#Brett hand tickle
moose-muffin · 2 years
yo hear me out… if you have any inside job tickle headcanons (esp reagan or brett) and you send them to me I will give you a little smooch or hug bc ily <3 I am so *whispers* lee *normal voice* for them it is terrible!!!! ill make my own hcs soon but if anyone has anything I’d be forever grateful
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leejunkk · 9 months
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IM FUCKING BACK BABEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Notes: Commission for @ssnicker-doodless. Holy hell is this ever late, and I am super appreciative of your understanding while I was working on it through mountains of homework ;-; But I had to pull through for the sake of lee Brett, which is a worthy cause that I think we can all get behind😤 I loosely incorporated some of your headcannons as well, as those were incredible and I needed to put them into use somehow. I hope you enjoy!!
Summary: Brett and Reagan experiment with their first real session. 
Brett Hand was used to feeling helpless.
It was a common occurrence in his life and as such, he had forced himself to become accustomed to it. There were some things in life that were out of his control, and while he hadn’t yet found a healthy way to cope with that information, he had turned to denial instead to try to block out the anxious storm brewing inside of him. When the whole team decided to secretly inject him with truth serum without telling him one day, he took a deep breath and powered through it after sharing many a detail of his first time that was quickly dragged out of him. When Reagan cancelled on their dinner plans he had spent hours arranging for them because there had been an accident in the lab, he had simply smiled and sent back a text telling her not to worry. When every exam left him gritting his teeth in frustration as he furiously rose his grade to an A for his family, he told himself that life wasn’t about just facts and memorization. 
Brett Hand was a helpless individual so often that it had become comfortable at this point.
Yet, as Reagan tugged the last remaining strap around his wrists, he felt that same sense of telltale helplessness. Only this time, he couldn’t shove it down as usual. It wrapped around his insides, making him squirm uncomfortably in his seat as he tried to breathe normally.
Unfortunately, he was dating possibly one of the smartest people he had ever met, so it didn’t take her long to notice his nervousness. “Are you okay? You’re looking a little pale there.”
He nodded, the motion jerky and tense. “Of course! Definitely okay! I did ask for this after all, so it would be weird if I wasn’t okay, right?” He was more convincing himself than anyone else. “I mean, I like this kind of thing, so why would any of this be a problem for me?”
Her face had fallen in understanding and guilt twinged in his gut. “Brett, if you’re not okay with this—”
“I am,” Brett insisted. Not technically a lie. He was okay with this. He should be okay with this. He had hardly been able to contain his excitement when Reagan had readily agreed to his request, and had spent hours fantasizing about it in the weeks leading up to the event. Now it was finally happening and his incompetent lump of a brain was ruining everything for him. “I’m fine, Reagan, really. Just some first-time jitters, that’s all. I’m sure it will go away once you get started.”
She raised an eyebrow, clearly still concerned, but consented, standing up to go back to her mysterious table of tools she hadn’t let him look at yet. They had decided to conduct the session in her lab, as that was one of the few places where a theoretical torture set-up wouldn’t look out of place. The bondage in place was rudimentary, more for Brett’s sake than anything. His hands were tied firmly behind the leather back chair, but other than that he was free to squirm as much as he wanted. The lighting in the room was dimmed to create atmosphere, and across from him was a table with a billowy sheet covering an array of different tools.
The setting all felt very dungeon-y, which had sent a thrill through Brett when he had first seen it. Now, it was making him realize how easy it would be to keep him down here forever if Reagan so pleased. He was pretty sure these walls were soundproof too. Again, a would-be benefit that, in the wrong hands, could end catastrophically for him.
Not that he was worried Reagan was going to kill him, per se. But there were other risks. A safeword is a difficult thing to comprehend in-between bouts of giggling laughter. And who knows what objects Reagan had picked out for him. He was fully clothed at the current moment but he knew that was bound to change later on. Being tied up, completely exposed, with no idea of how far things could go…
He squeezed his eyes shut as his thoughts spiraled. Calm down, Brett. It’s just tickling. You like tickling.
When he opened them, Reagan had turned back around with her hands held suspiciously behind her back.
“What’s that?” he asked, trying for casual as though he was not tied to a chair and was instead sitting comfortably on Reagan’s bed with zero stakes involved. He shifted in his bindings, trying to get a better look. “Nothing too intense, I hope?”
“Trust me, you’re gonna love it,” she said, kneeling beside him. She had that crazy scientist look on her face, the one that said she had just discovered a new idea she wanted to try out and someone was going to suffer for it. There was an uncertainty to it though, as though she were out of her element. “I have to admit, I did a bit of research to prep for this and found some common tools people use online. I just… we don’t normally do this in-depth of sessions and I wanted to make sure it was special.”
She was nervous. That made him feel a slight bit better about this whole thing. Her words and her demeanor conflicted though. He wanted to assure her that this was very sweet of her, but he couldn’t help the anxiety prickling inside of him at the thought of just what kind of ‘research’ she did. He had spent many nights delving into that side of the internet, and some of the devices they used looked intense. Really intense. Instinctively, he tugged on his bonds. They held. Obviously, as there was no way perfectionist Reagan was going to create shitty bondage. He tried again, just to make sure, his mind running rampant with scenarios. What if it really, really tickled, and he couldn’t get free, and he was forced to just sit there and take it? What if she didn’t understand how bad it was?
Brett yelped when she started to pull her hand out and she paused, face freezing in alarm. 
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. There was no playing that off.
“Brett,” Reagan asked slowly, dropping something on the ground. A quick glance down revealed it to be a toothbrush. Disappointment and relief tangled up inside of him at the thought that it probably wouldn’t be used on him now. “Look, if something is bothering you, you need to tell me. Because I’m not going to consent to do something to you that is so obviously making you uncomfortable. You can’t even look me in the eyes right now!”
“I can too,” he muttered, staring determinedly at the floor. “Besides, this is supposed to happen! I’ve watched all the videos for it, and the, uh, ‘victim’ always feels nervous beforehand. That’s supposed to be the fun of it!”
“Is this fun?”
No. The answer came to him instinctively before he could think about it, and he shoved it down as he had been doing the entire ride over here up till now. Because he had watched the videos. He had watched people scream and beg for release and be given none, and though he knew it was all part of some elaborate act, he could never shake the thought that one day that would be him. It was what had prevented him from telling past lovers about this interest of his, and it was what was preventing him from letting Reagan go through with this now.
“No! Yes! I don’t know!” Behind the chair, Brett fiddled with his fingers, keeping his panic at bay. He exhaled shakily, forcibly calming himself down. It’s just Reagan. “Look. I love you, Reagan. I know you would never do anything to hurt me or that I wouldn’t want. You made that very clear and I don’t want to make it seem like I’m doubting you, because I’m definitely, definitely not! I just… this is new to me, too. I think maybe it was too much too fast and I don’t think I can handle that right now. Not like this.”
He wiggled his shoulders to indicate the bondage. Embarrassed heat crawled up the back of his neck. Probably, he should have had this conversation earlier so he didn’t have to share such an intimate confession while tied up and vulnerable.
He felt a touch on his hand and flinched—regrettably as Reagan pulled back almost instantly. This is exactly what he had been trying to avoid. “I’m sorry, I—I rushed this,” she said, tone unbearably apologetic. “I only agreed to all of this because I thought you’d be into it, but you’re right, it’s too soon. We can try another time, or not at all, or… I don’t know, whatever you want. Here, let me untie that for you—”
They both paused. Brett coughed, the blush crawling down his neck unhelpfully. “Well… that is… I didn’t mean I’m not ready for all of it.”
Reagan sat back on her heels, frowning. Confusion was an odd emotion to see displayed on the usual know-it-all. “Oh. Okay.” She paused. “I’m sorry, what are you saying? You do want to be tickled?”
Tickled. The way the word sent giddy butterflies swooping through his stomach made Brett more and more sure of his decision. He inhaled shakily, needing to phrase this correctly so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings involved. “Well, I don’t not want to be tickled. But I don’t think I can handle all of… well. That.”
He nodded down towards the discarded electric toothbrush which sat in abandoned offense at his words.
“Maybe we could… I don’t know. Try something softer. Gentler. Just for now, anyway. I do still want to do all of that.” He paused, daring a glance at her. Not angry, so that was a plus. “Just not for today. If that’s alright with you, of course.”
It was a relief to get the confession off his chest. Terrifying, but a relief. He waited for the inevitable rejection he was used to or at the very least the derisive snort of judgement that Reagan was never shy about withholding. Instead, Reagan merely grabbed the toothbrush off of the floor and stood up to place it back over on the metal table—harmless, now. Then, she walked back over behind him, calmly gripping the back of the chair. Her knuckles brushed against his shoulder blades and he shivered at the sudden touch.
“Uh, Reagan?” he asked, a nervous smile slipping onto his face once more. He didn’t appreciate the silent game they were playing here. “Did you hear what I said? Are we good?”
“You know, the very first time I met you, I didn’t think you were very bright.”
Okay. Not where he’d thought this was going. “Well I mean, that’s not entirely—”
“And then I got to know you and realized that hey, this guy has some brains after all,” Reagan went on, ignoring his protests. “In fact, he may be one of the only halfway competent members on this team.”
Brett furrowed his brow. “Thank you? I think?”
“And as we grew even closer, I realized you were actually pretty smart, in your own weird Brett way that I could never accomplish no matter how hard I tried. Which is why I cannot for the life of me understand why you’d ever think that I would be annoyed by something like this.”
Oh. Oh. Brett’s shoulders slackened as he realized he was not, in fact, being scolded, at least not in a way that mattered. “I—I mean, I didn’t think you would be annoyed per se—”
She interrupted him, glaring down at him over the chair. “If I ever do anything to make you uncomfortable, especially when it comes to stuff as serious as this, you’ll tell me?”
He paused. “Y-Yeah, I mean, of course.”
“I promise, Reagan. Seriously.”
“Good.” Reagan exhaled in relief, stretching her hands in front of her as she cracked both her knuckles. “Now that that’s done with…”
Brett stiffened as he felt hands coming around to unbutton his jacket from behind, carefully undoing each button with an almost awkward precision. They had been together for several months now, but Reagan still approached him carefully at first like he was going to bite her if she made any sudden movements. Brett probably would have been hurt by it if he didn’t know by now that that was just how Reagan was. After a while, she would relax into the touch, into touching him, and everything would be fine.
