#Boon Katz
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st-agatha-city · 2 months ago
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Horror VN romance parody tie in for St. Agatha currently in development? More likely than you think! Featuring Echo, Ian, Ludo, Boon, and most important - Y/N. A simple fifteen minute runtime game to help promote St. Agatha and bolster its development. Something to introduce the characters and their world to a more general audience, YouTube play through friendly, full of witty quips, and three possible endings. Draft one is almost done, with previews being shown in the server.
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st-agatha-city · 8 months ago
;-; this is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. It captures the spirit of the game so well.
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Fan art for my friend's game @st-agatha-city. Play it now!
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melsie-sims2 · 3 months ago
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"Welcome everyone! I'm glad so many of you could make it," Jamar began, smiling at the crowd of Sims in front of him. "This won't take long. I know we've all got a big party to get ready for..."
"Aw yeah!" Boone cheered, quickly followed by laughter and, in Noah's case, an eyeroll.
"So first thing's first, I'd like to say it's been a joy to be your mayor for the last decade, and I hope you'll have me for the next one. We've accomplished so much, but most importantly we've helped keep our Sixamese refugees safe. That was the main goal when we decided to stay here and found Plumwell."
"Now, I have a special announcement to make. To celebrate 10 years, the town hall will be giving out three grants worth 1000 simoleons each."
The crowd clapped, cheered and whispered excitedly.
Jamar gestured to quiet them before continuing. "I'd like to grant Mateo Guzman with the first so that he can grow his business further and continue to create. Secondly, I'd like to award Whynx Galaxa with a grant to help keep our children curious. Last but not least, Corinne Edwards gets the final grant to fund her new business and help the town prosper even more."
"Thank you," Jamar concluded. "And remember, there's a party at my place tonight! You're all invited!"
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
Play is an important part of children’s learning and development. While it generally evokes a picture of a small child running, jumping, and shouting, the benefits that play offers in promoting early development and better health outcomes extend far beyond childhood. In fact, playful learning—an area of research that examines how children learn best through playful exchanges—shares many of the same core foundations as the study of intergenerational learning—a body of research involving older and younger generations coming together in the service of mutually-beneficial learning experiences.
As the COVID-19 pandemic introduced new layers to our understanding of the importance of social connection for a range of outcomes, researchers have an opportunity to look to the future of the playful learning and intergenerational learning movements together—what they share and how they can be leveraged jointly to support social interactions that foster well-being throughout life.
Playful Learning Landscapes support enriching interactions and promote learning
As a natural medium for fostering rich interactions, play creates opportunities for children to develop language skills, engage in collaboration, test theories about how the world works, and even develop better self-regulation. Child development experts, recreation and play professionals, and educators have long examined the connection between play and learning—and, more recently, how the kinds of enriching interactions that take place during play can be fostered through the built environment.
Enter Playful Learning Landscapes: a growing movement of community-based research partnerships across a number of cities in the U.S. and abroad, including in Brazil, Israel, and South Africa, that morph public spaces in places that foster interaction, learning, and joy (see illustrative photo below). By reimagining everyday environments in ways that encourage play while embedding a targeted learning goal, the movement fosters a learning model known as playful learning, in which children build content knowledge while simultaneously playing freely. Playful learning research has not only generated improvements to children’s language and literacy, numeracy, spatial reasoning, and executive functioning—all skills that set the foundation for later development and school readiness—but also strong civic engagement, increased ownership of communal spaces, enriched interactions between children and their caregivers, and a deeper understanding among caregivers of the role of play in their children’s learning.
But the benefits are not for children alone—playful interactions can also be a boon for older adults, supporting better health and social engagement, staving off cognitive decline, and creating multigenerational learning opportunities with intergenerational impacts.
Intergenerational research showcases benefits to, and contributions of, older adults
A century ago, multiple generations lived, worked, and played together. Today, much of our society treats young children and older adults as fundamentally different from one another—and, more likely than not, we live apart, sometimes a great distance, from even the closest generations of our own families. We now each belong to a separate “named generation” that reinforces generational differences, which may contribute to the persistent and widespread problem of ageism, that has well-documented negative effects on physical and mental health, economic well-being, and access to critical support services. Though the developmental literature acknowledges that many of our needs evolve as we age, the benefits we experience from rich social connections, learning opportunities that support cognitive function, and activity that promotes physical health remain constant throughout life.
