#Both are royalties tho king and prince
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zizzy-rie · 2 years ago
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Do you think he reads mxtx?
Wukong gets dragged by whatever Mac is doing
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If I'm being honest, he doesn't really fit xie lian since they have different personalities but oh well
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moonfurthetemmie · 19 days ago
I think I've said that magic is taboo in the mer AU more than once. I'm a little more sure that I've said that racism regarding cecelias is very common.
Since it's going to be relevant to the DU part of the mer AU, here's the shorter version of why. Part of the reason it's shorter is that I can't find everything. some of it might be on amino, and i'm not going back there to look. they have ads now. i can't deal with that. don't make me. please.
There was a Witch who caused Problems
A long ass time ago, there was a city under the sea called Atlantis (whoa so creative waow). Its last king is an important character but if I get into his lore we’ll be here for hours. I will however say that the royal line is mostly cecelias
Back then, magic was very common, though you did need to be born with the gift. Still; many people used it, and Cecelia happened to be the most prolific magic-uses, and this is believed to be because the lord of the ocean (in Godly terms; not kingly) was a cecelia. 
Those who practice magic are called ‘sea witches’, but at this point in time it’s exclusively a job title. Other Mer, mostly ones who can’t use magic, go to them for help with problems that require magic to solve. They also tend to end up with unusual but harmless new physical features, which come from excessive magic use.
Supposedly this happens because of influence from the God of the Deep Ocean. We never went into it and I don’t remember what the thought process was there, but anyway.
When you want to be a sea witch, you pray to the god of the deep to grant you a blessing of ‘extra’ magic; a power-up to be an even better witch.
The infamous Mer who caused problems, whose name is no longer remembered, prayed to the god of the deep for this blessing. But he knew that she’d do terrible things if she learned magic, and so he didn’t give it to her.
And she got mad. She decided to learn as much magic as she could on her own. She had some ‘volunteers’ to test her magic on. Usually it was harmless or helpful. But sometimes it wasn’t.
And then, one day, she found an ancient inscription in the wall of a deep cave that, when read allowed, gave her the ‘blessing’ she’d been seeking for the god of the deep. She memorized it and started experimenting with it, and discovered that it could grant the gift of magic to those who’d never been able to use magic before. And that? That caught people’s attention. 
Loads of people came to get her version of that blessing. And a fair number of them were cecelias, because even back then they were shit at hunting like the other Mer, and magic was considered the only way for them to be useful to society.
All of these Mer ended up staying with her and learning her brand of magic, which was getting darker and darker as time went on. When the god of the deep learned of this, he refused to give any of her followers his blessing, either. 
She decided that that was outrageous bullshit, and her followers tried to calm her down saying “No, it’s fine! We don’t need him! We’ve got you!”
Unfortunately that gave her the idea of becoming a god herself She’d give the blessing of magic to anyone who asked. The current God of the Deep was an asshole. 
Eventually some of her followers found a legend of some font of power, and she went looking for it on her own. And she found it. And it went right to her head. She gave all of her followers a bit of magic, and then put all of them under a spell to do everything she said without question.
And by this point a good chunk of her followers were cecelias. 
Now, the king happened to know the god of the deep. They’re not like besties but they know each other personally. And the king’s consort/advisor (same guy, two roles) was one of the god’s most devout. They also happened to be cecelias
They eventually heard that the witch was looking for the god of the deep to kill him and take his place. Right as they were going to come ask him if he wanted assistance, his personal messenger and high priest (who is not longer truly mortal) rushes into the throne room and says he really needs help. So they intend to get an army together to fight for him.
But the citizens have heard about the horrific stuff this witch and her followers have been doing to find the god of the deep. They’ve started to believe that all cecelias are cruel, power-hungry menaces. No one joins. No one save the palace guards, who know better.
This witch is defeated, but the god of the deep is heavily injured and the king’s forces have taken heavy hits. 
The spell she put on her followers is broken when she dies, and they have no idea what’s going on. 
The god of the deep must rest and recover, but it will take a very long time. His messenger takes him to a hidden cave, where they remain to the present day. The god is still sleeping, and his messenger watches over him in his weakened state.
When the king and the remains of the army, with the witch’s followers in tow to be tried for the horrific crimes they’ve committed, return to the city, the citizens have managed to convince themselves that all cecelias truly are evil. And when they see the witch’s followers with the army, they all panic.
The king’s consort, and the consort’s childhood friend, are the only ones who make it out, and make for the hidden cave that the god of the deep is hiding it. 
Everyone else is killed.
The remaining citizens of Atlantis tried to find a new monarch, but it doesn’t work well and eventually, as families leave in groups, the city is abandoned.
It remains abandoned to this day. And still (almost) everyone thinks cecelias are inherently evil
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absolutebl · 3 months ago
Hi! I’m currently watching The Sign, and I’ve seen some posts about Tharn’s genderfuckery in regards to Wansarat. As a trans/genderqueer person myself, I can definitely see it, but I was wondering if you’d be able to and want to go into more depth about this?
Thank you so much!!! :)
Oh, hum. I think I'd have to do a rewatch to give it due diligence. And right now I just don't have time.
But the two things I noticed at the time were 1. Wansarat's language use in the past (remember historical Thai is already different from modern Thai linguistically) and, more easy to spot, is 2. Wansarat's attire. If you look up Thai historical/mythological dress (specifically on temple art), that main outfit is a pretty nifty mix of multi-gender nobility/deity in one visual. I was charmed.
I should note that Thai attire of the Siam period and earlier for the majority of the population was already pretty darn gender neutral. The chong kraben was worm by most people in a similar way, it's a length of cloth passed through the legs and wrapped to cover the lower body. (Yes, all genders went topless.) Of course then came the policing of the female body.
So what I'm talking about is more the historical dress of the elites and the attire depicted on both them and royalty in temple art (wats) and the like. Something like what queens, consorts, and concubines are shown wearing versus princes, kings, and other nobility. Wansarat's filmy green drape thing and gold jewelry in particular.
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(don't pay attention to the hair or fabric type, it's way off)
All that said, I'm not a historical costumer or anything, this isn't my bailiwick. I do love Thai mythology frescos tho.
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courtofcrescent · 7 months ago
How do royal marriages work in your world? If the MC is Mallory's Royal Consort will they be the only one or one of many consorts? Is it common for royals to have multiple lovers simultaneously?
Heya, Dear Anon!
A good question! And I'll absolutely take any opportunity to talk about worldbuilding 😆 Let’s delve into some ramblings about marriages, lovers, and heirs under the cut!