Which reminded him that she was touching him which meant that most likely this was going to lead to…
Anticipation kicked into high gear once more, panic bubbling gently at the back of his brain. This time, however, it didn’t feel suffocating. It felt exciting. He squirmed in his seat, unable to help it.
“Is this okay?” Her voice was right by his ear and his breath hitched in his throat. This was really happening. Weakly, he nodded, and he could practically feel her smile. “Good. Because I’d hate to have put all my notes to waste.”
“N-Notes?” he managed to croak out in confusion, scrunching back in the chair when she undid the last button. He could feel the cool breeze of the fans in the corner blowing against his bare skin and he shivered.
“You didn’t think I came into this unprepared, did you?” She cocked a brow, bringing her hands up to rest against his ribs. Just sitting there, not moving. A simple reminder of what she could do to him. “This might be our first real session, but it’s certainly not the first time I’ve had the pleasure of making you helpless under my fingers, and I’ve been keeping a mental record of those experiences, as any good scientist does. I’ve memorized your spots, Brett. I know which methods have you screaming and which have you begging for more, and which do both. And, most importantly, I know exactly which you like.”
Brett’s heart had stopped beating in his chest some time ago. It must have, anyways, because he couldn’t seem to feel its presence there anymore. All he could focus on was her fingers, two of her fingers to be precise, which had set subtly into motion while she talked. They touched down gently on his ribs, sliding up into slow, methodical circles under his arms. It was unfair how much that simple gesture tickled and he felt the first beginning giggles start to rise in his chest. He refused to break this early, however, so he thinned his lips together in resistance, his cheeks puffing out from the exertion of it.
“This is how it starts. Just two fingers, ever-so-slowly tracing, reminding you of just how ticklish you can be and how you can’t do a damn thing about it.” The circles climbed higher and Brett followed their path, arching back in his chair as he tried to move out of their line of fire. “For all you know, I’ll just stay like this forever. Endless teasing. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?”
This was new. Not the teasing, per se. She had done that before many times, usually at Brett’s insistence that it was fine, he didn’t mind it. But she hadn’t teased him like this. Not with confidence. Not with that sadistic edge in her voice.
He squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on his breathing so that it didn’t stutter when her fingertips finally landed under his arms. “R-Reagan…”
“Is teasing not okay?” She scratched under his arms lightly, one nail at each side that kept up a horrendously persistent pace. “Sorry, I’m just trying to figure out what is or isn’t allowed here.”
“T-Teasing’s fine.” The words came out in a rush as Brett held back the grin that threatened to take over his face if he didn’t do something about it.
“Mm. And this?”
Brett jerked at the addition of two more fingers, the chair squeaking out in protest as his movement scooched it. Okay, all good, just a tad more ticklish than he was expecting things to be right off the bat. Giggles were slipping out now, choked and muffled as he tried to hold them back. There was no real point to the farce, but he couldn’t help the way his body instinctively held onto the laughter each time as though letting it out would reveal some failure on his part.
He nodded quickly, deciding that complete sentences weren’t smart under the circumstances. He kept shifting in his seat, his shoulders rolling back and then forwards as he tried to dissuade her fingers from their tasks.
When all five fingers descended under his arms, he squeaked, a stupid noise that he wished he could grab back and shove down his throat but it was too late. Reagan chuckled, amusement underlying her words. "Tickle?"
Red tinged the ends of Brett’s ears. Obviously, he wanted to say, but he had a feeling that would be unwise considering his position. He tried to open his mouth to respond, but each time she would spider over the skin by his topmost rib and his words crumpled into a fit of panicked giggles. He jerked against the chair in frustration, trying to ignore how much it tickled already. 
This was how it always was. That endless conflict of desire vs need. He needed the tickling to end but everything in him wanted it to continue. He tried to force his body to understand that he liked this, but it refused to stay still under her gentle ministrations. His stomach was in knots as he tried to reconcile the nervous excitement that made him want to scream or break out of these bonds or something.
“This is one of your favorite spots,” Reagan noted, upkeeping her gentle pace. Her tone had that tinge of pride and excitement in it that she used when she was unveiling one of her latest discoveries. He wasn’t sure how to feel about being one. “At first I thought you hated it from how much you’d try to get away and insist that it was ‘too much’. However, after examining the data, I’ve realized that you expose this area both during tickling and outside of it far more than is necessary. So then, I tried shying away from the area when tickling you to see if you’d provoke me to move there. Do you want to know the results?”
Absolutely none of this was fair and he was loving it. Since when did she become so good at this? “Oh my god, Reagan, do we really have to go through thihihIHIS—shit!”
Reagan merely raised her voice to accommodate the shrieking laughter that accompanied the spidering fingers under what she could reach of his armpits. “Every time, without fail, you would direct my hands towards there, whether you realized it or not. I mean, really, Brett. Begging me not to tickle you there when I’m nowhere near it?”
Brett had not thought he could blush any harder than he was, but evidently, his body had other plans. He felt like his skin was on fire, the sensation blooming over the rest of his skin and creating an embarrassing vermillion tint. He felt like some kind of human tomato, which is a thought he would have found undignified if he wasn’t so focused on being embarrassed by other things.
I mean, what kind of person keeps notes on your tickling habits? He had always assumed he was being slick about this particular interest. To find out that Reagan had not only noticed his behavior but had been keeping tabs on it without his awareness was unbelievably mortifying—and a tad flattering, if he was being completely honest.
Due to this compromised state of mind, he was running short on comebacks so he merely shook his head, keeping his gaze directed firmly at the floor to hide even a modicum of the effect she was having on him.
“No?” The fake sympathy was practically palpable in the air between them, sending goosebumps up the back of Brett’s neck. “So you don’t want me to stay here for the next…. Hmm. Does ten minutes sound good to you?”
Ten minutes. Dread crept its icy fingers down his chest, kicking his heart rate into high gear. No way, absolutely not, not there.
And yet.
There was no way he’d be able to handle something like that, so why did he feel so damn giddy at the concept?
Reagan seemed to take his lack of response as agreement if the way her hands refused to leave their perch was any indication. The laughter that had started as mere giggles at first was growing more frantic as time went on, whines and shrieks entering into the mix as he struggled violently against his bonds. The safeword rested on the tip of his tongue, ready if he needed it, but they had barely been at this for more than five minutes. There was no way he was giving in now.
Even if Reagan was driving him insane. Even if this tickled more than anything should have a right to tickle. Even if he was spending every second tied up planning out revenge scenarios because this wasn’t fair.
Though he was pretty sure Reagan had been joking at first, the digital clock resting on the desk across from them displayed the passing of five, six, eight—twelve minutes. Brett, breathless from struggling and laughter, was on the verge of giving in when her hands finally stilled. He exhaled a sigh that was half-relief, half-disappointment at the break.
“How was that?”
He glared at her, though the gesture lacked any real venom. “Horrible.”
“Liar.” She poked him in the side and he yelped, twisting away from her finger. “How was that, really?”
“Ticklish,” Brett admitted after a minute, and then with a bit of hesitance, “and fun. Just a little. Possibly.”
Reagan came out from behind him with a self-satisfied hum, coming to kneel by his lap. He forced his legs not to curl up off instinct. “That’s what I thought. You’re unbelievably obvious—it’s endearing, I’ll admit. Like dating a puppy.”
He frowned. “I can’t tell if you’re trying to be nice or if you’re making fun of me.”
“Ah, c’mon, it can be both.” She placed her hands on either of his knees carefully and he barely restrained a flinch. Don’t give yourself away, Brett. “Now, that was a perfect example of a strategy that has you begging, even if you enjoyed it thoroughly—”
“But—” she continued, squeezing his knee lightly and choking off any further reply from him. “There is another spot that you love far more, even if it is not as ticklish as the other. Now, places like your sides or stomach work well for results, but nothing beats out this from what I’ve seen. This is the one area that, unbelievably, never makes you beg no matter how much it tickles.”
Anticipation was crowding out panic at this point in his mind, and Brett forced any show of enjoyment off of his face. Being tickled was one thing, but there was no need to let Reagan know how eager he was for this kind of treatment.
“You are being unnecessarily sadistic about this,” he huffed, averting his gaze when that prompted a snort from her. 
“Yeah well, you did assign a mad scientist to tickle you.” Both hands were on his knees now. His heart leaped into his threat when she squeezed once more. “Not a very well-calculated decision on your part.”
“Well, that depends on your goal.”
“Mm. And just what is your goal here, Brett Hand?”
He couldn’t say it. Not now, not with her fingers crawling around the sides of his knees, nails slipping underneath. Not when she was looking at him like that. But he couldn’t explain any of that to her, so instead, he allowed himself to be swept up in sensation as her fingers slowly untangled his nervous system, and laughed. 
Which is what he continued to do for the next hour that they spent down in her lab until the laughter slowly transformed into an exhausted wheeze of delight.
Maybe it wasn’t the “proper” session he had imagined for their first time, but in a way, it was so much better than his expectations could have ever hyped up.
They could always make use of the “dungeon’s” full potential later, after all. 
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dannystheone · 2 years
hi!! do you have any tickle headcannons for brett from inside job? sorry, i know it’s not on your fandom list but i read and loved the fic you made for it. no worries if not! absolutely love your writing, have a nice day! <33
Thank you so much! I loved the first season and I wrote that fic for @nnainai, she’s watched the second season but I haven’t lol. I still have headcannons to share from watching the first season though! :)
So I think he’s a very goofy ler, like he doesn’t take it as seriously as Reagan would and engages in it cause it’s a lighthearted and fun activity 
If he had to interrogate anyone using “any method necessary” he would definitely use tickling instead of a painful torture to retrieve information lol
Brett definitely laughs harder than the person that’s getting tickled only because it’s so goofy and the lee’s reactions to getting tickled are so silly and cute 
He likes to narrate his actions while he does them but not to embarrass you or anything :) 
His tickling style is very spastic and random, like he’ll be calm and gentle to crazy scribbles just to keep you squirming and not being able to predict what he’ll pull next 
  “Oh you like it riiiight here in your armpit, don’t you? Can you raise your arm actually- ohp- there it is! Awww, your laugh is so cute, I could eat you up! Oh you like it right here as well, don’t you? Wait until Myc sees this, he’ll love it~” 
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bornagainmurdock · 5 months
the comedy king // matt murdock
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Matt was in a giggly mood. And when Matt was in a giggly mood, he would do anything to get you in a giggle mood: running around the house in the Naruto pose, singing and dancing until you were forced to join him, tickling you (gently and with consent) until you were in so much pain you had to stop or you'd get sick.
