#Bobby Richardson
sunlitgotham · 5 months
May 4th? Star Wars Day? AND Bobby Richardson's Birthday??? Well of course I had to do something
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ramascreen · 2 years
Official Trailer For IT AIN'T OVER | Yogi Berra Documentary
Sony Pictures Classics has released this official trailer for IT AIN’T OVER documentary. Directed by: Sean Mullen Featuring Interviews With:​ Billy Crystal, Bob Costas, Vin Scully, Derek Jeter, Joe Torre, Mariano Rivera, Joe Girardi, Ron Guidry, Willie Randolph, Don Mattingly, Tony Kubek, Bobby Richardson, Suzyn Waldman, and Lindsay Berra  IT AIN’T OVER is an intimate portrait of Lawrence Peter…
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marvelousbelladonna · 10 months
Character Sheet
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Fucking young Scanlan
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Members of the Kennedy family on a ship in Hyannis Port, August 1997.
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Rating Sam winchester relationships from most to least toxic:
The most fucked up shit I have ever seen:
Sam & Lucifer
Sam & Dean
Sam & Ruby
Incredibly abusive:
Sam & John
Sam & Gadreel
Sam & Meg
High highs and low lows:
Sam & Jack
Sam & Crowley
Sam & Bobby
Sam & Mary
Sam & Castiel
As wholesome as it gets:
Sam & Amelia
Sam & Rowena
Sam & Jody
Sam & Eileen
Sam & Jess
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jazzdailyblog · 3 months
Joe Chambers: A Masterful Journey Through Jazz
Introduction: Joe Chambers, born eighty-two years ago today on June 25, 1942, in Stoneacre, Virginia, stands as a pivotal figure in the jazz world, not only for his virtuosity as a drummer but also for his remarkable talents as a pianist, vibraphonist, and composer. Over a career spanning more than six decades, Chambers has contributed significantly to the evolution of jazz, working with some of…
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Bobby Henrey and Ralph Richardson in The Fallen Idol (Carol Reed, 1948)
Cast: Ralph Richardson, Michèle Morgan, Sonia Dresdel, Bobby Henrey, Denis O’Dea, Jack Hawkins, Walter Fitzgerald, Dandy Nichols, Joan Young, Hay Petrie, Dora Bryan. Screenplay: Graham Greene, based on his story. Cinematography: Georges Périnal. Art direction: Vincent Korda. Film editing: Oswald Hafenrichter. Music: William Alwiyn.
The Fallen Idol  is usually categorized as a thriller, and it's undeniably suspenseful, but it's really a moral fable in which everyone is ensnared in their own lies. The suspense is generated by the fact that the audience knows the truth. Philippe (Bobby Henrey) is the young son of an ambassador, living in the embassy in London's Belgrave Square. His mother has been recuperating from a long illness in their home country, and when his father goes to see her, Philippe is left in the care of the butler, Baines (Ralph Richardson), and his wife, the housekeeper (Sonia Dresdel). Philippe idolizes Baines, who entertains him with made-up stories about his adventures in Africa -- in fact, he has never been out of England. Mrs. Baines, on the other hand, is strict and fussy, so he has learned to be sneaky about things like the pet snake he is hiding from her. When Mrs. Baines punishes him one day by sending him to his room, Philippe climbs down the fire escape and follows Baines to a cafe, where Baines is meeting with Julie (Michèle Morgan). When Philippe surprises them, Baines pretends that Julie is his niece, and persuades Philippe not to talk about her around Mrs. Baines. But Mrs. Baines has learned that her husband is seeing another woman, and she tells him that she's going away for a few days, then secretly stays behind to spy on him. All of this deception comes to a head with an accidental death that looks a lot like murder, with Philippe as a key witness. But Philippe has been so confused by the lies he's been told and the ones he's been asked to tell, that when the police question him he is in danger of leading them into a serious error of justice. Director Carol Reed brilliantly manages to hold most of the film to Philippe's point of view, giving the audience the double vision of what is actually happening and what Philippe thinks is happening. Nine-year-old Henrey, who had no significant film career afterward, is splendidly natural in the role, and Richardson brings a necessary ambiguity to the part of Baines. The film is also enlivened by Greene's secondary characters, including a chorus of housemaids who comment on the action, a clock-winder (Hay Petrie) who breaks the tension of an interrogation, and a scene at the police station where the cops and a prostitute (Dora Bryan) try to figure out what to do with Philippe, who has run away after the accident, barefoot and in pajamas, and refuses to tell them where he lives.
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dmfusiontv · 11 months
Bobby O'Jay interviews Calvin Richardson #interviews
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pollsnatural · 5 months
Part 2
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zepskies · 1 year
Smoke Eater - Part 6
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
🔥 Series Masterlist
Word Count: 7,000 Tags/Warnings: Fluff, jealousy, angst, hurt/comfort
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Part 6: “Just Casual”
A few days after the house fire that claimed the life of Paul Richardson, father of two, Chief Bobby Singer was joined in his office by Detectives Winchester and Novak, along with his resident Squad Captain and Truck Lieutenant, Benny and Dean.
“The Richardson fire has officially been determined an arson,” Bobby revealed.
“They found a time-delay incendiary device hidden in the attic. No fingerprints. But that’s not even the odd thing,” he said. “The medical examiner found a brand mark on his wrist that was inconsistent with his other burns. Which is why you’re here, I reckon.”
Bobby directed his gaze at both John and Cas, who didn’t look surprised to hear this news.
Dean raised a brow. His gaze shifted to his father, but John only met his stare for a moment before he answered Bobby’s unspoken question.
“We’ve been investigating a series of murders in the area over the past six months,” John said. “Each victim died in their home, with the same brand somewhere on their body. Typically the wrist, or the back of the neck.”
“So we officially have a serial killer turned arsonist on our hands,” Bobby concluded. His attention shifted to Benny and Dean. “Keep this close to the vest, but keep your eyes open.”
“Arsonists are hard to catch,” Dean said, looking to the detectives. “What do you know about this guy?”
Cas glanced at John. The older man could feel his stare, but had to ignore it for now.
“Not much as of yet,” John said. “Right now he’s a coil of smoke, if you’ll pardon the phrase. Our psychologist says he’s most likely a white male, statistically speaking. College educated, or at the very least intelligent, efficient, and so far, he thinks every step through. Like he said, no prints. But the brand is a message.”
“To who, and why, is what we’ve been trying to figure out,” Cas added. “We think that’s the key to pinpointing a suspect.”
