#Brandon Waddles
the-football-chick · 3 months
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IG: nfl
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deadghosy · 4 months
Okay, I saw the part in the noob!reader post about Kirby. I love Kirby and would love a Kirby!reader in hazbin hotel. Like how he is cute but can consume worlds and everyone is just like *pikachu shocked face*, same with him being able to pull out random weapons from his abilities. I can imagine he got there from a new weird portal and meta knight is like “where is he NOW?”.
Kirby is a being of chaos and I love him ❤️
prompt: you lost the sight of your best friend only to be somewhere completely different.
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Meta knight was walking ahead of you as you picked up flowers with your cute smile. “Poyo!” You said smiling ready to show meta knight your flowers you picked up into a bouquet. 
When all of a sudden, you were getting pulled into a red portal as you screamed out to meta knight who seemed to be in his own world.
“POYO! POYO!” You then get sucked in as meta knight turns to see nothing. “Reader/Kirby?…..where is he NOW!” Meta knight exclaims, his accent thickening in worry as he runs around the area calling out your name.
Meta was basically that Brandon rogers meme when he lost his “child” 😭
You swirl in the portal to get thrown out and roll into the feet of a person. “Oh my! Are you okay sweetie?” The sweet voice says as she picks you up. Charlie looked worry seeing you dizzy. “Poyoo..” you said with a dazed out look from your trip of the portal.
Charlie took you in her hotel, getting you water and suited to rest as vaggie checks up. After 24 hours, they kept you as you became part of the hotel staff.
I headcannon you once accidentally swallowed Angel because you saw him as a regular spider. You literally transformed into his color palette before Charlie made you cough him up.
Angel was so traumatized 😭
I imagine you literally almost ending hell’s population by yourself cause you were hungry..you dead ass ran through the streets eating random shit. Thank goodness Lucifer picked you up and ran.
You once walked into Lucifer brain storming and he saw you…he immediately had a new idea for his duck creation. He made you stay in his room until Charlie said it was your bed time.
Vaggie always keep tabs on you so you don’t cause trouble around the pride ring and the hotel.
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The egg boiz
Nahh cause you definitely had swallowed up the egg boiz to have a egg shell around you to hide in the egg shell like an ability.
Sir Pentious is always scared of the fact of you just eating him. But you don’t cause you literally get fed chips by the bar. So Pentious calms down and lets you have some time with him
Lucifer would probably make you inhale one of his rubber ducks so you can have a duck beak and wings just so he can chase you around with heart eyes excited that his hyperfixation became real
I can see you always following Alastor like the egg boiz did in “scrambled eggs” 😭 except you just waddle beside him cutely
“Poyoooo… poyoooo..” you said softly as you tug on Alastor’s pant leg. Alastor looks down slightly entertained by your language and gesture for him to look at you.
“Well aren’t you an eager little thing…” alastor says picking you up and taking you to show Rosie his new found friend.
Husk once
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You definitely stood outside of the Vee’s tower holding the knife with a smile as Valentino looks so scared closing his curtains.
Angel dust loves you to the point he might adopt you as a sibling since you are pink like him.
Charlie and vaggie are the parents who maintain what you eat and sleep. Dead as you were gonna eat a butterfly when vaggie picked you up like “NOPE! NOT TODAY!” And took you inside for the rest of the time-
See I can personally just imagine that Kirby gif where Kirby eats the whole ass meal on the table. So imagine the crew’s face seeing you do that shit 😭
I can see you getting on fat nuggets and just start to ride fat nuggets like a cowboy 😭💗
Angel definitely recorded it as you just smile while fat nuggets runs around the hotel freely.
I headcannon you bought a bunch a flowers for the crew and the was so adorable how you just picked each flower matching the cast’s colors
Imagine you just watching a hell cartoon and Vox is like “kill them! Kill your entire family” as you jolted shocked and cry at the scary tv man
Niffty once fed you dust particles thinking it wouldn’t affect you…it did cause you coughed and got sick. Niffty cried, not thinking it would harm you as she sniffles giving you soup in your room.
Niffty was banned from making lunch for you😭
Alastor be trying to troll you into eating cannibal meat, like dead ass he would make you a sandwich with “turkey” meat. But you could already smell THE MUSSTTT 🤮
So he failed with that mission. But at least you like his radio station and his jazz music.
Charlie brought you to her meeting with the first man so she can feel comfortable as you are kinda like her service animal.
Adam actually would like you cause you love to eat endlessly and you are pick up size. This mf will literally pick you up with one hand and dribble you like a basketball or treat you like a damn football💀
“Hey lute! Go long!” “Yes sir!” Lute replies back as she moves back far. Adam launches you making you scream as lute flies up and catches you.
“GOALLLL! FUCK YEAH!” Lute says accidentally throwing you off of the cloud floor they were on. “LUTE WTF?!” Adam yells looking at you fall before a portal had eaten you up. “Well damnit…I was gonna miss that lil pink shit.” Adam says before walking away with lute close behind him
Meta knight is back at home was tweaking out as he literally sobs eating with a picture of you on the table. He misses you deeply as he stares at the photo before looking down. “My friennnd…” he says with a sniffle as he covers his face.
Good ending was that you plopped down on the table from the portal as meta immediately hugs you as you smiled happily, showing him the flowers. You guys ate dinner happily!
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snowblossomreads · 7 months
Day 14: A Light in the Night
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Pairing: Colonel Brandon x Wife!Reader
Summary: We revisit the Colonel and his wife, along with their little dog Tulip as they ready to welcome a new life into the world.
Tag(s)/Warning(s): pregnancy, brief description of child birth, fluff, and wholesomess!
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: And we are back with these little lovelies from day 10! I have to admit I didn't think to make this a sequel yet my brain was like yes we can use this prompt! So here we are~ I hope you enjoy this little cute fluff 😍😍
Snow melted, flowers grew and wilted, and leaves of all colours scattered the ground before a blanket of snow returned to cover the lands around Delaford Estate with its beautiful brightness that made everything shine brightly.
Some things had stayed the same, like the staff at the estate, and her sweet Christopher, handsome and gentle as he always was. While other things had changed just like seasons did.
Namely [Y/n]'s belly, which was now large and round, filled with the babe that she, and her husband were expecting sometime soon, if the doctor's words were to be taken.
Honestly, while she did get excited at the sight of her belly, she had to admit she was ready to give birth as she felt a bit cumbersome with how large she felt. Dressing took longer in the morning, walking was a tedious task after a few months and don't even get her started about sleeping or the constant need to well...relive herself.
It wasn't all bad though as she had mentioned.
For one, her Christopher had become even softer and doting towards her which she hadn't thought possible considering his naturally sweet disposition. Yet he had.
'Come darling, here let me help you out of bed, I don't wish for you to strain yourself so much. It drives me mad, the thought of you and our babe being hurt.'
'Is there anything you wish for me, or the servants to bring you while I am in town, my love? You need only tell me and I shall retrieve it with haste."
He was so ridiculously sweet, sweeter than any person alive she bet, especially when they would lay in bed at night and he would gently stroke her stomach. Kissing her swollen belly, he would whisper to the child within about how much he was looking forward to meeting them, and how he hoped they were being kind to their mother while she kept them safe as they grew.
She could tell how excited he was as his eyes always lit up when he got to speak about how they were expecting, and his excitement increased as they got closer and closer to the winter season when the babe would be born.
So when the signs of labour began to show, and she felt a small pop below and a gush of wetness in her undergarments, she knew it would not be long before the babe they had waited so long for would be in the world.
"Martha!" [Y/n] cried out urgently as she struggled to her feet from her chair near the fireplace.
Tulip, her naughty but sweet dog that had grown in height, sprang up and began to bark loudly, only to be hushed by [Y/n] who waddled to the entrance of the parlour. She was met with Martha and Christopher who had come to see what the commotion was about.
Looking at both of them, her hand on her stomach, and a dark stain beginning to grow on her nightgown, which the other two seemed to spot simultaneously, she stuttered out a nervous,
"I-I think it's time."
As if her words set something off in him, Brandon’s posture immediately changed into one of a seasoned leader who was ready to command his household to help his wife during this important moment.
"Martha take [Y/n] to the bed now!” He barked, firm yet kind were his words, and Martha answered with an equally firm ‘yes sir!’ ready to take orders from the lord of the house. “I will send a rider to fetch the doctor! Wake everyone up once [Y/n] is in bed!"
