#Bobby Misner
seabayforum · 1 year
Bobby Misner, a predator?
For those of you who don't know him, Bobby or Robert Misner is a self-titled" Billionaire's Son" who has made for himself a small YouTube following, showcasing the experience of being the son of a very successful man and showing us through vlogs his life as well as his adventures, namely the party scene, but in different environments.
His most prominent achievements, if you'd call them that, are:
-Getting kicked out of one of the most prestigious boarding schools in Europe at the age of 18, after claiming to be a rebel for 3 years straight and causing constant problems to the institution, he embarked on false pretenses on a weekend-long journey on a private plane to France from the UK to go celebrate his 18th birthday on a Casino boat, embarrassing the school in the process when news leaked.
-Wasting a ~800k trust fund in under 3 years in a luxury lifestyle, the calculations are personal speculation, he had money given to him by his father, and on top of that he sold a house, also given to him by his father, for 700k, he spent it all on parties, alcohol, expensive dinners, etc.
-Creating a "Youth Club" called "Paradise Black" targeted at the most elite of individuals, although it realistically only resembles a once-a-year party that takes place in Cape Town or Coachella, (where they showcased in the latest video heavy disrespect towards the owner), and promise "open memberships" to the public that don't seem realistic based on prices, this club has been mentioned sparingly since that video being brought up, only really resurfacing when the party is around the corner to potentially garner new members.
-Attempting to create a clothing line that targeted the "Rich Children that are Rebels" demographic, with each piece of clothing costing around 400 euros, designed by Bobby himself, with a very odd and directly written return policy. His shift in employment status might indicate this isn't going too well and/or failed almost completely, but it's still up (https://inadapte.co/).
-Attempting a modeling/acting career and having both go nowhere, the modeling career is a dead end that I believe never left the "Friends need an extra for their work so I'll volunteer" stage, as there are no agencies that have ever claimed him as one of their models that can be found, and his acting career you can have fun and check out for yourself ( https://www.imdb.com/video/vi3804149785/?playlistId=nm9313966).
-Occasional work as an editor/recorder for music videos as well as promotional material, Bobby knows how to edit videos and he has worked on some projects, There are 2 known examples: 2 music videos for rap artist Desiigner (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0V0uwtJZZc) and one promotional material he claims he did for Disney that can't be found.
I watch his videos from time to time as a hate watcher and the recent one got me thinking a bit, specifically about his girlfriend, a French girl named Alix Morillo. In the latest one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZhEXusK3OQ&t=892s) at around the 14:50 mark, after attending her birthday in Sidney she tells us she just turned 19 years old, This shocked me a bit as she looks young, I expected her to be a bit older considering his age, and it got me thinking about his thumbnails and videos with her, but not before I confirmed her birthday, it is 5 march.
There is no official confirmation but on her Instagram, there is a post taken in Sidney with the exact same dress, and considering "their" level of wealth, the parties they attended, and the 1-month duration of time they were staying there, I don't see it possible for her to be wearing the same dresses repeatedly. (https://www.instagram.com/p/CpaAJ5hjLEH/?hl=en - check the previous video at 14:30 you'll see the same dress)
Going back a bit, Bobby pretty much, every chance he gets, either has her in the thumbnails as clickbait, in underwear or bathing suit, or walking around the video nude with censors for presumedly audience retention (Check his latest 8 videos thumbnails, 4 have her backside, straight up naked/with a swimsuit or a censor bar), so I backtracked until I found the original video where he first mentions her and I found it.
In this video starting at around 4:30, he introduces her as someone he's met sometime prior and had begun a relationship with.
Around 30 seconds later he showcases closeups of her backside as well as her overall body in I believe a very creepy way to show the audience, random strangers, that you are in a new relationship with what is essentially a minor.
This video is from December 12, 2021. Assuming he uploads his videos on, at most, a 1-month delay from the happenings (see the original video's time date for 1 of many references to this schedule), that means he would've started dating her at the age of 26 when she was, at the oldest possible point, around 17 and a half, and started posting her barely clothed closeups on his YouTube when she wasn't even of age yet, and just clearly naked "walking around with a censor bar" closeups when she was barely just over 18, for his profit.