Today Matt's method was telling you the absolute worst dad jokes he could come up with (or steal from Foggy).
"Two men walk into a bar-" Matt was jumping up and down in front of you begging for some ammount of attention.
"Do not finish that joke." You rolled your eyes, knowing full well you couldn't stop him.
"The third guy ducked!" He could barely finish the joke, laughing too hard at himself. His laugh echoed through the apartment. He continued, "What did the police officer say to his belly button?"
"Matt I swear if you finish this one." You stood up from the couch, hands on your hips waiting for the punchline.
"You're under a vest!" He was pulled into a giggle fit again, gripping at his stomach that was starting to hurt.
"That's the worst one yet." You tried to walk away but Matt followed you to the kitchen.
"When I told Brett he laughed. Maybe you just have no sense of humor." He tried to stop smiling, his cheeks burning, but failed.
"Mmhm, sure babe." You opened the fridge and grabbed your waterbottle off the door.
"Okay okay. Want to know why nurses like red crayons?" Matt tiled his head in the iconic way he does. Waiting, and waiting for an answer.
"Tell me." You took a sip and stood there, leaning over the counter.
"Sometimes they have to draw blood." He wiggled around behind you, dancing and bumping you with each movement.
"That one's topical. Here it from the hospital?"
"Where I get my content is none of your business?"
"Claire?" You asked.
"Yes." He said with a frown, "Wait wait wait. I have a good one."
"Hit me with it." You didn't find a single one of these funny, but something about Matt dancing around you like a court jester warmed your heart, smile finally exploding across your face.
"Sundays are always a little sad, but the day before is a sadder day. A sadder day, like Saturday," he was making himself laugh too hard now, unable to breathe, "Get it?"
You caved, laughing for only a split second.
'I did it! I made you laugh!," Matt began to bow to an imaginary audience, "Thank you thank you! I'll be here all day."
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Wild Folk [Tom Glynn-Carney x Best Friend!Reader]
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Other HOTD stories [requests open]
Summary: You and Tom were best friends growing up, practically inseparable. Your parents often teased you two that you were husband and wife. As you got older, the more you realized you had feelings for him- your friends going as far as trying to get him to ask you out because it was clear to everyone besides the two of you that you had feelings for each other. Shortly after secondary school though, the two of you had a major falling out and did not reconnect until years later….
✨Wild Folk {Live at St. Augustine’s} by Sleep Walking Animals✨
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You grumbled a bit into your pillow hearing your alarm go off, a small groan passing your lips. You reached over to your nightstand to grab your phone, squinting your eyes to adjust to the bright light. You let out a yawn while sitting up a bit, furrowing your brows a bit at the text message staring back at you.
It was from an unknown number and it said: “Hey, love. Long time, no see. It’s Jack Brett. I was wondering if you could call me back when you get this.”
Jack Brett. He used to be one of your good friends in secondary school along with a group of five other boys. The memories flooded through your mind as you stared at the name, rubbing your eyes a bit. You could not tell if they were stinging from trying to wake up or if it was tears threatening to spill.
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You sat cross legged on your bed, the guitar in front of you with your boyfriend’s head in your lap. You hummed along to the tune that you strummed, smiling lightly at Tom’s voice after a moment. You had been together with him for close to two years now, the two of you growing up together but never acted on your feelings for each other until you danced with him last year.
You laughed when he suddenly belted out the lyrics and you leaned back in your bed. “Are you sure you’re a choir boy?” You teased smirking down at Tom. “Because you don’t sound like it.”
Tom gasped. “I have the voice of an angel, thank you.”
You scrunched up your nose while setting your guitar to the side. “Sure you do.”
You yelped when he suddenly pulled you down and giggled as he hovered over you. “Take that back,” He said with a small smirk on his lips.
You shook your head. “No,” You replied and giggled as he began to tickle you. “T-Tom!”
Tom laughed but he did stop, gripping onto your waist. He brushed back a strand of your hair as you looked into his blue eyes. Every time you looked into his eyes, there was a sparkle in them. He let out a bum while leaning down nuzzling into your neck.
“I guess I forgive you for now,” He whispered peppering kisses against your neck.
“For now?” You laughed while you leaned your head a bit to the side so he could kiss more of an exposed area.
“For now,” Tom repeated with a small smirk, his hands going to the hem of your shirt.
You smiled contently as you helped him take off your shirt, placing your hands on either side of his face. You leaned up kissing him deeply while he began to take his jeans off.
Tom always made you feel as though you were on cloud nine, you never thought it would end. You always thought it would be you and him for forever. That’s what he promised you at least.
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You hugged your jacket around your body, your head hung low as you walked down the cold streets of Manchester. You felt the butterflies flutter around in your stomach the closer you got to the diner. It had been a long time since you’ve heard the name Jack Brett, let alone the rest of the boys that were part of your small group of friends.
“There’s Princess Y/N!”
You glanced up hearing the familiar voice, a small smile forming on your lips. “Hey, Jack,” You greeted laughing a bit as he came over to give you a hug.
You returned his hug tight, smiling more as he picked you up slightly. It always felt as though it was hugging a teddy bear when you hugged him.
“It has been so long!” Jack exclaimed, setting you down. He placed his hands on your arms, looking over you. “You have not changed one bit.”
“Neither have you,” You replied laughing.
Jack chuckled and pulled you into another hug. “I’m so glad you responded though. Do you remember when the boys and I used to talk about forming a band?” He asked and continued when you nodded; “well, we decided to go ahead with it.”
“Really!” You squealed a bit at the news. You remembered how often the six choir boys would talk about forming a band one day. It was their dream and it was exciting to learn that it was becoming a reality.
Jack hummed with a nod as he wrapped an arm around you to lead you towards the diner. “We’ve been talking and I saw you had that photography business that you’ve always dreamt of having….”
You cocked a brow noticing he began to trail off, thanking him when he opened the door for you. “We want you to be our official photographer, Y/N,” He finished saying.
You opened your mouth to respond, your eyes turning to the table with the familiar faces; Alex, Bill, Joe, and Nuwan but your eyes settled on the blonde…Tom. It used to be you and him against the world, yet now it was as though you were looking at a stranger.
Joe’s voice was the first to bring you back into reality and you let out a small giggle while giving him a hug. You went around to hug your old friends although the smile slowly left your face when Tom jerked away from you slightly. The other boys took notice of it as you stepped back to stand beside Jack.
Jack cleared his throat before he smiled wide. “Okay, let’s start talking business!”
You smiled a bit sheepishly taking a seat near the end of the table, your eyes flickering up to Tom who was avoiding eye contact with you. You blew out a breath glancing to Jack trying to focus on his words, but your mind was elsewhere.
❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈
Three Years Ago
You stood in front of your stove wearing one of your boyfriend’s shirts and a pair of underwear, lightly swaying your hips while you hummed along to a song playing in your head. You and Tom had made the executive decision to move into a flat together considering you were still quite young. You felt as though you were on cloud nine every time you were with him however, as though nothing could go wrong.
A small smile came on your lips feeling arms snake around you before laughing when Tom pulled you into his chest.
“I am trying to cook, sir,” You said with a small smirk.
“Oh, are you?” Tom hummed nuzzling into your neck, his lips lightly brushing against your skin. He smirked when you nodded. “Well, you look quite beautiful when you’re cooking.”
“You always say I look beautiful.”
“But especially when you’re wearing one of my shirts cooking bacon.”
You hummed, leaning back into him feeling his hand travel to your thigh. You scrunched up your nose feeling his hand move up before a laugh escaped you.
“Well, before you make any rash decisions.” You lightly elbowed him away from you with a cheeky smile. “Can you please make us some tea?”
“Only because you said please.”
You thanked Tom quietly and smiled more when he kissed the side of your head. You turned back to the bacon blowing out a breath, feeling a wave of nausea run through your body. You had been feeling ill for the last week or so and it only seemed to get worse when you cooked.
You blew out another breath clutching tight onto the counter, squeezing your eyes shut. Tom took notice and furrowed his brows.
“Are you feeling okay, love?” He asked quietly placing the kettle on the stove before he moved his hand to your back.
You nodded in response slowly pushing off the counter. “Yeah, still a little queasy,” You admitted.
Tom placed a hand on your forehead. He had been concerned when you first got sick and had insisted on going to the hospital, yet you only waved him off. There were moments where you got better and moments were you felt you could barely get out of bed.
“You don’t feel warm,” Tom mumbled pulling his hand back. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?”
You sighed hearing the worry in his voice. “If we go, will you stop worrying?”
“You should already know the answer to that.”
You sighed turning back to the bacon as it sizzled in the pan. “Okay, fine. We’ll go after breakfast.”
❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈
The news of the pregnancy shocked the both of you although it was a pleasant surprise. You smiled lightly listening to Tom playing on the guitar while singing to your stomach.
“See? She likes it,” Tom said pausing to rub your stomach feeling the flutters of kicks.
“She?” You repeated with a cocked brow and giggled lightly. “How do you know it’s a girl?”
Tom smirked with a shrug. “All the girls enjoy my voice,” He replied teasingly.
“Oh, okay.” You laughed and took your boyfriend’s hand before leaning over to give him a gentle kiss on the lips.
Ever since you learned the news, your relationship only continued to flourish. You were already close with Tom, yet the baby seemed to bring you closer and create an unbreakable bond.
“We should probably get ready for bed. You have a big day tomorrow,” You said nudging him a bit with a soft smile. He had recently gotten the role in a history piece and you were beyond excited. It was his first project in American filmmaking and you knew it was going to be a big opportunity for him.
Tom rubbed the back of his neck with a nod. “I’m just a little nervous,” He admitted. “What if I’m not good enough.”
You shook your head with furrowed brows. “You’re going to be amazing, Tom,” You assured him while leaning over to give him a gentle kiss on the lips. You pulled his guitar away while smiling more at him taking his other hand. “Now come on. Let’s get to bed.”
❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈
Present day
You looked at your table set up with a sigh and closed your eyes. You haven’t had a one-on-one dinner with Tom in a long time; you were surprised he even wanted to have dinner with you. The last time you spent time with him, you were yelling at each others throats and had ended up breaking up with him right before he went off to film Dunkirk.
You opened your eyes hearing the knock at your door, your stomach tightening with nerves. You shook the feeling off though and walked over, offering Tom a small smile when you opened the door.
“Hey,” You greeted quietly. “You came just in time. Dinner’s almost ready.”
Tom returned your smile. “I must admit, I have missed your cooking,” He stated walking in.
You giggled a bit. “Well because if I recall, you couldn’t really cook for shit,” You told him teasingly closing the door behind him.
“Still can’t,” He replied rubbing the back of his neck.
“Thankfully you’re not going to starve then.” Your smile widened a bit. “I have a few beers in the fridge. You can take whatever you’d like.”
The table was quiet for the most part apart from the clanking of the silverware on the plates. You relaxed in your seat while bringing your beer to your lips, taking a bit of a long drink.
“You didn’t tell me why you wanted to come over,” You spoke up after a moment, licking your lips lightly.
Tom kept his blue eyes on the spaghetti in front of him. He took a deep breath before he spoke; “I felt bad for how we ended things. I-I have wanted to apologize for years now, but I never got that chance.”
You looked over him, a frown tugging at your lips. “You’re not the only that should apologize. We both said some really horrible things.”
You felt the tears stinging your eyes and you quickly reached up to wipe away at them. You had suffered an early term miscarriage about three months into your pregnancy. It had utterly crushed the two of you and it only became worse the closer he had to leave for filming.
You felt Tom wrap his arms around you as you began to cry laying your head on his chest. All the built up pain and guilt you have felt seemed to wash away in his arms. The miscarriage was hard on the both of you and the two of you had different ways of grieving. Everything seemed to only implode when Tom said he had to leave and the seams that were barely hanging on by a thread, simply snapped.
You thanked quietly for the beer as Tom sat next to you on the couch. It took a moment to calm down and you had decided to get your memory box; something you used to do with your love every Friday night.
You opened the lid and smiled pulling out the first picture. It was the first picture of you and Tom when you met. You immediately became best friends, your friend circle later growing.
“Oh, god, I remember how you would not leave me alone.” You handed the picture over to Tom with a smile taking a sip of your beer.
Tom looked down at the picture with a chuckle. “Come on, I always annoyed you. Even when we were dating.”
You laughed and nodded in agreement. “You’re not wrong,” You replied teasingly. Your heart swelled at the next picture though…it was the only picture you had of your unborn child.
You felt fresh tears in your eyes showing Tom. “D-did you think it would have been a boy or a girl?” You asked, a tear rolling down your cheek.
Tom looked over the picture, smiling lightly. “I always thought I would be a good girl dad.” He laughed a bit taking the picture in his hands looking it over.
“She would have your attitude and everything,” You said choking on your words a bit.
Tom laughed and nodded in agreement, tears coming to his own eyes. He set the picture down slowly followed by his beer before he pulled you close to his chest. “I’m sorry, Y/N…for everything I have ever done to you. You should not have gone through this alone.”
You took a deep breath trying not to cry again, clutching onto Tom’s shirt. “We were both grieving,” You said quietly as you laid your head on his shoulder.
Tom nuzzled into your hair with furrowed brows before he kissed the side of your head. “I want us to be how we were three years ago.”
“Do you think we can be back to how we were?” You asked, looking up at him meeting his blue eyes. You always thought he had nice blue eyes; they brought some sort of comfort and joy every time he looked at you with those eyes.
Tom stroked back your hair, nodding a bit. “I think we can, yeah,” He replied with furrowed brows. “It’s going to be a lot of work but I think we can do it. I have missed you so much, Y/N.”
You smiled a small smile and hugged him suddenly. “I’ve missed you too, Tom,” You cried a bit into his shoulder.
Tom kept his arms tight around you, laying his head against yours. It felt right to be in his arms in such a way; as though the two of you were meant to be together. It was always meant to be you and Tom. You simply had to learn to trust one another again and get to where you were before with an unbreakable bond.
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
Sin-sidejob’s Works in Progress
Updated: May 31st, 2023 + Requests are Closed
list of works I’m currently writing + plus requests that’ve been received
Totals — Reagan: II Brett: IIII JR: III Alpha-Beta: IIII Gigi: I Myc: I
• Rest & Relaxation
- Reagan Ridley x GN Reader
- request: submissive pillow princess Reagan smut + NSFW (my requests were closed at this point but fuck I like the idea too much)
• A Pleasant Surprise
- Brett Hand x AFAB Reader
- request: Brett playing with himself/masturbating and you walk in + NSFW
• Home Maker
- Househusband Brett Hand x Fem Reader
- request: househusband Brett smut + NSFW
• Alpha Beta’s Breeding Kink HC’s
- request: breeding kink + part 2 to a previous post + NSFW
• Submissive Alpha Beta HC’s
- request: flustered and submissive AB falling under care of partner + NSFW
• Tender Love and Care
- Gigi Thompson x GN Reader
- request: de stressing Gigi with oral + NSFW
• Brett with Tall Fem Significant Other HC’s
- request: ↑
• JR with Tall Fem Significant Other HC’s
- request: ↑
• Ten-Tickles
- Myc Celium x GN Reader
- request: reader has a rough day and Myc initiates a tickle fight
• The Sinners Are Much More Fun
- Demon Alpha Beta Robotus x GN/AFAB Reader
- my WIP: Halloween Alpha Beta extended + NSFW
• It Takes A Rough Hand
- Brett Hand x GN/AFAB Reader
- requests: it’s essentially everyone who sent in requests after they got their nethers nuked by IJ: Part 2 Ep.8 after Brett gets dominant and grows a backbone + NSFW
• Smitten
- Alpha Beta Robotus x GN Reader
- request: Robotus reacting to seeing reader in sexy or new clothes for the first time + SFW or NSFW
• The Chill Pill
- Reagan Ridley x GN/AFAB reader
- request: general headcanons for a S/O that’s very laidback + SFW
• Bend ‘Til It Breaks
- JR Scheimpough (afab) x either fully GN or AFAB or FEM reader + SMUT / NSFW
- my WIP: trans JR smut
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trrickytickle · 2 years
(like, about half of) Cognito Inc- tickle headcanons
Tumblr media
dancing brett  (HCS UNDER CUT!!) 
Reagan General: LITERALLY has a set of four robotic hands including her own. Don’t tell me they can not be used for tickle purposes, I’m telling you. Bad perspective on tickling, got tickled by others (not rand, fuck rand) as a kid and liked it, but is extremely touch-aversed now. Will kick and flail but like it- just instinct. Touch starved as shit too.  Lee:  Dorky, snorty laugh. Absolutely uncharacteristic- voice actually goes a few octaves higher. Little honks too. Worst spots are sides, ribs and armpits, and her “ha”s are pronounced, like individually and she likes to throw her head back and sorta guffaw. ALSO a lee- but more low key. At least she thinks so, she can get just as panicky as Brett when tickling comes up in convos. She did not get much of that (thanks, Rand), and will PUNCH ANYONE WHO AT LEAST THREATENS HER WITH IT!! Brett and her are perf contrasts as switches- imagine them ganging up on somebody! 
Ler: Teasiest ler ever and doesn’t even intend it, because she’s just cynical. Uses her knowledge of Cognito tech to her advantages. Always uses her typical dry, snarky comments to make remarks about her lees and comments on their physical and mental state, likes occasional baby-talk and spider-fingers ESPECIALLY with that evil evil HAND THING!! super methodical when it comes to tickles.  Brett General: Loves tickling. Super scared and embarrassed about it, and honestly this man needs to calm down. He’s at everyone’s beck and call- kind of like a dog- which brings me to the touch-starved vibes this guy has. Lol.  Since he’s kind of a sentimental nostalgic d00d  (escapist tendencies much) he openly craves tickles and has lee moods frequently. I don’t like to hc characters as in the community, but he is so in the community. Working for gov. organization means you know, like just about anything so he would know these niche people.  Lee: Nervous as a lee, but will still answer “yes” honestly if he’s asked if he’s ticklish. But such a lee. He literally had a robot thingy pat him on the back. Maaaybe (DEFINETLY) cheer up tickles from Reagan are a given for this man. From anyone, really. He ALSO likes to use the tech to his advantage- maybe simulating tickle scenarios in the hologram room and such, and would LITERALLY orchestrate wacky plots to get his deserved tickles. Likes to be teased and he answers with stuff like “YES!! YES I AM A TICKLISH BOY!!” and like also his worst spots are his stomach, feet and pits!! He laughs so wildly. he’ll literally holler and just kinda has an enthusiastic laugh- kinda like his personality.  
Ler: SPEAAAKING of the nostalgia thing- Maybe he can tap in to his powers and use them for ler-purposes later? Not a ler but he tries. Always overthinks teasing and his kinda-- oblivious-cuteness? leeness can kinda be infectious on a giggly lee!! Teases and pep-talks the shit out of them, also baby talk and tickle talk is just chefs kiss. He loves it when people are lees to his tickling it’s just so fun for him both ways around.    Gigi General: Never considered the fact that two of her co-workers are massive touch-starved fools and the tickle capabilities of Cognito tech, so never really worried about it. This in turn leads to situations. 
Lee: Always says “no no no no no” and backs away and always curses at her lees. Bad at hiding the fact she’s ticklish, so never really gets pedicures and such. Worst spot is her belly. Like THE worst- way too ticklish for her own liking- and someone of her status.  Ler:  Master ler, teases in a way that you won’t tell it is, like a passive-aggressive cheerleader in the locker room. Never attacks without a plan, and likes to use fake-out techniques. Does NOT let anyone in on her tickle secrets and no one even dares to get revenge, because her wraths can last weeks. Punishment tickles to whoever playfully sasses her and frequently jumps into the action on tickle fights. As she said, she’s attracted to power- and tickling gives her that. that is all did not want to do myc. considered it but the penises. 
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amatchinwater · 1 year
Devenford Academy
Chapter 5: Join the Hunt
Warnings: Blood, violence, hunting, full moon, "feral" behavior, eating of a fresh kill (animal),
Ao3 link Masterlist
Sorry, I didn't have the energy for am aesthetic
Another week after the night of the dance, Stiles has stopped ignoring Brett’s advancements. For the most part. All they’ve really done is kiss. Not even that much either. Mostly only when the Alpha walks him home after dinner. They still snuggle one another during pack nights. Stiles has grown less hesitant in both showing and receiving affection.