"Darling that is unnecessary!” [Y/n] exclaimed, only to wince at the pain the excitement seemed to cause. “Do not wake the house I beg you we just need the doctor and Martha no one else."
"Absolutely not, everyone has been waiting for this day and I will not deprive them of it, and Martha may need some extra hands is that not right?" 
"Of course sir!" Martha answered with glee as her eyes twinkled with joy. “We’ve all been waiting for our lady to give birth! No one will mind being woken my dear! They would probably be quite angry if we didn’t wake them!”
"Good now please there is no time to waste!"
"Oooh, how delightful dear!" Martha gasped, going to [Y/n]'s side and gently guiding the woman while Tulip trotted behind them, tail wagging from the buzzing energy that was around her humans."Come there is no time to waste! You should have been in bed already, but oh you and your strong will my lady!
Both sets of people rushed off in different directions, and soon [Y/n] was in the birthing bed while a rider was running to mount their horse and fetch the local doctor.
Candle lights in each window of the estate lit up one by one, illuminating the dark home in the night as news spread that the lady of the house was soon to bring a child into the world. And it wasn't long before the sounds of birthing began.
Had she thought she knew what she was in for after talking to other mothers and to Martha, herself who was a trained midwife and a mother, she was sorely mistaken when the first pains of labour began.
Even Christopher, her poor dear sweet Christoper was going mad as she cried in pain each time she tried to push the babe out. He sat by her side, refusing to leave even when the doctor said that the process was far too messy for a gentleman of his status to watch.
"Sir I have been in trenches filled with mud and the bodies of good men who are no longer here. I have seen messy, and this doctor, this bringing of  new life, while messy, is wondrous and I shall not leave my wife's side until I know she and our child are safe." He was so stern when he said it, she had thought someone had taken her sweet and mild manner Christopher away with the aghast way the doctor stared at him.
But when he looked at her with such worry and concern, she knew he was still there only wanting her pain to end.
And in the wee hours of the morning, relief come for [Y/n] and all of those in the home who waited with bated breath. With one last push and a loud shout, a sharp wail filled the halls of Delaford estate.
"A healthy baby boy!"
Both the doctor and Martha announced after the babe had been cleaned, examined, and swaddled cosily to keep him warm.
"And my is his constitution healthy indeed! Larger than any one of the children I've delivered this year. Oh, he'll be just fine this winter Colonel, my lady!" The doctor stated as he handed the crying baby to [Y/n] who was eager to hold the little wiggling thing.
"Oh Christopher," [Y/n] whispered in wonder, as she stared in awe at the baby who had calmed immediately when he was placed on her chest. "He's so beautiful oh god-." Her voice wavered as emotion filled her throat and eyes.
"He is beautiful indeed," her husband murmured as he stared in wonder with her at the child who rested against her. "Just like his mother beautiful and marvelous."
She turned to him and was surprised yet not, as she saw his eyes glassy and filled with tears. Her strong and calm love. Steady and unwavering as the English oak trees that dotted the estate, was filled with emotions at the sight of his little family that had grown.
They stayed this way for a moment, silently marvelling at the child, as Martha and the doctor helped clean [Y/n] up. Once done, they bowed to the couple and left to give them a moment of privacy. The Brandons thanked them before they left, and only moments after the door had shut, did husband and wife hear the cheers of the house.
It brought a large smile to both of their faces knowing how much support and love the staff of Delaford already had for their babe.
"You make me such a happy man darling such a happy man," he stated as he kissed her temple and leaned down to kiss the babe's forehead.
The little thing stirred at his father's touch, yet made no noise of protest. This seemed to amuse them both as they let out a watery chuckle at his actions or lack thereof.
"And you my Christoper, you make me such an unbelievably happy woman. Oh goodness our babe, I pray that he is as strong, yet kind and gentle as his father," she whispered stroking the child's cheek. "You and him, you both are my everything darling."
Their eyes widened, and they turned to look at Tulip, who had been calm and quiet the entire time during [Y/n]'s labour. Only now did she seem interested in reminding them she was still here.
"I do not believe Tulip agrees with her being left off the list as our son's sister," Brandon mused as the dog stared at them with a look of expectancy.
Letting out a delighted laugh at the dog's antics, [Y/n] smiled and giggled.
"And yes, you to my Tulip I could never forget you! You do have a little brother to take care of and protect now."
This seemed to appease the dog who let out a softer bark before she laid her head down and closed her eyes.
Laughter from both was music to each other's ears as they took in the new life they had been gifted with. A new life, in the wintertime to light up the darkness that the season was known for because of its early nights. It was most importantly a new life in the Brandons’ home, one that completed the little family they had both wanted.
A/N: Yaaaay oh goodness Brandon would be such a good father, he's so gentle and soft spoken. I think he doesn't have a mean bone in his body even if he were in the army. Stay warm friends it's getting chilly out here!
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tyriongirl · 1 year
Tyrion's Heterochromia as an Analog to Lann The Clever Stealing the Sun
This is inspired by this post by @jackedup180 and further conversation with them.
Tyrion does not fit the mold of Lannister looks (fully blond hair, fully green eyes, and, in Tywin's and the rest of abelist Westeros' views, able bodied) and instead is this mix of both blond and dark haired, eyes both dark and bright, supposedly not looking like a Lannister 'should' look.
Tywin clearly thinks Tyrion isn't "truly" Lannister, and this is strictly because of his looks and his highly hyper visible disability:
"[...] Men's laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors, since I cannot prove that you are not mine. To teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud lion that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor men shall ever compel me to let you turn Casterly Rock into your whorehouse."
However, Lann's looks weren't "Lannister" either. In reality (or actually, imagined history / mythic past) Lann wasn't blond, even if that part of the story is being de-emphasized.
"The Lannisters were an old family, tracing their descent back to Lann the Clever, a trickster from the Age of Heroes who was no doubt as legendary as Bran the Builder, though far more beloved of singers and taletellers. In the songs, Lann was the fellow who winkled the Casterlys out of Casterly Rock with no weapon but his wits, and stole gold from the sun to brighten his curly hair."
[AGOT, Eddard VI]
Lann The Clever didn't fit the mold. There was no mold, and there still isn't one now. There's no 'right' way to be or look a Lannister. The story itself is only a legend, a myth, a tale with no actual or very little basis in history:
"Names such as Brandon the Builder, Garth Greenhand, Lann the Clever, and Durran Godsgrief are names to conjure with, but it is likely that their legends hold less truth than fancy. [The World of Ice and Fire, Ancient History: The Age of Heroes] "It is highly unlikely that such a man ever existed; like Lann the Clever [...] the Winged Knight is made of legend, not of flesh and blood." [The World of Ice and Fire, The Vale: House Arryn] "Lann the Clever supposedly lived to the age of 312, and sired a hundred bold sons and a hundred lissome daughters, all fair of face, clean of limb, and blessed with hair "as golden as the sun." But such tales aside, the histories suggest [...]" [The World of Ice and Fire - The Westerlands]
Tyrion's looks stopped Tywin from seeing that he was the essence of what house Lannister was about, before Tywin's bizarre "traditional"-made-up house values that didn't exist until him. Tyrion is a trickster, Tyrion does use his words as his weapon and assets, Tyrion can and have tricked his way into getting what he wants - as we can see with his first trial in the vale, and his deal with the mountain clans.
Instead of acknolwdging that, Tywin prefers to see it as a fault of Tyrion:
"He closed the shutters, frowning. "You have a certain cunning, Tyrion, but the plain truth is you talk too much. That loose tongue of yours will be your undoing." "You should have let Joff tear it out," suggested Tyrion."
[ASOS, Tyrion VI]
Tywin can pretend forever that Tyrion is not a 'true' or 'proper' Lannister ("this was the last time I will suffer you to bring shame onto House Lannister." ASOS, Tyrion I), but in the end it is clear that Tyrion is both a Lannister in values, deeds and character, and inherently Tywin's true and undisputed son:
"Now that's where you're wrong, Father. Why, I believe I'm you writ small." [ASOS, Tyrion XI] "[...] But Tyrion is Tywin's son, not you. I said so once to your father's face, and he would not speak to me for half a year. Men are such thundering great fools. [...]" [AFFC, Jaime V]
Also I just think being the og Lannister would be the cruelest and most fun revenge Tyrion could enact on Tywin <3
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siremasterlawrence · 8 months
The Handler’s Red Carpet Express 5 & 6
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Hugh Jackman sitting at table in a New York City restaurant happens to see former CW and Superman actor Brandon Routh pass the window as he goes out to introduce himself and greet him.
