#Bramblestar's Thorns
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bonefall · 1 year ago
So, how are you gonna do the weird "deathberry cure" for Puddleshine?
Could anything like it be used for an external wound? Something a bit rudimentary, like how we used to use hydrogen peroxide which DID prevent infection at the cost of healthy cells getting killed too?
Honestly I just don't feel a need to keep it. It kinda just feels like a random W the authors tossed at Alderheart so he could be more special, but it didn't even result in him getting any major accolades or extra respect from anyone.
It doesn't even really feel like something he earned? I need to revisit AVOS because I don't really remember it, but I know I have no recollection of him experimenting or figuring out his own treatments before he was like, "WHAT IF DEATHBERRY ANTIBIOTICS?" And so I don't really feel... beholden to it.
The story I'm telling with him is very different anyway, more focused on his complicated relationship to his dad, his origin as a kittypet being raised by his mom Jessy, and struggling with the way the Clans are trying to shave his heritage away from him. He doesn't need to be a master chemist, too.
(Also honey combines with sweat to make very mild hydrogen peroxide anyway, which is why it's nature's best disinfectant. I don't need to have the cats fuck around with taxine, the 1-billion-heartattacks compound found in yew.)
Besides, BB!ShadowClan is the group that loves messing with fermentation and other chemical processes, and Puddsy's a kid genius. BB!Puddleshine should get an advancement, if it's really needed
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marmotclaw · 7 months ago
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Name meaning: Spiky fur, usually brown, red or blue, usually small, fierce, sharp-togued
Huge and muscular longhaired black mackerel tabby tom with amber eyes. He has sleek fur, long, curved claws, and a long scar on his shoulder. After Bramblestar took back his body from Ashfur, he retained all changes and damages that had happened to it while Ashfur was possessing it. Ashfur had been putting on weight and refusing to groom. Since being defeated by Tigerstar and imprisoned in ShadowClan, the body received numerous injuries and scars. He has a scar on his leg, shredded ear tips, one of which is ripped, and a scar on his tail. He has a scar on his neck, a deep scar on his shoulder, gashes on his cheeks, flanks and muzzle,  and a ruffled and bloody pelt, with chunks of fur that have been ripped out.
Voice claim: Matt Lanter
Leader info
Firestar-Courage (frostbite)
Goldenflower-Motherly Love (renounced)
Bluestar-Clear Judgement of character (renounced)
Mousefur-listening to Elders (renounced)
Lionheart-Pride (renounced)
Ferncloud-Understanding (renounced)
Cinderpelt-Second chances (renounced)
Feathertail-Exploration (renounced)
Ravenpaw-Truth (renounced)
Family and Education
Mother: Goldenflower
Father: Tigerstar
Brother: Swiftpaw
Sisters: Lynxkit, Tawnypelt
Half Brothers: Hawkfrost, Tadpole
Half Sister: Mothwing
Foster Brother: Stormfur
Foster Sister: Feathertail
Ex Mate: Squirrelstar
Daughters: Dandelionkit, Sparkpelt
Sons: Alderheart, Juniperkit
Adopted Daughter: Hollyleaf
Adopted Sons: Jayflight, Lionblaze
Mentor: Firestar
Dark Forest Mentor: Tigerstar
Apprentice: Berrynose
Rebel Impure
Condition(s): DP/DR
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p0ison-control · 2 years ago
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kitkinnie · 7 days ago
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squilf and bam designs.... i have a lot of headcanon design IDEAS but i never draw them i had to get these suggested by friends for me to draw them
some misc design notes:
squirrelflight got round shapes and small ears like her round dad and nobody ever cares about the flight part of her name so she was wing esque back markings. and a heart on her nose for love. thats where i kiss her ok
i made bramblestar yellowish because his momma is GOLDENflower and hes got spiky energy for his bramble name. as a kid i'm pretty sure I thought his claws actually had spikes/thorns on them so i gave him prominent front claws as like. an homage to that
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skyclan-funny-name-squad · 6 months ago
Honestly if we're discussing alternative great journey prophecy cats my pick would probably be thornclaw because of just how interesting he kind of is?
As a kitten he was kidnapped by shadowclan
he has a history of being one of the cats bluestar refused to make a warrior and is the first warrior that firestar names
the destruction of the forest gets his apprentice shrewpaw killed
being a mentor that has worked with squirrelpaw and has been noted by brambleclaw to be patient with her in the past makes him a great choice to build up a bond with squirrelpaw (hopefully not romantic, im thinking a more familial bond where squirrelpaw can trust him to tell her when she needs to step down and think while also not belittling her and understanding her views) and have him be able to reach out to crowpaw
I have no idea how he and tawnypelt would interact but im FASCINATED by the idea of the dynamic between thornclaw who was kidnapped into shadowclan, and tawnypelt who joined shadowclan willingly
his mom is one of the cat's that get left behind
super easy to just make a lot of the same leaps with thornclaw as brambleclaw, as thorns and brambles are basically the same thing and thus you don't need to change a good chunk of the dreams and the like.
he's a bit of a traditionalist and distrustful of other clans and not afraid to spill blood over what he believes is right but he isn't such a traditionalist he'd actively be detrimental over it
he's a bossy cat with wants to be leader as well, he's ambitious
mentored poppyfrost!!! which makes everything around jayfeather and her even MORE interesting!!!
he becomes a dark forest trainee!!! you can do a lot with that!!!
he's one of the cats that calls out nepotism and isn't afraid to do what he thinks is right during bramblestar's leader ship and even is one of the cats that temporarily leaves to ponder over what it means to be a clan
He's enough of a troublemaker from his attitude towards other clans and outsiders to cause conflict, but has the backstory to justify it and the common sense and reasoning that also means it's believable he could grow from it, he has leadership skills and would be able to help cats work together due to the fact he's noted to be rather patient about leading and guiding, and he's willing to take unusual actions or take risks to do what he thinks is best.
Thornclaw for the great journey!!!!
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henrybelly · 1 year ago
it drives me crazy to think about what a terrible choice it was to pair up Thornclaw and Blossomfall, even setting aside their age gap and ... thornclaw's vibes as a person
the erins have written themself into the proverbial Incest Corner by pairing Blossomfall with Thornclaw and having them have kits, because now two-thirds of ThunderClan is in some way directly related to the litter of Thornclaw, Brightheart, and Brackenfur.
ThunderClan cats as of Shadow: 45
ThunderClan cats not descended from Thornclaw/Brightheart/Brackenfur*: 16
ThunderClan cats not descended from T/B/B who aren't the mates of cats descended from T/B/B**: 11
ThunderClan cats not descended from T/B/B who aren't mates of T/B/B descendants and who are still potentially likely to have kits***: 5 (Bumblestripe, Mousewhisker, Stormcloud, Twigbranch & Finleap)
*or who are not Thornclaw/Brightheart/Brackenfur themselves
**therefore, will have kits that are descended from T/B/B (Birchfall isn't descended from them, but his kits with Whitewing are. Same for Sparkpelt, Blossomfall, Fernstripe, and Lionblaze). Dewnose & Sorrelstripe, and Spotfur & Stemleaf get extra inbreeding points for both being related to T/B/B and having kits together.
***eliminates cats that are old enough that they're very unlikely to have more kits (Daisy, Squilf, Bramblestar) or because of their rank (Jayfeather and Alderheart are probably not getting illegitimate kids)
So, of our non-T/B/B potential progenitors, we have three toms without mates, and a pair of cats with SkyClan blood who have already gone through a whole character arc about not having kits together.
And what does this have to do with Blossom/Thorn?
Blossomfall has outsider blood (and isn't related to T/B/B), and the Erins gave her four kits. MOUSEWHISKER WAS RIGHT THERE. He's only related to Berrynose's offspring, so you've already got WAY less incest going on if you mix their family trees. Thornclaw is the worst imaginable choice, not just because she's younger than his grand-niece--nearly the age of his great-grand-nieces Ivypool and Dovewing--but because his kin is already all over ThunderClan.
Now Stemleaf, son of Thornclaw, has kits with Spotfur, granddaughter of Brackenfur, further spreading their genes. At least Shellfur has Fernstripe, but their kits will also be descended from T/B/B. Mousewhisker and Blossomfall's kits could've introduced so much variety into the gene pool.
😭 WHYYYY Thornclaw?! WHY? so unnecessary. and now look what you've done. the family tree is a fusing into an incest bush.
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lycanlanterns · 2 years ago
So would Bramblebitchstar still make Squirrelflight his deputy and would Shrewrunner just always telling him to fuck off because of how awful Bramblestar treats her? Idk why but I’ve seen Shrew as the type of sweet malewife that would go apeshit on Bramble with how poorly he treats her, especially in Squirrelflight’s Hope. If not I wanna know more about what you think would happen :0
In my AU the idea is Bramblestar develops well separate Squirrelflight! Yes he still makes her deputy for the same reasons, still doubts her judgement for the same reasons, and sometimes he can be an asshole - but because the dynamic of a romantic relationship is gone he can’t hold that power dynamic and guilt over her head.
He’s no longer a husband that needs/wants his wife to listen to him and feels betrayed by the kit/family thing, he’s just a domineering and occasionally annoying boss. He’s still an incompetent leader somewhat but that makes it so in the end Squirrelflight’s input actually serves him. He also has less incentive to feel like she’s undermining his authority or purposefully embarrassing him because they are both just doing their jobs.
Shrewrunner in my AU tries to avoid being a thorn in either of their sides, but he does comfort Squirrelflight in the average ways, defends her when her judgement comes into question, and is a good warrior/senior warrior.
I personally feel no joy punishing Bramblestar narratively more than I already do (which is essentially Squirrelflight struggles to trust him after he makes an attempt on Firestar’s life and the romance deteriorates) . I think by that point all the abusive behavior we grow to hate about Bramblestar just becomes character flaws, things that can exist away from the romantic relationship implications, and he gets to just be a grumpy boss that occasionally causes problems but doesn’t spiral Squirrelflight into depressions about her own status as a warrior, mother, and wife.
Thank you for your question I love answering these!
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wcstarless · 2 years ago
ok i know I KNOW that half of my AU's come from "what if Firefall fathered X" but like
what if Firefall fathered Alderheart & Sparkpelt?
First they have the hallmarks of a Firefall litter. Dead siblings, 2 kits left alive. 2nd Bramblestar's a mess and I feel like Leafpool would be like "hey i got this guy..."
This would be a villain Sparkpelt (here she'd be called Sparkfire because duh) AU. Bramblestar called her Sparkfire because she looked like Firestar...right...that's the reason?
Firefall would be annoyed about Alderheart being a bit of a goober just like he was annoyed about Ashfall. But Sparkfire? Forget about it. A girl who looked almost exactly like him?! Sparkfire got spoiled to the point Mapleshade got a little jealous.
Firefall's influence made Sparkfire want to be leader and boy did she go hardcore. Sparkfire loves like 3 people in the clan and the rest are meaningless to her. She still is mates with Larksong who loves her dearly but thinks its weird he wakes up with thorns in his bed a lot...
She obviously loves her brother even though she thinks he's stupid. And she's devoted to her mother. But she absolutely despises Bramblestar and everyone kind of knows it and is confused. Isn't that her father? And because Squirrel is fed up with Bramblestar she has no problem encouraging that behavior.
THIS IS NOT CANON BUT BOY THIS WOULD BE INTERESTING. Especially since I have nothing happening in VoS rn....
(also I imagine the scene where "Bramblestar" sicks the dogs on her differently because technically that's Ashfall trying to kill his sister...)
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 4 years ago
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part 3: brambleclaw
he’s fucking gay, erins. you fucking fools
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bonefall · 1 year ago
So I decided to read through Bramblestar's leader ceremony from the original Ultimate Guide today- and I had a thought: have you chosen what cats give him his lives in Better Bones already? Granted, I'm sure you'll gut some of the canon placements for not knowing him in life (Lionheart) or being alive by the time he becomes leader (Goldenflower, Ferncloud, Mousefur) but Bluestar imparting clear judgement is a fun virtue considering his actions are anything but. Plus, Jayfeather could always gripe about it when he argues with Bramblestar. 'Wow Bramblestar, you sure displayed clear judgement when you asked me to let Sunrise BLEED OUT IN CAMP!'
I hadn't picked yet actually! I also haven't read his leader ceremony in aaaages. I never really liked it, felt full of TPB fanservice and didn't really say a lot about Bramblestar as a leader.
(But tbf that is probably because the writers have no idea what they're doing with him. He's generically noble and they have a double standard against female characters, so they just use his man pain to make the girls in his life feel wretched without examining WHY having defiant women in his life bruises his ego so easily)
But anyway, I don't have a FINALIZED thing yet, but here's a rough draft. It's a total overhaul. A big difference in BB and Canon is that Bramblestar is leader BEFORE the reveal, and long before the Battle of the True Eclipse. So all of these picks have to be from Po3 and before.
