#Bojan likes to be tall :’)
leopardom · 7 months
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dunno where exactly this is from but ???!?!?!!!?!?!???
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fuckthemforthis · 5 months
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I too wouldn't mind his thighs around my neck
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ultrabooob · 10 months
for some reason to me everything has a colour/colours i associated it w and it happens w people too and i was telling my friend kris is mint green and baby blue etc and drew them to demonstrate how i see him, and when i moved onto bojan i did the same w ‘his’ colours and like 3 seconds after hitting send i realised his colours are in the lesbian flag
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vse-kar-vem · 7 months
Write them a poem, they chase you with a saw, go commit arson with
Nace, Kris, Jure
okay after much deliberation:
write them a poem: kris 😩😩 (he is SO beautiful. the prettiest boy i've ever seen. i already wax poetic about him to my friends I'D KILL for the chance to write him a silly love poem 💞💞💞 i'm already in love with him)
be chased by (ft.saw): ..... preferably none of them (have you seen the size of those men) but through the process of elimination nace ☹️☹️ definitely not kris because he is FREAKISHLY TALL i would be dead in 10 secs flat, not jure because he has that manic gleam in his eyes sometimes that tells me he'd be enjoying chasing me down a leetol too much. nace is normal (not in this scenario where he's chasing me down with a chainsaw but yknow. also he's sooo soft and silly i just can't imagine him hscking me to bloody bits (but i'd let him kill me if it made him happy 🥰)
sorry that last one was a bit long. anyways commit arson: JURE he is the POSTER VHILD for doing reckless shit like that i'd so be his accomplice. it'd be such a great time (i love committing crimes and so does he 💞💞)
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jokeroutsubs · 9 months
An interview with Bojan Cvjetićanin and Nace Jordan in Jana magazine, published 10.10.2023. Featuring a very special shoutout! 😁
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On the couch with Joker Out: about the big changes in their lives
Still good, sober boys
We’ll play this and then we’re off – to switch off
The time we have with them is tightly limited, but that’s appropriate for stars of their kind. They are the most popular musical group right now, and they’ve thoroughly conquered many hearts far beyond both Slovenian and Balkan borders. At sold-out concerts, Finns are swooning because of them, Poles, Serbians, Croatians and Spaniards are fainting, not to mention the girls back home. No one prepared them for this kind of craze, but they’re holding up pretty well – they’re still humble guys with good manners, which can (also) be seen in their polite greeting and relaxed chatting in front of their rehearsal space, a comfortable hideaway somewhere between Ljubljana’s warehouses with an unappealing blue door.
Floating into their sanctuary, you almost hit your head on a collection of hanging bras with various affectionate messages written on them. A few more steps, and we plop down on the couch with Bojan Cvjetićanin and Nace Jordan. Jan Peteh and Kris Guštin (damn, he’s tall!) are busy with another camera, and Jure Maček is nowhere to be seen.
How’s your health doing with your (as it seems if you look at the crazy number of concerts all around Europe) pretty exhausting life? How do you take care of your physical fitness?
Bojan: By working out.
Nace: Well, you and I work out, the others only do it a little.
Bojan: Well yeah, she asked us.
Nace: So: we work out a lot, we play badminton, I run, we go to the gym and hike, Bojan also does mixed martial arts.
You’ve found yourselves at a turbulent stage in your career, and like you’ve said before, you cannot be fully prepared for that. What about mental preparation? Do you have to pay extra attention to that or do anything you've never done before?
Bojan: Yes, we have to rest. We haven't had any rest ever since everything became much more intense. My mind and body are now really begging to switch off.
Nace: I agree. Just the other day, we were talking about how we haven’t truly rested since the pre-Eurovision performances. Two- and three-day trips don’t count.
So you’ll only be able to turn off for a bit, after your big concert in Stožice?
Bojan: That’s right. Well, we maybe planned our break a little poorly, because we’re going on a holiday together. (both start laughing loudly)
Nace: Everyone has the same stunned reaction that you did.
You really have to love each other and have a good time together, that’s all I thought. Can you reveal where you’re going?
Bojan: Far away, somewhere warm. As to whether us going together is smart, we’ll tell you when we come back. If we end up needing another holiday after this holiday, then we didn’t make a very wise decision.
Since you really hang out with each other so much, do you perhaps understand any better why some bands get into fatal quarrels or even break up?
Bojan: We definitely understand it a lot more. In a short time, I’ve realised that this rock and roll lifestyle presented to us by rock legends (myths, stories, Hollywood) is truly something that is untenable in the long term. If we look at all the most famous bands, they actually existed for a very short time.
Nace: And, as an interesting fact, most of them broke up while on tour.
Bojan: You can’t do rock and roll and be devoted to your music, concerts, travels, if you’re constantly under the influence of any substances (drugs, alcohol). You really can’t do that, because neither the human body nor the mind are made to withstand this kind of strain, sleeplessness, pleasure, dopamine. All those legends either died young or the bands broke up. Sure, they did a lot, left a permanent mark, but at what cost? We’ve realised that if we want to enjoy what we’re doing, we have to be sober, and you truly enjoy yourself a lot more if you’re sober and feel physically and mentally ready and cultivate friendships. I think that this way, we’ll remember a lot more after a few tours than many rock legends do in their longer careers. How much can you even remember if your brain isn’t even with you on the same stage?
I see that you’re drinking plenty of water, and we remember you, Bojan, from Eurovision, when you were walking around with a bottle of water and blowing into a straw. What was that for?
Bojan: It’s a technique to warm up your vocal chords, based on the principle of blowing into a slightly wider silicone straw in a water bottle. You blow into it, in the correct way and because of the water in the bottle, a negative pressure is created that puts your vocal chords into the most natural position and it works like a massage for them.
