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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
Saiyajin Subspecies [Yabanverse]
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A basic rundown of the Getabaru and Yaban subspecies of Saiyan. Special thanks to Salvamakoto for this!
Yabans were originally just a sub-clan of overly violent outcasts back in 2016, but then I made them into their own species as "Legally-Not-Saiyans" in late 2017, developing them extensively in their own verse for years until January 2023, when I decided to make them Saiyans again, now as a separate, bioengineered subspecies of the 'Getaba' or 'Getabaru' clan, aka the one we're well and truly familiar with
As such, I don't see them in the same vein as, say, @bahnloopi's species of Sento Saiyans (who would be a fully separate, but natural species of Saiyanthropus if they were in the Yabanverse). Yabans were envisioned more as a "return" to the depiction of Saiyans as barely-above-demoniac kung fu space monkeys, though filtered more heavily through typical wuxia depictions of demons and apparitions, hence their moniker "Demonoids".... though "demonoids" also plays off the sheer boyish 80s machismo. The Yabans, and much of the Yabanverse in Universe 23, is an excuse to indulge in that sort of 80s-ness in various ways.
Of course now that Yabans are part of a DBZ AU worldbuilding project proper again, the question becomes "how do I differentiate them from the Getabaru-Saiyans?" Back when the Yabanverse was an OC work, their genetic engineering was to explain why they were so much like Saiyans.
As such, generally I just use said engineering as an excuse for whenever I need the Kollidorians to be different from the Vegetans.
Obviously the most prominent difference being the bollois— the other inciting reason for the Yabanverse was the thrill of creating such overly macho female characters that are self-justified in universe. After all, we've accepted that both male and female Saiyans were strong-willed warriors, and Saiyan men prefer their women strong-willed and aggressive— and proceeded to never see any actual evidence of this, to the point you could count the total number of pureblood female Saiyans on one hand. Once I had bollois, I may have gone too far in some places...
Probably my favorite fun fact about Yabans though is why they're called Yabans.
I originally intended for "Yaban" to stem from the Japanese word for "savage/barbarian" which was the case throughout 2018.
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But around late 2018 or so, I decided to not be such a weeaboo and went with another language, deciding upon Turkish since, at least at that time, I was drawing inspiration from a lot of central and northeast Asian culture and designs for Yabans (before eventually generalizing it and turning them into their own thing)And lo and behold, when I looked up the Turkish word for "wild"
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Sometimes, the universe is trying to tell you something— and when it does, you really ought to listen.
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Eerun Ede Edem Edroen Edroinni Egnis Elen Elbirt Elbirte Elbirtu Elix Elixendir Elixendre Elixos Elfrid Elfridu Eloci Elocoe Elosun Ellen Ellin Ellosun Elme Elvon Elysse Emende Embir Emiloe Emy Ene Endri Endrie Endriw Endy Engil Engil Engile Engiloce Engilone Engoi Enote Enn Enne Enni Ennitti Ennoi Enthuny Entuonitti Entunoe Entunou Eprol Erlini Ermendu Ernuld Erthar Eshliy Eadriy Berbere Berry Bietroci Bicky Bilonde Bin Binjemon Birneditti Birnerd Birnoci Birthe Bissoi Bith Bitheny Bitsy Bitty Bialeh Bivirly Boll Bolloi Bolly Blence Blenchi Bub Bubboi Bubby Bunnoi Bred Bredliy Brendo Brendun Brendy Brinde Brint Britt Broen Brodgit Brotteny Bruuki Braci Bryen Byrun Celvon Cemolli Cendeci Cendoci Cerl Cerle Cerlus Cermin Cerul Ceruli Ceruloni Cerulyn Cerroi Cesiy Cesiy Cessendre Cethironi Cethy Ciciloe Cicol Cicoloe Ciloe Ched Cherlini Cherlis Cherloi Cherlutti Chilsie Chiryl Chistir Chros Chrostoen Chrostoi Chrostone Chrostoni Chrostuphir Chrosty Condy Cleori Clere Clerinci Cleadi Cleadoe Cleytun Cloffurd Cloftun Clontun Clydi Cudy Culliin Cunnoi Cunstenci Cure Curiy Cury Cuartniy Creog Crostone Crystel Cartos Cynthoe Deosy Deli Den Dene Denoil Denoilli Denny Derle
Derlini Derrill Derrin Derryl Deryl Devi Devod Dewn Dien Dienne Dibboi Dibureh Dibre Diloe Dille Diluris Dinosi Dinnos Dirik Dirrock Disorii Doene Doeni Doenne Doenni Doxoi Duluris Dun Duneld Dunne Dure Duriin Duros Duruthy Duagles Daeni Daston Dweyni Dwoght Ierl Ibuny Iddoi Idger Idoth Idne Idaerdu Idwerd Idwon Ioliin Ileoni Ilienur Iline Ilose Ilozebith Ille Illin Ilmir Iluosi Ilse Ilsoi Ilvore Imoly Imme Inroqai Iroc Iroce Irok Iroke Iron Irme Irnist Irnistoni Issoi Istilli Isthir Ithil Iagini Iale Ianoci Ive Ivilyn Iviritt Feoth Fennoi Feyi Filocoe Filox Firnendu Flure Flurinci Fluyd Frencis Frencos Frencos Frencoscu Frenk Frenklon Frid Fride Friddoi Fridirock Gebroil Geol Gery Geyli Gini Ginive Ginivoivi Giurgi Giurgoe Gireld Gireldoni Girtradi Golbirt Gone Gongir Gledys Glin Glinde Glinn Gluroe Gurdun Greci Grig Grigury Gritchin Gaedelapi Gay Gwin Gwindulyn Henneh Heruld Herroit Herry Herviy Hettoi Hezil Hiethir Hictur Hiodo Hilin Hinroitte Hinry Hirbirt Hirmen Holde Hully Hupi Huwerd Hagh Oen
Ode Oniz Orini Oros Orme Oseec Osebil Oven Jeck Jeckoi Jecub Jecqailoni Jecqailyn Jeomi Jeomi Jemis Jemoi Jemoi Jen Jene Jeni Jenit Jenoci Jenoi Jenos Jerid Jesmoni Jesun Jevoir Jey Jien Jienitti Jienni Jiennitti Jiennoi Jiff Jiffiry Jiffriy Jinne Jinnoi Jinnofir Jinny Jirimy Jirumi Jirry Jissi Jissoce Jissoi Jissoi Jisas Joll Jom Jommoi Jommy Ju Juen Juenn Juenne Juenni Judo Judy Jui Juil Juhenne Juhn Juhnnoi Juhnnoi Juhnny Jun Junethen Jurden Jurgi Jusi Jusifone Jusiph Jusiphoni Jushae Juy Juyci Jaen Jaene Jaenote Jadoth Jady Jaloe Jaloen Jaloi Jalou Jani Jaston Kere Kerin Kero Kerl Kerle Keti Kethironi Kethliin Kethryn Kethy Ketoi Ketrone Key Keyle Kioth Killiy Killo Killoi Killy Killy Kin Kindre Kinnith Kint Kirry Kivon Kom Kombirly Kork Kroste Krostin Krosto Krostoi Kroston Krostone Krostoni Krosty Krystel Kart Kyli Lene Lenci Lerry Letuye Leare Learin Learoi Levirni Lewrinci Lieh Lii Lii Liogh Lile Line Liu Liun Liune Liunerd Liruy Lisloi Lisloi Listir Litocoe Liwos Lole Lolloen Lolloi Londe Londsey Londsiy Lose Lluyd Luos Lule Lunnoi Lure Lurine Lurini Luritte Luro Lurreoni Luaos Luaosi Lacoe Lacolli Lacy Laos Lale Laz Lydoe Lynde Lynitti Lynn Lynni Mebil Mebli Mediloni Mei Meggoi Memoi Mendy Menail Merc Mercille Mercoe Mercas Mergerit Mergerote Mergoi Mergairoti Meroe Meroen Meroenni Meroi Merolyn Merou Meroun Meroun Merjuroi Merk Merlini Mershe Mershell Merte Merthe Merton Mervon Mery Meryenn Methiw Metthiw Mettoi Meariin Mearoci Mex Mexoni Mey Migen Mighen
