#Boston Pride Guide
transform4u · 3 months
Sin of Pride
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Derek Day, 35, had carved out a thriving career in marketing strategy, navigating the vibrant streets of New York City with a calculated finesse. After years of climbing the corporate ladder, he had secured a comfortable penthouse overlooking Central Park—a sanctuary amidst the urban hustle where Derek, alongside his husband, Alex, cherished morning walks with their dog.
Always affable, Derek effortlessly blended into any social setting with a warmth that drew people in. Yet, the youthful nights of endless parties in Manhattan's glittering nightlife had waned for him. What used to be a whirlwind of glamorous events and exclusive clubs now felt hollow and exhausting. Raised in a bustling suburb of Boston, Derek thrived in an environment steeped in academia and creativity. From a young age, he gravitated towards literature and history, finding solace in intellectual pursuits.
Switching into casual attire, Derek glanced at his reflection in the mirror, noting the slight wrinkles that marked his aging face. Instead of chasing after the next big party, his evenings were now filled with dinners with close friends—writers, musicians, and fellow intellectuals.
Tonight, longing to recapture a spark of his youth, Derek decided to visit one of his favorite gay bars in the Village. Though lately, he had often ended up at the piano bar down the street, singing showtunes and enjoying a sensible glass of wine, tonight was different. The pulsating rhythm of Pride weekend in New York City filled the air of the vibrant gay bar, an explosion of colors and bodies entwined in celebration. Rainbow flags draped from the ceiling fluttered in the chaotic whirl of flashing lights, while the beat of music throbbed through every corner of the crowded venue. A Kylie Minogue anthem continued to erupt from the speakers, igniting a wave of cheers and applause.
♪ "Can't get you out of my head Boy, your loving is all I think about" ♪ Half-naked men in glittering shorts spun around with abandon, their bodies glistening under the neon glow. Shirtless twinks danced, bears in leather harnesses clinked glasses of rainbow-colored cocktails with daddies. Jocks, leaning against the bar, flicked through their phones, lost in a series of Grindr messages.
In the dimly lit back, the stage lights flickered to life, casting an eerie red hue that contrasted starkly against the rainbow-splashed surroundings. Dressed in a gown of deepest crimson that cascaded like spilled blood, the mysterious drag queen known only as Lilith Lamentation stepped into the spotlight. Her face, painted with an otherworldly beauty, bore an enigmatic smile that hinted at ancient secrets and dark desires.
As Kylie blared over the speakers, Derek was reminded why he didn't frequent such places anymore. He contemplated heading home, but then the sound of a campy showtune and the allure of a mysterious drag queen's performance beckoned from the back room.
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Ordering a crafted cocktail, Derek found himself drawn towards the music, his steps guided by curiosity and a yearning for something new and vibrant in his life.
As Lilith glided across the stage, her gaze pierced through the sea of faces, a silent promise of something beyond the ordinary. Her voice, when she spoke, carried a mesmerizing cadence that held the audience captive.
"I bring Lilith's gift of Virility and Strength," she hissed, her words laced with a chilling undertone that seemed to echo through the very foundations of the bar. "For you, and for all in your tiny, vile, incessant universe."
The crowd erupted into cheers, mistaking Lilith's words as just another campy performance. They clapped and whistled, caught up in the spell woven by her presence, unaware of the ancient power that pulsed beneath her theatrical veneer.
Meanwhile, Lilith continued her hypnotic dance, lip-syncing a campy showtune like she was Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus. Her movements were deliberate, each step a silent proclamation of dominance over the fleeting pleasures of the mortal realm.
And as the crowd grew, Lilith's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with the knowledge that tonight, she would claim her due from those who dared to indulge in the euphoria of the night.
As the final crescendo of the campy anthem filled the air, Lilith stood at the center of the stage, a mesmerizing figure amidst the pulsating lights and swirling colors of the gay bar. Her voice, dripping with allure and mystery, carried over the ecstatic crowd. "Come on you poor unfortunate soul, Go ahead! Make your choice!"
Derek, amidst the swirling sea of revelers, felt an inexplicable force guiding him forward. It was as though Lilith's eyes, dark and mesmerizing, had locked onto his with an unbreakable gaze. "And for my next trick, I need one brave volunteer," Lilith hissed, her words dripping with a seductive promise that seemed to pull Derek through the pulsating crowd against his own will.
"I volunteer!" Derek's voice erupted, a blend of exhilaration and uncertainty echoing in the cacophony of cheers and music. His steps were propelled towards the stage where Lilith stood, a figure bathed in the neon glow of the bar's lights, radiating an aura of mystery and power.
"So, sweetie, tell me, are you having a glorious Pride weekend?" Lilith's voice, smooth and intoxicating, resonated intimately as if she already knew the deepest secrets of Derek's heart.
"Oh, yeah. I rarely go out anymore, what with my loving husband and always being so busy at work," Derek blurted out, his words rushing forth in an attempt to bridge the enigmatic connection Lilith seemed to forge.
"How nice… But wouldn't you like to relax? Wouldn't you prefer a life that was easy?" Lilith's smile widened, a glint of mischief dancing in her eyes like shards of broken mirrors reflecting hidden desires.
"I mean, sure… But you know us gays, we're always busy," Derek replied, his voice tinged with a mix of hesitation and fascination under Lilith's penetrating stare.
"Don't worry, Derek. I'll soon fix that," Lilith's tone dropped to a whisper, her gaze delving into Derek's with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. "Oh, Derek, I see such fire in you. Such anger. Why do you hate straight men so much?"
"I don't… They're just… They're just all so dumb. They act like they're so great with their big muscles, telling everyone what to do. They're so obnoxious and crude. Like, I tried to rush a frat in college and they wouldn't let me because I'm gay," Derek's words spilled out, each syllable laced with a mixture of bitterness and defiance.
"Oh, Derek. That's exactly what I wanted to hear," Lilith's voice carried a knowing edge, a subtle promise of something profound stirring beneath the surface. "Think back to all those cruel, obnoxious, crude straight men. Those muscles. Those frat boys. Because soon, you're going to be just like them."
A charged silence fell over the crowd, a moment pregnant with anticipation as Lilith's words hung in the air. Then, as if under Lilith's enchantment, the room erupted into cheers and applause. Wicked grins spread across the faces of twinks, bears, daddies, and every gay man present, reveling in the impending spectacle.
Derek stood on the stage, bathed in the kaleidoscope of lights—reds, greens, purples, and blues swirling around him in a mesmerizing dance. The disco ball above spun faster, casting fragmented reflections that mirrored the tumultuous whirl of emotions within him.
In that fleeting moment, Derek felt a profound shift, as if Lilith's gaze had unlocked a hidden part of himself. Her eyes held him captive, a silent promise of transformation that beckoned him into a realm where identities blurred and possibilities stretched beyond the horizon.
As the disco ball above them spun, casting fractured beams of light across the stage, Lilith's voice resonated through the air, weaving a dark incantation into the throbbing pulse of the club. "Embrace the bro within his soul's domain, Let toxic traits unleash and reign. From caring man to crude and bold, Shape his spirit, let the story unfold!"
The music momentarily ceased, creating a brief, eerie silence that hung like a veil over the crowd. In that pregnant pause, Derek felt a strange sensation creeping through his mind, a dull ache that intensified with each passing second. He brought his hands to his temples, trying to soothe the throbbing pain that seemed to radiate from within.
His thoughts, once clear and sharp, began to muddle. Concepts he had effortlessly grasped earlier in the evening now slipped through his fingers like sand. Memories of his husband, Alex, flickered in his mind, but they seemed distant, as if shrouded in a haze that dulled their clarity. His marketing expertise, honed over years of diligent work, felt like a distant echo fading into the background.
Meanwhile, unseen to Derek but palpable in the changing air around him, his face began to shift. His weak chin squared off, morphing into a strong, chiseled jawline reminiscent of a jock's confident smirk. His nose widened slightly, and his eyes, once warm and expressive, furrowed into a steely gaze that spoke of brash determination. Lips that were once unassuming plumped up subtly, while his teeth, previously ordinary, gleamed with an unnatural perfection and whiteness.
The transformation continued as Derek's face altered further, the lines and wrinkles that hinted at his age smoothing away as if erased by an invisible hand. His hair, styled in its usual manner, shifted gradually to a sharp fade, a haircut sported by the athletic jocks he had envied in his college days. Its color shifted subtly, mirroring the vibrant hues often seen among those who exuded confidence and swagger.
Before Derek's bewildered eyes, his reflection in a nearby mirror no longer resembled the man he knew. It was a face that carried an air of entitlement, of privilege.
And as the beats of the club music resumed their pulsating rhythm, Derek felt a strange sense of detachment from the life he had once known. His memories of Alex faded like wisps of smoke, his career achievements slipping away into the abyss of forgotten knowledge. He was no longer the man who had walked into the bar that evening; he had become something else entirely, a creation of Lilith's spell that now prowled the stage with a newfound confidence and arrogance.
As Lilith's dark magic continued to surge through Derek, a peculiar sensation gripped him—a feeling of time unraveling, pulling him backward through the years of his life. The dull ache in his head intensified, pulsing in rhythm with the shifting memories and sensations.