Brandon agrees to join him under for an early breakfast’s to talk shop when the waiter who seems to be familiar to both of them appears in his inform causing a bit of a stir.
The man opens his mouth the wonder and delight of these two amazing guys as they hang on to every word he says as their life depends on it.
The way the man’s voice spoke it felt such as it calms him down after his divorce filings from his wife everything and everyone lost meaning.
Now he is finding new hope maybe he could pay for the man make him his main man he is saying this unpacking a lot hidden things in him.
He never knew he felt this could feel this such a shock to want something so fresh and yet so desperately needs to be able to live.
The man closer to Brandon flowing over him his breath felt like sunshine, it smells like the sweetest candy and he would never grow leary of it.
He fought the best he could his cock spring to life then his imagination running wild in a fit of heat he wants to kiss him so badly and he gave in.
“What would you like to order? Would you like our specials?”
“Anything you suggest really”
“You have a beautiful voice “
“Thank you! I’ll see what I can do”
“No don’t leave! I need to hear you more “
“Why don’t the two of you go to Hugh’s room and wait for me”
“You are brilliant “
“Good idea! Meet us there?”
“Did a fucking rainbow explode in here or something?” Hugh asked himself as the door swung open.
“Well I guess you planned a romantic dinner and you forgot about it.” Brandon suggest.
“If I did I think I would remember” he thinks out loud.
“I hope he comes soon his voice I so soothing.”
“I want to be ordered around…wait did I just say that?”
“Oh My God Me too!”
“I am hard…throbbing “
“I could burst “
“I can’t stop thinking about him”
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The man walks into the room in a change of clothes catching their attention the settling back into a foggy you relinquish control.“What can we do for you?” They both beg.
The next week are on set despite the actors ongoing strike I managed to get hallmark all prepped in pre-production due to my efforts to get it started.
The two men waddle on stage in pain as I had order to their respective dressing room for a all out deep training in the video I had set up.
While they are busy I notice the first of my next to objects of desire walk onto set ready for a fight they pounce into their dressing rooms expecting something different.
It is the same set up except one minor thing the mirrors are tinted with a faint coloring in the backgrounds and he shook his head as he sat.
He awaits for his hair designer to walk in but in no way shape or form that is what he got in this room was about to reshape him for the rest of his life.
His is name is Luke Macfarlane famous for The Hallmark Channel Christmas specials they offer every year except of this truly ridiculous idea.
I have a grandiose movie Christmas special for this year to give the audience a hardy gift of a heart attack so will he as the color in the mirror grows.
His face slack a bit causing his body to go quack his mind goes into a spiral free falling in to it unknowingly it’s a a simple trick of the mind.
Across in the room next to him another actor famous for Hallmark Movies the supposed king of Hallmark Andrew W Walker sits in his chair.
The mirror becomes muddle as he reaches for a pieces of paper tower the clean the mirror his eyes are warped with spiral heavy induction.
His head falls back onto the top of the chair his eyes glued to the mirror glass images as he falls under my spell to and I dance with excitement.
The spirals disappear into a void causing them to wake up as they mindlessly leave to go on set and they take their cues it’s a club Christmas party.
The two guys walk in instantly getting both of their eyes to focus on him, Andrew scoffs walking over to Brandon blocking him to the wall.
Brandon smirks a bit listening to him chat a long way to get Brandon to open up and he is so enchanted with this super drunk ass moron and gave in to kissing him as he is succumbing.
“Who are you?”
“Whoever you want me to be?”
“Wow! A tv quote”
“So what?”
“You can’t get rid of me”
“You think so”
“My name is Luke”
“Call me Hugh”
“Why not babe?”
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“Do you have him?”
“Yes Master Lawrence!”
“Well then! Why don’t you join me”
“I also have a surprise “
“What is this slave?”
“Justin Baldoni! “
“Correct! Why am I here?”
“To meet your maker “
“You are both god”
“You are right”
“Strip them”
“Strap them to table “
“Say something Liam”
“He can’t hear you “
“I tranced him like you said”
“Well done”
“Don’t cry “
“Take a whiff of this”
“Who the…what the”
“Are you docile now?”
“Yes Sir”
“Good boi”
“After 24 hours of this spray “
“You will be mine”
“How delightfully delicious “
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I see two more guys arrive at the station in a fit of testosterone and sex appeal Justin Baldoni and Trevor Donovan they are taken out by gloves and chloroformed tissue as they are knocked out a bit for me. They strapped him down to the table for my transformer for a lifetime.
“They are next”
“Strap them down”
“I love this forever “
The nd
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
Welcome Back- Kenny Omega
Literally started writing this during his match, I fucking sobbed let me tell you, I'm so happy to see him back but of course I'm still concerned since he still seems pretty banged up!!
Kenny Omega x Fem! Pregnant Reader
Word Count: 1,394
Warnings: None that I can think of
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You watched with bated breath backstage as Brandon handed Justin Roberts the folded-up paper with the name of Matt and Nick’s trio partner. You teared up when you heard the cheering that preceded your fiancé before he had even made his appearance, and cried when you heard the overwhelmingly positive reception to the return of Kenny.
            He hadn’t wanted to wear the compression shirt but you insisted, knowing that he still wasn’t 100 percent. When the bell rung, you could feel your anxiety creeping up again. Every bump that he took made you wince, it reminded you of every painful rehab appointment, hearing him swear, and groan, and cry (especially at first) and it broke your heart. You didn’t want him to lay it all out on the line especially during his first match back, only to get injured severely and get put back on the shelf.
            You could feel what could only be described as relief when the bell rung, and they won. You could see the joy on Kenny’s face when their arms were raised in the air in victory. You were shocked at the end of it all when Andrade and Rush unmasked Dragon Lee, you felt sorry for him; he had put on a hell of a match and his own brother betrayed him and the Lucha Libre culture. You were happy to see Kenny and the Bucks go back for Dragon Lee, and laughed when Rush, Andrade, and José ran like hell. You cried again when after the show went off the air, and Kenny thanked all the fans for their support of him and AEW (and giggled when he compared them to kitties that don’t pee in the litter box)
            You were talking with Ashley, Andrade’s wife, along with Dana and Ellen when your partners all finally made their way backstage, all of you being among the many who applauded them for their incredible match. You locked eyes with Kenny and tried to run over to him, only to get winded after traveling barely two feet. “Don’t run, I’m not going anywhere.” Kenny teased as you walked (well more like waddled) your way over to him. “You try walking with a watermelon attached to your front.” You pouted, ignoring the butterflies you got at his laugh.
            Placing his hands on your almost 8-month bump, Kenny greeted you with a sweaty kiss. Neither of you had told the fans you were pregnant; you and Kenny were notorious for keeping your private life very private. So once he disappeared off BTE you did as well, and all the fans assumed you were helping him take care of his injuries, which wasn’t a lie, your pregnancy had come as a shock to both of you; but you guys had welcomed it. You were both pushing almost 40 and had always talked about having kids, so this seemed like the perfect time with Kenny having that extensive time off.
“Were you able to watch the whole thing?” He asked you as you bumped your nose with his. “I was, I think she got tired of kicking and fell asleep. So, thankfully no bathroom breaks were needed.” You giggled. You were both thrilled when you found out a little girl was in your future. Kenny was thrilled that he would have a future partner in crime, and you knew better than anyone that your little girl had Kenny wrapped around her finger and she wasn’t even here yet. “Dana, Ellen, Ashley and I were coming up with some new merch ideas for you guys.” You brought up which made Kenny laugh. That was something that he loved about you, even when you were supposed to be relaxing you were still working.
As you two walked back over to where everyone else seemed to be congregating, you elaborated on some of the new ideas you had come up with for them. “We might just need to steal Ashley from WWE, she’s got great ideas for not just merch, but matches too.” You said nonchalantly as you leaned into Kenny slightly, who just chuckled at you “You know she’s under contract with them.”
“My contract expires at the end of the year, FYI. So far I haven’t made a deal to sign an extension.” Ashely said with a grin on her face as she leaned her head on Andrade’s shoulder. “We’ll talk about that when it’s closer. But, we need to get back to the hotel, we have an early drive ahead of us.” Kenny said as he shook her hand, an unspoken agreement made. Ashley had been showing up to shows more since she took time off from WWE, she and Andrade had recently come back from their honeymoon so they were enjoying time in wedded bliss before she would head back to being on the road almost six days a week, you didn’t blame her for possibly wanting to sign with AEW, the travel schedule was significantly less, which all of your bodies in one way or another appreciated.