“Really,” Dean said. He raised a brow and crossed his arms. “Six months, and that’s all you’ve got?”
“Dean,” John started, but the Lieutenant shook his head.
“Come on, Dad. I know you. Who is this guy?”
“Dean, this is the best I can give you right now, but believe me, we’re working on it,” John said, that tone that boded no further argument.
Bullshit, Dean wanted to shoot back. But he held his tongue for now. He knew that John wouldn’t budge. Instinct still told Dean that his father was holding something back though.
As the men filtered out of Bobby’s office, Dean held Cas back for a moment.
“Watch the old man’s back, all right,” Dean said. “He’s got a penchant for being reckless.”
Cas gave him a wry, pointed look. “I’m doing my best. Winchesters are a stubborn lot.” 
Dean smirked and walked out with him. Meg was headed inside, having just come in from an ambulance call. She smiled when she saw her boyfriend.
“Hey, lover,” she greeted. And she smacked his ass in front of God and the entire Rescue Squad, who liked to sit outside the firehouse and play cards at their table.
Ramirez and the others smirked and called out their customary whoops and cat calls. Dean smirked at the actual blushing discomfort that tightened up Cas’s face and shoulders.
“Dinner tonight at Casablanca’s, right?” Meg asked, unfazed by the catcalling peanut gallery.
“Right,” Cas said stiffly. But he still brushed her cheek with his thumb in affection. “See you later.”
“Yep,” she nodded, though she shot Dean a wry brow. “What? I stole your boyfriend. Get over it.”
She continued on her path back inside the firehouse, leaving Dean and Cas to stare after her in annoyance and begrudging fondness, respectively.
Dean turned to his friend and clapped him on the shoulder.
“Good luck and Godspeed, my friend. That woman’s fuckin’ terrifying.” 
Cas gave him a lazy salute as he walked away. He found that John had already started up their police car. He was in the driver’s seat, as always, with a hand resting casually on the steering wheel.
Dean typically sat in much the same way. Cas thought both men were more comfortable in a car than anywhere else in life. Except, maybe, the precinct and the firehouse.
Cas slid into the passenger seat and gave his partner a knowing look.
“I still think you should tell Sam and Dean what’s really happening here,” he said.
John looked over at him with an almost unreadable expression. But they had been partners for a few years now; long enough for Cas to get a read on the older veteran.
“I understand why you want to keep them out of this, but now this guy is starting fires. Here, in Dean’s district,” Cas pointed out. “Wouldn’t it be safer for him if he had clearer eyes walking into the next one?”
If, God forbid, something should go wrong on the next call Dean responded to, John would never forgive himself. Both he and Cas knew this, but John never answered his partner’s question. He didn’t want his sons getting their noses in this just yet, even if it meant the worry he saw in Dean’s eyes.
So he put the car in “drive” and peeled away from the firehouse.
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Trying to match your schedule with Dean’s was a challenge you two were trying to figure out. Though you’d fallen into a pattern of talking on the phone to fill the void when you two couldn’t meet.
Even after almost two more weeks and a third date, you were pleasantly surprised that you and Dean still had plenty to talk about. You told him more about your childhood with your grandparents, while he told you funny stories about him and Sam growing up with their dad, though he was often gone while working on cases.
It was family friend and Fire Chief, Bobby Singer who looked after them whenever John couldn’t, or his old partner Jody Mills, or even Ellen Harvelle, owner of the Roadhouse.
The more you learned about Dean, the more invested you became. And he listened to you when you went on tangents about new recipes you wanted to try out (as long as he got to be your official Taste Tester).
You two argued, playfully and fervently, about music. And you’d been creating a list of old shows the other hadn’t seen, but absolutely needed to.
Dean had suggested Dukes of Hazzard, for example, while you suggested Smallville. You each only agreed to put up with this list if you two watched it together. (Needless to say, there would be some marathon binge watching in your future.)
You particularly took notice though, when Dean invited you to join him at the Roadhouse to meet Cas, one of his best friends, and his girlfriend Meg. You’d invited Andréa to come along, and even Dean’s friend Benny, who she’d also been seeing ever since that night at the Roadhouse.
Apparently, the couple had their own plans.
You tried not to feel some type of way about her brush-off, but your friend had been increasingly distant since she met Benny Lafitte. However, you supposed you couldn’t judge. You hadn’t been calling her as much either, ever since you met Dean.
You knew that if you kept dating him, some adjustments would have to come in your life. You also promised yourself that you’d never be someone who forgot your friends for a man…even for a man like Dean Winchester.
Tonight, however, you’d come directly from work to meet him at the bar. It made more sense than to make him come pick you up from your house, so you sat with a ginger ale while you waited. He’d promised you via text that he was on the way, just stuck in traffic.
Okay, drive safe. 😘 Don’t speed, please.
You knew how he liked floor the Impala with that damn lead foot of his.
No promises. 🏎️
You wanted to roll your eyes, but you were smiling unconsciously as you read his reply.
You were soon knocked out of your thoughts when a smooth voice said your name. You looked up and to your right, and there stood a familiar face. The man greeted you with an easy smile as he sat down next to you.
“I thought that was you,” he said. He reached out his hand and re-introduced himself. “Gordon Walker. Not sure if you remember me.”
“Oh, yes! Of course I do, Gordon,” you smiled and shook his hand.
“It’s good to see you again,” he said. His dark eyes subtly took you in from head to toe in your skirt, heels, and blouse. “Though I’ve gotta admit, I’ve never seen you here before.”
“Ah, right,” you said. “Well—”
Before you could explain, Gordon held up a finger as he noticed your drink of choice.
“Oh, wait a sec. Let me get you something stronger than soda,” he said. He started to flag down Jo, but you shook your head and made a cutting motion with your hand.
“Uh, no, that’s okay,” you said. “I’m waiting for someone.”
“What?” Gordon asked.
It was getting busy in the bar, making it loud enough that you could understand why he hadn’t heard you. You leaned over towards his ear.
“I’m good for now, thanks,” you said, raising your voice a bit. Gordon leaned in even closer and chanced resting a hand above your knee.
“You sure?” he asked. He gave you a smile that was all smooth sex appeal and confidence, without being arrogant.
It was undoubtedly attractive, but you were more shocked than charmed in your blush. You instinctively leaned back when you felt his hand on your thigh. Your hand clenched on the counter.
While your brain scrambled to figure out a response that would successfully remove it (without snapping rudely like you were itching to), a hand slipped along your lower back.
You jolted a bit in your seat with a flare of unease, until you turned your head and found Dean.
