ojciecmateusz · 7 months
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First drawings of my current Tav, Grom Bonawentura (surname yet to be made up)
She's a white dragon born, Bard-Sorcerer and a Durge.
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pvtmeek · 3 months
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Photos from Rożnowo, where we were celebrating the 200th birthday of our Polish general- Włodzimierz Bonawentura Krzyżanowski, who commanded the 58th New York State Volunteer Regiment during american civil war.
The last one features me lying dead on the ground :)
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deliciouskeys · 10 months
Fall still in full swing in Boston
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Bonus: hottest statue in the Boston Public Garden Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura Kościuszko
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Trieste, il 28 aprile torna la rassegna "Una luce sempre accesa"
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Trieste, il 28 aprile torna la rassegna "Una luce sempre accesa". Il 28 aprile, a Trieste, nella Sala Luttazzi del Magazzino 26 di Porto Vecchio, ora Porto Vivo, nell'ambito della rassegna "Una luce sempre accesa" è in programma l’appuntamento con “Il Teatro d'Emergenza - Serata finale” La serata finale del laboratorio teatrale di Paolo Rossi, aperta al pubblico per illustrare il lavoro svolto, diventa a tutti gli effetti un vero spettacolo. Il laboratorio del Teatro d'Emergenza è un'occasione importante di formazione per allievi, attori, attori professionisti, musicisti e performer che hanno così modo di lavorare con un esperto professionista erede della grande tradizione del teatro popolare italiano. L'iniziativa è promossa dal Comune di Trieste e organizzata da Bonawentura – Teatro Miela.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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edgysaintjust · 3 years
I love the sound of eastern and central european names on the west because they always look like a keyboard smash but say them out loud and it actually sounds good
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Meditationes vitae Christi i Bonawentura z Lacjum
Meditationes vitae Christi i Bonawentura z Lacjum
Dzisiaj słyszałam, że bez Boga sobie nie poradzimy. No, bo jak? Sami jestesmy za słabi nie tylko aby zwyciężyc z grzechem a cóz dopiero z demonem, który sieje zniszczenie na Ukrainie. Myslę, że tym bardziej i głośniej musimy prosić Boga o pomoc, ochrone i interwencję. Kiedy prześledzimy dzieje Polski oraz dzieje Europy odkrywamy niezwykła oczywistośc. Wojny zawsze wybuchały, kiedy społeczeństwo…
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bozsianddragon · 2 years
Davout and his pro-Polish position
It’s not really something new or extraordinary. We just love Davour’s pro-Polish position.
All was started in Memoirs of A. Potocka which we reread. I don’t know why and how, but we found really interesting works by Józef Bonawentura Załuski who called “La Pologne et les polonais, défendus par un ancien officier de Chevau-Légers polonais de la garde de l'Empereur Napoléon Ier contre les erreurs et les injustices des écrivains français, MM. Thiers, Ségur Lamartine”. Very nice title, sans doute et ironie. 
There is a passage about Davout.
I completely agree with M. Thiers [he wrote that Davout had supported the idea of the restoration of Poland]. Of all french marshals what I had the honor to know marshal Davout was the one who most appreciated Poles and who as a result inspired them most confidence and attachment.
And Alexander Chernyshov (a Russian military leader and diplomat; had spies in Paris) describing French marshals and generals wrote about Davout:
Davout, Duke of Auerstädt. The Prince of Eckmühl. The marshal of the Empire, commander in chief, hated by everyone who belonged to Napoleon’s entourage, diligent supporter of the Poles, he is a big enemy of Russia. 
And, of course our lovely fact: Davout had really nice (but at the start they didn’t understand each other, we think, and Davout didn’t trust Poniatowski) relationship with Jozef Poniatowski and called him “honest and honorable”. Yes, it isn't about position of Davout, but we love it :)
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badassamerican · 3 years
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Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura Kościuszko (English: Andrew Thaddeus Bonaventure Kosciuszko;[note 1] 4 or 12 February 1746 – 15 October 1817) was a Polish-Lithuanian military engineer, statesman, and military leader who became a national hero in Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, and the United States.[3][4] He fought in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth's struggles against Russia and Prussia, and on the US side in the American Revolutionary War. As Supreme Commander of the Polish National Armed Forces, he led the 1794 Kościuszko Uprising. A BadAssAmerican none the less .
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pol-ski · 4 years
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Andrzej Romocki, codename Morro (April 16, 1923 - September 15, 1944) was a Polish Scoutmaster who attained the rank of captain in the Armia Krajowa (Polish Home Army) during World War II. He was the commander of the Rudy Company and, after August 31, 1944, the whole of the Zośka Battalion.
