ravenrook9 · 7 years
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Human Proportions Study 31
Human Figure Study
Laura Schaudt - 6′5″
Tall Slender Athletic Women set to 8 Head Division Grid Template.
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om-nom-berries · 7 years
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Screenshot of an ask I got because I wanted to answer it publicly but didn’t want to publish the person’s email.
Morgan, I’m answering publicly because I wanted to share this knowledge.
Art and Technology
I use both digital and traditional media for my art. I might be misinterpreting your question, but I just want people who are starting out to understand there’s no specific technology that will make you a better artist. You just might get better results. That goes for both digital and traditional media. Just like a graphic tablet is easier to draw with than a mouse, watercolour paper is better to paint on than your average sheet of printer paper. Like any tool, knowing how to use it and when is most important.
Drawing People
Drawing anything requires a good deal of observation. Therefore, drawing people requires the same. There are tricks that will help, however. Learning about human proportions but also how that is affected by age (babies have unique proportions to enable their heads to fit through the birth canal, for example).
There’s a lot of this shit online, for which we should all be thankful, as it used to require you to own a book or walk your ass to a library to get: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_proportions
Also, one of the things a lot of new artists (and old!) fall into is Same Face (and by extension: same body). A lot of artists who like to draw people will love to draw certain kinds of people (I’m talking body type). Just remember that there are many kinds of people with different shapes and ages.
If you can, go to a life drawing class. Nude models are the best, but any model helps. I know a lot of people here in the city who will go ride the subway and draw people. If that makes you feel uncomfortable, go some place public where you’d be able to comfortably observe people and draw them. Don’t worry about details, just get a feel for the shapes people are made of.
And when I talk about shapes, this is what I mean - here’s a picture of an old grumpy dude. He’s got a great face:
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I traced over him in red, just picking up on lines and shapes I was seeing in his eyes and nose and chin:
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And here’s what I’m left with when I take out the photo:
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It’s simple lines, but you can see the idea of his feelings are conveyed well enough: the lines on his face tell us he’s older, his downturned mouth and droopy eyes tell us he’s not in a great mood. He’s got a strong jaw and receding hairline which generally indicates he is male (keep in mind that caricature assumes some societal, gender coding in specific attributes).
Anyway, hope this helps someone out.
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tokensfortalkers · 5 years
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Abstract position-n-metrics melody board for theatre-of-mind-lite play. For when you want people to have a body in a fixed spot but don’t want to clear the table for a full-on airbnb battle house using clawfoot tubs as flooded arenas and tiled kitchens as chessboards.
Like in a self-driving car or van or mess hall table or bleachers, you can just pass a percentile bodymat around, mark with circles, squares, diamonds, triangles, Xs, smiley tongues, pluses, w/e where things are. Cribbage, but not.
No board? Use bodydice: Each person gets an d8+d12 yOu-roborus! [[d8: floor]] [[d12: room]]
alt Flavor1: d8[4 liver; 3 lung; 2 heart; 1 brain] d8[8 rectum; 7 intestine; 6 stomach; 5 esophagus] d8[0 upper jaw/ lower jaw]  d12[2 north; 5|8 left(odd)/right(even)-center; 11 south]
alt Flavor2: d8[4 exo; 3 outer; 2 belt; 1 inner] d8[8 comet; 7 planetesimal; 6 asteroid; 5 moon] d8[0 sun front/ sun back]  d12[2 north; 5|8 left(odd)/right(even)-center; 11 south]
Example places within every encounter:
66 pocket is [level 2 (+4)] level 6 room 6.
flavor: “you find yourself in the pit of this encounter’s stomach. You, jammed-in, involuntarily squirm as it squirms; whatever act you’re thinking: you’re likely to fail it.”
15 pocket is level 2 room 3.
flavor: “you have entered an airway of this encounter, the winds of fate fill the pockets of time sequentially marked around you some leading down deeper into the encounter, some leading out, exhausted fates drag dying choices passing silently each moment here, scraping along the walls of your decision’s finality find voice.”
50 pocket is level 0 room even roof
flavor: your vision tunnels into two choices, two mouths: one ribbed with razoring teeth, the other with festering polyps, rivers of the encounter’s possible moments of bloodshed flows in veiny lightning-looking columns below the teeth’s braces you now traipse.