The intergenerational movement, which has emerged over the past several decades and gained momentum in recent years, emphasizes the benefits of enriching interactions in mitigating social isolation—which became all the more critical in periods of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic—creating health and learning opportunities for older adults, and promoting powerful community connections. Social service leaders, academic researchers, public officials, and others demonstrated that there are reciprocal benefits to children and older adults as a product of interacting and engaging with one another. In a 2021 review of intergenerational programs, Generations United and the RRF Foundation for Aging identified benefits of intergenerational programs for children at several different developmental periods, parents, and older adults—even those aged 100 and older.
Among the many positive outcomes, researchers found that children in preschool partnered with older adult volunteers show better socio-emotional outcomes (e.g., empathy and acceptance); elementary school children partnered with older adults show increased learning, reading comprehension, and improvement in writing; and older adults report less social isolation and a sense of connectedness and community when engaged with children and youth. This connectedness is a critical component for supporting both physical and mental health and well-being in older adults and for staving off some age-related declines in cognitive functioning.
Play is not just for the kids: Intergenerational learning has lifelong benefits
By bringing these two areas of study together—one based in a long history of intergenerational research, the other in a rich and growing playful learning movement—researchers and advocates can integrate and build on opportunities to engage adults and children in their day-to-day environments in ways that promote enriching and mutually-beneficial learning and health outcomes. This could include, for example, puzzles embedded in bus stops or at local parks, featuring iconic references from a grandparent’s generation that can promote both shape language that supports foundational math skills and storytelling that helps boost rich language interactions and gives older adults an opportunity to share their experiences. It could look like grocery store games, where older adults are prompted to discuss favorite foods and recipes from their childhood, or it could look like story fragments printed on the sidewalk outside of an elderly home that prompts older adults and young children to take it in turns to build out narratives together. Redesigning playful learning spaces with an intergenerational framework in mind can facilitate these kinds of rich interactions between young and old and lead to improvements in their respective well-being, bridge generational divides at the earliest stages of children’s lives, and strengthen community resilience across the lifespan.
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gameforestdach · 2 years ago
Wer ein Fan von spektakulärem Beat'em-Up ist, kam beim "Mortal Kombat 1"-Panel auf der San Diego Comic-Con 2023 voll auf seine Kosten. Die neuesten Charakter enthüllungen haben die Fans weltweit elektrisiert. Zusammenfassen lassen sich die Highlights wie folgt: Wiederkehr der Fanlieblinge Li Mei, Tanya und Baraka als spielbare Charaktere Enthüllung der DLC-Kämpfer für das Kombat-Pack, darunter Quan Chi, Ermac, Takeda, Peacemaker, Omni-Man und Homelander Veröffentlichung des Spiels am 19. September für PS5, Xbox Series X und S, PC und Switch Eine Reise in die Vergangenheit und Zukunft Mortal Kombat 1", geplant für die Veröffentlichung am 19. September, wirft einen nostalgischen und gleichzeitig erfrischenden Blick in die Vergangenheit und Zukunft des Beat'em-Up-Genres. Dabei zeigte der coole neue Trailer altbekannte und heiß erwartete neue Gesichter. Darunter waren Li Mei, Tanya und Baraka, drei Charaktere, die in der Fangemeinde quasi Legendenstatus genießen. Jeder Kämpfer wurde dabei mit spektakulären Cinematics und actiongeladenem Gameplay vorgestellt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sLJ-xyjMQo Wer könnte als nächstes kommen? Der neue Trailer bestätigte zudem die DLC-Kämpfer für das Kombat-Pack: Quan Chi, Ermac, Takeda, Peacemaker, Omni-Man und Homelander. Und ja, du hast richtig gelesen. Das sind tatsächlich Peacemaker von DC und Homelander aus der