At 34, Derek felt a surge of youthful energy, memories of recent years slipping away like pages torn from a book. He blinked, finding himself at 30, the weight of responsibilities and adult concerns diminishing. At 26, the carefree spirit of his mid-twenties enveloped him, followed swiftly by the uncertainty and excitement of being 23. Then, at 21, he stood on the precipice of young adulthood, the world brimming with possibilities. He was just a junior in college, barely making it by.
Through the haze of confusion, Derek's awareness wavered. He chuckled dumbly, a laugh that echoed with a newfound simplicity. "Uh, what the fuck bro. What am I doing in front of all these people?" His voice, once articulate and refined, now carried a rawness, a rugged quality that matched his shifting persona.
"Oh, sweetie. You volunteered, don't worry. We have a few prizes for you. Care for a shot?" Lilith's voice, smooth as silk yet tinged with malice, cut through Derek's befuddled state.
"Fuck yeah, bro!" Derek's reply boomed with a deeper timbre, his adam's apple visibly protruding as his voice dropped several octaves. He eagerly accepted the shot offered by Lilith, the liquid burning down his throat like liquid fire.
As the fiery concoction coursed through him, Derek felt an intense heat spreading from within. His clothes, once neat and casual, began to morph and change. The basic flannel shirt and jeans dissolved into sweaty gym clothes—a ratty shirt clinging to his broadening chest and shorts that hugged his thickening thighs.
Derek's muscles ignited with a burning sensation, expanding and bulging with each passing second. His pecs swelled into thick mounds of manly flesh, straining against the confines of his shirt until it burst open, shredded into tattered nothingness. His abs popped into existence, chiseled and defined, forming a tight eight-pack that rippled with every breath.
His biceps ballooned, veins pulsing with newfound strength as they tore through the sleeves of his shirt. The muscles of his shoulders broadened, widening his frame until he felt like he could barely fit through the stage doors. His quads and legs, once slender, bulked up with dense muscle, his stance becoming more stable but heavier with each breath.
Standing on stage, Derek breathed heavily, his chest rising and falling with the effort of his transformed body. He flexed instinctively, feeling the power coursing through his veins, a sensation that was both exhilarating and terrifying.
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Lillith smiles and nods, "Good, now imagine that you are one of those jocks you hated so much. You're at a party with all your friends, drinking and having a great time. Suddenly, you feel an intense pain in your chest. It's like someone is squeezing your heart with their bare hands. Think about what those idiot bros craved so much" "Beer, boobs and bros" Derek grunts to Lilith, between a dumb-as-nails laugh that seems to ring throughout the crowd.
Derek gasps as he imagines the feeling of his heart being crushed by invisible hands. The pain is unbearable and he can't breathe properly. He tries to scream but no sound comes out of his mouth. His vision starts to blur and everything around him starts spinning rapidly.
Derek's mind drifts back to one of his many drunken nights at the frat party, where he had been hitting on girls and trying to impress everyone with his macho behavior. He remembers how he had downed shot after shot, feeling invincible and ready to take on the world. But then something caught his eye - two guys making out in the corner of the room.
At first, Derek tried to ignore it; after all, it was just a couple of guys having some fun, right? But as they continued their public display of affection, Derek couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. His homophobia started to grow stronger with each passing moment. He began thinking about how disgusting it was for men to be so openly gay in public like that. It made him sick!
Suddenly filled with rage and an overwhelming sense of masculinity , Derek stumbled towards the edge of the stage, the two men who were now locked in a passionate embrace. "Quit it you fags!" he screamed at them while flexing his chest muscles for added effect.
Derek was becoming everything he hated in straight men, caricature of toxic masculinity unfolded with a hypnotic allure that captivated the crowd. His once relaxed demeanor shifted into a display of exaggerated machismo. He was becoming nothing more than a dumbass, toxic straight douchebag.
With newfound swagger, Derek squared his broad shoulders and flexed his muscles, each movement deliberate and exaggerated. His shirt strained against his bulging arms, a visual testament to the physical strength he now glorified. As he strutted across the stage, the crowd roared in approval, their cheers echoing off the rainbow-adorned walls.
Memories flooded Derek's mind, snapshots of wild frat parties where he had been the life of the raucous gatherings. He recalled the adrenaline rush of football games, the thunderous applause as he led his team to victory. The intense memory of being named captain surged through his thoughts, filling him with a sense of invincibility and entitlement.
Derek's cognitive faculties seemed to simplify. Basic math calculations became secondary to posturing and asserting his newfound persona as an alpha male.
As the memories of his past hookups and the frat flooded his mind, Derek's actions became larger than life. He leaned into the role of a swaggering jock, embodying stereotypes of entitlement and arrogance. The crowd, caught up in the spectacle, cheered louder with each display of machismo, celebrating Derek's transformation into a symbol of exaggerated masculinity.
His newfound demeanor allowed him to act like an unapologetic jerk without consequence. He would interrupt conversations with dismissive remarks, mockingly tease others, and even flirt shamelessly, often crossing boundaries with his comments. Despite his behavior, people didn't recoil; instead, they laughed and admired his audacity.
Derek's popularity seemed to soar regardless of his actions. People sought his attention and approval, drawn to his confident demeanor and the allure of his unfiltered personality. His ability to command attention made him the life of the party, the center of every conversation, and the subject of admiration among many.
One vivid memory from Derek's upbringing flashed through his mind—a childhood spent in opulence, shielded by wealthy parents who indulged his every whim. He recalled demanding the latest gadgets, designer clothes, and extravagant vacations without hesitation. His sense of entitlement grew with every fulfilled desire, shaping him into someone who took what he wanted without consideration for others.
Lilith observed him with a mix of amusement and calculation. She leaned in close, her voice cutting through the music, "Now Derek—hmmm, Derek is such a boring name. You're much more like a—Thad," she declared with a sly smile. "You drip wealth and arrogance with every breath you take."
At Lilith's words, something shifted. The name "Derek" seemed to dissolve into the air, overshadowed by the swaggering persona of Thad. The crowd, caught up in the spectacle, erupted into cheers and applause. They raised their glasses in a toast to Thad, celebrating his transformation into a symbol of audacious entitlement and unbridled privilege. You see it wasn't just Derek's mind-altering him, the crowd fueled his change into the most obnoxious, toxic straight bro. Someone they secretly wished they could fuck but could never have.
Thad, now fully embracing his new identity, flexed his muscles and strutted confidently through the bar. His face bore a smug grin, embodying the embodiment of self-assuredness and entitlement. In this moment, he was no longer Derek, the mild-mannered professional; he had become Thad, the embodiment of wealth, arrogance, and societal rebellion.
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As the night wore on, Thad's presence loomed larger, overshadowing any trace of the person Derek once was. His actions and words became increasingly brazen, drawing admiration and laughter from the crowd. To them, Thad was a hero—an icon who defied norms and embraced a life without boundaries.
Lilith watched with satisfaction as Thad's persona continued to grow stronger throughout the night. She could see the change in him, how he was becoming more confident and assertive with each passing moment. It was as if a newfound power had awakened within him, one that allowed him to push past his previous limitations and embrace a life of unrestrained desire.
As Thad walked up to the busty blonde bimbo who had been eyeing him all night, Lilith couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. She could see the lustful thoughts running through his mind as he imagined hooking up with her - it was almost palpable how hard his dick got at the thought of it. This was exactly what she wanted for him - unbridled passion and carnal desires that knew no bounds.
As Thad approached the blonde bimbo, he couldn't help but flex his massive biceps for her benefit. She giggled dumbly at his display of bravado before playfully slapping him on the chest. "Ooh, you're so strong!" she cooed in her ditzy voice.
Thad grinned smugly and ordered a round of shots for them both. They clinked glasses and downed their drinks in one go, their eyes meeting with an unspoken understanding that this was just the beginning of a night filled with debauchery and pleasure.
Without another word, Thad leaned in and started making out with the blonde bimbo passionately. His hands roamed freely over her body as he groped her ass cheeks and squeezed her ample breasts through her tight dress. She moaned into his mouth, encouraging him to take what he wanted from her without hesitation or shame.
As Thad whispers into the blonde bimbo's ear, "Hey, babe. Why don't we go back to my frat house. You'll love it. hahaha" The dumb blonde can only giggle uncontrollably. Her eyes light up with excitement as she nods her head eagerly, grabbing onto his arm possessively. They stumble out of the bar together, laughing and shouting over the loud music that still plays inside.
Outside, it's a cool summer night with a light breeze blowing through campus. The air is filled with the scent of summer and alcohol as they make their way back to Thad's frat house. As they approach the front door, it swings open revealing an absolute mess: beer cans littered everywhere; pizza boxes stacked high on top of each other; empty bottles strewn about like confetti; couches covered in stains from God knows what substance… It truly is a disgusting sight to behold!
Undeterred by their surroundings or lack of hygiene, Thad leads his new conquest upstairs to one of many bedrooms filled with similarly disheveled furniture and filthier sheets than you could imagine possible. Once inside this makeshift love nest he begins undressing her slowly while she helps him remove his clothes faster than he can manage alone due to how drunk he was at this point.
Their hookup is nothing short of passionate yet sloppy – kisses are sloppily exchanged while hands roam freely across each other’s bodies without any regard for personal space or boundaries. They move from making out on top of unmade bedsheets stained beyond recognition towards grinding against one another before finally collapsing onto said bed in an exhausted heap post-coital bliss… Or maybe just exhaustion? Who knows?