After saying your goodbyes to your friends and colleagues you and Kenny departed early to head back to the hotel. On the way you insisted on stopping into a convenience store, and promptly ignored Kenny’s groan when you returned to the car with two big bags of ice. He honestly should have expected it, because after every rough physical therapy day you would force him into taking an ice bath.
After giggling at the weird looks you got from the remaining few patrons inside the hotel lobby you finally made your way back into your room. Walking into the bathroom you immediately turned the faucet on to fill the tub with cold water.
“Princess, I’m fine.” Kenny insisted as you helped him remove his shoulder brace and compression shirt, along with his tights (he had decided to just keep them on) and boots. You helped him slip on one of his Pokémon shirts and a pair of basketball shorts before grabbing his sweatshirt and sweatpants and leaving it on the bathroom counter. You turned the faucet off and poured the two bags of ice into the tub, and looked expectantly at your boyfriend who chuckled and kissed you as he made his way over to the tub.
You watched as Kenny mentally prepared himself before he entered the tub slowly and let out deep breaths as he sunk into the freezing water. You set a timer for 10 minutes before going back into the main part of the hotel room to the shitty little coffee maker and making him a cup of coffee to warm up.
When the timer went off, you immediately helped your fiancé out of the tub and helped him pull his shirt and shorts off. After he dried himself you tossed him a pair of boxers while you helped him get his head into the sweatshirt you laid out. “God I didn’t realize when you went back, your head would grow three sizes.” You teased and let out a squeal once his head poked through and he teasingly bit your hand. “Admit it, princess. You love me even with my big head.”
“You’re right, even with your big head, I still love you, very very much. Now can we go cuddle please? You pouted and your pout deepened when he laughed and kissed your head. You took his hand and walked back towards the bed, handing him the warm coffee as you both finally got somewhat settled into bed. Kenny took a sip of the coffee you made him and subsequently made a face. “That is, vile.” He said and you giggled, taking the coffee from him and got out of bed to get rid of it, returning a few moments later.
Shutting off the bedside light, you settled quickly into your fiancé’s embrace, minding his sore shoulder. You felt his hand searching, finally settling against your bump, and you sighed when you felt your daughter kick. This always happened, every time you tried to sleep she would decide to try out her superkicks. Kenny chuckled and moved down the bed, his head resting near your bump, and you instinctually moved your fingers to his curls. You managed to fall asleep to Kenny’s soft voice coaxing your daughter to try and sleep, wondering how you ended up so, so lucky.
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
can i request, for dilf day, brandon tanev anything?
connected to this blurb :)
brandon didn't tell anyone, not even you. he had kept it a secret. what had he kept a secret? his haircut.
he walked through the door, and greeted theo, your dog, before making his way through your house in search of you and elijah. he heard elijah's infectious laugh coming from the backyard and made his way outside.
elijah was quickly distracted by theo running over to him and jumping around him while brandon sat down on the grass next to you looked back and smiled, but your smile was quickly swapped with a look of confusion, "huh." was all you said.
"huh? that's all you got?"
"i don't really know what else to say." you ran a hand through his newly short hair.
elijah finally looked over at brandon, and stared at him just as shocked, "daddy?" he asked.
"right here, buddy." brandon opened his arms.
elijah waddled over and reached for brandon's hair, "where hair?"
"i cut it off," brandon answered.
"where it go?" he asked.
"i got rid of it. do you like it?" elijah made a face.
"i guess not." you laughed.
"what? why not?" elijah didn't answer, he, in response, turned around and began playing with theo.
"well, now that you're home, i have an appointment to get to. don't cause too much trouble." you kissed brandon on the cheek, then picked up elijah and kissed all around his face.
"hey, why don't i get kisses like that?"
"because you got a haircut and didn't tell me."
taylor's dilf day!
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welldonebeca · 2 years
The Things We Do For Love (Epilogue)
WC: 2.1k words Warnings: Fluff. Kids. Time Skip. Smut. Breeding kink. Dirty talk. Rough sex. 
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Theon pressed his seal onto the freshly melted wax with his symbol, just done with his letter to his sister when he heard the sound of running steps in the library.
It made him feel both young and old at the same time, the sound of those steps. Theon remembered being just a ward of the Starks, hearing the young Stark boys playing. Now, as Prince Theon, there were very different little steps of little Stark boys coming after him.
"Come on, B'an!" little Robb said in a hurried tone. "You are so slow."
"Ah!" a panted babble followed him.
He shook his head, placing the message aside and pushing his chair back, knowing already that his lap was going to be occupied in a moment.
In just a few seconds, his two little boys rushed through the doorway and ran in his direction.
Little Robb was the spitting imagine of his uncle and namesake, a beautiful boy with red hair and round pink cheeks, full of energy. He had wept when he held him for the first time, sat right beside Sansa on her bed.
He treasured his first boy like the gift and bless he was for their family, and when Brandon came along, he was just as happy. His second son was named after his King uncle, a boy with dark locks, but bright blue Tully eyes. Sansa preached high and low of how he looked more and more like his father every day, but he had more of Ned Stark on him every time Theon looked at him.
Robb had just reached his third nameday - people from all over the North were expected to come in just a few days to celebrate it, and he was just answering Yara’s letter, where she was apologising for her absence - and was already speaking fast and very clearly. That meant, however, that he had very little patience for his one-year-old brother, who was still just babbling.
“Ah-ee!” Brandon squealed - his attempt at saying Daddy - as he waddled over to Theon with little Robb walking not far behind, ever so careful with his little brother, and he placed his youngest on his lap, peppering his full cheeks with kisses while his heir slammed his small body over his father excitedly.
“Daddy!” he exclaimed, jumping to sit on his opposite leg, and Theon picked him up, doing the same to his face and smiling as he giggled.
“And what are my boys doing at the library when they should be napping?” he asked.
“I saw unca Jon!” he whispered loudly. “He said it is a secret.”
Theon frowned. Jon?
He shouldn’t be here so early, he was coming for the party.
“Uncle Jon, Robb?” he brushed his messy hair back. “Are you sure?”
Jon was a stable on their children’s lives. Twice a year, he came to visit them - first in secret, and then publicly - and was very loved by their children and their people. He wondered if the boys knew what kind of uncle he was, that he was special, but he knew they loved him very much.
Theon didn’t like lying to his children, but it was his own burden to carry. It was best that they thought it was a dream, that their uncle wasn’t here yet. He wanted the boys to know and understand, but they were too young, so he had to brace himself, like Ned Stark would have done, and let them live with their illusion.
“Looks like someone really needs a nap,” he teased little Robb, ticking his belly. “You are daydreaming already!”
His son pouted.
“But I did see him! He was down in the c’ypts!” he argued. “Tell him B’an!”
Theon looked at Brandon, who just just gurgled and giggled, lacking any defence for his brother.
“The crypts?” he forced a frown. “I see now! You didn’t see uncle Jon. You saw grandpa Ned!”
His son’s eyes widened.
“G’andpa Ned?” he repeated.
“You see,” he stood up, carrying them, trying to come up with a good lie. “Uncle Jon looks very much like Grandpa Ned. And sometimes, Grandpa Ned comes to visit his grandsons, to see why they are alone in the crypts and protect them from anyone who might come!”
Little Rob’s face became fearful.
“Wike a white?” he asked.
Theon squeezed him closer, protectively. He was too too young to know the meaning of that word, but tales travel all around Winterfell. It would be impossible to hide that from them.
He shook his head quickly.
“No, no,” he assured quickly. “Not like a white, my boy.
He reached for this face, and caressed it.
“You know what our family says, right? What is dead…
“May never die,” he completed his sentence.
Theon nodded, smiling.
“His spirit is here with us,” he told him. “Guarding his children and the children of his children, like when I was your age. But it’s a family secret.”
His son stared at him with big, wide eyes, the same he saw as his mother.
“That’s why he said it was a sec’et!” he exclaimed, looking at Bran.
Theon nodded, smiling.
“Exactly,” he kissed his temple.
“Why does he do that?” Robb asked.
He breathed in, looking for an answer, carrying them in the direction of the nursery.
“Because Eddard Stark was the most noble man I knew. He would and did everything to protect his family,” he told him. “And he knows little boys aren’t supposed to be alone in the crypts.”
Robb blushed red, and he kissed his cheek as Bran yawned, head falling on his shoulder.
