#Boolean search generator
apimains · 2 years
Boolean search generator
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For example, account* will provide you with results both for accounting and accountant. You could use an asterisk (*) to get more results for the term you’re looking for. If you only look for ‘Web developer’ you’ll probably miss a lot of good profiles that use a different title, like ‘Software developer’ or ‘Web programmer.’ You could combine AND and OR commands to search multiple terms.
Let’s say you want to hire a Software developer. When searching, you need to think from your ideal candidate’s point of view. LinkedIn is useful to search for all kinds of professionals, but for more targeted searches you should crawl niche websites instead. The key here is to look in the right place. You can search through a specific site for candidates with your desired skill set or any additional details that are a top priority for you. ‘site:’Ī site: search is also known as an x-ray search. Here’s a short guide to help you with common searches. Crafting effective commands can be a little tricky, at first, if you’re not familiar with Boolean logic. Using Google Boolean search strings for recruiters will improve your search results and eventually get you closer to your potential candidates. Search for an exact phrase (Consider keywords in quotation marks as a whole word) Group multiple search strings and set priorities *Google doesn’t recognize the operator NOT, so use the minus symbol, instead. Results include either keyword or all of themĮxcludes a keyword from your search (When using the minus symbol don’t leave a space before the unwanted term) Results include all keywords linked with AND Start sourcing Boolean search operators list Boolean operator You’re always top of mind, whether they’re actively looking or not. Workable helps you build and promote your brand where your next candidates are.
Related: How to source passive candidates You should type “customer service” to get more relevant results when sourcing passive candidates. For example, leaving a blank space between ‘customer’ and ‘service’ will provide pages that contain both of the words ‘customer’ and ‘service,’ but not necessarily together. If you want Google to consider the phrase you’re searching for as a complete phrase, you should put it in quotation marks. (A OR B) AND C | (A∪B) ∩ C Quotation marks “ “ But, in a ‘designer OR (developer AND Java)’ search, Java knowledge is important only for the developers you’re looking for – not the designers. For example, ‘(developer OR designer) AND Java’ indicates that Java knowledge is a must-have both for developers and designers. This will come in handy, as most candidate searches are complex and combine different keywords. You can use brackets to group multiple search strings and set your priorities. ‘NOT recruiter’ or ‘-recruiter.’) A NOT B | A – B Brackets () Instead of NOT, you could also use the minus symbol followed by your unwanted term without leaving a space (e.g. The NOT operator excludes unwanted terms from your Google sourcing search. OR is particularly useful for synonyms, like ‘bank OR finance OR financial.’ A OR B | A ∪ B NOT People might use different words to say the same thing. The OR operator, on the other hand, allows us to expand our Boolean search results. This will produce results that include both keywords.
For example, a Boolean search string for recruiting Android developers should include ‘developer AND android’. When you want to include two (or more) criteria in your search, the operator AND narrows down your search. Here are the basic operators for Boolean search strings for recruiters: AND The definition of Boolean search is that it’s a type of search that allows users to combine keywords with operators such as AND, NOT and OR to produce more relevant results. How recruiters can use boolean commandsīased on George Boole’s mathematical theory in which all variables are either ‘true’ or ‘false’, Boolean search on Google is one of the best sourcing tools for recruiters.
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xptrust · 2 years
Boolean search string generator
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The sheer amount of information makes it hard to locate qualified candidates among the trillions or quadrillions of online profiles, communities and social networks. The Internet is the noisy and extremely complex. It is an effective way of sourcing and searching for very specific skills, traits and qualifications of candidates you want to find on the Internet. Boolean allows you to combine words and phrases using the words AND, OR, NOT (known as Boolean operators) to limit, broaden, or define your search. You’re all set! Now, use this utility with any number of rows in your list of items to create a Boolean expression made for you automagically.One of the most effective ways to source for talent online is using what is called Boolean search. This leaves you with the strong you want to paste into a search form: 'Orange' OR 'Apple' OR 'Banana' OR 'Grapefruit' This string looks for a specific string right before the end of the line (represented by $) OR '' RegEx is sort of like Black Magic, so you will probably need to use a helper site like Rubular. Our second formula, REGEXREPLACE, removes the last “OR ”” from the string. And there is one problem here: that we need to remove the trailing “OR ”” that resulted from the expression. Now that we have our formula, it creates the string: 'Orange' OR 'Apple' OR 'Banana' OR 'Grapefruit' OR ''įrom the rows of Orange, Apple, Banana, Grapefruit above. COUNTBLANK returns the number of blank rows in a range, so that our calculation of rows minus the number of blank rows leaves us with the number of rows containing values (4) or the total number of rows including the header (5).ROWS counts the number of rows in a range – the standard number in a Google Spreadsheet is 1000 – and returns an integer to feed back to the expression inside of TEXT.This results in a range from A2:A5 to feed back to JOIN TEXT converts a complex expression into a value – in this case a calculation of the number of rows in the column of this spreadsheet minus the number of blank rows in the column of this spreadsheet – so that INDIRECT will take result of this expression and substitute “5”, the last row above that has a value.INDIRECT tells the spreadsheet to wait until the range expression in the formula from A2 to the last unblank value in column A is completed and we know the number of the last row to select.JOIN combines an expression of values into a string connecting each item with the string ‘ OR ‘.There are five functions in this expression: The first one joins a range of values into a concatenated string (turns list of Orange and Apple into ‘Orange’ OR ‘Apple’ OR ”): This spreadsheet has two formulas that do the work for you. Whether you’d like to create a list of criteria to find your next job, search Twitter more effectively, or simply create a customized search for Google, this expression builder can help. Let’s take a look.Īs an example, I created a utility spreadsheet that takes a range of values, counts those values, and outputs a result string that delivers a boolean expression to paste into your favorite advanced search page. Never fear: Google Sheets to the rescue! This is a perfect example of a task for a Lazy Programmer™ to solve, as it’s much easier to have a spreadsheet count values and rearrange text for you than it is for you to do the work by hand. Yet when someone gives you a list of 10, 20, 50, or 100 items the idea of making a delimited list of “Item1” OR “Item2” OR “Item3” is more difficult than you’d like to be. When you need to filter your results, a powerful method is to make a list of companies, individuals, skills – whatever you are using to get more precise answers – and create a Boolean expression to get a better initial set of results from a search engine. You know Boolean expressions as “This OR That” – an inclusive search that increases results – or “This AND That” – an exclusive search that limits results. There’s usually an advanced search form of some sort that allows you to enter a boolean expression.
