#Bohemond of Antioch
Reading the history of the first crusade after a long while made me forget some of the more crazy parts
It’s basically a sequence of:
This man Bohemond had been distant from his family ever since his step mother tried to poison him…..The brother of the king of France told the Byzantine emperor how he was the king of kings…..Baldwin got a bunch of his men killed due to spite and somehow convinced people it was their fault…..cannibalism…..Godfrey was hunting and then proceeded to wrestle a bear…..Bohemond stole his tent….Bohemond then seduces his captors daughter to let him escape and then imprison her own father….a bunch of Armenians then disguised as fisherman busted in the fort to save the king….Tancred and Baldwin periodically proceed to fight each other than stop to eat and chat….
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ltalaynareor · 6 months
Si vous aimez l'Histoire n'hésitez pas à consulter mes petits morceaux de la petite histoire.
Suivez les aventures de Baudouin IV de Jérusalem, de Bohémond de Tarente, d'Édouard Ier d'Angleterre et des autres souverains et souveraines de France, d'Angleterre, de Terre Sainte et de Navarre.
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sunnycanvas · 6 months
Hi can I request a part 2 for unfaithful baldwin where he regrets or the reader escapes?
Find her! Find her!
Baldwin IV screamed at the top of his lungs. He was sweating so much. His beautiful blonde hair was drenched in sweat. His eyes wide in fear and shock. Baldwin IV quickly shifted his hair back by his hand as he screamed in his thunderous voice. "What are you doing, does it take so much time to follow my orders"? Knights assembled quickly in front of the king. Shocked at such furious face. Baldwin IV was known to have strong mind and great courage. It's unlikely to see him furious. He manages to remain calm in most tense situations. The knights assembled in front of the king confused. The king's mistress was surprised as well. She slowly approached her beloved but kept safe distance. Last thing she wanted for her to get scolded as well.
"Your queen consort is missing" "Which one of you helped her escape" "Tell me now and I will spare you"
The knights trembled in fear not knowing what to respond. For the queen consort to go missing. Especially when they were given strict orders to keep continuous watch on her was not going to go well for them. Nobody dared to speak up and Baldwin IV 's mistress watched everything astonished. Even she didn't think the queen will be able to escape. "Helping her escape is a crime against crown" "I will investigate the person who helped her escape" "The person will not only be punished but their family as well as people who shares their nearest blood kin with them will suffer as well". "This fate can be avoided if you admit right now which one of you helped her escape and where she might be, right now". The whole hall grew quite and King Baldwin IV waited patiently for an answer. The hall became so quiet that one could easily hear the sound of water dripping. King Baldwin IV waited patiently as time went by his face became redder and his eyes grew colder. The king's mistress couldn't help but think if (Y/N) is found by the king. She will never be able to have same relationship as before with the king. "Baldwin IV is sensitive about his honour" "I know that he is not only upset about her escaping due to personal reasons but also about his honour as well ". She knew the king despite the love he shared for his queen won't be happy about people gossiping or perhaps mocking him that he can't control his wife. "This has taken a huge blow on him" "He has been possesive and careful when it came to her" "Ever since she caught us the king knew she would try to escape". "Nobody thought she would be successful though"
"Quick get the horses ready we will find the queen, I will personally lead the search". Baldwin IV repeated last words with so much venom that it sent shiver across everyone's spine Baldwin IV 's mistress although scared was shocked at sudden proposal ran towards the king forgetting about gravity of the situation. "Your majesty you recently caught another disease" "It won't be good for your health" . Baldwin IV raised his hand up indicating "Stop". The mistress grew quite. She quickly composed herself and said "My apologise your Grace" "As your humble subject I should have been more careful" .
"Who let a woman in knights meeting"
The mistress was shocked since Baldwin IV has never spoken to her like that, "My apologise my lord I will leave right away"
"Make sure you do, it seems like the palace has been lenient when it comes to security". The mistress didn't say anything and quietly left plotting her revenge when the queen is found. "I will ensure to win him back and make the queen's position so poor that she will seem invisible in palace"
"Gaurds, prepare the horses and ensure to send message to nearby Kingdoms as well" "Repeat the same message I gave you today to them as well"
"Thank you so much". I bowed against lady Sybilla the wife of King Bohemond III of Antioch I remember one of the Muslim sources mentioned her as Muslim spy but I never thought that it would be true. "No need to thank me" she replied with poisonous smile. "Just ensure not to get caught, erase all your traces" "In case you do, don't tell them who helped you". I asked her again doubtful "King Bohemond III of Antioch doesn't know, does he?".