(BB context: Firestar was killed offscreen during the Fire Scene in an assassination, Ashfur took advantage of the situation to attack the Three. It was an arson set by Whiskernose and carried out by Thornclaw, Breezepelt, and possibly Harespring. Ashfur is still on the run, suspected of killing Firestar to hurt Squilf because he failed to hurt her kits)
(also if you want FULL full context go look at BB!Hollyleaf's character summary)
Gorseclaw -- Righteousness. His progenitor ancestor who set history into motion by betraying his siblings during Ripplestar's Rot, and whose curse continues down through the generations. He tells him he's proud. He SEES how much he's struggled. He's had to make hard choices that everyone else thought would be easy, and he understands. But he's done the right thing... and he tells him to keep doing it. Bramble briefly feels hot with shame-- did he really have so many ancestors in the Dark Forest that he had to hear from someone so ancient? Tigerstar, Pinestar, Oakstar... this life unsettles him and sets the tone for the rest of the ceremony
Snowcarve (Snowkit) -- Opportunity. The last time Brambleclaw saw his little uncle, he was carried off by a hawk after shoving one of them out of the way. He stands as a proud, starry adult before him: the age he would have been. He "speaks" through unfamiliar glyphs that form beside his head, and Brambleclaw knows somehow that this is the writing that he had been working on before his death. Snowcarve commands that he watch for that which he would have missed, to listen to those who are different and have new ideas, for opportunity is silent and tender. If your mind and heart are closed to what could have been, you will miss your chance and never know what you could have had. Brambleclaw tries to bring up that he's sorry he didn't save him-- Snowcarve taps his ear and shakes his head, giving him a stern glare. The words say, "you did not need forgiveness. It was my choice and I have never regretted it." In fact, he can wave his tail and welcome the next life;
Yellowfang -- Judgement. She asks him, "Would you ever blame a kitten for what someone else did?" Bramble is confused, "Of course not?" "Then stop blaming yourself for what others have done for you. I ran back into that fire to save my herbs and leeches. I put myself there, and Firestar knew that. Stop confusing blame for experience, guilt is not wisdom, pain is not good judgement."
Feathertail -- Kindness. A little bit of understanding goes a long way. When you get wrapped up in your anger, or your fear, slow down and consider the feelings and intentions of others. You'll find that most people are good. (He accepts the life but stops himself from arguing with her-- ok, sure, but what about everyone who isn't? He has a bit of a thought spiral wondering if the wise cat he'd travelled with had changed or if she was ever wise at all)
(Idk which elder is dying in Po3 yet, if it's Frostfur or Mousefur, but one of them gives a life) -- Confidence. There was a time where their own judgement lapsed, and they pinned their anger on him. They apologize for it, and tell him that this life is for living in spite of that. The strength to mind that you can't control what other people think of you, and the firmness to commit to what he believes is right.
Brackenfur -- Negotiation. To remember that every action sends a message, to understand that you must remain calm and make the right concessions to accomplish greater things. Don't let emotions like anger, offense, and spite cause you to ruin something you may have worked hard to build. (Brambleclaw is by the halfway point totally missing the point that these cats are trying to teach him nuance and mindfulness, and mostly feels betrayed and confused. He knows most of these things... and did the elder not just tell him to have confidence in himself in spite of people who hate him?)
Speckletail -- Courage. When everyone runs away, you run TOWARDS. People will rely on you now, and StarClan will give you the power to protect them. No storm, no beast, and no tyrant will find its way through you. When he takes the life he feels the rage and FEAR she did when she ran towards the bulldozer, the pride in her power as she attacked the human, and learns that Thornclaw was wrong when he told them she looked satisfied on the way down. After kicking him out she was terrified, but overwhelmed by relief and LOVE that her grandson was safe. It makes him collapse, and as he gets back up he's in tears, asking "i thought this was a life for courage, you were afraid!!" And Speckletail puffs her chest up proudly, "Courage is being terrified and doing it anyway."
Swiftpaw -- Acceptance. He has no warrior name. He has no adult form. When Brambleclaw asks him for his title, he simply says, "I give you this life to know when to accept what you cannot change, and the wisdom to see what you can't control." Brambleclaw can't help himself, this ceremony has been a horrible experience, "what a terrible life!" Swiftpaw dips his head solemnly, "yet without it, what a terrible death." But Swiftpaw also reminds him, this is not a part of his life that he cannot change. He can move on with only eight lives, and he will understand. But Brambleclaw says no, "I have a clan to protect. This is one of the things I can't control." He is surprised by how soothing the life is when he gets it though. He doesn't feel any of Swiftpaw's pain as he died. It's not about that. It's the quiet embrace of the void, the shouting as the patrol finds him and Brightpaw, falling away into silence, accepting that he is dying, and that it's okay to let go.
Firestar -- Trust. It HAS to come at the end.
Firestar opens up by asking Brambleclaw what's wrong, seeing how exhausted he is. He responds, his voice trembling, "I hoped it would be reassuring, but I feel more lost and powerless than ever. How can I be responsible for so many people? How will I protect them all? I will be blamed for everything that goes wrong and never know if I made the right choice!" Firestar goes hm, genuinely and sympthetically, "Those are very heavy and legitimate doubts for a new leader to have. I felt the same things when I was in your paws. He waves his tail, "So, I will give you the value that it took me many years to learn, something you were not given and so feel you cannot give. With this life I give you TRUST. You will face many trials in the near future, Brambleclaw. Your truth will crumble. Secrets will be revealed, friends will turn out to be foes, those you think are enemies may be allies, but you must not lose the ability to find the good in all of them. Remember that trust is a choice and an honor. Apply it wisely, but bestow it generously."
Bitterly, but with what dignity he can have in this situation, Bramblestar murmurs sadly, "So there will be betrayal, but I must still trust? I had hoped that you, of all ancestors, would not speak in riddles"
Though the world is blurring and the spirits of StarClan are fading away, he catches something pained and complex in Firestar's expression. Like he has so much to say, doesn't have the exact words to express it, and he's running out of time to find them.
"There were no riddles," he shouts already sounding far away, "Listen to what we have told you and you will find the way!"
(Basically he's shouting "WE WERE VERY STRAIGHTFORWARD ACTUALLY!!!")
We wouldn't get to see this happen in Cruel Season though, since it would be offscreen and not important to the plot of that book. I'd rather get it into Bramblestar's Thorns, which is about Alderheart, Sparkpelt, and the ways that they've been impacted by him as a toxic father.
The ceremony is written to highlight his major flaws. Especially the way that he's bursting with doubt, pain, and immediately tends to make things about himself without realizing. Bramblestar is a very unhappy person, and he often extends that misery to other people.
he's a tragedy to me, man. All these people turning out to tell him that love and faith exists for him and he can't even see it.
Anyway, bonus, some other thoughts for possible lives; (still possible some of these guys get swapped out)
Lionheart, his uncle, who died before he was born. He'd give a good life for wisdom but I think these others are a lot stronger.
Birchface, one of his Tigerkin ancestors in StarClan. Decided against him in favor of Gorseclaw; I think Gorse's both more interesting AND his distance is a good point of doubt for Bramble. They had to go back 4 generations to find a direct ancestor who isn't damned to hell. Birch would have just waffled about admitting mistakes anyway, still too fearful to admit that he is responsible for getting Frecklewish and Oakstar damned.
Bluestar, a leader who contributed to the death of his brother and mistrusted him when he was young... but honestly I feel she is kinda irrelevant. He didn't know her well.
Elderberry, one of his apprenticehood friends and the twin of Ferncloud/older sister of Ashfur. It could be cool for her to give a life of mercy and ask him to be rational about Ashfur's crimes (starclan won't say outright that Ashfur didn't do it because they're not entirely sure he was uninvolved until after his death in a few chapters, Dark Forest influence hiding the assassins), but it's actually a lot more important that StarClan is trying to warn him about the LEADER he will be and fatal flaws he will display for arcs and arcs, not waste a life on teasing the plot of a single book.
Cinderpelt, his cousin who died tragically. There's no reincarnation thing so she could be here to give a life, but I think the current list is a lot stronger.
Lynxkit, his oldest sister. Strongly considered her for acceptance but I think Swiftpaw's WAAAY stronger and I don't need both of them.
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iamfabiloz · 3 years ago
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hi hello I’ve finished my blossomdove fic wooo!! It’s pretty long and I put lots of love (hehe) into it and I hope u enjoy it :)!! If you do read it please leave a comment or rb and tell me wat u think! :} specific comments rlly help my motivation and make me happy bc im like omg u read my thing!!
This story takes place after bramblestars storm, in the inbetween time before the apprentices quest. There might be inconsistencies but I do hope u like it anyways lol! Also in this thing, bumblestripe and Dovewing never courted or anything I threw that out the window lmao
Also I did make all the thoughts italic when I was writing this in the notes app but sadly it did not stay italic when i copy pasted that here so just be aware KWKW non quotation mark stuff blossomfall says is her thoughts oki got that, good!
Without further ado, I hope u enjoy!
Blossomfall felt the warm glow of greenleaf sunlight on her pelt as it filtered through the den entrance. Is it morning already? It must be if it’s reaching me all the way over here. She turned over in her nest with a grunt. Her whole body ached but she blinked rapidly anyways.
Might as well be up when Squirrelflight assigns patrols for the day.
Hmmph, I hope I don’t get sent out on a border patrol. I don’t really feel like seeing those WindClan furballs. I’d rather catch a squirrel.
Making a mental checklist in her head, Blossomfall reviewed what she had to do today.
Briarlight said she wanted to try a robin, I’ll have to go hunting today to get one for her. Bramblestar said Molewhisker and Cherryfall scented a fox near ShadowClan, so no way I’m going near there. Bumblestripe said he wanted to catch a rabbit. I’ll have to be there to drag him away, before the stupid mouse-brain starts a war with WindClan. Rosepetal asked me if I wanted to go check out an abandoned badger den, the scatter-brained idiot. She says she wants to be deputy but then pulls kit stuff like that! If I have to cover her tail one more time…
I wonder if she’ll settle for a normal hunting session. Oh and I have to collect moss for Briar and Bumble’s nests and check it over for thorns.
Feeling satisfied with today’s activities, Blossomfall was about to get up to stretch when she felt a furry bundle brush her side. Confused, she turned to looked at what or who was next to her.
Blossomfall’s denmate, Dovewing was curled up next to Blossomfall, her pelt brushing the tortoiseshell’s frame. Dovewing’s paws were twitching slightly and her fluffy tail was bristling. Her brow was furrowed, as if upset. She looks kind of cute, Blossomfall thought but than immediately took it back. Shut up, she growled in her mind. Don’t be weird. She’s just laying there.
The gray she-cat lay on the ground, no nest beneath her. Did she just pick herself up in the middle of the night and settle here? Blossomfall queried. She had never really known what to label Dovewing as. Friend? Sister of a friend? Cr-Clanmate? She always seemed kind of distant in a way, like she wasn’t fully there. She was a brilliant warrior though. One of the best hunters Blossomfall knew. Her sharp ears and nose could pick out a mouse in a blizzard. Blossomfall admired that greatly. Yet something about the she-cat was off. Is it me? Dovewing was a perfectly good cat, with her soft gray fur and pretty green eyes and her amazing hunting skills. She and Blossomfall had always gotten along, at least Blossomfall thought so. It was a clan-matey sort of relationship but Blossomfall felt like … something else. Maybe Blossomfall was feeling at her wrong. Some unknown emotion tossed about in her belly, light-hearted and strange. I want to get to know her better, she finally decided.
Feeling awkward, Blossomfall sat deathly still, afraid to move and wake up her sleeping denmate. Come on, stop being a kit about this, you bug-brain.
Feeling too warm beneath her pelt, Blossomfall tried to shift away but Dovewing let out a tiny hiss. Blossomfall blinked in surprise. Was that directed at me? Have I woken her up? Blossomfall wondered. But as she looked closer, Dovewing’s eyes were still closed, but her claws were out. She’s having a bad dream, Blossomfall realized.
Gently, Blossomfall laid her tail on Dovewing’s spine. She stroked it softly, trying to murmur something comforting like Millie would do when she was a kit.
“It’s alright. It’s only a dream.” Blossomfall mumbled, quite unconvincingly.
Blossomfall felt Dovewing relax under her touch. Dovewing’s claws sheathed and her face softened. A tiny spark of emotion clawed at the former Dark Forest trainee’s belly. Blossomfall wanted to get up and shove her way out of the den but she didn’t for some reason. Instead, to the dismay of her screeching mind, Blossomfall stayed. Blossomfall felt her paws go numb after several minutes, but she didn’t care.
Why do I want this?
Blossomfall stayed like that for what seemed like at least an hour. Dovewing’s warm pelt pressed against hers, and her frame twitched from time to time. Blossomfall felt trapped, yet she didn’t want to leave. Not yet, her terrified mind hissed. This is nice.
No it’s not! Blossomfall tried to protest, but
she also didn’t budge and didn’t make any attempt to leave.
Blossomfall twitched her burning ears. She could hear the sound of paw steps getting closer and closer. Feeling very glad she was at the back of the den, Blossomfall hovered her tail protectively over Dovewing’s back.
Squirrelflight’s ginger head popped into the den. Blossomfall felt her tail bush and curl over Dovewing’s side. Frozen, Blossomfall stared with wide eyes and wondered if she wished hard enough, she could melt into the floor and disappear forever. What is wrong with me?
Squirrelflight looked around at the snoozing cats in the den and let out a small purr.
“Sleepyheads.” She murmured and left. Blossomfall felt a tiny stab of indignation but didn’t move. She didn’t see us- me. Dovewing turned over, and Blossomfall inched over a smidge so that they were comfortably resting against each other again. Dovewing’s eyes were still shut, and her flank rose up and down as she slept.
Blossomfall slowly sank her head down onto her paws, trying not to tremble. My brain has turned to thistlefluff! I’m sappier than a maple tree. I should be up and tending to my duties. But her head began to feel heavy again and her eyelids drooped. I woke up too early.
Blossomfall’s checklist forgotten, she tucked her paws in and let herself drift off to sleep. A couple more minutes can’t hurt…
Blossomfall awoke with the feeling of falling but never hitting the ground. She stretched her front paws out, her body adjusting to suddenly being awake. The warm weight of Dovewing was gone from her side, and Blossomfall repressed the stab of sadness she felt afterwards. Shut up, stop it, she told herself angrily. You’re being sad over nothing.