Did you discover this for yourself or was it recommended to you?
Bojan: I had never paid special attention to my voice before that, I’m not a trained vocalist, but luckily I naturally developed the correct technique. Otherwise I would��ve lost my voice long ago. So, on the stage, this mechanism luckily developed in a very positive direction for me, which was also confirmed by singing coaches and the doctor I went to for my vocal chords check-up. A phoniatrics specialist, a wonderful guy, helped me during Eurovision. Before the Eurovision performance, my voice gave in a little due to nerves, so I was constantly in contact with a doctor – and we didn’t even really know each other – who gave me advice over the phone. Then, at the first sound check, everything opened up and sounded like it should. It’s really interesting what happens with your voice, it gets incredibly affected by your mental state. Your vocal chords can be perfectly fine, but if your mind is not in the right place, your voice won’t work either.
I also went to get advice from singing coach Nataša Nahtigal, who really helped me a lot. I especially needed that preparation from a psychological point of view.
Did the other band members also need coaches for anything?
Nace: Me and Kris also visited Nataša, because at the beginning we thought that we’d be singing the backing vocals live on the Eurovision stage. So we also practised with her a few times. We also had rehearsals with a choreographer for the optimum stage performance.
We’re having this conversation five days before your biggest concert yet, in Stožice. Does that require any special preparation?
Bojan: It’s a special concert, because it’s the first time we’re encountering the organisation of something this big; it is, after all, the only arena in the country. It’s a lot for us, Magnifico also told us that he was kind of in the dark the first time, but now they’re acclimatised to it. It’s a different type of preparation: we have to prepare the show, the lights, the stage appearance …
Have you even internalised what you’ve managed to do, all the places and the number of people you’ve played to in the past few months (from Ireland to Great Britain, Finland, Norway, Belgrade, Zagreb, Vienna, and now in December, you've got Amsterdam, Madrid, Barcelona …)?
Bojan: I think that will be a task for the upcoming holiday. When things just keep happening, you’re in this cycle and don’t even really differentiate between one peak and another, so we need to come down a bit to start retroactively comprehending what really happened. Because it’s really wonderful. We were in cities and countries we’d never been to, and then we were there – to play our own sold-out concerts. We absolutely never thought anything like that would ever happen to us.
Nace: Often it’s only when I come home from this kind of tour that I think to myself: wow, look at where we were! We’re playing on a stage where world legends had played before us! Now, in the club in Helsinki, Foo Fighters and AC/DC had played there, among others. Any musician would wish to play there, let alone sell out that concert.
When you walk around these European cities where you have sold out your concerts, do people already recognise you on the street?
Bojan: It’s pretty bizarre, but now they’ve really started to. I think that on this Nordic tour there truly wasn’t any place we went to without at least someone recognising us – either on a train, on the street, in a restaurant, at the airport. Foreign fan culture is a little different, as they get prepared to meet us, in a way – for example, they know when we’ll be at the airport, and they wait for us with gifts, they don’t just come to take photos with us. They bring along our merch shirts, various things for us to sign, they give us gifts. Fans make a lot of things on their own – bracelets, dolls, there are a lot of drawings, crafts; I have two knitted Joker Out scarves at home.
Nace: In Finland we got a lot of knitted socks, hats …
Hand-knitted socks?
Bojan: Yes, with a Slovenian and Finnish flag, for example.
The Scandinavian youth are clearly well-versed in that.
Bojan: Let’s go, Slovenian youth, start knitting Joker Out stuff too! (laughter)
And what is it like to walk down the streets of Slovenia? Can you go to the store in peace?
Bojan: It’s nice to walk down the streets of Slovenia, but we truly always get recognised, that’s a fact, it’s not as inconvenient in stores as it can be when you’re out for drinks, when you constantly feel like someone is eavesdropping next to you.
How difficult is the rockstar life?
Bojan: It’s really nice – every time we’re on the stage, the audience rewards us with a really nice energy, you can’t compare that to anything else, but like any profession, ours has negative sides as well, with the biggest difference being that you’re constantly in the public eye. Very few things are truly personal – you also have a hard time judging for yourself what’s private and what’s not. It’s more of a mental game with yourself – that’s the hardest part of it all. As well as not sleeping, because you travel a lot.
Are there any big disappointments or unexpected things – perhaps that some fans get “carried away” or that not everyone is as well-intentioned as you thought?
Bojan: Absolutely! You suddenly find yourself not only belonging to a home crowd, but also becoming an internet hashtag. The internet has no limits, people have no reservations there, they hide behind a nickname. Each of us has definitely had a few of these moments that shocked us, that’s why we’ve started to pull back from social media.
That’s probably pretty tricky: for the sake of advertising and contact with fans, you have to be present on social media, but meanwhile you’re aware that you need to take a step back for the sake of your health. How do you stay on the safe side? What’s your strategy?
Nace: Primarily, we’ve all stopped reading Twitter, the comments … We have to maintain a certain distance.
Bojan: To be completely honest, I’d like to find someone who could handle my personal profile on social media. It also bothers me that you really waste a lot of time on social media and subconsciously create a lot of unrealistic expectations, because you’re constantly swiping through people’s perfect lives, faces and situations, it’s all quite absurd.
Do you want to influence teenagers in this area, to pass any important messages on to them?
Bojan: Yes, find some wonderful analogue way to follow us and delete your social media.
So, knit a Joker Out scarf or socks instead and listen to their music – that’s pretty analogue. Then, you can also do a charity auction of your fans’ knitwear.
Bojan: Exactly!
One small revolutionary move would also be if concerts or gigs at various parties started earlier. Us slightly more mature citizens also like to go to concerts, but we also like to go to bed a little earlier.