1. How do royal marriages work in the world of COC?
It depends on which kingdom we are talking about! But for the Kingdom of Luxendis (MC's kingdom) where passion is held in high regard, it’s an open secret that royal marriages are not born from passion; it's mostly political agreements (surprise!). It's common for both the ruler and their consort not to love each other romantically—there have even been a few who openly hated each other in the past. This is why the ruler may have concubines and the consort may have (official) lovers~
Luxendians don’t bat an eye about the royal family's affairs as long as both the ruler and consort always remember Luxen's sacred will to never forget the duty of the crown and keep the kingdom flourishing. So yeah, there won't be any big ridiculous scandals regarding these matter 😉
However the heir to the throne must be legitimate, meaning must come from an official union between King/Queen and Consort or King/Queen and Concubine to avoid succession problems (thus consort and their lover are prohibited from having any children in their union). If the ruler has no children from any legitimate union, they may appoint a legitimized bastard (royal bastards are quite rare tho) or a blood relative as the successor.
2. Is MC the only one or part of a line of consorts?
MC is the only Royal Consort of Luxendis! There is only one royal consort; the ruler's main spouse, so think of it as the King/Queen/Prince Consort in our world. However, in (new) Luxendis—the Court of Crescent—the term King/Queen Consort that Luxendians originally used has evolved into Royal Consort regardless of gender due to Imperial influence.
Why did the Empire simplify it to Royal Consort? Simple: the Empire wanted their conquered kingdoms to adhere to Imperial customs! The Imperial House uses the term Imperial Consort, so the rest must follow suit. But why use Imperial Consort instead of Emperor/Empress Consort? Because the Emperor who introduced it was a greedy narcissistic bastard who didn’t want to share his "magnificent title" with the Empress Consort—according to certain questionable historical chronicles, at least lol.
3. Is it common for royals to have multiple lovers?
The custom of having multiple lovers may vary depending on the kingdoms. For Luxendis, it’s a big yes! The Old King of the Former Royal Family had both a Queen Consort and a Concubine. The Queen before him had three concubines, and the King before her had dozens. Almost all of the Luxendis royalty have multiple lovers, with a few exceptions that can be counted on one hand. After all, Luxendians hold passion in high regards.
Additional Note: MC is Mallory’s only consort, yes. However, that doesn’t mean there won’t be any potential concubine(s). If MC and Mallory are of the same gender or if MC doesn’t choose Mallory Romance Path or if MC doesn't want child of their own blood, Mallory will automatically take (or plan to take) a concubine(s) to produce an heir later in the story.
Thank you for the ask! 🩶
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ladyhallen · 1 year ago
Will Harry and Fon meet the incest royalty?
Like I've never watched GOT or read the books or watched any of the attached shows, but I know enough to be curious.
Okay, on one hand, with the current GoT timeline, likely not.
However, I am now tempted to write an AU where they do indeed land somewhere without zombies and Fon is in a temper....in the middle of the stinkiest city - Kings Landing.
The fall out would be very terrible and this might veer into the political very quickly.
Both of them would bond over being the only sensible people concerned about cholera.
If they do meet royalty...let's say the king would not survive it intact and the prince would get a lecture on noblesse oblige, on sanitation and taxes.
The moment he mentions a prophecy tho...God help him.
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princedetectives · 1 year ago
i think looking at the phrase "detective prince" literally is really interesting. i honestly didn't think twice about it until just recently.
detective, thats obvious. akechi and naoto are both detectives nothing too noteable there. prince though? when you think of a prince, a specific stereotype comes to mind — young pretty boy, hier to some kind of royalty.
it fits naoto perfectly. which makes sense, he was the first. in p4 hes still 16, in highschool, and he's the single child to the famous shirogane family. knowing this about him, the general public would have an easy time forming this romanticized regal image of him, bolstering his fame and charm, but theyre not entirely wrong.
akechi though, you can probably already see the contrast here. hes a little older than naoto and still in highschool along with his detective job, thats the same. but he's no prince. hes a bastard child with parents that could hardly be considered royalty*. it really feels like - and i mean this as a compliment to the writing - the title was kinda haphazardly slapped on him. because after naoto, it wasnt as much about being a "prince", it was about being like naoto. they dont constantly append "the second coming" or "after naoto" to it for nothing. the general public sees these somewhat vague similarities between them and rushes to equate the two.
*you could maybe argue shido is the "king" in this metaphor, but to me that doesnt make as much sense as naoto + the general public wouldnt know that. still interesting tho
its really with this that it starts to sink in just how much naoto affects akechi's image. their public images are so damn INTERESTING!! it feels a lot like the public giving them a role to play, which affects naoto a little and akechi a lot. remember, akechi is primarily a celebrity, he has to play to the appeal of the public.
i like the way the general public is characterized especially in p5. their views of naoto and akechi are really shallow but varying levels of oppsessing and you can see it affect both of them. its great
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experimentjr · 3 months ago
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And finally, I've decided the design of prince Sadala!!!
Now using a similar unitard as Sadala's defense force, but with its own design (such as a unitard merge with baggy pants, and adorned with similar attire from universe 7's saiyajins' royalty. Thrice his shoes, leg pads and braces similar to both Broly and Kale ws it kinda looks royalty.
Prince Sadala is a scaredy cat saiyajin that is afraid of his own strength and a pacifist that thinks it's best to solve matters with words rather than using one's fists, but if you think he's just a wimp and a pushover, you will be finding youserlf in terrible trouble once he powers up. A monstrously powerful saiyajin with a gigantic and nearly impenetrable body that can go toe to toe with most of his universe's finest combatants and could even become one of the strongest kings of Sadala if he overcomes his cowardice and, one day... a secret he and his father both have been keeping. A secret that king Sadala had since he was a great warrior for the king before him, and one prince Sadala has since he was but a young boy dealing with his enormous reserves of ki.
So I've finally made him! And he's just the first of plenty more I want to do (keyword WANT TO), but primarily, lemme not focus too much on this one tho XD I still have my Hilda AU to make and I really want to continue it XD
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riewritten · 6 months ago
Hiiii rieeee! How are doing these fine days (me? Not so good haha but ill live)
Sorry im late, but im finally here to drop you the things you asked for last time about the drabble idea. Here's what i came up with;
readers feelings: she appreciated him as a friend, then as she got older, it bloomed into something 💓else💓
is it one sided: both of them think its one sides but no its not one sided. They both liked each other, Its kind of tragic if you think about it. Neither of them knew the the other liked them, then suddenly they just got torn apart from each other. And those feelings still lingering in their heart, to the point neither of them got serious with someone else.
did Erwin's mother have any hand in readers family's misfortune: no, Erwin's mother had nothing to do with what happened to her family. Her father just made some bad business choices that made him lose his money and nobility, so they moved from their house and left town. Until reader became a responsible adult and moved back in twon for her little brother's education. That's when our King Erwin Smith saw her. It was her father who advised reader not to meet with the crown prince anymore, no matter how close of friends they are, her father told her it would paint a bad image for the prince to befriend someone from the lower class. She was hurt by his words but she understood the mission. Her father was a mere noble who served the royal family when it came to businessand trading, and they lost the right to serve after what had happened. And it made them keep to themselves even more.
The story doesnt really have any deep drama in it, there might be some twists and and turns to stop Erwin and reader from being with each other. Like their dumbasses not knowing the other person's feelings, or Erwin's mother arranging a blind date for her son, or reader's father not accepting their relationship because it would ultimately harm his daughter to be the King's wife than do any good.