Blinking blearily, her eyes focused at last. Most of the cats around her were gone, probably out patrolling or hunting. Ack, how long was I out? She turned to leave, but then stiffened. Dovewing was sitting only a few pawsteps away. She was bent down, grooming her ruffled flank. She looked up at Blossomfall and smiled. Blossomfall wondered if the other she-cat could hear her heart explode.
“Oh hi Blossomfall!” Dovewing meowed cheerily, waving her tail. “I slept near your nest last night because rain was dripping onto my head in my usual spot. There was a hole in the roof above me. I hope I didn’t bother you. Ivypool says I fidget in my sleep.” Dovewing’s green eyes glowed in the dimly lit den. They’re leaf green, Blossomfall noted, and very sparkly.
Blossomfall almost gagged at herself. What am I, a feather-headed sparrow?
Dovewing shifted her paws.
Oh fox-dung she’s waiting for me to say something! Blossomfall realized in terror, her belly lurching.
“I-uh, your good.” Blossomfall mumbled, feeling her stomach twist into a knot.
“I slept fine, I didn’t even notice.”
Dovewing brightened. “Oh great! Uhm, could I sleep here for a few nights? Brackenfur is busy patching up the elder’s den and he’s probably too busy right now to fix a little thing like this.” Blossomfall flicked her ears foward, feeling her heart lift a little.
“I-yeah sure. That’s fine with me.” Blossomfall dipped her head, clamping her jaws shut before she could say something else mouse-brained.
Dovewing purred and leaned over to touch her muzzle to Blossomfall’s shoulder. Blossomfall’s mind screeched and whirled, but Blossomfall forced her body to stand still.
STOP IT, STOP IT. FOR STARCLAN’S SAKE, ACT LIKE A NORMAL CAT, she yelled at herself in her treacherous head, but her brain continued to spin in circles, trying desperately to process the event. It’s just a clan-mate thing to do that’s all, stop finding meaning in everything.
“Thanks Blossomfall, that means a lot.” Dovewing’s gentle voice broke Blossomfall out of her mind’s internal melt-down.
“Mmhm yeah, no problem,” she managed to choke out, trying desperately to keep her neck fur from trembling.
Dovewing pulled away, and Blossomfall found herself less angry at the flicker of sadness that stabbed her again.
Dovewing stared at her for second, seemingly analyzing something, before she licked her paw and drew it over her ear. She stuck out her tongue slightly, and shook out her thick gray fur. Cute, Blossomfall thought before she could stop herself.
I should get out of here before my brain completely turns to mush, she thought but didn’t turn to leave. Instead, she decided to groom her own pelt. I probably look like I was dragged through thorns backwards!
Blossomfall bent down and smoothed the stuck up fur on her side, seeing Dovewing do the same out of the corner of her eye. Hm, that’s kinda funny.
As she finished licking the front of her pelt, she twisted her head around and saw she still had messy fur on her spine and flank. Hrm, I’m not as flexible as Dovewing is. Usually, Bumblestripe helps smooth down my fur. He says I need it, she recalled, snorting internally. Bumble’s always saying my face is like a Twoleg mood ring and that my fur should reflect that! Cheeky fur for brains! As if his use of Twoleg vocabulary didn’t make him insufferable enough! Poor Stormcloud, he must have been exhausted after all Bumble’s questioning. I don’t see why he didn’t just ask Millie, she used to be a kittypet too. I saw Briar bring Stormcloud a mouse after Bumblestripe left, and Storm looked like HE was the one who got pulled through a thorn barrier. I’m sure Millie would have taken Bumble’s question session better. Though she grumbled internally about her brother, she looked around fondly, searching for any signs of his gray and black pelt. Most of the nests were empty, including Bumblestripe’s.
Off to start fights early, eh? I guess I’ll just be walking around today with the fur on my butt looking like I sat on a bramble. Typical. I really need someone to help me reel in Bumblestripe or he’s going to be the death of me someday.
“Need help?” Dovewing asked, making Blossomfall’s heart jump.
It took Blossomfall a dreadfully slow heartbeat to realize she meant with grooming her fur and not with sticking Bumblestripe into an badger hole.
“Uh sure, thanks.” She responded, nervously padding over to stand close to the gray she-cat. Dovewing mrrowed in amusement.
“Did you sit on thicket or something?” she joked, pressing her nose to Blossomfall’s side.
Blossomfall felt her pelt burn madly and she let out a half-hearted purr.
“My fur seems to have a mind of its own. I can never keep it smoothed down for a whole day. Stupid thing thinks it’s the boss of me!”
Dovewing chortled, bringing her paw to her muzzle as she laughed.
Blossomfall felt like she had caught the biggest squirrel in the forest. Relaxing, she pressed closer to Dovewing, letting herself breathe out softly.
“Bumblestripe usually helps me groom my fur,” she meowed. “But today it looks like he left to get himself put on tick duty for the next six moons.”
Dovewing let out a overdramatic gasp. “What is he doing this time?” She purred.
“The cheeky furball wants to catch a rabbit and he’s probably going to get the whole of WindClan chasing after him by midday.” Blossomfall replied, raising her tail.
Dovewing snorted and smiled. She looked wistful, but then her eyes gleamed mischievously.
“I bet you a mouse he comes home wailing, without so much as a sniff of a rabbit.” she teased, resting her head on Blossomfall’s back. Emotion surged though Blossomfall’s chest, nearly knocking her off her paws. Blossomfall purred, louder than she intended, but she didn’t even mind at this point.
“I bet you a dove he comes home with a rabbit and a patrol from WindClan.” she meowed back, hardly even believing herself as she rested her tail on Dovewing’s side.
“Real original,” Dovewing mewed heartily, her eyes gleaming with amusement.
Blossomfall dared to bump Dovewing’s shoulder teasingly with her nose.
“I believe you said you were going to help me with my fur?” Blossomfall meowed, silently hoping she had said it in a joking manner.
“Oh yeah oops! Sorry I got distracted.” Dovewing replied, suddenly looking shy.
Blossomfall simply nodded and stood still, letting Dovewing lick at the fur on her spine. It was kind of … soothing. She stood there, as still as a tree, as Dovewing groomed her dappled tortoiseshell fur. The smoky gray she-cat smoothed down the last of Blossomfall’s tufty fur and nudged her shoulder with her muzzle again to let Blossomfall know she was done.
“Er, thanks Dovewing.” Blossomfall meowed quietly, feeling her pelt heat up again. That seemed to be a common occurrence today.
“Don’t mention it.” Dovewing mewed, brushing her cheek against Blossomfall’s side.
She turned to the den entrance and flicked her tail, beckoning for the other cat to follow. Before Blossomfall could fully process the motion, she felt her paws pad after her. They stepped out of the den, and Blossomfall squinted as the dazzling sunlight hit her face.
“Wanna go talk to Squirrelflight? Might as well get our duties out of the way.” Dovewing asked, tipping her head to one side.
Blossomfall nodded in agreement.
“Good idea. I wanna get some stuff done after patrols.”
Dovewing’s purring made Blossomfall’s chest glow and the tortoiseshell and white she-cat raised her head, feeling pleased.
Maybe I should ask her if she wants to join me on any patrols I get assigned. Blossomfall thought hopefully. Huh, what? She suddenly snapped at herself. Suddenly aware of the haze she was in, a tiny knot of nervousness began to tighten in her belly. Blossomfall’s whole pelt felt off and not hers, and her paws felt strangely light. I feel good-weird, she huffed in her head.
I want to stay like this.
Feeling puzzled at her own thoughts, Blossomfall suddenly realized Dovewing was meowing something in the background.
“Helloo, Earth to Blossomfall?” Dovewing said, her tone teasing but slightly concerned.
“Oh hm? Sorry I was just thinking about something.” Blossomfall said, licking her chest fur in embarrassment.
“It’s alright, I get it.” Dovewing meowed, padding over to rest her tail tip on Blossomfall’s shoulder. It sent Blossomfall’s heart spinning, and she struggled to keep an automatic purr from rising in her throat.
If you keep melting at everything she does to you, she’s going to notice eventually.
Well I don’t care, Blossomfall snapped at herself. Yeesh, what’s gotten into me? Well whatever, I need to pay attention to her now anyways.
“I was asking if you wanted to join me on any patrols Squirrelflight puts me on,” Dovewing was saying, her green eyes gleaming.
“If that’s alright with you of course, if it’s not that’s ok I can go find Ivy-“
“NO!” Blossomfall blurted, cutting off Dovewing, surprising herself and presumably the gray she-cat.
“I-I mean no it’s fine, I’d like to be with -go with you.” Blossomfall replied, stumbling over her words like a newborn kit. Great StarClan what have I done?! Blossomfall bemoaned in her head. Dovewing probably thinks I’m the weirdest thing since Twolegs. And she’s right. She’s totally right. I’m literally fine with everyone else, why am I being a feather-head with her? Though she lamented the reason in her mind, she struggled to say it out loud even in her own thoughts. Shut up, stop getting lost in your head, focus on her, she ordered herself.
Blossomfall hoped Dovewing didn’t see her staring into space every five seconds.
Shaking her head around, she tuned back into Dovewing’s words.
Dovewing was purring again and Blossomfall felt her stupid heart lift once more. Stop doing that, she groaned inwardly, but didn’t mean it, not really.
“Okay great! I’d be happy to hunt with you too!” Dovewing meowed a bit too loudly, her posture straightening considerably.
Realizing her volume, Dovewing shyly scuffled her paws and continued in a smaller voice.
“I-thanks Blossomfall.” she said again, a hint of another purr in her voice. She purrs a lot, that’s cute. SHUSH, AUGH WHAT IS IT WITH ME AND ‘CUTE’ TODAY. I could at least think of a slightly different word or something. How unoriginal of me, me.
“Uhm, yeah no problem!” Blossomfall replied, trying to grin in a friendly way but she probably just ended up looking like she really wanted to get out of the conversation. Which I do, I think? She thought for a second. No, not really, she quietly admitted to herself.
“You’re gonna owe me a dove by the end of the day remember?” Dovewing said, her brow raised teasingly. Blossomfall’s paws felt light all over again and she dared to mrrow in mock offense.
“Excuse you, I have some faith in my brother; which I will show by giving him that mouse YOU will owe me by the end of today!” Blossomfall hissed playfully, tossing her head back dramatically. Oh thistle and weeds, I hope I don’t look weird!
Dovewing laughed, a shrill lovely noise that made Blossomfall instantly forget about her worries.
“Well, we’ll see about that! Come on!”Dovewing turned her head, heading straight for Squirrelflight. Woah, I didn’t even see her over there, Blossomfall thought admiringly, her paws already moving to match Dovewing’s. She’s really observant.
The pair passed by Lionblaze and Cinderheart sharing a mouse, Ivypool chatting with Mousewhisker and Thornclaw, and Briarlight basking in the sun with a snoozing Jayfeather. Blossomfall’s other clan-mates were milling about camp, some leaving for patrols, others basking in the sun like Briar and Jay, and others standing around gossiping.
Dovewing waved her tail at her sister and quickly darted over to say hello, before returning to Blossomfall and continuing their trek.
Blossomfall dipped her head in greeting as she passed her friends and quickly padded over to nudge Briarlight affectionately. Briarlight purred and Jayfeather grumbled something angrily about being awoken. I’m going to get her that robin! Blossomfall licked her littermate’s ear before mouthing, ‘gotta go’ and stepping back. Briar beamed mischievously at her, confusing Blossomfall. What? She turned to look at her friends.
Ivypool was grinning mysteriously and Mousewhisker’s eyes gleamed in a certain way that Blossomfall knew was because he had thought of something he found particularly hilarious. Thornclaw simply mouthed ‘nice’.
What the hell are these idiots doing? Blossomfall wondered in annoyance. She glared at the trio and Mousewhisker doubled over instantly. Blossomfall felt worried for split second before she realized he was trying hard not to laugh. Little hysterical wheezing noises were coming out out of his parted jaws. Hay-brained fool! Blossomfall thought furiously. Ivypool was patting his back with a paw, her face contorted strangely, presumably also trying not to burst into a fit of laughter. Thornclaw eyed the pair with disdain, but he was no better. Blossomfall could see his lips slightly twitching upward and his tail tip flicked back and forth.
What in StarClan’s name was that? Did I miss an inside joke or something? Feeling perturbed, she turned her attention back to Dovewing again. They finally reached the spot where Squirrelflight was hunched over.
The dark ginger deputy was at the fresh-kill pile, her eyes flicking over the prey and making indentations in the dirt. Probably making notes about the number of prey in the group and the patrols she’s sent out, Blossomfall mused approvingly.
Squirrelflight looked up, her paw still clawing into the ground.
“Oh hi Dovewing and … Blossomfall!” The deputy meowed, one of her green eyes twitching madly. Squirrelflight’s voice sounded husky and Blossomfall could see the dark circles under her eyes. Did she pull another all nighter? Blossomfall thought worriedly. I did see her pass by the den before, how long has she been up? Squirrelflight had the habit of staying up and finishing work for days on end, like the dedicated mouse-brain she was. She should really get Rosepetal to help more often, I know she wouldn’t mind it a bit.
“Hi Squirrelflight!” Dovewing meowed, breaking Blossomfall’s flow of thoughts. The gray warrior opened her maw to speak again, but then paused and was silent for a moment.