All that matters now to Thad is the fact that he's the king of his domain – the big man on campus. He loves being able to strut around with an air of superiority, knowing that everyone looks up to him and wants to be like him. His life as an entitled fratbro is everything he could have ever wanted: endless parties filled with booze, drugs, and beautiful women; never-ending streams of money from parents who don't want their precious little boy getting into trouble; and most importantly, respect from his peers for being one of the biggest, douchiest guys around.
Thad takes pride in his physical strength too – working out religiously every day so he can flex those muscles whenever possible. He enjoys showing off by picking up girls or throwing back shots like they were nothing more than water bottles at a high school football game. And let's not forget about all those ridiculous hazing rituals designed specifically for new pledges - nothing makes Thad feel more powerful than watching some poor freshman suffer through them while everyone else laughs. Thad was hot shit and he knew it.
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wyyvernn · 1 year
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SFW Headcanons - Haytham Kenway & Shay Patrick Cormac
A/n: Little Haytham and Shay things and mannerisms that they do with or without their S/O. Sfw but there is a soft mention of Shay being naughty HAHAHA
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- Gives no reaction to distaste or disgust except the slight wrinkle of his nose or creasing of his brows to something that displeases him.
- Often clasps his hands behind his back, it is one of his most signature mannerisms. Others include standing tall with his back as straight as a board, and you can see the pride and arrogance dripping off his form. Coughs into his fist after winning an argument.
- Haytham has only a few he cares about or becomes interested in, and in truth those who don't come under that list, he barely notices, maybe even shrugs them off.
- If his S/O has poor posture or slouches a lot, then he lightly scolds them, tells them that it's not good for their back, and he will promptly give them lessons on how to stand straighter, walk with confidence, walk with purpose etc. And he will smile just the slightest when progress has been made.
- On the topic of love languages, Haytham believes that actions do more than words. So little acts of service like opening the door for you and allowing you to pass through first, or actively seeking out an item that you lost some time ago becomes somewhat of a thing for him to do in his free time. (Yes, I'm referencing that one time when he hunted all throughout Boston to find Benjamin Franklin's missing almanac pages.) Quality time is something he seeks out with his S/O too, the fact that he can be around you brings him silent joy. He doesn't even need to be touching you, you could be in the same room together and reading book on opposite sides and he's content.
- Carries a handkerchief to wipe the blood off his sword after impaling an enemy. And he cleans it off with elegance like he didn't just slaughter the fuck out of a man.
- Flashes his enemies a smile but it's more taunting and filled with condescension than the ones he sends his S/O, which are warm and kind. Either contain some kind of purpose, mostly his face is unreadable and lacking in emotion.
- Tips his hat like a gentleman to any lady he passes, and his lips curl up just a tad when he watches them blush and walk by him. He knows that he has that effect on women.
- Will not tolerate disrespect towards him or his S/O and it's one of the few things that triggers a physical reaction from him. Although, the most he will do is shove the offending person against a wall with an iron grip, his piercing eyes darkening as he lectures their ears off. Makes sure you're alright afterwards.
- His scent is like smoky wood fire combined with the hidden notes of something that's quite difficult to place but it's a charming smell, and very distinctive. So distinctive, in fact, that you would know when he turns a corner just by catching a small whiff of him.
- Lets his S/O take the helm of the Morrigan sometimes, especially when he sees them so excited. He'll step away and allow them to grip the wheel before coming up from behind and placing his hands over theirs, guiding you to steer the ship.
- Yes, that funny little bed in his cabin does get used and not just for sleeping. On more than one occasion has Shay dragged you by your arm to his cabin when his crew were too occupied in a tavern.
- Has a habit of showing off, particularly when he was an Assassin. Now he's less boisterous, less boyish but he maintains some of those traits and it really is quite charming, if a little laughable when he flexes his muscles at you after hunting a shark.
- More perceptive than others give him credit for, I think he pays attention to many things in the environment, might smile at a bird's nest or grin when he notices a whale.
- A passionate man, will absolutely ruin the person who insults him or his S/O. He's quicker to anger than Haytham, more reckless but it's something endearing even if gets a bit too much. Shay means well.
- Loves languages of his include physical touch. He cannot keep his hands off his S/O and they often find his palm wandering down from their waist to grip their rear, which earns him a light smack on his chest but he grins and shrugs it off. Sometimes he pulls them in his lap when he's going over plans for the Morrigan. I think he's very fond of quality time as well to the point that he's ecstatic that his S/O is by his side on his ship always. Oddly enough, there are many things to do on the open sea that don't involve just steering a wheel and looking at all the pretty little fish.
- Strangely, he wears a frown in public. It could just be his resting face but it's hard to tell. You like to bring your thumb up to his brows when he's unsuspecting and massage the crease away until he realises what's happening and he lets out a small chuckle, gently batting your hands away.
- Fights many men at once and at no point does his grin ever drop. Whether it's a bar fight or when he's juggling through his weapons, he will show his enjoyment and it's really quite menacing and ridiculous at the same time.
Bonus - Poly
- Together, both men work very well. Both are deadly on their own but with Haytham's intellect and Shay's efficiency, they become their own army side by side.
- Both are considerate of their S/O, Haytham is more calm and gentle towards you and Shay, rough and energetic. They balance each other out when one becomes too much, but you enjoy their company regardless.
- It's never a tug of war between them, every thing between each of you is carefully calculated to be equal per Haytham's request. Shay might become more wanting of your company but even he knows the line not to cross.
- Come night, and the three of you are snuggled closely together. Admittedly, Haytham prefers to sleep beside only one of you but even he can't refuse having both. Shay doesn't care at all and will happily join you both together.
- Quiet kisses and hushed words of affection become a daily thing when no one is around but the three of you.
- Random little thing to point out but Haytham's ponytail is lower and Shay's is a bit higher.
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liaromancewriter · 3 months
Premise: They’re caught up in the magic of a moonlit night.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff Words: 735
A/N: It's been too long since I wrote a Maxenna fic. This one is pure romance! Based on an ask by @rafasgirl23415 #42 from this kisses list (out of pride). Submission for @choicesjunechallenge2024 prompt "bridge" and @choicescommunityevents Fairy Event - prompt "moonlit magic"
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The bridge was bathed in the golden glow of streetlights, casting long, romantic shadows on the River Seine flowing quietly below. Its surface mirrored the light from a waxing moon that peeked through wispy clouds on an otherwise clear night sky.
In the distance, the Eiffel Tower sparkled, its lights shining like a thousand fairy lights. A soft breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and fresh bread from a nearby boulangerie. The soft strains of music from an accordion drifted through the night, mingling with the sounds of the city.
The air was thick with the warmth of a Parisian summer night. It was a night made for romance—magical.
Sienna Trinh glanced sideways at the handsome man strolling beside her, and her lips curved into a secretive smile.
If someone had told a younger her that she would be on a second honeymoon in Paris with Max Valentine, her hand clasped in his, his ring on her left finger, and as in love as the first time they said the words to each other, she wouldn’t have believed them.
When she first saw him, he reminded her of a sleek panther with messy blond hair and a flirtatious half-smile hovering on his lips. She’d felt the first flutter of butterflies but quickly dismissed them—and him.
Now, fine lines fanned out from the corner of his green eyes, and there were hints of silver just starting along the hairline of his artfully styled hair. The boyish features had honed into statesman-like maturity. But his grin still made her heart go boom.
Ten years of marriage had only enflamed what began as a flicker almost fifteen years ago.
Lost in thought, Sienna didn’t feel Max tug at her hand and almost stumbled. He caught her, as she knew he would, and turned her about to face him.
“Daydreaming, again?”
She gazed into his laughing green eyes and fell in love with her husband all over again.
“Dance with me,” he brought her hand up to his chest, intertwining their fingers.
Max rested one hand on her waist, guiding her movements with ease. His eyes never left hers, and the world around them faded away into a hazy backdrop of twinkling lights and the sweet melody of La vie en rose.
Sienna’s dress fluttered gently around her legs, and she swayed in his arms. She laughed as Max spun her gently before reeling her back toward him. Leaning into him, she rested her head against his shoulder, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her cheek.
“Remember our first dance?” he murmured, his breath warm against her ear.
"How could I forget?" Sienna grinned, tilting her head to meet his eyes. “I thought I’d entered a magical spring garden high in the sky. It looked like you’d bought out all the hyacinths in the Boston area.”
“I was nervous that night,” Max confessed, his voice a deep rumble that sent shivers down her spine. “My heart was pounding so loud, I was afraid you could hear it.”
“I was terrified of falling for you. I tried so hard to keep my distance during that first dance.”
“I remember telling you to let go, to trust me with your heart.” He lowered his head and kissed her softly on the mouth. “Just for tonight.”
“And then you stepped on my toes,” she teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
“And you laughed, just like you’re laughing now,” he said, pulling her closer. "It’s my favorite sound in the world.” He paused and winked lasciviously. “Well, second best.”
Sienna blushed, remembering the sounds she’d made last night. It was a good thing their hotel suite didn’t have any neighbors.
Time seemed to stand still, but they continued to dance, lost in their shared memories.
Boats drifted lazily by, their passengers catching glimpses of the couple and smiling at the simple beauty of two people in love and lost in each other.
Max dipped Sienna low as the song drew to a close, her hair cascading like a waterfall over his arm. For a heartbeat, they stayed suspended like that. Then, slowly, he brought her back up, their faces inches apart.