And if i want to spice it up, I'll have Erwin get in a car accident and forget that he loves reader or something
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Im just joking.... unless ,':) In any case, it was small idea for a small fic that i dont know if ill ever write it.
You did ask for my writing blog, and that is: @fictionallystable its just there as a backlog of writings i did or writing i like to share or save to read later.
hi jay!! oh my god thank u for answering my questions last time 😙 first of all the "they both think it's one sided" NOOOOO WHY
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in for the angst tho. and i like that your characters, even the side casts like reader's father, still have their own volition that makes the plot run and theyre not jus silly caricatures standing like 🧍‍♂️ as our main leads do everything by themselves
but the car accident!!@ plEASEEE JDJSDJS 😭😭😭
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^ lichrally u with the spongebob meme you attached 😭
and yipee for the writing blog!! been talking to u for a while now and i know someone has a talent for writing when i talk to one, so i hope u keep it up!! (imma follow ur writing blog too jus in case u drop a dish 🤭)
the fanfic has manhwa vibes on it (mayb bc royalty plots are so prevalent in manhwa) and when i imagine erwin in that drawing style i jus deadass-
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n-lol · 1 year ago
Sander Sides x Twisted Wonderland anyone?
I've recently picked up my hyperfixation on Sander Sides, and as the genius I am I thought of making a crossover between one of my favorite games and Sander Sides!
(Ps. My best friend helped with them so check them out too @kiraversee)
Starting off strong with my personal favorite. So let's start off with saying he and Logan kinda grew up together because I love platonic Analogical, they're from the Shaftlands! As for the school, he attended NRC till his 3rd year! But after a HUGE fight with Janus (his second closest friend) he decided to change school and attend Noble Bell College. His previous dorm in NRC was Ignihyde, he was pretty much only friends with Ortho and saw Idia like twice in 2 years. (They met each other one night when they had both went out to get energy drinks from the vending machine, and the second time was because of Ortho dragging Idia with him to give a special gift to Virgil.)
(Offended they don't have yellow for font)
Our favorite snake boy, Janus. He grew up in Briar Valley, being a snake fae. Half of his face is covered in scales and has heterocromia, his left eye is light brown while his right one is bright yellow and snake like. He attendes NRC and is a 3rd year from Octavinelle. (He might have beef with Azul) He's not the absolute worst but he's not a saint either, tho if you ask Virgil he won't agree with me. He's pretty influential and has many 'acquaintances' in all the dorms so he's always up everybody's business. (Azul is impressed)
The og rat king! Twin brother and son of the famous Royal family from a kingdom not too far from Sage's Island. Childhood friend of Patton and younger twin of Roman, he's a menace. He's the second born which means he won't become king, but he hardly cares about royalty, he instead prefers to focus on "more important" matters like how to annoy his dorm leader. Who is Leona btw, yes Remus is in Savanaclaw, he's not a hybrid or anything of the sort but he sure is fast and athletic and he's surprisingly on par with some of the other members who *are* hybrids. (Leona was almost impressed) He's pretty well known for his constant pranks on other students and weird behavior other than the fact that he's a prince. His and Roman relationship isn't the best but not Leona and Falena level- fortunately.
Also well known as Azul's main source of income with how much money he spends on coffee at Mostro Lounge everyday. (Azul just gave him a card so he could always go to them instead of going to other cafes) He's well-known in NRC for the sole reason of him dating a RSA student, aka their sworn enemy. Also because of his powerful magic but they shouldn't be surprised as he is from Diasomnia dorm. He's a pretty chill guy and was friends with Virgil before he moved, now they hardly see/talk to each other. He's an older brother figure to a lot of people but he's hardly seen around anymore since he's a 4th year and he's working on his off campus education.
Might make a part 2 with the light sides!
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nboa13466 · 1 month ago
It's okay, i know people would not like the "tantrum" part, that one mainly because a lot of fans that i meet like to call leona's reason to ob being "tantrum" while mal's a valid one, when both did, and also a snide on Lilia eating his own words when he boast on Leona before he ob
Overblot technically is a mental breakdown if you see it from another angle/it is literally what happened.
Most of what i said is mostly for Lilia eating his own words on how Leona can't be "true king" because of his "rotten core" when some of the reason he gave leona about why he can't be "true" king can be throw back to mal when he overblot.
Also you rise a good point! Almost all overblot are actually did get pushed by other person rather than them suddenly succumb to darkness(i personally think Vil's can actually count as more to he succumb to the blot by himself).
1. Riddle with Ace punching him and the other rioting, which kinda weird when people against him before it didn't instigated anything but when ace throwing fact to his face and the riot happen it did.
2. Leona with Lilia boasting and his plan failed(which also can bring international problem here which i still wonder what will leona do if it did bring into the royalty cause he did try to hurt other prince who is the one going to be king, even if he did it in school ground as students).
3. Azul got breakdown cause leona and also Yuu's plan on this because we're the one who put that idea first on Leona and others head.
4. Jamil with Azul fake streaming, which i agree with your opinion and also kinda on Kalim infinite trust on him which bind him to the role.
5. Vil can be seen by three side, him being pushed but not on purpose, by Rook trying to poison himself and kalim interfering or him succumb to darkness because he realized his wrong doing and has mental breakdown or maybe even both.
6. Idia with both Ortho in tartarus and his survivor guilt that make him succumb to darkness
7. Lastly we have Mal with Lilia as reason and Silver unknowingly pour the oil to the fire
I personally think that Leona while being asshole about it, did stick to the plan like Azul did and would know that without the contract gone, the Ramshackle duo will not leave him alone which he don't like and Azul did the one who kinda instigated he would give anything to Leona, giving himself hope on himself but yeah Leona kinda asshole for actually did make it acting like he accept the offers, but knowing how desperate Azul can't blame him for hoping.
Lilia tho? They did everything on the plan and even already collared Leona, if he keep his mouth shut(which i don't have hope with how NRC boys is) Leona have chance to not Overblot, and also the aftermath of it can easily be brought back to the royalty if he want to since again both is princes and can effect how both country relationships goes. Which can happen if he didn't ob and they didn't have to hide it.
I mainly want to snide on how lilia eating his own words but never addressed by people, and just want to snide on fans who called Leona’s or any other ob's reason is just "tantrum" but not on mal's(most of this fall on people saying that Leona and Vil's reason for ob is just "tantrum" or just "petty")
(Btw i like your N2 squad. It's interesting :D)
I think people never say it out loud when ch 7 out but i will say it now
If you're a Lilia or Malleus fans i wouldn't suggest reading this because this rant is full on snide on both Lilia and Mal.
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Lilia, this is the 2ND time you made overblot happen and this one is on purpose. If i were you i wouldn't to be so smug about it, you will jinx something and you did.