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it's all well and good to have discourse regarding generalised theories and meta and such like, it's cool to discuss and (politely) debate stuff; maybe you can change other fans' minds by sharing your perspective/analysis, or maybe they can change yours.
what's not cool though? screenshotting actual posts (that can easily be found on a straightforward google boolean search, or hell - usually just by typing the contents into tumblr itself) of takes you don't agree with and subjecting them to focused ridicule. those are someone's thoughts and feelings. that is someone's time, their effort, and their dedication.
what's not cool is vagueing about people's posts in such a way that it is obvious that your post is about them, about that particular post, and not just the theory/theme in general. this fandom is huge but it's also incredibly small sometimes - we're all so often of the same mind that art and fic and meta pass through us like shockwaves. what im saying is that the person that that post is about? they'll probably see it. don't be bullies. a good portion of us have had enough of bullies to last us a lifetime, and it's not needed here.
reblog a post and disagree courteously, patiently, and with compassion, or make a separate post "ive seen discussion on this theme/thought, and whilst it was interesting, i personally don't agree and here's why...". send a polite ask to the op perhaps asking them to clarify some things, because you don't agree but at least want to understand and discuss, if they'd be amenable.
if the bad takes are becoming too much, or are upsetting you, or the person is doubling down despite polite debate and it's pissing you off? that's absolutely valid and you're allowed to feel like that - and if you don't want, or can't, address it politely, and it's too much... block them. block them so you don't have to keep seeing it. rant about it in the DMs to someone you trust if you really need to, but don't publicly make people - on what is (to my mind) the mostly inclusive and open-minded platform - feel like shit because they see media different than you.
don't make people feel like they're absolute scum just because you disagree. don't make them feel stupid, or close-minded. dont stick labels on them that they will likely internalise and make them feel like the worst human being to walk the earth. it's humiliating, it's alienating, and it's going make some people fear having any interest in something they used to enjoy, and that once brought them joy when they needed it most. you personally may not be bothered, but others might - have some respect for them.
god knows im not perfect and ive done it myself, im not pretending otherwise bc sometimes i catch myself being unkind, or feeding into this culture of "different thought = wrong thought", but by god im trying to do better. don't be like me, please please please just be fucking kind
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neoswiftology · 2 years
so I made a search engine of taylor swift songs
hello! so um. yeah. I made a pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript search engine of Taylor Swift songs because I'm not normal.
Swift Song Search v. 1.0
All studio albums including all bonus tracks and some remixes
Both rerecordings excluding ATW10 Sad Girl Autumn and Short Film versions
The Holiday Collection and Beautiful Eyes
field search by song title, writers, or producers EDIT: producers search is not working and writers search is glitching. looking into it!
filter by album
filter by type of album/collection (studio album, rerecording, EP)
filter to only show songs Taylor owns
filter to only show self written songs
filter to exclude alternate versions - remixes, demos, acoustic versions, etc.
combine any number of filters, though some will obviously produce zero results (ex. filter by Reputation and Taylor owns)
combine the field search with any number of filters, or just use filters to search the full catalog
click the song title to show/hide more detailed song info
fully responsive
Important notes:
Songs that have been rerecorded are labeled as alternate versions
All Too Well and ATW10 are considered unique versions
Results will display below the filters box, so you will have to scroll to see them on mobile
Credits are from Wikipedia (I know >.< but it was the quickest way) so lmk if something is inaccurate
Also just give me feedback in general if you wanna! this is my first real JS project so i'm still learning for sure
This is just the first iteration of this project, so feel free to follow here or the tag #songsearchupdates for updates! I will be adding the rest of her catalog bit by bit and adding functionalities like searching featured artists and boolean searching. My ultimate goal is to add subject tags for themes like heartbreak or falling in love and for motifs like rain, midnight, or gold, which is well beyond the capabilities of one person. If you are interested in helping with data entry for this project, please send me an ask here on tumblr or email me at [email protected] and I will get in touch when it's time to start on that phase of the project.
cool thank u for reading happy new year
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emyn-arnens · 1 year
Hi i was just wondering if there are any resources you recommend for writing fics? For names, maps, info about characters and places, anything like that.