49 pocket is level 0 room odd ground
flavor: your vision tunnels into two choices, two mouths: one ribbed with razoring teeth, the other with festering polyps, rivers of the encounter’s possible moments of bloodshed flows in veiny lightning-looking columns above the lathering tongue you now traipse.
98 pocket is [level 4 (+4)] level 8 room 12
flavor: your vision tunnels into a choice, another mouth: one ribbed with razoring teeth away from the the festering polyps you’ve become used to; the other, rivers of the encounter’s possible moments of bloodshed flows in veiny lightning-looking columns around you.
17 pocket is level 2 room 5
flavor: you enter the heart of your stake in this encounter. Every well beats, ever gear whirs, every slip kills
99 pocket is level 0 room odd roof
flavor: you dangle from the course roof of this encounter’s great maw with no hope left -- you only choice is fail in all else save focusing on what’s most important: the edge, the encounter’s teeth, the tongue, the pit, the safety of a destination still in sight. Your choices are terribly limited.
you’re failing every action you attempt this turn. Advise? Perform non-actions like movement (or roleplay failing an action to roll a new position for next turn).
Bored now; someone else take over the examples.
Set d100 down on your Action’s rolled value. Your position is your auto-roll for non-actions like upkeep, turn order checks, opposed saves, ect. Auto-roll can’t resolve Actions; it’d break your game. Actions can move dice either manually (costly) or randomly, if at all.
Present turf to players as percentages of “get to thing”. 4 flavors below each mean ”It’s a bar, so about 20% of this turf offers cover”:
values 1-20 have cover. (=20%)
values ending in 5 or 8 have cover. (=10%+10%)
9, 10, and values whose digits equal either have cover. (=1%+1%+18%)
column-2 white & column-3 black values have cover. (=10%+10%)
basket, 8|11 split & 22nd street have cover (=10%+4%+6%)
 jargon defined under “bet names” on the last image
& on wikipedia’s roulette article
(Second image is for a c-line/transparency/projector print option for preserving readability when laid over any inspirational image, boardgame board, magazine cutout, old poster from work, schematic for collaborative hacking, figure for collaborative surgery or other important heal check, fridge for that fringe fridge pbp game you never knew you wanted, mound of dirt cause i like dirt or a regional map you might like to use as a backdrop)
Also compatible with Martin Killmann‘s excellent 200-word Tokyo Drift Racers (Adapt theme to your needs -- horse race, ship race, foot race, pod race, research race, construction race, chase scene, race around a world, time attack/countdown, cook-off, etc.)
Universal Serial Bodymat
   1. Stare at (x12 multiples’) body parts        ◦ I – 12 @ bicep        ◦ II – 24 @ hip        ◦ III – 36 @ knee        ◦ IV – 48 @ foot    2. Results 50+ hit behind        ◦ so subtract 50 and hit behind resulting part. Done! [or, if you’re speed-reading: “Time!”]    • Review roll’s x12 multiple (1, 2, 3 or 4)            ▪ recall associated body part (I, II, III or IV)        ◦ Body (Left) is (x3 multiple)        ◦ Body (Right) is (x3 multiple) +1        ◦ Body (Middle) is (x3 multiple) -1            ▪ Body (Top) is a Dice (Top) [00, 99] Example: [56] is [I] so bicep. [x3] so left. [x6] so halfway to [I]. [50+] so back. 56 is [left trap]
You’re rolling d100s all the time anyway. Make their juicy factors work for you. Roll a couple now to get this strange idea to completely inseminate your brain for a velvety bit of world-building available anytime you roll.
   • Wait, the length from your bicep to your hip joint is the same as the length from your hip joint to your knee is the same as the length from the top of your head to your b…?        ◦ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_proportions            ▪ Heh.                • Weird. Fun Exercises    • [02] ____________________    • [62] ____________________    • [44] ____________________    • [93] ____________________    • [36] ____________________    • [73] ____________________
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Example: Player (speed stat 55) rolls surprise check [99]. places token at position 49^99. Next round Speed check resolves at player position for result [99]. Enemy takes a turn: rolls attack [98]. Places token at position 48^98. Player takes a turn: attacks with SMG at [-] (Range 3) [00, 33]. Places token atop dice at position 33^83. To preserve this position, player forgoes 2nd action. Round speed check resolves at player position [33]. Player takes a turn. rolls Speed check [50] to open an office door. Places token at Position 00^50. Enemy opposed Speed check resolves at enemy position [98]. Player moves into room. Player accesses computer (key fob – no check imposed) and queues the previous print job. Warden rules it an APC with a 2d10 hr wait. Enemy takes a turn: rolls Instinct [27]. Warden says the enemy seems to have left and concludes combat. All tokens return to neutral positions. Enemy looks for a way inside the room.