"B-but, Leona almost tried to hurt Malleus, Silver and Sebek-"
Okay i get it, you mad, but with Leona being show being a mess even before this i wouldn't be so upfront about it. Especially when i heard someone Overblot not to long ago too.
And look what happen when leona actually overblot.
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Mf didn't look like he regret or atleast concerned, his face show the "see? I told you so" kind of face. Atleast the in game sprite make you look worried or concerned but this actually kinda like he is showing he is right and then ch 7 happen.
I know malleus fans will go after me but i will say it even if i have to shout it
You can't tell me Malleus deed isn't like him throwing tantrum cause he doesn't want lilia to leave.
Okay i get it he feel lonely, he doesn't want the person who keep him company all this years doesn't leave, but that's where the problem is.
Malleus never taught of what to do when someone dear to him or someone he know left.
That sh- supposed to be something that being taught especially since he is supposed to be the KING and and if we follow how old fashioned his kingdom and senate is, he will not allowed to show weakness like tears, sadness, etc. This ofc include loneliness, and since we know the draconia effect the weather from their emotions alone, wouldn't this actually something THEY need to learn and practice? Malleanor is one thing because we know she can't be held down, but Malleus, if you look at it, can be taught because we know that Lilia isn't with him all the time and the senate has power to make him lied to mal.
Also he forget there's literal silver over there who is Lilia's son and also the one cry in silent so lilia wouldn't see him sad when he is leaving and want to repay everything.
Even worse, what Malleus did literally can engulfed the entire world if left alone and because he can keep taking magic from nature, his overblot may stay for years, even worse than Leona.
He is lucky that only briar and S.T.Y.X know about what happen, if not this may instigated another fae vs human war again but this time more like Fae vs all other races, with how this can actually effect the entire world. Also Mal can't be forced to forget his throne cause he is the sole heir to the throne.
Is he still a king? Yes.
But is he a true king? I don't think so.
So him saying that Malleus is a true king kinda like jinxed that his would also done it.
"B-but Leona doing something bad and he mean it, while Malleus did it but he mean good"
Whether he mean good or not is it even matter? If anything Malleus is acting selfishly here and didn't even ask other opinion regarding of what he tried to do, much like when he teleport the dorm leaders in his dorm card Vignettes. If he only include the diasom 4 inside, he still safe, But he include everyone in sage's island to this and even may purposely expanding to the entire world. Which isn't what a "true" king do. A true king wouldn't involve their subject to something bad intentionally, only bad and greedy one do, so i wouldn't say he is a "true" king like Lilia describe him.
That's all from me, have a nice day.
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taekookfests · 2 years ago
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royalty fest - fic reveals season 1
Snow, Blood, Night by Lilithgirl [link] 84.7k Words | Completed | Explicit
For the last 500 years, Vampire Crown Prince Jeon Jungkook has spent most of his time in exile: avoiding court responsibilities, avoiding humanity, and plotting revenge against the Kim Kingdom for a tragedy that still haunts him. When he’s forced back into the world to prepare for a gathering of vampire royalty, the last thing Jungkook needs is to fall for a vibrant art history student named Taehyung. When he learns that Taehyung isn’t an ordinary human at all—but a forbidden creature and the lost Kim heir—Jungkook will vow to protect him, no matter the cost.
Masquerade by julia_with_luv [link] 27.7k Words | Completed | Mature
Prince Jeongguk has no wish to go through with the marriage his family has arranged for him. Instead, he plans to run away with his lover and start a life anew, leaving the crown behind.
Only his lover is a commoner and thinks Jeongguk one as well, and Jeongguk’s never been able to bring himself to tell him the truth. He doesn’t want to ruin what he has with Vante.
Vante, otherwise known as Prince Taehyung. Jeongguk’s betrothed.
Semper Fidelis by Maddyinluv [link] 17.9k Words | Completed | Mature
Jungkook’s life was like a dream come true - a general of the royal guard at such a young age, a renowned hero, and the husband of the youngest prince of the kingdom, Kim Taehyung. Until one day, a battle plan turned awry made him forget everything he was living for and he came home to a worried sick husband whom he couldn't remember. Now he had to put all of his life pieces together and regain the life and love he had before it was all too late.
A story about amnesia and how Jungkook tried to redeem his life with the help of Taehyung and other loved ones
So What If I'm A Royalty by WhiteDicentra [link] 12.4k Words | Completed | Explicit
Taehyung and Jungkook are both alphas but Taehyung is the crown prince and Jungkook is his commander in charge. Despite being cold and stoic, he warmed up after a while of being with Taehyung and as the young prince got closer to him, he found courage to confessed about his feelings that he had for his commander the moment he saw him.
Jungkook avoided the topic as much as he can after that but he cannot deny that he too liked the prince. He had been keeping his feeling down because of the obvious differences between the two of them.
Amidst the chaos (Love found us) by meluha [link] 8.4k Words | Completed | Not Rated
the king is walking through his garden (which might as well be a forest ), hands behind his back maintaining a proper posture when he hears someone giggle.
he has never been interested in anyone in any way, politely but sternly rejecting them when they try to make a move, but for the first time, a beautiful giggle makes his heart stutter and he feels a warm feeling bloom in his chest.
he looks behind the bush to see a beautiful boy playing with the rabbits. and maybe, he falls in love then and there. and he also makes it his goal to find out about the boy and court him properly.
he walks away with a smile.
-tae is a king and author may choose jk's identity (not betrayer kind of identity tho)
pls include this scene: JK bumping onto Tae's chest and tae holding him (cliché ikkk) i’d love you more if you include more of such cute clichés
dnw: open/bittersweet ending, 1st pov, (implied) cheating, tae having concubines
Solidago by seoksfannypack [link] 7.2k Words | Completed | General Audience
Following the death of Jeon Jungkook's mother, the Queen, the prince has one promise to keep. He must simply survive to eighteen, hiding the secret of his blood. He needs so survive his father, but it will be a struggle to do alone. Upon suffering an injury that may reveal his secret, he is reunited with an old friend, and finds a loving family of his own within the cold palace walls. He only hopes he can make it through to September.
Delicate by buntokkie [link] 7k Words | Completed | Teen and Up
Lonely emperor Taehyung seeks for unnaturally gifted fledgling Jeongguk to become his personal guard.
Spoiler: they fall in love.
the things a heart is capable of by buntokkie for theloveless [link] 6k Words | Completed | Mature
What angers Taehyung most about Jeon Jeongguk is this: a mere two encounters and his eyes have haunted Taehyung to this day. Never has Taehyung come across someone who has had a lasting effect on his mind.
Enthralling as he was, he also made Taehyung's blood boil. All the more reason to curse himself for catching himself dreaming of those eyes.
(Perhaps it takes three dances, a Duke of Irrelevance, and moonlight for two epiphanies to occur)
In the Flower Fields by littlewriter (tinnyhi) [link] 4k Words | Completed | General Audience
Captain Jeon Jeongguk went missing for 10 months.
