!"
Karlsen has a half a million followers on TikTok where she posts vocal covers of such acts as SLIPKNOT, MOTIONLESS IN WHITE, BRING ME THE HORIZON and ICE NINE KILLS.
The "Summer Storm" trek will kick off on June 13 in Nashville and wrap up on July. 14 in New Orleans. Support on the tour will come from LIONS AT THE GATE, the new band featuring former ILL NIÑO members Cristian Machado (vocals),Ahrue "Luster" Ilustre (guitar) and Diego Verduzco (guitar),alongside bassist Stephen Brewer (WESTFIELD MASSACRE) and drummer Fern Lemus.
Nita will release her sophomore solo album, "The Call Of The Void", on July 7 via Sumerian Records. The LP features guest appearances by IN FLAMES vocalist Anders Fridén, former MEGADETH guitarist Marty Friedman, HALESTORM frontwoman Lzzy Hale, Alice Cooper, DISTURBED's David Draiman, Dorothy, Alissa White-Gluz of ARCH ENEMY and Chris Motionless of MOTIONLESS IN WHITE.
Regarding the album's title, Strauss shared: "Have you ever been at the top of a high building and had the fleeting thought, '… I could jump right now?' This feeling is sometimes called 'The Call Of The Void,' also known as 'high place phenomenon.' It's not a suicidal impulse, rather the exact opposite — a subconscious decision to live your life, to step back from the ledge, and take control. As researcher April Smith aptly put it: 'An urge to jump affirms the urge to live.'
"I wanted the follow-up to 'Controlled Chaos' to be exciting, new, and fresh, to take listeners to a new place and take myself somewhere new as an artist too. We have some amazing collaborations on this album with incredible musicians, as well as the instrumental guitar music that first inspired me to play.
"Some pieces of music come into the world gracefully and easily. This album is not one of them! 'The Call Of The Void' was born kicking and screaming, a labor of love for sure, but also of blood, sweat and plenty of tears. I couldn't be more proud of the end result. Making this album helped me learn and grow so much as a musician and songwriter and I'm excited to finally unleash it on the world."
In early December 2022, Nita told "The Mistress Carrie Podcast" about her decision to make the upcoming LP half vocal songs and half instrumental: "I did feel, and the label and everybody agreed, it's still important for me to keep my identity as a guitar player and not just branch off too much and go, 'Okay, well, now it's just guests.' Let me still have a little of what makes me me, which is the instrumental shred stuff. And the instrumental pieces that I've written on this record are, I think, better than anything I did on the first one — definitely more… I don't know if it could be more emotional but they're very emotional pieces of music and I think a little better crafted this time around. So I think all the songs in general are more well thought out, better put together this time around. And I do have some of my absolute favorite [singers guesting on it]."
Nita released 2018's "Controlled Chaos" to mass acclaim from fans and media alike, with Metal Injection calling it "a great debut that — as its creator intended — leaves no doubt", and Guitar World stating "'Controlled Chaos' is a panoramic view of Nita Strauss's many strengths".
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” James and Jess discuss online communities, parasocial relationships, and fashion of movement.
Murder Hobos:  https://www.audible.com/pd/Murderhobos-Podcast/B09YJZ261X                           https://sites.libsyn.com/411899/ —-
A desire line is formed from many people over time choosing not to walk the paved paths, but instead go the way that seems most expedient to them.  they are typically formed when planners don’t account for real human behavior.
About us! James is the founder and principal instructor of the Goliath Historical Fencing Academy. He began fencing in 2009, after being inspired by the film Reclaiming The Blade. At Goliath, he instructs several weapons systems including longsword, rapier, dagger, unarmed combat, quarterstaff and halberd. He has taught at private seminars at major fencing events in Europe and Canada as well as across the US.
Jess Finley has had a sword in her hand for the past twenty years. Her initial interest was in stage combat, but not too long after beginning that pursuit began to ask “… but how did they really fight?” From that question, she branched out to German Medieval Martial Arts after being accepted as a student by Christian Tobler, who remains her mentor to this day.  
She is the head instructor at Ritterkunst Turnhalle in Lawrence, Kansas. She has taught and competed internationally as well as private intensives at her home.
 She also has a background studying Judo under the tutelage of Arden Cowherd of Topeka Judo Club.She is a published author, having written a book entitled “Medieval Wrestling” on the fifteenth century Master Ott’s wrestling treatise of German wrestling techniques.
 She also researches medieval clothing construction and fabric armor, and has presented her findings at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo and published an article in Medieval Clothing and Textiles (Boydell and Brewer) on her study of a 15th century quilted armor.
Jess’s Patreon is http://www.patreon.com/jessfinley“
This episode talks of  just how strongly shame can impact our daily training practice and that of those around us. A very interesting conversation that can help us find healthier ways to train together.
For anyone who hasn’t yet seen the following links:
Some advice on how to start studying the sources generally can be found in these older posts
Remember to check out  A Guide to Starting a Liberation Martial Arts Gym as it may help with your own club/gym/dojo/school culture and approach.
Check out their curriculum too.
Fear is the Mind Killer: How to Build a Training Culture that Fosters Strength and Resilience by Kaja Sadowski may be relevant as well.
Another useful book to check out is  The Theory and Practice of Historical European Martial Arts (while about HEMA, a lot of it is applicable to other historical martial arts clubs dealing with research and recreation of old fighting systems).
Worth checking out are this blogs tags on pedagogy and teaching for other related useful posts.
Consider getting some patches of this sort or these cool rashguards to show support for good causes or a t-shirt like to send a good message while at training.
And stay safe
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