“Are you alright? Not to overstep your boundaries, but you look like you could use a good sleep.” Dovewing eyed the ginger she-cat worriedly.
“Hm, what? Oh I’m fine, just kinda-.” Squirrelflight was cut off by her jaws stretching wide in a huge yawn.
Right, and hedgehogs fly!
Blossomfall stepped towards Squirrelflight before Dovewing could meow comfortingly again.
“You should go rest, seriously.You clearly need it. A half dead deputy is no good for the clan.” And no good for yourself, you fur-brain.
“I’m fine.” the deputy grunted again, quite unconvincingly.
“I just need to … get these patrols sorted and count how much prey we’ll need for the next season. I have to take into account any kits that will be born or cats that will move into the elders den, multiply by two then-“ Squirrelflight was cut off by another yawn. She frowned and then narrowed her eyes, as if daring one of the younger cats to chastise her for it.
“Your working so hard already, why don’t you let someone else take care of it? Once you’ve had a good sleep than you can go back to your duties. If you keep up like this you’ll die!” Dovewing mewed, her voice rising with worry.
Squirrelflight raised an eyebrow. “I appreciate your concern Dovewing, but I believe you’re exaggerating. I am simply trying to be responsible.”
Dovewing looked at her for a moment and her lip quivered, but Blossomfall spoke first again. Oh StarClan, sorry!
“Squirrelflight, if you keep stretching yourself thin you’ll just end up getting less work done. Once your fully rested and recovered, you’ll be able to work more efficiently. Plus, the more tired you are the more like Rosepetal is going to be circling your position like a snake before a strike, and we both know how persistent that cat can be.”
They both turned to look at Rosepetal who was trailing after a terrified looking Bramblestar. The ThunderClan leader kept trying to quickly slip into his den but the dark cream warrior blocked him, her eyes pleading. She’s totally asking for more duties she could take on! What a leader’s pet! Blossomfall though, twitching her whiskers in amusement at her friend’s antics. She turned back to Squirrelflight and raised an eyebrow.
Squirrelflight looked thoughtful and slightly entertained, but still appeared like she wanted to keep arguing. Before Blossomfall could list another set of reasons why the deputy should get some damn sleep, Dovewing stepped foward blinked at Squirrelflight pleadingly.
If she looked at me like that I’d do anything she wanted, Blossomfall thought despite herself. Squirrelflight held her ground for a heartbeat, but then let out a defeated sign
“Hmph, well alright. I did promise Leafpool I’d hang out with her for a while in the medicine den. I’ll tell Bramblestar I’m talking a couple hours off.” Squirrelflight murmured, almost to herself. “If you see anyone heading out, tell them to report to Rosepetal. She’ll look over my list and write down when any cats come back with prey. She knows what to do.”
Rosepetal sure does! Blossomfall thought with a sniff. Glancing over at her friend again, the dark cream warrior was calling out for Bramblestar who had barricaded himself in his den with his nest. She could hear his faint, muffled cries for her to go away, but Rosepetal kept babbling on.
Tail-chaser! Blossomfall thought fondly. Rosepetal sure was … a cat. She was always eager to help her former mentor with her duties, much to to Squirrelflight’s chagrin. But Blossomfall knew that the ginger she-cat must appreciate her former apprentice’s help if she trusted her enough to tend to her checklist. Rosepetal seemed like the cat most likely to become deputy after Bramblestar kicked the bucket, which probably wasn’t for a long, long time. But it didn’t stop Rosepetal from fantasizing, Blossomfall knew, flashbacking to the several hundred times Rosepetal had stared longingly at the High Ledge or doodled in the dirt with a claw, drawings of ‘Rosestar The Most Epic and Wonderful Leader of ThunderClan.’
Blossomfall snapped back to reality just as the real grumpy deputy turned to leave, but then Squirrelflight swiveled her head back towards them.
“Did you need anything else? I don’t suppose you just wanted to check up on little old me?” she meowed dryly.
Blossomfall opened her jaws to speak but then turned to Dovewing. I cut her off before.
Dovewing blinked gratefully at her and turned back towards the deputy.
“Me and Blossomfall wanted to ask if we could go on a hunting patrol together.” Dovewing mewed softly. Blossomfall subconsciously leaned closer to the she-cat.
Squirrelflight twitched her whiskers for a second and then turned to stare directly into Blossomfall’s eyes making her jump in surprise.
Squirrelflight had this funny look on her face, and she seemed more attentive than she had been just a moment ago.
Finally, she nodded and sniffed.
“Yeah sure, go ahead.”
She got up to her paws, and with one last sidelong glance at Blossomfall she turned and trotted in the direction of the leader’s den.
“Hey! Hey! Rosepetal! Leave Bramblestar alone; I’ve got a job for you.”
Blossomfall watched as Rosepetal dropped the stick she was using to break apart Bramblestar’s barricade. Rosepetal bounced excitedly on her paws as Squirrelflight began to talk, her grumpy meows too far away to be heard.
Blossomfall was still feeling quite disturbed at the interaction that had just taken place.
First my friends and sister, now the deputy? Weird!! What did I even do? Dovewing did you see that?
Blossomfall turned to look at Dovewing and stopped before she could say anything. The soft-furred she-cat was watching the deputy talk to Rosepetal. Her ears were angled towards them and her green eyes shimmered. It took all of Blossomfall’s will power to not think “ooo sparkly” again.
Dovewing then turned and smiled sweetly at Blossomfall, catching her off guard. Blossomfall’s face flushed and she sheepishly looked away.
Dovewing’s didn’t seem to mind, and she bumped against Blossomfall’s side happily.
“We did it! We got Squirrelflight to do the impossible and go to sleep! Well, partly but still!! Plus, we get to hunt alone together!” Alone. Together. “Or well, together I guess! No border patrols for us today!” Dovewing chirped.
“Come on, where do you want to go? I was thinking near the abandoned Twoleg nest or The Sky Oak. Though probably the Twoleg place would be better, I saw a nest of squirrels near there a few days ago.”
Blossomfall nodded along, trying to form cohesive, understandable thoughts, but her brain just felt like mouse dust.
The Twoleg nest. Let’s go there, I’ll be able to get some moss for Briarlight and on the way home maybe we’ll catch Bumblestripe running away after setting fire to half of WindClan for a bony rabbit. Also why did Squirrelflight give me that look? Was I supposed to do something? My friends and Briar too. What thing am I doing that they think is hysterical? Ah, I guess I’ll ask them all when we get back later. Cats can’t give me weird looks then not explain themselves, hmmph!
Finally feeling like she wasn’t a stumbling kit, Blossomfall spoke.
“I think we should go to the Twoleg nest. I’m in the mood for chasing squirrels, plus then I can get some moss for Briar. And maybe then we can go to the Sky Oak! We’ll get a good view to watch Bumblestripe run from all of WindClan.” she joked.
Dovewing nodded and giggled.
“I’d like to see that! Well kinda, except for the WindClan gets mad at us part.”
Blossomfall chortled and rolled her eyes. Should I have done that? Ack I cannot figure anything out, Blossomfall fussed.
But Dovewing’s eyes still shone and she tilted her head towards the camp exit. Blossomfall followed her through the bramble tunnel, very aware of the small space between their pelts. The light dimmed as they passed through. Before Blossomfall was completely inside the tunnel, she caught a glimpse of Thornclaw murmuring something in Birchfall’s ear. Both cats looked extremely amused and Blossomfall could see Ivypool and Mousewhisker standing next to them. Toad-heads and thistle thorns, have they all gotten bees in their brains?
Blossomfall was extremely tempted to stomp right up to them and ask what in StarClan’s name was going on, but she felt Dovewing’s tail brush her side, and she fell back. I guess I still have the end of the day to yell at them. Blossomfall turned her back and retreated into the tunnel.
All Blossomfall could hear was her own heavy pawsteps and Dovewing’s graceful ones. Feeling heated all of a sudden, Blossomfall quickened her pace. She burst out of the dark tunnel and Blossomfall took in a deep breath. Cool forest air swarmed her lungs and she sighed.
Dovewing raised her head, just as a gust of wind blew, ruffling her fur and causing her to sneeze.
“Just my luck!” Dovewing mrrowed, her gray fur now slightly ruffled. She still looks perfect- OKAY STOP. Blossomfall reprimanded herself. Where are these thoughts even coming from? Hello? Blossomfall thought helplessly.
“I can uh-help you groom your fur after we hunt if you want,” Blossomfall heard herself say, much to her horror. Go back, stop! Blossomfall hissed in her head.
But you want that don’t you? A voice whispered in the back of her mind. That’s why you’re offering.
Dovewing’s eyes softened and Blossomfall felt her venomous thoughts wash away like rain. “I’d like that.” She murmured softly, her green eyes meeting Blossomfall’s own. Blossomfall felt rooted in place, suddenly aware of her heart pounding madly in her chest. After a few heartbeats, Dovewing licked her chest fur and motioned for her to follow.
Blossomfall followed, feeling light-headed.
Did she just agree? She wants me to help groom her fur! Well, I guess that’s not so special, anyone could do that but… Whatever, it’s fine, it’s fine.
But her mind kept buzzing with thoughts, even as the pair reached the abandoned Twoleg nest. The soft grass under her paws was joined by weeds and twigs, becoming higher in quantity as she got closer and closer to the nest.
The place looked almost weirdly beautiful, with its chunks of claw marked wood scattered about and some sort of hard red material outlining the outside, forming it into a sort of square shape. Blossomfall and Dovewing stood at its entrance. Blossomfall could see her eyes darting around, taking in the sights. Abandoned rows of clumpy moss lay inside the frame, signs that there had once been cats staying there many moons ago. A tiny tree with drooping branches sat at the far back of the den, it seemed to be hundreds of years old, probably even older than Purdy! Okay, you did not have to call him out like that!
Some tiny yellow and red flowers were growing around the protruding roots of the tree, though they looked shriveled and malnourished. Despite that, a small patch of vital catmint was growing a few pawsteps away, tiny green shoots peeking shyly out of the stretch of rich dirt. It had been grown after the first outbreak of sickness in ThunderClan. It had happened when Blossomfall was only a tiny kit. Blossomfall had only faint memories of her mother and sister, Millie and Briarlight, being taken away to stay here after they had caught green-cough. Firestar had isolated all the sick cats, including himself, in this place. Twolegs had abandoned it many seasons ago for unknown reasons. Creepy, though I’d rather live here than in those cramped housefolk nests kittypets call home.
Pausing to sniff the air, Dovewing looked around.
“I smell the squirrels!” She whispered excitedly. Blossomfall nodded, starting to feel the rush of prey hunting thrum through her. We should flush them out before they eat the catmint!
Dovewing tilted her head towards the drooping tree. Two brown shapes were scuttling about at the base of the trunk. The two squirrels had their bushy tails kinked over their backs and were sniffing about, presumably looking for acorns. The two she-cats instinctively got into a hunting crouch, lowering themselves to the forest floor. Dovewing angled her ears, signaling for Blossomfall to go around the right side of the nest.
“I‘ll go around the left.” Dovewing whispered, quietly padding towards the other edge. Blossomfall nodded and focused her attention back to the squeaking rodents. We’re going to attack them from both sides! Blossomfall thought enthusiastically. Like a team!
Slowly, Blossomfall crept around the right side of the nest, careful not to step on crunchy twigs and strange Twoleg debris. Finally, she came into view of the squirrels. They were still chattering and picking at the ground, unaware of the two warriors creeping up on them. Blossomfall spotted Dovewing across from her, the she-cat
was ducking behind a splintered log. The warrior was bent low, so close to the ground that her belly fur brushed it. Dovewing’s eyes met her’s. She twitched her tail tip ever so slightly, now aware of Blossomfall’s presence. Blossomfall flicked her tail in response, energy fizzing through her pelt.
Dovewing beamed and then let out a hiss. She bounded foward and snatched one of the squirrels right off the ground. She clamped her jaws around its neck with a tiny crack. The other squirrel shrieked in alarm and headed for the tree, but the route was blocked by Dovewing. It turned and fled in the direction of Blossomfall’s waiting claws. She sprung, rolling the squirrel beneath her paws and nipping it’s neck swiftly. It fell limp, and she picked it up proudly.
Thought the hunt was over, Blossomfall felt a thrill run through her and she bounced on her paws like an overeager kit. Dovewing padded over her, the squirrel in her jaws slightly muffling her purr of amusement.
“I see yourf pleased wif our cathches?” Dovewing meowed, her mouth full of squirrel fur.
“Yes I am pleased wif it!” Blossomfall replied, her confidence boosted by their successful hunt.
Dovewing purred again, dropping her squirrel to the floor. Blossomfall did the same, nudging their catches together to be inspected. The squirrels were plump from eating well all greenleaf, their pelts smooth and well groomed. Even a squirrel can keep itself tidier than me, Blossomfall’s mind grumped, bitterly amused. Whatever, squirrels don’t have Dove-Bumblestripe to help them. She pushed the thought away. They were lucky to find such well-fed prey, soon it would be leaf-fall and pickings would start to get slim.
“Squirrelflight will be pleased!” Dovewing meowed, her eyes glowing warmly. “I bet she’s never seen a juicier squirrel than these two!” Blossomfall purred and nodded.
“We make quite the team. That leap you did was incredible! You scooped up that squirrel before it could even squeak!” Blossomfall complimented, blinking fondly at the gray she-cat. Oh, I hope I don’t sound too suck up-ish.
Dovewing shuffled her paws, looking bashful.
“Thanks Blossomfall, that means a lot. I really liked your catch too! That roll and nip move you did was really cool, you should show it to me sometime!” Dovewing mewed, raising her tail to rest it on Blossomfall’s shoulder.