I love your blog by the way and your fics are awesome!
Thanks, anon!
I've put together a list of some of my favorite resources that cover the topics you're asking about, with a few extra favorites thrown in. I’ve included both resources that stick purely to canon and worldbuilding resources that expand on canon but are not strictly canon (these are marked with an asterisk). There’s some overlap between some of these resources, but I’ve often found that if I can’t find what I need from one website, another one probably has what I’m looking for.
I’ve broken the resources down into general resources, Silm resources, and LOTR resources for ease of reading. It's a lengthy list, so I've put it below a read more.
And of course, although all of these are good, canon-based resources, it’s always best to verify the information against the source text and double check quotes and citations.
Sources not specific to Silm or LOTR.
Arms and Armour of the Eldar: This webpage lists relevant quotes from Tolkien’s writing about the weapons and armor of the Elves. It predominantly focuses on the First Age but does go into the Third Age.
@askmiddlearth: This blog is a great general reference for all things Tolkien. Although no longer active, the blog has many great guides about the people groups and cultures of Middle-earth, as well as a slew of information accessible from the blog’s tag list about events and time periods, places, races/people/cultures, characters, languages, and objects. 
The Atlas of Middle-earth: The Atlas of Middle-earth contains maps of Arda during the First, Second, and Third Ages. There are also maps focusing on the events of The Hobbit and LOTR, as well as thematic maps illustrating the landforms, climate, vegetation and population, and languages of Middle-earth. I have the physical copy of this because I use it all the time and love looking through it just for the sake of looking through it. If you don’t have a copy of this, you can find a lot of Karen Wynn Fonstad’s maps online. @askmiddlearth has shared a number of them on their blog.
Do note, though, the inconsistencies and errors in some of the maps, identified and listed at the Tolkien Gateway link above.
The Dwarrow Scholar*: The Dwarrow Scholar has many resources about Khuzdul and neo-Khuzdul (a fan-created expansion of the language heavily inspired by Semitic languages). The site also has worldbuilding resources covering Dwarven holidays, feasts, seasons, folklore, traditions, marriage customs, succession customs, food, naming conventions, and much more. 
Encyclopedia of Arda: The Encyclopedia of Arda has thousands of articles covering topics from Tolkien’s world. It also has a searchable chronicle to discover what happened on a particular date, a calendar to translate dates and events, a glossary of archaic and unusual words in Tolkien’s works, a lexicon of names (mainly in the Elvish languages), and more. 
Flora of Middle-earth: I don’t yet own this book, so I can’t personally speak to its usefulness, but it covers all of the plants mentioned or described in Tolkien’s work. It addresses climate zones and plant communities, plant morphology, plant identification, the Two Trees, and the plants of Middle-earth.
Henneth-Annûn Research Center: Henneth-Annûn is a goldmine for quickly finding all of the information given in canon about a character, place, thing, etc. You can search for timeline events, character bios, places, and things, and the site will display all relevant passages from the book that address your search term. There is also an A-Z index of characters, places, things, and events. (There is a full-text Boolean search as well, but at the time of posting this, it doesn’t work.)
LOTR Project: LOTR Project has created timelines and interactive maps for the events of the Silm, The Hobbit, and LOTR. The site has also compiled statistics on the demographics of Arda’s various people groups.
Parf Edhellen*: Parf Edhellen is a dictionary of all of Tolkien’s invented languages, with an emphasis on Elvish languages. Parf Edhellen imports other trusted Tolkien sites’ dictionaries into its own, so it has a vast number of words listed. You can filter your searches by language and time period (when Tolkien created/reworked the language), parts of speech, and the website they were taken from. There are reconstructions (fan-created words formed using Tolkien’s language rules) in the dictionary, but they can be filtered out if you would prefer not to use them.
RealElvish.net*: RealElvish.net provides a slew of resources about Tolkien’s languages (and for more languages than just Sindarin and Quenya), including name lists, phrasebooks, pronunciation guides, and word lists. The site’s Trustworthy Websites page is also worth perusing for links to more sites focusing on Tolkien’s languages.
Tolkien Gateway: Tolkien Gateway is well-known in the fandom as a Tolkien wiki with articles on almost anything you can imagine, but I want to highlight its Silm timeline (covering the days before days, the Years of the Trees, the First Age, and the Second Age), Third Age timeline, and Fourth Age timeline. All of the years listed in the timelines can be clicked on to get a more detailed breakdown of the events that happened that year, which is especially helpful when writing about Third Age events. 
Sources specifically focusing on the First and Second Ages, including Tolkien’s writings beyond the Silm.
@melestasflight's food and cuisine worldbuilding posts*: Melesta’s posts cover both Valinor and Beleriand.