They’re not exactly together, but they might as well be.
“I thought you were going to put him through the ringer forever,” Isaac flops on the spark’s bed. “I was quite enjoying watching the show.”
Stiles tosses his sketchbook on his nightstand, “the show?” He crosses his arms, cocking an eyebrow at his best friend’s cheeky grin.
“Of seeing how far you’d make Brett go to prove himself,” the wolf explains. “You know how mistrustful I am of people after my dad. I wouldn’t have agreed to be in his pack or be his right hand if he wasn’t worthy.” Isaac pokes the spark’s calf, “he’s not Malia. And he’s not a manwhore either, despite the appearance.”
Of course the wolf understood the nearly hidden hesitation Stiles harbored. The thought that tickles the back of his mind on rare instances. “Brett literally offered to jerk me off before even saying hello.” Stiles scoffs, but it feels halfhearted. “Can you blame me?”
“Fair enough,” Isaac cackles, looping his arm around the spark’s leg, nuzzling him. The whole pack has been a lot more tactile the last two days. He’s not complaining, it’s just different. “So are you two like together now? Officially?”
“He hasn’t asked, if that’s what you mean,” Stiles shrugs. It’s the question that’s been plaguing his mind. Someone knocks on their door, “just a sec,” the spark says, having to yank his leg free from the whining wolf to get up. Stiles opens the door and suddenly has an arm and mouthful of Alpha. Scooping Stiles up into his arms and kissing the functioning brain cells the spark has goodbye.
Brett pulls back, placing one last kiss on his lips, “I missed you, Gorgeous.”
“Okay,” Stiles breathes out, brain not properly processing what was said. He shakes his head, hoping to etch-a-sketch his mind. It half works. The spark is just a little stuck on the fact that that was a lot, even for Brett. He usually gets at least a hi first. Just confirms what he said about them all being more touchy. “I missed you, too,” Stiles lets himself admit.
“Sorry,” the Alpha sets him back down. “The full moon is tonight so everything is a bit more intense for us,” Brett explains. 
So that’s why the scenting has been more intense. Stiles snorts, “so you can’t control yourself is what you’re saying,” playfully swatting the wolf’s chest. He bites away the impulsive comment about them humping his leg next.
“I did,” Brett disagrees with a flicker of red eyes, yanking the spark close by his belt loops. He lets out a gleeful growl at Stiles’ noise of surprise. “I could have just bent you over and fucked you in front of Isaac like my wolf wanted to.”
“Oh,” Stiles gulps. 
The Alpha leans in, dropping his voice honey thick, “yeah, oh.” Brett taps the spark’s chin up, “so maybe don’t tease an Alpha or that’s exactly where you’ll end up, Gorgeous. Because the offer still stands.”
The spark squeaks, “noted.”
“We’ve got what, an hour until sunset?” Isaac sits up in the spark’s bed.
“Just about,” Brett confirms.
“He comin’?”
“Coming where?” Stiles asks, not having the slightest clue what they’re talking about.
The Alpha answers Isaac first, “that’s what I’m about to ask and find out.” The spark’s mouth is open in a confused frown. “This is your first full moon being a part of the pack,” Brett starts. “The reason everyone but you and Mason didn’t eat at dinner is because we all go hunting in the woods around school together. It’s a way of strengthening the bond we all have and learn to hone and trust our instincts.”
“Okay,” Stiles scratches his jaw, “but I’m basically human. So, what does that have to do with me?” He doesn’t have instincts to worry about. 
“Mason comes with us sometimes too,” the Alpha says. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. But it could be a good way for all of us to bond and have fun together. You can also see the more primal side of being a werewolf,” Brett’s eyes flash red and he squeezes Stiles’ hips, “I think you’d like it.”
“Is that even safe?” Stiles crosses his arms, “I mean if you all are running on instinct trying to kill something, isn’t that, I don’t know, dangerous for me? I have no idea what’s in those woods.”
Isaac laughs, burrowing his face in the spark’s pillow, “as if Brett would let anything happen to you. Me either, for that matter.” The Beta is dangerously close to humping his bed and Stiles might lose it. 
“I’m not going to lie to you and say it’s perfectly safe,” Brett tells him. “But you’ll be with all of us. I will keep you safe. Yes, we’ll be running on pure instinct. But protecting your pack is one of those instincts,” the Alpha reminds him.
Stiles still doesn’t quite get it. “But I’m not a wolf. Or even that athletic, I quit lacrosse. What purpose would I possibly serve? I’d just end up holding you guys back.”
“You can be there so I have someone pretty to show off for,” Brett suggests with a smile. The spark is surprised he didn’t wiggle his eyebrows too.
Stiles shoots him a glare, “you already do that.”
“Okay. Stiles,” Isaac sits up, clutching the spark’s pillow and smelling it, “have you ever seen Mason doing anything remotely related to sports?”
“Well, no,” the spark fumbles over himself. Brett comes up behind him to scent his neck, dragging his tongue along the sensitive skin. “My god, you two are incorrigible,” Stiles huffs, flopping down on his bed and dragging the Alpha with him. Brett and Isaac instantly move him so they can both snuggle and scent to their heart’s content. He understands it’s harder for them this close to the full moon, but fuck. Can’t they finish a conversation first?
Brett starts growling softly.
“Exactly my point,” Isaac states like they haven’t missed a beat. “Besides, you know damn good and well that I’d keep an eye on you. That’s if Brett even lets you out of his sight.”
“We’re the only pack in school that has an Alpha too,” Brett adds, “all of the other wolves are still tied to their parents or home packs. So if any of the other wolves are out there, they’ll steer clear.”
“Why?” Stiles asks.
“Too worried about pissing him off,” Isaac answers, “they won’t mess with another Alpha.” The Beta rubs his nose along the back of the spark’s neck, “come on,” he whines, “I wanna run and play with you.”
The spark can’t help but chuckle at how childish his best friend sounds right now. “Play?”
“After a successful hunt, we usually chase each other. Hide and seek by scent. Things like that,” Brett says. “It’s all in good fun.”
“Please,” Isaac draws the word out.
“Pretty please,” Brett paints the question on the spark’s lips, as if that’d help him think.
“Okay, okay,” Stiles concedes, “I’ll go.” Both wolves squeeze him tighter, rumbling with glee at the spark’s agreement. 
The walk from campus to the front gate felt more ominous than it probably should have. But Stiles can’t help it. Even with the full moon casting a silver glow on the outskirts of the woods, it doesn’t do much. Inside the thick trees looks pitch black. The spark doesn’t even think he’ll be able to see his hand in front of his face. Forget the roots on the ground that he should avoid.
“Screw it,” Stiles mutters, conjuring a small orb of blue fire in his palm. It’s not perfect, but the spark is worried if he makes it bigger that it’ll float away and burn the forest. That’s the last thing he wants. 
“That’s a good idea,” Mason notes, forming a fireball of his own. The glowing purple eyes look beautiful on the young spark. Stiles beams with pride at his packmate.
Brett is ahead of the pack, leading them far enough into the forest that there’s less risk of running into students taking a stroll. Though most stay inside during a full moon. Better safe than sorry with other wolves possibly out here too. Stiles wishes he was closer, honestly feeling a shred of the longing in his skin for touch. Nothing remotely close to the wolves, though it’s there nonetheless. But he appreciates the Alpha making them all as safe as possible. 
Isaac and Lori cover the Alpha’s flank. Constantly checking their surroundings. For something to hunt or any unwelcome guests, the spark isn’t too sure. Honestly, it’s probably both. Liam is sticking close to Mason on Stiles’ left. More than likely keeping an eye on his own best friend. Brett assured him that once they’re far enough in that he and Isaac will be closer.
The spark understands he has Alpha duties. He’s okay to wait.
“Hey, Donovan,” Stiles whispers at the Beta a few paces ahead of him. He hasn’t had a chance alone to apologize for ditching him at the dance.
“Hey,” Donovan quips, falling into step with the spark, “you doin’ okay? The first hunt can be a bit crazy.” The Beta doesn’t seem angry or even upset, so that’s a good sign.
Thanks to the added glow of his fireball, Stiles is able to step over the large root. “I am now that I’m not blind,” the spark waves the blue ball around. “I actually wanted to see how you were doing. I still feel pretty bad about just leaving you at the dance without an explanation. I wanted to apologize.”
“No need,” Donovan grins, putting his arm around the spark. “Brett came back and told us you weren’t feeling so hot. Something about dancing and the loud music making you nauseous.”
The Alpha covered for him. Stiles didn’t even know what excuse he would have gone with. All he knew was he needed to say sorry to the Beta. “Yeah, I don’t think that cupcake agreed with my stomach,” Stiles agrees. “Everything else after that sort of just made it worse.”
“Probably didn’t help that you downed it in two bites,” Donovan snickers, pulling him close to bump their heads together lightly. “It was a lot of sugar. Even I noticed it.”
The spark smiles, returning the half embrace, “I’m just glad you’re not upset.”
“Hard to be upset with you.”
Brett whistles and everyone comes to a stop. Mason extinguishes his flame, so Stiles follows suit, cloaking them in darkness. 
“He found something,” Donovan whispers, letting go of the spark, “I’ll see you in a bit.”
As soon as the Beta leaves, joining formation with Lori, Liam, and Brett, Isaac falls back. Choosing to stay with both of the sparks.
“Don’t you want to join the hunt?” Stiles asks. The rest of the pack snarls, racing off into the darkness.
“Brett said he wanted to show off, remember? So I offered to stay back with you guys. Follow me,” Isaac says, taking the spark’s hand in his. “We’ll go wait at our spot.”
“Our spot?”
“It’s this clearing of trees with lots of flowers and stuff,” Mason explains, looping their arms together as they walk. “It’s the spot where we all meet up after they finish hunting. The trees open up enough to let us- me and you- actually see.”
“Speaking of seeing,” Stiles squeezes the wolf’s hand to steady himself from tripping over his feet. “How the hell is Brett going to show off his hunting skills if I can’t even see him anymore? Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.” Stiles can’t see either boy and they’re literally right next to him.
Isaac just laughs at him, “just trust me. He’ll be able to show off.”