Blossomfall felt herself grin and she nodded.
“I’d be happy to teach you.” Blossomfall meowed, ducking her head. Dovewing mrrowed and bumped Blossomfall’s shoulder with her muzzle again. Blossomfall felt a rush of fondness for the smoky gray cat, but she quickly regained her composure.
“I’d love that! Maybe in a few sunrises?” Dovewing asked peering at her hopefully. Blossomfall brightened and dipped her head.
“Sure, I’ll be prepared then.”
Dovewing’s chortled happily and turned to sniff at their prey again.
“Now let’s bury these squirrels and catch something else, ooo maybe a chaffinch! Or a jay! I told Jayfeather I’d bring him one.”
“A chaffinch?” Blossomfall pretended to not know what she meant.
“No, a jay, you feather-head!” Dovewing purred, playing along. She scraped a pawful of dirt and leaves over top their squirrels, and Blossomfall quickly followed suit.
“A jay for Jayfeather, how original.” Blossomfall meowed teasingly, wrinkling her nose.
“Birds and bird names are very cool!” Dovewing protested with a purr. “I am an unbiased source.” The smoky gray she-cat puffed out her chest and kinked her tail over her back.
Blossomfall rolled her eyes and sniffed.
“Yeah right!”
Dovewing purred as they finished burying their kills in the dirt. Blossomfall patted the top, making sure their catches were snug in the ground. Dovewing flicked her tail and Blossomfall followed. The pair continued their walk in comfortable silence.
Blossomfall gently rolled her two robins and mouse into the hole she had dug. Dovewing nudged her vole and blackbird into the ground as well.
“These are a good haul!” Blossomfall purred, pride warming her belly. Dovewing nodded in agreement. “Squirrelflight and the others will be impressed! Seven whole pieces of prey, and it’s just the two of us!” Dovewing’s tail twitched with excitement.
“No jay for Jayfeather though, oh the humanity!” Dovewing sighed dramatically. Blossomfall stifled a purr.
“You can just give him your squirrel! I bet he won’t be complaining when he’s eating that juicy bit!”
Dovewing grinned. “I guess your right! No one can resist a squirrel, not even Mr. I Hate Everything!”
Blossomfall watched her bounce on her paws, feeling warm despite the sunlight being blocked by the tree branches they were under. Who could resist that face?
They were sitting at the base of the Sky Oak, its wooden limbs looming over their heads like giant claws.
“Come on Dovewing, I said we would watch Bumblestripe’s demise from up here remember?”
“Oh yea!” Dovewing’s eyes shone with amusement.
Blossomfall turned towards the tree. She crouched and then gave a mighty leap. Landing with a thud on one of the low hanging branches she turned to look at Dovewing.
“Come on little legs!” Blossomfall teased with a wave of her tail.
Dovewing was watching, her eyes sparkling and own fluffy gray tail quivering. Blossomfall looked behind herself. Do I have a leaf on my face or something? Maybe she’s looking at me, a tiny hopeful voice in her brain purred. Do I look at her like that?
Before Blossomfall dwelled on the thought for too long, Dovewing jumped up the bark to stand next to her.
“Let’s go!” She whispered, whisking her tail away as she leapt to another branch above. Blossomfall scrambled to her paws and charged up after her.
They leapt from branch to branch, Dovewing’s leaps swift and graceful while Blossomfall’s paws thwacked painfully against the tree. Ow, OW OW. Blasted tree! Blossomfall felt very much like Jayfeather in temperament right now. Normally I’m fine at climbing trees, but... Blossomfall’s grumping trailed off as she glanced over at Dovewing. The she-cat was perched on a very large, sturdy branch a few bounds away. It wasn’t the highest branch, but it would provide a good vantage point to look out at the forest.
Blossomfall scratched at the bark again. I swear, how have I not ripped out all my claws by now? Dovewing must have heard her scuffling, because she looked down at Blossomfall with concern. The tortoiseshell felt her fury melt. She clambered up the last few branches and settled beside her companion, panting from all the effort. Dovewing’s gazed softened and she gently rested her tail on Blossomfall’s flank. Blossomfall was about to gasp a ‘thanks’, but Dovewing spoke first.
“I see you’ve gotten quite the workout out of this!” Dovewing trilled, her voice full of amusement. “I thought I was the little legs here!”
Blossomfall hissed but there was no malice in her tone. She crouched down on the wood beneath her, gasping for breath. After a heartbeat, she recovered and retorted.
“You might have little legs but your head is the size of a boulder!” Blossomfall wheezed, thumping her chest with a paw.
Dovewing giggled and leaned over to help prop her up. When Blossomfall was sitting upright again, Dovewing stepped back, satisfied.
“I don’t see what you mean, I am the perfect specimen!” Dovewing said in mock offense, curling her tail up like a squirrel’s.
“You sure are.”
Blossomfall’s heart stopped as she realized she had said the words out loud and not just in her head.
Dovewing turned to look at her, her eyes not longer playful but… something else.
Blossomfall felt like she was going to faint. Climbing up the tree felt like nothing compared to how much anger at herself she felt right now.
“I-Uhm I’m kidding haha!” Blossomfall meowed, trying to sound playful but deep down knew she knew Dovewing wouldn’t buy it.
Foxdung eating, toad-spawned ,mouse-hearted, rotten crow-food licking, slippery, fish-furred fool! Blossomfall swore nonsensically in her mind, trying to think of all the cuss words she knew. This wasn’t really helping, but it gave her something to think about other than this currently embarrassing encounter.
“Do you have something to say to me Blossomfall?” Dovewing asked, her eyes shining mysteriously.
Blossomfall’s mouth tried to say something in response but nothing came out.
Dovewing suddenly let out a long sigh. “Oh Blossomfall, really? Do I have to do this myself?”
Blossomfall’s belly flipped over as she tried to process Dovewing’s words.
“What are you talking about?” Blossomfall asked, desperately trying to keep the rising panic out of her voice. Have I upset her? the tortoiseshell wondered, all her hopes being crushed like dried up leaves.
Dovewing turned to her, her green gaze searching. She didn’t break eye contact as she stepped towards her. Blossomfall urged her paws to move out of the way, but she stayed frozen in place, as if her paws were a part of the branch itself. Dovewing stopped, her muzzle only a whisker away from Blossomfall’s own. Blossomfall’s mind was doing flips and somersaults as Blossomfall’s facade began to implode.
“Blossomfall, you know you don’t hide your facial expressions very well right?” Dovewing meowed, her voice cutting through Blossomfall’s terror like a razor sharp claw. Blossomfall’s mind went blank, completely silent, no panicky thoughts, no snappy inner monologue to be had. Without warning, it suddenly screeched to life again, Blossomfall’s head the equivalent of claws scraping on a boulder.
“I-Wh-What?” was all Blossomfall’s managed to hiss out, barely being able to string together two words.
Dovewing stared at her for a heart beat and then finally touched her nose to Blossomfall’s. Blossomfall was having some sort of system error, her mouth agape and her brain failing to recover.
“You want this. You want me.” Dovewing meowed finally, her eyes lighting up.
Blossomfall still hadn’t managed to slam her mouth shut, her trembling body didn’t seem to be responding to her frantic messages to turn tail and run.
“I want you too.” Dovewing’s gentle mew filled Blossomfall’s mind, seeming to clear it for a split second.
She does like you, she does want you, your were right, you were right, you were right! a voice in the back of her mind trilled, ringing in her head like a bell.
“Hey! Blossomfall! Stop freaking out, look at me.” Dovewing snapped suddenly. “Don’t get lost in your head. Come back to me.”
Blossomfall forced herself to look at Dovewing, the world seeming to blur around them.
Dovewing smiled, leaning into Blossomfall even more to place a paw on her shoulder. She put the other under Blossomfall’s chin to tip her head slightly. She was now sitting on her haunches, her small frame brushing Blossomfall’s bigger one.
Blossomfall wondered if it was possible to drop dead in shock. Every hair on Blossomfall’s pelt burned, very aware of Dovewing’s paws brushing her head and shoulder.
Say it back, say it! You want her don’t you?
Blossomfall growled at her own hesistance. You’ve been pining for the whole day and now you can’t even say three little words? Instead of answering herself, Blossomfall glanced to the side. She could just run away. She could slide down the trunk and rip out all her claws, and pick up their catches, and then run all the way back to camp. It wouldn’t take much to nudge Dovewing off and scramble down and out of here forever. She could even go back to sleep or go find Bumblestripe, or yell at her friends until she was blue, or find Rosepetal and explore that badger den and pretend like nothing ever happened. She could turn tail and run, away from Dovewing, away from her scrambled brain and inner turmoil. She would never have to face the intimacy she so craved but was also terrified of. It would be easy. But, then there would be no Dovewing. No Dovewing.
I want Dovewing.
That weird- no, sentimental thought was the thing that tipped Blossomfall’s brain over, finally making her open her maw to speak.
Blossomfall felt Dovewing stroke her shoulder. Blossomfall’s belly did a flip flop but she didn’t mind. If Dovewing wants me like I want her, I must be doing something right. I’m good enough.
“Hey.” Blossomfall murmured quietly. Dovewing looked worried.
“Are you alright?, You got trapped inside your mind aga-“
Dovewing’s mew was cut off as Blossomfall wrapped her paws around her shoulders, squeezing her tightly into a hug. Dovewing jerked in surprise for a second, but then she leaned into the embrace, her purrs ringing in Blossomfall’s ears.
“I love you.” Blossomfall meowed curtly, burying her face into Dovewing’s soft fur. Dovewing’s tail curled around her back, as she purred even louder.
“Who are you and what have you done with Blossomfall?” she teased.
Blossomfall mumbled something incoherent and moved her tail to twine it with Dovewing’s.
Dovewing rubbed her cheek against Blossomfall’s face with a mew.
“I love you too, you feather-head.” She murmured and Blossomfall felt warm, fuzzy feelings blossom (yeah I know!) in her chest.
Blossomfall purred, loud and strong, squeezing Dovewing- Dove, even tighter. Dovewing snorted and gently batted at her ears.
“If you keep crushing me there’s not gonna be a me left for you to crush in the future!”
Blossomfall chuffed and released her grip. She rubbed her head alongside Dovewing’s chin, relishing as she heard Dovewing purr once more.
This must be why my friends were dying as we left camp! They could tell how we felt about each other! Those idiots! Briarlight too! But she felt no real anger towards them, just warmth and slight amusement. I guess Squirrelflight could see it as well. And I here I thought she was half-dead! Those mouse-brains!
Blossomfall felt her face get warm as Dovewing licked her cheek, snapping her once again back to reality. Ok, gotta stop get lost in my head, Focus on her.
“Would you mind if I moved my nest permanently next to yours?” Dovewing meowed suddenly shy, even after confronting Blossomfall head on.
Blossomfall purred and nodded, brushing her muzzle against one of Dovewing’s fluffy ears.
“I’d be honored.”
Blossomfall snugly rested her head on top of Dovewing’s own soft gray one and the pair continued to twine their tails. They looked on, Bumblestripe forgotten, as the sun began to dip beneath the trees, turning the sky a tiny smidge of pink.
*explodes into one million pieces and dies* I hope you stayed until The end and if you did thank you I love you 😭💖 here’s a cookie I’m sorry you had to suffer though that/lh 🍪 anyways I hope u liked it!! I tried to characterize everyone in an enjoyable way and make it funny and a silly happy lovey dovey read!! Some guys might be ooc and the timeline might be weird and there’s probably a million other mistakes but i hope u liked it anyways bc I poured my heart into this thing 💔(ALSO WHEN BLOSSOMFALL SAYS INTIMACY SHE MEANS CLOSENESS LIKE A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP NOT THE OTHER THING OK THERES TWO DEFS OF THE WORD KWJKWW SHAKING CRYING)
I haven’t finished a fic in so long so it might read weird but yea woo I got my brainrot in a perceivable form </3
Would you read more stuff like this Idk, tell me what u think!! Specific comments on my stuff help fuel my motivation 💪 oki bye I am gonna sleep for a whole day HAHA just kidding why would I take a break why would I-
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need1etail · 3 years ago
Remember that AU where Squirrelflight leaves ThunderClan and brings home Moon, Squirrel, and Leaf? I wanted to come up with names for them so here you go. Since then, we got confirmation that Moon is actually a girl, but I just really like the idea of Moonlight having two toms, so Moon is a trans tom in this AU and his name would be Moonspeckle. He has partial heterochromia, his eyes are amber with blue spots, and he partially was named after those, but he's also sort of small and quiet so -speckle fit him.
Squirrel is Loud and dumb and always ready for a fight but she is probably one of the most caring cats you know when you get close to her. For this, she was named Squirrelflower. She doesn't love the name at first, but it was kind of in hopes that she'd. Calm down a bit. Still, when an enemy warrior hears the name "Squirrelflower", they aren't expecting the beating she's about to put them through.
Leaf is very curious and quiet, but when you get on his nerves he will snap at you. He takes no shit from anyone, though you wouldn't expect this from his meek appearance. Leaf's name would be Leafthorn, for his hidden sharp tongue, like a rose's thorns. A lot of their Clanmates joked that Squirrel and Leaf's should have been switched, "Bramblestar's getting a little old, huh? Mixed you two up!" but overtime they start to really like their names and their hidden talents.
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sp1resong · 2 years ago
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"But their victory had come at a cost, [...] for Rosepetal lay dead only a couple fox-lengths away, the rebel's blood staining the snow as red as her namesake."
flowers and thorns / no such thing as happy endings
(ft. Rosepetal and something that wears the face of Bramblestar).