Serie "The Boys". Fans spekulieren schon seit Monaten über mögliche Überraschungskämpfer und diese Enthüllung hat sie sicherlich nicht enttäuscht. Das Erbe von Mortal Kombat Das Mortal Kombat-Franchise hat in der Vergangenheit schon mehrmals berühmte Gäste in seinen Reihen begrüßt, darunter Spawn, Terminator, Kratos und RoboCop. Dieser Trend setzt sich mit Peacemaker und Homelander fort und weckt die Lust auf weitere Überraschungsgäste. Welche Charaktere wünschst du dir als nächste Add-ons? Krypto-Witze und die richtige Spürnase Serien-Miterfinder Ed Boon konnte sich einige kryptische Hinweise auf Twitter, wie zum Beispiel ein GIF von Stephen Colbert, der Popcorn mit 3D-Brille isst, nicht verkneifen. Für die richtigen Rätselfüchse unter den Fans war das natürlich Futter für zahllose Spekulationen. Nun, da die Katze aus dem Sack ist, bleibt abzuwarten, welche weiteren Überraschungen Ed und sein Team für uns auf Lager haben. Schlussgedanken und Ausblick Mortal Kombat 1 verspricht, ein Fest für Fans des Genres zu werden. Mit der Rückkehr bekannter Gesichter und fantastischen Neuzugängen wirkt das Spiel sowohl vertraut als auch neu und aufregend. Es bleibt spannend, welche weiteren Überraschungen das Spiel nach seiner Veröffentlichung für uns bereithalten wird. Welche Erwartungen hast du an Mortal Kombat 1? Werden Deine Lieblingskämpfer dabei sein? Teile Deine Gedanken und Meinungen mit uns!
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commoninfected · 2 years ago
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Boon's current sprite in St. Agatha City!
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maddgicalgirl · 3 years ago
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Troy, Ivy. and Boon as uncanny sims =w= not  quite accurate yet, but I have a fondness for them regardless.
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chainsawgirlfriend · 3 years ago
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Ivy defends Boon, her little freak, despite him doing everything wrong, constantly
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simply-sithel · 3 years ago
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Waaaaay back on April 1st, there was the Edwardian Ball!! A fantastic event to throw myself back into Life after covid lockdowns. A quick email check shows I’ve been attending the Ball every year (minus 2021) since 2008- back when they were at the Great American Music Hall! 
It’s been good, it’s been great, it’s been iffy, it’s been meh, it’s been a long time. This year was one of the better and I cherish in particular the memory of dancing like mad while staring up at the pulsing lights and firmly holding onto the feeling of ‘this is what a good time feels like’ - tending to a particular itch that hadn’t been scratched since 2020... 
I’ve been sketching at the Ball for years  [2018 / 2015 / 2015 / 2013 / 2013 / 2008 / 2008 / 2008 ] in notebooks purchased or made (before bookbinding I used my sewing machine to make a booklet 😅) and this year was no exception. The “book” was a little speed-run of assembly that afternoon focusing on: toned pages, a secure clip to hang from belt, coptic stitch to open easy/wide, and a yellow tone to match my outfit. Success? 
One of the highlights for me was seeing both new acts & attendees but also the old & familiar ones. In particular I’ve been sketching Justin Katz (first picture) from Rosin Coven (contrabass) this whole time. Distinctive, friendly, easy to capture from stage’s edge or balcony. Seeing him (and nailing a not-bad imo sketch) of him brought great joy-- is this what playing Pokemon feels like? Also beloved is Shovelman (third picture)! Big fan of his music (bought a CD years ago) and of his look- been enjoying (and sketching) his act for years, even caught him at Make Faire once! 
More pictures & mutterings under the cut
Really appreciated the removal of the VIP level this year-- I used to purchase it and the spirit of elitism does seem in-line with the theme of the Ball but it’s just better gone. Curious to see how it goes next year-- sad that it’s moving back to early February -- seemed fitting to be on April Fool’s day and I didn’t get fucking rained on waiting to get in....   
Being able to stand basically in-line with the stage, perched at the far end of the balcony, is a boon for sketching. I mean, yes, I do enjoy a good dance & doodle but that’s hard to maintain the whole night. 
