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mothmiso · 5 months ago
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Warm days with Rosa (2) (3) (4) by Bo Helsted
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ultralowoxygen · 2 years ago
bif_lbk_03 by Anders Hviid
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fakezucchini · 4 months ago
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Denmark vs Sweden? No, it’s Brøndby vs Nordsjælland!
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pressedirectdenmark · 1 year ago
Brøndby byder velkommen til et nyt kapitel i bilservice: Åbning af CPH Autocenter
Brøndby, Danmark: Brøndby har fået en ny tilføjelse til sit erhvervsliv med åbningen af CPH Autocenter, et topmoderne autoværksted, der er dedikeret til at levere førsteklasses bilservice. Beliggende på Kornmarksvej 26D, lover CPH Autocenter at sætte nye standarder for kvalitet og kundeservice i bilreparationsindustrien. CPH Autocenter tilbyder et bredt spektrum af bilvedligeholdelsestjenester…
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mikkelkjerri · 1 year ago
Brøndby byder velkommen til et nyt kapitel i bilservice: Åbning af CPH Autocenter
Brøndby, Danmark: Brøndby har fået en ny tilføjelse til sit erhvervsliv med åbningen af CPH Autocenter, et topmoderne autoværksted, der er dedikeret til at levere førsteklasses bilservice. Beliggende på Kornmarksvej 26D, lover CPH Autocenter at sætte nye standarder for kvalitet og kundeservice i bilreparationsindustrien. CPH Autocenter tilbyder et bredt spektrum af bilvedligeholdelsestjenester…
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christopherhellstern1 · 1 year ago
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Suburbs von Copenhagen im Frühling
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raphoupix · 8 months ago
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Patrick Pentz - Austria NT
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chelseafcwmemes · 9 months ago
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Cannot believe I sat in the ABSOLUTELY POURING (!!!) rain, getting completely DRENCHED for 3 hours just to see Brøndby throw it all away 🙃🙃🙃
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thekitmanuk · 12 days ago
Brøndby IF 2024-25 Hummel Third Kit
Football kit news from Denmark as the new Brøndby IF 2024-25 Hummel third kit has been released. Brøndby IF 2024-25 Third Shirt The new 2024-25 Brøndby third jersey is green with an all over intricate tonal graphic pattern. The trim on the collar and cuffs is coloured white as are the Hummel chevrons on the shoulders, the Hummel logo on the right breast and the Brøndby IF badge on the left…
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chanderton · 1 year ago
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Info: AIK – Brøndby IF (Träningsmatch AIK Fotboll Herr 2023) Av: Christopher Anderton
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dailyoverview · 2 months ago
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Brøndby Haveby is a residential community located just outside Copenhagen, Denmark. Houses with large front yards are centered around cul-de-sacs, providing urban dwellers the opportunity to live outside the city and grow small subsistence or hobby crops during the summer months.
55.637185°, 12.399623°
Source imagery: Maxar
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greaseonmymouth · 11 months ago
I decided to come back to this because something about that short moment on the S-train platform has been bugging me for months and I finally figured it out!! and also! it's proof that Carl lives somewhere on the western ends of either the A, B or E lines!
the background is a bit too blurry that one can be one hundred per cent certain which direction you're looking along the platform - I feel like it's towards the train station based on simple gut feeling because, well, I lived in Copenhagen ten years, I have lost count of how many times I've been through this station with the S-train. but the one thing that I think really cinches it is that the train pulls away from the camera POV and when Carl finally looks up and starts moving, he moves towards the camera. now that could just be a cinematic choice....however:
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there is no good reason for Carl to exit the platform by going through the train station - the fastest way to get to Politigården is by taking the stairs to the bridge over the tracks (circled in blue) and following the yellow line I drew on this google maps screenshot. He might have been dissociating on that platform for a bit but once he gets moving? Efficient. and since the B train visible on the platform is moving in the other direction? Carl is standing on the platform with all the north-bound S-trains. If he'd really come in on the A line from Allerød, he'd be standing on a different platform and the trains on that platform would also be moving towards the camera.
So anyway I still think Carl lives in Brøndby.
i am perhaps several years (and books*) late to this but I've been wondering where the hell does Carl live. I put him in Brøndby in my latest fic** based on nothing but the vibes of his terraced house as seen in the films - a common type of house in suburbs of Copenhagen and considering the colour of the wood and bricks inside the house it's probably one of those solidly built mid-century brick houses rather than a modern one with cement and cladding - and for some reason I couldn't put my finger on, this particular one gave me a Vestegnen vibe rather than a, say, Amager vibe or Nordsjælland vibe idk. so I went with Brøndby
and now I think? I might have been right??