清 clarity by blueneptune [link] 88k Words | Ongoing | Mature
When his parents first ask him whether or not he understands why they as humans are born to despise sorcerers more than anything else on this earth, Jeongguk— who’s nothing more than a small child— nods his head, and proceeds to carry that lesson throughout his entire life. Even when he too somehow turns out to have been born a sorcerer, Jeongguk vows to never let himself forget that lesson.
But when his powers spiral out of control one day and he nearly risks the whole kingdom finding out about them, he’s forced to become an apprentice under Kim Taehyung— a mysterious sorcerer that’s been locked up underneath the castle for years— and finds it difficult to hate him despite everything he’s been warned of.
When Dragons Fly I Meet You In The Sky by Babyasteri [link] 50.5k Words | Ongoing | General Audience
“Now, Jungkook. I sense many questions in your eyes, and I shall answer them honestly.”
“Your Majesty, if I may ask, where am I?” Jungkook asked with a bit of fear painted in his eyes, but seeing the eyes of the king that did not show any danger, he felt his fear subside and found himself out of harm's way.
“You are in Brammeadore,” ‘your home’ for the last part he could not yet add, it was not the right time to say it. Feeling the little tug of his heart he smiled, his love was not yet ready, with that he shall wait. He waited for six years, so what did it matter if he waited for a few more months.
Kim Taehyung the King of Brammeadore greeted his soulmate before him, and Jeon Jungkook, a guest in a strange but familiar palace, smiled at him back. Doe eyes staring at gold irises, stars in his and the sun in Taehyung’s, he was home.
the moon is a planet (and other truths of my heart) by totorojoonie [link] 18.8k Words | Ongoing | Teen and Up
Jungkook, a lonely novelist lost in a vast modern city, makes a wish on a shooting star to find a true family. The next day, he encounters a mysterious bus, a magical tabby cat, and a bouncing light who sweep him into the past-- the center of an old kingdom, with a prince just as warm and beautiful as the castle Jungkook now works in.
if the crown fits [TAEKOOK] by strawberryyhobi [link] 11k Words | Ongoing | General Audience
it was just a matter of time before jeon jungkook’s life turned completely upside down.
with one spontaneous visit from his grandmother who lives overseas — he’s suddenly boarded onto a plane to a palace where he’ll learn prince lessons for the next two months in preparation for the big decision of whether he’ll take up his deceased father’s throne or not.
and when it all seems impossible, when it all seems like the possibly worse thing that’s ever could’ve happened to him, he accidentally stumbles upon the cute palace baker who makes him feel like a normal person for the first time ever.
and just with one unplanned visit, came many, /many/ others; some planned, some not, some made on the verge of tears and in need of emotional support, but others with rebellious tendencies that could send them both on the cover of newspaper front headlines.
I'm Learning How To Love Myself by littlewriter (tinnyhi) [link] 4k Words | Ongoing | General Audience
Jungkook decided to run away when he found out he's being forced into an arranged marriage and somehow ends up saving a General's life.
(a huge thanks to @/simpreader for helping me compile this!)
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blues824 · 2 years ago
🐉I just thought of tomioka giyuu with a female Malleus Draconia.
🌊They both might be forgotten by everyone else but they have each other to love.
🐉Imagen the hashiras fighting and having a hard time and giyuu is extremely hurt and then it starts to storm heavily (if I was correct the weather gets influenced by Malleus emotions ) and a dragon flys up and defeats the demons and transforms back in her human form to help him heal .
🌊The hashiras thinking she is a demon and trying to kill her a giyuu "for dating a demon " until its revealed that she is dragon princess/Queen that is married to tomioka (making him a Prince/King😊and them being shocked that he became royalty . )
🐉And showing that she is one of the 5 most powerful wizards (imagine her curing ubuyashiki from his illness to show she means no harm. ) and then her and giyuu talking happly about something.
I don’t know if you wanted this as an x reader, so I left it as-is and decided to put gender-bent Malleus and kept it in the third person. Could still be interpreted as an x reader, tho.
Might actually turn this in for a Creative Writing assignment when school is back in session.
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Giyu Tomioka
They met when they were both in the forest. She was fairly concerned about her new predicament and decided that the best next step was to explore her surroundings. One never learned anything by staying in the same place. She decided that it was a bit too quiet for her liking and started to sing Once Upon A Dream.
As Giyu was hunting for demons, he heard her lovely voice and went to explore. He was behind a tree when he saw her, twirling around and enchanting the birds and other woodland creatures around her. He was so taken aback by her beauty that he couldn’t do anything besides stare.
He eventually found himself getting closer and closer until he was right next to her. She was startled by his sudden appearance. He bowed down to her, and gently offered her his hand. She, after a lot of hesitation, accepted it and the two began a dance in the midst of the forest. These two had just met, and there was an instant connection.
After a while of just talking and walking through the woods, he felt himself just drawn to the woman by his side. The two walked arm in arm as most married couples do. Eventually, they made it out of the forest and headed to the Ubuyashiki Residence. 
Once they had arrived, all the Hashira were completely surprised at what they saw. Giyu with a woman, and a gorgeous one at that?? But, to be fair, they all had their weapons drawn because they saw her horns and assumed that she was a demon.
The lady raised her hand gracefully and held it there. There was a green glow coming from it, and suddenly everyone else found themselves unable to move. Her eyes were glowing a bright green as you moved their weapons out of their hands and levitated them towards you. She then pointed them at everyone who just threatened her.
“That is no way to treat the Crowned Princess of the Valley of Thorns,” She said calmly. You saw an older gentleman being led out of the house. She walked over with Giyu and bowed down, properly greeting herself.
“Well, Your Highness, I do apologize for the inconvenience my other children have brought to you.” He said after a brief pause. The lady asked permission to do something out of goodwill and he granted you permission.
Everyone let out an audible gasp as she had placed her hands upon their master’s face, but they noticed as his eyes went from milky to clear in a few seconds. He looked around and then at her in absolute surprise.
“Why, thank you, my dear. It seems as though you have lifted my curse.” Some of the other Hashira started to tear up as they heard those words leave their master’s mouth. Giyu was in the same state as he looked at him and her in gratitude.
“There is one more thing I would like to discuss with you. I would like to speak to you about my possible engagement to Giyu Tomioka,” she had said aloud. What I haven’t told anyone was that while the couple were walking and talking through the forest, they felt the need to get married as soon as possible. 
“Well, if the two of you are absolutely certain, then I see no problem with it. You both have my blessing as well as my willingness to host such an event,” He said to her. The lady took another bow and walked back to Gigi’s arm.
After this interaction, the Hashira ran up to the newly affianced couple. They started to ask many questions about the couple, and the two answered as best as they could. The lady, named Malleyna (or Y/N, if you prefer), told them that she was teleported to this world and was trying to find her way back.
She told them that back in her world, she was one of the top 5 most powerful mages and vowed to help them in their conquest against demons as best as she could. In fact, there was a higher chance of her winning than any of the Hashira had.