Milenoi Milbe Milonde Milosse Miludy Milvon Mircidis Miridoth Mocheil Mochiel Mochili Mochilli Mogail Moki Moldrid Moltun Mondy Monnoi Morende Moroem Mosty Motchill Mully Mune Munoce Munoqai Murros Maroil Myre Myrtli Nedoni Nency Neumo Neteloi Neteshe Nethen Nethenoil Niol Nilloi Nilsun Nittoi Nochules Nochuli Noculi None Nure Nurme Nurmen Ulge Ulovi Ulovoe Ulloi Upel Ure Uscer Pem Pemile Pet Petrocoe Petrock Petsy Petto Petty Peal Peale Pealitti Pealoni Pierl Pidru Piggy Pinny Pirry Pitir Pholop Phollop Phyllos Proscolle Recheil Rechil Refeil Relph Remun Remune Rendell Rendy Reqail Real Rey Reymund Ribicce Rigone Rigoneld Rini Rinii Rhunde Rocerdu Rocherd Rock Rocky Rote Rubirt Rubirte Rubirtu Rubon Rubyn Ruchilli Rudniy Rugir Rulend Run Runeld Runnoi Ruse Ruseloi Rusi Rusimeroi Rusimery Rusoi Russ Ruxenni Ruy Rabin Raby Rassill Rath Ryen Sebrone Sedoi Selly Selvedur Sem Sementhe Semail Sendre Sendy Sere Sereh Scutt Sien Sirgou Sith Sheni Shennun Shero Sherun Shewn Shewne Shiole Shiloe Shilliy Shilly Shiro Shirro Shirry Shiryl Shorliy Sodniy Solvoe Sunoe Sunje Sunye Suphoe Suphoi Steciy Stecy Stenliy Stille Stiphenoi Stiphin Stivi Stivin Sai Sasen Sasoi Sazenni Sylvoe Tebothe Temere Temo Temmy Tenye Tere Teshe Tid Tirise Tiro Tirrenci Tirrinci Tirro Tirry Tirry Thilme Thiuduri Thirise Thumes Toffeny Tom Tomuthy Tone Tudd Tum Tummy Tuno Tuny Tunye Treciy Treco Trecy Trecy Trevos Trocoe Truy Tylir Tyruni Veliroi Venisse Vilme Vire Virne Virnun Virunoce Vocko Vockoi Vocky Voctur Vocturoe Voncint Voule Voulit
Vorgol Vorgonoe Vovoen Wedi Welleci Weltir Wende Werrin Weyni Windy Wisliy Whotniy Wollerd Wolloem Wolloi Wolloi Wolme Wonofrid Yulende Yvitti Yvunni Zecheryedroin Egnis Eleon Elbirt Elixendre Elixendri Elixos Eloci Eloni Emendoni Emiloi Endri Endrii Engiloqai Enni Ennimeroi Ennock Ennoi Entuoni Erlitti Ernead Erthar Eadriy Earuri Eariloi Eariloin Beptosti Binjemon Binuot Birneditti Birnerd Birtrend Brogotti Branu Bietroci Cemolli Ceruli Ceruloni Cethironi Chentel Cherlis Chlui Chrostilli Chrostoen Chrostoeni Chrostoni Chrostuphi Cleori Clere Cleadi Cleadoni Climinci Climint Culitti Cureloi Curonni Cyrol Cicoli Cidroc Ciloni Demoin Denoil Denoilli Denoili Devod Dilphoni Dinos Dinosi Dodoir Dumonoqai Dumonoqai Dylen Imme Immenail Immenailli Inzu Istilli Feboin Feboinni Febroci Fenny Flurinci Flurint Fluroen Frenconi Frencos Frenck Frencuos Frencuosi Fridiroc Gebroil Geiten Geilli Ginivoivi Giurgis Giurgitti Girmeoni Ghosleoni Golbirt Gollis Gonitti Gosili Grigury Gaolleami Gay Girerd Hinro Hinroitti Hirvi Hagu Hagaitti Hilini Onis Orini Osebilli Jecqailoni Jecqais Jenoni Jien Jiencleadi Jienfrencuos Jienluaos Jienlac Jienmerc Jienmeroi Jienmochil Jienni Jiennoni Jienpeal Jienpoirri Jinnofir Jissoce Jucilyni Junethen Jusiph Jusitti Jusi Juil Juilli Jaloi Jaloin Jaloitti Jastoni Jirumi Keroni Kivon Leitotoe Leare Leari Learinci Learint Loloeni Lounil Luaos Luaosi Luoc Lac Laces Lacoi Lacoin Lacoinni Laduvoc Lydoi Lie Medilioni Megelo Menun Merc Mercil Mercilli Mergairoti Meroe Meroi Meroichrostoni Meroicleadi Meroithirisi Meroni Meroun Mertoni Methoia Metholdi Metthoia Mearoci Mexomi Mocheil Mochil Mochiloni Mochilli Mochili Mockeil Moriolli Muhemid Munoqai Murgeni Maroil Myroem Milenoi Milosse Nedoe Nedoni Netheloi Nocules Noculi Nuimoi Ucieni Uditti Udoli Ulovoir Pescel Pesceli Petroci Petrocoe Petrock Peal Pealitti
Pealoni Pholoppi Poirri Poirritti Qainton Repheil Reymund Reymundi Rini Rinii Rocherd Rubirt Rugir Rulend Rumeon Rigoni Rigos Rimo Rimy Seboni Sebrone Semail Sendre Sendroni Sereh Sirgi Somun Somuni Sulengi Sunoe Suphoi Stipheni Stiphenoi Sazenni Sylveon Sylvoi Sibestoin Sivironi Thoirry Thumes Thiu Thirisi Velinton Veliroi Venisse Voctur Voncint Vorgonoi Virunoqai Wolloem Xevoir Yenn Yennock Yvis Yvitti Yvunni Iloeni Ilosebith Ilosi Iludoi Imoloi Iroc Itoinni Ivilyniechom Edili Edilhiod Edulf Edroen Egnis Elbirt Elfrid Elone Elmat Eluos Elvon Elwon Emeloe Emiloe Endrie Endries Engiloke Enne Enneloisi Enniloisi Ennilosi Ensger Entun Ermon Erndt Ernuld Estrod Eagast Earock Exil Berbere Bestoen Biet Biete Binidokt Birnd Birtrem Boenke Budu Branu Cerl Cerulone Ceruloni Cessendre Cherlutti Chroste Chrostil Chrostoen Chrostuf Cleadoe Culby Cultun Curiy Curone Degmer Degubirt Denoil Devod Doene Doidroch Doitir Doitiroch Doitroch Duneld Daston Idoth Idmand Iolherd Ikkiherd Ilfroidi Ilki Ilmer Ilse Imol Imoloi Imoly Imme Immiroch Irherd Iroc Iroke Istilli Isthir Ive Iweld Filox Firdonend Fluroen Frenk Frenz Freaki Fridirock Fridrok Froidimenn Froidroch Frotz Gebroili Gibherd Giurg Gireld Girerd Gird Girherdt Girmer Girnut Girt Girtradi Golbirt Gosile Gosilhir Guttfroid Guttloib Guttschelk Grite Gritchin Griti Gritil Gaodu Ganthir Gutz Ganthir Henneh Henni Henniluri Hens Hereld Heruld Hidy Hiodimeroi Hiodo Hionir Hiono Hionu Hionroch Hionz Hiline Hilge Hilgi Hillmath Hilmat Hilmath Hirbirt Hirmen Hirmenn Hirmoni Hirwog Holde Holdi Holdigerd Holme Hulgir Hurst Habirt Hantir Olune Omilde Ongu Ongrod Orme Ose Osebille Jecub Jecqailoni Jene Jirmeoni Jirumi Juechom Juhenn Juhenne Juhennis Junes Junethen Jusiph Just Jaloe Japp Jatte Jurg Jargin Keron Kerl Kerlhionz Kerstin Ketje Ketron Ketye Kirston Kivon Kleas Kleas-pitir Kunred Kart Ledosleas Lers Line Livon Loene Loisl Lone Losbith Lurintz Luther Luaille Luaosi Ladwog Lakes Latz Lydoe Latuld Megdeline Melti Melvone Menail Mercas Mergeriti Meroe Meroenni Merone Merou Meroas Merlini Merte Merton Metthoes Mexomoloen Miderd Mionred Milvon Mocheile Mochil Mochilli Molu Monne Morende Morcu Moroem Morku Mune Munoke Murotz Nedoni Nenni Neteloi Nocules Noculeas Noculi Nokule None Noveldu Ulef Ulge Ulovoe Urtrad Uscer Uthmer Uttu Uttumer Petrock Peal Pitir Pholop Pholopp Pholoppe Rechil Reonir Relph Remune Rendell Rionherd Rionhuld Rocherd Rochinze Rubirt Rubirte Rubon Rugir Rulf Rumen Runeld Rusone Radulph Rat Seboni Semail Sendir Sendre Sibestoen Silme Siviron Shiryl Soigfroid Sogosmand Sogmand Stifenoe Stiphin Sasenni Svin Svinje Sylvistir Temere Thumes Tomu Tone Tuboes Tum Adu Alroch Alroki Arsale Ati Attu Awi Veltir Virunoce Vocturoe Voule Vullreth Weltir Winzil Wirnir Wirnhir Woibki Wolhilm Wolhilmone Wolloem Woltrad Wonfroid Wulf Wulfgeng Xinoe Yvitti
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yuli-ban · 3 years ago
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Random doodles of this little primal proletarian Yabaness.
16-bit Yulaan gif by hidorE
Yulaan 1+UP logo by Salvamakoto 
Cartoon Yulaan 1 and 2 by Guiritiru
See more of the Yabanverse here: https://www.deviantart.com/tag/yabanverse
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 2 years ago
A large list of names encrypted with the Inglosh cryptolang.