"No he doesn't" she replied. "Now leave" "Your and mine journey ends here"." Leave as fast as you can, we have so less time right now" I smiled again and bowed one last time before I left in disguise looking for time portal. It took me some time until I finally reached my destination. "This has to be it" I thought as I looked at the place. Hopefully my calculations are correct. I need to hurry before I am caught or else my life will be over. Baldwin IV will be even harsher about guarding me but before that, I shuddered as I thought of his face red in anger. His eyes wide and cold and his teeth gritting. "Worst he can do is severely scolding and lot more restriction. I quickly dismissed myself of these pessimistic thoughts and went back thinking about my original plan . Based on my calculation time portal must be here. Time portal should open inside this river right now.
I froze. No! No! No! Why now?! Does universe really hate me so much. I could see the king, my husband with group of knights "Gaurds quickly stop the queen". Seeing them approaching I started running as far as I could, of course I was not match for trained knights with horses. I could hear my husband pleading"(Y/N) please don't jump" "Killing yourself will lead to enternal damnation in hell" "Your body won't be buried" "You won't be accepted by church". "Come back to me and I will forgive you". Angry I yelled at my husband "I hate you" "I will rather go into damnation of hell than being with you" "You killed whatever we had because of your adultery" My husband stopped at looking back at me shocked and hurt "(Y/N)"
"You mean to tell me that the queen jumped in river in front of everyone and was never found".
"Indeed my lady" replied the knight who secretly acted as spy for lady sybilla of Antioch. Sybilla laughed joyfully and said "In front of king as well" "How did the king react". The knight snickered and said "He later jumped in river as well when nobody was able to find her". "The king kept on trying to find the queen" "Finally he was physically retrainsed by his knights" "Everyone has accepted that the queen drowned in sorrow".
"After that" Lady sybilla of Antioch smiled like a excited child. The knight gleamed in joy and said "The king looked mentally dead when we arrived back" "He didn't say anything much" "Later he blamed his mistress saying that she was the one who seduced him" "That it was her fault this happened"
Lady sybilla nodded with joy and said "The king is known to be mentally strong" " Even when he first learned of his disease he was calm and accepting about it". Lady sybilla smiled again saying "That girl gave me more than I was expecting". "Soon Jerusalem will be ours"
Back to our time:
I was found in dead of night by station master near the railway tracks. I was drenched in water. I was asked questions but I could barely say anything in state of shock. I later was admitted to hospital. Soon I was discharged and left for home. Once I came back home.I was happy to wear my cozy clothes. "Finally, it's all over" I took my IPad and sat on my sofa surfing the web. I was curious about how events played out after I left. I did quick Google search and found out:
"King Baldwin IV ensured the gaurds kept close eye on Queen consort (Y/N) of Jerusalem after she found the king with his mistress. She was monitored all the time. Queen (Y/N) was able to escape though. Nobody knows how she was able to escape. Not even most researched historian of crusades can tell. Some historian have suggested that Raymond, count of Tripoli helped her with a maid acting as her spy to escape. While some suggested king Bohemond III of Antioch bribed some church members to help her escape but nobody knows for sure. The king went into his deep sorrow. His disease got infected worse because of swimming in contaminated water. We know now that he suffered with dysentery and swimming made it worse. The loss of queen affected his reign. The king reign was no doubt affected because of loss of his queen.....