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Downstairs, in the vendor hall, sports a charming little stage that I enjoy visiting. This year had a trio working it for large stretches- some sort of... swing? Makes me think of a French cafe? My naming of genres is weak... Was able to (poorly) captured the artists from a couple different angles however. Of seven sketches, only two came out- one of which is my favorite of the night (image above, between pictures of spines) which suggests something to me about trying and not giving up and failure is a side effect of process and eventual success or something. 
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Used somewhere around 2/3rds or 3/4ths of the pages, probably good for one more concert/event. For I swear-- attending a show w/ sketchbook in hand (provided there’s enough ambient lighting to see your page) is one of the best ways to consume live music. Can always tuck it away if the jams are particularly divine but to sway and sketch.... some quality active listening there and you get artifacts better than a photo to recall the event by!
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lesserfandomappreciation · 4 years ago
If requests are still open could you do the SWAT Katz and Feral’s reaction to a human from our world showing up in their’s? SWAT Katz was one of Reader’s favorite childhood shows and seems to know a lot?
Hey SWAT Katz!
A human arrives! (SWAT Katz)
Thinks it’s a joke. C’mon, an alien from another world that supposedly knows a bunch about his world? That’s crazy!
Listen, air-pirates, time-traveling wizards, an ex-judge gone rogue, an entire group of Enforcers, magic and dinosaurs are one thing, but he has to draw the line somewhere! Everything doesn’t get a free pass just because life is weird. Inter-dimensional furless aliens are well past the line. 
But it does know a lot about them. A lot, a lot. More than it should know. He’s already unnerved - how did they know he and Jake live in the scrapyard? - but then they mention their alter-egos and he’s racing to shush them. 
“Alright alright we get it! Now watch it, you want the whole world to know?!” 
Belief in their story aside, Chance does have a bit of curiosity over who and... what they are. What’s this weird fur on top of their head? It’s real?! Why do have so little fur elsewhere? What do you mean it’s not fur? Then what the hell is it?!
Jake has to reel him in. He’s a good guy but Chance also is about as reckless as they come. He’s going to step on a lot of toes with some of his questions, even if his intentions aren’t malicious or meant to sound rude. 
Gets kind of protective of them. This human is in a whole other world with no idea how to get home and surrounded by people who are nothing like them. Not to mention, they are so vulnerable compared to everyone (no fur, claws, their teeth are flat). Chance sees himself as a protector and teacher on all things cat. 
Guess who’s learning all about life on Cat Earth from the world’s coolest guy? That’s right, the human! Chance may not know much about their life, but that’s no reason for them to miss out on all the stuff on this world! He has to remember to disguise them before heading out but otherwise he makes for a good (if reckless) guide. 
The actual teacher on all things cat to the human, and the fussy friend who worries a lot about their well-being. 
Jake is more open to the human’s plight in their world. He and Chance have fought enough monsters, mutants, robots and misc. to know when they’re fighting something evil versus when someone is a legitimately terrified civilian. He’d be the one to approach this ‘human’ to try and figure out what is going on. 
Is fascinated by how much they know. The multi-verse theory was only ever a theory but their presence in the Cat World confirms that at minimum there is one other universe, possibly more. He is very much like Chance in that he is unnerved that apparently in another universe their story is fictional, but to be fair it’s possible that in another universe one of the Katz’ favorite shows is real. Who knows?
They’ve fought real wizards before, weirdness is such a relative term these days. 
There has got to be a way to get the human home. Whatever it is, Jake is on the case! He can’t imagine how weird it must be to be a world away from home, and how lonely it is. The least he can do is help them find their way back. Jake starts balancing upgrades for the jet with projects to get them home. 
What is life like in the world of humans? He and the human will quickly bond over stories about human Earth - just the concept of a whole other world seems really neat to Jake, and he’s fascinated by all of it. 
He doesn’t trust them. The city has so many monsters, mutants, robots and even possibly time-traveling things going on that Feral has every reason and right to believe this person is a threat. He’s bringing them in for questioning. 