“I want to be like that for you,” he pushed the door opened.
He rested a hand on his oldest’s back, placing Brandon on his bed, smiling as he fell right into sleep.
“I think you’re very on’ble, daddy,” he spoke lazily as he placed him on his bed, but he squeezed him. “No, daddy. B’an’s bed.”
Theon chuckled, shaking his head.
Oh, yes. His boys were always sneaking onto each other’s beds.
“Alright,” he walked back to Brandon’s bed, and placing Robb on it.
His oldest scooped his little brother close, cuddling him, and his eyes filled up with tears as he watched them, and his oldest felt right into sleep.
He stayed there for a moment, watching them breathe slowly. They were going to grow up happy and together, like their uncles. Theon was making sure of that.
Finally, he got up to investigate their story, walking to their family wing, where he knew Sansa was waiting.
Theon could hear hushed sounds from his wife’s room when he walked into their shared middle room, and didn’t even need to open her before hearing a little whimper from her, and a gasp. Yep, Jon was here alright.
When he did open the door, he wasn’t surprised to find her all leaning over a table, with her ass up and Jon hammering into her, fingers pushed through her hair for support.
He could swear the bastard was becoming more and more like a wildling those past few years, creeping into their home to lay with his wife. It was a good thing she liked it too.
“You didn’t wait for me?” he asked, not surprised.
Jon smirked, grunting.
“Oh, I wanted to,” he pulled a little more on her hair. “But our cum slut here was rubbing herself on me so much. I couldn’t deny her.”
Sansa’s eyes opened at the sound of his voice, and she moaned louder at the sight of her husband.
“Theon,” she cried out.
He walked to her, lowering himself to kiss her lips.
“Are you having fun, my slutty queen?” he asked softly.
Theon made her stand up enough to have access to her full tits, and smirked to realise Jon had tore her shift, and pinched her nipples.
“Was my wife’s cunt so irresistible you almost got caught by the boys, snow?” he teased him, reaching between her legs.
Sansa gasped as he pinched her bud, turning to Jon.
“What?” she exclaimed. “The boys saw you?”
He wasn’t even affected.
“Don’t worry,” Jon fucked her faster. “They are young.”
Theon hummed.
“I handled it,” he reassured her, bragging a little bit as he tore her shift completely, watching her naked body. “At least one of us needs to get our head away from between our legs.”
Sansa giggled and Jon just scoffed as he fucked her, and Theon just made sure to play with her more.
“Every day before Robb’s nameday I’ll fuck you and fill you up,” he promised her. “Until your pretty womb is full and growing with our baby.”
His wife mewled, squirming and moving her hips, trying to get more of his touches.
Theon was half sure they had awoken the inner wolf - or dragon, or whatever - inside Jon once he saw Sansa pregnant for the first time. It was during her nameday, his first official visit to Winterfell, and it was hard to hide how he looked like just wanted to fuck her right at the big table she was seated on.
That night, he had simply devoured her cunt, and only been careful with her because he didn’t want to hurt the baby.
“Please, Jon,” she whined, pulling Theon close. “Inside me. Cum inside me.”
He kissed her lips, moving his fingers away, and she nearly growled into his lips.
“Theon,” Sansa pleaded.
“I know you can cum only with his cock, my slutty queen,” he hummed, caressing her hair. “You can make yourself so messy…”
She cried, squirming, and he simply moved his fingers to her breasts, pinching them, watching her face.
“Won’t you do it, my queen?” he teased her. “Cum on his cock, wet it with your slutty juices?”
“I don’t know, Theon. She’s been very greedy with her orgasms,” Jon remarked. “Sneaking a hand to play with herself, so bratty.”
Sansa turned right to him, snapping.
“I’m the queen!” she argued.
Theon just chuckled, feeling something stirring inside as she watched Jon pulling her hair to growl himself into her ear.
“And I am the king,” he reminded her.
Jon grabbed wrapped his around her waist, and looked over a Theon before biting her earlobe, fucking fast and hard into her, and his wife’s eyes rolled back in pleasure, and her lips fell open as she cried.
“Now fucking cum,” he commanded, brute and merciless. “Cum for your King, whore of the North.”
Sansa cried out, trembling and shaking, and watched as she gushed from between her legs, and he kissed her lips as Jon moaned behind her, filling her up hungrily, and let him carry her to bed, following the two, caressing her face as he kissed her shoulder.
“You are getting better at that, Snow,” he quipped as he scooped closer to them, pulled by Sansa.
His wife whined, hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
“What can I say?” he chuckled, caressing her body. “I got some good teachers.”
Jon spooned Sansa closer and kissed her neck, and then looked at him again.
“How are the boys?” he asked. “I tried not to say anything when they saw me, just… stood there and put a finger over my lips to keep them quiet, and walked into the crypts.”
Theon hummed, nodding.
“Not a lot of change,” he confessed. “Brandon is still babbling but little Robb is very curious, he’s already picked up reading fast.”
Jon smiled, proud.
“And they think they saw the ghost of Lord Stark in the crypts,” he added. “So… maybe try to keep that up if anything happens.”
He chuckled a bit.
“I guess I’m already a walking ghost,” he joked.
Theon watched Sansa reaching back, and she placed her hand over his.
“You are still Jon to us,” she told him.
Jon moved their hands, so they would rest on her stomach, and Theon placed his over them.
"I hope it is a girl this time," she spoke gently.
"If that is what you want, your grace, then it shall be," he hummed and kissed her lips softly.
When he moved back, Jon did the same.
"We can always try again," he promised her. "Again and again..."
Sansa scoffed playfully.
"I'll be pregnant so many times that I'll just end up as a fat Queen!"
"And you will still be the most beautiful woman in all Westeros," he growled quickly. "Nothing is ever going to change that."
"We'll always be the luckiest men to have you as our lady," Jon added, kissing her shoulder.
Sansa smiled at them, sweet and teasing as ever.
"I know," she giggled. "I just love heating you saying."
Theon shook his head.
The little minx.
"I think I speak for us both when I say we'll always do so," Jon assured her.
Theon smirked and kissed her forehead.
. . .
