#Bonnie Bennett deserved better
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roisy · 9 months ago
I’m rewatching TVD to make notes on Bonnie for fics. Did the writers give this girl any hobbies (except cheerleading)? Career goals? Say what she studied in college? Like??? Apparently she lived with her dad full time??? I saw her bedroom maybe once? Her mom’s entire arc was weak af. I forgot about the whole Jamie relationship. She went to visit her dad’s side of the family. Great. Where? Ffs.
Bonnie Bennett deserved so much better than this nonsense.
It’s easy to imagine headcanons based on her personality, but the fact that I can’t pull any small details like that from the show itself is entirely fucked.
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cancerian-woman · 1 year ago
Unpopular opinion: Tyler should’ve killed Hayley and he wasn’t wrong for trying to.
Another unpopular opinion: I think Michael Trevino (along with Kat Graham) was done wrong by Plec due to him being a non white hispanic man. Tyler Lockwood could’ve been SO MUCH BETTER and could’ve had such an interesting storyline and character development along with Bonnie if Plec wasn’t a racist bum.
Facts. Not trying to make this super long. Hayley would’ve deserved whatever Tyler decided to do. She betrayed him first.
People seem to only see “innocent Hayley who’s pregnant by Klaus” but forgets that Tyler’s intentions were rooted in protecting the werewolves as a species. The irritating part in this is that it was all done on TO. Which means they weren’t going to actually let Tyler do anything to Hayley. Depending on how a fan watches the franchise Tyler looks like the villain here. Hayley even calls him a “backstabbing half breed”. I do find it funny she became a “half breed” and never shut up about being one after that lol.
I talked about how Hayley’s death is a karma moment here.
You aren’t wrong. Tyler is white, but it’s clear he doesn’t look white. He looks NOTHING like his family members. Klaus/Caroline exist as a ship to constantly sideline him. When Tyler was the introduction to the werewolves.
Michael Trevino and Kat Graham deserved better more than words can say. Their characters were used as plot devices and never given the same push as their white counterparts.
Isn’t ironic that two characters Tyler and Bonnie were introduced with these unique bloodlines yet we’re done the worst. I’m so pissed that we learn in TO, Tyler’s would’ve been protecting the hallow bones. It would’ve been pleasing as fuck to see Hayley BEG Tyler for help after she betrayed him.
Julie and the other writers were so racist they couldn’t even at least let Tonnie happen as a ship. Instead, Tyler ends up dating one of the many white Bonnie’s of TVDU lol. (i meant Liv Parker).
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slutisnotabadword · 9 months ago
Looking back through TVD, I’m realizing Bonnie doesn’t really have a set personality when it comes to wardrobe. And it goes reflect on her personality or vibe. And I think that Kat Graham has such a nice figure that wasn’t emphasized on the show as well. So let’s fix that shit.
Let’s clear the elephant in the room and talk about her hair. Having fucked up hair being a black girl is TRAUMATIZING. I have too many memories of that shit. And I think Bonnie would’ve not had her hair straight like.. at all. Let alone wigs and tracks.
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I think Bonnie would’ve preferred being natural. Specifically in like a low bun, low ponytail or having her fro more out. She would definitely have a lot of scarves and headbands.
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And if she gotta fight some vampires n shit, she gonna need a protective style. And I feel like she would go with a braided bob like small braids.
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Now onto clothes. I think like season 1, her style would be similiar to Elena’s. However I think Bonnie would wear more like Jean jackets, belts and earrings and necklaces that she probably thrifted.
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Then when we get to like season 2 through like 6, I think Bonnie would adopt more of a bohemian/street style, with a lot of dark red colors, and browns with a touch of blue and purple. She would definitely broaden in accessories like beaded necklaces and purses. And Bonnie would love to show her shoulders and collarbone a lot. Her favorite pants would be bootcut or something with a baggy look to make her hips look a little bit wider. Her tops would be form fitting but she would often have like a sweater or a patterned cardigan. She definitely loves thrifting, and I think this style kind of leans more into that witch vibe/aesthetic.