I read further and realised how mistress was shunned. How her seduction was blamed and how Baldwin IV was thought to be king easily manipulated until recently rest all events went same with princess sybilla. "Yes, he is not a man to be manipulated" I thought Although unlike before Jerusalem did have quite a few losses like never before, I read further was able to find "Although king died of natural causes his body was never found". This last line seemed suspicious to me. "Wait.. wasn't he buried but his bones later removed from tomb in the late 12th-13th century after the recapture by the Ayyubid dynasty". I had a bad feeling about this, something isn't right
"Ma, Cherie" I froze. "Please not again". I turned around fearful and saw my king behind me looking sickly. "You shouldn't question my sense of duty" "I knew it I could find you ". I gulped in fear. "What did I get myself into" I thought
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gustave-dore-art · 2 months
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-Bohemond alone mounts the rampart of antioch crusades-
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incorrect-koh-posts · 6 months
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"[Raymond III of Tripoli] never recovered from the day of Hattin. His life dragged on for a few more months in which he was literally consumed by remorse and regret and too discouraged even to join in some movement toward armed resistance. This time the bridges between him and what still remained or the kingdom were well and truly down. He survived the fall of all the Frankish cities in the kingdom and the fall of Jerusalem, and it is not difficult to imagine the nature of the 'fearful dreams' which al-Imad says troubled him. He succumbed to an attack of pleurisy at the end of 1187, at the age of forty-eight. Raymond had never had any children. He was succeeded by the second son of Prince Bohemond III of Antioch, young Bohemond [...].
With the death of Raymond III the direct line of Raymond of Saint-Gilles died out in the East. This unhappy prince who, in the almost unanimous opinion or Franks and Moslems alike, had been the obvious master of all Frankish Syria, a man 'intelligent and perceptive above all', 'worthy of the throne for which he seemed to have been born', ended his life disgraced and dishonored by the accusation of treachery, disappointed in his hopes - which were undoubtedly sincere - of possible Franco-Moslem friendship, utterly defeated in everything for which he had striven."
- Zoé Oldenbourg, The Crusades (1966)
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gardenofkore · 1 year
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Et quia solum Guilielmum Capuanorum Principem habebat superstitem, veritus ne eumdem conditione humanae fragilitatis amitteret, Sibiliam sororem Ducis Burgundiae duxit uxorem, quae non multo post Salerni mortua est, et apud Caveam est sepulta. Tertio Beatricem filiam Comitis de Reteste in uxoris accepit, de qua filiam habuit, quem Constantiam appellavit.
Chronicon Romualdi II, archiepiscopi Salernitani, p. 16
Beatrice was born around 1135 in the county of Rethel (northern France) from Gunther (also know as Ithier) de Vitry, earl of Rethel, and Beatrice of Namur.
On her mother’s side, Beatrice descended from Charlemagne (through his son, Louis the Pious), while on the paternal side she was a grandniece of Baldwin II King of Jerusalem (her paternal grandmother Matilda, titular Countess of Rethel, was the King’s younger sister). The Counts of Rethel were also vassals of the powerful House of Champagne, known for its successful marriage politics (Count Theobald IV of Blois-Champagne’s daughter, Isabelle, would marry in 1143 Duke Roger III of Apulia, eldest son of King Roger II of Sicily).
In 1151, Beatrice married this same Roger. The King of Sicily was at his third marriage at this point. His first wife had been Elvira, daughter of King Alfonso VI the Brave of León and Castile and of Galicia, who bore him six children (five sons and one daughter). However, when four of his sons (Roger, Tancred, Alphonse and the youngest, Henry) died before him, leaving only William as his heir, Roger II must have feared for his succession. In 1149, the King then married Sibylla, daughter of Duke Hugh II of Burgundy. She bore him a son, Henry (named after his late older brother), and two years later died of childbirth complications giving birth to a stillborn son. As this second Henry died young too, Roger thought about marrying for a third (and hopefully last) time.
It is possible that Roger’s choice of his third wife had been influenced by the future bride’s family ties with the Crusader royalties as Beatrice was related with both Queen Melisende of Jerusalem and the Queen’s niece Constance of Hauteville, ruling Princess of Antioch. Constance was also a first cousin once removed of Roger, who had (unsuccessfully) tried to snatch the Antiochian principality from her when her father Bohemond II was killed in battle 1130, leaving his two years old daughter as heir.
Beatrice bore Roger only a daughter, Constance, who was born in Palermo on November 2nd 1154. This baby girl (who would one day become Queen of Sicily) never knew her father as he died on February 26th.
Nothing certain is known about her widowed life, although we can suppose she took care of her only daughter. Beatrice died in Palermo on March 30th 1185, living enough to see  Constance being betrothed to Emperor Frederick Barbarossa’s son, Henry.