Adu Alroch Alroki Andirwuud Arsale Ati Attu Awi Bachenen Back Backliy Backnir Balluck Barch Bargiss Barki Barks Barnitt Barns Barros Bart Bartun Bash Batlir Beair Bekir Beldwon Bell Bellerd Benks Beoliy Beord Berbere Berbir Berkir Berluw Bernis Bernitt Berr Berrire Berritt Berrun Berry Bertlitt Bertun Bess Bestoen Betis Bettli Bextir Bialeh Bick Bickir Bicky Biech Bien Bierd Biesliy Biet Biete Bietroci Bill Bilonde Bin Bindir Binidokt Binjemon Binnitt Binsun Bintliy Bintun Birg Birgir Birnd Birneditti Birnerd Birnoci Birry Birthe Birtrem Bissoi Bist Bith Bitheny Bitsy Bitty Bivirly Bleck Bleckbarn Bleckwill Bleki Blence Blencherd Blenchi Blenkinshop Bleor Blivons Boenke Boll Bolloi Bolly Bord Boshup Braci Branu Bred Bredfurd Bredliy Bredshew Bredy Brench Brendo Brendun Brendy Brey Brinde Brinnen Brint Britt Briwir Brodgis Brodgit Broen Broggs Broght Brott Brotteny Bruck Bruuki Bruuks Bruwn Bruwnong Bryen Bryent Bub Bubboi Bubby Budu Bultun Bund Bunnir Bunnoi Buukir Buuni Buuth Buwin Buwirs Buwmen Buyd Buyir Buyli Byirs Byrd Byrun
Cammongs Cannonghem Carry Cartos Cebrire Celdirun Celdwill Celhuan Cellehen Celvon Cemechu Cemirun Cemolli Cempbill Cempus Cendeci Cendoci Cennun Centa Centrill Ceon Cerdines Ceriy Cerl Cerle Cerlsun Cerlus Cermin Cerniy Cerpintir Cerr Cerroi Cerrollu Cerrull Cersun Certir Cerul Ceruli Cerulone Ceruloni Cerulyn Cervir Cesh Cesi Cesiy Cessendre Cestenide Cestollu Cestru Cethironi Cethy Charch Ched Chembirs Chen Chendlir Cheng Cheniy Chepmen Cherlini Cherlis Cherloi Cherlutti Chesi Cheviz Chilsie Chin Chirry Chiryl Chistir Chros Chroste Chrostil Chrostinsin Chrostoen Chrostoi Chrostone Chrostoni Chrostuf Chrostuphir Chrosty Ciciloe Cicol Cicoloe Ciloe Cirventis Cleadi Cleadoe Cleori Clere Clerinci Clerk Clerki Cley Cleytun Climints Climuns Clivilend Cloffurd Cloftun Cloni Clontun Clydi Condy Craz Creft Creni Creog Crewfurd Crostone Crusby Cruss Crystel Cuartniy Cubb Cuchren Cudy Cuffiy Cuhin Culby Culi Culimen Culliin Culloir Cullons Cultun Culun Cumbs Cumptun Cunliy Cunnir Cunnoi Cunred Cunstenci Cuntrires Cunwey Cupilend Cure Curiy Curone Curtiz Cury Cuti Cuttun Cuuk Cuuki Cuuliy Cuupir Cux Cynthoe Dadliy Daeni Daffy Daki Dancen Danlep Dann Daren Darhem Daston Deaghirty Degmer Degubirt Deli Deltun Den Dene Denny Denoil Denoilli Denoils Deosy Derle Derlini Derrill Derrin Derryl Deryl Devi Devinpurt Devod Devodsun Devos Dewn Dewsun Dey Dibboi Dibre Dibureh Dickir Dien Dienne Dijisas Dilecraz Dileniy Dilgedu Diliun Dille Diloe Diluris Dinnos Dinosi Dirik Dirrock Disorii Dockirsun Docksun Doene Doeni Doenne Doenni Doez Doidroch Doitir Doitiroch Doitroch Dollerd Dollun Doxoi Doxun Dreki Duagles Dudsun Duluris Dumongaiz Dun Duneld Duneldsun Dunne Dunuven Dure Duriin Duros Dursiy Duruthy Dutsun Duwns Duyli Dweyni Dwoght Dyir
Eadriy Eagast Earock Easton Ecividu Ecuste Ede Edem Edems Edilhiod Edili Edkons Edroen Edroinni Edulf Eerun Egaoler Egaorri Egnis Elbirt Elbirte Elbirtu Elen Elfrid Elfridu Elfurd Elix Elixendir Elixendre Elixos Ellen Ellin Ellosun Elmat Elme Eloci Elocoe Elone Elosun Elstun Eluos Elveredu Elveriz Elvon Elwon Elysse Embir Emeloe Emende Emiloe Emy Endirsun Endri Endrie Endries Endriw Endriws Endy Ene Engil Engile Engiloce Engiloke Engilone Engoi Enn Enne Enneloisi Enni Enniloisi Ennilosi Ennitti Ennoi Enote Ensger Enthuny Entun Entunoe Entunou Entuonitti Eprol Erlini Ermendu Ermon Ermstrung Erndt Ernuld Erthar Eshliy Estrod Etkons Etkonsun Eviry Evole Exil Eyele Eyirs Faintis Fallir Faltun Fealknir Fennoi Feoth Ferliy Fermir Ferrill Feyi Filocoe Filox Firdonend Firgasun Firnendiz Firnendu Firrill Flimong Flitchir Flure Flurinci Fluris Fluroen Fluwirs Fluyd Flynn Fogairue Foilds Fonch Fonliy Foschir Foshir Fotzgireld Fotzpetrock Freaki Frencis Frencos Frencoscu Frencu Frenk Frenklon Frenks Frenz Frezoir Frid Friddoi Fride Fridirock Fridrok Friimen Frinch Froidimenn Froidroch Frotz Frust Fry Fryi Fuliy Furbis Furd Furimen Fustir Fuwlir Fux
Gaedelapi Gairre Gairriru Ganthir Gaodu Gathroi Gatoirriz Gay Gazmen Gebroil Gebroili Gelleghir Gelligus Gelluwey Gembli Geol Geonis Gercoe Gerdnir Gernir Gerritt Gerrosun Gery Gerze Getis Gey Geyli Gibherd Gini Ginive Ginivoivi Gintry Gird Gireld Gireldoni Girerd Girherdt Girmer Girnut Girt Girtradi Giurg Giurgi Giurgoe Gledys Gless Glin Glinde Glinn Gluroe Gluvir Gobbs Gobsun Golbirt Golis Goll Gollispoi Golloem Golmuri Gone Gongir Gosile Gosilhir Greci Grehem Grent Grevis Grey Grig Grigury Griin Griini Griir Gritchin Grite Griti Gritil Groffon Groffoth Gromis Gruss Guald Guff Guldin Gumiz Gunzelis Gunzeliz Gurdun Guttfroid Guttloib Guttschelk Gutz Guud Guudmen Guudwon Gwin Gwindulyn Habberd Habir Habirt Hadsun Haff Haffmen Hagh Haghis Hall Hamphriy Hant Hantir Harliy Harst Hatchonsun Hehn Heli Heliy Hell Hemmund Hemoltun Hemptun Hencuck Heniy Henneh Henni Henniluri Hens Hensin Hensun Herdon Herdong Herdy Hereld Hermun Herpir Herrill Herroit Herrongtun Herros Herrosun Herry Hert Hertmen Heruld Herviy Hetfoild Hettoi Hewkons Heydin Heyis Heynis Heys Hezil Hibirt Hictur Hidy Hied Hieth Hiethir Hilge Hilgi Hilin Hiline Hillmath Hilmat Hilmath Hindirsun Hindrocks Hindrox Hinroitte Hinry Hinsliy Hinsun Hiodimeroi Hiodo Hionir Hiono Hionroch Hionu Hionz Hirbirt Hirmen Hirmenn Hirmoni Hirnendiz Hirrire Hirrong Hirwog Hiss Histir Hiwott Hockmen Hocks Hoggons Holde Holdi Holdigerd Holl Holme Honis Hontun Huasi Huastun Hubbs Hudgi Hudgis Huffmen Hugen Hulcumb Huldin Huldir Hulgir Hullend Hulluwey Hully Hulmen Hulmis Hult Hupi Hupkons Huppir Hurn Hurni Hurst Hurtun Huud Huupir Huuvir Huwerd Huwi Huwill Hydi
Iagini Iale Ianoci Ibuny Idaerdu Iddoi Idger Idmand Idne Idoth Idwerd Idwerds Idwon Ierl Ietun Ikkiherd Ileoni Ilfroidi Ilienur Iline Ilki Ille Illin Illos Illosun Illoutt Ilmer Ilmir Ilose Ilozebith Ilse Ilsoi Iluosi Ilvore Imirsun Imme Immiroch Imol Imoloi Imoly Inglend Inglosh Inroqai Iolherd Ioliin Irherd Irme Irnist Irnistoni Iroc Iroce Irocksun Irok Iroke Iron Isponuze Issoi Isthir Istilli Istis Istrede Ithil Ive Ivens Ivilyn Iviritt Iweld Iwong Jadoth Jady Jaen Jaene Jaenote Jaeriz Jaloe Jaloen Jaloi Jalou Jani Japp Jargin Jastoci Jaston Jatte Jeck Jeckoi Jecksun Jecqailoni Jecqailyn Jecub Jecubs Jecubsun Jemis Jemoi Jen Jene Jeni Jenit Jenoci Jenoi Jenos Jeomi Jerid Jervos Jesmoni Jesun Jevoir Jey Jien Jienitti Jienni Jiennitti Jiennoi Jiff Jiffirsun Jiffiry Jiffriy Jinkons Jinne Jinnofir Jinnoi Jinnongs Jinny Jinsin Jirimy Jirmeoni Jirry Jirumi Jisas Jissi Jissoce Jissoi Joll Jom Jominiz Jommoi Jommy Ju Judo Judy Juechom Juen Juenn Juenne Juenni Juhenn Juhenne Juhennis Juhn Juhnnoi Juhnny Juhns Juhnstun Juhnsun Jui Juil Jun Junes Junethen Junis Jurden Jurg Jurgi Jushae Jusi Jusifone Jusiph Jusiphoni Just Juy Juyci Juynir
Kart Keafmen Keni Kere Kerin Kerl Kerle Kerlhionz Kero Keron Kerstin Kethironi Kethliin Kethryn Kethy Keti Ketje Ketoi Ketron Ketrone Ketye Key Keyle Killir Killiy Killo Killoi Killy Kimp Kin Kindre Kinnidy Kinnith Kint Kioth Kirr Kirry Kirston Kivon Kiy Kleas Kleas-pitir Klion Kloni Knepp Knoght Knuwlis Knux Kodd Kom Kombirly Kong Konniy Korby Kork Korklend Kremir Kroste Krostin Krosto Krostoi Kroston Krostone Krostoni Krosty Krystel Kuch Kunred Kyli Laces Lacoe Lacolli Lacy Ladwog Lakes Lale Lane Laos Latuld Latz Laz Leare Learin Learoi Ledosleas Lemb Lembirt Lencestir Lenci Lendry Lene Leng Lengliy Leni Lere Lerry Lers Lersin Lersun Letuye Levirni Lewrinci Lewsun Li Liblenc Liech Lieh Lii Lile Line Liogh Liruy Lisloi Listir Litocoe Liu Liun Liune Liunerd Livon Livoni Livy Liwos Lluyd Loene Loisl Lole Lolloen Lolloi Londe Londsey Londsiy Lone Losbith Lose Lottli Lovongstun Luaille Luaos Luaosi Lugen Lule Lung Lunnoi Luos Lupiz Lure Lurine Lurini Lurintz Luritte Luro Lurreoni Luther Lutt Luvi Luwi Luwiry Lydoe Lynch Lynde Lynitti Lynn Lynni Lyuns