Once while you were all in battle, she had turned into a dragon and helped out by distracting the demons as the others attacked from behind. She would never get seriously hurt, but Giyu would still rush over to her after and check her for any deep scratches. They would do that thing where they put their foreheads together and hold it there for a few seconds, telepathically assuring each other that they are alright.
The two had decided that they would hold the wedding ceremony in this world and, if the opportunity presents itself, in her world as well. She assigned Shinobu and Mitsuri as her Maid of Honor and bridesmaid respectively. Giyu appointed Rengoku as his best man and Gyomei as his other groomsman. They hired a Shinto Priest to officiate the wedding.
Shinobu realized that she wouldn’t be able to poke fun at her friend anymore as he’s the Prince of the Valley of Thorns. She was happy for the newlyweds, but damn will she miss poking fun at Giyu for being lonely. Now he has a lover that would stay by his side until death do they part.
That night, Giyu looked at his new wife with such love and adoration in his eyes, and she looked at him with the same amount of warmth. It was as if the two knew each other for many millennia and finally decided to become one. They danced the night away in each other’s arms, both relishing their happily ever after.
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vttrvm · 2 years ago
some random shit about my rexwalker royal au (quick summary: anakin is the prince of tatooine and rex is a knight from kingdom kamino and a bastard of king jango fett) that make sense literally only to me and two or three of my friends who've read me venting about this for a few weeks because i miss rexwalker terribly and I Am Losing My Mind. also it's placed not in chronological order but in my i am being not normal order so i'm sorry if it's confusing i can't do better
• so in this au tatooine is a small kingdom with an extremely hot climate and it's basically a desert with some cities in it. it's a worldwide trading center tho and it is famous for the sand warriors - extremely skilled royal guards who use an unique combat technique (and, according to legends, some of them even mastered sandbendig). until crown prince anakin skywalker turns 21 the kingdom is ruled by queen regent shmi skywalker.
• kamino on the other hand is a not so small kingdom, like 80% of it's territory is covered in lakes and it has a lot of maritime borders and it's always raining there - so it's basically the complete opposite of tatooine. kamino is famous for its huge army and kamioan warriors are mostly known for their discipline and brilliant strategies. kamino is ruled by king jango fett who has a young son prince boba fett, heir of the kaminoan throne (jango also has two bastard sons who weren't given any last names but only first names cody and rex). king jango and the whole fett bloodline have strong ties (both family and diplomatic) with its neighbor kingdom mandalore, and being so tightly bonded with mandalorians kinda explains kaminoans' bellicose temper.
• obi-wan kenobi obviously is anakin's chief adviser and he basically holds the only braincell of the entire royal court of tatooine
• same for cody (rex's older brother) on kamino, he's the head of the royal guard and if king jango is fully capable of defending himself and doesn't need 24/7 supervision prince boba (age 12) Definitely Does. he has a tendency of messing with wrong people and getting in trouble and not being able to get out of it by himself so cody is kind of a babysitter more then he is a knight
• ahsoka tano, in her turn, is a sand warrior and the head of tatooine's royal guard but also kinda of just prince anakin's personal bodyguard. she and anakin have know each other since he was a baby prince and she was a baby menace so, in lack of any other royal siblings, anakin just treats ahsoka like his little sister and like she's royalty as well.
• when rex comes to tatooine (on diplomatic mission as royal family of kamino's representer of course not to visit his secret prince fiance) he and ahsoka bond IMMEDIATELY. they spar almost all the time and they both are madly curious to learn each other's kingdom's fighting style and anakin just sits on tribune whining how bored he is with all of their knight stuff (tho it was him who taught ahsoka how to fight before she became a sand warrior but he can't participate in silly goofy knights' sparrings anymore since he is going to be a fucking king in a few months and he must maintain his royal attitude)
• after the sparring ahsoka is sitting in anakins royal chambers like damn that kamino guy of yours is an amazing warrior you should like marry him and anakin makes the saddest puppiest puppy eyes one has ever seen bitch i'm TRYING
• codywan are penpals and they constantly complain to each other about how hard it is to babysit princes and to pretend that they don't know why his royal highness prince anakin of skywalkers and cody's younger brother rex travel to each other's countries every couple of months
• they barely saw each other but if you ask obi-wan's opinion he'd tell you that cody is the hot sibling
• due to extreme climate and HIGH risk of death on tatooine there is literally no such thing as a bastard and a royal kid is a royal kid so when anakin learns that king jango has several kids he just assumes that there are at least three princes of kamino: prince cody, prince rex and prince boba and when he first sees rex of course he calls him prince rex fett. rex freezes and thinks that anakin is just making fun of him because that's what kids in knights' academy used to call him as a joke so his answer is 'i am no fett and i am definitely no prince'. that was an awkward ass first interaction so anakin will have to make up for it by making rex a king instead of prince
• prince anakin and prince boba can't stand each other for the most ridiculous reasons (mostly it's just anakin acting so bitchy about boba being and prince and rex not being a prince) and it's really funny to see a whole ass 20yo almost-king holding back to not to kill a 12yo boy for saying that his sword is 'mid'
• anakin was ready to marry rex after a week of knowing him because this is just how it works in his kingdom you see someone pretty and nice and they most definitely like you back and you grab them and marry them before they die in a sandstorm
• ...while rex was SO unsure about all this he couldn't believe that the fucking future king fancies him that his intentions are serious that he's so hot & respectful that his eyes are so deep and his skin is so smooth despite the climate in his desert kingdom and blah blah blah so anakin was just being his charming self and he waited and waited and waited with no pressure on rex and rex was falling for him and falling for him and falling for him so eventually he reciprocated and they started dating and got engaged and lived happily ever afte-
• anakin wasn't getting rex any expensive presents while he was courting him and they weren't in a relationship yet because he didn't want rex to feel pressured or like he owns something to him BUT what anakin was getting him are desert roses. they literally don't cost anything they just lie all around tatooine's desert but for rex who spent all his life on the lakes of kamino it's the most beautiful and exotic thing in the world and it's priceless for him
• anakin is crazy about flowers because there is literally aren't any flowers in his home kingdom. once he saw rex with flower wreath some village kid put on his head he became literally OBSESSED with the idea of rex wearing a flower wreath or a flower crown to their wedding
• anakin doesn't know how to swim. at all. he and rex go on a little hike to the famously beautiful lakes of kamino so they can just have their tet-a-tet time kiss in a clover field sleep in a tent fence jokingly and since anakin can't swim they just sit in the lake among water lilies and the water level barely covers their feet i am sorry this is my #1 romantic fantasy i can't be normal about the water lilies thing (my wife even illustrated this, check her drawing out)
• anakin always takes some water lilies or other flowers to tatooine when it's time for him to leave rex and kamino and he tries to keep the flowers alive but they all dry out on like a second day there so he just keeps a lot of dry flowers so they would remind him of rex
• when rex first comes to tatooine they are already in some sort of relationship and they obviously share a bed so they kuddle after a long day of exploring the capital and anakin's palace and rex just looks so annoyed and tired and anakin is like it's okay if you don't like it here this climate isn't friendly for foreigners at all and i totally understand if you want to go h- and rex's like beloved your kingdom is beautiful and i love it but there is so much sand in my ass rn
• # and they both hated sand... and they both were soon-to-be-kings of tatooine
p.s. it's funny that as much as i know in tbobf boba eventually became some kind of ruler of tatooine... he's just like his bro rex fr
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sirensea14 · 2 years ago
Oh bruuhhhhh i have a similar au to yours, "Royalty Au" too is the name. The only difference is that although there are elements from IM [eg: holly, mayhem as H's alter ego or whatever both are the same person in my au, runes, the cupbros both having hair(JUSTICE IS GIVEN FOR MUGSY lol), mugman as the beast tamer like cannikin although he doesnt exist there, both being calix animi knights and ALSO princes, elder kettle as the king and their father, the angel, demon, and dish races. No micco tho etc], it is my own storyline and hilariously added myself as the Queen of the Ocean, etc relation to the waters. It was meant to be originally a bendyxmexcuphead au (im weird i know--) but as i ponder to it. I thought of it like more into the story than the ship. (but I'll grow out of it soon)
Cala maria, holly/mayhem, boris and alice are also there,but are written according to my own liking. Ive made tons of aus of me and bendy and cup, but this one i made is something i certainly liked and even made art on it just so i can remember it. So yea, just sharing nonsense here HAHAHAHHA lol. As for the others like mickey, oswald, felix, etc, i dont think much abt themmmmmm
This is just a small au tbh, and im not rlly focusing on this much, but i liked the idea of royalty madness
Ok enough, the annoying siren gotta swim--
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SLAPS THE TABLE! NEW AU IDEA!!!!!!! Well, technically not new, I’ve just now recently made this into a fully fledged AU.