“Hey, baby,” he greeted, and dropped a kiss at your hairline. He also clapped a heavy hand on Gordon’s shoulder and squeezed. The other man graciously got the hint and leaned back, withdrawing his hand from your thigh.
“Hi,” you said, finally able to breathe a bit easier. You gave Dean a smile, and he returned it.
He looked over at his friend with a sharper smile. “Hey, Gord. How’s your night goin’?”
“Good.” Gordon nodded, now with a knowing gleam in his eye. “Though I’m sure your night’s gonna go better.”
You weren’t sure how to take that remark, considering the way Dean reacted with a tighter expression and pursed lips. Then, they flickered at a smile.
“Well, we’re meeting up with Meg and Cas in a minute. You should join us,” Dean said. Even though his tone wasn’t so very inviting. The two men seemed to have a wordless conversation between the lines that you couldn’t decipher.
Gordon shook his head, but raised his drink. “No worries, you guys hang. I’m leaving in a few.”
“All right. Let us know if you change your mind,” Dean said. He thumped Gordon once more on the back, more friendly this time.
Dean’s other hand slipped around your waist. He tapped you on the side.
“Come on, I’ve got us a table. It’s quieter,” he said.
You nodded and slid out of your seat. You offered Gordon a polite smile, even if you’d rather not.
“Have a good night,” you said.
The other man’s smile was less flirtatious and more polite this time as well.
“You too,” he said. 
Dean helped you onto your feet, like the gentleman he was, and he continued to lead you away from the bar with a hand on the small of your back. You instinctively pressed against his side to squeeze past the throng of patrons.
When you reached a high-top table in the corner, he pulled out your chair and held your hand as you climbed up in your skirt. You thanked him with a more genuine smile. Though once he was seated next to you, you leaned towards him and laid a hand on his arm, which rested on the table.
“I tried to tell him I was waiting for you. He took me by surprise,” you whispered.
Dean’s brows rose, but his face soon evened out with a smile. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Don’t worry about it. He didn’t know about us,” he said. “He was shootin’ his shot…a bit aggressively. Sorry about that.”
“Oh…it’s okay. Nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” you replied. Though butterflies ran through your belly when you considered what us meant.
You noted his frown at what you’d said though, and so you aimed to change the subject.
“But Cas and Meg know, right?” you asked.
Dean nodded. His frown started to lift. “Yeah. Cas is one of my best friends. Meg is…well. She’s the little sister I wish I didn’t have.”
You shook your head in amusement. Then you let out a squeal as Dean hooked a foot around the leg of your chair and brought you closer. He stopped you from becoming too unbalanced by wrapping an arm around your waist. You clenched your hands into the open panels of his plaid shirt, and his charming smile greeted you.
“Hi,” he said.
You laughed. “Yeah, you mentioned that earlier.”
“Well, I’m doing it right this time,” he said. And he dipped down for a lingering kiss.
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Across the bar was Jo Harvelle, doing her job behind the counter. She poured five shots in succession and doled them out to a party of frat bros without even looking.
Her eyes were drawn to the back corner of the bar, where you and Dean sat closely together, exchanging whispers and the occasional steamy kiss.
“Mind your business,” came Ellen’s whisper in her ear.
Jo whipped her head to glare softly at her mother, but she saw Ellen’s point. It was both obvious and pathetic of her to stare.
Despite the unease making her feel a bit sick to her stomach, Jo went over to Gordon down at the end. His sympathetic smile bothered her; she knew then she hadn’t just been caught by her mother.
“Interesting, isn’t it?” he remarked.
“What?” Jo said. She began wiping down his area of the counter. “Would it kill you to keep it in the glass?”
Gordon gave her an amused look as he sat back in his seat. His tumbler of whiskey was drained.
“Look, I’m sorry, all right?” he said.
Both of them knew he wasn’t apologizing for the spill.
Jo’s brows knitted together, mostly in annoyance. “Again, for what?”
“I know it’s gotta be hard to see him actually moving on,” he replied.
Her lips pursed, and her eyes darted to the back of the room again. She stared for a moment at the side of your face.
“Knowing him, whatever it is won’t last,” she muttered.
Gordon hissed at the "burn," with a deep chuckle. She knew her words weren’t kind, but it was how she felt.
“That may be,” he allowed. “But he’s not just chasing tail anymore. That’s what scares you.” 
Gordon dropped a nice tip for her next to his glass. He grabbed his coat off the back of his chair and left Jo with the churning in her gut.
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Cas and Meg finally arrived a few minutes later.
Dean knew you’d been to the Roadhouse before, but this was different. You were meeting some of his friends, and he realized how much he wanted you to. He felt…comfortable around you. And he wanted his friends to know you, and to like you.
“As you know, Meg’s our Paramedic in Charge over at 25,” he began, gesturing at the woman as she got settled in her seat.
You admired her long brown hair, tall boots, and black leather jacket. She seemed to ooze confidence and dark charisma as she tossed you a smirk.
“Guilty,” she said.
You smiled back. Dean gestured at her boyfriend next, clad in a beige trench coat, slacks, and blazer.
“And Cas, who bravely suffers being my dad’s partner on the job.”
Cas nodded wryly at the introduction. His dark hair and blue eyes were striking, you could admit. His tie was loose and slightly rumpled. Along with the stubble coating his face, he was handsome, if a bit scruffy. It was hard for you to believe he’d earned the top scores his year in the Police Academy, but you supposed that looks could be deceiving.
“What’s that like?” you asked with a smirk. “From what I’ve heard about John Winchester, he sounds like he’s a bit of a hard-ass.”
Dean barked with a dry laugh. “An understatement.”
“He has a crab-like shell,” Cas agreed. “But he has a soft center where it counts, not unlike his sons.”
You turned to Dean with a more teasing smile. “Aww…”
He rolled his eyes, even though his arm, which had been draped across the back your chair, now dropped to curl around your waist.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Columbo,” he remarked at his blue-eyed friend.
Always had to get the last dig in, it seemed, but you couldn’t help but laugh a little along with Meg at Cas’s expense.
“You guys all seem really close,” you said. It was nice for you to see.
Dean shrugged like it was no big deal. Or rather, like it was commonplace.
“Well, maybe family ain’t just about blood,” he said.
Meg rolled her eyes. “Ugh. What a friggin’ sap.”
“You love it,” Dean grinned. She smiled, begrudgingly.
Family ain’t just about blood.
You liked that sentiment as well. It seemed to be true here. 