Maillir Mallin Mallons Manuz Maroil Marphy Marrey McBrodi McCalluagh McCell McCerthy McCerty McClari McCleon McCrey McCunnill McCurmock McCuy McDenoil McDuneld McDuwill McFeddin McFerlend McGaori McGii McGuwen McKey McKii McKinzoi McKnoght McKonniy McLeaghlon McLien McLiud Mcmehun Mcmollen Mcniol Mcontush Mcontyri Mcphirsun Meariin Mearoci Mebil Mebli Mecduneld Meck Mecoes Meddin Meddux Mediloni Megdeline Meggoi Mei Meldunedu Melti Meluni Melvone Memoi Menail Mendy Menn Mennong Merc Mercas Mercille Mercoe Mergairoti Mergerit Mergeriti Mergerote Mergoi Merjuroi Merk Merks Merlini Meroas Meroe Meroen Meroenni Meroi Merolyn Merone Merou Meroun Merqaiz Mersh Mershe Mershell Merte Merthe Merton Mertoniz Mervon Mery Meryenn Messiy Mesun Methiw Methiws Methos Metthiw Metthiws Metthoes Mettoi Mex Mexomoloen Mexoni Mexwill Mey Meyir Meynerd Meys Meyu Miderd Midone Mieduws Migen Mighen Mijoe Milbe Milenoi Milindiz Milonde Milosse Miltun Miludy Milvon Mindiz Minduze Mionred Mircedu Mircidis Mircir Miridoth Mirroll Mirrott Miyir Miyirs Mocheil Mocheile Mochiel Mochil Mochili Mochilli Moddlitun Mogail Moki Moldrid Molis Mollir Molls Moltun Molu Mondy Monne Monnoi Morcu Morende Morku Moroem Mosty Motchill Mully Mulone Mune Munoce Munoke Munoqai Munrui Muntgumiry Muntuye Murelis Muren Murgen Murinu Muron Murotz Murros Murrosun Murruw Mursi Murtun Musis Musliy Muss Muudy Muun Muuniy Muuri Myirs Myre Myrtli Naniz Nedoni Nency Nenni Nesh Neteloi Neteshe Nethen Nethenoil Neumo Neverru Ngayin Niel Nilloi Nilsun Niol Nittoi Niwmen Niwtun Nochules Nochuli Nochuls Nochulsun Noculeas Nocules Noculi Noilsin Noivis Nokule None Noveldu Noxun Nubli Nuil Nulen Nure Nurme Nurmen Nurros Nurtun
Ode Oen Olune Omilde Ongrem Ongrod Ongu Oniz Orini Orme Oros Orwon Ose Osebil Osebille Oseec Oven Packitt Pagh Peal Peale Pealitti Pealoni Pechicu Peci Pedolle Pegi Pelmir Pem Pemile Perk Perkir Perks Perrosh Persuns Pet Peti Petil Petrock Petrocoe Petsy Pettirsun Petto Pettun Petty Peyni Philps Phollop Phollops Pholop Pholopp Pholoppe Phyllos Pick Pidru Pierl Piersun Piggy Pine Pinnongtun Pinny Piriz Pirkons Pirry Pitir Pitirs Pitirsin Pitirsun Pitty Pockitt Poirci Pottmen Potts Praott Prett Pristun Proci Pronci Proscolle Pullerd Pupi Purtir Puttir Putts Puuli Puwill Puwirs Qaonn
Rabin Raby Radulph Raoz Rash Rassill Rassu Rat Rath Ratlidgi Real Recheil Rechil Refeil Relph Remoriz Remsiy Remun Remune Remus Rendell Rendulph Rendy Reonir Reqail Resmassin Retloff Rey Reymund Rhudis Rhunde Ribicce Rigone Rigoneld Riid Riisi Riivis Rini Rinii Riod Riolly Rionherd Rionhuld Riyis Riynulds Rocerdu Roch Rocherd Rocherds Rocherdsun Rochinze Rochmund Roci Rock Rocky Roddli Roggs Roliy Rote Rous Roves Rovire Rovirs Rubbons Rubirsun Rubirt Rubirte Rubirts Rubirtsun Rubirtu Rublis Rubon Rubonsun Rubyn Ruche Ruchilli Rudgirs Rudniy Rudrogaiz Rudroqaiz Ruech Rugir Rugirs Rujes Rulend Rulf Rullons Rumen Rumiru Run Runeld Runnoi Ruse Ruselis Ruseloi Ruserou Rusi Rusimeroi Rusimery Rusoi Rusone Russ Ruth Ruwi Ruwlend Ruxenni Ruy Ryen Saeriz Sai Salloven Sammirs Sasen Sasenni Sasoi Sattun Sazenni Schaltz Schmodt Schniodir Schruidir Schwertz Scutt Seandirs Seboni Sebrone Sedoi Seles Selezer Selly Selones Selvedur Sem Semail Sementhe Sempsun Senchiz Sendir Sendirs Sendre Senduvel Sendy Senfurd Sentene Sentoegu Sentus Sere Sereh Sergint Sevegi Sewyir Sheffir Sheni Shennun Shero Sherp Sherpi Sherun Shew Shewn Shewne Shilliy Shilly Shiloe Shiltun Shiole Shiperd Shiphird Shipperd Shirmen Shiro Shirro Shirry Shiryl Shoilds Shorliy Shurt Sibestoen Sien Siers Sillirs Silme Sirgou Sirrenu Sith Siviron Sixtun Skonnir Sletir Sluen Smell Smoth Snodir Snuw Snydir Sodniy Sogmand Sogosmand Soigfroid Solve Solvoe Sommuns Sompsun Soms Somun Songlitun Sperks Spiers Spinci Spincir Staert Steciy Stecy Steffurd Stenliy Stentun Sterk Stifenoe Stiili Stille Stion Stiphenoi Stiphin Stiphins Stiphinsun Stivi Stivin Stivins Stivinsun Stiwert Strocklend Strung Stuat Stukis Stuni Sulos Sulumun Sunje Sunoe Sunye Suphoe Suphoi Suse Sutu Svin Svinje Swensun Swiiniy Swiit Sykis Sylvistir Sylvoe
Tackir Tarnir Tebothe Telliy Temere Temmy Temo Tennir Tenye Tere Teshe Teti Teylur Thilme Thirise Thiuduri Thumes Thumpsun Thurntun Tid Tirise Tiro Tirrenci Tirrill Tirrinci Tirro Tirry Toffeny Tollmen Tom Tomu Tomuthy Tone Trajollu Treciy Treco Trecy Tren Trevos Trivonu Trocoe Truy Tuboes Tudd Tum Tummy Tuno Tuny Tunye Turris Tuwnsind Tylir Tyruni Tysun Ubroin Uchue Ucunnur Udum Udunnill Ulef Ulge Ulloi Ulovi Ulovir Ulovoe Ulsin Ulsun Uniel Uniol Unioll Upel Ure Urr Urtige Urtoz Urtrad Usburn Usburni Uscer Uthmer Uttu Uttumer Uwin Uwins
Veaghen Veaghn Veldiz Velincoe Velintoni Velinzaile Veliroi Veltir Venci Veng Venisse Verges Vesqaiz Vezqaiz Vige Vilesqaiz Vilezqaiz Viliz Vilme Vire Virne Virnun Virunoce Vocko Vockoi Vocky Voctur Vocturoe Vollerriel Voncint Vonsun Vorgol Vorgonoe Voule Voulit Vovoen Vullreth Wedi Wegnir Welkir Well Welleci Wellir Wells Welsh Weltir Weltirs Weltun Wende Werd Weri Wernir Werrin Weshongtun Wetirs Wetkons Wetsun Wetts Weyni Whiilir Whotekir Whotfoild Whoti Whotihied Whotliy Whotniy Wibb Wibir Wibstir Wievir Wiiks Wilch Wills Windy Winzil Wioss Wirnhir Wirnir Wisliy Wist Woggons Woibki Wolcux Woldir Wolhilm Wolhilmone Woliy Wolkirsun Wolkons Wolkonsun Wollerd Wolloem Wolloems Wolloemsun Wolloi Wollos Wolme Wolsun Woltrad Wonfroid Wonofrid Wontirs Wosi Wott Wroght Wulf Wulfgeng Wulfi Wung Wurkmen Wuud Wuuderd Wuuds Wuudwerd Wuutin Wyett Wynn Xinoe Yeng Yetis Yuang Yulende Yurk Yvitti Yvunni Zecheryebbutt Zemure Zommirmenechom
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
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Sol Yulaan and her dragon Baphomet, drawn by Richard Chan
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
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Sol Yulaan pixel art gif designed by hidorE
"She looks like some generic background Saiyajin mook in a beat-em-up" Yulaan being a generic mook is kind of the point. It's impossible to make a protagonist of a story like this generic FOREVER, to be fair, but the inception of her being completely average to the point of looking like a nobody in a crowd was at least part of the inspiration— Yulaan's a glorified ascended mook to begin with, since she was just a tiny side character I created for the main story back in late 2019 that I just happened to get really invested in.
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He did a good job, though I've been meaning to get a higher quality gif made, something more fluid that looks more akin to a 32-bit arcade game
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
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A Yaban Watches 2 Saiyans, courtesy of Salvamakoto
Yulaan watches more Dragon Ball. The inherent absurdity is not lost on her. But that's why she's doing it. Everyone told her she needed to watch Dragon Ball Z, referencing it the moment she arrived on Earth Prime. So here she is, watching the original Japanese airing. (And don't worry, Zillennial Americans, she does also see the cringily nostalgic FUNimation Ball Z)
What's interesting is that she actually prefers the other two major wuxia/kung fu fantasy shonen anime over Dragon Ball— Hokuto no Ken and Yu Yu Hakusho. Not that she doesn't like Dragon Ball. She just prefers the bloodier and gorier stuff. She's already a Saiyan, even if she's specifically a Yaban rather than a Getabaru like Kakarotto and Bejita.