@outofangband's societal and environmental worldbuilding posts*: Outofangband’s societal posts cover people groups in general, fashion, food, education, architecture, festivals, traditions, and more. Their environmental worldbuilding posts cover Beleriand’s flora and fauna, rivers and streams, lakes and springs, forests, marshes, geography, and more.
Silmarillion Writers’ Guild's character biographies: The SWG has an index of character biographies covering many of the characters in the Silm and Tolkien’s other First and Second Age writings. Very useful for a quick refresh about a character or for learning about more obscure characters. (Alternate link to the old site, which lists the characters in alphabetical order.)
Sources specifically focused on LOTR and the Third and Fourth Ages.
The Logistics of Minas Tirith*: This short essay by Anders Blixt addresses the logistics of food supply to and distribution within Minas Tirith and poses possible solutions.
Shire of the Hobbits: Shire of the Hobbits has many resources about the Shire, including hobbit customs, typical food and drink, hobbit history, hobbit names and meanings, and a list of hobbit sayings. The site also has information about hobbit calendars and chronology, the various writings produced in the Shire, and the Shire’s geography.
The Religious Rituals of the Dúnedain of Gondor*: This essay by Michael R. Hickman explores canon information about the Dúnedain’s religious customs and ceremonies and uses that information to expand on how those religious customs and ceremonies might look in Fourth Age Gondor under Aragorn’s rule. I haven’t yet read all of the way through the essay, but it is well-cited, using an array of Tolkien’s texts on the subject.
Travel Times in Middle-earth*: This site has generic info about how long it would take to travel in Middle-earth (focusing on major Third Age locations), based on the mode of travel. There is also a table that lists the time it would take to travel from one location to another. The table is incomplete but still very helpful.
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kaurwreck · 1 month
because you mentioned research, do you have any advice or methods of doing efficient research? I enjoy research too but it always takes me such a long time to filter out the information I actually need that I often lose my momentum ;__;
I'm not sure if I'm the best resource for this; I'm so dogged that once I start, it's hard for me to stop. The more tangled or difficult a research question, the more engaging I find it. In addition to loving cats, part of why I have cats is because they are very routine-oriented, and they'll pull me out of my hyperfocus for meals and sleep if I become too caught in what I'm researching; otherwise I don't notice I'm hungry or exhausted. It's not uncommon for me to focus so intensely that I'll look up and suddenly realize I've been researching something for 8+ hours.
But, in general, while it depends on what you're researching, I recommend having an expansive toolkit of resources. Google is fine, but it's only one index of many. I also use other databases and indexes like JSTOR, ResearchGate, SSRN, and Google Scholar (which is helpful for navigating Proquest, too, since Proquest's search function is incompetent). I also use DuckDuckGo, which is infinitely better for privacy than Google and which doesn't filter your searches or tailor them based on your location and search history, so you receive more robust results and significantly fewer ads (this has a tradeoff, which is that sometimes the searches are less precise).
Sometimes, I use Perplexity, but I do not recommend using Perplexity unless you are willing to thoroughly review the sources linked in its results because, like any generative AI tool, it relies on statistical probability to synthesize a representation of the information. In other words, it's not a tool for precision, and you should never rely on generated summaries, but it can help pluck and isolate resources that search indexes aren't dredging for you.
I also rely on print resources, and I enjoy collecting physical books. For books, I use Amazon to search for titles, but also Bookshop.org, e-Bay, Thriftbooks, AbeBooks, Common Crow Books, Paperback Swap, Biblio, and university presses (my favorite being the University of Hawaii Press, especially its On Sale page, and the Harvard East Asian Monographs series from Harvard University Press). This is how I both find titles that may seem interesting (by searching keywords and seeing what comes up) and also how I shop around for affordable and used versions of the books I would like to purchase. (If you don't want to buy books, local and online libraries and the Internet Archive are great resources.)
Most relevantly, and I assume most people might already know this, but I can't emphasize its importance enough: use Boolean logic. If you are not using operators and modifiers in your search strings, you are going to have immense difficulty filtering any relevant information from indexes.
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mariacallous · 4 months
Years ago, when people still used Boolean search and I was a cub reporter, I worked with photographer Nick Ut at the Associated Press. It felt like being in the presence of one of the Greats, even though he never acted like it. We drank the same office coffee, even as I was barely out of journalism school and he had a Pulitzer Prize that was nearly three decades old. Ut, if you don’t recognize the name, took the photo of “Napalm Girl”—Kim Phuc, whom Ut captured in 1973, at 9 years old, running from a bombing in Vietnam.
Lots of people know that photo. It’s one of the most searing images to come out of the Vietnam War—one that shifted attitudes about the conflict. Ut himself wrote many years later that he knew a single photo could change the world. “I know, because I took one that did.”
Hundreds of photos have come out of the Israel-Hamas war since it began more than seven months ago. Bombed out buildings, mass funerals, damaged hospitals, more injured children. But, as of this week, there’s one that’s garnered more attention than most: “All eyes on Rafah.”