Bojan: I can say that after our Stožice concert, people will be able to be asleep by midnight. But actually, when we were abroad, we got used to gigs starting very soon – sometime between seven and nine in the evening – and the party is definitely not any worse because of that.
You say that you’re full of creative energy. Does your creative process continue under the covers too, do you have notebooks on your nightstand?
Bojan: All the ideas come to me just before I go to sleep. The most recent song Sunny Side of London also happened on the last day before we went to the studio – I couldn’t sleep and I came up with those base lyrics while in bed.
Even though your latest song is in English, due to most of your songs being in Slovenian, you’ve unintentionally become ambassadors of the Slovenian language as well.
Bojan: It was never our goal to become ambassadors of the Slovenian language, but we consciously decided to sing in Slovenian at Eurovision. It means a lot to us, and we hope that our fans will accept that we want to widen our listener base and that there will be some more songs in English because of that. I think that people all around Europe or even further singing twenty of our songs in Slovenian is already a lot, and shows that we’ve done our job. In the future, we’ll create in foreign languages a lot, but we’ll also stay loyal to Slovenian.
A lot of your TV appearances can be found translated to English on the internet. Is that your doing?
Bojan: No, the credit for that goes to a group of fans from all around the world called “Joker Out Subs”, who follow our videos and concerts and translate into quite a few global languages (recently even into Hebrew). They’ve already translated a huge amount of our content, and they do it voluntarily. They’ve also connected with each other in that way, and they’ve told us that 20 of our fans, who met online because of us, booked a house together for our concert in Amsterdam (in December). They’re all coming to the concert and they will stay there together.
Nace: A lot of people have connected like that because of us, which is very nice.
What’s it like at home? Is everything the same at home despite your stardom?
Bojan: Yes, it’s all the same – go mow the lawn!
Nace: I, for example, still drive my grandmother around to run her errands.
And your grandmother listens to your songs?
Nace: She’s definitely listened to some, but I doubt that she’s playing our entire discography. (laughter)
Bojan: Oooh, mine plays it every day, she goes through everything 150 times!
Have you made any changes to your menus?
Bojan: I’ve started eating vegetables – bowls (various healthy ingredients, served in one bowl), Nace got me into that.
Nace: Isn’t it nice to savour something together that’s healthy and that we all like? (Kris pipes up from the background, saying that Nace has gotten them all into Asian food.)
Translation of the captions on the photos:
1) The special friendship with Finnish Eurovision representative Käärijä continues. Together on Finnish stages in September.
2) Bojan loves Swedish girls, says the writing on his shirt.
Translation cr: Joker Out Subs
EDIT: to celebrate the JokerOutSubs shout-out, we prepared a giveaway for Tumblr! You can read more aboout it here!
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🌙 Joker Out as Sailor Moon Characters 🌙
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Bojan Cvjetićanin | Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino
The prettiest princess.
Bojan is so pink coded.
Endearing and charming, despite being such a fail sometimes.
Stronger and braver than they look.
Sometimes bratty, sometimes lazy, but when push comes to shove, they’ll be there to lead their friends.
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Jure Maček | Sailor Venus/Minako Aino
Equal measures cute and badass.
Had different adventures before joining their current group of friends.
So much energy. So, so much energy. A bundle of chaos.
Sunshine in human form.
Much more loyal than their bubbly exteriors imply.
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Jan Peteh | Sailor Mars/Rei Hino
Enigmatic, dark-haired beauty with an undeniable magnetic charm. Hot as hell.
Takes time to get to know them.
Individualistic, clever and can be aloof, but also very passionate and dedicated.
Jan looks amazing in red!
Whatever they are, they for sure aren’t straight (Rei doesn’t kiss boys, Jan…doesn’t kiss girls? 👀)
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Nace Jordan | Sailor Jupiter/Makoto Kino
So immensely strong, yet also so kind and gentle. Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll.
Nace looks amazing in green!
Makoto loves plants, Nace loves animals. It checks out.
Gluten free baked goodies, anyone?
Nace has the biggest tit…I mean, HAS THE MOST TALENT! *gunshot*
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Kris Guštin | Sailor Neptune/Michiru Kaioh
Elegant, sophisticated and stunning and with standout, head-turning looks.
Proud, with a noble bearing and seemingly perfect in a lot of ways. Can be a snob and a perfectionist, and capable of losing their cool.
Feels very deeply, and kind and compassionate, with a big heart.
Kris is water element coded. His powers are thus, WET.
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Martin Jurkovič | Sailor Pluto/Setsuna Meioh
Highly intelligent and clever.
Tall, with striking good looks.
Pluto left the Solar System = Martin left Joker Out 😭😭😭 *gunshot*
(Sorry Sailor Mercury fans. I was torn between Mercury and Pluto for Martin, and Pluto won the poll I posted before creating Martin’s, and I think the joke was just begging to be written! 🤣 Kris needed a character with elegance and lesbian coding, hence Neptune over Mercury, and Jan needed a character with charisma, individualistic tendencies and magnetism, hence I was torn between Mars and Pluto and even Saturn initially, before deciding on Mars. 😅)
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leopardom · 9 months
was mindlessly scrolling through twitter and came across this tweet. so, you know Demoni mv and Demoni Bojan
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turns out our short king had to stand on a stool for some shots
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guggi04 · 3 months
Nace and Jan being so tall that their heads actually touch the ceiling of the tour bus
Meanwhile Bojan can just jump around like crazy without ever reaching the ceiling
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incorrectjokerout · 29 days
Bojan,about Kris:Do I like him,or is he just tall?