“I love you, Sienna,” he whispered, his breath mingling with hers. “I’m proud to call you mine.”
“I love you too, Max,” she said, sealing her words with a kiss that tasted like forever.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @lady-calypso
@mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16
@justyourusualash @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Max & Sienna only: @aallotarenunelma @storyofmychoices @kyra75
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Boston can’t see anything beautiful & not destroy it because he does not believe he will ever be worthy of anything beautiful.
Nick allows his insecurities to guide the ship to the point of trying to become what he believes Boston wants.
Mew is more of an enigma, but the pride comes before the fall and I don’t think he’s in control as much as he thinks he is.
Top also doesn’t know how to care for nice things & allows his libido to get in the way of what he really wants - which whether or not he knows it - is a meaningful relationship with Mew.
Ray is broken from the childhood trauma of having parents who either didn’t love him, or loved him with money. When Mew showed him the slightest compassion he latched on because it’s quite possibly the first time anyone had ever shown it to him. Now he doesn’t know how to let that go but he’s trying.
Sand is just trying to get through the fucking day can you all give him a break? But also he let his walls down a little bit for Ray & at the first glimpse of it being for naught he built them back up again. By his own account his life is sharp edges & dust & working your ass off & the minute he aspired to something soft it burned him. <if you couldn’t tell Sand is my baby & I’ll protect him until the day I die>
What I love about this series is that ALL of the characters are flawed, they’re human beings. Admittedly some more than others, but that’s also how the world is. How do we navigate relationships with broken people that we have history with & also happen to love?
Buckle up butter cup I think we’re about to find out.
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fionamccall · 7 months
Boston Manor House - a newly restored Jacobean house near Ealing
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Boston Manor House counts as a Jacobean house (just) being built in 1623 by a widow, Mary Reade. It is quite near Brentford which saw action in the first Civil War, but apparently wasn't damaged.
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Its just re-opened after extensive restorations. Pride of place goes to the spectacular plaster ceiling in the main state room, although the guide wasn't impressed that they'd removed the later colouring to show it in all its original whiteness.
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The details of the ceiling were mainly female personifications of abstract qualities. On the fireplace they had a religious motif - the sacrifice of Isaac.
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Apparently these type of stripy hangings were popular in the 17th century, although I've never come across them before.
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This wallpaper from 1757 is unusual in showing classical ruins inspired by the Grand Tour and perhaps early signs of incipient romanticism.
All in all a unique and rather special place.
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by the way this is terrible picture quality but this is what I ended up doing with my wall last week. I still have to stick everything down more securely and I might make a few adjustments but I'm pretty satisfied.
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I even made a shitty gallery guide:
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1. Pictures of me with the 4 core members of Darlingside 2. Picture of me with Aaron Tveit 3.-4.   Carousel animal ornaments from the Smithsonian 5.-9.   Photo collages with my college friends 10.-12. Drawings of Les Amis de l'ABC as pigeons by me 13. Portrait of Victor Hugo by Alphonse Legros (Harvard Art Museums) 14.-15. Winnie-the-Pooh pencil drawings by E.H. Shepard (Victoria & Albert Museum) 16. Isabella Stewart Gardner museum, photo by Clements & Howcroft 17. Etching from Carceri d'invenzione (Imaginary Prisons) by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (British Library) 18. Cantica de Medicina by Avicenna (Boston Medical Library/Center for the History of Medicine) 19. Vanitas Still Life by Herman Henstenburgh (Morgan Library & Museum) 20. Mystique by Amy Brown 21. Art by Ulla Thynell 22. Medea by William Wetmore Story (MFA Boston) 23. Rockets and Blue Lights (Close at Hand) to Warn Steamboats of Shoal Water by JMW Turner (Clark Art Institute/MFA Boston) 24. Twilight by George Inness (Williams College Museum of Art) 25. Path to Shambhala by Nicholas Roerich (Nicholas Roerich Museum) 26. Star of the Hero by Nicholas Roerich 27. Palden Lhamo by Nicholas Roerich 28. First Touch (redraw of a still from Pride and Prejudice (2005)) by Kalogh on redbubble 29.-43. Art by @ullathynell (bought from artist's website, but she also has society6) 44. A Thousand Cranes (left screen) by Kayama Matazo (National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo) 45. Art of northern flicker by Sarah Martinez 46. Bird art by me 47. Cover design for Bury the Lede by Dora Lariat by me 48. "ex libris" book plates from my college English department 49. Ship with seven men, net and gull by Alfred Wallis (Kettle's Yard, Cambridge) 50. Farewell by @riisinaakka-draws 51. Piece of eight necklace 52. "Know no shame" inscription from Black Sails 53. Book of adventures by dandingeroz on redbubble 54. Farewell and Good Riddance to Skeleton Island by riisinaakka 55. The Walrus at Night by riisinaakka 56. The map from Treasure Island 57. Hush by @finngualart (SaskiaDeKorte) 58. Returned to the Sea by SaskiaDeKorte 59. Flint coloring page by SaskiaDeKorte, colored by me 60. Madi by riisinaakka 61. Longing by riisinaakka 62. Watercolour raven by SaskiaDeKorte
And (doll tw) here's a "before" shot from a while back (I'd changed the curtain and taken down the mirror in between)
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Congrats on 500!! You deserve it! 💕 Can I request Eli Sunday and hurricane/ pinning hc ( did I do that right?)
Author’s Note | it's been way too long since I've been inside of this little freak's head. and boy, is it a treacherous place; absolutely bursting with religious shame and repression. 😔
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Eli's form of infatuation looks a little different than the average person. It hides itself behind a wave of indifference and superiority. Love is patient, love is kind, he'll tell himself as he watches your averted eye as he gives his sermons every Sunday.
His chest swells with pride, knowing that he inspires such humility and tension in a member of his flock. There's something so pure–innocent, really–in the display of submission. Knowing that you look only to him to unknot that tangle of emotions in your core, oh, how that thoroughly obliterates something deep inside of himself.
He takes your hands in his own at the end of the sermon, presses his lips to them, whispers a prayer for you, and tastes the salt and grime that clings to your flesh. Nothing escapes the dust and dirt of Little Boston; but Eli believes with all of his heart that he can cleanse you. He knows he will.
Eli could never guess how you might be feeling for him, but he knows that they are undeniably there. The Lord gives him insight and strength, after all. The Lord compels all things to act according to His plan.
He'll do his best to guide you in the right direction. He'll offer to teach you scripture outside of services. And even if this is an entirely reasonable excuse to meet with you alone, he'll still feel like he's a boy sneaking around after dark. He knows the intentions that lie just beneath the surface of his wretched flesh. And he'll push them down.
So he waits for the Lord's will to take place. Because if you think he'll tell you how he feels first? You must be mad. He'd rather go through hell and high water than bear those vulnerabilities to someone. He isn't the weak, pathetic Sunday boy, nor the unwanted child anymore. He's a gift. 
And if you didn't return those feelings for him? It would cut him deeper than he'd ever let you know. He'd lick his wounds with a sharp tongue. You're a fool. Moronic. Stupid. Idiotic. His mind floods with as many nasty words he can think of to describe how foolish you are for rejecting this gift.
He's the prophet. How could you not love him? He should be everything you would need to live a good life. He would provide for you in every way imaginable. What more could he offer you that would make you understand if the divine promise of eternity meant nothing to you?
The mere idea would drive him mad, even more so than he already is. In that way, Eli really does imitate his idol; he is ever present, always watching, and desperate to save you. Because in his eyes, he's the only one who can.
So, please, grace his existence with your glorious gaze once more. Because, really, he's too afraid to admit it. But you're the only one who can save him.
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Nancy/Eddie | E | 25k | Finished
Nancy swallows her pride and returns to Hawkins when her carefully crafted life in Boston falls apart. In the five years since she abruptly cut everyone off and skipped town, all the people she once knew have left for bigger, brighter futures. Everyone except for Eddie Munson, local drug dealer turned reluctant mechanic who is willing to help Nancy out after her car breaks down.
They build a careful friendship over shared trauma and a mutual refusal to talk about their reasons for ending up in the same town that nearly killed them. Feelings grow, cars get fixed and Boston looms on the horizon.
OR: Nancy and Eddie and the girls who haunt them.
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Jonathan/Argyle | M | 6k | Finished
Dreamy, hazy exploration of Jonathan and Argyle’s relationship before season 4
The next morning in the shower, with a headache under the cold spray, he notices a tiny bruise right next to his belly button. Dark purple and shaped like a heart.
Thinks Argyle did it, but he’s not sure anymore. He presses two fingers into his skin and it stings so at least that’s real.
Thinks they kissed after that, thinks Argyle may have whispered something. Called him something.
But he doesn’t remember.
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Steve/Eddie | E | 60k | Finished If Eddie had known that sharing his New York City art studio with Robin would include her buddy Steve, he never would’ve offered it in the first place. There. He said it. If that makes him a bad friend, so be it. Because Steve is around all the time. Pastel and prissy. Sculpted from marble, yet dressed like a Macy’s mannequin. Always hovering. They got Robin’s potters wheel up the stairs last week, a three man effort he can still feel in his lower back, and now she’s fucking teaching him. Full on, arms wrapped around his waist, hands guiding hands. Someone grab him a bucket, ‘cause Eddie’s about to throw up. He’s not even good at it. Steve can barely get the hump of clay centered on the wheel and he refuses to get stains on his clothes. It’s fucking clay. It comes out in the wash. Steve’s shirtless approach to pottery is borderline offensive to the arts.