A few more steps and they cross a threshold of trees. Opening up nicely at the top to reveal the night sky. The full moon at its peak, shining brightly amongst the stars and offering substantial light. Tons of wildflowers litter the area, almost more than there is grass. Yellows, purples, and pinks. All surrounding a little stream that disappears into the forest. Stiles wonders if it connects to the lake considering its gentle flow.
The pack must come here every full moon because there’s a few tree trunks laying around the water for them to sit on. It’s really beautiful. Stiles is happy he decided to come. The spark would’ve heavily regretted not seeing this. 
He’s surprised with the level of composure Isaac seems to have. Then Brett’s words ring in his head. That one of their instincts is to protect their fellow pack members. The Beta being tasked with looking after the two sparks would make sense as to why Isaac’s pretty much himself.
A chorus of howls echo the surrounding area.
“Okay, Stiles,” Isaac squats in front of where the spark is sitting on one of the logs. “There’s something you need to understand and prepare for. Nothing bad,” the Beta assures him, “just something you’re probably not used to.”
The spark’s brows furrow, “okay,” Stiles draws out the word, very much confused.
“It sounds like they all made successful kills,” Isaac says, speaking fast as if he’s trying to beat the pack’s arrival. “Now, everyone’s kill is their own.” Stiles senses a but. “But Brett’s is an offering for you. I know you’re pretty much human and don’t eat fresh, raw meat. It’s just an Alpha’s way of showing that he can provide. Just show that you’re grateful and it’ll be fine. If you want to, you can spark up a fire and cook the meat real quick. You don’t have to. Appreciation will be enough, okay?”
“It wouldn’t be disrespectful to cook it?” Stiles asks, not knowing the proper etiquette. 
“No,” Mason shakes his head, “I did it last year with the giant hare he brought me. As long as you tear the piece off and don’t cook the whole animal, you’re fine. Alphas understand humans don’t eat their food raw.”
Stiles hums, “good to know.” He can handle a rabbit or a hare. Totally. The spark’s never eaten one before, but if Mason can manage, so can he. 
Liam is the first to come running back, a big rabbit in his teeth and a smaller one in his claws. The young Beta drops the extra by Isaac, since he didn't get to hunt. The bigger of the two, he shares with Mason. Or at least they will once Brett is back. Alphas eat first, that much Stiles knows. Lori skids to a halt beside him, her arms full of five or six squirrels. Donovan settles on the log next to the she-wolf, what looks like a raccoon in his lap. 
A roar erupts the outer perimeter of the clearing. Two vibrantly glowing red eyes are the only indication as to where Brett is. The Alpha breaks through the tree line and Stiles' jaw is ready to break with how hard it drops. No one prepared him for that. Slung over the Alpha's shoulder isn't a rabbit or a hare. Hell, it's not even a fox or something like that. It's a fucking deer damn near half the size of the spark. 
"Holy shit," Stiles mutters in awe.
Guess he's having venison for the first time in a while tonight. Of course he's going to eat some of it, Stiles agreed to be part of the pack so he's going to be thorough. Especially considering that Brett did in fact show off. That's a whole ass deer!
The Alpha drops the doe in front of the spark's feet, a satisfactory, prideful puff to his chest. Brett kneels down, the animal in between them.
"Thank you," Stiles says, waiting for the Alpha to dig in first. He can see Brett amidst his wolfish features and wild red eyes. But it's also crystal clear that he's more Alpha than teenager. Stiles doesn't plan on pissing him off and wants the others to be able to eat too. He can practically hear Isaac's stomach growling. 
Brett doesn't eat, rather growls softly and nudges the deer towards the spark. 
Stiles looks to Isaac for help, but the wolf's golden eyes are glued to his Alpha. Anxiously waiting for the approval to eat. 
Being the only one functioning enough, Mason says, "he's relinquishing first rights to you."
"Oh," Stiles quips, "okay. Thank you," the spark repeats, heeding Isaac's warning goes that appreciation and gratitude are key here. Hooking his finger, the spark slices into one of the legs with his magic. Once he gets the piece in the air, Stiles separates the skin and hair off. Stiles is no stranger to skinning game. He used to go hunting with his father as a kid. So long as the animal is being eaten or used for something and not just killed for sport, Stiles can handle it. A mindset his dad drilled into him. 
Just now that he has magic, Stiles doesn't have to touch it anymore. The spark keeps the meat hanging in the air as he conjures a small flame to cook it. Brett watches him intently. Once he can really smell the chunk of venison, the spark extinguishes his flame and grabs the meat. Stiles takes a bite, wishing it was seasoned, but food is food. Not to mention he already ate and this is essentially a ritual just for show. 
"Thank you, Brett," Stiles smiles after swallowing, tossing the last bit in his mouth. 
Brett throws his head back and howls at the sky, the rest of the wolves joining in. He can't help but smile. The moment the Alpha is done and he digs into the leg Stiles had cut, the rest of the pack tucks in as well. He honestly thought he'd be more grossed out. Watching werewolves dig into a carcass that hasn't even gone cold yet isn't something you see every day.
If anything, Stiles is fascinated by it. Brett was right. It's pretty interesting watching them act like actual wolves. Once the Alpha has eaten a sufficient amount, his features return more human. The red eyes, fangs, and claws are still there, but he's lost the extra hair, pointy ears, and rugged features. 
"Are you still hungry?" Brett asks, offering another chunk he tore off. "Or do you maybe want some of theirs?" 
"You can have some of mine," Donovan offers the half eaten animal. 
It has been a while since he's eaten squirrel and has never tried rabbit before, but he's honestly full. And he doesn't want to take their dinner. Stiles shakes his head, "I'm okay. Thank you though." 
The Alpha snorts, stuffing the bite into his mouth, "I'm me again, Gorgeous. You can stop being so formal now." Brett winks at him, "the Alpha is more than pleased." 
It's strange, hearing Brett talk about 'the Alpha' as if it's its own being and not a part of him. Is that how they all feel? That their wolves are separate from themselves.
"I haven't had venison in years," Stiles grins, a bittersweet feeling bubbling in his chest. "After my dad became sheriff, he didn't have a lot of time to go hunting anymore. It was uh," he clears his throat, "it was a nice little bit of nostalgia." 
Brett shoots a prideful, yes understanding smile, "I'm glad I could give that to you." The Alpha gets to his feet, lifting the carcass with him. 
"Where are you taking it?" 
"A little ways back into the trees," Brett tells him, "give the animals out there a chance to eat too. Or if the other Betas haven't any success, they don't go hungry. After that, nature will take care of the rest. Less wasteful that way." The Alpha calls over his shoulder, "we can play hide and seek when I get back. Whoever showed up last is the seeker!"
"Dammit," Donovan groans, burying the bones of his raccoon before washing his hands and face in the stream. 
The other Betas follow his lead, burying the remains and cleaning themselves off. Stiles was wondering if they were going to run around caked in blood all night. It’s still crazy how everyone seems like themselves. Apparently giving their more feral side a chance to let loose is very beneficial. 
Brett returns and washes off, “okay, Donati, since it’s Stiles’ first time, let’s do a thirty count. Give him a little more time to hide since he’s unfamiliar with the woods.”
“You got it, boss,” the Beta agrees, turning around and plugging his ears. “One, two, three…”
No one sticks around to hear four. Everyone runs in a different direction. Stiles chooses to take off between Brett and Isaac. Better safe than sorry and stick close to them.
He honestly has no clue how far away he got. Stiles found a tree surrounded by a circle of shrubs to hide in. He can’t hear Donovan counting anymore, so the spark is either pretty far away or the Beta is searching for them already. Stiles tries to calm his jittery heart from the excitement and running. Because if his scent doesn’t give him away, that definitely will.
There’s a growl somewhere to his right? Left? Stiles can’t be too sure, but he definitely heard Isaac cursing. The first packmate to be found. He tries to make his breaths shallow and silent. Soft inhales and exhales through his nose. A twig snaps far too close for comfort. Even though his eyes have mostly adjusted to the dark by now, Stiles can’t see for shit.
It doesn’t look like anyone is around.
But that doesn’t mean a goddamn thing.
An arm wraps around his shoulder and Stiles nearly jumps out of his fucking skin. “Holy shit!” The spark shrieks.
“Found you, beautiful,” Donovan whispers, kissing his cheek.
Kissing his cheek.
Why did Donovan kiss his cheek?
The Beta helps him to his feet, “sorry I scared you,” he snickers, patting the spark’s back. “Can you make it back to the clearing on your own?”
“I don’t even know where I am,” Stiles huffs, choosing to ignore and completely brush off what just happened. Because what the fuck just happened? He doesn’t want to think about it. “Which way do I go?”
Donovan moves the spark around by his shoulders, “walk straight in this direction, you’ll be there in no time. Isaac and Mason are already there.”
“Okay, thanks,” the spark takes a careful step forward, listening to the Beta’s instructions. Sure enough, what feels like barely two minutes later, Stiles makes it back to the clearing.
“Mother fucker,” Lori grumbles, coming up behind the spark.
“Took less time than you thought, too?” Isaac asks as the she-wolf curls around the spark’s arm, nuzzling his cheek.
“Hi, Sparky,” she says, nuzzling into Stiles’ cheek. They walk side by side with one another, joining the rest of the pack. Stiles and Lori have grown a lot close ever since she tried to help him through a panic attack. Brett’s sister snuggled with him the whole time until the Alpha got back. Similar scents, similar comfort.
Liam comes back sulking, “he’s definitely getting better.” The young wolf takes up Stiles’ other side where they’re standing. 
“You guys are so cute,” the spark says, letting them snuggle up.
Isaac perks his head up, “don’t be so sure,” he chuckles.
“What do you mean?” Mason asks, voicing Stiles’ own thoughts.
The other wolves whip their heads towards the tree line, laughter bubbling in their chests.
“Think he’ll make it?” Lori asks.
Stiles and Mason share an equally confused look. Until the rustling starts. And the yelled growling. What the fuck is going on? But then Donovan breaks through the trees, a red-eyed Brett hot on his heels. Yelling about how he made it back to base fair and square. The Beta doesn’t make it another two steps before he’s tackled to the ground. Lori laughs through her growls as they roll around.
The spark didn’t even realize she’d let go of him. Isaac quickly joins the two playing in the grass just as the she-wolf makes impact. Liam breaks free from Stiles’ grip, making a dash for Mason.
