#BoycottDivestSanction (BDS)
lordzannis ยท 21 days
You're right to highlight those key aspects of what "Free Palestine" or "Free the Palestinians" typically means. To expand on those points:
Independence and self-determination:
This is a core demand, calling for Palestinians to have control over their own sovereign state, free from Israeli occupation.
It's rooted in the Palestinian right to self-determination, which is recognized in international law.
The focus is often on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as these are seen as the core territories for a future Palestinian state.
End to restrictions:
This refers to lifting the numerous restrictions imposed by Israel on Palestinian daily life and economic activity.
It includes ending restrictions on movement between Palestinian areas, removing checkpoints, and lifting the blockade on Gaza.
It also encompasses calls to end Israeli control over Palestinian resources like water and land.
Human rights:
There's a strong emphasis on ending human rights violations against Palestinians by Israeli forces and settlers.
This includes stopping arbitrary detentions, house demolitions, and use of excessive force.
It also involves calls for equal rights for Palestinians living under Israeli control, including those in East Jerusalem and Palestinian citizens of Israel.
Right of return:
Many advocates include the right of return for Palestinian refugees to their ancestral homes as part of "freeing" Palestinians.
End to settlement expansion:
Stopping and reversing Israeli settlement growth in the occupied territories is often seen as crucial for Palestinian freedom.
International recognition:
Calls for full international recognition of Palestine as a state and member of the UN.
These demands reflect the complex nature of the Palestinian situation and the multifaceted challenges they face under current arrangements with Israel.
Citations: [1] https://www.palquest.org/en/historictext/9673/palestinian-declaration-independence [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Declaration_of_Independence [3] https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/the-question-of-palestinian-statehood/ [4] https://justvision.org/glossary/palestinian-declaration-independence [5] https://carnegieendowment.org/research/2024/06/state-of-palestine-leadership-future [6] https://www.un.org/unispal/history/ [7] https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/comments/17ch21d/what_do_people_mean_by_free_palestine/ [8] https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-palestinian-state-recognition-what-to-know-ed18d4cc50b20c8238e0de0068080eb0
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lawman441-blog ยท 7 years
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Trying to #RESIST the cooptation of #BDS here on Instagram. #FYI: #BoycottDivestSanction the State of #Israel until it, like #SouthAfrica in the 80's renounces #apartheid. (at Duval County, Florida)
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tulsa-peace-fellowship ยท 6 years
Nudging Palestinians and their supporters away from an anti-occupation struggle and towards an anti-apartheid one
https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/aug/14/bds-boycott-divestment-sanctions-movement-transformed-israeli-palestinian-debate #BDS #boycottdivestsanction #LetGazaLive
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