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morningstar-warriors · 2 years ago
Adventure Three
Dustclover, Fern Clan's deputy has a nightmare in the darkforest. Darkstar's father and ex Fern Clan leader Bramblestar tries to get Dustclover to train with him, but to no avail...
Darkstar choses to split up into two patrols. Her, Applepaw, and a npc, Grapemoth, are going to travel to Boulder Clan. While Dustclover, Buttermoss, and Grizzlebark will go to Ash Clan. The attempt is to gain allyship from the both of them. 
Darkstar speaks with Redstar, who reveals he had no idea Rain Clan was committing so many heinous acts. They appear to be playing friendly with Boulder Clan despite attacking Fern and Ash Clan. He respectfully declines the offer to fight, wishing to remain out of the conflict. Applepaw meanwhile speaks with the Bolder Clan medicine cat, Moonflower. He asks about twoleg territory, which she informs him there is an abandoned twoleg house out in Burnt Trees. Redstar allows Darkstar and her cats to investigate the area with two Bolder Clan cats. They notice these cats are afraid of the building, claiming something lurks within there… 
Upon entry, the cats find the house completely abandoned, with no signs of life. Applepaw decides to go into the abandoned bedroom, and connect with Star Clan. Meanwhile, Darkstar attempts to scale the cabinets, and runs into a scrape with a few gross rats. Applepaw steps out of his own body, and sees a strange, ghostly white figure. It guides him atop the ceiling, and shows him to a strange old cat covered in cobwebs, who quietly watches Darkstar from the shadows. Applepaw recognizes her as Ripplefoot, Fern Clan’s ex-seer who was presumed dead. Shocked, he tries to get her attention, shifting through her. Ripplefoot stops, and is spotted by Darkstar. 
The two convince her to come back to Fern Clan, and that Grizzlebark needs her guidance. She feels shame, saying she should be dead and due to her failure to pass away she is preventing Grizzlebark from achieving his full power. She agrees to return to Fern Clan to aid, but on one condition, Applepaw must aid her in her passing. 
The trio encounter a badger attacking Ash Clan’s medicine cat, Ratfur. They rip apart the badger, and he is eager to guide them to Ash Clan, seeing as they are friend and not foe. They meet Crowstar, who is shocked to see Fern Clan wants to join forces after Darkstar’s call-out at the gathering. He accepts, and due to their numbers being small, offers old secrets instead. The gang now know how to make thorn armor, and bone armor. 
Grizzlebark asks about twolegs, to which Crowstar informs them of The Barn on the outskirts of their territory. He sends an Ash Clan patrol with them to investigate. Upon their entry, they are spoken to by an echoing taunting voice which challenges them to dip their claws in the fire, and how foolish clan cats are. Dustclover locates the odd voice, finding a rogue tom speaking into a drain pipe to boost his voice. He immediately tries to scramble upon being found out, but is quickly foiled by the far stronger cats. 
They find a cauldron filled with red-hot boiling liquid. The stray, named Slick, challenges them to dip in their claws, Dustclover does so, and her claws are now dipped in gleaming silver. She regrets her decision immediately and advises everyone against it. Grizzlebark wonders if this was the fire from his vision. He looks closely, seeing the image of a cat with a torch set ablaze in its jaws. He is enamored with the cauldron and wishes to stay to further investigate. As time passes, Darkstar allows him the rest of the month (4 days) to mess with the cauldron until she orders it to be destroyed. Before leaving, she lets him know Ripplefoot is alive. He is shocked by this revelation. 
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Art by Flame.
Nothing comes of his studying, and he has Grunger, his spirit bear, put out the fire with water, and bury the cauldron by his Seer Tree.
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duck-era-lexi · 3 years ago
brambleclaw as a father ;0
Brambleclaw looked down to see a little gray kit tottering towards him. He had been discussing the latest news from patrols with Firestar. While the ground was empty of snow for now, it wouldn’t be long until the ground was thick with cold fluff.
“Hi!” Jaykit squeaked.
Brambleclaw exchanged a glance with Firestar, who flicked his ear to let him know he didn’t mind the interruption. 
“Hi, Jaykit!” Brambleclaw meowed, leaning down so he was more face-level with his son. “What are you doing outside of the nursery?”
“I wanted to see you!” Jaykit meowed happily, clapping his paws together. He padded closer to Brambleclaw and suddenly let out a high-pitched wail.
Brambleclaw froze. “Oh no, what is it?” he fretted, as the kit lifted up his paw in pain.
“There’s a thown in my paw,” Jaykit gasped. “It hurts! Help me, please!”
Brambleclaw peered at Jaykit’s paw, but couldn’t spot anything. “I’ll bring you to Leafpool.
He picked up Jaykit by the scruff but paused. I can’t just leave Firestar in the middle of our important conversation.
But the flame-colored tom was purring in amusement. “Make sure he’s okay,” Firestar meowed kindly. “We can pick this up later.”
“Stay steady, baby, I’ll have it out in a second,” Leafpool murmured, concentrating on Jaykit’s paw, which was barely bigger than an acorn. Brambleclaw held his breath as she gripped her jaws around the near-invisible thorn and pulled it out. “Got it!”
Jaykit was still teary eyed. “It hurts,” he complained.
“I’ll put a poultice on it to help. It will sting, but you’ll feel much better.” she scolded, but her voice was warm.
Brambleclaw sweeped his tail around his gray tabby son, pulling him close. Jaykit was so small, he had to reach to lift his paw over the bush of Brambleclaw’s tail. 
“Just a teeny bit,” Leafpool meowed, dabbing the tiniest bit of poultice on Jaykit’s paw. “And you’re all set. Remember to stay inside the nursery, though.”
Jaykit sniffed, turning up to stare at Brambleclaw. His gaze was so unflinching Brambleclaw forgot sometimes that he was blind. He rasped his tongue over Jaykit’s ears, soothing the tiny kit. Anything for you. 
inspired by this random throwaway passage from Bramblestar’s Storm
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malkumtend · 5 years ago
Crowfeather X Squirrelflight AU. (Belongs to @lonely-ghost-606)
Soooo after the angst ridden fireball that was “His Blood”, I couldn’t resist adding a follow up to it. So here we are, a direct sequel to that one shot (which I would highly recommend reading before this one).
So in case you’re unaware: this follows the AU of my friend @lonely-ghost-606​ where Crow and Squirrel fell in love during the great journey, only to separate after Squirrel couldn’t find the heart to leave Leafpool after she was injured in the badger attack. They met up once again and have seen each other for many nights since then. But now secrets have been revealed and blood has been spilled.
It’s time for Crowfeather to meet his kits, face to face.
He waited with his heart in his mouth. Windclan wouldn’t believe their eyes if they could see him so visibly worried, pacing back and forth, his fur on end; this wasn’t the reserved, silent cat that ran through Windclan, the one who didn’t look like he would even be able to spell the word ‘smile’.
But, then again, he had ran away like his life depended on it when Onestar announced what had happened at Thunderclan camp.
He knew that Nightcloud would understand. He knew she was scared as well.
She just wasn’t as...ugh...sensitive as he was about his mate’s safety.
He’d have to make an excuse up to Onestar later, but that was at the back of his mind for now. All that he could feel now was just the unknown fear and horror that surrounded Thunderclan’s cats. 
Then again, it wasn’t so much Thunderclan he was worried about. Only four cats.
The air around the border was cold and dark, only rippling on the hazing fear crawling across Crowfeather’s back. Inside his mind, burning, scorching destruction exploded, screaming possibilities that made his stomach churn and rise. He screwed his eyes shut, hissing to rake the images away, but they only rasped and boiled harder in the darkness.
He let out a low groan. He hadn’t felt this for moons, this fear and grief that he still didn’t entirely know was warranted, it had been on the first night he’d retraced his steps to this border that he’d had to suffer from that. But after, when hope and passion that he’d been stark off since he was young was finally returned to him, it all felt worth it.
But now, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever feel that again if what he feared came to spite him as true.
It wasn’t just that the one cat that he had ever been blessed to love could be dead. But, his children too. The children whose lives he’d been denied. The children where his sole moments of pride came from hearing about their growth from the mother able to share the lives that he had never seen.
Maybe would never see.
Again, Crowfeather wracked with soul crushing fear. His eyes searched through the darkness, along the unmarked tree trunks, and the thorns that mockingly lined the whispering mist. Anything for a sign. 
He wished he had the courage to race to Thunderclan camp and see for himself, confirm that he was truly terrified for no reason. But two things held him back: The knowledge that if he attempted it, he would only brew a maelstrom of anger and suspicion that could ruin so many lives. And the unimaginable dread that he could be right, and that so much of the quaint allowance of what he held precious could be gone.
Crowfeather didn’t have the heart for either.
He could only wait. It was one of their nights. And it was a night he hoped wouldn’t change everything he had longed for.
He had traced the line of the border so many times, and he would continue to do so until the sun rose if he needed to. He ignored the rain that rattled his fur and made him shiver under his light coat. In fact, he welcomed it. If the rain had put out the fire that he had heard was ravaging Thunderclan camp, he could maybe feel just a little easier. What a luxury. 
They had to be okay. He repeated that over and over again. They had to be. Thunderclan was many things, but their cats were well prepared. They must have found a safe area by now. And he knew she would never rest if she knew her, their, kits were in danger.
It felt strange for him to rely on such optimism. But she’d always had that effect on him. 
Almost as if rewarding his newfound hope, a new scent drifted along his whiskers. A scent he recognised.
His heart leapt, his eyes widening with astonishing reprieve. He actually smiled, true and bright, as he turned to where he knew she was approaching from. His mouth, wired by a mind too delirious with elation and affection he was too often denied, began to move before he could fathom what he was saying.
The glint of her emerald eyes made him blissfully hysterical.
“Thank Starclan, you’re okay! I was so worried! After Onestar told Windclan about the fire, I couldn’t just-”
More eyes blinked and burned in the shadows.
More scents lingered over his senses.
Crowfeather’s smile left him, bringing back the harsh line associated with himself.
She was at the front, not showing a twitch of the happiness that was meant to fill these nights. Her head was low, her tail dragged along the floor. Behind her, four sullen faces followed.
Crowfeather’s heart sank. He recognised them all.
One belonged to a tom that Crowfeather knew from his youth. A massive brown tom that looked so much smaller now than he size augmented. He also carried responsibilities Crowfeather felt he deserved more than any Windclan cat. 
Deputy and parent. Even though he wasn’t truly the latter.
Three he only saw on the rarest of occasions. He had never spoken to them, yet they were linked to him in ways that only the disapproving eyes of Starclan could see.
One as black as night, kept close to Bramblestar, unmissable hostility flashing in bright green eyes that were clearly reminiscent of her mother. Crowfeather gawked at how much she looked like him, from the wide shape of her ears to the short spikes of fur along her back.
Beside her, a light grey cat shimmered blue under the cool moonlight. His blue gaze sparkled, but was blankly angry, staring ahead but not seeing anything. He stood on refined legs and his body was sleek and streaming. Unmistakably Windclan by all accounts. If only he knew that.
And just behind Squirrelflight, a huge golden tom looked warily ahead at Crowfeather, his amber eyes glowing dimly, trembling. The thickness of his coat was clearly inherited from his mother, but now it looked flat and still, making him look so much weaker than he was.
Hollyleaf. Jayfeather. Lionblaze. 
Three cats. His kits. The cats he’d wanted to meet for so long.
From how they were looking at him, it seemed Crowfeather should have been careful what he wished for. 
His pelt prickled uncertainly, stiffening as he began to take in Squirrelflight's expression. He hated seeing her anything other than happy; now, she looked utterly heartbroken, for the both of them.
She dragged her gaze up to him, something revealing glinting inside them. The look of prey that had been caught. Crowfeather's head began to whirl.
They knew. All of them, even Brambleclaw...
Squirrelflight caught his realisation with a slow, dreading nod. She'd clearly been crying. She stopped a whisker away from him and Crowfeather could now see the raw emotions all around her.
For the first time, he could call himself their father and be recognised as it.
It suddenly felt like even the stars were burning their silver eyes on them.
"So this is the cat," Crowfeather broke away, turning to the icy voice that belonged to his daughter. She looked up and down slowly, seeming to grow more disgusted as she did so. "Doesn't look like much."
There was such bitterness in those few words that Crowfeather couldn't help but grimace.
"Hollyleaf." Lionblaze frowned, exhaustion draining the anger from his voice.
"What?" She demanded, lashing her tail.
"We're not here to start a fight." Jayfeather mewed, though his voice still carried a miserly unease. Lionblaze nodded, pointing his sister with a glare.
"I'm not the one who started it!" Hollyleaf growled, sending a much more venomous glare to her true parents.
Crowfeather couldn’t stop a snarl becoming caught in his throat as he saw Squirrelflight flinch, hiding her eyes from the hate their daughter was forcing on her. He sucked it back though, he needed to keep calm. So he just sat down, his tail waving patiently.
“It’s nice to finally meet you all.” He said, hoping it sounded as genuine as he meant it to, but the eeriness of the atmosphere was rendering him toneless. “Your mother told me so much about you.”
“Of course she did.” Hollyleaf grumbled, turning away as Brambleclaw whipped her back with his tail.
The brown deputy padded ahead, his amber eyes unreadable. “I assume you heard about the fire.”