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And in like season 7 and 8, she would lean more into a boho elegant type of vibe. Like dark feminine energy a little bit. She would wear more corset type of tops, and yes those shoulders are exposed. But most importantly, she would start wearing more long skirts that are freeing and loose.
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Bonnie did NOT wear enough formal dresses for meeee. I think she would’ve preferred simple dresses but with subtle patterns on them and with a muted color pallette. Remember, she loves her shoulders out, so they would be definitely spaghetti strapped and the dresses would be more form fitting.
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IT IS A SHAME that Bonnie didn’t get to go to the Mikaleson ball, and I think about it every day. But I think this is what she would’ve worn. Either black, or a cream colored white, or even a muted red. Again, subtle patterns. Simple but still eye catching, and YES SHOULDERS OUT. And I feel like she play with lace a little bit to show a more sexier sensual side to her style.
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bosesmikas · 4 months ago
All episodes Bonnie went missing
Season 1:
Lost Girls
Few Good Men
There Goes the Neighborhood
Let the Right One In
Under Control
Season 2:
Memory Lane
Kill or Be Killed
The Descent
The Last Day
Season 3:
The Birthday (not there for full time)
The Hybrid
The End of the Affair
Dangerous Liaisons
Heart of Darkness
Season 4:
The Rager
My Brother's Keeper
Bring It On
American Gothic
The Originals
Season 5:
Original Sin
The Cell
Fifty Shades Of Grayson
The Devil Inside
No Exit
Season 6:
Woke Up with a Monster
Prayer for the Dying
The Day I Tried to Live
I Could Never Love Like That
Season 7:
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
Days of Future Past
I Went to the Woods
Season 8:
An Eternity of Misery
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bonkai4ever94 · 1 year ago
Bonnie always is made into a villain in this Fandom where as all other characters are allowed to be characters who feel emotions anger grief denial and have revenge without judgment the moment bonnie doesn't kiss up to the main trio she's the bad guy and is bashed this Fandom sometimes
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thehollowprince · 2 years ago
I mean its a little bit that the most powerful witches were the White ones. It's very much related to how the Original Vampires were all White and went so far as to seed fake lore and myths around the world in other cultures to hide it. That just made these lame ass family ridiculously important. Its a really gross Eurocentric view of history
You're not wrong in any regard.
I probably could have worded my response to that ask a little better, but as someone who is a big fan of witches and magic users within this genre, I like all the characters that get to utilize their craft. And it's, like you said, very Eurocentric when it comes to everything supernatural related on that show.
The fact that the Originals were presented in place of the Old Ones from the books, who dated back the Bronze Age or even earlier, but now are a barely 1000 years old Viking Family. It's the fact that before that backstory was given we had the Aztec and Roman references to the Sun & Moon Curse, only to have it be an elaborate prank by the Mikaelsons so that Klaus could feel more like a man.
To circle back the witch aspect because I feel like I'm rambling, I stand by what I said before. I don't dislike characters like Davina or Liz and Luke Parker for their ability to be incredibly powerful witches. Given how overpowered even the weakest vampire on this show is, it's nice to see witches (and werewolves) flex their power to even the playing field, even if only briefly.
When it comes to Bonnie, she was allowed to he powerful, but then was IMMEDIATELY humbled afterward so as not to upstage the white characters. I would argue that Bonnie was actually the most powerful witch we had in this universe (though admittedly, I never watched any of Legacies so I don't know about the Tribrid - god I hate that word). And obviously, yes, this was because of the racism of the showrunners and the writers, whether intentional or not, but it still burns all these years later.
Ultimately, this all comes down to Plec & Co. watering down the source material so that they could make it more palatable for people who were just tuning in for the love triangle and relationship drama, a staple of The CW. And I'm not saying that like the books were these literary masterpieces, because they weren't, but st least thought had gone into those, whereas the show was just "how do we make this the most simple version we possibly can so that we can get back to the drama?"
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simply-lovley44 · 11 months ago
Watching vampire diaries….WHERE THE FUCK IS BONNIE!?!?