The body of the Dowager Queen was laid to rest in the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, together with her predecessor, Elvira, and her step-children, Henry, Tancred, Alphonse and Roger. Through her daughter, Beatrice would become Emperor Frederick II’s grandmother.
Cronica di Romualdo Guarna, arcivescovo Salernitano Chronicon Romualdi II, archiepiscopi Salernitani Versione di G. del Re, con note e dilucidazione dello stesso
Garofalo Luigi, Tabularium regiae ac imperialis capellae collegiatae divi Petri in regio panormitano palatio Ferdinandi 2. regni Utriusque Siciliae regis
Hayes Dawn Marie, Roger II of Sicily. Family, Faith, and Empire in the Medieval Mediterranean World
Houben Hubert, Roger II Of Sicily: A Ruler Between East And West
Walter Ingeborg, BEATRICE di Rethel, regina di Sicilia, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 7
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catofadifferentcolor · 9 months
An Incomplete List of The Old Guard AU Fic Ideas
All Our Lives: SG1/TOG crossover in which the Old Guard have been called many things over the years, but they’ve never been accused of being aliens with god complexes before
Hauteville!Nicky: In which Nicolò di Genova begins life as the bastard son of Prince Bohemond I of Antioch
Maps For The Getaway: PJO/TOG crossover, in which, following their capture by Merrick, the Old Guard lays low at Camp Half-Blood
Standing Stones, Buried Blades: HP/TOG crossover, in which famed alchemist Nicholas Flamel is one of the many, many pseudonyms of Nicolò di Genova
Those Fields of England: HP/TOG crossover, in which Harry Potter is the newest immortal
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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Baldwin IV of Jerusalem: "The Leper King"
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Baldwin IV, more commonly known as the "Leper King", was King of Jerusalem from 1174 until his untimely death in 1185. He was admired for his willpower and dedication to the Latin Kingdom, even while suffering from the damaging effects of leprosy, which would eventually leave him blind and unable to use either his hands or feet.
Baldwin would develop the first symptoms of leprosy - an infection caused by slow-growing bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae - but a diagnosis was avoided at the time due to the stigma of the disease. He would eventually be diagnosed after his accession to the throne on the death of his father, King Amalric.
Count Raymond III of Tripoli would rule the kingdom in Baldwin's name until he reached the age of majority in 1176. Soon after he became King, Baldwin planned an invasion of Egypt, which would quite quickly fall through due to the uncooperativeness of his vassals. Saladin would in turn attack Baldwin's kingdom in 1177, but would be repelled by the king and the nobleman Raynald of Châtillon at Montgisard, earning Baldwin much fame.
The young king would master horse riding despite gradually losing sensation in his extremities and was able to fight in battles until his later years.
Leprosy excluded Baldwin from ever marrying. He hoped to abdicate (renounce one's throne) when his sister, Sibylla, married William of Montferrat in 1176, but William would die not long after.
In 1180, to prevent a coup (seizure of power from a government) by Count Raymond III of Tripoli and Prince Bohemond III of Antioch, Baldwin married Sibylla to Guy of Lusignan. Guy was disliked by much of the nobility, and would impair his relationship with Baldwin. The internal discord that would follow forced Baldwin to remain king, as only he was able to quiet the arguing among the nobility.
Baldwin would again repel Saladin in 1182, but by then leprosy had taken his ability to see, walk, or use his hands in 1183. He disinherited Guy and had Sibylla's son, Baldwin V, crowned co-king before having himself taken to lift Saladin's siege of Kerak. Baldwin failed to have Sibylla's marriage to Guy annulled and Guy's fief of Ascalon confiscated.
In early 1185, he arranged for Raymond to rule as regent for Sibylla's son and died before May 16.
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Author's Note: If you have any questions regarding the content in this post, please feel free to reach out to me through the comments section of PMs!
Art Credit: Hellkrusher on Deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/hellkrusher
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the-archlich · 1 year
I see you read a book about Bohemond I, Prince of Antioch. Do you know Tancred, Prince of Galilee? What do you think of him?
I have a generally high opinion of Tancred. He was an excellent commander, a skilled governor, and an even more impressive warrior. He possessed ever knightly virtue Frankish/Norman society expected of someone in his position.