The image features what appears to be an AI-generated landscape in which a series of refugee tents spells out the image’s title phrase. The exact origins of the image are murky, but as of this writing it’s reportedly been shared more than 47 million times on Instagram, with many of those shares coming in the 48 hours after an Israeli strike killed 45 people in a camp for displaced Palestinians, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. The image was also shared widely on TikTok and X, where a pro-Palestine account’s post featuring the image has been viewed nearly 10 million times.
As “All eyes on Rafah” circulated, Shayan Sardarizadeh, a journalist with BBC Verify, posted on X that it “has now become the most viral AI-generated image I’ve ever seen.” Ironic, then, that all those eyes on Rafah aren’t really seeing Rafah at all.
Establishing AI’s role in the act of news-spreading got fraught quickly. Meta, as NBC News pointed out this week, has made efforts to restrict political content on its platforms even as Instagram has become a “crucial outlet for Palestinian journalists.” The result is that actual footage from Rafah may be restricted as “graphic or violent content” while an AI image of tents can spread far and wide. People may want to see what’s happening on the ground in Gaza, but it’s an AI illustration that’s allowed to find its way to their feeds. It’s devastating.
Journalists, meanwhile, sit in the position of having their work fed into large-language models. On Wednesday, Axios reported that Vox Media and The Atlantic had both made deals with OpenAI that would allow the ChatGPT maker to use their content to train its AI models. Writing in The Atlantic itself, Damon Beres called it a “devil’s bargain,” pointing out the copyright and ethical battles AI is currently fighting and noting that the technology has “not exactly felt like a friend to the news industry”—a statement that may one day itself find its way into a chatbot’s memory. Give it a few years and much of the information out there—most of what people “see”—won’t come from witness accounts or result from a human looking at evidence and applying critical thinking. It will be a facsimile of what they reported, presented in a manner deemed appropriate.
Admittedly, this is drastic. As Beres noted, “generative AI could turn out to be fine,” but there is room for concern. On Thursday, WIRED published a massive report looking at how generative AI is being used in elections around the world. It highlighted everything from fake images of Donald Trump with Black voters to deepfake robocalls from President Biden. It’ll get updated throughout the year, and my guess is that it’ll be hard to keep up with all the misinformation that comes from AI generators. One image may have put eyes on Rafah, but it could just as easily put eyes on something false or misleading. AI can learn from humans, but it cannot, like Ut did, save people from the things they do to each other.
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zwoelffarben · 2 years
Webbed sites impliment basic boolean opperator [ - ] challenge.
I want just results for the word "Brink" and not the more popular word "Brick" which you've decided is what I actually meant.
I should be able to type Brink -Brick or Brink NOT(Brick) into your search bar and see fewer fucking bricks, not more, you lazy fucking bastards. Please for the love of Algortheos, God of random number generation and iterative processes, praise Algor 🎲_🎲, impliment some basic proper search functionality into you damned search bars.
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It’s almost fucking finals! So this tip goes out to all y’all who are gearing up to tackle a paper, poster, or presentation. (Though totally applicable for all stages of research). 
Databases can be an absolute pain to learn and do not work at all like the browser search engines you might be familiar with. Google for example is very very good at understanding natural language, how we talk in our normal everyday lives, databases like Ebscohost in turn are absolute pants at natural language. So, if you put in a full sentence or question into Google you will get results that are generally on the thing you asked about. If you put a full sentence into a database search you’ll get a range from absolutely nothing to garbage. 
If you want to search in the databases effectively the best strategy is to use keywords and short phrases in quotation marks. I 100% know y’all can absolutely do this because you are reading on this trash fire of a hellsite. Just think of how you search for things on Tumblr using hashtags and that is the same way you’ll tackle searching a database. One tiny twist is that if you want to combine words together you’ll use the Boolean AND instead of just adding more hashtags. 
Example of what I mean:
Natural Language Search
Search Platform: Academic Search Complete Database
Search Term: “Can role-playing games be beneficial for mental health?”
Results: “Your initial search query did not yield any results.” (BOOOOO!)
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Keyword or Hashtag Style Search
Search Platform: Academic Search Complete Database
Search Terms: “role-playing games” AND “mental health” 
Results: 36 (All on topic, all peer reviewed. A reasonable number to read and evaluate :) )
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Databases are fiddly to search but if you can use a hashtag you can use a database. And as always, if any of this is confusing you are 10000% not alone and there is a librarian at your school, university, or public library that can help and would be delighted to do so!!
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llyfrenfys · 2 years
Mis Hanes LHDT+ 2023 : Gair y Dydd #5 -Rhyngryw
LGBT+ History Month 2023: Word of the day #5 - Intersex
(adj. Intersex)
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Rhyngryw is a relatively new term in Welsh. It translates to 'between sex' and is a Welsh localisation of the English term Intersex (which only became popularised itself in English around the mid-to-late 90s).
The previous terms for Intersex in Welsh were, like in English, slurs (e.g. hermaphrodite) or archaic (e.g. bi-sexual). This post is about the history of Rhyngryw, but if you're interested in general Welsh Intersex terminology history I'd recommend reading my blog here.
The term Rhyngryw hasn't appeared in any Welsh dictionary before (that I'm aware of, my records go up to 2018). Therefore to discover the history of Rhyngryw, we must try a different approach.