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saintsir4n · 8 months ago
If Bonnie was a doppelgänger or just had an alter ego, what would their names be?
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esserisupremi-a · 1 year ago
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year ago
Another crazy thing is Julie Plec saying Bonnie is too good for Kol and that he's too evil for her, then pairing him with a white witch.... (no hate to Davina, but if he's irredeemable for Bonnie, then he’d irredeemable for Davina, too)
It's crazy because she also paired Bonnie with Enzo, a vampire who if I'm not wrong did abuse/kinda terrorize her friends, maybe not to the extent Klaus or Damon did but regardless (only if my memory serves me right; I don't remember much from Enzo, hence why I'm currently rewatching season five.)
Kol literally killed Davina and we're supposed to buy he's the better choice for her? Whether you're mind controlled or not, having your blood sucked out of your body by your boyfriend would leave a scarr for sure and the fact that Davina never got any trauma from it is insane. Bonnie went through worse stuff every season, of course, but she was never allowed to show any emotion onscreen, especially if it was against her white friends.
Saying Bonnie is "too pure" or has "too strong morals" to be with any Mikaelson or Salvatore is just stupid and clearly wrong. Elena and Caroline hated Damon and Klaus, until they didn't, it's easy to see women are being constantly retconned to fit into this shows storylines yet no one ever bats an eye until it comes to the main black woman from The Vampire Diaries.
And this isn't just with romances either. Fans believe Bonnie would hate Rebekah, when there isn't literally any proof to corroborate this and they haven't even interacted, they think she would hate Hope for being a Mikaelson when Bonnie has never been that kind of person. They're desperate to prove she's an anti vampires or generally a prude simply because she's traumatized and rightfully so. She decides to not be nice to the Salvatore brothers in season one after they got her grandmother killed and she's turned into some sort of supervillain because of it.
If Bonnie's actress had been white, I'm pretty sure her character and bloodline would have been in Mikaelson level by the show and fandom.
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roisy · 9 months ago
i never get over the fact that they never even explain when and why bonnie left the cheerleading squad!!! she was still on the team when elena left in s1 and then she’s never in a cheerleading uniform or referenced as being on the squad again outside of flashbacks, the fuck???
She was seen as a plot device and nothing more. They took any chance to dehumanize her. Her being on the cheerleading team initially was convenience to have the girls together and not for her sake at all.
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bonkai4ever94 · 8 months ago
Bonnie canon ships was trash
What about Bonnie's canon ships? Do you think they had potential?
Soooo, I'm rarely on here these days and I'm super inconsistent with checking my inbox. I have no idea when this was sent. Sorry!
Anyway, screw them. I can't put into words how much I hate Bonnie's canon ships. The way people completely disregard Jeremy's disloyalty and infidelity makes me sick. The devil tried to rewrite Jeremy/Anna as some love story just so Bonnie experienced pain. Anna was using Jeremy the same way she was using Ben. Bonnie revived this loser and he cheated on her with the same vampire that kidnapped Bonnie. She revives him again with the expense of her own life just for him to cross relationship boundaries again with Liv Parker. Beremy was a shit relationship because Jeremy has the maturity of a toddler, constantly walking himself into danger cluelessly with Bonnie playing the mother who needs to protect him. Almost every single man who showed interest in Bonnie did so to use her (Ben, Luka, Shane). Bonnie didn't even like Jamie which is why she ditched him immediately.
Her relationship with Enzo brought a regression of Bonnie as a person. She was reckless for the sake of love. He was carelessly poisoning her to death which mirrored their entire dynamic. Bonnie wasn't even Enzo's first choice nor was she his second or even his third. He was supposed to be the "love of her life" and yet everything about them revolved around Damon. The devil wasted Bonnie's love on the most irrelevant characters to give them substance. Even in her relationship, she's written as a tool. Firstly, she's used for keeping Jeremy safe. Secondly, she is used for making Enzo matter and persuading people to care about him as a character (no matter how many storylines they threw him into, no one cared). Her relationships are all about Bonnie serving a purpose for the betterment of the men and Bonnie gets absolutely nothing out of it.