Questioning quickly turns into confusion. This “human” (as they claim to be) is from another world, doesn’t have an inch of fur, and now apparently knows things about this world that they shouldn’t! At all! Feral is perturbed by how much they know. Could they potentially know something that could endanger the Enforcers and the public?
Mentioning Dark Kat and his laundry-list of minions, previous (or future) schemes, technology used and previous involvement with the law is what persuades Feral to be a bit more open with them. That is a lot of information. Information that could be used against Dark Kat in the future. Having an ally on his side that knows his machinations would be a massive boon to the Enforcers, putting them one step closer to capturing the criminal. 
Any human with SWAT Katz knowledge pertaining to Dark Kat would be under the surveillance of the Enforcers, with heavy protection and the chance to collaborate in a lot of operations. Prepare to be weaponized.
Feral would, if nothing else, treat them with professional respect and ensure they had necessities met. He’s lawful good taken to an extreme - he’s not going to hurt some scared civilian from another world. Time would let him warm up to them more, and eventually be much nicer. 
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st-agatha-city · 3 years ago
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Drawings from the stream yesterday :)
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sueboohscorner · 5 years ago
#TheBlacklist Renewed For Season 8
It looks like The Blacklist will have more names to cross off its list. 
On Thursday, TVLine has learned that the NBC drama has been renewed for Season 8. 
"Congratulations to our incredible cast, producers, and crew, all of whom continue to reach excellence week in a week out," Lisa Katz and Tracey Pakosta, Co-Presidents of Scripted Programming at NBC Entertainment, said in a statement. "WE couldn't be more excited to continue Red and Liz's story into Season 8."
The Blacklist, which debuted in September o 2013, stars James Spader as the wanted criminal Raymond Reddington and Megan Boone as FBI profile Li keen, with whom Red has a complicated personal relationship. Throughout Liz's search for answers about ed's real identity, Red has assisted the FBI with tracking down dangerous and elusive criminals. Diego Klattenhoff, Harry Lennix, Amir Arison and Hisham Tawfiq round out the main cast. 
The show is currently in season seven, which will resume Friday, March 20th. In the December's fall finale, Liz's biological mother faked her own death and formed an unexpected alliance with Liz, which neither woman plans to reveal to Red when the show returns. 
"At this point, (Li) thinks Katarina may offer her a greater chance of finding out the truth that it seems Red won't share with her," executive producer John Eisendrath told TVLive at the time." But she certainly is not fully trusting of Katarina at this point, so as the season goes on, there will be choices that she'll have to make whether to say aligned with her mother, or whether to be more sympathetic towards Red's point of view." 
When the series will also welcome Nip/Tuck alum Joely Richardson for an "intense" season 7 episode, in which she'll play Red's former flame Cassandra Bianchi. 
This news makes perfect sense for the network because while the average rating is less than 4 million on Friday nights, the DVR demo ratings have been the clear winner for the series to get renewed. While other shows kind of lose their teeth after the fifth season, The Blacklist proves still it has strong teeth to go. But I do hope the creators and writers have an idea of how long the series can go because I would love if this series gets the This Is Us renew love.
What did you think of the news? Excited? Relived? Leave a comment and tell us your thoughts.
You can catch The Blacklist returning Friday, Mach 20th at 8/7c on NBC.
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melsie-sims2 · 10 months ago
Welcome to Plumwell! 👽🌵
Town Census Main Tag (Chrono) Yearly Recaps (Chrono) Main Family Trees
Pick a Rotation!
Rotation 1 (Chrono), Rotation 2 (Chrono), Rotation 3 (Chrono), Rotation 4 (Chrono), Rotation 5 (Chrono), Rotation 6 (Chrono), Rotation 7 (Chrono), Rotation 8 (Chrono), Rotation 9 (Chrono)
Pick a Sim! (Chrono only!)