Even Ellen Harvelle treated Dean like a son when she came over to greet your table. She kissed his cheek and gave Meg and Cas’s shoulders a squeeze. Even you got a warm hand on your shoulder when she introduced herself.
“Welcome, hun. I understand it’s not your first time here, but if you got any questions on the menu, you let me know,” she said.
Dean shot you a conspiratorial smile, and it got you wondering what he was about to do.
“I mean, I don’t know why you don’t put the order in for chili fries the second you see me come through the door,” he teased. “Come on, Ellen. How long’ve I been coming here? Since before I had a license?”
Ellen narrowed her eyes and flicked the side of Dean’s head, regardless of his flinching protest.
“Don’t you go sayin’ that so damn loud,” she reproached. “You never drank underage at my bar.”
His eyes averted with a smile, in a way that told you Ellen was a damn liar. You bit your lip to try and hide your smile.
“Anyway, I’ll get your damn fries—”
“And a beer,” Dean interjected. She rolled her eyes.
“And a beer. Four?” she pointed at the rest of you, and you, Cas, and Meg nodded in agreement.
“All right, four beers. Anything else, darlin’?” She looked at you with a mother’s charm.
You looked up from the menu and unconsciously smiled.
“Um, sure. Can I get the chicken sandwich?”
She patted your shoulder. “You sure can.”
Ellen then took the rest of their orders without writing a thing down. You were impressed by her memory. At the end though, Dean didn’t let her go without a hand on her arm.
“Thanks, Ellen,” he said with a more sincere smile.
“A-huh,” she replied, with all due sarcasm. But there was a fondness in her eyes that was hard to miss when she playfully grabbed the back of his neck. “Knucklehead.”
A giggle escaped you, and Ellen tossed you a wink before she went to put in the orders and get the drinks.
Conversation flowed easier when the alcohol came. One beer became two, and even three (four, for Meg). By then, you were sure it was one beer too many for yourself, but you didn’t want to be the odd one out. You were mostly listening to the three of them bounce back and forth between reminiscing with old stories and roasting one another mercilessly.
It was hilarious and entertaining, but you were trying not to get caught in the crosshairs of the volleying. Inevitably though, Meg’s attention turned to you with a certain sly smile.
“You must be real special,” she remarked, gesturing at Dean. “He usually doesn’t bring his girls around here, where he actually likes to hang out. Guess that’d mean he’d have to see ‘em again with the lights on.”
You blinked in surprise.
“Meg,” Dean’s voice cut like a warning.
Your eyes widened as you took in the change, his deeper voice, his more serious gaze, versus Meg’s nonchalance. Even Cas gave her a chiding look.
“Not sure I want to know what that means,” you tried to joke.
But you could guess. It was fairly obvious.
You glanced over at Dean, whose lips pursed. Before either of you could say anything more, Meg chimed in.
“Oooh, is this gonna be your first fight?” she teased.
Dean’s brows furrowed with a glare. “That’s enough.”
“And that’s our cue,” Cas nodded. He’d already slipped out his wallet as soon as his girlfriend started talking. He left a generous few bills to cover their half of the night, plus tip, and got up out of his seat. He claimed his coat and then encouraged Meg off her chair.
“What? I’m not done with my beer,” she protested.
“I think you are,” Cas said.
Meg scoffed, but she allowed his manhandling as he wrapped a supportive arm around her waist.
“You’re not the boss of me, Clarence,” she snipped.
“Certainly not,” he agreed. “But you’re a lightweight. Time to go home, before you insult the entire bar.”
“You’re no fucking fair,” she groused, hitting his chest over his jacket. Cas leveled you and Dean with a long-suffering look of apology.
Dean waved him off with a “no sweat it” look and a shake of his head. Meg annoyed the shit out of him sometimes, especially when she was drunk. He turned to you with a sigh.
“Again, sorry about that. I didn’t think I’d have to apologize for my friends more than once tonight,” he said.
You shook your head. “It’s...okay. Overall, they were really fun.”
Dean scoffed. “I don’t think Cas has been called fun even once in his life.”
You smiled in amusement, but Meg’s words still swirled around in your head like heady wine.
“Dean,” you began, but your attempt to broach the issue was cut off by his cell phone ringing. He gave you an apologetic look and fished in his pocket for his phone. His brows rose when he saw the caller ID.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I gotta take this,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”
“Oh, okay—” You’d barely nodded when Dean was up and out of his chair, heading out of the bar. You could still see him through one of the faded glass doors as he held the phone up to his ear.
It was late, and quieter now. A blonde server came to take your plates, and you actually remembered her.
“Oh, hi! Jo, right?” you asked. She hesitated when you spoke, but she bobbed her head.
“That’s me,” she said. “Can I get you anything else?”
“No, I’m good. Thanks,” you said with a smile. “I met your mom. She’s really nice.”
Jo uttered a wry laugh as she stacked the plates and silverware. You helped her collect the silverware and empty beer bottles.
“Yeah, when you get her good side,” she replied. 
You smirked at that, remembering how Ellen snapped back and forth with Dean. You had no doubt that woman could be a pistol if you pissed her off.
“Well, it's nice here,” you admitted, once again taking stock of the décor. The music, the warm lighting, the good food… “It’s cozy.”
Jo’s smile quirked to one side as she paused.
“Well, it’s been in my family for three generations of Harvelles,” she said. “This was my father’s favorite place in the world.”
You caught the note of melancholy in her words, in her eyes.
“Was?” you echoed. She met your gaze and nodded.
“He was a firefighter,” she said. “He died on the job.”
You dimmed considerably. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
Jo only nodded.
“How did he…” Your curiosity got the best of you, but you soon shook your head and backtracked. “Never mind, you don’t have to explain.”
“It was a fire that wasn’t properly vented,” Jo answered your half-spoken question. Her blue eyes were heavier. “He got caught in an updraft…but he actually worked at Firehouse 25. He was their brother. That’s why this’ll always be their place.”
You processed that with a slow nod of wonder.
“It’s good that you and your mom will always have that support,” you said eventually. “Even though…it might be hard too, to always be reminded.”
Jo’s lips quirked again. “It’s more the first one, but…sometimes the second one. A lot of these guys have known me since I had braces. It’s hard to shake that perpetual little sister thing.”
You smiled at that. “Yeah, I’d imagine that gets old real quick. A bunch of over-protective older brothers.”
“Overbearing, more like,” she scoffed. You laughed.
Unconsciously, you glanced over to the front of the bar, where you saw Dean still on the phone. You remembered the second date you were meant to have, when he was late due to a five-car pileup his team responded to.