Considering the power dynamic they have, especially when one is backed up by the amount of money his father has, I speculate that he is using her for his own goals, such as consistent audience retention on his YouTube.
For instance, checking the most replayed moments of videos she features in here will prove this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynMwUs-YbCk - 10:40
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZhEXusK3OQ&t=813s - 6:22 + 13:35
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDlMtHA0FAU&t=30s - 3:20
The man is a clinical failure, given every shot at success and still managing to waste it on every endevure he embarked on with failure after failure, until he inevitably fell back on the time-tested profession for every rich man's child, "working under them on a position someone else probably deserves more", and so has sunk down to using initially a minor who models and potentially has feelings for him as clickbait for his stagnated YouTube channel, as to prove that he isn't totally irredeemable.
I don't know if she has the real-world experience to tell if he might just be using her for her looks and eventually down the line will just toss her aside for someone younger, but at the current time considering what I know of him and showcased through his vlogs and interviews. I think she might be in for a very bad time down the line and I hope she hasn't or isn't being pressured into anything, as I doubt this man of all has even respectable impulse control.
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my-music-1460 · 1 month
The Best Music Industry Books for Networking Strategies
In the ever-evolving music industry, networking is not just an optional skill but a vital component of success. Whether you are an artist, producer, manager, or any other professional within the industry, your ability to build and maintain meaningful relationships can significantly impact your career trajectory. With the rise of digital platforms and the increasing importance of global connections, the traditional methods of networking have expanded, requiring a deeper understanding of the strategies that work in this dynamic environment. For anyone looking to master the art of networking within the music industry, several books offer invaluable insights and practical advice. These are considered some of the best music industry books for those who want to strengthen their network and ensure long-term success.
Understanding the Importance of Networking in the Music Industry
Networking in the music industry is more than just exchanging business cards at events; it's about creating lasting relationships that can open doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and resources. The industry thrives on connections, where who you know can be just as important as what you know. Books that focus on networking strategies help demystify this process, offering readers practical tools to build a robust professional network. These strategies are essential for navigating the complex landscape of the music industry, where relationships often determine access to resources, information, and opportunities.
Books That Build Your Networking Foundations
"All You Need to Know About the Music Business" by Donald S. Passman This book is often hailed as the Bible of the music industry. While it covers a wide range of topics, its sections on networking are particularly valuable. Passman emphasizes the importance of building relationships with key industry players, including lawyers, managers, and label executives. His advice on how to approach these relationships with professionalism and persistence is crucial for anyone serious about succeeding in the music business.
"The Musician's Handbook: A Practical Guide to Understanding the Music Business" by Bobby Borg Bobby Borg’s guide is tailored for musicians looking to navigate the industry independently. The book delves into the nuances of networking, offering tips on how to connect with the right people and build a team that supports your career goals. Borg’s practical approach to networking includes advice on everything from attending industry events to leveraging social media platforms effectively.
"Networking Strategies for the New Music Business" by Peter Spellman Peter Spellman’s book is a treasure trove of networking strategies specifically designed for the modern music industry. It explores both traditional networking techniques and contemporary digital strategies, making it a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to build connections in today's music world. Spellman provides actionable advice on how to approach networking with confidence and authenticity, ensuring that relationships are not just made but maintained.
Advanced Networking Techniques for Industry Professionals
For those who are already familiar with the basics of networking, there are books that delve into more advanced strategies. These resources go beyond the foundational principles to explore sophisticated techniques for building and sustaining professional relationships at a higher level.
"Networking Like a Pro: Turning Contacts into Connections" by Ivan Misner and David Alexander While not exclusively focused on the music industry, this book offers advanced networking techniques that can be easily adapted to any field. Misner and Alexander provide a systematic approach to networking, emphasizing the importance of follow-up and maintaining relationships over time. Their insights are particularly useful for industry professionals who are looking to deepen their existing connections and expand their influence.
"The Art of Building Relationships: The Key to Building a Successful Career in the Music Business" by Paul Rutter Paul Rutter’s book is a deep dive into the art of relationship-building within the music industry. He explores the psychology behind successful networking, offering readers a new perspective on how to connect with others in a meaningful way. Rutter’s advice is particularly relevant for those looking to build long-term relationships that go beyond mere professional interactions.