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karisworldofwords · 4 months
So I was at the Joker Out concert in Leipzig yesterday and here's my personal highlights!
1. Bojan took his sweet sweet time coming on stage at the beginning, lmao, he's such a drama queen, slay
2. Because I love Jure so much - yes, I'm a Jure stan, sue me - I often looked back towards the drums and honestly, the expressions he made- They were a mix between being concentrated but also having fun and being happy (he's my sunshine boy 🫶🏻)
3. When we were still queuing, Jan walked past us to a store called Penny lol. What a traitor, Penny ist für Penner 😭 /j
4. KRIS LOOKED FUCKING GOOD, OKAY?? The moment he got on stage, I was so caught by him, I can't lie- I don't have a specific highlight of him because he was the highlight
5. Speaking of Kris, my friend Tara had a magic wand in the form of a star at the top with her that she wanted to gift to him - and he took it! He placed it into the mic holder for the piano 🥹🫶🏻
6. Nace's bass solo. That's all. The God of bass doing godly things, as is known 💅🏻
7. Going back to Kris for a bit, he got a pink cowboy hat from a fan and put it on during two songs, I think. May I say: Sir, you looked like a snack. My God.
8. During one song where Jan was supposed to play the piano, and he did, Bojan received a painted picture of himself from another fan. He placed it in front of the mic holder on the piano, displaying it very proudly - and then, as Jan played, the picture said bye-bye and did a dramatic Mufasa lmaooo. Bojan only noticed because of the sound since he was up in the front singing - Jan just kept on playing while Bojči couldn't stop laughing, so much so he couldn't sing anymore. We laughed along, of course 😂
9. So. Many. Kris and Jan moments. And Nace and Jan. At some point, Nace joined Jure at the drums and played his bass there. Kris and Jan had another moment. And Bojan was being Bojan, lol
10. Speaking of Bojan! His outfit was his official entry for his personal slut era. But he looked amazing in it because he looks amazing in anything he wears 🫶🏻
11. The way Jan tossed his guitar pick into the crowd like "Fight for it, midgets"-
12. Fan: "Can you play [a specific song]?" - Bojan: *playfully but with a straight face* "No."
13. Seeing fans film Jan play the piano, Kris didn't want to interfere and crawled past Jan and the piano (honestly, it was either Kris or Nace lol, I don't really remember 😂)
14. Once we were outside after the concert, I met Jure! My sunshine boy 🥹🫶🏻 And I managed to give him the bracelets I made for him and the other boys! The way his eyes lit up and he instantly smiled so happily when I gave him his bracelet, and how he immediately put it on, my heart 😭🥹🫶🏻❤️
15. I got to talking to Nace as well! We took a photo, too 👀 When we did, I subconsciously said "You're so tall!" and he replied with "No I'm not!" and bent down a bit for me because I'm small 😭🥹 He's also an excellent hugger 🫶🏻❤️
16. Last but not least, a special mention of Jan when I talked to him - he was a bit awkward but it was cute, lol, he's sweet ✨️🫶🏻
I can't wait for more to come, hopefully, and for me to meet my new friends again, too 🥹🫶🏻
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Ona | Bojan Cvjetićanin
Pairing: Bojan Cvjetićanin x reader
Summary: Bojan wrote this song about you and preformed it at one of the bands concerts for the first time. Through the song he started to spill his feelings for you for the first time after your breakup and you have a few thoughts.
Warning/s: possible grammar and spelling mistakes, mention of mental breakdown, maybe one curse word, bad breakup.
Author's note: Here is one for out golden retriever beautiful boy. I hope that you enjoy this one! Feel free to send in requests if you want me to make something specific with him. Oh and, btw, here is the translation for this amazing song. Your welcome. 😉
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It was so bright out there, it started to hurt your eyes a little bit. You were standing somewhere in the middle of the crowd watching the love of your love. The love of your life... that you decided to let go because you felt like you weren't good enough.
You were attending yet another Joker Out's concert, but it felt different this time. Maybe because Bojan and you weren't together anymore.
Joker Out was here, in Croatia's capital city of Zagreb. This was the next stop for their concert. This is where the two of you met. Right here in Zagreb on a hot, sunny day in a crowded city. In your hometown. In the breathing country where you were born and raised in.
So here you were. In your hometown where Joker Out was performing. The first time that you heard that they will be performing in Zagreb, it felt like someone punched you in the stomach. But then you felt something different, you felt the need to see him again. Even if he doesn't take a notice in you as you stood in the middle of the crowd that was dancing and singing along. So you decided to go.
The moment that they stepped onto the stage you felt like you would cry. You missed them all so much. You somehow found the strength deep in your soul to look at Bojan. And so you did. He was just so gorgeous. He looked even better then when he did on the day that you left him (Lana Del Rey anyone? No? Okay...). He still had long hair, he was tall and just oh, so handsome. You noticed one thing however, his playful and mesmerizing, so radiant, smile or his playful smirk wasn't pressed onto his face like it always was. It worried you, truly. You watched as they got in their possession and as Bojan took the microphone.
"So... for the first song I will be singing something that hasn't been released just yet." He spoke in Serbian (it's actually very similar to Croatian, you know?) as he watched the crowd go wild with excitement as they claped and shouted and screamed with pure joy, with pure excitement.
"This song is also very special to me." He said, his voice was deep as he looked down in what seems to be sadness.
"It's about a very special person about who, I hate to admit it, I didn't get over and I don't think that I ever will." He paused for a moment so he could take a deep breath so he could continue to speak. "I met her right here, actually. In the beautiful Zagreb a year ago and I can honestly say that I fell for her harder then I ever did for anyone." The crowd was cheering, screaming, in excitement as Bojan introduced Joker Out's unrelated song.