I was rewatching Kvinden i Buret again, as you do, and at the start of he film as the intro credits roll, we see Carl commute in on the S-train. as the train pulls away we see it's a Linje B train (that green square on the back of the train is the Linje B marker). (Copenhagen central station, KBH H, is a mere 6 minute walk from politigården.)
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the interior view of the train, which I do not have a screenshot of because I kept getting a black screen for some stupid reason, shows the stops in the background but it's too blurry to make out where on the line he is so he could be coming in from the north rather than the west, but I'm choosing to believe he came from the west. he could be as far out as Albertslund but I think Brøndby is a better fit for like...his general vibe. he just doesn't seem like somebody who'd enjoy living in a snobby area, lol.
depending on where he lives in Brøndby his stop would either be Glostrup, Brøndbyøster (both Linje B) or Brøndby Strand (Linje A), but since he came in on Linje B and not Linje A (blue) and since Brøndby Strand is more of a villakvarter type area I think somewhere along the west end of Linje B makes sense. i mean he could also have been dissociating on the platform for long enough that his Linje A train has left and the next Linje B train has pulled in instead, but I don't think that's very likely
*haven't read them
**for those who don't know: Assad's argument that it's easier to get to work from Nørrebro is absolute garbage, or at least it was up until 2019! the s-train commute from Glostrup to KBH H is like 20 minutes direct but from Nørrebro you had to take 1-2 buses to get into KBH H and either way it would take you at least 30 minutes. unless you cycle, in which case you can make it in like 15 minutes, but neither Carl nor Assad strike me as cycle commuters so moot point, and driving to work when you live and work that centrally is just fucking stupid, neither of them seems to have a car either (the car they are using in the film seems to be a 'company car' even though it doesn't have yellow plates). in September 2019 the new Metro ring (Cityringen) opened which does have a direct line through Nørrebro and into KBH H and also takes about 20 minutes. in-fic by the time Assad makes that argument, I am reckoning the timeline of him convincing Carl to move in with him is in the second half of 2019, so he's right, but he also had to time his argument very very carefully lmao
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have-you-been-here · 2 months ago
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Brøndby Haveby, Zealand, Denmark
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fakezucchini · 4 months ago
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The first men’s game I’ve gone to, and I picked the Copenhagen derby
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dertaglichedan · 3 months ago
The story behind Denmark’s unique garden city of community circles
Breathtaking aerial imagery of Brøndby Haveby near Copenhagen shows circular garden communities where city dwellers can escape to enjoy fresh air, open skies and tend to their own allotments.
Brøndby Garden City: A Place Where Communities Live In Gardens Circles Together
A series of seriously visually stunning aerial shots of Brøndby Haveby (or Brøndby Garden City) just outside Copenhagen in Denmark, have been circulating online and completely captivated the world. The curiously circular community of communities was built in 1964 to the design of “genius landscape architect Erik Mygind,” Brøndby Haveby mimics “the traditional patterns of the 18th-century Danish villages, where people would use the middle as a focal point for hanging out, mingle and social interchange between neighbors.” says Henry Do, the photographer who brought the world’s attention to the unique settlement. 
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Denmark’s Utopian Garden City is built entirely in circles. This unusual form suits the long-established Danish cabin culture in which every city-dwelling Dane who can afford one buys a smaller second home in the countryside as a retreat. Source: Instagram/henry_do
Brøndby Haveby was built in 1964 to the design of landscape architect Erik Mygind. Brøndby Haveby mimics the traditional patterns of the 18th-century Danish villages, where people would use the middle as a focal point for hanging out, mingling and social interchange between neighbours. Source: Instagram/henry_do
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salantami · 1 year ago
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On the outskirts of Copenhagen lies a curious and idiosyncratic sight; Brøndby Haveby, a collection of houses nestled inside a grid of perfectly circular greenery, as if beings from another world created a captivating space for a community. 
Photo credit :
Captured above by photographer Hendry Do
The Garden City was built in 1964 when the municipality of Brøndby signed off on the creation of the getaways. According to Henry, the design is based on the layout of typical Scandinavian villages that date back to the 10th century.  Landscape architect Erik Mygind came up with the circular design as a way to promote a sense of community, and the houses are typically rented between April and October by city-dwellers who wish to get a taste of country life. There are rules in place governing the use of the houses, many of which are simply used as sheds or storage facilities. 
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