💚 Gen 1: Boone McKidd, Nadine Sanders, Jamar Hobbs, Felix Hellsten, Adam Aldrin, Karax Galaxa, Mateo Guzman, Esther Aldrin, Noah Katz, Romy Lafayette, Whynx Galaxa, Payton Tyler, Jessica Law, Corinne Edwards, Tara Rossi, Krinn Starx, Chelsey Inoke, Zeek Astron, Savannah Collier, Whitney Sanders, Darby Joy, Mei Gao
💚 Gen 2: Timothy Inoke, Lux Galaxa, Ivan Hellsten, Helga Hellsten, Bianca Inoke, Joelle Inoke, Rixian Galaxa, Spencer Aldrin, Valentina Guzman, Owen Aldrin, Eloise Sanders, Xora Astron, Dorian Aldrin, Aliz Galaxa, Giada Rossi, Syan Astron, Varyk Hobbs, Corbin Tyler, Malik Tyler
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novoctdec · 3 years ago
In my story, there are multiple kinds of vampires. All fairly interesting;
My favorite, however, are simply 'vampires'. Because they weren't made with purpose. Not as a blessing or boon or to fill a need for a servant or thrall. But because they simply exist. In my universe they loose their memories of when they were human. Which can be viewed as sad. And often is.
Every once in a while though, there's a vampire born. Who, though they cannot remember their living life, knows in their heart that this... is a new start. And that's also an interesting concept to me.
This is the first book written, in a world that will spawn many more. Not focusing on 'vampires' yet. But, boy, I can't wait until I get there.
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freelancertamal32 · 3 years ago
WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — Every yr, a particular tribute takes place within the nation’s capital to honor fallen service members for Memorial Day. Before the solar rises, flags are positioned grave by grave at Arlington National Cemetery, 12 inches from the gravestone – only one boot size away. It’s a part of the Flags In ceremony. “To walk among the soldiers that have fallen, it’s an honor,” stated Specialist Luis Suazo with the third U.S. Infantry Regiment. “The efforts that we make today will pale in comparison to the efforts that these heroes made laying their life on the line for us,” Captain Andrew Katz with the third Infantry Regiment added. More than 260,000 headstones stretch all through the cemetery. Katz says every one represents a person who meant one thing to somebody. “It really takes you aback and makes you realize how much these people really put on the line and sacrificed,” Suazo stated. The Flags In ceremony has been a convention for greater than 5 a long time. Each yr, it carries particular which means for these concerned. “I feel a great sense of pride,” Private Darious Boone with the third U.S. Infantry Regiment stated. “You know, I just feel connected with these – knowing that they’ve been in the same shoes I’ve been in.” “I’m just thinking about their sacrifices. And to be able to give back to them and kind of pay my respects for what they did for me,” added Staff Sergeant Robin Barnhill with the third U.S. Infantry Regiment. The service members need the ceremony to be a reminder of that sacrifice to everybody – together with these outdoors of the army. “In placing these flags we ensure that the lessons learned from those who have come before us are internalized and they’re continued for the future generations,” Katz stated. They hope the gestures helps honor the legacy of the fallen on a day devoted to their reminiscence. “To show that they’ll always be remembered, never forgotten,” Boone stated. “We’ll never necessarily be able to fully thank these heroes, but it’s important that we make the effort,” Katz added.
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montysworld · 3 years ago
Don't Go Tellin' Your Momma (2021) from rubberband. on Vimeo.
a film by rubberband. + Topaz Jones
presented by the New York Times OpDocs and the Criterion Channel
Directed and Written by rubberband. (Jason Sondock, Simon Davis) and Topaz Jones Production Company: SMUGGLER, Frenzy Paris, BWGTBLD, Section80 Executive Producers: Patrick Milling-Smith, Brian Carmody, Sue Yeon Ahn, Elizabeth Doonan, Trace Henderson Producer: Luigi Rossi Creative Direction & Costume Design: Eric Mcneal Director of Photography: Chayse Irvin Still Photography: Jason Filmore Executive Producer and Management: Kevin Storey Production Designer: Madison Hatch Casting Director: Katherine Mateo, Nouri Hassan Wardrobe Assistant: Hassan Steven Boone Hair and MUA: NIGELLA Editor: J.M. Harper, Nate Katz, Simon Davis Color Grading: Alex Bickel Color House: Color Collective Processing Lab, Motion: Kodak Scanning: Company3
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