My 80s New York art scene AU for the steddie big bang <3
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Chrissy/Robin | E | 31k | Ongoing
Childhood friends Robin and Chrissy become roommates in college and Chrissy has a lot of jealous feelings about it.
Am I still your best friend? Robin had asked. Scared.
Chrissy lunged forward to hug her, squeezing her tight. Hoping it would convey more than she could say in words. Of course I’m still your best friend, she whispered into Robin’s neck.
Are you still mine?
She didn’t say that last part out loud. This wasn’t about her. She pushed it down. It took her months to admit to herself that the thought of another girl pressing her lips against her best friend’s was terrifying. That was Robin.
Her Robin.
And the meanest little part of Chrissy’s brain, the part she wouldn’t even write about in her diary, didn’t want to share. Very messy, very possessive, very explicit <3
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Steve/Eddie | M | 40K | Finished
A little passion project exploring aromantic Steve as he comes to terms with himself.
Steve gets his heart absolutely shattered in a bathroom at a random Halloween party. He storms off so no one can tell he’s on the verge of tears and finds Eddie Munson smoking a joint in the master bedroom.
Steve pours his heart out and tells Eddie that he just can’t get it to come naturally with Nancy. No matter how hard he tries so play at romance, he can’t love her the way he’s supposed to.
Eddie, who’s known he’s queer since middle school, sees something of himself in Steve. But as their friendship progresses into something more, Steve has to confront the fact that he might not be gay after all.
A very happy, queerplatonic ending guaranteed!
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Steve/Eddie, background Robin/Chrissy | T | 25k | Finished
Mild enemies to lovers vibe in a modern setting. Steve’s POV
When he forgets the keys to his apartment, Steve has a few hours to kill at a random bar down the street. The bartender, Eddie, recognizes him right away and Steve’s embarrassed to admit he has no idea who the guy is. After making a complete idiot of himself, he figures out they went to the same high school. This is bad news for Steve, who was a bit of an asshole back then, with a less than stellar reputation.
His roommate Robin does recognize Eddie and when the two reconnect there’s no escaping him. Steve’s desperate to prove that he’s changed since his high school days, but no matter what he says, Eddie seems to hate his guts.
Girls on the Ceiling - Pre-slash Robin/Chrissy, Steve/Eddie - T - 4k Finished
Bonus chapter for Now I’m A Stranger, told from Chrissy’s perspective.
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Steve/Eddie | T |  16k | Finished
Post season 4 shenanigans. Little angsty, but mostly funny and cute idiots in love. Featuring a clueless Eddie and Steve who figured out he’s bi months ago. From Eddie’s POV
Eddie opens up to Robin and Steve after the dust of their latest misadventure in the Upside Down has settled. Him and Robin get on like a house on fire and Steve proves to be surprisingly understanding of his ever growing anxiety. Part of him still can’t believe he was so wrong about Steve. Hell, he’s even completely cool with the fact that Robin’s a lesbian.
Now he just has to keep his own stupid feelings in check. Because as flirty as Steve may seem, he is definitely straight. One hundred percent.
OR: Eddie is oblivious, Steve is definitely flirting and Robin is losing her mind.
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skyler10fic · 2 years
that's why i love fall
By Skyler10
Summary: Carol is a park ranger in a growing mountain town. Daisy is a cybersecurity city girl in town for a job interview at the town’s biotech lab. Under the autumn leaves, fate brings them together (aided by Daisy’s parents, Phil and Melinda). As sweet as a PSL and with as much plot as apple pie.
Notes: This one is pretty canon-free. Basically original fic but with the personalities, names, and faces of my ships.
Read on Ao3
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Carol drove fast, maybe a little too fast, around the curve through the forest back home to Mountain Skye Village. She loved the thrill it brought: the freedom, the magic in the air this time of year, the swirl of the changing leaves around her car, the passages between the rock walls and mist between the trees… 
She snapped back into reality as a figure and car on the side of the road came into focus. The person was waving as frantically as the blinking of their car’s tail lights. Carol’s tires screeched as she braked on the slick road and pulled off into a shallow bed of leaves on the shoulder. The young woman relaxed in relief against her trunk as Carol approached. 
“Hey! Are you okay?” Carol called. As she got closer, her heart lept to her throat. This damsel in distress was exactly her type. Dark sparkling eyes, a quirk of a smile, a little red lipstick to match her beanie and puffer vest. Figure-hugging jeans and practical but stylish boots… 
“We’re a match,” the woman remarked with a slight laugh to her voice. 
“Sorry, what?” Carol wondered if this was a forest fey reading her thoughts. 
The woman pointed to Carol’s flannel shirt, in autumn colors, and her own under the puffer vest. 
“Oh!” Carol realized what she meant.
“Sorry,” the woman rushed out. “It’s just I saw a car coming and was terrified what would happen if I flagged down a creeper or weirdo or something. I could be even worse off than lost in a forest with a broken bridge! But it’s you.”
“Carol.” Carol stuck out her hand. 
“Daisy,” the young woman replied and shook Carol’s hand with a curious smile. “Actually, this sounds so stalkerish, but I think you’re the guide who led my parents' hike last week? They told me all about you and sent me the picture they took with you to prove to me there were cool young people in this town.” 
Carol laughed. “Phil and Melinda, right?” 
Daisy closed her eyes, pressed her lips together, and nodded. “Yep, always subtle, those two.” 
“Well, it’s good to meet you, Daisy.” Carol noted the Boston Pride Parade sticker on the back of Daisy’s car right next to the MIT alumni one. When Daisy’s parents had seen Carol’s rainbow pin on her guide gear, they had mentioned Daisy volunteered her computer skills for the Pride festival. Not subtle at all, that Johnson couple. “I heard a lot about you as well.” 
“I’m sure you did.” Daisy laughed and blushed. 
“So what brings you all the way out here?” 
Daisy sighed. “My parents think they have found the perfect job for me. There’s a biotech lab in the town with a cybersecurity role they heard about.”
Carol shook her head in amusement and pointed to the trees and their roadside setting. “I meant here on the side of the road, specifically. You never really answered my question. Are you okay?” 
“I am now.” Daisy considered Carol for a moment with a charisma that drew Carol in. Daisy broke her own spell and clarified. “I mean, that is, if you can figure out another way back to town. That bridge is washed out and my cell service is zero out here. I’m not even entirely sure where we are. All these trees look the same to me.”
“Yeah.” Carol settled her hands in her pockets. “I can help with that, but I have a favor to ask in return.” 
Daisy cocked an eyebrow. “Me waving at you to stop so you didn’t wreck your sports car off a bridge doesn’t count as a favor?” 
Carol let her eyes linger down Daisy’s form. God, she was hot when she was sassy. “Oh, so it was really me you were saving here, not the other way around?” 
Daisy leaned back on her car again. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m willing to hear what you had in mind.” 
A leaf fell in Daisy’s hair and instinctively, Carol moved forward to pluck it out. Daisy didn’t flinch at the gesture, nor did she toss the yellow and orange leaf away when Carol handed it to her. To the contrary, she met Carol’s eyes and thanked her as if it were a gift.
“Follow my car back to town and I’ll take you to the best pie in town?” Carol offered with a shrug of nonchalance. “My treat.” 
“Still sounds like you’d be doing me the favor in that case.” 
Carol shook her head. “Pleasure’s all mine. You did save my ‘sports car,’ after all. And Betty’s Diner is the first thing you need to know about Mountain Skye.”
“Deal.” Daisy stuck out her hand and they shook again, the touch lingering a longer this time before falling away. Daisy tucked a fallen strand of hair behind her ear as an excuse to look down and back up again, long lashes slowly dipping and rising.  
Carol’s head spun at how Daisy captivated her so effortlessly. Carol inhaled the cool mountain autumn air to ground herself and backed away. “Gonna get chilly out here soon. We’d better head back. I know these roads blind but best not to get caught in the dark with wildlife.” She nodded to the woods next to the road. 
Daisy shot a nervous glance to the woods and moved to the driver’s side of her car. “I’ll pull around the other shoulder and wait to follow you.”  
Carol headed back to her own car. She turned around and Daisy followed. This time, Carol watched her speed and kept checking her rearview mirror to make sure Daisy was right behind her. Even though she was the one leading, an irrational fear rose up in her that this enchanting woman would vanish at the edge of the forest and leave her wanting. 
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But Daisy was real and pulled into the diner parking lot next to Carol when they reached the town square in the historic district. The town had grown a lot since it was just a village below the mountain, even expanding so large it had the prestigious lab that attracted MIT-level talent like Daisy. It still felt magical too, though, so it wasn’t hard for an overactive imagination to be wary of things or people who seemed too good to be true. Carol couldn’t help her smile of relief when they were face to face again. 
Inside, they found a booth next to the window with a picturesque view and slid in. By the time the waitress came with an irresistible offer of seasonal soups and chili, the sun had set behind the tree line. Conversation flowed easily, and the soup warmed them from the inside out as the air outside the window grew brisk with the dark. 
“This place really is beautiful,” Daisy remarked as if conceding a point. 