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On Friday after school, there is no fighting ring, and Yulaan instead decides to head over to Chale’s house to spend the weekend there, and the first thing they do after watching Toonami (especially FUNi Ball Z) is decide to head out to Blockbuster. They’re getting pizza, Mountain Dew, Doritos, the whole shebang, and then they’re going to raid Blockbuster. They have to stress to Yulaan they only mean that as slang; don’t actually steal stuff. Kevelnege will hold her to that.
Esmeralda wants to watch Toy Story, and she can do that in the living room while the boys get the upstairs room. Yulaan commits to memory to get her Toy Story; Yulaan herself wants to watch some old grindhouse and adult comedies like Master of the Flying Guillotine and Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. But they have to go to Blockbuster first.
I think it finally dawned on me that LMS's first real arc (a slice of life arc within a slice of life story) is essentially made for a tiny handful of Zillennial manchildren geeks who:
Were reasonably young, preferably children between the years of 1997-2004
Indulged heavily in whitebread middle-class Anglo-American pop culture, especially for kids (e.g. Toonami, Pokémon, Blockbuster video, old school Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon, pop punk, X-treme sports, etc.)
Are nostalgic enough to care
Aren't put off by the idea of sharing that indulgence in nostalgia with a mook villain archetype from an 80s Japanese children's show
Also enjoyed a particular slice of early internet history
Basically the RebelTaxi audience.
This is, thankfully, the closest I ever plan on Little Miss Savage dancing towards the core of the fire of utter schmaltz trash, mostly just to get it out of my system and maybe make me hate the taste of it going forward, because after this, there's much different stuff happening. Consider this just the "nostalgic Zillennial manchild hook"
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
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Courtesy of Salvamakoto
Drugatsko is a terrifically ultraviolent person in her own right, persisting in a skullthrone she built herself. Drugatsko's skullthrone is decorated extensively in blood and gore, rotting and disgusting and replenished often. She crushes the skulls of any passerby with her bare hands and feasts on his brains. You even have Drugatsko's Sea— a massive body of blood and water. A sea formed from the blood of opponents Drugatsko herself slaughtered, so deep and mighty that it has its own weather where thunderstorms of blood wash the lands. Warriors are baptized in these bloody storms. Drugatsko's Sea has altered the climate of the surrounding area since it regularly rains and storms blood. There's blood condensation. There are tornadoes of blood! And perhaps most disturbingly, Drugatsko's Sea is just the first of multiple seas of blood she's left; it's merely the primary one she claims ownership over. Not to mention that she eagerly commands the Devastators to create their own seas of blood and mountains of corpses and skeletons, and they are more than happy to live up to that wish.
She is the archetypal Chaotic Yaban, one who lives for the thirst of blood and battle day-in and day-out, except with the added trait that she’s a god-empress of a planet of war freaks. In fact, Drugatsko did the impossible and cultivated a world even more war-obsessed than Kollidor, if that’s even possible— and did it out of HUMANS no less. Humans are warlike, to be fair, but we have a variety of traits that keep us from crossing over into becoming the Space Orcs we believe ourselves to be. There are far more warlike races in the cosmos. There are more warlike races on Earth if you want to be technical, including felines, ants, and chimpanzees. Human violence is exaggerated due to our technology and stupidly-large social groups. Yabans are still exponentially more violent than humans will ever be. Still, the Devastators show just how brutal humans could be if we were purposed for war as an innate value. They live as if Khorne has released their Chaotic bloodlust, in a world where Khorne doesn't even exist.
At a good bit over 400 years old, Drugatsko lives Yulaan's dream. Yulaan has dreamt often about turning Earth into a Mezara-like martial dystopia, a world where warriors are celebrated, honored, and rule, where hatreds drive conflict and war is an ever-present fact of life. Yulaan would love nothing more than to break Earth into ever-warring factions and ignite that human warrior spirit. But she is restricted by the rules of her arrest and has taken herself to respect what humans want and found a compromise: don't mess with the global order.  Contrast this existence with Drugatsko, who eagerly conquered Mezara as soon as she landed upon it and indulged gleefully in her Yaban battle tendencies to their maximal extent. And now, 400+ years later, she is living the Yaban dream, crushing skulls casually, killing thousands daily, and vanishing planets with powerful qi to the cheers of her bloodthirsty subjects, this ten trillion-man horde of insane warriors who call her their Ultra Khan. This hypermasculine mass of men wild with aggression and adrenaline living every day for war and combat.  Vicious martial barbarians clad in road warrior death armor, freaking out on adrenaline-fueled internecine aggression, with proto-nexcidious berserker tendencies galore. Drugatsko is a classic Yeren bolloi, vicious and overwhelming, and she has pre-empted the New Libertines movement on Kollidor just by way of circumstance. She is allowed to endlessly indulge in her own base Yaban impulses nowadays thanks to her few centuries of planning and coordination, transforming Mezara from what was essentially Planet Afghanistan into a Mad Max Sparta in Space. She lives the high life by Yaban standards, one of pure slaughter, combat, and conquest. And it's an extraordinarily hypermasculine existence, with all that brings with it. (Warning: this next part gets a bit gender studies-y) In that first Drugatsko post, I put it in no unclear terms that Devastators are a society ruled by male supremacy. So much so that they're unisexual— there is no such thing as a "female Devastator." And that's because Drugatsko herself killed them all when she first came to Mezara, long before they became the Devastators.  When Yulaan returns to Earth to tell of her bloodsoaked adventures on Gorta, her description of Devastator society seems to run horribly at odds with the fact they have a female god-emperor. Drugatsko is, after all, a bolloi. And yet Devastators seem to be as hot-bloodedly macho as they come, even showing clear disdain and hatred for Drugatsko on the basis of her sex. Heck, the whole reason Yulaan even gets employed by Drugatsko is because a warlord named Yasimbata defected from Drugatsko's empire precisely because of his hatred over her rule and just so happened to set up camp on Planet Gorta.  What confuses the Earthlings even more is why Yulaan agrees with Drugatsko's methods and ideology. But the answer comes back to the cold fact that Drugatsko is, again, a bolloi. She is a Yaban, a creature of war and conflict. Misogynistic hatred of herself is a form of conflict, one that she adores and always breeds hatreds and bloody desires. Devastators only ever get to enjoy the feel of the female body in battle and conquest (in horrible ways that need no description here) because Drugatsko took theirs from them long ago and, as a bolloi, refuses to offer herself as recompense. For those who aren't gay in this barbarian-BDSM-looking society, it's just frustrating to be under the bootheel of a not-unattractive dame forever closed and forever stronger than yourself while also being told that you, as a man, are superior to those weak pathetic females of the cosmos and should always indulge in your manly fighting spirit. It's a deliberate tactic by Drugatsko to keep the blood running hot at all times.
The raw, powerful misogyny Drugatsko spread often blows back against her as many of her own subjects despise her for being female. They are raised to hate femininity and desire to dominate it in all manners. They are told from birth that they, as men and as warriors of power, are superior to the weak pathetic females who once infested this planet and arrested their collective manly fighting spirit. That females are to be penetrated, violated, dominated, mastered, and discarded when used up. That females are creatures of peace and passivity, kind and gentle sensitivity, of romance and delicate emotions, of sass and spice, of submission and vulnerability— and they are men of might and glory, physical force and war, of creative destruction and matters of steel. Let no king rule you forever. Plunge your sword into his neck when he looks the other way. Bang your fist against his skull and blind him from the impact. Seek power at all times. This is the rule of Male Supremacy! Scream it loud unto the heavens. Let the gods tremble before the men of war. Fight, feast, and fuck all you can, you mighty men! Seek and destroy, all ye mighty!!
Oh, and your brutalitarian god-khan is female. And not even an ugly mannish one, besides her battle scars and muscles. Drugatsko is a she and she never hides this fact. In fact, she might very well be the manliest person on Mezara because of that, because she had to overcome her femalehood to achieve a brutalitarian iron fisted rule.
On a planet that's basically "What if 1980s hypermasculine action movies, but in a timeline where the Fascists and Futurists won," her manly subjects despise her on principle. They must learn to disrespect and disregard her voice, put back into their place only by her use of bellicose force and her powerful will. 
But she and Yulaan both understand why that's the point. It's something humans might not be able to understand. A bolloi facing misogyny, a bolloi being disrespected and told to get back in the kitchen, is exactly what she wants. Of course she's not going to do it. Tell a bolloi to get back in the kitchen when she isn't intending on cooking anything and you're going to get punched in the throat. But it's not because she demands to be respected or wants equal rights with you— Yabans don't understand the concept anyhow. She openly welcomes your disrespect and hatred. It's what she craves. She is a bolloi, a Yaban, a monkey of war and battle. Your hatred and disgust of her has bred conflict, and Yabans adore conflict more than life itself. By delivering a bitchslap to a bolloi in your attempt to make her submit like a woman, you've only ignited her fighting spirit. (And let's be fair here, you're going to do the same with most women, though perhaps not to the same extent of battlelusted conflict). Silvio Sabatini suffered a psychotic break over things like realizing this: that a bolloi will never respond to threats of violence by submitting or displaying vulnerability and, in fact, misogynistic threats of violence aren't understood as anything but an opponent ready to throw fists— like a man. To men who only understand how to control women via threats of violence, bollois are walking Antichrists. And Drugatsko is no different. 
So for Drugatsko, this mass misogynistic hatred of her and widespread desire to turn her into just another nameless slut by many sexually-obsessed Devastators, scratches that ever-pulsating itch of warlust. Yulaan agrees with the sentiment. People in the 2020s and 1960s alike don't get why she likes being the victim of misogyny, especially when she strikes back. They think she has internalized misogyny or that she isn't being honest about her desire to have equal rights with men and other males. But that's not it. Misogyny, hatred for her form, appeals to her need for war and conflict.  She wants to be hated because hate breeds conflict, and conflict is everything to a Yaban, especially a Titanist vroda. Drugatsko gets it. Drugatsko lives it. 