"This one is for her." He said as the rest of the bend slowly started to play the chords. You felt your last bit of your breath leave your lungs as you felt tears pricking in your eyes, your vision getting blurry. You couldn't move. You couldn't breathe. You couldn't think.
But once he met your eyes deep in the crowd, where you stood, just as he started to sing, you felt like you were going to collapse.
Hodam opet njenom ulicom
Brutalno se vuče otkad nisam više s njom
Stanem ispod njenog prozora
Jedna njena senka da me spasi očaja
Bojan was walking around the dark cornered alley in the middle of the night. It must have been midnight by now. As he walked, he could see his breath in the cold of the Zagreb's winter, cold night. As he watched his breath become visible in the cold, dark night, he found himself pulling his dark coat closer to himself. It was truly a good attempt to keep himself from freezing.
Before he knew it, he found himself walking along the familiar road. The road that he walked along too many times to count, but right now, he was all alone. He looked up so he could be met face to face with the moon. It was shining so brightly in the middle of the dark night's sky. It was staring right at him, it seemed like it was mocking him. It was mocking his heartbreak and his loneliness. It was mocking him.
Suddenly, as Bojan looked down, he felt like the last breath was knocked out of his lungs. You were skipping along the frozen road, your steps quickly increasing as you went towards your apartment.
He felt like a staker, even though he wasn't one. He slowely started to go after you, something was pulling him towards you. That invisible pull was there again, just like it first appeared when he saw you for the first time.
After a while, you finally came into your apartment. You leaned against the window with a heavy sigh. Bojan could see you from the street and as he watched you he felt like he was suffocating.
Bojan loved you. You know what? Scratch that. He loves you. He longs for you. He wants you to be safe and as he watched you quitly from down below, he once again exposed his pain for the Croatian girl to the moon. To the moon, to the darkes and the cold winter in the middle of the street.
Nisam ni zaslužio da završimo uživo
Jedna poruka i via more
Snegovi u avgustu sad po meni padaju
Dok tebe sunce greje, mi amore
It felt like it was a good day. Truly. Bojan and you went out to get lunch and to explore the city. You were just hanging out together and it felt so good to do it. However, all good things have to come to an end.
Bojan didn't expect it at all. It struck him like a bolt of lightning. Out of nowhere, just when you think the day is going to be beautiful, and it hit hard. Really hard. In fact, it hit so hard it hurt.
"I'm sorry, Bojan. I really don't want to do this, but I think it's for the best if we break up."
That was it. Bojan could still remember those words echoing in his mind even though you never said them out loud. You told him this through text messages and maybe that's why it hurts even more than it would if you told him that to his face.
You loved him so much. You still love him so much that it hurts. Joker Out was starting to be a big band that has so much potential, and with that came so much more fame. You just didn't want to be in the way. You felt like you weren't good enough for him. You felt like he could do, and deserves, so much better than you. You were so happy with him, in fact, you were happier than you have ever been. But you didn't want to be in the way. So you made a hard choice.
Nobody could ever know, nobody could ever describe the pain, suffering and all that misery that you felt that day. That miserable feeling you felt when you pressed that little "send" button on your phone. As you watched the message being sent, you cried so much that it felt like you were going to collapse. After that you cut all of the contacts with him.
It was for his own good, that's what you told yourself. It's what you always told yourself as you broke down in the middle of your bedroom floor.
Znaj, bebo, znaj
Celu noć sam plakao zbog tebe
Taj osećaj
Da za mene živo ti se jebe
Ubija me
Bojan felt like a part of his soul was ripped away from his body as he read that message over and over again. He cried so much it started to hurt. He has never felt this way before. He hated to admit it, but he has never loved anyone as much as he loves you. It was intoxicating, but most of all it was painful and infuriating.
It lasted too long. Jan didn't know what to do anymore. Bojan just kept on crying, he was crying for so long, in fact, it was already dark outside. Jan was afraid that something was going to happen to him if he doesn't do something. And quick. It looked like Bojan wasn't breathing anymore. His broken soul didn't allow him to take a break, even just so he could breathe.
So Jan panicked and before he knew it, he was calling you up. He watched Bojan from the other room as the grip on his phone tightened. He found himself silently begging you to pick up your damn phone and answer him.
And so you did. After the millionth ring and after about two hundred messages later. You picked up the phone.
Jan told you everything. You were crying before he called you and it took everything in your power to not break down while being on the phone call with Bojan's band mate and your friend. You were practically kicking yourself for your decision, but there wasn't much that you could do.
From that day on, Jan tried everything in his power to get you two to at least meet. And for the first time, in a very long time, he succeeded. He managed to convince you to come to their concert.
In the city where you met.
Znaj, bebo, znaj
Celu noć sam plakao zbog tebe
Taj osećaj
Da za mene živo ti se jebe
Ubija me
Ubija me
As Bojan sang the last few chords of the song, he never broke the eye contact. You felt a few tears betraying you as they ran down your cheeks. Before you knew it, you found yourself whispering the words for which you barely found the strength to say.
"Celu noć si plakao zbog mene." You said, practically out of breath. It felt like you were kicked in your stomach as he continued to hold your gaze. You felt more tears as you found yourself repeating the words you just said.
"Celu noć si plakao zbog mene..." You couldn't do this to yourself anymore. You couldn't do this to him anymore. It was too much. The pain and suffering was getting out of hand.
You had to fix this.
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smimon · 6 months
Omg how will Bojan react to giant k 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀. The more k the better (worse, he’s so gone) for bojan. He will die, cause of death overload of vitamin k. I mean they went absolute nuts about each other. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
And mikke!!!!!! With his giant lil brother. As someone who is the oldest but also shortest (my lil brother is close to two meters and still growing) I feel that. No matter how tall he’s gonna be, he’s always gonna be my lil brother. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹.