That said, there are certain controversies about him I want to look into more before rendering final judgment. For example, he granted his protection to the Jewish residents of Jerusalem during it's conquest, but they were ultimately slaughtered anyway (certainly an atrocity for the ages). Did he withdraw his protection from them (as some have said) or was this done against his will? If he did withdraw his protection, was it because of his own decisions or was he coerced? Or were they merely slaughtered despite his protection, with him unable to retaliate against this betrayal by his comrades? That's the sort of thing I need to dig into more before rendering a final judgment, because I currently am not sure what I think is the full truth of the matter. So for now, I think well of him. My regular readers might compare him to Xu Huang or the fictionalized version of Zhao Yun. But that all comes with a big asterisk because I'm not sure what I think of some of the more problematic and complex aspects of his life.
Regardless of all the above, I think his capabilities are beyond reproach. Within the era, you will be hard pressed to find a better warrior, a braver commander, or more capable governor. There's a reason Bohemond left everything in his hands and didn't spare a second to worry about what was happening in his absence. Yewdale has a very different opinion of the man, but I can't agree with his assessment.
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dan6085 · 1 year
The Crusades were a series of wars fought between Christians and Muslims over control of the Holy Land, spanning from the 11th to the 13th century. Several battles were fought during the Crusades, with some of the most significant ones being:
1. Battle of Dorylaeum (1097): The first major battle of the First Crusade, fought between the Crusader army led by Bohemond of Taranto and the Seljuk Turks. The Crusaders emerged victorious, and the battle helped to boost their morale and establish their presence in the region.
2. Siege of Antioch (1097-1098): A long and grueling siege of the city of Antioch by the Crusaders. The siege lasted for several months, and the Crusaders faced hunger, disease, and desertion before finally capturing the city. This victory gave the Crusaders control of an important strategic location and provided them with a base of operations in the region.
3. Battle of Ascalon (1099): The final battle of the First Crusade, fought between the Crusader army led by Godfrey of Bouillon and the Fatimid army. The Crusaders emerged victorious, and the battle helped to solidify their control over the region.
4. Battle of Hattin (1187): A decisive battle fought between the Muslim army led by Saladin and the Crusader army led by King Guy of Jerusalem. The Crusaders suffered a crushing defeat, and the battle led to the fall of Jerusalem and the loss of much of the Crusader territory in the region.
5. Siege of Acre (1189-1191): A long and bloody siege of the coastal city of Acre by the Crusaders. The siege lasted for two years and was marked by intense fighting and disease outbreaks. The Crusaders eventually emerged victorious, and the capture of Acre gave them control of an important port city and a base of operations for further campaigns.
6. Battle of Arsuf (1191): A battle fought between the Crusader army led by Richard the Lionheart and the Muslim army led by Saladin. The Crusaders emerged victorious, and the battle helped to secure their hold on the region.
7. Siege of Constantinople (1203-1204): A siege of the Byzantine capital by the Crusaders during the Fourth Crusade. The city was eventually captured, and the Crusaders installed a new ruler, Baldwin IX, as the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire. The capture of Constantinople had a significant impact on the political and cultural landscape of the region and contributed to the eventual decline of the Byzantine Empire.
Overall, the battles of the Crusades had a significant impact on the outcome of the conflict, shaping the political, social, and cultural landscape of the region for centuries to come. The victories and defeats of the Crusaders and Muslims alike helped to determine the course of the conflict and contributed to the ongoing tensions between Christianity and Islam.