“You should see it in winter.” Carol pointed up with her spoon to the alpine peaks. “Skiers mostly stay up there at the resort but a few come down for the antiques.” 
An older woman stopped by the table and finished Carol’s sentence for her. “And for my pie.” 
Carol laughed. “Daisy, this is Betty, the owner. And she’s right.” 
“Ahh, good to meet you, Betty!” Daisy held up a menu with Betty’s name on the logo. “I hear you’re famous around here.” 
“And don’t you forget it.” Betty winked, but then grew serious. “We take care of each other here. Carol’s been one of our own since she was little. I trust you’ll treat her right.” The last part sounded vaguely like a veiled threat, especially with Betty’s stern motherly appearance.  
“Betty!” Carol blushed and thwapped the owner with a menu. 
“Yes, ma’am,” Daisy answered somberly and then winked at Carol. “I have nothing but good intentions with this one.” 
Carol’s heart raced. Daisy was the new one in town, now getting a quick briefing from Betty on the major downtown historic sites, but somehow Carol was the one feeling helplessly unmoored. Perhaps she’d been spending too much time with the retired couples and lab nerds and family vacationers living in this town, but Daisy’s glimmering city confidence both inspired her and swept her off her feet.  
“Carol!” Betty tapped Carol on the shoulder with her pen. “Pie?” 
“Oh!” Carol came back to earth from her thoughts. “The pumpkin is an obvious choice, but the apple cinnamon is to die for.”
Daisy giggled. “I already ordered a slice of apple, a la mode at Betty’s insistence.” 
“Good girl.” Betty nodded and gave a thumbs up. Carol realized she’d missed an alliance forming and chuckled. 
“Then I’ll have the same.” 
Betty shook her head. “You have to get different kinds and share. You know the rules.” 
Daisy laughed. “I already love this place.” 
“Pumpkin?” Carol asked both to Daisy and Betty. 
Betty wrote down the order and added, “Pumpkin pie and decaf. Anything for you to drink, honey?” 
Daisy added a tea to her order and thanked Betty, who sent Carol a look that said she approved of Carol’s guest before returning to the kitchen.
Daisy looked out the window at the navy twilight fading to black starry night. “It’s funny. I came out here to see my parents and interview at the lab because they wanted me to.” She turned back to Carol. “I knew they would never let it go until I did. But I never expected to want it.” 
Carol’s breath caught. “And now you do?” 
Daisy settled back into the booth seat. “I might. I haven’t seen enough of it yet. It certainly seems charming. Like a TV show.”    
Carol followed her glance at the diner around them: kids with their parents, teens laughing over dumb jokes in the big corner booth, old men playing their weekly card games, the leading ladies of the town planning a fundraiser, lab scientists grabbing a bite between shifts. 
“Yeah. It kinda does now. I left when I was 15 to live with my aunt in D.C.,” Carol confessed. “I was so ready to get out. And I needed a change, new people, a new start.” She could read that Daisy knew what she meant. 
Daisy leaned in. “But you came back.” 
Carol’s lips turned up with a sad smile. “Almost two years ago now. After I got my degree and wildlife certifications, I got hired by the parks service. This was one of the jobs open and I knew. I just knew it was time. My parents moved away to be with my grandpa, but the people of Mountain Skye welcomed me back with open arms.” 
Betty arrived back as if on cue and laid down the pie plates and mugs. “Like I said, you’re part of our family. And if anyone has a problem with that, including your father, they can take it to hell.”
“Dad, on the other hand, is not missed by anyone here,” Carol explained. “And he was not thrilled about me coming back either. Among other things about my life.” 
Betty patted her on the shoulder. “My Rita and I went through the same thing in the ’60s. Some things never change.” A crash sounded and she turned. “Oh speak of… CLIVE! I told you not to bus your own table! For the last time! Can’t leave them alone…” 
Betty bustled away, but Carol finished the sentiment. “This town was a safe haven for gay skiers for a long time. They could come and stay here instead of the resorts on the mountain, and they could live together and run their businesses in peace. Sort of a safety in numbers thing. My dad never really had a problem with it, at least not that he talked about, until…well.” Carol shrugged and gestured up and down at herself.   
“Ohh,” Daisy sighed in empathy and wrapped her hands around her mug. “Yeah. That’s rough.”
They ate their pie slices in silence for a bit before Daisy spoke again.
“I had sort of the opposite situation. My parents were so cool with it, but high school… I graduated and never looked back, you know? The more time goes on, the more it hits how messed up it was, people I thought of as friends.” She shook her head at the tarnished memory and stabbed at an apple piece. 
“Sometimes you don’t realize until you get out just how much the people you love are also your bullies?” Carol guessed. 
Daisy met her curious gaze and nodded slightly. Then she brightened as she remembered. “Hey, aren’t we supposed to be sharing these? House rules or something?” 
Carol brightened too and cut off a significant piece of pumpkin pie. “Here.” Daisy reciprocated and they scooted their plates closer for the exchange. 
“I hope you like it,” Carol said. She meant it on the surface about the pie, of course, but her eyes darted to the window where the town square outside was lit up and people rushed by as if blown like leaves on the biting autumn breeze. 
“It’s just as wonderful as advertised.” Daisy followed Carol’s attention to the window where two old men held hands as they crossed the parking lot and one helped the other into the car. Staff at a bookstore with a handmade paper rainbow in the window locked up for the night, and a group of gender-nonconforming teens took selfies under the lights in the town square.
“We can be ourselves here.” Carol took a final sip of her coffee. “It’s not perfect, but it’s home.” 
Daisy’s phone rang. “Sorry, it’s my parents. I didn’t realize how late it was!”
“It’s okay,” Carol assured. Daisy got up from the booth and went outside to take the call. 
Betty came back to collect their plates and deliver the check herself, a sure sign that she had something to say. 
“She’s the Johnson kid, right?” 
“Yeah. How did you know?” 
“News travels fast in a diner, sweetheart,” Betty reminded her. “Besides, the college hiring a new president and that old hanger getting a fresh coat of paint? It was all the old vets talked about for weeks. I heard the stories about the glory days.” She jerked her thumb to a table of retired pilots. 
The rusting hanger and torn-up runway the retirees had trained on were briefly resurrected when Carol was a teen, but she left before the airport was open for her to train and get a pilot’s license. It was still a dream of hers. It had sat empty since then, however, until it was purchased by the local community college and vocational school to train pilots, mostly for careers with the resort communities’ private planes, regional rescue services, and agriculture. When they found out their new president’s wife was a flight instructor, a new training program was officially launched.
Betty offered a coffee refill, which Carol declined. 
“You know,” Betty added, “you wanna be careful with a girl like that.” She used the coffeepot to gesture to Daisy, who was on the phone in view of the window.
“Because her parents are important?” Carol guessed. She handed Betty cash for the check and plenty for the tip.
“No, because she’s the type of wildfire that burns hard and fast, but you can’t keep her anywhere she doesn’t want to be.” Betty said it so plainly that Carol could only assume she was speaking from experience. 
“How can you tell?”
Betty just raised a knowing eyebrow and returned to the diner counter.
Daisy reentered the diner. “Sorry that took so long. My dad had his first round of midterm meetings… I don’t know why I’m telling you this. Anyway, I better head out. But, ah, they were thrilled we met and wanted to hear all about it, so I told them I’d be home soon.” She rolled her eyes affectionately. 
“No problem,” Carol said with a laugh of understanding and got up from the table. She searched for an excuse to ask Daisy for her number. Daisy reached for something in her bag and Carol grew hopeful they were on the same page, but she pulled out her wallet, not a pen. 
Carol quickly assured her, “I already paid, so no worries there.” 
“Oh! You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to.” Carol gestured to the door and they walked out but hesitated at their cars. “Your parents said they are on Aspen Ave., right? I’m going right by that neighborhood on my way home.”
“If you want,” Daisy finished, “you could follow me and make sure I don’t get lost on the way.” 
“Yeah, exactly!” Carol knew they were just delaying the inevitable parting. “Just in case.” 
“Okay, um, see you there!” Daisy got in her car and pulled out of the parking lot, and this time, Carol followed. 
Carol pulled in behind her in the Johnsons’ gravel driveway, which was lined with tall pines. The porchlight and a light inside the wood-cabin-style house were on, but there was no other sign of Daisy’s parents. Carol and Daisy both got out and stood awkwardly under the stars, not knowing what to say next to move forward but not wanting to say goodnight just yet. 
“Thank you for dinner and pie and everything tonight,” Daisy said, moving in closer than strangers but not as close as Carol’s desire wanted. 
“I mean you did keep me from wrecking my car. I never would have seen that bridge in time,” Carol admitted. 
“And you rescued me from being lost in the woods,” Daisy countered. “If it weren’t for you, I’d probably still be driving around in circles out there, having to forge for berries or something.” 
Carol grinned. There was her opening. “Well, I wouldn’t want you to get lost around town either. I can give you the official tour this weekend, if you’re still going to be around.”
“I have heard you give great tours,” Daisy teased, referring to her parents’ strong hints.
“And if you like my tour of the town, perhaps a hike on Sunday? I’m leading a group from the lab, so you could meet your future coworkers.” 
A chilly breeze whipped around them, and they moved closer instinctively. Carol resisted the urge to draw her in closer.
“I don’t have the job just yet,” Daisy cautioned, “but that sounds great. I’m here until Monday.”