"Mastering the Music Business: Strategies for Success in the New Music Industry" by Andrew J. Dubber Andrew Dubber’s book focuses on the new realities of the music industry, where digital platforms have transformed how professionals connect and collaborate. Dubber provides strategies for networking in this new landscape, including tips on using social media to your advantage and building an online presence that attracts opportunities. His book is a must-read for anyone looking to succeed in the digital age.
Practical Applications: How to Implement Networking Strategies
Reading about networking strategies is one thing, but applying them in real life is another. The best music industry books on networking not only provide theoretical knowledge but also offer practical steps that can be implemented immediately. Here’s how you can put the advice from these books into action:
Attend Industry Events One of the most effective ways to build your network is by attending music industry events such as conferences, festivals, and workshops. These settings provide a natural environment to meet like-minded professionals and establish connections. Books like Bobby Borg’s "The Musician's Handbook" offer specific tips on how to prepare for these events, what to bring, and how to make a lasting impression.
Leverage Social Media In today’s digital age, social media platforms are powerful tools for networking. Andrew J. Dubber’s "Mastering the Music Business" provides strategies for using platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with industry professionals. By following his advice, you can build an online presence that not only showcases your work but also attracts new opportunities.
Follow Up and Maintain Relationships Networking is not a one-time event; it’s an ongoing process that requires nurturing relationships over time. Ivan Misner’s "Networking Like a Pro" emphasizes the importance of follow-up, suggesting that a simple thank-you note or a follow-up email can make a significant difference in maintaining professional relationships. Consistency in communication is key to keeping your network active and engaged.
Real-World Success Stories: Learning from the Best
To truly understand the power of networking, it’s helpful to look at real-world success stories from the music industry. Many industry professionals have shared their experiences of how networking transformed their careers, and these stories often highlight the importance of the strategies discussed in the best music industry books.
Case Study: The Rise of an Independent Artist An independent artist who struggled to get noticed in a saturated market used the networking strategies outlined in Peter Spellman’s book. By attending local music events and using social media to connect with producers and promoters, the artist was able to build a strong support network. This network eventually led to collaborations, increased exposure, and ultimately, a successful music career.
Case Study: A Manager’s Journey to Success A music manager who followed the advice in Donald Passman’s "All You Need to Know About the Music Business" successfully navigated the complex relationships between artists, labels, and other industry stakeholders. By understanding the importance of each relationship and applying strategic networking techniques, the manager was able to secure lucrative deals and grow their business significantly.
Case Study: From Intern to Executive A music industry intern, inspired by Bobby Borg’s practical advice, used networking to climb the career ladder. By connecting with mentors, attending industry events, and consistently following up with contacts, the intern was eventually offered a full-time position and later promoted to an executive role.
In the music industry, networking is a powerful tool that can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. The best music industry books on networking provide a wealth of knowledge and strategies that can help professionals at all levels build and maintain meaningful connections. By reading and applying the insights from these books, you can enhance your networking skills, expand your professional network, and ultimately achieve greater success in your career. Whether you are just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, these books offer valuable guidance that can help you navigate the complex world of music industry networking.
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goalhofer · 1 year
Top 10 MiLB Strikeout Leaders: Week 25
10: Ryan Ward, Oklahoma City (157) 9: Zach Collins, Columbus (159) 8: Pedro León, Sugar Land (160) 7: Tristan Gray, Durham (166) 6: Bobby Dalbec, Worcester (169) 5: Zach DeLoach, Tacoma (173) 4: Moisés Gómez, Memphis (180) 3: Edmund Burdick, Jacksonville (180) 2: Kameron Misner, Durham (186) 1: Jerar Encarnación, Jacksonville (200)
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otakunews · 2 years
Cuộc đời như phim của rich kid Australia: 15 tuổi phát hiện bố là tỷ phú giàu có, chìm đắm trong giới thượng lưu, bị đuổi học, sau đó về làm việc cho bố.
Cuộc đời như phim của rich kid Australia: 15 tuổi phát hiện bố là tỷ phú giàu có, chìm đắm trong giới thượng lưu, bị đuổi học, sau đó về làm việc cho bố.