The first term for intersex in Welsh which isn't a variation of deuryw or hermaffrodit is cymysgryw (literally 'mixed sex'), in Geiriadur Termau from 1973. However, it doesn't seem like this term caught on.
Using boolean commands in a Google search for "Rhyngryw" yields the Wicipedia page for Rhyngryw, created on the 13th September 2007. As of December 2007, the page looked like this:
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It uses the term Rhyngrywioldeb (intersexuality). The title of the Wicipedia page wasn't changed until 2021 to Rhyngryw.
Despite the absence of a long history for Rhyngryw, we can estimate that around 2006-2008 the term may have originated. Webster's Welsh-English Thesaurus Dictionary in 2008 gave Anrywiol as a term to mean intersex. Anrywiol ordinarily means asexual, but it is possible that in 2006-2008, attempts were made to move away from older archaic or offensive terminology to a new term. It's possible anrywiol was one of those attempts, but rhyngryw, whenever it originated originally, won out in the end.
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freakoutgirl · 2 years
man i know tumblr can barely display searches in general but imagine if they could support boolean searches
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ladymariayuri · 1 year
i learned that theres an entire discipline of programming IRT video games dedicated to creating realistic NPC/entity/enemy/whathaveyou AI and i think thats so cool. AI, as itself divorced from its negative connotations such as job stealing and chatgpt and whatnot, is such a huge and sprawling field with so many different applications for what it can do when it comes to algorithms and math
i mean hell even being able to create art is admittedly a technologically impressive feat but unfortunately it has to learn off of //something// and the only realistic route is just. stealing from google searches to learn. it’s an entirely different beast from just generating decisions based on math and inputs and determining booleans and outputs and it’s a shame its just being used by people who have no care for artists
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sadgrrly02 · 2 years
What exactly does library science entail? I'm not sure I've ever heard of that field.
Basically it's a degree in being a librarian. I've mostly been doing my general education credits, so I'm not too far into it yet. Thus far i've taken a course that was almost entirely dedicated to learning how to search databases using boolean operators and that sort of thing. The other was the first basic course in Library Science, which mostly involved reading a bunch of stuff about ethics in relation to the operation of the library as a public service.
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ibmarketer · 2 days
Tapflow Review: Find & Hire Top Talent with AI on LinkedIn!
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Finding top talent is one of the biggest challenges faced by recruiters and hiring managers. As the market becomes more competitive, the need for efficient and effective tools to streamline the recruitment process is greater than ever. This is where Tapflow comes into play. In this comprehensive review, we’ll explore how Tapflow, an innovative AI-driven talent-sourcing tool, can transform your hiring process. We’ll also dive into the details of its lifetime deal and how it stands out in the crowded field of recruitment tools. If you’re looking to optimize your talent acquisition efforts, read on to discover why Tapflow might just be the solution you need.
What is Tapflow?
Tapflow is an AI-powered talent sourcing co-pilot designed to revolutionize the way recruiters and hiring managers find and evaluate candidates. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, Tapflow automates and enhances the recruitment process, allowing users to efficiently identify, analyze, and connect with top talent.
AI-Driven Talent Sourcing
At its core, Tapflow is built to simplify and accelerate the talent sourcing process. By analyzing job descriptions and matching them with candidate profiles, Tapflow helps recruiters find the right candidates more quickly and accurately. Its AI algorithms process vast amounts of data to deliver high-quality matches, reducing the time and effort typically required for manual recruitment.
Streamlined Recruitment Process
Tapflow’s automation features are designed to save time and increase efficiency. From generating ideal candidate personas to scoring profiles and automating outreach, Tapflow streamlines every aspect of the recruitment process. This means you can focus on engaging with top candidates and making informed hiring decisions without getting bogged down by administrative tasks.
Features of Tapflow
Tapflow offers a range of features designed to optimize the recruitment process and improve the quality of candidate matches. Let’s explore some of the key features in detail:
Automated Job Description Analysis
One of Tapflow’s standout features is its ability to automatically analyze job descriptions. This AI-driven analysis ensures that job descriptions are accurately interpreted and matched with the right candidates. By understanding the nuances of job requirements, Tapflow helps recruiters avoid common pitfalls and find candidates who truly fit the role.
How It Works:
Parsing Job Descriptions: Tapflow parses job descriptions to extract key skills, qualifications, and other relevant criteria.
Matching Algorithms: The tool uses advanced algorithms to match job descriptions with candidate profiles, ensuring a high degree of accuracy.
Real-Time Updates: As job descriptions and requirements evolve, Tapflow’s analysis adjusts accordingly to provide up-to-date matches.
AI Ideal Candidate Persona Generator
Tapflow’s AI Ideal Candidate Persona Generator is another powerful feature. This tool allows recruiters to create detailed candidate personas based on job descriptions. By defining the ideal candidate’s skills, qualifications, and experiences, Tapflow helps narrow down the search to those who best fit the role.
Key Benefits:
Customization: Tailor candidate personas to match specific job requirements and organizational needs.
Precision: Focus on candidates who align closely with the ideal persona, improving the quality of matches.