“Liam, no,” the other spark chuckles, trying to get away. But he’s not fast enough. “Oof,” Mason grunts on impact, the young wolf tackling into the dirt.
“So, what do you think about your first full moon?” Brett comes up behind him, wrapping an arm around his middle. The spark can feel the amused smirk on his face watching the pack play.
“It’s a lot better than I expected,” the spark admits. A shiver runs down Stiles’ spine when the wolf licks a stripe along the side of his neck, teeth touching the flesh just enough to know they’re there. He tries to hold up the conversation, assuming it’s just more of Brett’s instincts getting to him. “I kind of want to play too, surprisingly.”
The Alpha lets go to wave at the group, “have at it.”
“Well,” Stiles turns to face the wolf, “I mean with you.” Because he likes the idea of bonding more with Brett. Get him fully out of his shell and maybe they can finally decide what they hell they are. 
“Probably not the best idea,” Brett curls the spark back into him, grip pinching into his waist. “My wolf might get…confused with you.” Stiles cocks his head to the side. “Alphas see running- from someone of interest- as an invitation.”
The spark’s brows pinch, “an invitation to…”
“To fuck,” Brett rumbles in his ear.
Say less.
Stiles is very curious how far the Alpha would go given permission. How much Brett will give into his instincts. Would he actually fuck him in the woods if he ran? Without a second thought, the spark takes off into the woods. He may only be practically human, but maybe being part of the pack makes the full moon have some effect on him. Encouraging Stiles to let go of his inhibitions for once. The Alpha lets out a thunderous roar, ceasing the pack’s movements as he chases after him.
Stiles doesn’t know how far he makes it before impact, tumbling to the forest floor. Given Brett’s words, it must not have been far, “you didn’t stand a chance, Gorgeous.”
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Hello! Sure! (:
Ragen knows that Brett likes to be tickled when he’s in a bad mood
Brett just loves curling up and giggling
“Haha, stohop it” - Brett
Ragen doesn’t like touch, or any form of intimacy, so whenever she tkls Brett, it really means a lot. (Credit: @aceyboy
Sometimes when Brett is being annoying and distracting Ragen from her work, she uses her robot arms to poke him all over, while using her real arms to keep working
Brett will just curl up and weakly swat the hands off with his own
As for lee Ragen…
The world hates her cause she is often on the receiving end of accidental tickles
And “accidental” tickles from time to time as well
As she’s not used to touch, she’s really sensitive
At one point, Brett kept pressuring Ragen into reviving one of his signature back massages when she was stressed
Ragen gave in, and when Brett noticed her squirming, he asked if she was okay
She blushed and said it was fine, but than she let out a giggle
“Haha, your ticklish Ragen”
Ragen didn’t deny it
However, she didn’t oppose to his massages in the future. they WERE very relaxing, even for touch repulsed people like her, and the tickles were just a small price to pay.
Thanks for reading! (:
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 11 months
[shows up at the squad's door, dressed up in a nexu cat onesie]
Trick or Treat?
Mireeeeee, yay, come trick or treat with my boysssss
*Tungst and Brett answer the door and see you standing there with your adorable nexu cat costume and painted on whiskers*
*You smile and say trick or treat*
*Brett sighs*
Brett: Do I have to do this?
Tungst: Yes.
Brett: This is stupid.
Tungst: This is supposed to be fun.
Brett: Well maybe my idea of fun is tricks, not treats.
*You laugh and say that you'll take a trick too*
Tungst: Brett... Don't.
Brett: She asked for it.
*Brett turns to face away from you and then jumps back around*
Brett: BOO
*Tungst snorts*
*A choir of crickets can be heard in the background as you stifle a laugh*
Tungst: What was that?
Brett: I was trying to be... gentle.
Tungst: Please don't ever do that again.
Brett: I could tickle her to death.
Tungst: Please don't do that either. Just give her the candy.
Brett: But she hasn't earned it.
*Tungst tilts his head to the side*
Tungst: She doesn't have too.
Brett: Everything in battle is earned.
Tungst: ...
Tungst: This... This isn't a battle.
Brett: Living with you five is.
*Brett and Tungst continue arguing as you stand their awkwardly waiting for you candy*
*Gloss walks by with his sketchbook and your costume catches the corner of his eye, so he walks over past Tungst and Brett*
Gloss: That's a cute costume.
*You blush and say thank you*
Gloss: Mind if I sketch you?
*You shake your head, not minding at all*
*Gloss smiles and pops up piece of candy in his mouth before he starts, completely ignoring Tungst and Brett's argument*
*Gloss finishes the sketch in record time, rips it out of his sketchbook and hands it to you*
*You admire the quick sketch for it's detail and say thank you*
*Gloss grabs a candy bar from the bowl Tungst is holding and hands it to you*
Gloss: Happy Halloween, Mesh'la'.
*Gloss gives you a small kiss on the forehead and turns to go back inside*
*Your face flushes hot and you turn to leave before you embarrass yourself*
Tungst: Now then- Where did she go?
Brett: Great, you scared her off.
Tungst: Oh, right, because this is my fault.
Brett: The next Mesh'la will have to fight in a melee to get their candy.
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magicalgirlagency · 2 years
Since adults are the topic of the hour, I want to know which adult animations are your favourite. I know, not in topic with your blog, but I'm really curious!
Well, to maintain this blog's tradition, in the Magical Girl department, there are only three adult series that I liked:
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (basically, Japan making fun of the US and its gross western animation, with its own unique twist. Was supposed to have a second season, but the folks at Gainax couldn't keep their promise);
Bee & PuppyCat (if you ignore the lack of plot coherence and handle Toast's annoying antics, it should be fine for you to watch, I guess);
Super Drags (this one's brazilian! Yeah, it's rather crude and generic as an adult show, but it has some interesting queer topics to check out!)
Now, for the non-Magical Girl ones:
Inside Job (if you're depressed after seeing Velma's rendition of Fred Jones, Brett Hand will serve as a great palate cleanser for you);
Bojack Horseman (it starts off weird, but it solidifies as the time goes on and it gets quite philosophical, too);
Aggretsuko (yes, the one from Sanrio. Y'know, the kawaii empire behind Hello Kitty? Yeah, that's the one);
Tuca & Bertie (from the folks that have brought you Bojack Horseman);
The fifth and final season of Samurai Jack (the finale sucked, but the video game, Battle Through Time, has acted as damage control);
Harley Quinn (Velma tried to imitate this one, and failed so hard at it);
The earliest seasons of Rick & Morty (Seasons 1-3, imo. There's something about this show that tickles my wanderlust);
(Dis)Enchantment (haven't seen the later seasons just yet, but I loved it so far);
Daria (you'd be surprised at how relatable it has become in modern days. And people used to shame me for being cynical back then);
Futurama (haven't seen the new episodes, though. I'll stick to the classics);
Scoobynatural (ignore the fact that it's a Supernatural crossover. Seeing the Mystery, Inc. Gang have an existential crisis is always a treat);
Rob Zombie's The Haunted World of El Superbeasto (this one's a movie. Described as an "X-Rated Scooby-Doo", and you get to see nazi zombies being exterminated, predating South Park's The Stick of Truth);
Venture Bros. (again, this could act as a great palate cleanser if you've watched Velma);
Bob's Burgers (it's a better Nuclear Family-type of show than The Simpsons and Family Guy. 'Nuff said.);
I also remember watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, Home Movies, The Critic and John Callahan's Quads as a teen, and they were quite solid from what I remember.
I haven't seen these ones, but I'm surely interested in Primal, Superjail!, Del Toro's Pinocchio, Solar Opposites, Peepoodo and the SuperFuck Friends and The Boondocks. I also wanna see Mortal Kombat's newest animated movies, they look so amazing!
Despite having S-tier animations, I absolutely hated Devilman Crybaby and Castlevania. Major buzzkill, those shows.
And I'm sure, positive and certain that Sam & Max: Freelance Police could've made a really neat adult show if Steve Purcell and crew weren't stuck dealing with censorship sensitivities (they were held back by Fox Kids censors back then).
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lord-shitbox · 1 year
ok whole ask game have fun
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SPOILERS! readmore cos its long
Favorite main 6 omori character?
Hero :)
Favorite side character?
Brett, the ankylosaur cashier at dino's dig. fishboy also
favorite songs from the OST?
All the deeper well OSTs, Bready steady go, GOLDENVENGEANCE, dear little brother, it means everything, world's end valentine are Most of them i think....big fan of carrot113's remixes
favorite bosses?
i like spaceboy/boyfriend/exboyfriend/husband/exhusband. and mutantheart
favorite photos from Basil's album?
picnic one is good
Favorite area in headspace?
orange oasis & deeper well
favorite area in black space (1 or 2)?
the watermelon & mewo rooms are messed up. <3 just realized i didnt go into black space 2 actually..
favorite area in faraway town?
didn't poke around in here very much tbh. basils house is pretty cool
do you prefer headspace, black space, or the real world? why
black space fucks severely
favorite omori ships (if any)?
not super into omori shipping. kel/sunny fanart is usually pretty swag tho
do you kin any of the characters? who?
no i gender envy hero tho
favorite route & ending of the game?
true route/ending
any headcanons?
mm i think sunny actually didn't want the violin his friends got him & eventually broke it in frustration, which is what caused his fight with mari at the top of the stairs
(citations: the "present" item in the game inflicts Angry ("it's not what you wanted...") & in one of the lost library scenes sunny is upset he has to miss out on saturday morning cartoon time to practice, + the broken violin at the bottom of the stairs before their fight)
favorite moment in the game?
memory lane was pretty cool. + black space watermelon. i like the messed up stuff
What stood out to you the most?
hero's "you have to trust that we'll forgive you" line
favorite in-game items, skills, or moves?
veggie kid charm is cute. I like combining kel's Tickle with omori's Red Hands & aubrey's headbutt/beatdown/last resort
favorite boss fight?
humphrey is creepy. it got to me the first time so it's very good
most annoying part of the game?
rerunning it for achievements...actually finding berly's ball was hard screw that shit
what do you dislike about omori?
took me a while to figure out how to figure out where to go/what to do. isnt always easy to figure out how to start a new day either
something you wish was different in the game?
i dont tend to think of these kinds of things
if you could change something about the game, what would it be?