“Yes.” Crowfeather nodded, still uneasy about his former friend. Last he’d heard, Brambleclaw was under the impression that the three were his, that thought still made Crowfeather’s stomach curl a little, so the fact he looked so... empty right now was extremely disconcerting. Unwittingly, Crowfeather felt his spine tense in case Brambleclaw had any ulterior motives here.
But as long as Squirrelflight was by his side, he didn’t think he had much to worry about.
“I’m glad to see you’re all okay.” Crowfeather mewed genuinely, using his tail to press gently against Squirrelflight’s pelt. “Were there any losses?”
At that, every cat suddenly turned grave; an unknown darkness louring over the Thunderclan pack.
“One.” Brambleclaw said, hollow, unnerved. “That’s really why we’re here.”
“Apart from the obvious reason.” Jayfeather snapped in with a mood that Crowfeather recognised greatly. Brambleclaw silenced him with a harsh look, then he sighed and began to speak. Explain.
Fire. Secrets. Threats. Death. Anger.
So much anger.
All the while, Crowfeather’s face darkened and his tail curled more and more protectively around his mate as he sensed the tears coming back into her eyes.
By the end, he felt so much. Anguish for his love. Fear and relief for his kits. Twisted appreciation for Brambleclaw. Unbelievable hatred for this Ashfur character! 
He’d wanted them to someday find out that he was their real father. But not like that! Not as if it meant that there lives would be lost because of it! A stupid guilt coiled into Crowfeather, a wish that he could have been there, that he could have been the one to protect them.
He was jealous. Jealous that Brambleclaw had the opportunity to act like the father he never had been.
But still, even though it stung him to be, he had to be grateful to the brown tom.
He had saved his kits. He had saved his mate. And he had kept their secret.
“How long have you known?” Crowfeather sighed.
Brambleclaw hissed softly through clenched teeth, his eyes were screwed shut like it hurt to think. “Since the night you found out they were yours as well.”
That long? Fox-dung. Crowfeather couldn’t help but be shocked. He looked up with real questioning; Brambleclaw knew that Crowfeather hated being the one in the dark. “Why?”
The Thunderclan deputy heaved his impressive figure with the indication that he weighed as heavy as a mountain. His eyes darted to the three cats beside him, all silent and tortured with thought, the he looked back at Crowfeather. Levelly, but challenging. “I didn’t want to lose them.”
Ah. That was right. They were still his to lose. Crowfeather wanted to feel sympathetic to the tom that had clearly loved these kits with all his very being. But he didn’t have the power or graciousness to do so. 
He only scowled at the ground, sour resentment making his tail lash. Feeling the familiar unfairness that he was and was not the father of these kits. The cruelness of reality and consequence biting him with the sting of loss that twisted him every day.
A sharp grunt came from Jayfeather. “You’re not the one who deserves to be upset! We’re the ones who’ve been lied to the most!”
Crowfeather’s gaze drew back up, his mouth opening. How had he..?
He felt Squirrelflight quiver, her face met her son’s desperately, stark with pain. “Jayfeather please, it’s not his fault! He never even knew you were his until you were apprentices!”
“He didn’t try to say anything after though!” Jayfeather snapped back.
“And we’re not his!” Hollyleaf cried, looking furious at the very thought. She took a deliberate step towards Brambleclaw, her tail lashing with satisfaction at the wounded look that crept across Crowfeather’s face. “He didn’t raise us. He may be the one that Squirrelflight made the mistake to betray her clan for, but he is not my father!”
She spoke with amazing clarity. Toxic assurance. Crowfeather tried to hide the way it made his heart ache. This was the first time he was meeting his only daughter, and she spoke to him like he was a rogue.
Worse still, he had enough sense to understand her. Why should she see him as her father when he was never there? He may not have known about them when they were kits, but he’d never made the effort once he had found out.
But how could he? How could he let his kits know that they went against the Warrior Code just by existing? He felt a spiting anger for the stars. It wasn’t fair. All he and Squirreflight had done was be in love, and the kits they’d had had grown into Warriors that Crowfeather would be proud of no matter what they did.
Squirrelflight had told him about the strength of Lionblaze, about the loyalty of Hollyleaf, about the skill of Jayfeather, his medicine cat son. Of course Crowfeather had a right to be proud! He couldn’t take away the pride of their clan by telling them that it was him that was their father instead of the strong Deputy.
At his side, Squirrelflight stiffened, fixing her daughter with a firm stare despite the tears running down her cheeks. “I have made many mistakes in my life, Hollyleaf. But being with Crowfeather is not one of them!” She moved closer to him, her ginger fur mixing with his grey. Crowfeather’s felt something swell inside him. “Being with him made me happy and it gave me you three, that will never be something that I regret.” There was an edge to her voice that Crowfeather only heard in rare times. Most of them had come in their earliest days, when they had hated each other before finding out how much they truly liked the other.
Hollyleaf’s face coiled with astonishment, then filling back with the bitterness and anger. “Don’t talk about us like you cared! If you did you would have revealed this long ago.”
“That is a mistake I made.” Squirrelflight nodded, her voice still firmer than before, but laced with sadness. “I should have told you myself but I was worried about how it would affect you.” Her green eyes slowly found Brambleclaw. “How it would affect all of you.”
Brambleclaw bristled with something unknown, turning away.
“How it would affect us?” Hollyleaf laughed with resentment. “We go against Starclan, because of you two!” She glared at Crowfeather now. “How could you do this to your clan? Why in Silverpelt would you do this?”
Anger began to twitch across Crowfeather’s whiskers again. Her words sounded so much like the doubts that had kept him unhappy for so long. “Do what? Fall in love? It’s not really something I had a choice in you know!”
“But why her?” She whirled on Squirrelflight, her anger now sounding much more pleading. “Why him?”
Crowfeather’s eyes narrowed. His tail joined with Squirrelflight’s. “She made me happy.” They wouldn’t accept that, Crowfeather knew, They couldn’t possibly understand how much that meant to Crowfeather. Hazily, Squirrelflight nodded to join Crowfeather’s answer.
Hollyleaf made a deep sound in her throat that seemed to be in-between a growl and a sob. “Why couldn’t you be happy and normal as well?”
Every cat cringed at her words. Crowfeather did it out of true, remarkable hurt. 
Normal. Was that what she thought he went against? Or was it what she thought she went against now she knew she was his?
Was that what he did to her in the few hours he was her parent?
Crowfeather knew that he shouldn’t, but he felt truly distraught at that prospect.
Squirrelflight looked dismayed as well. But it was clearly not something Hollyleaf hadn’t said to her before.
“Were you happy?”
They all looked Lionblaze’s way. Crowfeather just now realised how quiet the cat had been. His amber eyes were low and stinging with something, but at least he was actually looking at Crowfeather without complete hate. 
“What do you mean?”
Lionblaze looked to the side, fighting to keep a straight face. “Were you happy when you found out we were yours?”
Hollyleaf’s pelt prickled. “What in Starclan does that mat-”
“I wasn’t asking you!” Lionblaze snapped, there was such strength in the way he shouted, a fire igniting in his glare, that even Crowfeather flinched. Hollyleaf, true to form, snarled but she said no more. The golden cat huffed, turning back to Crowfeather. “Well?”
Had Crowfeather been happy?
“No. Because that meant that I’d never been there to see my own kits grow.” Crowfeather hoped he was exulting just how painful that was. Lionblaze’s face softened. “It meant that I’d missed the most important moments of your lives.” 
When he saw Squirrelflight sink down, guilt tainting her beautiful face, he purred against her to show that he never blamed her actions. “But when your mother told me about you three, that made me a little happier to know what amazing cats you’d all become.”
Crowfeather didn’t notice Jayfeather feeling everything off of him. Feeeling the truth. He didn’t see the young cat’s anger slowly fading as he saw all the moments his parents had shared, the genuine love they held for each other, and for their kits.
“She talked about us?” Lionblaze asked.
Crowfeather smiled, pressing his nose against her neck making her stifle a laugh. He ignored Brambleclaw looking away with a sigh. “Every time.”
Lionblaze glanced at Squirrelflight, and she shrugged with a small, sad smile. The golden tom scuffed the ground with his paw. “W-What did she say?”
Crowfeather actually found the effort to laugh slightly. “How long have you got?”
Jayfeather’s hard line across his mouth broadened, but his eyes were gentler. “Long enough.”
Crowfeather spoke about all he could, all the pleasant memories that Squirrelflight had felt and experienced and shared with him. Their first kills, Jayfeather’s experiences in the medicine den, their warriors ceremonies, all the Thunderclan cats who spoke so well of them. Then eventually Crowfeather was able to mention pride that he himself had experienced.
Lionblaze blushed when he was told that Heathertail had spoken so well of him.
Jayfeather softened when Crowfeather spoke of how Kestrelflight was amazed by the things the blind cat could do.
Hollyleaf didn’t react when she found out that many Windclan cats had admitted she was one of the forest’s strongest warriors.
For a while, the atmosphere seemed relaxed. Not enough to seem like they were truly a father and his kits talking, but well enough to match what Crowfeather had imagined this moment of meeting would be like.
Crowfeather felt something warm as Lionblaze began to loosen, the tuft of fur around his neck puffing a little as he looked back at Squirrelflight. Perhaps he was able to hear the clear joy that Squirrelflight felt when she’d told Crowfeather about them. Perhaps he could feel the yearning in Crowfeather’s voice and the true pride he radiated when he thought of them.
“Th-That’s a lot.” Lionblaze admitted when Crowfeather was finally finished. The large cat looked amusingly small when he was so quiet.
Squirrelflight let out a tender laugh. “There was a lot to tell.”
For a second, it seemed that Lionblaze was about to smile. But a wilt came over him as he looked to the ground. “But no to us.”
Crowfeather and Squirrelflight both felt his betrayal. They lowered their eyes.
“Why? Couldn’t you have at least mentioned it?”
“We couldn’t.” Crowfeather said coolly. He nudged for Squirrelflight to be quiet when he was sure she was going to take sole blame again. He wasn’t going to let that happen. They’d take this together. “We didn’t want to tell you in case certain cats found out.” He took a brief look at Brambleclaw that made the brown tom clench. “We didn’t expect they’d react well.”
“But what about us?” Lionblaze pleaded, his tone becoming firmer. 
Squirrelflight stepped forward, pressing her head against her eldest’s. Crowfeather was relieved that he didn’t pull away. “I didn’t want to take away the pride that Thunderclan gave you. You were all so happy to be accepted by the clan, I didn’t think it would do any good to tell you the truth.” Again, she looked gently to Brambleclaw. “And I didn’t want to hurt you.”
Brambleclaw lashed his tail in clear skepticism.
“Brambleclaw, I am sorry for what happened.” Squirrelfight padded over to her friend and Crowfeather swallowed down his stupid jealousy. He didn’t want to admit it, but Brambleclaw deserved credit. “I could never say anything against how you raised them. You have always been a wonderful father to them, and nothing could take that away.”
“It doesn’t change what happened though.” Brambleclaw said bitterly, but there was true hurt shaking in his eyes.
Squirrelflight nodded gravely, her ears folding back. “I know. Not telling you in the first place has always been one of my biggest regrets.” Brambleclaw didn’t respond, but it was clear that it wasn’t anger surrounding the cat, but deep pain. “And now that I know that you actually kept quiet even though I never told you, I’m beginning to see just how right I was to choose you to raise them.”
Crowfeather smiled even though every word she said sounded like a whip against his skin. But he suspected the truth did hurt like this. How could he argue? He’d spoken about how proud he was of the cats his kits had become. Brambleclaw had been an amazing parent to them. Neither he nor Squirrelflight could ever deny him that.
He just wished he had been given the chance to prove himself to them.
The deputy didn’t move a muscle, but it was clear that there was no more real anger surrounding him. Just pain. Pain that he knew these kits would never really be his own. A pain that Crowfeather felt as well. It was a paradox they shared, a tragedy they couldn’t escape. They had to deal with the fate that life had bestowed on them.
A piercing yowl broke the silence, making every cat draw away at the cold fury in its wake. Hollyleaf began to step back, shaking her head. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing.”
Squirrelflight began to tremble again, she took a step towards her daughter. “Hollyleaf-”
“So what?” The black molly shrieked, halting her mother in her terrified tracks. “What does it matter how you feel?” She glared back at Crowfeather, “Why should I care that you know so much about me? You’re not my father! Just some mongrel who was stupid enough to fall for this traitor!”   
Crowfeather didn’t reply. He was frightened it would reveal just how much her words hurt him.
Lionblaze frowned, clenching his teeth as he took a forceful pad towards Hollyleaf. “Would you calm down?”
Jayfeather braced himself.
“Don’t you tell me to calm down, you mouse-brain!” Hollyleaf yowled. A wind began to rush through the forest, making the rain sting as it hit the cat’s faces. “Have you gone mad? How can you sit there and act like this is okay?”
“I never said that-”
“Why should we sit here and listen to what these two talked about?” Hollyleaf didn’t let up, if anything her voice became louder. Her eyes blazed with green fire. “They’re nothing but a couple of selfish fox-hearts who betrayed everything we live by! They don’t deserve a second of our time!”
Squirrelflight’s eyes filled again with wet tears. Crowfeather frowned, his neck fur rising. “Hollyleaf, please listen-”
“No! You can shut up!” Hollyleaf advanced, swiping the air with unsheathed claws. They clearly weren’t meant to hit her, but Squirrelflight still jumped back like she’d been struck. She already looked like she was bleeding!
That was it! Crowfeather leapt over to the Thunderclan side of the border, placing himself between his mate and his daughter. He glared, knowing he wouldn’t dare hurt her, but promising he wouldn’t let her hurt Squirrelflight. Hollyleaf hissed at him meancingly.