You remembered that night he called you for the first time, after a long day he didn’t want to tell you about. He’d let you distract him instead. All the while, it had you wondering what he’d seen. What he’d responded to that day.
Had it been another car accident? A fire? What made someone as upbeat and funny and smooth as Dean seem to lose all the life in his voice?
Though while you were lost in your thoughts, Jo was watching you.
Jealousy roiled inside her, unbidden. She didn’t want to hate you, because unlike the girls Dean usually messed around with, you had some self-respect. Jo heard Meg’s snide clips at you earlier, and no one could fake the surprise in your eyes. Unless you were just that good a damn actor…
But no, she didn’t get that vibe from you.
It didn’t mean she had to like you though. 
“You’re right to think twice,” Jo said, earning your attention back with a swivel of your head. “What Meg said…she wasn’t wrong. Dean’s broken a few hearts, if you catch my drift.”
Just a few well-placed words, Jo thought. She realized then that she had the power to twist the wrench here, widening the gap between you and Dean. Feed your doubts.
She didn’t have to feel bad about it if it was the truth.
And yet…she saw the way your gaze fell. The disappointment setting in, the anxious clench of your hands on the table. You glanced over at Dean again out of the corner of your eye.
Jo realized then just what she was doing, not just to Dean, but to herself.
You’re not some petty bitch, she dully reminded herself.
“But,” she found herself adding. You raised your gaze back to her. Jo let out a subtle breath.
“It’s not always his fault,” she admitted. And maybe she was speaking a bit too much from experience. “The job demands a lot from him.”
Slowly, you nodded. You looked pensive, but not like you’d made up your mind.
Fine, Jo thought, as she collected the dishes and left your table.
She didn’t know if she wanted to sway you one way or the other on taking a chance on Dean Winchester.   
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While you were talking to Jo, Dean was taking his father’s unexpected call.
“Hey, Dad. What’s up?” he said.
“Hey, son. How are ya?” John’s voice was gruff and tired. Dean frowned to hear it.
“I’m good. I’m out right now, but did you need something?”
“Have you responded to any fires lately?”
“You mean like the Richardson fire?” Dean asked pointedly. “No, haven’t had one since. And no cattle prod brandings either.”
“All right, good. Just checking in.”
Good? Dean thought. John would be chomping at the bit for a new arson. If he was “just checking in,” then he was worried about something. Is he worried about me?
“What’s going on? Is there something I need to know?” Dean asked in suspicion. This was why he had taken the call. “Seriously, you can tell me. I’m not even gonna bitch at you like Sam does.”
John chuckled. But then he hesitated. Dean knew he’d hit on something.
“Dad?” he pressed.
John’s sigh was a heavy one. “Okay. What I’m about to tell you, you don’t fucking repeat. Not to anyone, you understand me? Not even your brother.”
Dean’s brows furrowed in trepidation. “Okay, fine. What the hell is it?”
“Richardson, the father of two?” John reminded. “He was a lawyer, linked to a money laundering scheme through a company called Stull Storage. It’s an old company, dates back to the seventies.”
As John continued to explain, the more confused Dean became… 
About 30 years ago, John Winchester had been a young, but promising officer in the Narcotics division. He’d married young, and by then was just barely clearing the five-year mark. Already he had the house he’d inherited from his wife’s parents, a four-year-old son, and a newborn.
Stull Storage’s units were used by a drug ring that John had been trying to infiltrate, undercover. Those units had stored cocaine, illegal weapons, and other flavors of contraband, mostly from South America (and back).
“We got close to breaking that case, once, but after the fire…I transferred out of Narcotics, as you know,” John said.
Dean knew the real story there. After his mom died, his father went into a spiral, trying to find whoever set that fire—even after the Fire Department found no evidence of arson. John had eventually been forced out of Narcotics. He requested Homicide.
As he’d told Dean once when he was extremely drunk: I seem to do better at my job when the bodies are already dead.
“Now I know that I was right about your mother’s death,” John said.
Dean released a shaky sigh. “Aw, man. Not this again, Dad. For Christ’s sake.”
“There was something wrong about that fire, Dean,” he said, raising his voice to be heard over Dean’s objections. “I just didn’t find the connection…until now.”
Dean muttered a curse under his breath. His gaze fell to the ground. Sam was usually the one who drew a hard line at hearing any more about their mom’s supposed murder, but now Dean had reached the end of his tether. It was too much.
He glanced back through the glass doors to make sure you were okay. He saw you talking to Jo, and he frowned at himself.
Here you were, waiting on him back in the bar, and his dad was calling him in the middle of the night, chasing ghosts again.
“Look…it’s been my whole damn life with this.” Dean held the phone to his ear with one hand, and rubbed at his forehead with the other. “I just can’t do this with you anymore.”    
“Dean, listen,” John urged. “You wanna know what I’m digging into, this is it. I got Mary’s file unsealed.”
Dean’s eyes widened. “What? Thought you couldn’t do that without new evidence and a court order.”
“Well, I’ve got the evidence…maybe I was a bit impatient with the court order.”
Dean rolled his eyes. His father liked to play a little fast and loose with the rules.
“At the time, the medical examiner dismissed it. She’d been burned…” John paused on a deeper breath. “But I saw it. Mary had a burn on her wrist. It was the same brand found on Richardson. On Jerry Stillwell, CPA. Amanda Waller, journalist. It’s all connected, Dean. How they’re connected to one another, I’m not sure yet. We’re still digging…but I do know this. Richardson was a message.”
Dean’s back hit the wall of the Roadhouse. His brows furrowed as he struggled to digest everything John was saying.
“A message?” he asked. “To who?”
“To me, I think. Those kids, and their mother…you got ‘em out alive, but they weren’t meant to,” John said, his voice sounding heavy. "The wife told me her husband was erratic when he got home, holding his wrist. He'd been burned before the fire. He wouldn't say what happened...then they smelled the goddamn smoke."
"Shit," Dean replied. He leaned heavily against the wall, pressing a hand to his forehead. There was an ache starting between his eyes.
“Yeah," John agreed. "The drug ring I was investigating, when I was in Narcotics. I was getting close. And I mean close. I was about to get the Big Kahuna. The kingpin of the whole operation…and then the house fire.”
Fuck. Dean wiped at his mouth anxiously as he realized what John was saying. Fuck.
“He burned me, Dean. He must have,” John said. Meaning, the drug lord he was trying to pin down somehow discovered his identity. “Your mom paid the price of that.”
“Who is this guy?” Dean asked. His hand holding the phone was starting to tremble.