nothing in particular. id like an "ignore all minor enemies" mode to just blast through areas if ive got somewhere to be but it takes some of the point away
what was your initial reaction to the true/good ending?
oh boy
to be real my initial reactions are always dimmed it takes me several hours to process anything
what was your initial reaction to the bad/neutral endings?
underwhelmed, ngl
scene in the game that scared you the most?
see below i think. i enjoyed it greatly
what do you think is the scariest thing/event in the game?
the hands cat in marina's area of humphrey (experiment 667)
do you own any omori merchandise
How did playing omori change you (if it did)?
hmm..i think my perspective has been expanded. really liked the nonsensical aspects of the game
Have you made any new friends after playing the game?
a little! got closer with an ig mutual who likes it
has playing omori introduced you to new games or hobbies?
very vaguely. theres a sort of "if you like undertale youll like omori" attitude that finally got me to try it
why is omori special to you?
has a lot of the things i like. good ost, visually interesting & appealing, surreal/nonsensical elements, funny, fucked up shit, scary shit, plants, dinosaurs
do you want to high-five Kel?
don't see why i wouldn't
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carrie-tate · 2 years
Top 22 of 2022 End of the Year Game Tag
Well, as I understand it, I, too, have been drawn into this tag game. At least I was to mention @otomiya-tickles and @happyandticklish, thanks for that, in any case, I'm glad to join)
Part 1: Fandom Faves
1. Favorite new fandoms of the year You know, there are no exclusively new fandoms this year. Rather, my love for a couple of old fandoms caught fire in a new way. Like Mob Psycho 100 or Psychonauts. Oh! Milo Murphy's Law, Kaitou Joker, Inside Job, Super 4 (this two actually new…) and Percy Jackson too btw! Balan Wonderworld is deserves a mention too Okay, okay, that's all, otherwise I'll just go into the enumeration of ALL fandoms in general, because I don't know how to choose my favorite
2. Favorite new ships since this year If I lower my impudent ships with s/i, then I will say: Milo/Amanda (Milo Murphy's Law), Annabeth/Percy (Percy Jackson) Well, obviously Terumob and Shoritsu (Mob Psycho 100), haha
3. Favorite anime/TV show of the year Oh I also started watching Supernatural this year and I should keep watching (while I'm stuck on the first episodes of season 4), I definitely like this show Speaking of anime - Mob Psycho 100 and Kaitou Joker, I haven't really watched anything else huh
4. Favorite movie of the year Complicated question, yet I watch a lot of things, but at the same time I remember a little… Only Klaus (2019) and Rise of the Guardians come to mind, which I'm going to review closer to the holidays
5. Favorite character of the year Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100), Rasputin Aquato (Psychonauts), Mini-Mini-King (Kaitou Joker), Stoll Brothers (Percy Jackson), Brett Hand (Insider Job)… *mumbles in enumeration*
6. Favorite soundtrack of the year The Meat Circus from Psychonauts (this tune haunted my mind for a month while I was playing the second part and actively sat in the fandom, haha) Crazy Necross from Vangers GO GO REIGEN! from Mob Psycho 100 which I just found but I love it and want to set it as my ringtone lol The whole Gris ost (the ending of the game makes me cry when I need to…), the whole Beetlejuice east… I guess that's it, heh.
7. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year Percy Jackson book series (honestly, I promise myself to still find time and read the Mark of Athena from the second cycle TwT)
8. Favorite game of the year Psychonauts 2, this game literally became the first platformer (well, in general, a game where you need to run, jump and beat enemies) that I went through completely And Little Inferno too
9. Highlight of this year to remember Entrance exams and college admissions, god it was this summer but it feels like it's been YEARS
Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2022 To be honest, I haven't been as active on tumblr this year, so I have no idea what happened here in a year. That is, perhaps I know, but most likely I do not attach any importance to this.
11. Favorite fan art of the year Oh, there were two memorable fanarts that come to mind here and here
12. Favorite fic of the year Can I just say that ALL of Kanene's MP100 fics are my favorites at the moment? Like, so much so that I can't remember anything else lol
13. Favorite ask game of the year It's not like I'm involved in a lot of that, is it..? Maybe that recent fandom thing? This was fun
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger The fact that I was able to get out of the shell and start interacting with really cool people from tk community, and the fact that I literally carring the mp100 fandom with my sketches, lmao
15. My own best fic/post of the year If we talk about the post that I am proud of, then this is one of the last posts with the Kageyama bros. I think I did a really good job on the poses this time
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year My posts are related to mp100 Beetlejuice!AU, because I want to develop this idea, but I think that people are not very interested in it
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected I'm still surprised by the popularity of that art with Shoritsu, which was one of my first posts on mp100 here, and probably one of my most popular posts in general…
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year Well, my blog is only a year old, so I can't say anything definitive…
Part 3: Next Year
I have such a spontaneous lifestyle that I don't have anything planned for next year huh, so I can't seem to answer the questions below…
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year 20. Goals for next year 21. 2023 releases I look forward to the most
Part 4: Spreading Love
22. Shoutouts to people who made my 2022 a better year Well, then I'll throw everything under keep reading
@candyheartedchy, thank you for the fact that formally it was with you that my acquaintance with the existence of such a thing as s/i and f/o began! Your art is amazing and inspiring! @kanene-yaaay, I am sincerely grateful for every reblog of yours, like, this is one of the main incentives why I draw now. You are so emotional and bright, it's just amazing! @misaki-just-doodles and @we-dont-talk-about-potato-nonono, yes, we haven't talked in a while, but I'm really grateful to you two for supporting my work this summer. It was a great time and I hope you are doing well! @otomiya-tickles @ssnicker-doodless @vqler @thecomfortable even if it's still a little embarrassing for me to tag you, I want to say that I admire your creativity and you are like those cool older comrades that you look at and think "I want to be like this when I grow up", thanks for that!
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4fter-hours · 2 months
"Stop it," Elizabeth giggled, as she walked into the elevator. Brett's hands tickled her sides as he tried to grab her and pull her against him again. "Let's get to the room first!"
This long-distance thing was harder than she thought it would be but it helped that whenever he had a break in between games and she in between press, they could sneak moments here and there. This being one of them.
The loving rugby player flew out to California while she did the West Coast tour of her latest book to see her. Having been on his best behavior when they met with her father for dinner, he now would hold back no longer.
Taking his hand, she led him into the elevator only to find her back against one of the walls as soon as she pressed the button of their floor. His lips against hers, a small moan dropped from her lips. There was no denying that she missed him physically as much as she just missed him at all. Her body replied on memory alone, leg wrapping around his waist as her hands snaked up under his shirt. "Baby, we're almost there." Her voice already dripping with lust, knowing full well that they most likely would not make it to the room at all.
. @florxdexcerezos
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moose-muffin · 3 years
sup dude! great to see more people getting into inside job! do you have any tickle hc's for all the main gang?
Brett: listen we start with Brett bc I said so!! he is just the sweetest, himbo-est, golden retriever boy-est and he <333
scoring him on a lee/ler scale: 74% lee, 36% ler
(he gets the extra 1% ler bc of the episode where he goes green 👀✨)
and you just KNOW he would be one of us, it’s just the way it is!!! I don’t make the rules!!!
how ticklish is he though, you might ask, and to answer your question, VERY
first of all isnt it like a known fact super muscular people are more ticklish or something??? (if not pretend it is) and even if he wasn’t!!! he would still be a hyper ticklish idiot (which we love him for)
i think the first person to tickle him would probably be as an accident or something, like reagan bumping into him and he just squeaks.
Reagan: ugh omg, the best gosh darn girlboss there is, she’s trying her best!!! and she’s doing great, so proud of her <3
her score isss: 23% lee, 77% ler
LET ME EXPLAIN MYSELF OK. we all saw the hug episode, she touch starved too so it’ll take her some time definitely and she is so valid for that. I’d imagine the first time she gets tickled it would be a very similar reaction you know?? throw a couple punches, push people away, the usual <3 but if we’re being honest the mommy and daddy issues (yes I’m looking at all of you) just make her absolutely susceptible to being one of us, again I don’t make the rules 
anyways!!! i don’t see her as being overwhelming ticklish or anything, but she deeeeefinetely is. I’d say she’s much more a giggler than someone who belly laughs but there’s probably a spot on her somewhere that unlocks that
seeing her get tickled must feel like a little treat!!! her little melancholy vibe is CRUMBLED and she has the sweet little giggles bubbling out of her, the whole gang loves it!!
and once brett knows more about tickling, he will also LOVE IT!! not just for him, but seeing and making other people smiled!? you KNOW he’s down.
him and reagan would absolutely team up and wreck someone just for fun, they’re cool like that!!
sorry for going back to our lovely brett but I just <3
Reagan is definitely one of us and she would secretly adore every second of it, which of course, she would never admit.
Andre: AHHHH I LOVE HIM <33 little doctor man with his little pink crocs. he may be high but he’s doing great
scoring him: 88% lee 12% ler
without drugs: my guy is probably still ticklish but just maybe not as much?? still adorable though
Gigi: UGH a true queen, another girlboss but this one is a tad more fierce and has an insanely good fashion sense
score for the lady: 17% lee, 83% ler
Listen, this girl definitely knows everything single spot on anyone and everyone at all times. She’s like a master of tickling I stg!!!
She was probably the first to find out Brett was ticklish tbh, along with the rest of them
She herself isn’t *super ticklish* nor does anyone wanna mess with her. But if they decide to it is a lovely surprise!!
Definitely more of a laugher than a giggler though!!
Would use it as blackmail for most other people but for the gang she just does it for fun
Glenn: he’s so goofy, definitely not on the same page as him but hey! he’s nice to reagan and brett so we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt just this once.
score: tbh???? idek, nothing really comes to mind 😭 maybe I’ll go with switch?? he just kind of rarely gets involved but if he does it just depends on which side needs him
Probably a tie breaker moment if there’s an office wide tickle fight, someone gets him on their team bc usually he doesn’t get involved
Definitely ticklish but is easily able to block it out (hence why he can be so helpful)
Surprisingly sweet though, but mainly just stays out of it
score for the mushroom: Switch, but definitely Ler leaning
those tentacles man, veeery helpful, very helpful
He would TOTALLY get involved but more at someone else’s expense.
He doesn’t really care much and isn’t super duper ticklish, but he loves to make fun of the gang for their ticklishness <3 (so teasy of him)
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