Efficiency: Save time by eliminating candidates who don’t meet the specified criteria.
Automated Search & Ranking
Finding the right candidates is only half the battle. Once candidates are identified, Tapflow’s automated search and ranking features help prioritize the best matches. By generating and scoring profiles based on how well they align with the ideal candidate persona, Tapflow streamlines the process of evaluating and selecting candidates.
Features Include:
Boolean Searches: Tapflow uses AI-generated Boolean strings to perform comprehensive searches on LinkedIn.
Profile Scoring: Candidates are scored based on their relevance to the ideal persona, making it easier to identify top talent.
Streamlined Review: Quickly review and compare candidates to make informed decisions.
Quality & Conversion Features
Tapflow is not just about finding candidates; it’s also about ensuring high-quality interactions and conversions. The tool offers a range of features designed to enhance the recruitment experience and improve candidate engagement.
Included Features:
Live LinkedIn Search: Perform real-time searches on LinkedIn to find up-to-date candidate profiles.
Smart Filters: Use smart filters to narrow down candidate lists based on specific criteria.
Collaboration Tools: Share candidate profiles and feedback with team members for a collaborative hiring process.
Contact Information: Find and export candidate contact details, including email addresses.
The Tapflow Lifetime Deal
One of the most compelling aspects of Tapflow is its lifetime deal, which offers significant value for those looking to invest in a long-term solution for talent sourcing.
Deal Terms & Conditions
Lifetime Access: Purchase the lifetime deal to gain unrestricted access to Tapflow’s features and updates.
Future Updates: Includes all future updates to the Basic Plan, ensuring you benefit from new features and improvements.
Plan Changes: If the Plan name changes, your deal will automatically map to the new Plan name with all accompanying updates.
No Codes or Stacking: Choose the plan that suits your needs—no need for additional codes or stacking.
Activation: You must activate your license within 60 days of purchase.
Upgrade/Downgrade: Upgrade or downgrade between 3 license tiers while the deal is available, with the ability to downgrade within 60 days of purchase.
GDPR Compliance: Tapflow is GDPR compliant, ensuring data protection and privacy.
Eligibility: Available only for new Tapflow users without existing accounts.
Money-Back Guarantee: Enjoy a 60-day money-back guarantee to test the tool and ensure it meets your needs.
How Tapflow Stands Out
In a crowded market of recruitment tools, Tapflow distinguishes itself with its unique features and capabilities. Here’s how Tapflow stands out from the competition:
Advanced AI Integration
While many recruitment tools offer basic search and filtering features, Tapflow’s advanced AI integration sets it apart. The tool’s AI-driven algorithms provide a level of precision and efficiency that is hard to match.
Comprehensive Talent Sourcing
Tapflow’s ability to perform comprehensive searches and generate detailed candidate personas makes it a powerful tool for sourcing top talent. Its automated search and ranking features further enhance the recruitment process.
Enhanced Candidate Engagement
With features like smart filters, collaboration tools, and contact information export, Tapflow not only helps you find candidates but also ensures high-quality interactions and conversions.
Pros and Cons
Efficiency: Automates the recruitment process, saving time and effort.
Accuracy: Provides precise matches based on job descriptions and candidate personas.
Comprehensive Features: Offers a range of features to enhance recruitment and candidate engagement.
Lifetime Deal Value: The lifetime deal provides long-term access and value for money.
Learning Curve: New users may need time to familiarize themselves with all features.
Initial Setup: Requires initial setup and activation within 60 days of purchase.
Customer Feedback and Testimonials
Tapflow has received positive feedback from users who appreciate its efficiency and accuracy in talent sourcing. Here are a few testimonials from satisfied customers:
John D., HR Manager: “Tapflow has revolutionized our hiring process. The AI-driven features have made it much easier to find the right candidates and streamline our recruitment efforts.”
Sarah L., Recruiter: “The candidate persona generator and automated search features are game-changers. Tapflow has saved us countless hours and significantly improved the quality of our hires.”
Michael R., Talent Acquisition Specialist: “The lifetime deal is a fantastic offer. Tapflow’s comprehensive features and ease of use make it an invaluable tool for any recruitment team.”
FAQ Section
What makes Tapflow unique?
Tapflow stands out due to its advanced AI integration, which automates and enhances the recruitment process. Its unique features, such as automated job description analysis and ideal candidate persona generation, provide a high level of accuracy and efficiency.
How does the AI candidate persona generator work?
The AI candidate persona generator creates detailed profiles based on job descriptions, defining the ideal candidate’s skills, qualifications, and experiences. This helps recruiters match job requirements with the right candidates more effectively.
What are the benefits of the lifetime deal?
The lifetime deal offers long-term access to Tapflow’s features and future updates, providing significant value for money. It includes a 60-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to test the tool and ensure it meets your needs.
Tapflow is a powerful AI-driven tool that transforms the talent sourcing process, offering an efficient and accurate way to find and evaluate candidates. Its advanced features, combined with the valuable lifetime deal, make it an excellent investment for recruiters and hiring managers looking to optimize their hiring efforts. With Tapflow, you can streamline your recruitment process, enhance candidate engagement, and ultimately build a stronger team.