“And what then?” 
“Then I go back to my apartment in Boston, wait around for a while, and hopefully, give my notice at my current gig. Then, if all goes to plan, move out here. Not with my parents though! I’m… we’re close, but… Not that someone living with their parents is bad or anything! But … space is good.”
“I get it,” Carol assured. Daisy calmed a bit from her verbal fumbling. Trusting her gut about this new crush, Carol went out on a metaphorical limb, ���My housemate, Jemma, is moving in with her boyfriend soon and they are looking for a new place, so 1., I have a spot open and 2. if you’re not into the whole housemates thing, she would know all the places to look.” 
Daisy blinked in awe. “That’s perfect. Are you like a miracle or an angel or something?” 
Carol laughed and barely restrained herself from saying, I was thinking the same thing about you. Instead, she shrugged and offered, “I can give you my number and you can text me when you’re done with the interview and ready for the town tour. And I can let you know the details about the hike. And if everything works out, let me know and we can talk about the house situation.” 
Carol pulled her phone out of her pocket and unlocked it, then opened a new contact and handed the phone to Daisy.
Daisy shook her head in disbelief as she added her information and got out her own phone. “You are. You’re a total miracle. I could seriously kiss you right now. I was so stressed and now…”
She trailed off and froze with her hand holding her unlocked phone as she realized what she said. Carol took the phone and kept her eyes focused on adding her information in return, trying to come off calmer than she felt. “If you want to, you can. Just so you know.”
“That’s good,” Daisy whispered as she leaned in. “Maybe I will.” 
They jumped apart and squinted as a flashlight shined from the front door. “It’s just Daisy and a friend,” a man called to someone else in the house. 
Daisy groaned. “That’s my dad. And this is not how I pictured this night ending so I’m just going to say goodnight.” 
“See you soon,” Carol promised. 
“See you soon,” Daisy repeated back to her and ran to the front door, but Carol knew Daisy’s attention was now on scolding her dad for his bad timing. Carol returned to her car and drove home with her windows down, blasting a girl in red playlist, warm with hope despite the night air.
Notes: The other chapters are pretty short so they will be coming soon. This chapter is almost half the total fic, tbh.
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mitchbeck · 27 days
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carservice · 2 months
Boston Airport Limo Service | UnitedLimo
UnitedLimo's Boston Airport Limo Service comes into play, offering a seamless, luxurious, and stress-free transportation solution.Traveling to or from Boston can be a hassle, especially when it comes to getting to and from the airport. With the bustling city streets, unpredictable traffic, and the stress of ensuring you arrive on time, the journey can often be more exhausting than the flight itself.
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zooterchet · 2 months
The 13 Lucky Stars
Father's Side:
Diane: The tribute to a dominatrix, as the heterosexual male. Therefore, homosexuals, function as gigalos, for fine food.
Michael: The placement of a team of arts, essential to league play, as against the prime team of reform. The eternal flaw in a gem, removed, by placement in ring.
Steven: The riot, as preservation of our rights as citizens, under Kennedy's code; not the police as dominant, but ourselves as citizens policing each other.
Ellen: The comic book, as the essential core root of any intelligence organization. Therefore, any new character, as a shortcut through a tax accommodation, the placement of skin as the most essential form of logic.
Mother's Side:
Gene: The madness, of a toy, having succumbed a country. The love in the simple, as Mao Zedong would intend.
Marie: The hidden South, as anyone seeking a new redemption. Lincoln as his proper stafford, a secret ale house; any guided in, having found America, Judea.
Evelyn: The affair as the consummate on heart, to marry, in any way possible. A whole crop of affairs, out of one, to truly understand the double way path crossed of law. The criminal bacterium, as the real affection for a woman.
Danny: The return to mother as if original religion. A sex offender, as a bondage top.
Roberta: The branched path, as the lie of the service; hence any obseleted logic, as removed, through the children; those feeling popular, as civilians.
Jimmy: The absolute horror in war, as having betrayed by own comrades, on the hunt for a new terror. The only way out, working for the CIA. "Pinkville", the My Lai Massacre.
Timmy: The elimination of three poor figures, from the lower populaces of the Senate; the three improper leaders, the scandal, and the resumption of progress, in the culprit of populaces scorned slashed through ribbons of each; hence, the new common news broadcast, at book of congress, not Congress.
Francis: The dragging of a potato, through Southie, to attract a bunch of micks, the Iranian-Jews claiming Irish. Horatio Alger, a real love story, of the political families of Boston; those refusing Jewish heritage, for Boston pride. Not the place you're from, but the place you are.
Alice: The theft of records, as countered by print through the Mossad, and the live field assassin, as having raised children of all ages and origins, as "Mega Man"; the spouse.
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princessnamora · 2 months
do i need to replace the gif on my watch list page?
America's Next Top Model
American Dad
American Idol
Are You Scared?
Bienvenidos a Eden
CSI: New York
Fresh Off the Boat
The Get Down
Ghost Whisperer
Gossip Girl
High Seas
Killing Eve
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Mr. Sunshine
Nancy Drew
Partner Track
The Rookie
Royal Pains
The Serpent
Tale of the Nine-Tailed
Too Many Spirits
White Collar
Without a Trace
The 100
Abbott Elementary
Agents of SHIELD
As Told by Ginger
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bambaska Biri
Bob's Burgers
Butterflied Lover
Charlie's Angels
Chicago Med
Cloak and Dagger
Couple of Mirrors
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Descendants of the Sun
Doom at Your Service
Emerald City
Eye Candy
Florida Man
Game of Thrones
Ghost Files
Ginny & Georgia
Gone with the Rain
The Great North
The Handmaid's Tale
Hawaii Five-0
House MD
The Ingenious One
Kung Fu
The Morning Show
Mystery Files
The OC
Our Kind of People
Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin
Pride and Prejudice
Rizzoli and Isles
The Romance of Hua Rong
Scream: Resurrection
Sen Cal Kapimi
Siyah Inci
The White Lotus
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist
Adim Farah
Agent Carter
Alexa & Katie
All American
American Housewife
American Woman
Arrested Development
Australia's Next Top Model
Back from the Brink
Black Lightning
The Blue Whisper
The Bold Type
The Borgias
Boston Legal
The Boys
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Burn Notice
Business Proposal
Buzzfeed Unsolved
Carmen Sandiego
Chicago Fire
City of Streamer
Clean with Passion for Now
The Consultant
Covert Affairs
Crash Landing on You
Criminal Minds
Cruel Summer
CSI: Miami
Dare Me
Dawson's Creek
Dead Ringers
Delightfully Deceitful
Designated Survivor
Devil in Ohio
A Discovery of Witches
Dish Granted
The Double
Eternal Love of Dream
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Faking It
Family Guy
First Kill
The Fosters
From Dusk Till Dawn
GAP: The Series
General and I
Gilligan's Island
Gilmore Girls
Gizli Sakli
The Glory
The Good Place
The Great
Grey's Anatomy
H2O: Just Add Water
Harley Quinn
Hart of Dixie
How I Met Your Mother
How to Get Away with Murder
Irma Vep
It's Okay to Not Be Okay
Jane the Virgin
Jessica Jones
Katy Keene
Legend of Fuyao
The Legend of Shen Li
Life Sentence
Lighter and Princess
Little Voice
Love Between Fairy and Devil
Love You Seven Times
Lovecraft Country
Luna Nera
The Lying Game
The Magicians
Make It or Break It
Marco Polo
Maxton Hall
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
Moon Knight
The Musketeers
My Demon
My Lady Jane
My Man is Cupid
NCIS: Los Angeles
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
New Girl
North and South
Once Upon a Time
One Tree Hill
Only Murders in the Building
Ordeal By Innocence
The Originals
Orphan Black
Outer Banks
Pan Am
Parks and Recreation
Peaky Blinders
Pretty Historic
Pretty Li Hui Zhen
Pretty Little Liars
Prison Break
Puppet History
Queen of Tears
Reservation Dogs
The Resident
The Romance of Tiger and Rose
Romance of a Twin Flower
The Royals
Santa Clarita Diet
The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Saturday Night Live
Scooby Doo
Scream Queens
Secret Bridesmaids' Business
The Secret Circle
The Secret Life of the American Teenager
Senorita 89
The Shannara Chronicles
Spongebob Squarepants
The Starry Love
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
Suspicious Partner
Swamp Thing
The Tale of Nokdu
Teen Wolf
That '70s Show
Till the End of the Moon
Twenty-Five Twenty-One
Twin Peaks
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
The Vampire Diaries
Veronica Mars
Warm On a Cold Night
Warrior Nun
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
Weird (and/or) Wonderful World
The West Wing
Who Rules the World
Whose Line is it Anyway?
Why Women Kill
Witches of East End
Wizards of Waverly Place
Worth a Shot
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fixitguyappliance · 3 months
The ultimate guide to dishwasher repair in Boston
If your dishwasher has broken down, trust the experienced professionals at Fix It Guy Appliance Repair for efficient, high-quality repair services. With years of combined dishwasher expertise, our team is dedicated to providing reliable repairs that you can trust. We stand by our work with a one-year warranty on parts and a 90-day labor warranty, ensuring your peace of mind.
We know a broken dishwasher disrupts your daily routine and aim to minimize that inconvenience. We are committed to making the repair process as smooth and effortless as possible. Our skilled technicians quickly diagnose and repair a wide range of dishwasher issues with expertise.