(Sorry for the spam) 😅
(Ask date: 24.09.2023)
Vitamin K overdose is no threat to Bojan! If they could, they would spend all their free time together 🥹
And yes, can relate, my little brother is like one head taller than me - but otherwise we look identical, to the point that some people think we are twins 😆 we are just like Daltons 😎😎
Now bonus time 👀 Giant K series #13: hey Bojan, could you come here for a second?
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Annnd second bonus because Mikke deserves some appreciation too 😤
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Do a barrel roll!
And also this one little victory for Mikke because he's worth it 😌
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invece-sto-sdraiato · 4 months
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no but when you guys said that kris was making himself look small next to bojan I was like huh???? But I get it y'all, there was no need to do that, absolutely no reason. I thought he liked making fun of bojan's height?? I'm sure if someone asks him why, he would give this big explanation that he wouldn't fit in the frame or some shit like that. (I can relate to that considering all my friends are short and I'm 5'7") Look nace's around the same height as him but he's not bending double or folding his arms in a way that makes him look small, does he?? Truly suspicious behavior.
Also he keeps fidgeting with his hands (which, I can also relate to) like cvjetićanin hug the tall baby already will you??
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jaarijani · 9 months
Käärijä Antwerp gig recap!!!
I HAVE THOUGHTS of course i do i dont shut the hell up ever you should know this about me by now
i arrived there at around 9 am bc of train delays but there were only 10 people there then and for the longest time it was just the 15 of us so 15 gang ily sm!!! i loved sitting and chatting with all of you you made those 10+ hours go by SO FAST ❤️❤️❤️
the tour bus arrived at around 12ish and we all stood around for a while until they finally came out
häärijä BEELINED to Ed, ignoring us completely, it was so funny
he was so sweet oh my god i love him 💛
while he distracted us Jere sneaked off the bus
as Jere walked back to the bus i saw him wave so i waved back and he came over to say hi!!! right in front of me!!! he was so sweet too 😭💚
you cannot comprehend how beautiful this man is irl oh my god
sidenote: he was SO surprised some of us woke up super early to travel all the way from the Netherlands
people started giving gifts and asking for pics and he said to form a line so we could all have a pic and he called himself santa claus lmao
i have the forbidden knowledge of Jeres height as he's exactly as tall as me 😈
it was so amazing???
his energy is so good and the audience matched him SO well today
he was CLEARLY feeling so much better today he was so happy and smiley and he seemed genuinely surprised by how crazy we were
we chanted käärijä after almost every song
i blacked out during hirttää kinni???? it was so good and its my fav at he moment and suddenly we were done??? no wait take me back
he talked about huhhahhei and said "when two guys go on a love boat together" paraphrasing but sIR!!!
AND THEN he did a whole bit about bojan again? he sang a little song wondering where he was and that he misses him and JERE PLEASE I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE
i have a video of this btw
Emilia fucking SLAPPED icip again holy shit she matched his energy perfectly
i feel like he didnt want to go again!!! he just stayed and talked about doing what you love and being true to youself WHILE the reggae mix was playing
it was so fun so good i had an amazing time 💚💚💚💚💚 and am low key considering going to finland next year
also shout out to Ed @submariini and his amazing Häärijadar bc we share the same birthday??!!!! october 29 babeyy
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185northgower · 19 days
Hello- for the kiss prompts (if you're still doing them)
Idk what number it was but it was something along the lines of 'to pretend' ?
With any JO pairing (or Poly!JO)
Yes I'm still working my way through the kiss prompts, thank you for sending me this one! :)
I went for Poly!JO, in part because I felt like it would be fun, in part because I love a challenge (I kept forgetting where everyone was, because 5 is decidedly too many men to keep track of) and I've never written any Poly!JO that involved all of them (Yes I know I have it on my kinktober list but I'm very slow in working on that...)
I hope you'll enjoy what I made of this :)
You can also find this and the other kiss prompts on AO3! If you want to send me your own kiss prompt, you can check out this list to do so :)
Nace is leaning with his back against a high table in a corner of the Guštin family garden, observing the guests mingling on the neatly trimmed lawn. Kris’ father’s birthday celebration is in full swing around them and after making their rounds for a bit they’ve come together to recharge on the sidelines.
Jan is leaning on the table next to Nace in much the same position as him, only he has his arm slung around Jure’s side, who’s got his eyes closed and is leaning his head onto Jan’s shoulder, humming when the guitarist presses a kiss to his temple.
Nace has an arm loosely slung around Kris’ middle, tightening his hold when the younger man leans towards Jan, the two guitarists whispering and giggling together before Kris leans even closer, making Nace’s arm around his middle tighten further, turning his head towards them and smiling as he watches them kiss softly for a moment. 
He scans the crowd for Bojan, the singer’s social battery always lasting longer than those of his boyfriends, and spots the familiar head of soft brown hair at a table not too far away, chatting to one of Kris’ aunts.
As he watches, Bojan turns around, clearly ready to join them in their little corner. His eyes grow wide while his gaze finds Nace’s and the bassist turns, trying to figure out what, or who, Bojan has spotted.
Coming towards them through the throng of people he sees a woman with shoulder length blond hair, her face half hidden behind a pair of comically large sunglasses. While he tries to place where he knows her from, she gets stopped by someone and a loud, fake laugh reaches his ears. 
“Kris, is that…?” Nace asks, turning to his youngest boyfriend. The tall boy slowly starts turning his head, and Nace quickly pulls him more firmly into his side, hissing, “Don’t be too obvious.”