The devil = Julie Plec for clarification
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bosesmikas · 3 months ago
Glad I didn’t even finish the first episode of legacies, let alone the series.
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thehollowprince · 2 years ago
Randomly thinking about The Vampire Diaries, specifically season 4 which was the final season I tuned in for because I was just fed up with the bullshit, and all the wasted potential + just bad writing all around.....
Professor Shane should've been a straight up villain, Thee Big Bad. Make it so he's Silas, no doppelganger shenanigans. Have him be the powerful immortal who is going to unleash Hell on Earth. Giving Michael Langdon from AHS, Amaru from From Dusk til Dawn or Eclipso from Stargirl vibes who's a legitimate threat, the way Dahlia and The Hollow had the Originals running for the hills. Like, if you're gonna have yet another person using and exploiting Bon-Bon, then fully commit and make him a major threat because having him just be some human guy understandably desperate to resurrect his family and then die pitifully was disappointing. Like, have the island give some The Ritual vibes with a deranged cult worshipping Silas picking people off and then it's revealed Shane is Silas.
Season four was... weird.
Like, they started off badly by having Elena become a vampire, thus destroying the whole draw of two idiot vampires fighting over a human who is identical to their shared ex (not weird at all). Add onto that the Hunters plot line and Caroline slowly "falling" for Klaus (gross) and them just having Matt stand around (once again), that by the time we got to Bonnie's plotline that season (more suffering - who'd have guessed?), it was just kind of... boring.
Bonnie started off the season rather strong. At the end of the previous season, she was tapping into Dark Magic. And not Dark as in "I make deals with demons," but Dark as in "everyone else is allowed to use their magic for personal gain without consequences, why can't I?" And the thing is, she wasn't even doing it for personal gain. She was trying to use Dark Magic to save her friend from becoming a vampire, which she didn't want to be. Yet once again, she's punished where no other witch is ever punished.
After that, the Dark Magic was immediately dropped in favor of the Darkest Magic (Expression). And here's where we get into your ask, because it would have made so much more sense to have Shane be Silas, as he was the one teaching her Expression. Shane could have simply been Silas' physical form, an immortal cursed to wander the earth without his power and him needing a powerful witch to help access it. That would have made an infinite amount of more sense than here's this dorky college professor who just so happens to academically know about this powerful form of witchcraft that is so powerful and old and dangerous that all other witches fear to even call it magic, let alone practice it.
He could have very easily tricked her by saying, "Hey, here are these old grimoires that were in your Grams' collection that talk about this old form of magic." He could have thrown out the lure for a Cure, with it just being a fakeout to get them to the island where, like you said, his Cult still worships him and separates the group one by one until he gets Bonnie close enough.
After that, keep the rest of the plot pretty much the same. Katherine impersonates Elena and steals what she thinks is the Cure and have Elena spiral, and Bonnie finally come into her own magically.
The further I get away from when I first watched TVD, the more I realize how crappy all the writing and story was.
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themoonandthedogstar · 3 months ago
okay but wtf was Bonnie not being at the Mikaelson ball or even mentioned in that whole ep, just for 3x15 to start with Bonnie testing a spell Elena saw whilst listening to her rant about Damon the next fucking day?!?
Bonnie should’ve been at the ball especially because that’s where Esther - who is channeling the whole Bennett bloodline - did the spell that linked the originals
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bonkai4ever94 · 5 months ago
It doesn't make sense to them because they can't see bonnie as a equal to Caroline and Elena they expect her to remain single or be with irrelevant characters
“bamon/klonnie/bonkai/Stefonnie etc etc would never make sense because Bonnie would…” ah yes please tell us what doesn’t make sense with your klaroline/delena/klamille/stelena/haylijah avi
Please tell us how Bonnie deserves better but your fave doesn’t. It’s never an answer to why your favorite white girl does anything with said guy but as soon as it’s Bonnie you got an essay prepared about her level of maturity.
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