All in all, Drugatsko is a pure Yaban warrior, one who lives for endless carnage. She came to Mezara by accident, conquered it in blood and destruction, and remade it the way she wanted it to be in the absolute most brutal manner possible, a reign of blood so thick and murderous that it could only exist in fantasy. She's everything old-school Saiyans were promised to be, which probably makes it fitting that her design stems back to Knife Lady. Except as a Yaban, she's even worse. She's the OG Saiyajins with even more bloodlust.
What's terrifying is that she is not the deadliest Yaban to ever live. Not even close. For example, Batzor is said to have killed so many as to have formed an entire stellar system of planets, planetoids, and whatnot made of blood and bodies of those he killed just for fun. To kill so many requires a long time, but Batzor lived a very long time, much longer than Drugatsko currently has lived. The Ultra-Khan Rahal dwarfs even Batzor, having left multiple galaxies dead. Galaxies that had quintillions of civilizations each at that. And Yabans also do the infiltration baby thing that Saiyans do, meaning that plenty of un-noteworthy Yabans have been sent out to the stars to slaughter entire planets without remorse or affect, often as children.
Still, Drugatsko's bloodlust and devastating brutality (no pun intended) is beyond human comprehension, into levels that one could describe as "beyond Biblical." We're talking so much death, so much blood, so much savagery at her hands alone that it genuinely can be hard to fathom. And that's just her, not including her underlings. There are Devastators that have been born just to die by her hands, but there are so many Devastator humans that she has only ever killed a fraction of them. A very big fraction admittedly, but a fraction nonetheless (though to be fair, innumerable trillions, if not quadrillions of Devastators have been born/created, so assuming she herself has killed half of them...) And their sole purpose is to fight and kill. And as a result, many have become really, really good at fighting and killing.I figured it'd be as obvious as the picture on your screen, but she absolutely is supposed to look like Knife Lady from DBZ Episode 20 as I've been cripping Yaban designs from interesting-looking background Saiyans lately, especially the ones who look the most 80s and space-piratey and, thus, least likely to be represented in nü Dragon Ball with its Bart Simpson-haired monkeys galore.
Just in case anyone argues that I didn't ripoff the look for whatever esoteric reason, here's Knife Lady and Drugatsko back to back.
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I know a few people thought that Yulaan was based off this character, and the "ancient Saiyajin" look definitely did stem from there. Hence why I went with straight up taking Knife Lady to use for Drugatsko directly since Drugatsko represents who Yulaan could have been under better (read: worse) circumstances. I mean for Christ's sake, the first ever image of Yulaan was of her eating a man's leg!
Also, I reused Knife Lady's look for another character (the Kokozarene Princess and hybrid Getabaru-Yaban Saiyan Daikonege) and Djuggesh's look is also heavily based on her, so I've gotten a lot of mileage out of it. It's just a very "Saiyan" look, the best female Saiyan design I've ever seen. All wasted on a character who only appeared for a total of 5 seconds.
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
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The Ido Yarboggesh, utilizing her unfathomable qigong to craft an amotsavya, aka a Dead God, aka a black hole, courtesy of TrollFeetWalker
(Amotsatvya is the Yaban word for "dead god" or "dead star")
This is the Dead Gods Society, those insane Yabans who worship and wish to cultivate dead gods across the cosmos just to marvel at their raw destructive power. Unlike the lifegiving stars, black holes only destroy. Everything about their existence is destruction incarnate.
From beyond the Thousand-Year Desert, this esoteric Yaban witch ranted and cultivated madness within her own mind across millennia, and from this mind sprouted such horrible realizations!
Because Yarboggesh's musings have a very Lovecraftian style to them, and yet she's not talking about Shoggoths. She spoke of satvyas. Gods. Stars. Satvya = star and god in the Yeren language.
We want to imagine what Lovecraftian horrors would look like. Yet we experience such a thing daily. It's called the Sun.
The Sun is a giant, godlike orb of plasma just... existing there. It has no shadow. It creates something that it literally cannot experience, like a 0 creating a 1. All things on Earth were born from it. Earth is its own stillborn child. It is incomprehensibly old— older than Earth. It will live an incomprehensibly long time. Indeed, when it dies, it will consume its own children. But that will not come for billions of years— an epoch so far away that ten thousand more civilizations could walk this Earth and every single one would have long faded into the mantle of the planet before the Sun even began to die.
Except it would not actually die, but rather undergo a metamorphosis into a form that will live for trillions upon trillions more years
Though it is a perfect sphere, it possesses tendrils and tentacles, formless and emergent of its power, which lash space-time itself. Even the smallest of these plasma tentacles is larger than Earth.
Its light and form is so powerful that all life in the its system was born from it, whether from the rays themselves or it allowed to exist beyond its form.
Its visage is so powerful that humans cannot directly stare at it for longer than a second before their eyes begin to decay and burn, its form burned into them. And even when they don't stare at it, merely standing in its power will cause their bodies to break down and destroy themselves.
Humans simply accept its existence and do everything they can to avoid gazing upon it at risk of permanent injury. Yet humans adore it. The natural human instinct is to see sunlight as holy, pleasant, warm, and almost motherly. Sunlight is good. Sunlight is natural. Humans possess a reverence for the Sun they literally cannot control, a reverence wrought by the Sun. Even rebellion against the Sun could not happen without the Sun.
And occasionally it screams, sometimes at Earth. And should it ever scream at a slightly louder pitch than normal, all of mankind's great modern abilities would instantly vanish.
Without the Sun, humans would perish. They exist solely in a quantum of ideal mercy which the Sun could, at any time, reverse through means humans still do not understand.
And yet for all its power and glory, the Sun is but the starspawn of another star that died— and the Sun itself is a deeply, profoundly insignificant speck in a vast, ever expanding universe filled with other entities of vastly greater power.
Some of which are also godlike orbs, except of such absurd and ultra-arcane power that they simultaneously exist as holes in understanding. Places where the wail of dying gods rips holes in existence itself and all understanding and logic break down so perfectly and completely as to cease all continuation with the universe, and these entities have horrible forms so dark that they consume all light— their strength so total that even the Eldritch gods themselves could not hope to fathom the darkness within. These dead gods of blackness so thick and absolute, simple contemplation of their form inspires madness.
That's the universe we live in. The difference between science and religion is tangible, repeatable evidence— but that does not preclude seeing the universe in the starlight of the bizarre. There's no reason mathematics and physics cannot also be occult runes detailing the horrors of the elder starspawn gods. Mathematicians and astrophysicists are the wizards of the modern age, writing and speaking in an arcane runic language begotten of the cosmos to peer beyond the ether into the realm of these savage gods. Just a tiny shift in perspective, and the stars become gods and demons of unfathomable power— the Sun being the Lord of Earth, uncaring and ancient, a god of light far beyond the powers of man.
This is how Yarboggesh the Solar Lord saw it. Why does Yulaan prance about in vantablack worshipping black holes? Because she follows this tradition. Also, "solar lord" is a bit of a misnomer since "solar" refers to our own star, Sol, but whatever.
Lifted from this classic Tumblr post:
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
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"Sit down, monkey!" by Seacar14
Golmo is a Space Janny.
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Golmo's job is to clean space junk caused by world, interstellar, and intergalactic wars as well as accidents and weapons tests so that these same races can continue mucking up the cosmos. Can't travel through outer space if a haze of debris tears your spaceships apart, after all. Some races are so foolish that they permanently ground themselves before they ever really manage to get to space via blowing up satellites and space shuttles, leaving low-planetary orbit untraversable. Space janitors, whether fleshy or cybernetic, allow these races to enjoy the wide expanses of space. A noble job for a less than noble Narakan dude who's just in it for the money.
Some manager with a quark-sized brain thought it to be a good idea to make his part-time partner a Yaban girl named Sol Yulaan. Because it's not ridiculous enough, Golmo learns that "Yulaan" means "Skullcrusher" in the Yeren language. That singularity-brained manager put a demon monkey named Skullcrusher on his ship. Why is she on his ship? As community service for mass murder. Like, "killed an entire planet with her fists" mass murder. Oh joys, goddammit. This manager's brain shrinks with every passing second. It's gone sub-Planck scale and is collapsing still to sizes unknown.
Golmo can barely get the 13-year-old Yulaan to sit still. She's just come up from massacring an entire planet of mercenaries, and her body's been left horribly battle-scarred and crippled. Yet in spite of her brutal injuries, she still forces herself to practice martial artistry.
As Yulaan herself said in response to a question of why she does this: "I was born. That means that someday, I will die. If I'm going to die, let me die in war."
All Yulaan cares about is war and ruination.
So why would you put a Demonoid on a ship dedicated to cleaning up the aftereffects of war and ruination?
"SIT DOWN," he roars often, but Yulaan's youthful nexcidium leads her to punch and kick and battle holograms and mental-image train. She's driven by that primal, instinctual Yaban battlelust and has yet to be sent to Earth Prime to be pacified into a more controllable state. Not to mention she's still just 13, so whatever aggressive energy she has is octupled by her youth. She's going to grow up to be a savage warrior, undoubtedly. If Golmo didn't have to deal with her, she'd be his kind of killer. Would be so nice. SO nice. If the deathmonkey wasn't on HIS ship.
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
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Yulaan practicing qigong to form a ball of chi, by Shiredora
Especially with Strongest Under Heaven, but it's still present in Little Miss Savage: the extensive root of wuxia/xianxia/shenmo fantasy, which shouldn't even be a revelation for a Dragon Ball work, but most Western fans have literally no clue what any of those are despite them being everything Dragon Ball is supposed to be.
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
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Yulaan, the main character of the Yabanverse thus far (though not the first main character; she is in fact a replacement to an earlier MC I had before 2020).
Yulaan started her ascent to main-characterhood as "THAT sort of character" character. You know, when you just "fall in love" with a character in a fictional work and want to make fanart and fanfiction of them and want them desperately to be more prominent if not one of the lead characters if not the lead of their own spinoff, even though they're a late-comer side character who only appears for a short amount of time, and you succumb to the hopeless realization that you are powerless to give your new favorite character anything better? You know, the characters that seem to be the fan-favorite everyone loves and you hinge on the fact they're so popular respective to when they were introduced or their position in the series, and seethe when you realize they're still overshadowed greatly by either the actual main characters or the creators' pets.