Kris smiles at him, eyes subtly looking where Nace did before and flinching when he spots the woman.
“Yeah,” he confirms, voice low and eyes cutting across to where Jan and Jure are looking over at them, clearly having spotted her too, but pretending otherwise.
“Maybe we can…” he starts, but Nace’s large, warm hand on the back of his neck cuts him off, making him turn his head back around to look at the older man.
Nace leans in, seeing Jure quickly turn in Jan’s arms and lean up into him, clearly going for a kiss as well. Pressing his lips to Kris’ he swipes his tongue over the younger man’s bottom lip, making him open his mouth as he presses closer to the bass player, large hands coming up to tangle in soft brown curls. Nace hums into the kiss, holding the young man a little tighter.
From beside him he hears Jan huff, and Nace gentles his kiss with Kris, pulling away with a last peck to lean his cheek against the other man’s smooth one. He looks over at his boyfriends and raises his eyebrows in surprise when he sees Bojan plastered to Jan’s side, the drummer and guitarist having pulled apart to look at their shorter boyfriend.
Nace surreptitiously glances where the blond woman was before and sighs in relief when he sees her walking in the opposite direction now, obviously not having noticed that they had just pretended not to see her. 
When he turns back towards his boyfriends, Bojan has clearly also noticed that they’re safe for the time being.
He’s standing with his arms crossed, gaze flicking between his boyfriends to glower at each of them.
“You just teamed up and left me hanging like that guys, I can’t fucking believe it,” the singer whines, clearly trying to keep his voice down, but high pitched disappointment in his voice making him fail. 
“Awww, baby,” Kris coos and reaches over, leaning on Nace’s shoulder for support while his hand finds Bojan’s face, caressing a smooth cheek and he leans in, eagerly connecting their lips. His own are still spit slick from making out with Nace just a moment before and Bojan immediately whimpers into his mouth, pressing closer when Kris’ tongue swipes across his bottom lip. 
Bojan looks a little dazed when Kris pulls back, and Jure slings an arm around the singer’s shoulder, quickly leaning forward to peck him on soft, pink lips and grinning happily when he pulls back.
“I should find someone who’ll not leave me hanging like that,” the smaller man pouts, looking between Jure and Jan, “maybe I need to find another boyfriend…” he adds with a glint in his eye.
“Well, technically there’s 6 of us I keep being told…” Nace says with a chuckle, and Bojan’s head whips around, eyes glaring at him.
“I’m not fucking my best friend,” he protests, and Kris pokes him in the ribs while Jure exclaims “Hey! And what are we?” 
Nace exchanges an amused glance with Jure and the drummer cracks up while Bojan is blushing furiously.
“Well… I m-mean… you… you know…” the shorter man stutters, “he’s my best friend and I don’t want to sleep with him it’s just… it’s different with you guys, I mean, of course it is… I mean you’re also my best friends but I just… I mean… I do want to sleep with you, you know?” his gaze flits between the other four, a little frustrated, and Jan slings an arm over his shoulder, right on top of Jure’s. 
“We do get it baby,” he reassures him, bending his head so he can press a soft kiss to plush lips. 
“Yeah,” Jure agrees between giggles, “of course we get it, I mean, we wanna sleep with you too,” and it’s his turn to get poked in the ribs by Kris, making him squeal and step around Bojan and Jan, away from Kris and ducking right under Nace’s arm, who presses a kiss to the top of his head with a fond look in his eyes. 
“My ribs!” Jure complains, and Kris leans around Nace to ruffle the drummer’s hair, kissing his temple and making the smaller man beam as he cuddles further into Nace’s side.
“Don’t make fun of him, kitty,” their oldest boyfriend admonishes when Kris pulls back, and the bassist turns to Bojan, pressing a kiss to his forehead, his nose, and then his lips before saying, “We love you too, baby,” and adding, under his breath, “and Jure’s right, of course…” making the drummer giggle and Bojan puff out his chest in mock affront, before dissolving into laughter as well.
While Bojan clutches Nace’s arm, Jan winks at the bassist, surreptitiously extending his hand for a fist bump, making Nace laugh harder.
He cups Jan’s neck and pulls him in, still chuckling when their lips connect, laughter making their teeth clack and their noses bump. When they pull apart again, Bojan leans into Nace, looking up at the others.
“Should we have a look at the buffet, get some more snacks?” he asks, and Jure and Kris agree immediately. 
“Make sure you don’t run into anyone you don’t want to see,” Jan says, and Bojan grins.
“At least we’ve figured out a well working defence,” he quips, and waggles his eyebrows. 
“We can’t just make out every time we want to pretend we’re not seeing someone we don’t want to talk to,” Kris reprimands, and Bojan pokes his tongue out, shooting back, “I don’t see why not,” before dashing off in the direction of the house, and presumably the buffet, Kris and Jure hot on his heels.
Nace looks at Jan, who grins in response, stepping closer to lean against the bassist. 
“It was a damn nice diversion though,” he murmurs quietly, and Nace laughs.
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izpira-se-zlato · 3 months
Munich, 26.03.24
Gig report! Can’t believe this tour is almost over :o In true Joler Ot fashion I am writing this while our train is losing a broken carriage so we're picking up delays. Fun.
The queue was. Insane. I just. Boggle at how we went from the chill Berlin and Hamburg and Leipzig queues to this.
The actual queueing was pretty chill regardless, thankfully
There was a whole-ass. Like. Tumblr meetup? Not like, planned, but I met (at various points) @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare, @nyx-aira, @itskrejsaitsparty, @j-restlessgeek, @lovvecherrymotion, @thisismyobsessionnow, @zadig-fate, @mogoce-nocoj and probably more because my brain is a sieve. So wild to just meet these people irl, you know?