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Events 2.9 (before 1950)
474 – Zeno is crowned as co-emperor of the Byzantine Empire. 1003 – Boleslaus III is restored to authority with armed support from Bolesław I the Brave of Poland. 1098 – A First Crusade army led by Bohemond of Taranto wins a major battle against the Seljuq emir Ridwan of Aleppo during the siege of Antioch. 1539 – The first recorded race is held on Chester Racecourse, known as the Roodee. 1555 – Bishop of Gloucester John Hooper is burned at the stake. 1621 – Gregory XV becomes Pope, the last Pope elected by acclamation. 1654 – The Capture of Fort Rocher takes place during the Anglo-Spanish War. 1775 – American Revolutionary War: The British Parliament declares Massachusetts in rebellion. 1778 – Rhode Island becomes the fourth US state to ratify the Articles of Confederation. 1822 – Haiti attacks the newly established Dominican Republic on the other side of the island of Hispaniola. 1825 – After no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes in the US presidential election of 1824, the United States House of Representatives elects John Quincy Adams as sixth President of the United States in a contingent election. 1849 – The new Roman Republic is declared. 1861 – American Civil War: Jefferson Davis is elected the Provisional President of the Confederate States of America by the Provisional Confederate Congress at Montgomery, Alabama 1870 – US president Ulysses S. Grant signs a joint resolution of Congress establishing the U.S. Weather Bureau. 1889 – US president Grover Cleveland signs a bill elevating the United States Department of Agriculture to a Cabinet-level agency. 1893 – Verdi's last opera, Falstaff premieres at La Scala, Milan. 1895 – William G. Morgan creates a game called Mintonette, which soon comes to be referred to as volleyball. 1900 – The Davis Cup competition is established. 1904 – Russo-Japanese War: Battle of Port Arthur concludes. 1907 – The Mud March is the first large procession organised by the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS). 1913 – A group of meteors is visible across much of the eastern seaboard of the Americas, leading astronomers to conclude the source had been a small, short-lived natural satellite of the Earth. 1920 – Under the terms of the Svalbard Treaty, international diplomacy recognizes Norwegian sovereignty over Arctic archipelago Svalbard, and designates it as demilitarized. 1922 – Brazil becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty. 1929 – Members of the Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng assassinate the labor recruiter Bazin, prompting a crackdown by French colonial authorities. 1932 – Prohibition law is abolished in Finland after a national referendum, where 70% voted for a repeal of the law. 1934 – The Balkan Entente is formed between Greece, Romania, Yugoslavia, and Turkey. 1941 – World War II: Bombing of Genoa: The Cathedral of San Lorenzo in Genoa, Italy, is struck by a bomb which fails to detonate. 1942 – Year-round Daylight saving time (aka War Time) is reinstated in the United States as a wartime measure to help conserve energy resources. 1943 – World War II: Pacific War: Allied authorities declare Guadalcanal secure after Imperial Japan evacuates its remaining forces from the island, ending the Battle of Guadalcanal. 1945 – World War II: Battle of the Atlantic: HMS Venturer sinks U-864 off the coast of Fedje, Norway, in a rare instance of submarine-to-submarine combat. 1945 – World War II: A force of Allied aircraft unsuccessfully attack a German destroyer in Førdefjorden, Norway.
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ltalaynareor · 4 months
Petites Histoires du Monde
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Listes des personnes et des OC pour l'instant :
- Baudouin IV de Jérusalem (5 histoires). (Plus à venir. )
Il est souvent associé à Alix de Tripoli, personnage fictif qui est la fille unique de Raymond III de Tripoli et qui a grandi à Jérusalem. Alix est douce, gentille, mais aussi intrépide et courageuse. Baudouin et Alix s'aiment infiniment, mais ils savent tous les deux que leur amour est impossible.
Mini-série : Guérison. Baudouin est guéri de la lèpre et décide quoi faire de sa vie. (À venir)
- Édouard Ier d'Angleterre (3 histoires) (Plus à venir. )
Il est souvent associé à sa femme Éléonore de Castille. Leur amour est inspirant et unique. Un OC peut apparaître également sous la forme d'Aliénor de Mercoeur, qui est la dame de compagnie et meilleure amie de la reine d'Angleterre.
Mini-série : Seconde Guerre des Barons avec le point de vue d'Henry III, Éléonore de Provence, Éléonore de Castille, Richard de Cornouailles et lord Édouard sur la bataille de Lewes de 1264. (Publié)
- Bohémond de Tarente (3 histoires) (Plus à venir. )
Bohémond est souvent associé à Alix de Sicile, une OC fictive qui est son épouse. Ils mettent du temps à se cerner l'un l'autre, mais après avoir découvert que sa femme n'est pas qu'une jolie chose à son bras, il est son plus fervent admirateur.
Mini-série : Chefs de la première croisade avec Godefroy de Bouillon, Baudouin de Boulogne, Hugues de Vermandois, Raymond de Saint-Gilles, Etienne de Blois, Robert de Flandres, Robert de Normandie, Adhémar de Monteil, Tancrède de Hauteville et bien sûr Bohémond. (En cours)
Personnages sans lien avec Bohémond de Tarente, Édouard Ier et Baudouin IV ou une mini-série.