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fantasy football draft cheat sheet 2022 mod menu 6MY+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Fantasy Football Draft Rankings, Consensus Draft Rankings, Overall Cheat Sheets | FantasyPros. RK, Player Name, POS, BYE, SOS. Here's a collection of downloadable, printable cheat sheets for the fantasy football season, including PPR, non-PPR and dynasty/keeper. Fantasy Rankings Top cheat sheet for standard fantasy football drafts ; 10, Ja'Marr Chase, Bengals, WR ; 11, Alvin Kamara, Saints, RB. PFN's fantasy football cheat sheet is here to help you with your tough Week 4 decisions and also to provide you with Underdog Pick'em advice. NFL Fantasy Football Draft cheat sheet for standard scoring format · 1. Justin Jefferson · 2. Cooper Kupp · 3. Ja'Marr Chase · 4. Tyreek Hill. Up to date Fantasy cheat sheet for standard scoring. No need to prepare your Draft, whether you're a beginner or experienced player, just use this list and you'll be set. In Standard Scoring Leagues you don't get points for receptions, so you will have to prioritize touchdown-heavy players. In this format, running backs are going to be a priority, so they have a slight edge over wide receiver. However, a receiving running back is also important because you have double the chance to score. If your league allows it, I would start three RBs every week. These will get you the most touchdowns besides a quarterback. So, remember to do after those red zone threats. In the end, they will make the difference when it comes to Standard Scoring formats. Josh Allen 2. Patrick Mahomes 3. Justin Herbert 4. Joe Burrow 5. Lamar Jackson 6. Jalen Hurts 7. Matthew Stafford 8. Kyler Murray 9. Russell Wilson Dak Prescott Derek Carr Tom Brady Aaron Rodgers Trey Lance Kirk Cousins Tua Tagovailoa Trevor Lawrence Jameis Winston Matt Ryan Ryan Tannehill Deshaun Watson Jared Goff Zach Wilson Daniel Jones Carson Wentz Justin Fields Baker Mayfield Marcus Mariota Mac Jones Mitch Trubisky Jimmy Garoppolo Drew Lock Davis Mills Kenny Pickett Sam Darnold Desmond Ridder Jacoby Brissett Gardner Minshew Teddy Bridgewater Andy Dalton. Jonathan Taylor 2. Najee Harris 3. Joe Mixon 4. Derrick Henry 5. Austin Ekeler 6. Christian McCaffrey 7. Dalvin Cook 8. Javonte Williams 9. Nick Chubb Cam Akers D'Andre Swift Alvin Kamara Aaron Jones Saquon Barkley Josh Jacobs Ezekiel Elliott Elijah Mitchell Breece Hall James Conner Leonard Fournette David Montgomery Damien Harris Dobbins AJ Dillon Miles Sanders Antonio Gibson Devin Singletary Travis Etienne Kareem Hunt James Cook Chase Edmonds Clyde Edwards-Helaire Ken Walker James Robinson Dameon Pierce Melvin Gordon Tony Pollard Raheem Mostert Rhamondre Stevenson Ronald Jones Isaiah Spiller Michael Carter Rashaad Penny Alexander Mattison Jamaal Williams Marlon Mack Chuba Hubbard Cordarrelle Patterson D'Onta Foreman Damien Williams Tyler Allgeier Kenyan Drake McKissic Nyheim Hines Darrell Henderson Tyrion Davis-Price Rachaad White Gus Edwards Khalil Herbert Keaontay Ingram Zamir White Mark Ingram Sony Michel Hassan Haskins Samaje Perine Zack Moss Kenneth Gainwell Pierre Strong Giovani Bernard Duke Johnson Boston Scott Kene Nwangwu Myles Gaskin Benny Snell D'Ernest Johnson Jeff Wilson Kyren Williams Rex Burkhead Ke'Shawn Vaughn Matt Breida Joshua Kelley Eno Benjamin Jaret Patterson Snoop Conner Tevin Coleman Anthony McFarland Ryquell Armstead Craig Reynolds Darrynton Evans Mike Boone Dontrell Hilliard Tony Jones DeeJay Dallas Jermar Jefferson Trey Sermon Chris Evans Jerome Ford Justin Jefferson 2. Cooper Kupp 3. Ja'Marr Chase 4. Tyreek Hill 5. Davante Adams 6. Deebo Samuel 7. Stefon Diggs 8. Terry McLaurin 9. Mike Evans CeeDee Lamb Brown Keenan Allen Michael Pittman Courtland Sutton Mike Williams DK Metcalf DJ Moore Amari Cooper Diontae Johnson Tee Higgins Brandin Cooks JuJu Smith-Schuster Michael Thomas Chris Godwin Allen Robinson Amon-Ra St. Jerry Jeudy Chase Claypool Brandon Aiyuk Gabriel Davis Adam Thielen Mecole Hardman Jaylen Waddle DeAndre Hopkins Kenny Golladay Darnell Mooney DeVonta Smith Treylon Burks Allen Lazard Rashod Bateman Marquise Brown Jarvis Landry Christian Kirk Drake London Tyler Lockett Elijah Moore Michael Gallup Chris Olave Robert Woods Hunter Renfrow Christian Watson DeVante Parker Tyler Boyd Skyy Moore DJ Chark Corey Davis Alec Pierce Marvin Jones Marquez Valdes-Scantling Garrett Wilson Green Terrace Marshall Randall Cobb Jameson Williams Robbie Anderson Jamison Crowder Jakobi Meyers Jahan Dotson David Bell Kadarius Toney Nico Collins Russell Gage Sammy Watkins Van Jefferson Byron Pringle Bryan Edwards Zay Jones Odell Beckham Jr. Parris Campbell Jalen Tolbert Kendrick Bourne Rondale Moore Joshua Palmer Devon Allen Sterling Shepard Donovan Peoples-Jones Julio Jones Curtis Samuel John Metchie George Pickens Marquez Callaway Cedrick Wilson Darius Slayton Nelson Agholor James Washington Romeo Doubs Tyquan Thornton Josh Reynolds Tre'Quan Smith. Travis Kelce 2. Mark Andrews 3. Kyle Pitts 4. George Kittle 5. Darren Waller 6. Zack Ertz 7. Dallas Goedert 8. Dalton Schultz 9. Hunter Henry Hockenson Pat Freiermuth Mike Gesicki Dawson Knox Gerald Everett Albert Okwuegbunam Noah Fant Logan Thomas Cole Kmet Austin Hooper David Njoku Robert Tonyan Tyler Higbee Evan Engram Cameron Brate Mo Alie-Cox Uzomah Jelani Woods Irv Smith Hayden Hurst Adam Trautman Howard Jonnu Smith Harrison Bryant Ricky Seals-Jones Donald Parham Trey McBride Will Dissly Dan Arnold Tommy Tremble Tyler Conklin Brevin Jordan Foster Moreau Blake Bell Isaiah Likely Drew Sample John Bates Greg Dulcich. Justin Tucker 2. Daniel Carlson 3. Matt Gay 4. Harrison Butker 5. Tyler Bass 6. Evan McPherson 7. Younghoe Koo 8. Ryan Succop 9. Matt Prater Brandon McManus Rodrigo Blankenship Jason Sanders Dustin Hopkins Greg Zuerlein Robbie Gould Jake Elliott. Buffalo Bills 2. San Francisco 49ers 3. Indianapolis Colts 4. New England Patriots 5. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 6. Los Angeles Rams 7. Denver Broncos 8. New Orleans Saints 9. Miami Dolphins Kansas City Chiefs Los Angeles Chargers Dallas Cowboys Cleveland Browns Green Bay Packers Pittsburgh Steelers Baltimore Ravens. Fantasy Football.
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grizzledyoungimpact · 2 years
Pairing: Brandon Cutler/Kelani Johnson Quote: After all, waking him up in the middle of the night. Wouldn’t you be grumpy too? Verse: Pokemon
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This reunion was not going the way that Brandon Culter had expected this reunion to go. He had expected to surprise a woman he cared about deeply after hours at the Pokemon daycare she owned. What he had not expected, however, was to have the large turtle-like Pokemon slap him to the ground with one of its strong fins.
Not that Brandon often made smart choices.
It was true he was book smart. Brandon had gone to trainers school, even if he didn’t prefer training. The only reason he had taken the classes to be a better trainer was to work for his best friends gym, even if it was unaccredited. No, to Brandon the joy wasn’t in training to work for the Jackson brothers, Matt and Nick, but instead it was in photography. He loved traveling the world to take photographs of the different regions unique creatures. Not only pictures, but Brandon also loved getting video evidence.
But common sense?
If Brandon had any common sense, he wouldn’t have tried visiting a friend of his in a region that he barely knew alone. He had grown up in Castelia City, after all. He was a Unova boy, a city boy through and through. The wilds of a place like Alola, specifically a city as quiet at Seafolk Village, were not a place he was familiar with. Surprising his friend in her home region, this was dangerous.
Hence the Carracosta ready to attack him yet again.
The turtles' strong jaws could easily break his arms if it wanted to, Brandon knew that much. The orange camera emitting the blue glow that he held in his hands, his Rotom, was his only defense. “C’mon big guy. You don’t want…”
The light of the small building further up the lawn clicked on, different than the lights from the houseboats he could see from the top of the hill. The Carracosta turned to face the light, waddling towards the door where there was a woman’s voice, “Whattya doing out here, Crush? Everything okay?”
Brandon shakily stood, a small smile on his lips. Even in the dim light, he could see Kelani Johnson for what she was. His friend had a warm presence, strong but not overbearing. After all, her bloodline had a presence all its own. They were trainers and gym leaders who others both revered and acknowledged as some of the most powerful in any region. Kelani had never chosen that life, that power, and that impressed Brandon. 
“He thought attacking Rotom and I was a better thing to do,” Brandon chuckled as he moved up the walkway. He watched as Kelani looked up from her crouched position, scratching under her Carracosta’s chin.
“You probably scared Crush. He’s a big softie, really,” the woman protested, a small and impatient huff to her voice, “After all, waking him up in the middle of the night. Wouldn’t you be grumpy too?”
Brandon sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, though his ribs were still in pain. “Guess that was on me. I just came to see you, Lani. I shoulda waited ‘til morning.”
Kelani stood, wrapping her arms around him tightly. He could smell the coconut from her shampoo as his face pressed into her shoulder, “You’re awful clingy, Cutler, but I’m glad you didn’t wait. I missed you.”
He pulled back, hands on her shoulders as he looked her over with a gremlin-esque grin, “Missed you too. Thought maybe we could go on an adventure. Whattya say?”
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robotshq · 4 months
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interested? come join our growing list of athletes.
