#Book of Fuxi
eudaemon-m · 1 year
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mid tier vacation
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hotdyke-hardstyle · 9 months
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Journey Crisis! The St.Freya Special Event!
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sunnyvaiprion · 1 year
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Brick lore chair thoughts
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michimarytheworld · 8 months
Hello Tumblr I'm coming back here after ages here are some sentihua art I've done recently because I'm not normal about them
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blazingblorbos · 8 months
Book of Fuxi makes some of the best reaction image faces
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The whole thing was fucking hilarious
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I completely lost count of how many times I burst out laughing
and also Rita stole my heart that entire short
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flyingfudgenuggets · 2 years
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Honkaitober days 19 & 20 elfs and captain
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snow-n-cream · 2 years
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[Time rift au]
Number 12 of the flamechasers: MSA-209 design
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koriane · 2 years
Only now i noticed her tongue!
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kyou-ko · 8 months
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dragonciphering · 11 months
I’m not hallucinating right? That:
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that looks like the thing Dan Heng (normal and IL) use right???
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Here’s it alone:
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eudaemon-m · 8 months
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sunnyvaiprion · 1 year
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Chapter 40
Book of fuxi's favourite slowburn
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lieblogger · 4 months
they need to bring back the sword of fuxi being semi sentient i know it guides him now and whatnot but i miss when they would argue. give me lin lie having to deal with the nagging voice of his sword. make it so the only reason it was considered semi sentient was because it didnt have a voice. i want to hear it go "you did WHAT with my shards" and whatnot
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 days
Hi! I wanted to ask something.
Like, most of us knows there are 4 Spiritual Monkeys in the legend(book)... Do the Wukongs and theyr LEM's ever tought about looking for them? Cause mines did and It was chaos
Tongbi: Wait... why there are not other us, Chikao? *Sad precious sunshine noises*
Chikao: We are probably lucky in theyr universes to not having to ature theyr "bullduey"
*Wukong and Liu'er fighting in the most platonic way possible*
(If you are wandering who Tongbi and Chikao are, Chikao = Baboon and Tongi = Gibbon. And both are girls)
Love them and all the different versions people are coming up with! Bonus: the @journeytothewestresearch post about them!
I've been personally calling them "Babs" = Baboon (Chikao mahou, 赤尻馬猴) and "Gibs" = Gibbon (Tongbi yuanhou, 通臂猿猴) as a nickname! XD
My idea is that they are the older of the four *known* celestial primates, with the oldest celestial primate being the since-ascended Shen Monkey who raced for the Jade Emperor.
Tongbi/Gibs has a naturally stretchy body (think like Monkey D Luffy) and is very optimistic. Whilst, Chikao/Babs is more of a realist with the power of reading a person's thoughts/intentions (an interpretation I have for "Understands human affairs,").
My personal hc backstory for them is that;
Tongbi/Gibs was born/hatched along the Heavenly River, her species limbs stretching to allow them to climb, swim and dance between the clouds and astral waterways. She could be considered the "Fresh-Water Monkey" for this reason. Her egg had actually fallen to earth during the Great Flood when the fifth Heavenly Pillar broke, and was found by a tribe of proto-humans (of which Fuxi originated) that raised her as their own. She lived with them for many years before deciding to seek out others of her kind - where upon she met Chikao/Babs
Menawhile, Chikao/Babs was actually born into the Underworld amongst demonkind. Her fellow demons did not understand why she had hatched from a egg-shaped stone that sat undisturbed in the demon-capital city of Youdu for many millennia, but they accepted her as their colleague nonetheless. When Chikao/Babs came of age, she was trained to carry out the duties of a Psychopomp; to gather and bring deceased soul before Yama and the Ten Kings, the same duties as Ox-Head and Horse-Face. She could be considered the "Abyss Monkey" for her gloomy origin.
The two celestial monkeys meet by pure chance when Chikao/Babs herself nearly dies trying to collect the soul of a reluctant water demon. Tongbi/Gibs saved her, and it was love/fascination at first sight like Little Mermaid.
The two female monkeys are soulmates in a yin-yang like dynamic. One stern and aloof, the other silly and expressive. They began seeking out others of their kind almost immediately after meeting - failing until they found a certain little stone monkey being cared for by an old mentor.
I made a joke post a while back about these two finding little Sun Wukong early and raising him as their own, and now I can't stop thinking of it! The Netflix and Smash Legends SWKs are who I most imagine as having the two super-powered moms, but I could def see an AU of Lego SWK having moms. X3
Chikao and Tongbi def be cringing hard at how bad their son is fumbling expressing his feelings for Macaque, and for how bad Macaque is at confronting *his* feelings!
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artemismoorea03 · 3 months
I Have Theories - Potential LMK Season 5 Spoilers
I have had this theory since Season 3 but Season 4 fueled it and now from the little I have seen of Season 5 it is *twice* as strong. Keep in mind I have not seen Season 5 yet but I will mention spoilers that I have seen so if you don't want to know, don't continue!
Also potential MAA Spoilers because part of MAA is built off of these theories!!!
Alright, for those of you who are on my MAA Discord you guys might have seen me mention my theory before (because I have plenty of them). I have one theory that has to do with the snake character from Season 5 - Xiang Liu I think is his name? But this has to do with MK specifically. Now, unfortunately finding proper sources for Ancient Mythologies is hard especially with AI and shit now popping up a million half-assed things based off of previous searches. So, some of my research is patchy at best, so if I get some things wrong don't be afraid to gently point me in the right direction but also keep in mind Google only gets me so far and LMK has frequently changed things to help better fit the narrative.