When it comes to dishwasher repair in Boston, we take pride in our ability to restore order to your kitchen quickly. From minor fixes to major repairs, our team handles every job with the utmost professionalism and care. We work efficiently to minimize downtime, ensuring your dishwasher is quickly up and running. Trust our service to deliver top-notch repairs that meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Schedule a repair today and experience the difference our expert service can make.
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sonag · 3 months
Firecrackers and Freedom: Celebrating Independence Day in the USA
Every year, on the 4th of July, the United States bursts into a vibrant display of red, white, and blue. This isn't just another day on the calendar; it's Independence Day, a national holiday marking the birth of the United States of America. Celebrations erupt across the country, filled with fireworks, parades, and a shared spirit of patriotism. But what exactly are we celebrating, and how do Americans traditionally commemorate this historic occasion?
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A Nation's Birthday: The Historical Significance of Independence Day
To understand Independence Day, we need to travel back in time to 1776. The thirteen American colonies, chafing under British rule, declared their independence on July 4th of that year with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This document, penned by the likes of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, outlined the colonists' grievances against the British crown and their desire for self-governance.
The signing of the Declaration of Independence was a pivotal moment in American history, marking the official break from Great Britain. The ensuing Revolutionary War secured American independence, and July 4th became a day of national pride and celebration.
Stars, Stripes, and Celebrations: Traditional Ways to Celebrate the Fourth of July
For most Americans, Independence Day is synonymous with summertime fun and festive traditions. Here are some classic ways Americans celebrate the Fourth of July:
Parades and Patriotism: Small towns and big cities alike host parades filled with marching bands, floats decorated in red, white, and blue, and veterans proudly displaying the American flag. The air crackles with a sense of community and shared history.
Fireworks Extravaganzas: As night falls, the sky explodes in a dazzling display of fireworks. From local parks to iconic landmarks, these pyrotechnic spectacles are a breathtaking way to cap off the day's festivities.
Barbecues and Backyard Gatherings: Nothing says summer quite like a backyard barbecue. Families and friends gather to grill hot dogs, hamburgers, and other American favorites, enjoying delicious food, good company, and the spirit of togetherness.
Patriotic Gatherings: Community centers, parks, and even private homes host patriotic gatherings. These events often feature live music, speeches, and activities that celebrate American history and culture.
These traditions are deeply woven into the fabric of American Independence Day celebrations, creating a sense of unity and national pride.
Beyond the Barbecue: Unique Ways to Experience Independence Day Across the USA
While the core traditions remain the same, Independence Day celebrations take on unique regional flavors across the United States:
Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular: In Boston, Massachusetts, the annual Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular on the Charles River is a cherished tradition, featuring a live performance by the Boston Pops Orchestra followed by a breathtaking fireworks display.
Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest: For a quirky twist on tradition, head to Coney Island, New York, for the world-famous Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest. Professional eaters compete to devour the most hot dogs in a ten-minute period, a spectacle that's both bizarre and strangely captivating.
Mount Rushmore Fireworks Display: Witness history come alive at Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota. The iconic monument serves as a backdrop for a stunning fireworks display, creating a truly unforgettable experience.
Freedom Trail Walk: In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, retrace the steps of the Founding Fathers with a walk along the historic Freedom Trail. This self-guided tour allows you to explore landmarks significant to the American Revolution and gain a deeper appreciation for the nation's history.
These regional variations showcase the diverse ways Americans celebrate their independence, adding a special flavor to the national holiday.
Modern-Day Reflections: The Evolving Meaning of Independence Day
The meaning of Independence Day has evolved over time. While celebrating freedom from British rule remains at the core, the concept of independence has taken on new dimensions. Today, Americans might celebrate freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or the ongoing pursuit of a more perfect union. The holiday also serves as a reminder of the ongoing fight for equality and justice for all.
Modern Independence Day celebrations are often accompanied by discussions about the nation's history, its shortcomings, and its aspirations. Parades might feature messages of social justice alongside displays of patriotism, reflecting the complexities of American identity.
Festive Fun for All: Ideas for Creating Your Perfect Fourth of July Celebration
Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, or simply looking for some summer fun, there's a way to celebrate Independence Day that caters to your interests. Here are some ideas for creating your perfect Fourth of July celebration:
Host a Backyard BBQ with a Twist: Elevate your backyard barbecue by incorporating a historical theme. Research recipes from the colonial era or grill foods specific to different regions of the USA. Encourage guests to dress in period clothing for an added touch of fun.
Plan a Wellness-Themed July 4th Party: Celebrate freedom by focusing on holistic well-being. Host a yoga session in the morning, followed by healthy potluck dishes and outdoor games. End the evening with a bonfire and stargazing, reflecting on the vastness of freedom and the beauty of the night sky. Do check few easy Tips for Creating the Perfect Ambiance for Your 4th of July Party
Volunteer Your Time: Give back to your community by volunteering at a local food bank or participating in a park cleanup project. Celebrating freedom can also involve contributing to a more just and equitable society.
Explore Local History: Immerse yourself in American history by visiting a local museum or historical site. Many historical societies host special Independence Day events, offering a chance to learn about your community's past and its role in the nation's story.
Have a Movie Marathon: Cuddle up indoors and enjoy a movie marathon featuring classic American films. From historical dramas to patriotic comedies, there's a movie for everyone that captures the spirit of the holiday.
These are just a few ideas to get you started. The key is to personalize your Independence Day celebration to reflect your values and interests. You can try Simple Wellness Tips for Independence Day and make it beneficial.
Final Thoughts:
Independence Day is a time to celebrate freedom, reflect on history, and come together as a community. Whether you participate in traditional parades or forge your own path, make your Fourth of July celebration a meaningful and memorable one. So, raise a glass (of something refreshing!), light a sparkler (safely, of course!), and celebrate the spirit of freedom that defines the United States of America. Happy Independence Day!
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zoe-wrote · 3 months
returning “home”
moving abroad is not for the faint of heart. or rather, prepare your heart if you’re moving abroad. i suppose when thinking about studying abroad, it’s always talked about as a break in your *real* life to guide your future back *home.* i think if your exchange is only a month long or even two, it might be easier to see it that way. but for me, i lived abroad for six full months. i was aware the whole time that my life in dublin was temporary, a life which i was building up for six months with the full knowledge that the clock was ever ticking and my return to boston looming ever closer in front of me.
when i landed back in the US i started to have a bit of culture shock. it started in the airport with the flags down the hall, and continued in the immigration line where i heard the familiar buzz of a group of americans talking, a sound i had learned to discern while in dublin and encountering quite a few americans through the study abroad program. i remember being novel. i’m no longer special. i don’t get people cautiously testing the waters when assuming that im from the states just in case they could be offending a canadian by saying “you’re american, or north american right?” not that being from a truly massive nation with a very loud presence on the international scale for both cultural and empire/genocidal reasons ever made me exactly unique when in europe, but it was an easily discernible fact about me which goes unquestioned in the US. now it’s more interesting that i’ve lived in dublin, which was mostly unexciting to dubliner acquaintances. i found that dubliners tended not to love their city as much as consider it the best option they had, in the same way that irish republicans (as in pro-unification of ireland) are proud catholics despite often being completely non-observant and even quite critical of the church as an institution. the catholics colonized the irish a bit before the brits, and as culture continued to be forcibly replaced bit by bit it became a point of pride to cling on to catholicism as a belief that came before the english which they would not give up. that’s grossly oversimplified and mildly historically inaccurate, feel free to hit me up for actual reading recs but that seemed a quick way to get my point across. google irish sectarianism if you’re curious and a bit lazy.
that was a bit of a tangent, let me try to recenter. i believe i’ve mentioned this blog is stream of consciousness, tangents are a pretty major component of my conversational style and general consciousness so please bear with me as i attempt to express and idea in a length short enough that you won’t get bored reading.
i guess i wasn’t prepared to be able to close my eyes and remember the bus routes of two different cities and name the stops i would need to get off for different establishments, or describe an area on a street or a park nearby. i’m not used to being of multiple places, i’ve lived in boston mostly my whole life. i did live in germany for six months when i was six, but i was so little im not sure i had captured the nuances of home yet. i know dublin is still there, i know im not obligated to abandon it, but the reality is that my life has always been in the US and will continue to be at least for a while. i became truly aware while abroad of how much i suck at maintaining friendships virtually. i talked to my friends back home next to none and still have family members and friends that i haven’t responded to since they texted me in march. i called my parents twice (2), one time was a twenty minute zoom call to talk about my housing situation come fall and the other a forty minute phone call during my last month there where i filled them in on several things i had been keeping from them. thankfully i’ve had a very warm welcome upon coming back, and i am ever grateful for my village here in boston. i have friends i consider soulmates. it’s hard to imagine not being around them.
i move into an apartment in august, my first big girl lease. i’m living with two of my best friends. síofra is visiting me in a little under a month. she applied for a visa and everything. i do have my own life i’m building. i have time to figure out what that means for me. i suppose i might not remember the bus transfer options from dublin 2 to dublin 8 when coming from UCD in dublin 4 by this time next year. maybe i will, who knows. there’s a lot of not knowing right now. i’m trying to make peace with that. i turn 21 6/30. i have a lot of time to fuck up.
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some songs i’ve been reflecting to when thinking about home
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