carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 24 - Wild
So I didn't actually know what to do for this prompt, so I opted to just try and do something intense looking with a hint of eyestrain.
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bobovember · 4 years
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HELLO EVERYONE! I know I haven’t been active on my normal blog, however- I would like to formally announce and reveal the Prompt List for Bobovember 2! Or bobovember 2020 whatever you wanna call it! From November 1st to 30th we have a heap of prompts to draw whatever you want using the classic parody series, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo! This time with way more time to prepare compared to last year!  Last years Bobovember I designed the prompts to be more based on the series itself, however this year I’ve done my best to make a prompt list that would allow for and encourage more freedom to the artist, and I sincerely hope that it’ll allow for a very free feeling experience!  Speaking of artist, while last year all the submissions were drawings (to my memory) I would like to fully encourage anyone to participate regardless of how you artistically express yourself! Writing? Poetry? Photography? Animation? Soap Carving??? If you consider it your style of creative art and expression, I’m sincerely excited to see how you use it to portray the prompts! I’ll be doing my best to keep an eye out for any submissions on Tumblr and Twitter, just be sure to use the Hashtag “Bobovember” or “Bobovember2020″ so I can find it! 
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 14 - Crossover  This took about 3 or 4 days to put together, could have been shorter but I had to take breaks of course. A Crossover of Bo-bobo (my favorite series ever) and my fave characters from across a lot of other franchises and series' that I like! I kept it mostly to anime but there are some exceptions
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 29 - Redraw
This is it, second to last day of Bobovember. So here's a redraw of a shot I always really liked from the ending theme, Shiawase.
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 12 - Book  So I almost did a pic featuring a Kamen Rider Saber character alongside Denbo, however I opted to save crossovers and references for later. So instead we get spooky Denbo!
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 16 - Videogames
More like super smash BO’s amirite?
But to get serious for a moment i’m currently in a bind. I currently don’t have a working laptop to draw on, despite having several hand me downs or old ones i discarded for reasons. I’m trying hard to find a temporary solution before tomorrow but if i can’t i’m going to be unable to do bobovember work temporarily. And that infuriates me to my deepest levels. Wish me luck.
Reblogs from the bobovember account will be temporarily haulted, my apologies.
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 26 - Food
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And similarly to last year I bring you a vaguely thematic picture for today's prompt! A gaggle of food characters from the series . . . and yogurt gum.
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 13 - Horror Movie I have nothing of note to say in regards to this! I hope you like! 
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 20 - RPG  This, this spicy pic right here is the one and only pic that I had already planned for all the way back when i was making the prompt list. I really need to get back and finish my replay of TYD.
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 25 - Future  I originally had a somewhat larger pic with four characters planned, however I decided to scale it back for now and do that later. For now, here's adult protagonist Beauty!
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 8 - Sleep I got wEIRD for this one yo I just wanted to draw Rem again cause she's cool as hell. I really like drawing her pink hair and that cool dragon
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 30 - Free Day I’mma be real, I honestly had no idea what I was gonna do for today. I knew I wanted to make a pic to properly send off Bobovember as we move on to December and the New Year, but like, I couldn’t properly materialize a pic to be honest?? But here’s this. Thus ends the second Bobovember. I think we all know it, 2020 wasn’t exactly a pleasant year. We’ve been stuck inside, we’ve had to go through a really tiring election, god knows how much other shit I’m forgetting at this point. When all this started I only really knew one thing. I was looking much forward to October and November. October because Halloween is my favorite Holiday, and November because now I have Bobovember to accompany it. Getting to express how much I love this series that’s inspired me so much to create through drawing. It’s amazing, and the response it receives; the retweets, the reblogs, the faves, the likes, the few comments and notes in the tags; seeing that there are other people who love this series and love the tributes I make to it, however few or many they may be, it really does put a skip in my step so to speak.  I can only hope that 2021 will be better for us all. May our ambitions be accomplished with magnificent success, our stomachs filled with food and drink, and our face contorted into a wonderful and inescapable smile. I’ve still got plenty I want to draw, not just of Bo-bobo. Commissions will be reopening soon, and I really am aiming to try and start my comic, so I hope ya’ll will be there to watch what I may do. Stay Hydrated ya’ll, and I hope everyone’s looking forward to Bobovember 2021. Bobovember 3?? I’ll work out a name later. 
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 2 - Calm/Comfort  At first I wasn't sure what to do for this one since it's not in my normal wheelhouse, but than I remembered that trees are pretty dang cool! It was originally supposed to have sharper shading like I’ve been doing more regularly these past few months, but than I went wild on the background and was like “Guess we’re doingthis softstyle now”  @bobovember
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 22 - Nature  Hanpen would respect the fuck out of nature, and bears specifically. Fuck yeah Hanpen.
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 18 - AU   After an infuriating amount of computer trouble I have a temp solution until a new laptop arrives Friday, here's an AU where Gunkan and the Pomade Gang were the rebel's instead of Bo-bobo!  I actually came up with a lot of headcanons based on this, most prominently that Tough Looking Guy is Suzu's older Brother, AKA he's the softon of the group. Also yes I did turn the stick of gum joke into a character.
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carbonatedjem · 4 years
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BOBOVEMBER 2020 - Day 1 - TV I decided to start with something simple this year, partially because I had overworked myself a few days prior to drawing this and needed something easy to get back into the groove of drawing. @bobovember
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