#BombBerry J
ask-the-bombberry-au · 5 months
Serial Designation V - She/They
Dating S
Best friend is J
Daughter is Asmi
Serial Designation S - They/It
Dating V
Chosen siblings are N and Cyn
Daughter is Asmi
Designation Asmi - She/Her
Adopted parents are V and S
Cousin is Cosmo
8 years old
Serial Designation N - He/Him
Dating Uzi
Chosen siblings are S and Cyn
Son is Cosmo
Uzi Doorman - She/Her
Dating N
Best friend is N
Son is Cosmo
Serial Designation Cosmo Doorman - He/Him
'Biological' parents are N and Uzi
Cousin is Asmi
9 years old
Serial Designation J - She/Her
Dating E
Best friend is V
Niece is Asmi
Aro/Ace lesbian
Cyn - She/They/It
Linked with Asmi
Chosen siblings are S and N
Shares a body with Asmi
Mod/Shade - They/It
Will add comments in the tags with //
Be nice >:[
My blog is @shinyshade8026
Be respectful of the drones
You can ask several things, but watch what you say, the drones will remember you
No NSFW questions. (//I beg of you, PLEASE no)
Asking about their angst/history is fine, just be mindful
Have fun >:]
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shinyshade8026 · 4 months
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cyn-bot · 22 days
Okay, so! In my AU, the BombBerry AU, the Absolute Solver was stopped in episode 7, meaning episode 8 didn't happened, but thats not relevant!!
When N, S, Uzi, and Doll save Cyn from the AS, she freaks out upon seeing what happened to Tessa's body and her body, and ends up leaving the body and her code jumps to Uzi for a while (giving her the appearance of episode 8 Uzi, but not all the time)
When the group gets back to the elevator, they find J, V, and kinda Lizzy, digging out the elevator shaft. Onec Everyone is calmed down, J is immiedately asking where the hell 'Tessa' is.
N breaks it to her that it wasn't really hurt, and she doesn't believe him.
S then says that Tessa is dead, and that Tessa has been dead since the gala. And they give her the astronaut helmet
J takes it and holds it close, since in the AU, Tessa always wanted to go to space and see the exoplants.
Speed forward 'n' stuff, everyone holds a funeral for Tessa. Her gravesite has a pretty view of the Exoplanet, like she'd want, and its kept clean by mostly J, but also V and N
// AHHHHH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH... Especially the idea of J getting Tessa's helmet to keep for herself and Tessa getting a proper funeral. This is SO much better than what we got. Your idea is short and sweet Shade, and I wish we got something like this in the finale. Tysm for sharing your AU with me.
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mirazia1200 · 3 months
I love my partner
I love my partner
I love my partner
V is an amazing partner and I need to talk about her so like don’t mind me rambling below
You ever find that one person who you know you’re spending the rest of eternity with? Doesn’t even have to be in a romantic way you just want to be there with them through thick and thin?
I’ve never felt so happy, genuinely. I’m so glad V is here with me. And… I know she’s not the same V from my source memories. I know the V I have beside me is not the same one I remember, I know she’s not always sure how to actually feel about me, but I know she’s trying to make this work, and that pushes me to want to make things work too. Because a life without V just wouldn’t be the same…
This isn’t the V from my source, from the BombBerry AU, this is V from canon, and sometimes I feel guilty… sometimes I feel like maybe I made her feel obligated to date me simply because my source memories were of us in a relationship. But then… then I see her smile at me, and I know I’m just being paranoid. I know they’re trying, I know they want this to work out.
This relationship between us was very unexpected, we only really jumped into it at first when the Asmi fictive appeared. I think we both felt a little obligated to play the parental roles we had taken on in my source. But now, the initial awkwardness of a new relationship has faded, and I can tell that deep down V wanted this just as much as I did this whole time, and that fills me with a kind of joy I can’t describe.
It feels like everything is as it should be, I wouldn’t have things any other way. V is very protective of me, and I find that funny and cute. She knows I can take care of myself, but everywhere I go I can’t help but notice she’s always nearby, ready to jump into a situation the moment I need her there.
I feel so happy… I know none of these MD fictives have the same memories as me, because they formed before my source was ever created, but despite the fact that our memories of events aren’t the same, they still make it a point to try and make me feel part of the group, and I do! I feel so at home with everyone, with N and Uzi and heck, even J. It still throws me for a loop how different J is here, we laugh about that a lot together.
V recently told me she has a crush on someone else too… Uzi! Who’d have thought? I’m happy for her. I know Uzi still hasn’t given V a proper response to her confession, but I don’t know… I smell something queer in the air here so I think I know what the answer will be/silly Does it scare me that V might have another partner? No, not really… I’m happy if V is happy. My only concern is figuring out a new ship name for the three of us, hehe.