Note from here on out everything in quotations is directly from a source! Be it Wiki, the Journey to the West Books, or otherwise!
Now according to the Journey to the West there are Four Celestial Primates.
"The Intelligent Stone Monkey; who knows transformations, recognizes the seasons, discerns the advantages of earth, and is able to alter the course of planets and stars." - This is Wukong for those of you who don't know! :D
"The Red-Buttocked Baboon; who has knowledge of yin and yang, understands human affairs, is adept in its daily life and able to avoid death and lengthen its life."
"The Bare-Armed Gibbon; who can seize the sun and the moon, shorten a thousand mountains, distinguish the auspicious from the inauspicious, and manipulate planets and stars."
then finally, "The Sixth-Eared Macaque; who has a sensitive ear, discernment of fundamental principles, knowledge of past and future, and comprehension of all things." - this is Macaque!
(^ previous quotes all directly from the Journey to the West)
But they are not the only 'monkey's in mythology, in fact there are quite a few! Including the Orangutan King (who online I find referenced as a Snub-Nose instead so again, different sources lead to different results) who is a member of the seven sages and the Macaque King who may or may not be the Six-Eared Macaque but was definitely made that way in LMK!
Another monkey is Pangu (who I call Pen/Pengu in MAA after their rebirth). Now, as already stated multiple times already there are a lot of differences depending on sources! Not to mention different beliefs and religions also have different stories, so I am just going off of what I have found and consistencies within them!
To start Pangu is said to have been born from something called a "Cosmic Egg" on their Wiki page which was formed from the vast nothingness of space! Now, depending on source Pangu was either sent by the Celestial Realm to do what he did next or just decided that he had enough of the Celestial Realm messing with the Earth. Regardless, he took his axe and cut Yin from Yang and as such split the Celestial Realm from the Earth.
Pangu then spent the next 18,000 years pushing the two apart creating the space in between before finally dying and collapsing. After that Pangu turned into everything. The Sun, the Moon, the Mountains everything and anything.
One source (Nüwa's Wiki specifically) suggests that Nüwa and her twin Fuxi were born from Pangu's child, making them Pangu's grandchildren!
Also on Nüwa's page is something of note and another major source for my upcoming theory, a note on Pangu that isn't listed on Pangu's Wiki.
"Pangu was said to be the creation god in Chinese Mythology. He was a giant sleeping within an egg of chaos. As he awoke, he stood up and divided the sky and the earth."
Specifically pay attention to that second line. He was a giant sleeping within an egg of chaos.
Now, what is MK consistently called; Harbinger of Chaos.
Which is exactly what Pangu would have likely been seen as to anybody around when he separated the Heavens and Earth!
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Onto my theory now for LMK specifically.
When Nüwa made MK she probably had a plan or a reason. (Again, I haven't seen Season 5 so people might have more clues to support or rip this part). There is no way she would just make a Harbringer of Chaos unless she had a set reason and I suspect that reason had to do with Pangu.
Specifically bringing Pangu back.
From some sources I found they suggest that Pangu was ordered to separate the two to prevent the Celestial Realm from taking advantage of those on Earth. Things that seem to be happening a lot in LMK or seem to be a major concern in LMK. People keep saying there is injustice, that people aren't doing their jobs, that things need to change!
And sometimes the best change comes from chaos itself.
So, I feel that when Pengu's body was sacrificed his soul survived and he was reborn as MK or at least his powers were given to MK so that he could help bring forth a new level of peace to the Realms. An immeasurable amount of power would need a mentor, a brother and somebody who could help teach him how to control it? What better than a Celestial Primate to teach a Primordial Primate?
Wukong - being considered a Celestial after finishing his journey - would be the best choice to raise MK. But Wukong panicked and set MK away to keep him safe - maybe even from himself. He likely wouldn't trust himself with another celestial monkey after he killed Macaque. Not only that but being raised by Pigsy would make sure that MK stayed out of trouble that he was more 'tamed' than Wukong was when he was born and to keep him safe.
He would only come in when MK had accessed his power. Which could be why he was keeping an eye on MK for as long as he had been, then when he picked up the staff Wukong realized he was strong enough and it was time for him to act and train MK.
Now! My spouse just told me that Mac has a kind of power or made some kind of deal with somebody without him knowing it and I have a theory about that too. We saw in Season 1 that Mac can temporary steal and use powers from others. This makes my spouse think that Mac is Pangu's reincarnation but I think that this is only more proof of MK being Pangu.
Because who in their right mind would give all of Pangu's powers to one creature and then to leave that child with Sun Wukong? I don't think anybody would go with that idea! But I also think that all four Celestial Primates exist to keep the peace, so when Macaque died he would need something else to bring him back. Something more than just a deal with the literal devil (Looking at you LBD!). He would need power. Specifically a power to help him regain and recover his powers.
From what I've found about Pangu from varying sources it implies that as he grew to stretch the space between the two realms he also grew in strength and power. This makes me think that maybe he had a power that allowed him to steal and absorb other powers.
A power that Macaque potentially got from him.
I think MK is Pangu and in the same way Pangu sacrificed himself to bring peace I think MK will have to do the same (clips I've seen kind of support this I think?) But I also think that while MK was born from the same stone as Wukong, he has more in common with Macaque because they share the same source of power.
Again, all a theory and I would love to know if you guys have your own theory or what you think of this one! If you don't wanna leave a comment feel free to chuck a question at me or message me :3 I don't mind!
Sources used for this post:
Journey to the West - Books.
Pangu Wiki: Here
Nüwa Wiki: Here
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rienn-n · 10 months
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fu hua and book of fuxi <3
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