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thelastofusfansa · 9 months
How to Install and Download The Last of US
The Last of Us: Part I Video Game 2022
The Ravens were cautious with him last week, but he seems to be trending in the right direction. LaPorta had a solid debut in Week 1 against the Chiefs, finishing with 39 receiving yards. His five catches were the most by a rookie tight end in their debut since 2019. A broad variety of weapons, crafting items, skills, and upgrades allows you to personalize Ellie’s capabilities to your play style. A total overhaul of the original experience, faithfully reproduced but incorporating modernized The Last of US PC Download gameplay mechanics, improved controls and expanded accessibility options. Dolphins wideout Tyreek Hill had a huge 215-yard Week 1, but I like the way Waddle's route tree matches up against the Patriots' coverages.
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Development began in 2014, soon after the release of The Last of Us Remastered. Neil Druckmann returned as creative director, co-writing the story with Halley Gross. The themes of revenge and retribution were inspired by Druckmann's experiences growing Where i Can Download The Last of US up in Israel. Ashley Johnson reprises her role as Ellie, while Laura Bailey was cast as Abby. Their performances included the simultaneous recording of motion and voice. Gustavo Santaolalla returned to compose and perform the game's score.
As they flee, Sarah is shot by a soldier and dies in Joel's arms. Chubb also sprained the MCL in his right knee in 2020 and missed four games while on injured reserve. In other tight end news, Baltimore's Mark Andrews (quad) is hopeful to play after practicing in full Friday. With the help of Bill (W. Earl Brown), a smuggler and survivalist who owes Joel a favor, Joel and Ellie acquire a working vehicle from Bill's neighborhood in Lincoln. Driving The Last of US PC Download into Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Joel and Ellie are ambushed by bandits, and their car is wrecked. They ally with two brothers, Henry (Brandon Scott) and Sam (Nadji Jeter).
Dating back to last season, Waddle has run corners (8% of his routes), deep crosses (6%), digs (11%), posts (11%) and slices/deep overs (7%) all at higher than average rates for a wide receiver. With the exception of posts, these route types all perform well against single-high coverages in terms of yards per route run. How to Download The Last of US And that's relevant because the Patriots have run single-high 65% of the time since the start of last season, second-most in the league. At gamepass you have all, where with Sony the games are first sold (sony takes cut) and after a while those are in ps plus (where sony pays, but takes the subscription fees).
The game's 46.5 total implies a high-scoring affair, which bodes well for Jones' sleeper appeal. Carr started slowly against the Titans in Week 1, but things eventually clicked with Chris Olave, Michael Thomas and Rashid Shaheed. He completed 69.7% of his passes for 305 yards and is well-positioned to have a strong performance against a Panthers secondary that is currently dealing with multiple injuries. Over the past five seasons, Carr averaged how to download the last of us 16.2 fantasy points per game, and his ceiling is much higher in this matchup. Looking only at plays around the league when win probability was between 15-85% (i.e. the game was still in question), the Chargers had the lowest designed pass rate in the NFL in Week 1 at just 49%. I’m not saying that you can’t start by playing Part 2 before everything else, but you will have a tough time catching up with all the details needed for the gameplay.
Well, I guess I can understand why Sony doesn't want to put new games on PS Plus day 1. But, if MS wants to throw money down the drain, I guess go ahead. There's even exclusivity on those services with what's released. Ultimately, subscription model is reliant on the quality of the content.
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2fatguysff · 1 year
2023 Fantasy WR Rankings
Justin Jefferson
Jamarr Chase
Tyreek Hill
Cooper Kupp
Stefon Diggs
Davante Adams
CeeDee Lamb
AJ Brown
Amon-Ra St. Brown
Garrett Wilson
Chris Olave
Jaylen Waddle
Tee Higgins
Amari Cooper
Devonta Smith
DK Metcalf
Keenan Allen
Deebo Samuel
Terry McLaurin
DJ Moore
Tyler Lockett
DeAndre Hopkins
Drake London
Chris Godwin
Kadarius Toney
Brandon Aiyuk
Christian Kirk
Michael Pittman Jr
Mike Evans
Jerry Jeudy
Treylon Burks
Rashod Bateman
Diontae Johnson
Christian Watson
Calvin Ridley
Jahan Dotson
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rayman-25 · 1 year
Podcast Adventure le film II et l'arc 1 : Teenage Years VO VS VA
Si le film marche, on aurais la possibilité de faire une suite de la fanfiction, ainsi que le premier arc de Podcast Adventure.
Le deuxième film se déroule après l'arc 1 donc en printemps 2014. Comme dans les Simpson, Bob l'éponge ou Pokémon, les âges reste les même. Il se déroule la moitie de la saison 3 d'Amphibia, la saison deux de Luz à Osville et entre la saison 1 et deux de Dead End : le parc des paranormal.
Durant l'arc 1, il se déroule après le premier film et les spin-off. Le premier épisode se déroule après l'Ecosse, tandis que l'épisode 2 et 6 se déroule avant le premier film et comme je l'ai dit : il se déroule à New-York et à Royal Wood
On auras aussi des nouveaux personnages des autres franchise.
Résumé :
Résumé de l'arc 1 :
VO et VA :
Univers TMNT
Léonardo : ? (VA : Nicolas Cantu)
Donatello : ? (VA :Micah Abbey)
Raphaël : ? (VA : Brady Noon)
Michelangelo : ? (VA : Shamon Brown Jr.)
Splinter : ? (VA : Jackie Chan)
April O'neil : ? (VA : Ayo Edebiri)
Bebop : ? (VA : Seth Rogen)
Rocksteady : ? (VA : John Cena)
Baxter Stockman : ? (VA : Giancarlo Esposito)
Univers The Loud House
Lincoln Loud : Nathalie Bienaimé (VA : Ashleigh Ball)
Lori Loud : Caroline Mozzone (VA : Catherine Taber)
Leni Loud : Claire Baradat (VA : Liliana Mumy)
Luna Loud ! Adeliene Chetail (VA : Nika Futterman)
Luan Loud : Leslie Lipkins (VA : Cristina Pucelli)
Lynn Loud : Marie Facundo (VA : Magali Rosenzweig)
Lucy Loud : Magali Rosenzweig (VA : Jessica DiCicco)
Lola Loud : Jessica Barrier (VA : Grey DeLisle)
Lana Loud : Frédérique Marlot (VA : Grey DeLisle)
Lisa Loud : Caroline Combes (VA : Lara Jill Miller)
Lily Loud : Caroline Combes (VA : Grey DeLisle)
Clyde McBride : Audrey Sablé (VA : Brandon Mychal Smith)
Charles : Antoine Schoumsky (VA : Dee Bradley Baker)
Cliff : Dee Bradley Baker
Walt : Dee Bradley Baker
Géo : Dee Bradley Baker
Lynn sr Loud : Philippe Roullier (VA : Kyle Hebert)
Rita Loud : Emma Clave (VA : Cristina Valenzuela)
Ronnie Anne Santiago : Leslie Lipkins (VA : Cassie Glow)
Bobby Santiago : François Creton (VA : Carlos PenaVega)
Sid Cheng : ? (VA : Marissa Lenti)
Carlotta Casagrande : Kelly Marot (VA : ?)
Carlos Casagrande : Frédérique Marlot (VA : ?)
Univers Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines : ? (VA : Justin Roiland)
Mabel Pines : Caroline Combes (VA : Kristen Schaal)
Jesus « Mousse » Ramirez : ? (VA : Alex Hirsch)
Wendy Corduroy : Prunelle Rulens (VA : Erica Lindbeck)
Stanley "Stan" Pines : Alain Eloy (VA : Alex Hirsch)
Stanford "Ford" Pines : ? (VA : ?)
Robbie Stacy Valentino : Sébastien Hébrant (VA : Brooks Wheelan)
Dandinou (Waddles VA) : Dee Bradley Baker
Univers Podcast
Marc Christivoirien : Dipper Crypte (VA : Mekai Curtis)
Jean Christivoirien : Dipper Crypte (VA : Deven Mack)
Alice : Diane Dassigny (VA : Shannon Chan-Kent)
Univers Kirbendo
Thomas « Kirb » Kirbendoworld : Kirbendo (VA : ?)
Manu : Emmanuel Gandon (VA : ?)
Wistone : Emmanuel Gandon (VA : ?)
Farod Games : Farod (VA : ?)