“I still don’t know his real name. Workin’ on that one too,” John said. “But they called him Azazel.”
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When Dean eventually hung up with his father and returned to you at the bar, he saw you brighten. But you soon dimmed with a tinge of worry. Something of his thoughts must’ve shown on his face.
Shit. He tried his best to school his features.
“Hey, sorry about that,” he said, grasping your shoulder. “I’ll take you home.”
“I met you here, remember?” you asked.
Dean paused, then shook his head. Get it together, asshole.
“Right," he said. "Well, I’ll walk you to your car. Let me just pay real quick.”
After he sorted out the bill (he didn’t know that you’d slipped in an extra $30 in Cas’s stack for your part), he led you out, saying goodbye to Ellen and Jo while you went.
You hesitated when the two of you got to the car. Something wasn’t right with him. And both Jo and Meg’s words still rolled back and forth through your head.
“Dean, are you okay? Who was it on the phone?” you asked.
“I’m fine. It was just my dad, called to have me take a look at his car. We were just arguing about our schedules…I’m sure you can relate,” he replied, trying at a smile.
You weren’t sure if you believed him. Though he was nearly convincing, he was also shifting on his feet, hands in his pockets. His gaze roamed away from yours, above your head and over your shoulder.
“Um, I might’ve had a beer too many,” you said with a half-chuckle. “Could you walk with me for a bit? Just until my head clears enough to drive.”
“I could take you home,” Dean offered.
“And leave my car here?” you asked. In a public parking lot behind a bar?
You shook your head and pointed down the road.
“Just there and back…but if you need to go, I guess I could just sit in my car for a while.”
Dean shook his head with a frown. He couldn’t tell you that a damn serial killer was on the loose.
“No, it’s okay,” he said. “It’s a relatively safe neighborhood, but not so much at night. Not by yourself.”
He laid a hand on your back to start walking with you, but his hand soon fell back to his side. You glanced at him, but he looked straight ahead, unusually quiet and reserved.
It felt like he was checking out of this night with you. Like he just wanted to usher you into the car and leave. Did he just not want to deal with what Meg said?
“You must be real special,” she remarked, gesturing at Dean. “He usually doesn’t bring his girls around here, where he actually likes to hang out. Guess that’d mean he’d have to see ‘em again with the lights on.”
Letting out a breath, you tried to see if you could broach the subject.
“It was nice to meet some more of your friends,” you said, and with a nervous laugh, “even if it did get awkward there at the end.”
Dean finally looked over at you.
“We never exactly talked about what each of us was looking for,” you said. “What we were really doing here.” 
You stood your ground, but you tried not to look censuring. Just open to whatever he might have to say. Even so, unease churned inside you.
Dean sighed and raked a hand through his hair. “Look, she wasn’t exactly wrong about me.”
You considered that with a nod, biting the inside of your lip.
“When was the last time you were in a relationship?” you asked. Dean gave a humorless huff of a laugh. This really was the last thing he wanted to get into tonight, but he had a feeling he had no choice.
“A few months ago, for about a minute,” he said. “But uh, before then…never.”
Together, you began to cross the street while the cars on either side waited at the red light. Pedestrians had the right of way for the next 30 seconds. You looked over at him and steeled yourself.
“Dean, is this is something casual for you?”
“Define casual,” he attempted to joke (or to deflect). Though the bravado fell the moment he saw that look on your face: tight and disappointed…and hurt.  
He reached for your hand, but you weren’t having it. You slipped away from him and continued walking at a more brusque clip, even in those platform heels.  
“Okay, hold on.” He quickly followed after you and tugged you back by the hand. It had you both stopping in the middle of the crosswalk.  
Dean squeezed your hand and peered into your eyes.
“Look, I’m sorry. Don’t close up on me,” he implored. “…Please.”
Despite your better judgment, and your pursed lips, you waited. Something told you this man didn’t often say please.
“The truth is, I’m trying to do something different here with you. I don’t think we would’ve made it to date #4 if we were just casual,” he said. “I’m not playing games either.”
You wanted to trust that he was serious. Once again, your mind and your heart were at odds; the former told you to be wary, while the latter told you to trust the earnestness in his eyes.
Your heart won. “Okay, Dean.”
“Yeah?” he asked, with hopeful brows raised.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
You finally smiled. And you leaned up, resting a hand against his chest, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. His stubble was coarse, but familiar against your lips.
Dean turned his head and leaned in for a proper kiss. His hands found the curve of your waist and brought you closer against his chest. You both sunk deeper into it, your lips gliding as your head tilted into the kiss…
Until a horn honked loudly, making you both jolt at the sound.
The streetlight was green, and several cars were waiting for you to cross. You snorted in amusement, leading Dean to grin down at you. He tugged you back into step with him across the street.
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Again, you hesitated at your car. Dean was more himself as he’d held your hand all the way back.
He now held your car door open while you threw in your purse. But when you turned back to him, you still saw something brooding behind his eyes.
You drew near and grasped the open edges of his shirt. This man wore a lot of plaid when he was out of uniform, always with an undershirt. Tonight it was green plaid on gray, complete with some faded jeans and a pair of boots. This was the only “casual” way in which you wanted Dean.  
“Hey,” you started.
“Hmm?” he replied, holding you by your arms.
“I get that we haven’t known each other all that long. So you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” you said. “But did something happen when you stepped out? When you talked to your dad?”
Dean paused. His eyes, a pale green under the streetlamp, flicked to yours.
“I just want to know that you’re okay,” you said. “And if you’re not, that’s okay too.”
After a moment to blink in surprise, your earnestness got to him. His grip moved down your arms, and he took one of your hands. His dad’s warning echoed through his mind.
What I’m about to tell you, you don’t fucking repeat. Not to anyone, you understand me? Not even your brother.
Dean knew his dad didn’t make demands without a reason, even if he wasn’t typically so forthcoming with them. But Dean drew enough courage to be as honest as he could be. You deserved that much, after everything you'd put up with tonight.
“My mom died...when I was about four,” he said. “It was a house fire.”
Your eyes widened. All this time, you’d assumed his mother had passed away. You hadn’t expected that, though. You squeezed his hands.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, and you meant it. Dean just shook his head.
“It was ruled an accident. Really they just didn’t have much evidence either way,” he continued. “But uh, my dad’s been obsessed with the idea that it wasn’t. That someone started the fire on purpose… Well, today, he might’ve found his proof.”
He held your gaze for as long as he could, but in the end, he just couldn’t. His chest was tight. Saying those words out loud made them real, and he wasn’t sure of how to handle it.  