- Louis IX de France, Saint-Louis (1 histoire)
- Édouard II d'Angleterre (À venir)
- Alphonse de Poitiers et sa femme Jeanne de Toulouse (À venir)
- Sybille de Jerusalem et Guy de Lusignan (À venir)
- Agnès de Courtenay (À venir)
- Amaury II de Jérusalem ( À venir)
- Aliénor d'Aquitaine ( À venir)
- Henry II d'Angleterre ( À venir)
- Richard cœur de Lion (À venir)
- Jean Sans Terre ( À venir)
Et bien d'autres....
Si vous voulez en voir plus n'hésitez pas à proposer des personnes ou des événements.
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Third and final volume of Runciman's A History of the Crusades is wrapped up! It was a pretty easy read overall, and it's not hard to understand why it's been so influential.
This was really the first history in the west that dismantled the old view of the Crusaders as chivalric defenders of Christendom. After finishing up I skimmed the Wikipedia article for some insight into the historiography and I think I can understand why more modern historians would say that Runciman might have pushed too far in the other direction, i.e. that the Crusaders were nothing but a bunch of violent thugs...but that does kind of fit with my own personal biases as well so I guess I didn't push back too hard while I was reading these books (although even with my Byzantine sympathies, the description of the Fourth Crusade as the greatest crime against humanity ever committed feels juuuust a little excessive).
One of the biggest questions around the Crusades is to what degree religious piety (or zealotry, more like) was a motivating factor, and I do feel even more strongly now that among the leaders of the Crusade it was at best a convenient excuse. Bohemond de Hauteville was so eager to fulfill his Crusading vows to reach Jerusalem that he...made sure to stop and establish a principality in Antioch while the Crusaders moved on without him. No other motives there, definitely not following in the footsteps of his father's conquest of Sicily and the completely unprovoked Norman attacks on the Byzantines in the 1080s (err, there go my biases again...).
The other thing that really struck me that I didn't know about before was the extent of the rivalry between the Italian city-states at this time. Man those guys hated each other, especially Venice and Genoa.
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vksehfk23 · 1 year
판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvN
판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvN 링크<<
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판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvN
판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvN
판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvN
판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvN
판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvN
Barisan, the first head of Ibelin, married Helvis, the heiress of Ramla, obtained Ramla by wedlock, Hugues, Baudouin, Balian, and Ermangar. Stéphanie from Ermengarde has 판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvNthree sons and two daughters. As time passes, the eldest son inherits Ibelin and the second son inherits Ramla, but the eldest son, Wig, becomes a soldier on the pilgrimage to Santiago. His second son, Baudouin, inherits Ibelin, but gives Ibelin to his youngest son, Balian, who has no estates with Ramla, which he rules. The third son, B판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvNalian, later married Maria Komnini, a princess of the Byzantine Empire and the widow of Amory I, and obtained Nablus, which had been under the direct control of the queen since Melisande. Moving on to the island of Cyprus, he ceded Ramla to get Ibelin, Ramla, Nablus, and Beersheba.
Balian's descendants were the most influential nobles in the kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus. Balian's eldest son, John, ruled the county of Beirut in the kingdom of Jerusalem and was in the position of regent in the kingdom of Cyprus판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvN at the same time. When he tried to put Cyprus under him, he rebelled against the emperor's authority as an opposition leader. In 1241, the Ibelin family regained Jerusalem according to the emperor's end-of-war treaty, and in the aftermath, they returned the Ibelin territories that had been occupied by Saladin.
Together with Melisande of Arsuf, Balian III, ruler of Beirut, Baldwin, archdeacon of the kingdom of Cyprus, John, lord of Arsuf and consul of the kingdom of Jerusalem, and Guy, consul of Cyprus had many children, such as Balian III married Eschiva of Montbéliard and gave birth to John II of Beirut, who married the daughter of Guy I de la Roche, Duke of Athens. John of Arsuf was the father of Balian of Arsuf, who married Plaisance of Antioch.판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvN Guy was the father of Isabella, King Hugh I of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and wife of Hugh III of the Kingdom of Cyprus.