So! This is my royalty AU where basically Cuphead and Mugman are princes of the dish kingdom (Cannikin and Demitasse are obviously the king and queen). Cuphead is the heir to the throne, but he’s really sick because he’s being poisoned very slowly and steadily by his parent’s advisor, King Dice, to the point that everyone thinks that he’s just really sick and not being slowly killed. Mugs is a knight and Cup has to stay in the castle for health reasons but he really wants to go outside and explore the world.
Que bendy, an orphan treated horribly for being a demon who was arrested for some crime and separated from his little brother Boris. Cuphead stumbles upon him and they make a deal, Cuphead helps Bendy escape the castle and find his brother but bendy has to take Cuphead along with him for the adventure. But when they escape, the kingdom just thinks that Bendy kidnapped the prince and Mugman is sent to hunt them down with the help of Felix, Ozwald, and Fanny; a band of bounty hunters. Alice is a healer sent from the angels to help take care of Cuphead so she tags along with Bendy and Cuphead on their adventure to ensure the prince doesn’t, you know, die.
Dice is a jerk. Cup is depressed af. Possible bendystraw idk. Mugman is trying to be a good brother leave him alone he’s trying his best.
Yes, I realize this is a lot like Tangled or Aladdin. Don’t remind me. TWT
Let me know what you think. I’m open to questions! :3
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warwickroyals · 2 years ago
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beginning - previous - next
this one is packed with references and light spoilers . . . happy hunting. ("quay" is pronounced like "key", I've saved you all from saying it the wrong way for half your life like I have ^_^)
[MARK ASHLEY] Queen's Quay is the typical vacation hotspot for Sunderland's wealthy and elite. Cliche in its glamorous beauty.
[MARK] It hardly seems the place for a royal scandal, but the presence of King Louis’s youngest grandson has attracted controversy . . . and droves of photographers.
[ARTHUR] News ‘copter.
[MARK] What do you think they’re doing?
[ARTHUR] I don’t know, taking pictures, probably, some guy’s in there with a big-ass camera.
[MARK] Do they bother you?
[ARTHUR] Nah, I’m used to it. But it’s loud as hell, huh?
[MARK] But other than the cameras, you’re enjoying yourself?
[ARTHUR] Yeah, totally, we’ve got the three Bs: beaches, beers, and babes. So, uh, yeah it’s been great.
[MARK] Better than up north with grandpa, I’d bet?
[ARTHUR] Oh, one-hundo-percent.
[MARK] But while the prince might be well accustomed to intrusive photographers, the people of Queen’s Quay are not. Noise complaints and police reports have almost doubled in the past week.
[ARTHUR] I’m here to help you bitchless individuals out.
[ARTHUR] It’s easy, like, do this shit and: instant bitches
[ARTHUR] Chicks love sandcastles, just bullshit it. They love artsy shit like this.
[ARTHUR] You can be a 4/10 but if you can make a 6/10 sandcastle, you’re set.
[ARTHUR] I failed honours arts but bitches think I’m Beethoven when I bust out one of these.
[FINCH] Beethoven was a musician, tho . . .
[ARTHUR] I literally just said I failed AP art, Finch, why are you surprised?
[MARK] Your older brother is currently enrolled at Warwick Metropolitan University. If he graduates he will be the first member of your family to receive a graduate degree. Do you have any plans for post-secondary education?
[ARTHUR] Not really? People always get mad when I say this, but why do I need a degree? So I can get a good job?
[ARTHUR] Be real, I’m wearing a shirt with pineapples on it, you don’t want me filing anyone’s taxes. My brother’s the smart one.
[MARK] University can provide you with a lot of amazing opportunities.
[ARTHUR] I’d just fail. And even if I did well, people like you would just say I got unfair treatment like last time, so . . . I’m good.
[LOCAL WOMAN #2] I think it's just frustrating because you know that if he wasn’t royalty the police would have already shut it down. We don’t treat celebs like this.
[LOCAL MAN #1] The hotel is right across the street from us. It’s constant music and noise and traffic. It’s terrible.
[FINCH] What type of vape is that, my man?
[ARTHUR] Strawberry ice cream. I prefer the mango, but this one is alright.
[FINCH] They’re clowning you for vaping in chat, Art.
[COOKIE] Probably because it’s gross as fuck.
[ARTHUR] Omigod, shut up, both of you.
[ARTHUR] You guys are like my dad. Cigarettes are fine but vaping is so bad for you.
[FINCH] You’re not worried about popcorn lung?
[ARTHUR] You know I don’t believe in that shit.
[COOKIE] But he’ll believe once he develops it, tho.
[LOCAL MAN #2] I think the people here are being a little dramatic. Sure he's loud, but so are the local kids. Sure he's causing trouble, point me to one boy that hasn't? Stuff like this happens, people only care because of who he is.
[COOKIE]  . . . Like, yeah, why do you think I'm here? Woodbine is, like, so freaking boring in the winter, bitch—Oh, can I swear or will you censor bad words?
[MARK] We won’t censor, um, that one
[COOKIE] Oh, goody! I thought I’d [REDACTED]ed it up for a second there.
[MARK] Are these your friends from school, Your Royal Highness?