Designer’s Note: Goal is to elicit vulnerable moments and impart a snappy, revolving lack of options in curious ways. Per-round initiative builder, range visualizer and unit faculty modulator. Table aims to create then at a glance show some actions a player would auto-fail/-succeed that round.
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ravenrook9 · 7 years
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Human Proportions Study 30
Human Figure Study
Amanda Gil - 6′6″
Tall Slender Athletic Women set to 8 Head Division Grid Template.
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ravenrook9 · 7 years
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Human Proportions Study 28
Human Figure Study
Christopher Reeve - 6′4″
Tall Moderate/Slender Muscular Man set to 8 Head Division Grid Template.
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ravenrook9 · 7 years
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Human Proportions Study 26
Human Figure Study
Natalia Mesa Bush - 6′2″
Tall Slender Women set to 8 Head Division Grid Template.
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ravenrook9 · 7 years
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Human Proportions Study 27
Human Figure Study
William Jewell - 7′1″
Tall Slender Man set to 8 Head Division Grid Template.
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ravenrook9 · 7 years
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Human Proportions Study 24
Human Figure Study
Yekaterina Gamova - 6′8″
Tall Slender Women set to 8 1/2 Head Division Grid Template.
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ravenrook9 · 7 years
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Human Proportions Study 21
Human Figure Study
Alicia Jay - 6′6″
Holly Burt - 6′5″
Lauren Williams - 6′4″
L’ Wren Scott - 6′3″
Tall Slender Women set to 8 Head Division Grid Template.
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ravenrook9 · 7 years
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Human Proportions Study 20
Human Figure Study
Lauren Williams - 6′4″
L’ Wren Scott - 6′3″ 
Tall Slender Women set to 8 Head Division Grid Template.
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ravenrook9 · 8 years
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X Division Gamma Squad Ravagers.
Top Image - Gamma Squad Ravagers 1.0
Second Image - Gamma Squad Ravagers 2.0
Third Image - Gamma Squad Ravagers 3.0
Fourth Image - Mad Maurice Included
Body type proportion study art reference. Male Figures. Heights Undetermined. Somatotypes (Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph). Mutant Zombie Cyborg Bloodsucking Mummies. Clarence, Luther, Zeb, and Maurice. X-Division Ravagers.
Mutation Trigger Exposure Source: 
Clarence (Radium-226)
Luther (Cobalt-60)
Zeb (Iodine-131)
Maurice (Technetium-99)
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ravenrook9 · 8 years
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Human Proportion Study 19
Land of the Giants
Proportion Study 
Yao Ming - 7′6″
Oliver Ricthers -7′2″ 
Neil Fingleton - 7′8″
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tokensfortalkers · 5 years
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Hit table for April Fools 2019 Mothership RPG Game
Mnemonic Device: 100 Hit Locations in 8 Words
x12 multiples’ named joints
I - 12 (bicep)
II - 24 (hip)
III - 36 (knee)
IV - 48 (foot)
50+ result hit behind.
Now just note [your roll]’s x12 multiple during play
recall its associated body part
Body (Left) is any x3 multiple
Body (Right) is any (x3 multiple) +1
Body (Middle) is any (x3 multiple) -1
Body (Top) is Dice (Top) 00, 99
Example: [56] is [I] so bicep. [x3] so left. [x6] so halfway to associated body part. [50+] so back. Hit [left trap].
You’re rolling d100s all the time anyway. Make their factors juicy. Roll a couple now to get the above practice to inseminate your brain in seconds for a velvety bit of world-building available anytime you roll.
Wait, the length from your bicep to your hip joint is the same as the length from your hip joint to your knee is the same as the length from the top of your head to your b...?
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Fun Exercises
[02] ____________________
[62] ____________________
[44] ____________________
[93] ____________________
[36] ____________________
[73] ____________________
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