In this way, the Ibelin family came into contact with almost all crusader countries, including the satellite countries of the Latin Empire, and in particular, the Kingdom o판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvNf Cyprus was a queen family for generations. The Toulouse family is the family of Raymond, one of the main leaders of the 1st Crusade. Raymond was the younger brother of Guillaume IV, Count of Toulouse, but when Guillaume IV designated his daughter Philippa as his successor and died, he immediately usurped and became Count of Toulouse. For this reason, Guillaume IX, Duke of Aquitaine, married to Philippa, 판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvNattacked Toulouse several times claiming the title of count, but defended it well.
He was a devout Catholic and wanted to die in the Holy Land, so he was doing the Reconquista movement when he was invited to participate in the First Crusade by the papa판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvNl envoy, and he was the first of the princes to pledge to participate. As he was the oldest in age, he became the leader of the princes of southern France. In Constantinople, he made a new oath to the Eastern Roman Emperor Alexius I. After conquering Antioch, he had soldiers stationed in the city, but since he was driven out by Bohemond I, he declared that he wanted possession of Tripoli, south of Antioch, as his territory to hinder Bohemond's territorial expansion, but before o판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvNccupation. did However, as his soldiers hoped to advance on Jerusalem, they stopped once and attacked Jerusalem together with Godefroy of Bouillon.
At first he was made king of Jerusalem, but he refused because he did not want to be called king in the land where Christ died. Because of this, Godfrey was elected kin판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvNg, but Godfrey also did not want to be called king, so he used the title of guardian of the holy tomb. After that, he participated in the battle of Ascalon, but he could not capture this place because he had a quarrel with Godefrua over the occupation of Ascalon. Because of this, he broke with the Crusades and stayed in Constantinople. Here he joined the Crusaders in 1101, but was defeated in Anatolia. He returned to C판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvNonstantinople and set the goal of conquering Tripoli with the aid of Emperor Alexius Comnenus, but was killed during the expedition.
His nephew Guillaume Jourdain continued the siege, but Bertrand then replaced him and captured Tripoli in 1109, establishing the county of Tripoli. His subordinate, Raymondus de Aguilers, wrote the account of the First Crusade from Raymon판도라 조작된 낙원 11회 다시 보기 11화 E11 tvNd's point of view. Although he never saw the establishment of the county of Tripoli, he was recognized as the 1st Count of Tripoli because he nominally declared Tripoli his domain. Since then, he is active in the front line defending the north of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
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dweewarda · 1 year
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“Now the man was such as, to put it briefly, had never before been seen in the land of the Romans, be he either of the barbarians or of the Greeks (for he was a marvel for the eyes to behold, and his reputation was terrifying). Let me describe the barbarian's appearance more particularly – he was so tall in stature that he overtopped the tallest by nearly one cubit, narrow in the waist and loins, with broad shoulders and a deep chest and powerful arms. And in the whole build of the body he was neither too slender nor overweighted with flesh, but perfectly proportioned and, one might say, built in conformity with the canon of Polycleitus... His skin all over his body was very white, and in his face the white was tempered with red. His hair was yellowish, but did not hang down to his waist like that of the other barbarians; for the man was not inordinately vain of his hair, but had it cut short to the ears. Whether his beard was reddish, or any other colour I cannot say, for the razor had passed over it very closely and left a surface smoother than chalk... His blue eyes indicated both a high spirit and dignity; and his nose and nostrils breathed in the air freely; his chest corresponded to his nostrils and by his nostrils...the breadth of his chest. For by his nostrils nature had given free passage for the high spirit which bubbled up from his heart. A certain charm hung about this man but was partly marred by a general air of the horrible... He was so made in mind and body that both courage and passion reared their crests within him and both inclined to war. His wit was manifold and crafty and able to find a way of escape in every emergency. In conversation he was well informed, and the answers he gave were quite irrefutable. This man who was of such a size and such a character was inferior to the Emperor alone in fortune and eloquence and in other gifts of nature.”
Byzantine Princess Anna Komnene commenting on Bohemond I who was the Prince of Taranto from 1089 to 1111 and the Prince of Antioch from 1098 to 1111. He was a leader of the First Crusade, The Norman monarchy he founded in Antioch arguably outlasted those of England and of Sicily.
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