V is amazing, I love her so much, and so does Asmi!! Asmi is… such a wonderful presence. Sure, she gets concerningly excited whenever arson is mentioned, but I’m so glad she’s here. Funny thing is, I formed before the concept of Asmi was even developed I think? I don’t remember Asmi in my memories, but that doesn’t matter. I’m making newer, better memories with her, and with V. Neither of us are good at this parenting stuff I can tell, but we’re both trying, and I can tell Asmi appreciates it.
V is… wonderful. It’s funny, usually she’s very insistent on keeping the whole romance stuff to a minimum out of embarrassment, but she gets all flirty and affectionate when she’s tired. I can never form a response with actual words when she compliments me, I can only ever melt into her embrace and feel like I don’t deserve her. I don’t know why I feel like that sometimes I just kinda do! I think it’s normal to feel undeserving of the wonderful people in your life. I don’t deserve her, and yet she’s here with me, and I gotta be honest I’m really not complaining about that, quite the opposite, really!
They say in life you will eventually find your other half, and when I look at V, I know I found that other half…
I love V, I love her a lot… I’m very gay if you can’t tell/silly
Anyways… yeah… I’m a little silly
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 5 months
🫶‼️ thank you BOTH!!
But c’mon!! You guys can’t keep me wondering!! (/silly) who spoke up from the other room??
(/nf to answer!!)
S: "Just our annoying housemate,"
V elbows them and it rolls its eyes.
V: "It's just J. Come into the living room, J!"
S: "What?! We're inviting her to answer too?!"
J walks into the room, arms crossed.
J: "Rude,"
S: "Bitch,"
V: "Be nice you two,"
J and S roll their eyes, J sitting on the far end of the couch but not out of view.
J is now open for asks
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shinyshade8026 · 3 months
Underrated duo that exists in the BombBerry AU that I need to use more
S and J
Two lesbians that HATE each other, but their best friends are the other's partner
They work surprisingly well together if they need to
It would be interesting to have art of them actually
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shinyshade8026 · 4 months
I don't talk about SilverDust enough in my opinion, its just so adorable. You have the ex-squad leader and rule-follower lesbian dating the silly and clumsy yet amazingly effective lesbian. They're so silly you have no idea
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shinyshade8026 · 22 days
asks abt the ideas
What if things from episode 8 still happened?
OKAY!!! So. Instead of the fight we see in ep 7 happening, the episode 8 fight happens? Well, sort of
Things go the same until N offers the patch to Uzi, which is where things change from how I had them before. Nori runs in and yells at N to keep the patch away from Uzi, who is currently possesed. He listens and its a small game of keep away with the patch untill the solver gets pisses and leaves Uzi, going to its own body.
Uzi and N reunite before a thing similar to the AS attacking N and digging at his core before Uzi hides somewhere with his body, stuff from episode 8.
But instead of how V gets there, its S and Doll, yelling at N that it isn't Tessa. Uzi and N are confused on if thats S or not, S is nearly tricked by the solver like V was, but instead of bringing up the deal like it did with V, it tries to lure S in by using their brother
N shouts for S to run, since that's not him, and ore episode 8 stuff happens
Bleh, skip to S and N's body lying on the floor with Uzi separated and the AS about to eat his core, Doll comes in and collapses the roof on the AS, making it let go of N's core and it jumps back to him.
Doll goes and stands with them, AS is about to attack before Uzi stops her, saying that nobody can annoy those siblings but her (Referring to N and S, since Brother and Sibling. The weirdly hot robots line is used way later)
Turns out, Uzi came back with the patch, which they had dropped somewhere. The fight becomes trying to stab the AS with the patch rather than grab the core and destroy it
That scene where Uzi grabs the core happens, but its Uzi stabbing them with the patch, and she backs away, standing with N, S, and Doll.
The body glitches before Cyn's softer yellow comes out. She takes a step towards the 4, who step away, and she looks at herself. Cyn screams in fear and horror before she does the code jump thing to Uzi, which gives her the episode 8 appearance (for now)
From there, everyone goes back to the elevator (leaving the body for now) and once Uzi, N, S, and Doll, reunite with the others, and S and V have their cute moment, Uzi says "Yeah well, nobody is allowed to traumatize you weirdly hot robots but me, so of course I won," (She says this to N, V, and S only lmao)
They deliver the news about Tessa to J, bleh bleh blah, and go back for the body a few days later to bury it. but why is the core missing and gone?
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shinyshade8026 · 4 months
Messing with Capcut templates
SilverDust oh how silly you are
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shinyshade8026 · 5 months
J ramble arrives!
Here is what you guys voted for!! Spoilers for episode 7!
Here is a screenshot of J and lets get into it!