Romocki died in the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, at the age of 21.
Tadeusz Sumiński, a soldier from "Zośka" recalls: "We are standing behind a small house against the wall facing the Vistula river. Morro comes out alone, completely uncovered and out in the open, approaching the seemingly deserted German trenches. For a moment he stops, facing the bridge. It is getting light. A single shot from a rifle can be heard. Morro falls down on the ground. - Oh my God! - Śpioch tears himself away from the wall and begins to crawl in Morro's direction. He is almost halfway from him. The second bullet hits the ground right before Śpioch's head. Suddenly, Zosia turns up. Without thinking she runs to Amorek, we are trying to stop her. She tears herself loose. She kneels down beside him. She is completely uncovered and turns Andrzej over. - I can't find the wound!...(...) She is still searching for the wound, without success. In any case, it is unnecessary: Morro is dead."
Stanisław Sieradzki ''My meetings with Morro'': "(...) Early, on June 28, 1940 Andrzej's father, who was his great friend, was killed by a German car. Andrzej was left with his mother and a younger brother Janek. Andrzej was very even-tempered. I rarely could see him smiling. He was always contemplative. I particularly remember a day when I was wounded nearby the Polonia stadium, on August 22. I was brought to an insurgent hospital in the Mlawska street. Andrzej visited me there. He did it like a good protector, like my commander. I will not forget his sad face till the end of my life. During fights in the Old Town Andrzej experienced his personal tragedy - the death of his younger brother Janek "Bonawentura". He was fighting further on, commanding as bravely as never before.''
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littlebrownmushroom · 3 years
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Recently received: Kopiec Bonawentura by Lucas Olivet 
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ojciecmateusz · 4 months
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Apologies for bad quality
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bohaterzy · 3 years
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Jan Romocki  (ur. 17 kwietnia 1925 r a zm 18 sierpnia 1944 r. ) ps. ,, Bonawentura ‘’  podporucznik Armii Krajowej, podharcmistrz, poeta.
Cześć I Chwała Bohaterom
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lampioneditrieste · 4 years
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19/10/20. Ore 20.30. Lorenzo Cossi. Musica di Schumann, Beethoven, Brahms. Chamber Music Trieste. ACM. Concerto. Teatro Miela Bonawentura. Trieste. #lorenzocossi #concerto #robertschumann #ludwigvanbeethoven #johannesbrahms #chambermusictrieste #acmchambermusictrieste #teatromielabonawentura #trieste #musicastrumentale #musicaclassica #musicadalvivo #lampioneditrieste (presso Teatro Miela Bonawentura) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGdi8nNnzK-/?igshid=bwdz4yl432ec
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sakrogoat · 8 years
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Henryk Weyssenhoff - Mysterious Song of the Wood Grouse
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O Dobra Rado we wszelkich potrzebach...
O Dobra Rado we wszelkich potrzebach…
O Dobra Rado we wszelkich potrzebach…Dziś w kalendarzu. Matka Boża Dobrej Rady. I chociaż z natury swej Ona jest w kalendarzu codziennie, bo jest Królową a nie można przecież zapomnieć o swe Królowej, dzisiaj specjalnie wychwalana jest jest Jej Mądrość. Kiedy zastanowimy się nad Jej mądrością, to zdajemy sobie sprawę, że to najmądrzejsza kobieta w dziejach ludzkości i w historii świata. Dlaczego?…
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mynawyspie · 5 years
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Jan Romocki "Modlitwa Szarych Szeregów" Od wojny, nędzy i od głodu Sponiewieranej krwi narodu, Od łez wylanych obłąkanie Uchroń nas, Panie Od niepewności każdej nocy, Od rozpaczliwej rąk niemocy, Od lęku przed tym, co nastanie, Uchroń nas, Panie Od bomb, granatów i pożogi, I gorszej jeszcze w sercu trwogi, Od trwogi strasznej jak konanie Uchroń nas, Panie   Od rezygnacji w dobie klęski, Lecz i od pychy w dzień zwycięski, Od krzywd - lecz i od zemsty za nie Uchroń nas, Panie Uchroń od zła i nienawiści. Niechaj się odwet nasz nie ziści. Na przebaczenie im przeczyste Wlej w nas moc, Chryste. 
Jan Romocki ps. Bonawentura (ur. 17 kwietnia 1925 w Warszawie - zm. 18 sierpnia 1944 tamże) - podporucznik Armii Krajowej, podharcmistrz, poeta. Zginął 18 sierpnia 1944 od bomby lotniczej, w szpitalu na ul. Miodowej 23. 
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