If you’re ready to revolutionize your talent acquisition process, consider taking advantage of the Tapflow lifetime deal. It’s a unique opportunity to gain lifetime access to a tool designed to make recruitment easier and more effective.
To know more, Click 👉 Instant access
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alecbicheno · 2 months
FMP blog
Over the past few days I have continued to work on the scene.
I began by adding more cables. I wanted one front and centre to attract the eye of the viewer and to generally add to the scene by plugging into further bits of machinery.
I tried a few variations of cables, with different positions and sizes, but settled on making a bundle of cables. This was simpler than I thought to make, where I follow the above process but then select edges along the length and duplicate them, then repeat the process of adding depth and converting it.
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I also made the doorway for the vault door using Lissa’s door model and the Boolean modifier. It resulted in the topology being very messy but I went through and fixed it afterwards.
I then encountered an issue with the faces, where there was some odd shading. I initially thought it was to do with the normals, and it turns out there were a few flipped normals anyway, but after fixing this the issue still persisted.
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I later down the line found a fix for the shading issues, which was to use the edge split modifier.
Scene so far.
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I cut a hole in the glass part of the tube using the knife tool as our creature would have had to escape from it.
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From here it was just a matter of importing the models over to the Unreal Engine scene.
I’m very happy with the scene overall. I have used a variety of techniques throughout making it, and I’m particularly happy with how the cables have turned out and how they look in the scene. This is because I haven’t really done much modelling of cables, and the last time I did I struggled with making them but now they have turned out well and didn’t take up much time, so there’s a notable improvement there.
So my next steps are to import these models into Unreal Engine. From there I’ll be applying textures to them instead of using Substance Painter, like with previous parts, in the interest of time. I also will be searching for more assets to use to fill out this scene, as well as the others, and most importantly I will be searching for a way to create a night vision camera effect that a camcorder would have.
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academicstrive · 2 months
Conducting a Systematic Review: A Step-by-Step Guide
AcademicStrive #Review #Research #OpenAccess
When I first found myself in my research journey the expression "systematic review" looked difficult to understand, if not frightening to me. But, when I went deeper into the matter, I discovered that if the right method is used, the procedure of a systematic review can become a very satisfying experience. Here are the steps you need to follow to do a systematic review successfully.
Understanding Systematic Reviews
A systematic review is a methodical and complete synthesis of the study report about a particular research issue. It aims to put together all empirical evidence that proves the pre-defined eligibility criteria and serves to respond to a particular research query. Unlike traditional literature reviews, systematic reviews strictly adhere to a detailed protocol that serves to minimize bias and ensure reproducibility.
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Steps to Conduct a Systematic Review
Define Your Research Question Start by generating a specific clear research question using the PICO framework (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) to help organize your question. The first stage is necessary because it is the guide to the entire review process.
Develop a Protocol Prepare a detailed protocol outlining your methods in the review process. This involves your inclusion and exclusion criteria, databases to be searched, and the keywords to be used. Enlist your protocol in a database like PROSPERO to augment transparency and to avert duplication.
Full Literature Search Come about a full-fledged search through the various databases like PubMed, the Cochrane Library, Web of Science, etc. Use a combination of keywords and Boolean operators to make sure you land all the relevant studies. Also check the reference lists of the reviewed studies for other sources that might be used.
Screen and Select Studies First filter the titles and abstracts of the recovered articles with your from-inclusion criteria. This is typically performed through two stages: an initial screening, followed by a full-text review. Use programs like Covidence or Rayyan to facilitate the process.
Assess Quality and Risk of Bias Distinguish the value of the reports which are supported by verified accuracy of the materials or the quality of the research being gauged with the use of the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool or the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Detecting the risk of bias is of the essence, on what the solidness of the results depends.
Extract Data Collect the data from the chosen studies in a systematic manner. A uniformly composed data form must be employed for gathering specific data such, like study characteristics, interventions, outcomes, and consequences. The use of this method ensures uniformity and thus decreases the errors level.
Analyze and Synthesize Data Utilize either a qualitative synthesis or a meta-analysis in the CofG to meet your data's nature. A meta-analysis is the statistical combining of like-study results, while a qualitative synthesis is a textual summary of the results.
Interpret and Report Findings Link your discovery with the background literature and explain the implications. Present your human collectable data in an organized way such as, PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses).
The Role of Systematic Reviews in Research
System reviews are invaluable as they provide the following information: capturing the knowledge available through research, the area of research in question, and the take of the research on finding the way forward. They have a key role in evidence-based medicine to give the quality of clinical and policy decisions. At Academic Strive, we stand that systematic reviews not only can teach but they can also enable knowledge and achieve the benefit in patients outcomes.
Setting out to write a systematic review might seem problematic but it can be quite fulfilling if you plan well and stick to a structured process. You can analyze and report new findings that are not known yet which allows for greater understanding of the subject of study. In Academic Strive, we vow to foster the research community in its pursuit of academic excellence.
This report has provided a step-by-step guide on conducting a systematic review. To locate additional information and get help along your research direction, take note of the resources available at Academic Strive.
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