Jacksepticeye : Alexandre Nguyen (VA : Jacksepticeye)
Univers Amphibia
Anne Boonchuy : Julia Khaye (VA : Brenda Song)
Hopediah "Hop Pop" Plantar : Patrick Waleffe (VA : Bill Farmer)
Sprig Plantar : Maxime Donnay (VA : Justin Felbinger)
Polly Plantar : Nancy Philippot (VA : Amanda Leighton)
Mrs. Boonchuy : Micheline Goethals (VA : On Braly)
Mr. Boonchuy : Frédéric Clou (VA : Bradley Cooper)
Univers The Owl house
Luz Noceda : ? (VA : Sarah-Nicole Robles)
Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne : ? (VA : Wendie Malick)
King Clawthorne : ? (VA : Alex Hirsch)
Bobou (Hooty VA) : ? (VA : Alex Hirsch)
Camila Noceda : ? (VA : Elizabeth Grullon)
Vee / Number 5 : ? (VA : Michaela Dietz)
Hunter dit le garde dorée : ? (VA : Zeno Robinson)
Raine Whispers : ? (VA : Avi Roque)
Darius Deamonne : ? (VA : Keston John)
Eberwolf : Kari Wahlgren
Univers Dead End
Barney Guttman :? (VA : Zach Barack)
Pugsley : ? (VA : Alex Brightman)
Patrick Gutttman : ? (VA : Kate Higgins)
Saul Guttman : ? (VA : ?)
Univers Legend Quest
Teodora Villavicencio : ? (VA : Annemarie Blanco)
Univers Super Mario Bros le film
Univers Miraculous le film
0 notes
fantasyfootball1 · 2 years
Fantasy Football Week 3 Predictions
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(image by SN/Getty)
Whenever you are 2-0, 1-1, or 0-2 here are some people that you should start/sit.
Injuries continue to mount for fantasy owners, with Justin Herbert (ribs), Jerry Jeudy (ribs), Dalton Schultz (knee), Damien Harris (knee), and James Conner (ankle) joining the likes of JK Dobbins (knee), Keenan Allen (hamstring), Alvin Kamara (ribs), Gabriel Davis (ankle), George Kittle (groin), Chris Godwin (calf), and Michael Pittman (quad) on the injury report. Mike Evans also went and got himself suspended, so plenty of fantasy squads will be shorthanded. Chances are, more players will pop up on the injury report as the week goes on, so you never know how deep you'll have to go to fill out your starting lineup.
Navigating through a wide array of potential starting options, here are our must-starts and start/sit recommendations for Week 3:
QB must-starts
Josh Allen, Bills (at MIA)
Jalen Hurts, Eagles (at WAS)
Justin Herbert, Chargers (if he plays, vs. JAX)
Patrick Mahomes, Chiefs (at IND)
Lamar Jackson, Ravens (at NE)
Joe Burrow, Bengals (at NYJ)
Kyler Murray, Cardinals (vs. LAR)
Stronger starts
Kirk Cousins, Vikings (vs. DET). 
Matthew Stafford, Rams (at ARI).
Derek Carr, Raiders (at TEN).
Carson Wentz, Commanders (vs. PHI).
Jared Goff, Lions (at MIN).
Justin Fields, Bears (vs. HOU).
Marcus Mariota, Falcons (at SEA).
Weaker starts
Russell Wilson, Broncos (vs. SF).
Tom Brady, Buccaneers (vs. GB).
Aaron Rodgers, Packers (at TB).
Tua Tagovailoa, Dolphins (vs. BUF).
Jameis Winston, Saints (at CAR).
Trevor Lawrence, Jaguars (at LAC).
Jimmy Garoppolo, 49ers (at DEN).
Fantasy Football Week 3 Start 'Em: Running backs
RB must-starts
Jonathan Taylor, Colts (vs. KC)
Dalvin Cook, Vikings (vs. DET)
Nick Chubb, Browns (vs. PIT)
Joe Mixon, Bengals (at NYJ)
Derrick Henry, Titans (vs. LV)
Austin Ekeler, Chargers (vs. JAX)
Saquon Barkley, Giants (vs. DAL)
Christian McCaffrey, Panthers (vs. NO)
D'Andre Swift, Lions (at MIN)
Leonard Fournette, Buccaneers (vs. GB)
Najee Harris, Steelers (at CLE)
Antonio Gibson, Commanders (vs. PHI)
Aaron Jones, Packers (at TB)
Alvin Kamara, Saints (if he returns, at CAR)
James Conner, Cardinals (if he plays, vs. LAR)
Javonte Williams, Broncos (vs. SF)
James Robinson, Jaguars (at LAC)
David Montgomery, Bears (vs. HOU
Kareem Hunt, Browns (vs. PIT)
AJ Dillon, Packers (at TB)
Stronger starts
Clyde Edwards-Helaire, Chiefs (at IND).
Cordarrelle Patterson, Falcons (at SEA). 
Jeff Wilson Jr., 49ers (at DEN). 
Miles Sanders, Eagles (vs. WAS).
Ezekiel Elliott and Tony Pollard, Cowboys (at NYG).
Dameon Pierce, Texans (at CHI).
Breece Hall, Jets (vs. CIN). 
Darrell Henderson Jr., Rams (at ARI).
Travis Etienne Jr., Jaguars (at LAC). 
Weaker starts
Josh Jacobs, Raiders (at TEN).
Damien Harris and Rhamondre Stevenson, Patriots (vs. BAL). 
Devin Singletary, Bills (at MIA).
Melvin Gordon, Broncos (vs. SF). 
Cam Akers, Rams (at ARI). 
Chase Edmonds and Raheem Mostert, Dolphins (vs. BUF).
Nyheim Hines, Colts (vs. KC). 
All Ravens (vs. NE). 
Fantasy Football Week 3 Start 'Em: Wide receivers
WR must-starts
Cooper Kupp, Rams (at ARI)
Justin Jefferson, Vikings (vs. DET)
Stefon Diggs, Bills (vs. TEN)
Davante Adams, Raiders (vs. ARI)
Ja'Marr Chase, Bengals (at NYJ)
A.J. Brown, Eagles (vs. WAS)
Tyreek Hill, Dolphins (vs. BUF)
Deebo Samuel, 49ers (at DEN)
Amon-Ra St. Brown, Lions (vs. WAS)
Mike Williams, Chargers (vs. JAX)
Courtland Sutton, Broncos (vs. SF)
Jaylen Waddle, Dolphins (at BUF)
Michael Pittman Jr., Colts (if he returns, vs. KC)
Michael Thomas, Saints (at CAR)
Tee Higgins, Bengals (at NYJ)
Keenan Allen, Chargers (if he returns, vs. JAX)
Rashod Bateman, Ravens (at NE)
Gabriel Davis, Bills (if he returns, vs. TEN)
Christian Kirk, Jaguars (vs. LAC)
Terry McLaurin, Commanders (vs. PHI)
D.J. Moore, Panthers (vs. NO)
Brandin Cooks, Texans (at CHI)
CeeDee Lamb, Cowboys (at NYG)
Diontae Johnson, Steelers (at CLE)
Stronger starts
Drake London, Falcons (at SEA).
Brandon Aiyuk, 49ers (at DEN).
Allen Robinson, Rams (at ARI).
Curtis Samuel and Jahan Dotson, Commanders (vs. PHI).
Amari Cooper, Browns (vs. PIT).
Hunter Renfrow, Raiders (if he plays, at TEN).
DeVonta Smith, Eagles (at WAS).
Garrett Wilson, Jets (vs. CIN).
Treylon Burks, Titans (vs. LV).
Russell Gage, Buccaneers (vs. GB).
Allen Lazard, Packers (at TB).
Jakobi Meyers, Patriots (at BAL).
Weaker starts
Marquise Brown, Cardinals (vs. LAR).
DK Metcalf, Seahawks (vs. ATL).
JuJu Smith-Schuster, Chiefs (at IND).
Jerry Jeudy, Broncos (vs. SF).
Jarvis Landry, Saints (vs. NO). 
Adam Thielen, Vikings (vs. DET).
Elijah Moore, Jets (vs. CIN). 
Tyler Boyd, Bengals (at NYJ). 
Chase Claypool and George Pickens, Steelers (at CLE).
Robbie Anderson, Panthers (at NO).
These are my predictions for Week 3.
0 notes
badgaymovies · 5 years
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Today's review on MyOldAddiction.com, Red Hook Summer by #SpikeLee starring #ClarkePeters, "a rare low point for Lee, though it features his usually bright and colourful cinematography and exciting and explosive dialogue." SPIKE LEE Bil's rating (out of 5): BB.  USA, 2012.  40 Acres & A Mule Filmworks…
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