[ARTHUR] Well, I went to an all-boys school, so yes and no—
[COOKIE] His school was scuffed
[ARTHU] —she’s just saying that, she was always visiting afterhours, if you know what I mean. I have that effect on bitches.
[COOKIE] I don’t give a fuck if they’re talking ‘bout my tits. I’m built differently for these little boys, the fuck?
[COOKIE] All white bikini my body looks like milk.
[ARTHUR] White on white?
[COOKIE]White on white on white. My nails are white too.
[COOKIE & ARTHUR] White on white on white on white 
[FINCH] They’re both so fucking annoying, guys. Pray for me.
[MARK] In recent years, the status of the Duke of Woodbine’s two sons has been subject to controversy. Last year, both young men were stripped of tax-funded police protection after senior members of the royal family reportedly expressed concerns. Prince Arthur refused to answer questions about his family. Back to you, Ana.
[MARK] Is it safe to say you’re dreading the end of your vacation?
[ARTHUR] As much as you’re dreading the end of this interview, yeah.
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akistans · 3 years ago
Hyung line x reader
Warnings: Yandere themes, Sadism, suggestive content, a f*cked up government, probably some tyranny here and there(what am i saying theres gonna be a load of tyranny)
Disclaimer: The following work is purely fictional and does not represent Enha’s hyung line in any way or shape. I also do not support or condone abusive relationships, please seek help if you or a loved one’s are in this situation.
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The kingdom of the North was ruled by a very giving king and his son, the people and the country flourished. Such a great kingdom to be in, in such a great time. There was nothing corrupt, no slums, all peace and harmony ran through it’s land, thanks to its royalty of course!
You worked as a maid within the estate, and Prince Heeseung was a gentle soul. He was so caring and appreciative, he would even help you with the chores. Out of all the other maids, it was as almost if he wanted to spend time with you only.
You worked as a maid within the estate, and Prince Heeseung was a gentle soul. He was so caring and appreciative, he would even help you with the chores. Out of all the other maids, it was as almost if he wanted to spend time with you only.
He was more of a good friend than an employer at this point. Almost too good of a friend…you started to catch feelings for him. But you couldn’t show that, it was forbidden for commoners to be with royalty. So you crushed silently, that is until one day, You and Heeseung wanted to practice dancing for an upcoming ball, you agreed to help, only for him to grab you close and press his lips against yours.
In pure shock, you reflexively pushed him away.
“C’mon Y/n, we both know you feel the same way.” He tried to wrap his arm around your waist again just for you to stumble back. You bowed good night to him, pacing back to your chambers and going to sleep and praying he doesn’t tell anyone, but them again, he was the one that kissed you.
The next day, you are waken up by the royal guards. Kicking and screaming, they dragged you down to the cells below the estate where you are met with a familiar face, Prince Heeseung. Who seemed very jovial at the fact you were crying for him to let you go.
“All you had to do was just let it happen y’know? Now since I’m such a kind ruler, then i’ll give you a choice, rot down here, or…be mine?”
And so began your secret relationship with the oh so kind prince Heeseung.
☆ Jay.
Calling the kingdom of the west a capitalist’s wet dream is putting it mildly, it’s more like a twisted hierarchy complex ruled by a monarchy who not one person has barely seen the family in years. you worked alongside your family as middle class bakers in the centre. Just right below the high class utopia, which was right below the royal palace. Could be worse tho, you could’ve been born in the kingdom of East.
All in all, you lived a pretty simple life, your parents encouraged you to take on the bakery ever since you turned 18, and have been doing a good job since then. There’s been this certain man who has been coming in for the past few weeks, always ordering the same thing. He dresses really nice, not like anyone from where you are from, so he must be from the utopia.
Well, aside from that at least he pays good.
The next few weeks we’re kinda of odd, your parents were acting strange lately, and that man you would see stopped coming. The next morning you turn the corner only to see a sold sign, you raced up to the entrance to see your parents and an all too familiar face.
Your parents looked like they just struck it rich, not giving a care in the world what their child in front of themselves worried face displayed. Without even giving you a side glance, they walked away and into a fancy carriage that escorted them away. “There’s nothing you can do about them, money and greed clouds the mind of those pigs…” the rather sharp tongued boy said next to you.
You drop down on your knees, ready to let your tears pool at any minute. “But…but why…?”
“Oh yeah, i’m really bad at hello’s, so I’ll just tell you my name. I’m Park, Jongseong, and i’m your husband.” And just like that, greed took your life away.
★ Jake
(Surprise-surprise! He’ll be getting a fic of his own! Look out for it!)
☆ Sunghoon
Allow me to semi-quote from mean girls when i say this, “and evil takes its true from in the kingdom of the East.” This kingdom of the East was by no means a place for common folk to live, the poor stayed the poor and the rich stayed the rich. Famine would strike every so often, illness was rampant, and mistreatment of the people became a norm among the royal police.
And why has no one ever thought to stand against this? Because of the Park family that’s why. Hundreds of years of an unbroken rule of the callous family, who have shown no love to their people, anyone dear try to revolt would be sent to an early, excruciating death. You hated this. You hated even indirectly having a part in this, Your family has been in charge of all things military and police, a noble family in charge of enforcing the Park family’s rule, no matter what.
You promised, that once your old man finally croaks—and you assume leadership of the family— you would change the ways of this harsh government, maybe—just maybe loosen the Park’s grip. Well…thats easier said than done, especially when you’d need to convince the next heir, Park Sunghoon. You’ve only met him a couple of times, quiet, direct, same as most of his family. Though you heard that he currently advises some industries, most notably the agriculture department, which planned the famine currently raging the the commons. Thats just one from the list of things you heard about him.
Although you weren’t the head of your family yet, that didn’t stop you from helping behind the scenes. Currently you were on your way to a local shelter to bring them goods, as you would do every so often. Upon arriving, you felt uneasy, the atmosphere was unusually off putting. But nevertheless you continued to enter the area only to be met with over a dozen of people on their knees, as the royal guards surrounded them.
“Wha—unhand them right now men!” You tried to exert your power but was all futile when you heard the cold voice of the heir walk right behind you. “And why should they? After all, what you are doing right now is illegal Y/n, heh—such a shame that the L/n family is now at risk, all because of one person.” You could feel his smirk on your shoulder as he gripped your head to look at the sobs of the people.
But how? How could he have known?
“Sir, what would you like us to do with the people?” The head guard spoke up. “Dispose of them of course—oh! And don’t mention the nobles involvement in this, i’ll handle that personally.” The guards exited along with the people, leaving you and Sunghoon to yourselves, tears filled your eyes, awaiting whatever punishment you were getting. Sunghoon placed a tight grip on your waist and used his thumb under your chin to guide your vision towards him.
“I’m not going to report this Y/n, death would be an easy way out wouldn’t it? Heh-I’ve never played with a noble before, i wonder how long it’ll take to see you break.” And just like that, you were at the mercy of Park Sunghoon.
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