“Oh, Dean,” you said, starting and stopping, as you struggled to formulate a response that wasn’t just “I’m sorry,” or “Are you okay?” 
He clearly wasn’t. You also didn’t want to give him platitudes like, “That’s crazy,” or the ever-inspired: “Wow.” 
Or some other variation of what you’re supposed to say. You wanted to give him something honest. Something real. 
So you curled your hands around his arms, earning his gaze.
“You must be reeling right now,” you said. “Do you think he’s onto something this time?”  
“I don’t know what to think,” said Dean. “I’ve been pressing him for answers, but…honestly? I wish he hadn’t told me a damn thing.” 
You didn’t know what to say to that. You were surprised that he actually confided in you with this. But the only thing you could think to do was lean up on your toes and slip your arms around his neck. You hugged him, warm and tight. 
You couldn’t even imagine what he was feeling, but you just wanted him to know that someone was there for him. You were there for him. 
Dean eventually hugged you back. He held you, reassuring you as well as himself. He blew out a cathartic breath, and his hand came up to cup the back of your head. His lips tugged upwards.
“You’re a sweetheart, you know that?” he said. 
A smile spread across your face. Your fingers soothed through his hair gently. You pressed your lips into his neck.
“I aim to please,” you said against his skin.
Dean smiled more fully at that. The new warmth in his chest warred against the roiling in his stomach. Despite his best efforts, his smile faded.
His mom’s killer was still out there.
The thought was haunting his mind, and he knew it probably would for many nights to come.
So for now, he’d just hold you a bit tighter.
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AN: 🥲 I honestly didn't mean it to end so angsty, but Dean finally got some much-needed hurt/comfort there! What did you think of how Jo handled her jealous side? And Gordon "shooting his shot" lol.
Coming soon in Part 7, we finally get to a huge milestone between these two lovebirds, with a side helping of baking shenanigans. 😏❤️‍🔥
Next Time:
“Ey, ey!” he raised a warning finger with his free hand. “You’re about to take this to a new level.”
You met his gaze through your lashes with a playful smile. “So?”
Dean raised a brow at you. He could admit, you had audacity. All he could do was call your bluff.
He took one of your battered fingers into his mouth. Your eyes widened at the feel of his soft tongue swirling around your finger, sucking it clean. All the while, his eyes never broke from yours.
Lord have mercy, you thought. Really, it was the only coherent one in your head.
Keep Reading: PART 7
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb
@vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @katherineann814 @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 months
⚾️ Inspiration Saturday ⚾️
The baseball AU is (unsurprisingly) inspired by the inherent homoeroticism in baseball, especially between a pitcher and catcher.
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“I-I think I need quiet today,” Buck said when he dropped his bag into his locker. Eddie got in early for the home opener instead of pacing around his house like he’d spent the early morning doing, he was already dressed for the game and doing his pre-game routine of reviewing the starting lineup for the Rockies.  “We can do quiet,” Eddie looked up at Buck with a small smile to remind him that he was there and he had his back. “Get dressed and I’ll go kick everyone out of the lounge.” “I don’t want to-” “Buck, what's the game day rule?” “Don’t touch Richardson’s bat?” “Buck,” Eddie gave Buck the bitchiest look he could muster while trying not to smile at him.  “Don’t mess with the starting pitcher on game day,” Buck finally met Eddie’s gaze as he said it.  “Damn straight,” Eddie grinned and put a hand gently on Buck’s shoulder, his thumb on his collarbone. He couldn’t help but gently rub his thumb back and forth as he spoke. “So I’m going to clear out the lounge, you’re going to get dressed, and then we’re going to give you some quiet.” Eddie squeezed Buck’s shoulder once before he walked to the lounge and cleared out the guys who were playing video games on the couch. “Buckley needs quiet so I’m taking the room boys.” The room cleared out so quickly it was like Eddie had dropped a stink bomb. Ravi and Albert clapped Eddie on the shoulder as they walked out of the lounge. Bobby was the last out of the room, his uniform already on but shirt not buttoned.  “Buck hasn’t had a quiet start in a while,” Bobby said quietly, eyes soft.  “I’ve got him,” Eddie was just as quiet. “You know I’ve got him.” “I know you do,” Bobby pulled Eddie into a quick hug before leaving the lounge. Eddie followed him and watched as Buck finished putting on his uniform. The rest of the team was quiet, clearly giving Buck what Eddie had told them he needed.
Tagged by @spotsandsocks @devirnis @monsterrae1 :)
No pressure tagging @watchyourbuck @loserdiaz @rosieposiepuddingnpie @thewolvesof1998 @daffi-990 @wildlife4life @malewifediaz @butchdiaz @spagheddiediaz @eddiebabygirldiaz @911-on-abc @wikiangela @rainbow-nerdss @jeeyuns @cal-daisies-and-briars @steadfastsaturnsrings @puppyboybuckley @epicbuddieficrecs @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @acountrygirlsfun @actualalligator @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @tizniz @honestlydarkprincess @fortheloveofbuddie @elvensorceress @buddierights @disasterbuckdiaz and anyone else who wants to share!
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marvelousbelladonna · 10 months
Sarge tells all his secrets
Taliesin eats a piece of paper
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Happy birthday to Conor Richard Kennedy ~ July 24, 1994🎂🎂🎂
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random-sparks-98 · 1 year
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Excerpt from chapter 1 of ‘Sunlit Gotham’ by Sparky441 on Ao3
Arriving at the media room Bobby and Skylar pause, taking in the scene in front of them:
Jason, Cass, and Stephanie are in the process of trapping a struggling Dick in a blanket burrito. Conner is restraining Tim in a hug as he tries to lunge for Damian. Jon is pulling back Damian to stop him from stabbing Tim with a katana. And Duke is standing on a chair, trying to tie a blanket up to the ceiling.
They watch as Jason and Steph give another shove to Dick - who trips as he is trapped in a blanket burrito - and rolls into the chair that Duke is on. Duke falls with a shriek, landing on top of Conner who drops Tim in an attempt to catch Duke. Tim lunges for Damian, grabbing the katana while his younger brother is still restrained by Jon, and turns to sprint out of the room. Damian licks Jon, who releases him on instinct to wipe the sensation away, and gives chase once he’s free. Upon seeing the Richardsons in the doorway Tim attempts to stop, eyes wide, but skids on a spare blanket and Damian takes the opening to tackle him. The katana goes flying as the brothers go down and Cass gracefully grabs it out of the air.