“Enough of this. Whatever you think, your mother has only ever had your well-being in mind! She would never want to hurt you, surely you know that!”
“What would you know? You’ve never been there!”
Crowfeather’s lip curled, “I was there long before you were. I know your mother and she was only ever thinking of the best for you!”
Hollyleaf stiffened, turning away with a bitter growl and a swift swipe of her tail. “Then she never knew the best for us! If she did, she never would have seen you in the first place!”
Crowfeather growled deep in his throat, his tongue ready to strike again. Then he felt a light push on his side, Squirrelflight forcing herself ahead of him. “Crowfeather, calm down.” The urgency was back in his voice, a bite.
The Winclan tom stiffened with upset. Squirrelflight noticed this, sighing, and rubbing her tail along his pelt. She spoke up again, gentle and loving, “Please.”
A snarl of utter loathing forced them to look ahead. Hollyleaf’s fur was spiked with revulsion, she cast them another snapping glower. “I don’t have to see this! This was a waste of time!” She began to storm away.
Squirrelflight braced, her fur rising in despaired alarm. “Hollyleaf, please!”
“No!” Hollyleaf didn’t even look back.
The ginger molly began to tremble, tears spilling out of her eyes as she watched the icy back of her daughter slink away into the darkness. “Please just understand,” Squirrelflight cried, her voice rising in one last desperate mewl. “I did everything I did because I loved you, I still do and I always will!”
Hollyleaf looked back, green eyes fiery in the ebony shadow of the trees, but she didn’t stop leaving the cats. “If that’s what your love means, then I don’t want it!” She snapped her head away screaming into the trees. “That stray will never be my father!”
Squirrelflight let out a broken sob, stepping back as she felt the rejection course all over her. Crowfeather felt it too, burning his skin. There was no room for forgiveness in the ferocity of his daughter. She hated him, and Crowfeather knew she meant it with every strand of her fur.
Crowfeather’s throat was dry and he felt he had no words left. Not for this. A haze of consequence and blame sank around him, and he didn’t know if it would ever be lifted.
He’d been so happy to know he had a daughter. Now he wondered if he truly did, or ever would.
He knew that she never wanted him to be her father.
Movement twitched in the corner of Crowfeather’s eye and he saw Brambleclaw begin to follow Hollyleaf’s steps. “Where are you going?” Lionblaze questioned, his voice numbed by his sister’s reaction.
Brambleclaw stopped, looking back at the golden tom with a connection so deep that Crowfeather suddenly knew he could never match it. “I’ll talk to her about this. I’ll try to help her understand everything.” His voice lowered with a gentle tragedy. “Hopefully she’ll calm down if it’s me.”
Crowfeather bit his lip, focusing on the question on his mind. “Why?” Why would he want to help them? After all this. Why would he want to help the cat he once saw as his own realise she was another’s?
Brambleclaw’s muzzle contracted back, “I’m not doing it for you!” He snapped, bitterness on his fangs. “No matter what you say, I will always see them as mine!” He promised, staring right into Crowfeather’s glare. The grey tom didn’t hold back despite his knowledge that Brambleclaw could send him down with one paw. They both met each other with the strong mutual dislike.
Then Brambleclaw shifted his gaze to look at Squirrelflight. He mellowed. The ginger cat looked at her ‘mate’ with vulnerable wonder. “But, no matter what, they’ll always be hers as well.” He looked vulnerable too, breathing heavily, glancing back and forth between the cat he still loved and the cat he realised she loved instead. “She’s their mother, and I don’t want her, or any of you, to forget that.” He meowed, casting his once believed sons a desperate glance. A fatal resolution, perhaps his last request as a father.
“I’m not saying that what she did was the right thing.” Brambleclaw dipped his head with a small moan, it sounded like something that the cat should never make. “But I don’t believe for a second that she did anything that wasn’t out of love for you. You know she isn’t that kind of cat.”
When Squirrelflight found Brambleclaw’s gaze again, it was the most loving she had ever looked at him. Grateful, but aching.
The two young toms kept the deputy’s eyes a moment longer. Jayfeather looked away with a curled lip and Lionblaze stared painfully at the cat that was once his father.
Brambleclaw grit his teeth like a blizzard was stinging every atom in his bones, “She will always be your mother, and she will always love you.” Something seemed to bite his mind as his ears flicked back, “Please, don’t waste that.” He twisted to meet Squirrelflight, but his eyes were devoid of anything but emptiness. 
The ginger cat stood still, but the way she looked at him might as well have been her purring against him. “Thank you, Brambleclaw.”
“I don’t want you to thank me.” Brambleclaw said stonily, “Just make sure that these young cats do not get hurt in the future.”
Fire erupted in the Thunderclan molly’s eyes, “I never would.”
“I believe you.” If there was anything else he wanted to say, he didn’t say it, he stalked away, fading away as he went back to Thunderclan camp. Crowfeather almost felt guilty when he felt a twitch of relief that the cat was gone. He owed a debt to the cat, whether they wanted it or not.
“I’m going to make my way back as well.”
Those words might as well have been a kick to Crowfeather’s gut. 
Jayfeather stood still on his paws, glazed eyes unseeing but obvious with thought. His tail swung lazily from side to side, contemplating, but Crowfeather only felt the bite of dismissal again. Was he expected to take this from two of his kits before he could see them truly for a second time? The stars were truly cruel to him.
“Don’t be such a sad lump of fur. I’m not Hollyleaf!” Jayfeather snapped, this time straight at Crowfeather.
The Winclan cat looked up again, Jayfeather stared at him with an expression changing almost as quickly as Crowfeather’s emotions. Again, how did this cat seem to know so much?
His son’s grey fur laid flat and unnerved on his back, a soft sigh escaping him. “Don’t let your mind slip, I’m still angry with you both!” He clarified, his tail swiping the air like an unsheathed paw. “Neither of you had any right to lie to us for this long.”
Crowfeather groaned, “We weren’t trying to-”
“I don’t care. I’m still right.” There was such a short temperament yet a fiery certainty in his voice that Crowfeather couldn’t help but feel the slightest pride that his son had clearly taken after him.
Even if it was some of his worst qualities.
Jayfeather let his anger set, then it began to cool, his tail curling down on the floor. “But, I don’t hate you. I barely even know you after all.” 
It was hard to tell if that was a joke or a jab, so Crowfeather didn’t react.
Actually that wasn’t true. Crowfeather felt the smallest appreciation and vindication. He didn’t hate him. Why did that mean so much when it could hardly be considered a compliment? It was complicated and confusing. Of course it was. That was all Crowfeather’s life seemed to be.
So he did what he always did now. He accepted it. It was all he could do. These were all the product of his own choices and he had to take them in his stride.
“I’ll go back with you as well.” Lionblaze mewed, stepping beside his brother. Seeming to feel the dread creeping back into his parents, Lionblaze swiftly gave them a pointed look, his tail rising.
“I don’t hate you either!” He said quickly, a sheepish glow rising on his whiskers. “I-I think I understand why did what you did.”
Crowfeather knew he didn’t really. But it was enough when he saw the answer made Squirrelflight’s misery begin to construct into something wonderful again. A bloom rippling on her tear stained cheeks.
Then Crowfeather felt his stomach sink when Lionblaze’s gaze dropped again, now conflicted and strangely... guilty? “But I-I don’t want to lie to you.” The golden tom stepped towards Crowfeather, already a whisker above his father’s height, and the Winclan tom lowered a little more when he saw the lack of recognition, the frailty of true acceptance.
“I-I’m sorry but, Brambleclaw will always be my father. He’s the one who raised me.”
There it was. Now Crowfeather really began to feel it. Lionblaze’s words pounded in his ears, a torture that the cat clearly didn’t want to submit the older cat to. Be he was. Renunciation seared around Crowfeather, branding him with the reality that it was truly too late for that kind of relationship to blossom.
It was the same for Jayfeather as well as Crowfeather saw him nod slowly.
It burned like the stars above. The truth that Crowfeather suspected but had tried to avoid; why had he expected anything different? He had never been there. Be it his fault or not, it was a fact. Why should they reject Brambleclaw for a father that they would never really see?
He wanted to lash out, he wanted to blame them, but he couldn’t. Once again, it was a consequence of the life he’d taken. No one was to blame.
He just had to keep his head down, bite his lip, and take it. 
He felt Squirrelflight curl against his side, and hoped that would make it a little easier.
“I do want to see you again though.”
The burning stopped, if just a little. Crowfeather let true shock come over him as he found his son’s gaze again. The golden tom stood tall, lacking any resemblance of recognition, but still luminous with something else. Kindness? Pity? Forgiveness? Whatever it was, it made Crowfeather bask in something he, for once, knew was good.
“If that’s alright with you? Could we be able to speak again?” There wasn’t anything demanding in his voice, just hope. True interest. Friendliness. Lionblaze looked on patiently, eager, trusting.
Why was it this... this that made Crowfeather’s throat hurt instead of Hollyleaf’s hostile rejection?
Crowfeather took it in, the dismissal and the yearning. The opportunity he was still mercifully granted. His stomach felt like it had the day he had received his Warrior name, or the day he found out the cat he held so closely wanted the same things he did.
And now, his son wanted something from him, not what Crowfeather really wanted, but how could Crowfeather deny the rare hopes he was gifted.
“I’d like that.” Crowfeather said raggedly.
Lionblaze smiled. A real smile. Actual happiness. It was swarming. It only grew as Lionblaze slowly padded to his mother and didn’t hesitate to press his forehead against hers. “No matter what,” He purred, “You will always be my mother.”
It was contact that Crowfeather knew he’d never receive, but his heart still soared when the blazing, flaring relief twisted Squirrelflight’s face and made her cry. She rubbed her muzzle beside her son’s, afraid to break away as if it could mean she would come so close to losing him again.
But it was clear now. She would never lose Lionblaze. That was something.
Once Lionblaze had stepped back, still beaming with love, Jayfeather took the brief moment to press his forehead against his mother’s. Her shock was minimal compared to the cats around her. “There’s a lot we still need to talk about.” Jayfeather tried to sound hard, but the quaver was unmissable. His tail wrapped around her. “But... I’ll try if you will.”
Squirrelflight held her son close, crying still, promising she would.
Crowfeather would try as well, whatever chances he was given. Jayfeather didn’t say a word to him, which made Crowfeather’s pelt feel cold, but he accepted the small nod his son cast in his direction.
It was hard to tell what the nod held, but Crowfeather needed to be hopeful. It was all he had left.
“We’ll see you back at camp, okay.” Lionblaze mewed to his mother. He spoke gently, like he was still grasping onto her with his forepaws. 
She nodded, shining.
Lionblaze nudged Jayfeather to his side, then he sent one more look Crowfeather’s way. “See you later.” It wasn’t curt or unfaithful, it was a promise.
Crowfeather promised back, he swore on Deadfoot’s memory that he would never let go of the little he had. He never took his eyes away as his sons padded softly back to the clan they’d been raised in. Their true home...
Crowfeather swallowed. They were trying. He had to as well, even from the shallow end of the river. He was their father, he had to be proud of whatever choices they made. Respect the Warriors he would have been proud to call his own.
He didn’t know if that was possible.
His attention turned back to his mate, she watched her sons walk off as well. She was wiping away the tears from her eyes with her tail. Crowfeather remembered another duty he still had. One that he had made his own. Purring deep in his throat, he bent down to lick Squirrelflight’s cheek. “That face never suited you.” He joked tenderly.
She let out a ragged laugh, sinking into his touch. Her smile was sparkling. “Oh, don’t you start with that. I’ve seen you cry like a kit too many times.”
“That’s different. You’re made of stronger stuff than me.” Crowfeather began running his tongue along her head.
“Oh am I?” She giggled.
“How else could you have raised such wonderful cats?”
She must have caught the twitching loss in his tone as she pressed against him, rubbing her muzzle against his neck. “It’s going to be alright. You should have seen how they were looking at me hours ago.” He felt her grow still, relishing in their rare embrace. “They’ll understand soon. Brambleclaw will help.”
“I know.” Crowfeather said, his voice hollowing, but he never moved away from her. He didn’t have the will to hate the deputy anymore. “That’s because they’re his.” It was painful yet fulfilling to say it out loud. Relieving to accept the truth.
“They’re yours as well.” Squirrelflight lulled.
“No. You were the only one of us that was there, Squirrel.” Crowfeather accepted, his head sank away to smile down at her. Proud to call himself her mate. “They’re yours more than any cat’s.”
Squirrelflight stared up at him, sadness tainting her again. 
Crowfeather did what he could to calm her. “But that’s fine.” He mewed, then he pressed his head against hers playfully, “Because I’m still yours right?” He teased, rubbing her fur with his own.
Squirrelflight began to laugh, though it did almost sound like crying, she pulled her head away, green eyes glinting lovingly up at the cat she had chosen. Then her lips met his. And Crowfeather remembered why he had chosen the life he had. Why he didn’t regret a moment?
She broke away, smiling. “You shouldn’t ask questions you know the answer to, it’s not polite.”
“Was that a lesson you taught them as well?”
It was moments like this where they could forget the harshness of what surrounded them. Because for these brief moments, everything that went against them seemed to fall into a perfect balance with the many things that held them together.
It was why they could accept what would come. Be it bad or good, the beginning had been worth it all.
So that was that. A nice little mix of angst and fluff, I believe. I enjoyed writing it, I hope you all enjoyed reading it.
Please send some much deserved praise to @lonely-ghost-606! They created the ideas for this AU, I just helped flesh them out!
Thanks for reading!
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