#Boris babtqftim
mugberrysworld · 3 months
Hooray, I'm alive, now I'll be with you :)
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rachelboo · 13 days
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hornets-nest666 · 4 months
I'm curious, how are Cuphead and Mugman doing??
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Shocked? I'm shocked too
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rogue-the-menace · 4 months
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Hey guys! Little drawing I did of the Bbrothers from @theinkymystery in celebration of not being active in over a year or so haha.
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qftim-c · 3 months
Have some doodles, some with no context
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Forgot if I sent the 3rd pic before, but anyway :33
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dreacky · 2 months
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Heck yea, blood MORE BLOOD—
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kitocrystal · 6 months
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Checking out other Quest AUs as I wait for my will to come back to continue with Inky Mystery.
(The conflict has not let down yet and I’m starting to feel dread)
Anyway, go check out this neato retell of the og Quest story by @thequestfortheinkmachinecomics. The characters’ designs are nicely touched up, their personalities seems more natural now, the art is really cool and oh no, I’ve run out of juice for words… I just know that this retell will be good so I’ll be on along for this ride.
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kris-bj · 22 days
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Warning: to arachnaphobes
everyone has their way of celebrating pride month...
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leminysnickit · 1 month
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don’t have any motivation to draw or make anything for the comic so take this
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leave any suggestions in inbox on either blogs I own
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buttersc0tchz · 3 months
Not sure if your doing questions for the characters but figured this might give something fun to doodle:)
To the gang, curious what you guys all thought of each other when you first met compared to now? Guessing opinions have changed 🤔
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Seems the other two are little busy :( (below holds more info and a thank you!) comics first post link and next!
this is canon! they’re making their way to the town over for to get some rest :)
The other two would have answered if they weren’t busy checking the map. :/
TYSM for the ask! :3 i had fun doodling these up and gave them a little bit of a nicer appearance <3
and a fun little thing! i’m down to do these! feel free to ask the characters directly or whatever else you may like <3 i’ll do them as soon as possible
and another thing!!!! graahhh its so long now lolol the original comic held ocs in it! if you’d like to submit your own to be placeholders for certain characters (especially the ones i forget if they were ocs or not…) ill do a big post on those for you to submit to! <3 a big upcoming one is people in the restaurant and if i feel like it the mickey gangs parade! :)
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mugberrysworld · 7 months
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Boris BABTQFTIM fanart <3
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rachelboo · 13 days
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Hi everyone, I'm Rachel Boo, I'm a new fan of babtqftim and I'll post with them, I hope we'll make friends :)
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hornets-nest666 · 5 months
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And now the reason why we decided to make these images🤓
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midnightfire830 · 3 months
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Ok who took a bite out of cup’s hair?!!? /jj
(Damn I haven’t drawn Cup in a LOOOOONNNGGGG time)
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qftim-c · 7 months
Lineart from Connie, coloring and editing from Ambrose!! :]
These outfits will be coming into the next arc! :D
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dreacky · 5 months
I freaking love your bendystraw it is so cool, and your artstyle!! Can I get some bendystraw??❤️❤️
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Join my taco bell team🤝🏼
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