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brokenfuturerpg · 1 year
Hola personitas. Venimos con un aporte que nos ha costado un tiempito reunir. Es posible que algunos PB tengan 1 añito más de lo que pone, porque igual cumplieron recién. Esperamos les guste ^^
Evie Gardner (9)
Charlie Townsend (10)
Alexis & Ava McClure (10)
Everleight Souta (10)
Anniston Price (11)
Sienna Fizz (11)
Willow Morgan (11)
Blayke Busby (12)
Maya Le Clark (12)
Brooklynn Prince (13)
Kingston Foster (13)
Trinity Valenzuela (13)
River Woollard (14)
Isla Stanford (14)
Nuala Chee (14)
Shiloh Nelson (14)
Raegan Revord (15)
Sarah Dorothy Little (15)
Scarlett Estevez (15)
Cailey Fleming (16)
Indi Star (16)
Nicolette Durazzo (16)
Pressley Hosbach (16)
Priah Ferguson (16)
Havanna Winter (17)
Kristina Pimenova (17)
Mabel Chee (17)
McKenna Grace (17)
Ruby Rose Turner (17)
Dafne Keen (18)
Grace Vanderwaal (19)
Lily Chee (19)
Loreto Peralta (19)
Millie Bobby Brown (19)
Sissy Sheridan (19)
Anna CathCart (20)
Maddie Ziegler (20)
AmyBeth MnNulty (21)
Ava Michelle (21)
Billie Eilish (21)
Kaia Gerber (21)
Rowan Blanchard (21)
Sadie Sink (21)
Sophia Lillis (21)
Cara Taylor (22)
Iris Law (22)
Mackenzie Foy (22)
Meghan Roche (22)
Isabela Moner (22)
Yael Yurman (22)
Ester Expósito (23)
Kiernan Shipka (23)
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Amandla Stenberg (24)
Brec Bassinger (24)
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Lani Baker (24)
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Paris Berelc (24)
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Elle Fanning (25)
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Madelaine Arthur (26)
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Momo Hirai (26)
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Pyper America Smith (26)
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Valentina Zenere (26)
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Dove Cameron (27)
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Kendall Jenner (27)
Lydia Graham (27)
María Pedraza (27)
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Emilija Baranac (29)
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Luma Grothe (29)
Madelaine Petsch (29)
Meghan Trainor (29)
Mina El Hammani (29)
Ritu Arya (29)
Saoirse Ronan (29)
Taissa Farmiga (29)
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Ariana Grande (30)
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Irina Isasia (30)
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Miley Cyrus (30)
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Cara Delevigne (31)
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Gaia Weiss (31)
Grace Phipps (31)
Josefin Asplund (31)
Karlie Kloss (31)
Kate Upton (31)
Kaya Scodelario (31)
Lali Espósito (31)
Madeline Brewer (31)
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Malese Jow (32)
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Taylor Swift (33)
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Lana del Rey (38)
Laura Haddock (38)
Maggie Civantos (38)
Rooney Mara (38)
Scarlett Johansson (38)
Ashley Madekwe (39)
Gina Rodriguez (39)
Martha Higareda (39)
Olivia Wilde (39)
Paty Cantú (39)
Rachel Taylor (39)
Tessa Thompson (39)
Torrey DeVitto (39)
Alyssa Sutherland (40)
Anne Hathaway (40)
Emily Blunt (40)
Esther Acebo (40)
Gemma Chan (40)
Golshifteh Farahani (40)
Jamie Chung (40)
Katie McGrath (40)
Mila Kunis (40)
Miranda Kerr (40)
Nicky Minaj (40)
Alexis Bledel (41)
Anna Paquin (41)
Beyoncé (41)
Cobie Smulders (41)
Elisabeth Moss (41)
Hayley Atwell (41)
Kirsten Dunst (41)
Lauren Cohan (41)
Melissa Fumero (41)
Natalie Dormer (41)
Priyanka Chopra (41)
Bryce Dallas Howard (42)
Carrie Coon (42)
Genevieve Cortese (42)
Jenna Dewan (42)
Natalie Portman (42)
Stephanie Beatriz (42)
Hannah Simone (43)
Kristen Bell (43)
Rebel Wilson (43)
Sophia Myles (43)
Zooey Deschanel (43)
Bianca Lawson (44)
Claire Danes (44)
Evangeline Lilly (44)
Felicia Day (44)
Jennifer Morrison (44)
Jodi Lyn O’Keefe (44)
Maggie Q (44)
Rachel McAdams (44)
Rose Byrne (44)
Chelsea Peretti (45)
Cindy Sampson (45)
Danai Gurira (45)
Ginnifer Goodwin (45)
Katheryn Winnick (45)
Michelle Rodriguez (45)
Zoe Saldana (45)
Carice Van Houten (46)
Emily Deschanel (46)
Liv Tyler (46)
Lynn Collins (46)
Naomie Harris (46)
Shakira (46)
Elsa Pataky (47)
Isla Fisher (47)
Kate Winslet (47)
Marion Cotillard (47)
Milla Jovovich (47)
Paz Vega (47)
Reese Witherspoon (47)
Angelina Jolie (48)
Charlize Theron (48)
Christina Hendrix (48)
Drew Barrymore (48)
Eva Longoria (48)
Amy Adams (49)
Aishwarya Rai (49)
Elizabeth Banks (49)
Eva Mendes (49)
Lena Headey (49)
Penélope Cruz (49)
Victoria Beckham (49)
Gwyneth Paltrow (50)
Kristen Wiig (50)
Li Bingbing (50)
Vera Farmiga (50)
Najwa Nimri (50)
Sofía Vergara (51)
Winona Ryder (51)
Cara Buono (52)
Jennifer Connelly (52)
Melissa McCarthy (53)
Naomi Campbell (53)
Uma Thurman (53)
Queen Latifah (53)
Cate Blanchett (54)
Jennifer Aniston (54)
Jennifer Lopez (54)
Lucy Liu (54)
Naomi Watts (54)
Julia Roberts (55)
Lauren Graham (56)
Nicole Kidman (56)
Salma Hayek (56)
Pamela Anderson (56)
Helena Bonham Carter (57)
Robin Wright (57)
Sandra Bullock (59)
Demi Moore (60)
Marcia Cross (61)
Julianne Moore (62)
Jamie Lee Curtis (64)
Michelle Pfeiffer (65)
Sharon Stone (65)
Geena Davis (67)
Sigourney Weaver (73)
Jessica Lange (74)
Meryl Streep (74)
Susan Sarandon (76)
Diane Keaton (77)
Hellen Mirren (77)
119 notes · View notes