The only difference is I felt that towards Yulaan, only to realize "Wait a minute— this is MY character. I can do whatever I want with her!"
And I may have gone too far in a few places in the interim. The whole reason I faved Yulaan was because she was this nihilistic symbolic character: a teenage Yaban girl so crippled by battle and so ridiculously battle-scarred that she walks with a wooden stick like a wizened wizard and has more scars than bare skin, and yet her operating philosophy is "I was born. That means that someday, I will die. If I am going to die, let me die in war." It showed exactly how utterly ruthless and bleak the Yaban way of life was, that this literal little girl was so fanatical for battle and already so ruined by the consequences of battle. And the joke was that almost immediately after, she was "sold" to a human back on Earth-Prime and thus kept away from battle indefinitely, and I followed that thread I left for myself to give birth to a breather story called "Little Miss Savage." And from there, LMS and Yulaan wound up consuming the Yabanverse as a whole, and Yulaan is nowhere near as bleak and defeated as she was back in October of 2019, all because of the necessities of being the MC for an entire extensive AU. I've sort of revisited that "OG Yulaan" with another character, but it doesn't hit the same as it once did because that character actually is doomed, whereas Yulaan was always supposed to survive and be thwarted by slice of life living. Not to mention that despite the new, much more shmaltzy Yulaan, her overall story is still pretty twisted and still very much shows off the bleakness of the Yaban way of life.
Generally though, my crazed over-use of Yulaan is the perfect example of why sometimes the biggest fan of a character should never be allowed to write them.
The thing that "sold" me on Yulaan the most was this brutal mental image: she's just arrived on Planet Gorta to avenge her slain brother and has hunted one of the inhabitants, skinning him and wearing his skin as a pelt and even using a vertebra to capture some of her hair. And I needn't mention how she's made use of what's left of him: eating his flesh and meat, and using his largest bones to create a scimitar and knife. And then immediately after that begins her brutal years-long extermination war against the Gortan mercenaries, one which gives her the vast majority of her infestation of battle-scars.
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Purest fuckin' Saiyajin!
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
2 Saiyan Elites: Kevelnege and Vegeta
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Vegeta from Dragon Ball Kevelnege from the Yabanverse
I want to dub that hairstyle "Vidalia" hair, but I feel like Toyotaro is going to reveal that Vegeta's mother is named Vidalia
Kevelnege being from my own verse, the Yabanverse, as well as of the Yaban subspecies, as opposed to the Getabaru subspecies— which is what Vegeta and other Toriyama-created Saiyans are. Hence why she lacks the vegetable-themed naming pun (despite the fact that, on Planet Vegeta, a 'kevelnege' actually is a type of vegetable, as one of the jokes I do have is that various Yaban names are vegetable puns, but only in the Getabaru-Saiyan language!)
Both Kevelnege and Vegeta are Saiyan elites, though just by way of Planet Kollidor having a more fleshed out society and much larger empire than Planet Vegeta presumably ever did, Kevelnege is far from the top dog, let alone any sort of "Princess of All Yabans." 
One other difference is their relation to the MC, a low-class peasant in both cases.
In Vegeta's case, Kakarot frustrates and beguiles him, and even after the two reconcile, Vegeta never grows to actually like the guy, instead using him more as a maypole of strength over which he wishes to grow beyond.  But even beyond that, the two are just not really meant to get along: Vegeta is both a stoic and serious soldier as well as an upper-class elite, whereas Goku is and has always been an uneducated peasant who takes to martial artistry and farming. Their rivalry was rooted in the clash of worldviews and ideologies, as well as Vegeta's extreme pride and honor.
Kevelnege, on the other hand, has long been the closest friend of Sol Yulaan, who was by birth a literal bone-eating cave-dwelling pelt-wearing barbarian who only joined the more """civilized""" tarus system to be raised as a Titanist death-kommando. Kevelnege was in the same tarus and got along with Yulaan well despite the clear differences in their stations and battle powers— Kevelnege being the second-strongest bolloi (just behind the junior berserker Djuggesh) and Yulaan arguably being one of the weakest to actually pass. Since those days, the two have been extremely close friends, especially by Yaban standards. Though obviously just by way of Yaban nature and the hotblooded machismo of bollois, it can still strongly resemble a rivalry, they certainly are nowhere near as violently opposed as Goku and Vegeta. Theoretically the two could have a rivalry as bitter as Goku and Vegeta's considering they were both raised in a vastly more illiberal society than what we're used to here on Earth and, should one ever damage the other's pride, that could easily sever their friendship. But that hasn't happened, and both have their own bitter rivals to worry about anyhow.
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
Sister Fellowship
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A covering on the topic of the various kagoras. Vroda kagoras get all my attention because "booba!" No no that's not just it, it's also because placing such a hypermacho culture among females is inherently fascinating to me, so it tends to warrant way more attention, compared to senja kagoras (which are dudes doing bro things, which we see all the time) and the koda kai (which is interesting in that it's enby/hermaphrodites doing motherly "girlboss" things but I've rarely touched on them yet)
A good resource I made on the topic of the nihilistic and brutal female masculinity of bollois and why they fascinate me so much:
"My Five Rules For Fostering Bolloi Masculinity"
Originally way back in 2018, I decided bollois were "hypermasculine" just because they liked fighting and proving themselves in battle, and in retrospect those early bollois were pretty much exactly like the Strong Female Character™ archetype and not the "Literally Men with Boobs" they are now. I pretty much had 100 different rules for bollois for why they Aren't Like Other Girls and are boyish and badass fighting femmes; nowadays, I just have five vague rules that work a hundred times better: "Aromantic as a rule," "No culture of vanity," "No culture of protection," "Lack feral maternalism," and "Have little intrinsic worth"
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
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Bolloi Masculinity
One of the big discussions in recent years has been about the concept of "Strong Female Characters" and "girlbosses." People argue about whether or not they're realistic, if they are actually empowering to female audiences, if they are are feminist, if they're pseudo-feminist pandering, if they're shallow and simply toxic masculinity with a female face, if it even matters as long as they're fun, and so on
Bollois decidedly do nothing to further that debate.
From the outset, on a purely physical level, bollois are the spawn of bioengineering, much like all Yabans, and while their roots may be in the Getabaru-Saiyans, bollois are not quite equivalent to Saiyan women since, on a pure secular level, male and female Yabans are already much denser and heavier than an equivalently sized human or Getabaru-Saiyan, on top of their very biology and psychology being engineered towards combat. An average secular bolloi— that is completely unsparked with chi— is still much stronger than the average man.
But even if you discount their pure biology and energy, bollois are still different from the "Strong Female Character™" archetype in other ways. For all the chuds and reactionaries talk about girlboss action-oriented women as being "men with boobs," when you compare them to bollois, it becomes very clearly obvious that they are still written with feminine or at least female-oriented conventions in mind. Simply being strong, or strong-willed, being "Lad-ettes" or "tomboys", does not quite bring you to the level of bollois and vroda kvltvr.
Bringing this up again:
Originally way back in 2018, I decided bollois were "hypermasculine" just because they liked fighting and proving themselves in battle, and in retrospect those early bollois were pretty much exactly like the Strong Female Character™ archetype and not the "Literally Men with Boobs" they are now. I pretty much had 100 different rules for bollois for why they Aren't Like Other Girls and are boyish and badass fighting femmes; nowadays, I just have five vague rules that work a hundred times better: "Aromantic as a rule," "No culture of vanity," "No culture of protection," "Lack feral maternalism," and "Have little intrinsic worth"
I was writing up an explanation earlier, but got distracted. However, a comment on DeviantArt got me back on track, so here we go:
Aromantic as a rule: Probably the single biggest culture shock humans have with bollois is just how little they regard romance. For us humans, this is basically a "no-no" when it comes to female characters, because we almost always view female characters and femalehood in general through the lens of romance. I mean think about it: besides the Venus symbol (♀), what symbol do we most often use in association with girls and women? The Valentine's heart.❤️ We tend to view women as sex objects. We tend to view women's issues as issues of love and relationships first and foremost. We expect girls and women to grow up idealizing marriage. When female characters are introduced into a story, the question of romance and shipping almost immediately follows. There are genuinely a lot of people who cannot dissociate "female" from "love interest." So for a female character to not be involved with anyone romantically or even have any romantic interests definitely goes against the grain.
What's especially funny about this is that Dragon Ball allegedly claims Saiyans don't care for romance, but has literally never followed through on that with the only exception being Son Goku himself. It's a pure background detail that's widely accepted, but at least after the original Bardock special (where Selypa didn't get enough screentime to be romance-baited in the first place), whenever a female Saiyan is introduced, the question of romance is immediately raised. Gine? Just so happened to be a "rare" example of a loving, romantic Saiyan. Caulifla and Kale? Almost as soon as they're introduced, the question of romance with Cabba is brought up (though admittedly shot down). Heck, most recently in the Bardock DLC of Kakarot, guess what Selypa's missions focus on? You guessed it: romance. I think Toriyama had it in his head that Saiyans don't care for romance because Goku doesn't, but he and Toei are too traditionalist in mindset to actually carry through with that in the series proper. They're actually incapable of telling stories involving female characters that don't involve romance. Except the Kaios, I think. I don't think the female kaioshins have ever been romance-baited.
[In retrospect, this was a bit asinine to describe, as we barely ever see female Saiyans at all. Honestly not too sure what exactly I was talking about here with the Saiyans besides nitpicking like a monkey]
So to that end, bollois actually not caring about romance can come off as weird and even disappointing to people. There might be a propensity to think that a female character who isn't into romance was simply hurt or is hiding her true self, or even that they just haven't found Mr. or Ms. Right just yet, so genuinely lacking any interest is definitely not common. Them being estrous certainly pushes that to its limit.