My place in the queue was right in front of the person who sold Kris and me our EA tickets, which I thought was super funny
Kris was technically way further ahead of me but traded her place with a teenager whose only gig on this tour was this one and who was super bummed by someone cutting in line in front of them, and instead joined me further back and jfc we had so, so much fun. So glad I didn't have to be all alone. Gigs are more fun with friends, as it turns out (who woulda thunk)
I got a lot of short messages for my gig memory book 😊
I'm actually out of I 💛 Hojan and medium Hojan stickers. And I think tall Hojan stickers? So there's an end in sight 😂
super late gig start (EA doors was at 19:00)
The Munich venue is tiny and so Kris and I were… 7th or 8th row Jance side. I saw pretty well for the soundcheck, but after general doors a tall girl with two friends pushed her way in front of us (cutting in from the side) and severely limited my view… until a queue friend asked if we wanted to swap places bc she's taller and also wanted to be next to her friend (who was another tall person in front of us). So Kris and I went on Jan-side kinda in front of the speakers and it was a really great view 😊(thank you again)
We got NGVOT (no Kris version) and Vem da greš for soundcheck
Jance played each others' instruments (again). Well. I think Jan played Nace's bass while Nace either touched the dials or the tremolo. I hate them
there was also another Jance moment that got such a homophobojan from Kris I had to laugh. I think Jance were playing their instruments at each other at that moment? Kris was just "jfc guys" from his expression
Sector 5 were so, so good from our spot. Finally heard the lyrics again (I heard only the drums and maybe a bit of the guitar in Cologne). Sound-wise, our spot was excellent ngl.
I'll definitely miss them. If they have a concert in Berlin I can swing (or come by where I live), I'll definitely go. But yeah, I really grew to like them! (also they're babies. like. 21. They all studied music in Berlin, which is where they met. And the guitarist used to do parcour for several years which is why he did a backflip on stage each show)
they were definitely adopted into the family with glasses given to them (they kept falling off Mika's face so the guitarist, Johann, put them on and looked slej) and people singing along and just. The vibes were great. You could also definitely tell they'd settled into the stage compared to Berlin (which was their first gig for JO)
JC Stewart 🥰
I really grew to like his set, if he ever comes near where I live, I'll go for sure
I still don't understand the timeline of the boys meeting JC tho. It doesn't make sense. According to JC, Conor introduced them at the end of last year, but I'm pretty sure they didn't have time to be in the UK. At least not all five of them
Kris and I attempted to speak JC's jokes at the same time as him. It worked worryingly well
Actual gig was Katrina opener
Jan in only a leather jacket, worn open?? Maybe Bojan was right and they did run out of shirts xD boys have you heard of the concept of a laundry machine?
Nace in a simple white shirt, tucked into his pants. Jfc. Truly starting to be Nace girlie (gn) period
Kris wore a half collar underneath a sweater vest which was a look. What kind of look? I'm still not sure, if I'm honest
Jure in the sleeveless jeans vest and otherwise topless. I caught glimpses of him and hnnng
Bojan was also there ig
well. There was a small girl in the audience (on her mom's shoulders) of around. 7 or 8 years? So we got a whole lot of heart-eyes-Bojan
the girl sang UM and Bojan pulled her onto the stage (no Bojan in the audience bc of the speakers)
no idea how long UM lasted bc I put stuff on Instagram in the meantime
we got Barve 😭 I screamed so much and was so happy and gaaaah. I love this song so so much. And of course Bojan did the Ju-re Ma-ček! (and so did the audience)
we got Schlager 😭 Bluza my beloved where are you
tho tbf they look so fucking happy playing that song
Nace almost went to his knees in front of Jan twice (at least)
they also did that "leaning against each other"-thing again
I didn't film a lot bc I was too busy vibing, though I did take a bunch of pictures
Fairy!Bojan. Or as @itskreisjaitsparty put it on tumblr: Prinzessing Lilifee at home
People threw stuff on stage like a crown with a veil attached and sparkly glasses and so Bojan went, "Kris, you have to put on everything they've thrown at you!" and Kris did
Nace got heart-shaped glasses with rainbow studding and tried to show Jan immediately but Jan was busy 😂
The atmosphere of the gig was really, really good
The girls next to us started bawling during Barve iirc and just. Didn't stop. The cute security guard near us (who I think recognised me from the December Strom gig) shared amused glances with me bc the girls were kinda adorable. At least that's how I chose to interpret their expression
someone fainted ahead of us. Though not badly enough to be removed, just sat down for a while while the security guard stood, well, guard and had the girl drink something
It was actually so freeing not to be not in the very front but off to the side. We had space to dance and make snarky/funny comments at each other and just laugh
I got a Vita wave! She was shooting from behind the merch table, which was up two stairs from where I was, and so I kept glancing back, and just before she made her way into the crowd to shoot from there, she waved at me :D
They got food (Trolli gummi bears 😂) and Nace fed Kris two of them. I didn't catch the moment on video but it was so cute
After the gig, we talked a bunch to the Sector 5 guys. They're kinda adorable
JO left immediately without even saying goodbye to the Sector 5 guys. Guess Bojan wasn't the only one out late last night (it was a bit disappointing because Munich didn't get them last time, either)
we still stayed and talked to each other a whole bunch well after it was clear JO had left -- chatted with Mika (Sector 5 singer) a bit more, and then just the tumblr girlies
as we turned to leave for Astrid's hotel room (just like last time) well after the band had left (just like last time), I said, "well, at least this time they won't have reason to tag me on IG" (unlike last time), only to open my phone to a tag from Jan bc he restoried my pic😂 collecting yet more twinning moments from Jance ig
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