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J has really been a strict rule follower, as we can see from the pilot as well as her lines in episode 5. But we see her break the rules for one person, Tessa. Other than V, Tessa is J's best friend, probably her first as wall. Because of this, they were extremely close. When the gala massacre happened, J's body was the one used to lock Tessa in the room and condemn her to death.
If we speed through to when they are disassembly drones, the only memory J doesn't remember is her being the reason Tessa died, in fact, she doesn't remember Tessa dying in the slightest. I think that the one that J had been comunicating with was 'Tessa'/Cynessa the whole time, but she wasn't aware of this. Once she died and rebooted on the ship with 'Tessa', she fully believed that this was the Tessa James Elliot she knew and befriended. So, believing this, she was fully ready to do anything that 'Tessa' said. She stays back and guards the ship just as told, but when her, returned V, and Lizzy (Yes, Lizzy joins them) get down to the bottom of the elavator shaft and meet the others, the first one J looks for is 'Tessa'.
When she learns that Tessa had died at the gala, and that the one she had been talking to was a flesh puppet, she was in mass denial. She ended up fleeing the Cabin Fever labs in her denial. She ended up just roaming around the area for a bit, not living anywhere until V invited her to live with Her, S, Asmi, and E.
Uzi eventually got J to let her restore any blocked away memories, and upon remembering she was part of the reason Tessa died, she became distruaght again. She locked herself in her room, the only drones able to talk to her and get a response being V, Asmi, and surprisingly E.
J keeps the space helmet that 'Tessa' wore in her room, and she keeps it for the sole reason of memories. The Tessa she knew had always wanted to go to space, and J wishes that she could have done so. J now rarely talking about Tessa, and focuses on her new life with everyone at the household.
J headcanons/notes!
Fluxuating Aro/Ace who is also a lesbian
She owns a JCJenson branded mug which is her preferred drinking glass
She isn't the best with figuring out her emotions, which is why it took her so damn long to realize she liked E
She owns a dark colored sweater that she wears at some point, she has this because Asmi got everyone in the house to have sweaters
J actually has other colored hairtie/ribbons for her hair, she just prefers to use her black one.
Because of E, J now likes the sound of small chiming bells.
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shinyshade8026 · 3 months
j and e stuff? :3
The way they started dating was them sitting on a roof together after E collected her old pilot cap from her old pod. They were just sitting together, not long after dusk ended, when the wind blew off E's cap. J reached for it at the same time as E, resulting in them grabbing each other's hand and the hat.
E's hand was on top and J's was the one who grabbed the hat. They turned to each other in shock, just blushing a bunch. J was tried to collect her emotions in her head and E was stunned.
After a gay staredown, J stood up, thrust the hat into E's face, and was about to leave when E grabbed her by the arm
E confessed, but since her hat was in her face, it was just mumbled nonsense
J, smiling softly, sat back down and put E's hat on her head and told her to repeat what she had said.
Cue both-sided confessions, then hugging
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shinyshade8026 · 3 months
what flusters S the most?
send post /silly
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shinyshade8026 · 19 days
what’s J like in this au?
She's a lot more nice, not so much as a company loving bitch as she was in canon
She's softened up more because of E and being around the kids (Asmi and Cosmo)
She's still a brat at times though /aff
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shinyshade8026 · 24 days
any common poses? (LIKE J’S STUPID ASS HANDS ON HIPS POSE /silly)
J has her hands on her hips
V has her arms crossed
S has one arm crossed behind their back and holding their other arm! (what I do)
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 4 months
Hiya y’all! I see you haven’t been getting some asks, so I sent one it! What’s your favorite activities and/or memories you like to look back on? =3
-Mod Cosmos~
S scoots forward a bit, prepping to talk first.
S: "I'd say one of my favorite moments was meeting V! Both the first and the second time,"
It has a cheeky smile and gets playfully elbowed by the mentioned drone.
V: "You're such a sap, you know that?"
The modified drone smiles at her and the sound of their tail buzzing can be heard.
V: "Well, I guess I'm next. I don't have a favorite moment, but a nice one would be starting to date S..."
S: "What was that?"
V: "Nothing."
J then rolls her eyes.
J: "I don't have one, case-in-point,"
Asmi then pipes up, smiling.
Asmi: "What about when you and Auntie E started dating?"
The twin-tailed drone then looked to the side, covering her face with her hand.
J: "..."
Asmi: "Okies!! I loved meeting Mama and Mapa for the first time!!"
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 5 months
I just ya on that J— I don’t see you making any attempts to go ballistic on S nor V— So!!! Better :]
That answer will suffice!!! Good on ya/gen
Wish you both well being together 🫶‼️
She gives a thankful nod.
J: "Thank you for your agreement. As well as thank you for the good wishes. I wish you a good day, Vee. Do you have any other questions for me?"
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