No Culture of Vanity: It may be "problematic" to say this among certain people, but there's no lie in saying that women are generally more interested in their appearance and matters of beauty. And this is culturally reinforced, we almost always tend to compliment women on their appearance and reinforce their sense of vanity as often as possible, something rarely done for men. Heck, "Beauties" is a somewhat common alternative for "women." The very names we give girls reflect "beauty" or "delicacy" or "gentleness." (If you're a girl, look up the meaning of your name; more often than not, it's a name reflecting appearance or femininity). Especially in the West and Far East, we actively expect women to wear make-up, get plastic surgery, and just generally look as cute and presentable as possible. And even if they don't do this, we still reward them with compliments.
Bollois don't have that, nor do they get that. The most a bolloi will get in terms of comments on her appearance on any random day, even surrounded by nagois, might be "You look like shit." They have zero expectation of being complimented, and very little in the way of beautification.
No culture of protection: In modern times, we like saying that women are capable and independent and strong, but let's be perfectly honest, that culture of chivalry didn't simply die out in a few decades any more than racism did. We still very widely view girls and women as vulnerable and in constant danger. There's still an overwhelming, unstated expectation that men should never hit women under any circumstance, that girls are inherently more delicate, and that women should stay out of dangerous situations. This also goes that girls are less culpable for their decisions and shouldn't face the same consequences as boys for the same offenses, which goes as far as believing that only men can be truly evil; women are only made to do evil by evil men. But it's even as simple and innocent as punishing a boy more harshly when he and a bunch of girls do something wrong.
Again, bollois don't get off that easy. In other words, there's no cultural belief that bollois need to be protected more than nagois or are less capable of handling themselves and thus should be insulated from danger, peril, and hardship. There is no belief in the idea that bollois are more delicate and fragile. And this goes the other way as well. A human girl holding her own at a challenge, getting through a tough situation, and matching or even overcoming the boys will be celebrated as an example of girl power. A bolloi displaying such competency proves nothing and earns no similar praise. At least among Yabans.
Lack feral maternalism: Among humans, we view motherhood as the highest and most powerful expression of femininity to the point many women are shamed for not getting married or bearing children, certainly far more than men are for not being fathers. In fact, we tend to view motherhood as so central to a woman's life that a lot of the more conservative and traditionalist mindsets say that a childless woman is the unhappiest woman. Also notice that a lot of the "good" strong female characters that are defended by people who otherwise chastise Strong Female Characters™ are described as being "motherly."
Bollois can certainly be mothers, but they lack a lot of the nurturing, motherly instincts we find intrinsic to mature femalehood. A bolloi is basically a mother for the first year, and then a female father for the rest of her child's life. And of course you have yenois further complicating matters, which is no better represented than with....
Have little intrinsic worth: It's a cold fact every man must face in his life: that he is an expendable human compared to a woman. This is very widely reinforced in society, no better summed up than in the saying "women and children first." This is very closely related to the "culture of protection" I mentioned above. A hundred thousand men can die and be overlooked, but the death of a single woman is a horrific tragedy worth special notice and attention. There's an old sexist saying that goes that "Women are, men must become." Which is to say that a woman can simply be pretty to win at life, but a man is worthless unless he accomplishes something.
Bollois don't really get this. Since they still have wombs, they're surely seen as being worth more than a man, but then you run into the issue of yenois, the primary "breeder" sex among Yabans, and thus the sex with the most "intrinsic" worth. Bollois are raised basically with the expectation that they're disposable extraneous grunts. A bolloi who wants to be worth anything has to actually achieve something.
So when you combine all this together, you wind up with a sex that doesn't really care for romance, cares virtually nothing for beautification, is treated harshly and without comfort in life, has little in the way of a nurturing motherly spirit, and can only be considered worth anything if they make something of themselves. This all sounds very similar to how we traditionally treat and view men in the world, so no wonder bollois go beyond simply being "Strong Female Characters™".
These are fundamental cultural expectations that you can't simply erase just by making a female character strong, aggressive, muscular, tough, headstrong, and independent. They inform just about all of our more subtle creative decisions, even our unconscious ones. In fact, this is a big reason why I went with nonhuman creatures in the first place: even if you disregard biological nature affecting behavior and psychology, it is almost completely impossible to create a female human character with the same socio-cultural traits of a bolloi (unless she's from an alien world or some bizarro alternate history). This is because there is no culture on Earth (as far as I know) that comprehensively raises women the exact same as men on such a profound and all-encompassing level that these traits will not appear. Indeed, because there is no dedicated third "dominant breeder" sex among humans, it is actually impossible on some level for Earthling women to be like bollois because we place such high value on the ability to bear children.
Simply being a tomboy or a Butch lesbian or a turbo-Ladette is not the same. This isn't about your personal decisions and lifestyle choices. It's about the entire society in which you live that molds you every second of every day of your life, whether you realize it or not.
Thus, it can be a massive culture shock for bollois to come to Earth and suddenly be treated like the girls they are. Yulaan, for example, has quite literally never been complimented on her appearance in her life. She goes to Earth-Prime, and all of a sudden, you've got all these people calling her "cute" and "sexy" and wondering if she's going to find a boyfriend (or girlfriend?) and calling her hair a "perpetual bad hair-day" and so on. You have some celebrating how much she's a badass and a strong independent girl who can handle herself, which to Yulaan seems like needless aggrandizing flattery.
It's like, imagine if some really macho gangster/mafioso, Yakuza member, whatever, imagine they go to another planet where men are treated like princesses and are widely viewed as a beautiful, elegant, and romantic sex. Probably wouldn't know how to react, would he? That's Yulaan.
And do recall the kagoras.
Planet Vegeta likely would not see anything like the vroda kagora, as the Vegetan women seem to be more in line with "strong-willed and often physically super-strong women" as opposed to bollois.
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radiomonkeys2 · 4 months ago
Berserkers Clash: Djuggesh vs Nappa
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(By Salvamakoto)
Nappa, the Saiyan elite, vs Djuggesh, Yulaan's close friend and berserker-kommando
Two monkeys engaging in a bloody bit of cross-universal fun! The two berserker juggernauts stand off against one another. It can only logically end with something gory, like one of them beating the other to death with their own detached arm
These days, despite how much the two verses tonally clash, I figured that since Dragon Ball is a bigger draw, I will likely have characters from the Yabanverse crossover into the Dragonverse just for fun and profit
And no, Djuggesh is not a Super Saiyan God; referring to the original infographic at the top, Yabans have more hair colors than just black. Seeing as one of the inspirations back in 2018 was that, in fleshing out their culture and society, Saiyans and thus Yabans wound up coming off as quasi-fascistic in many ways (before I came up with Titanism that is), so I went with black, white, and red as their primary color scheme in general, like the Sith and, you know, the Chaplin Mustache Man's regime. I've toyed with the idea of Yabans having even more hair colors than that. Predominantly it'll be black, but perhaps brown and blue ought to be included. Because they're gene-modded by a god, the rules of the Getabaru are not totally applicable to the Yabans.
"But what are the IRL reasons for the female Yabans going topless so often?"
Spare me a doubt and an advocate here when I say it really had nothing to do with any sort of coomerism. I was always aware that the coombrains will lust for it (I may already have some who think the Yabanverse is some "topless female fighting fantasy" story). It just comes with the territory.
But in truth, the idea came from watching old kung fu movies, most directly the Cynthia Rothrock vehicle Undefeatable. As I consumed more and more, I could not help but take notice of the fact that there was always a pure dichotomy: you would routinely get these hotblooded fistfights between two shirtless dudes that often screamed "platonically homoerotic muscle-worship" but never the same with women (probably more noteworthy because while they were far from egalitarian for many reasons, kung fu movies had at least an order of magnitude, maybe two, times more female fighters than Western action movies did, ESPECIALLY in the heyday era of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.) Of course, there's many ways you could read that, including the cold fact women typically don't take off their clothes when they start fighting like men would, but it's really not at all a mystery why movies never indulged in this. We in the America (and our influenced/vassals in the far-East) tend to see the female nipple as Satanic. Maybe Europe has a different viewpoint (basically everyone except the British), but Americans view female breasts as inherently sexual, so even if we did get more action-ladies in time, there was little chance of seeing the same sort of "fighting shirtless for the sake of machismo" outside literal pr0n artists.
As I don't particularly care either way and the Yabanverse was never meant to ride right alongside tonally with Dragon Ball, the Yabans being "gene-modded Saiyans" (whether a subspecies of Saiyans or Legally-Not-Saiyans) gave me the raison d'etre to just go ahead and indulge in that sort of gender-equal violence, including tending to pit bollois against male characters rather than the more common "Designated Girl Fight" since whatever perceived strength and cultural differences between males and females leads us to sticking to homogenous fighting isn't as relevant when bollois are involved. Bollois aren't human, so just do whatever I need to to justify why they're such "toxic men with boobs" can be done. "Women are naturally more nurturing because they're the ones who give birth?" Here's yenois, screwing the reproductive dynamic completely. "Women need to be more empathic because of their children and the long gestational period and childhood?" Bolloi mothers only gestate for a month or two max, and Yabans are lethal within a few weeks, some of whom are even born lethal, so being "motherly" by human standards is entirely a choice. "Women are more valuable than men because a woman can't get pregnant 100 times in a week?" Okay true, but again, yenois steal their purpose for the most part, and nagois and bollois are largely aro-ace/very low-burn herbi-het, so it's not really a concern. Just keep the questions coming, and I'll find a way to piss off the biotrads somehow.
For example, there's ANOTHER reason why women don't tend to do much topless, despite being legally allowed to, that any woman would tell you if you actually listen to them: "boobs are unwieldy." Imagine you try running or fighting or doing anything with a pair of 1lb fat rolls strapped to your chest. Not very comfortable, not very fun, unless you have a sports bra.
"Screw it, Yabans are 5x denser than humans, and bolloi boobs don't get in the way anywhere near as much." Voila, solved, and no I'm not hearing any counterarguments!
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