Tất cả những điều này bất ngờ “gõ cửa” và rồi đến một ngày đẹp trời, Bobby phát hiện ra rằng cha mình có một gia tài lớn. Năm 2019, một tài khoản YouTube với tên Bobby Misner đã trở thành một hiện tượng mạng xã hội nổi tiếng. Kênh YouTube này liên tục đăng tải những video cận cảnh về cuộc sống thượng lưu, xa hoa tột đỉnh với đầy siêu xe, biệt thự, du thuyền. Bobby Misner, chủ nhân của tài khoản…
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willneedits · 5 years
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Also, I just dropped the third episode of the podcast yesterday so check it out!!!
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rudeboyy401 · 5 years
Video: Desiigner "DIVA"
.@LifeOfDesiigner - DIVA (Official Music Video)
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Desiigner returns with a new record titled ‘DIVA’. Directed by Bobby Misner. (more…)
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rudeboysworld · 5 years
Video: Desiigner "DIVA"
.@LifeOfDesiigner - DIVA (Official Music Video)
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Desiigner returns with a new record titled ‘DIVA’. Directed by Bobby Misner. (more…)
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pseudophan · 6 years
i hate when rich kids think they're "filmmakers" and "artists" just because they have fancy equipment lmao
bobby misner has left the chat
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tewisuggestions · 6 years
TRUE CRINGE: Life of a Billionaire's Son
hey guys, it’s me tewi. i’m gonna do that thing @moonhermitbuddyboy does sometimes and do a low-effort reaction post to some shitty youtube video. up first is this lesbian named @pyrocynical (who never posts here and who you should totally subscribe to so that he can mage montage parodies again btw), who’ll be my proxy so that i don’t infect myself with ligma by watching the cringe in question
i got my food and my best friend ever @udongesuggestions, who will be reacting to the video instead as I write down her reactions.
so without further ado... spoilers, i guess...
”Tewi, I did not agree to this, I- ...did this man just teleport in?”
“H-how much money does this human spend on those clothes? What’s 800 dollars...?”
“I see why you like this channel so much, Tewi...”
“M-my nuts?”
“...Tewi, these dark arts you keep studying are awful.”
“...isn’t this guy who said the n-word fighting that Indian company you told people to rally against, Tewi?” (yeah, but t-series isn’t relevant enough to be funny anymore)
“B-billionaire?” (🅱illionaire’s son)
“T-this guy’s a real prick!” (rich people)
“S-SPONGEBOB?! (yeah, he’s a good source of ad revenue)
“I never went to a school this good on the moon... all I had was the training academy.” (reisen, this is supposed to be funny, but you’re getting personal)
“M-misfit?! This... THIS OBNOXIOUS LITTLE PRICK!” (now it’s funny again)
“Australia’s not that bad a place, is it?”
“O-oh! So his father didn’t just give him the money? O-okay, so then there’s hope! Maybe he earned his money legitimately through hard work!”
“No! Dammit! Your father’s a failure, Bobby Misner!”
“T-this... this is just obscene! How could he just act like his life was hard, but then his father comes along and buys him a yacht and a jet?!”
“THAT’S BECAUSE YOU ARE A SPOILED BRAT, YOU SHITSTAIN!” (am i exaggerating reisen’s words? maybe... maybe not.)
“I want to punt this fucker across the room.” (lmao get in line)
“...work hard. Okay, sure. Tell me, Bobby. What do you do with your father’s inherited wisdom?”
“20 grand?! W-what?!”
“Wow. You wanted to make something better of yourself and you spend your entire time at this school that cost more than my whole regiment’s life savings put together being a complete turd.”
“At least you’re actually working. Even if there’s clear bias.”
“Wow, this man is a real piece of work.”
“I hate you for making me know about this man, Tewi. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go listen to Beach Walk on a loop.”
(when petscop 2)
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famoussoul7 · 4 years
Tom Misner (Bobby Misner’s dad) Age/ Family/ Career/ SAE Institute /Net worth and Facts
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goalhofer · 1 year
Top 10 MiLB Strikeout Leaders: Week 24
10: Ryan Ward, Oklahoma City (152) 9: Pedro León, Sugar Land (154) 8: Zach Collins, Columbus (159) 7: Tristan Gray, Durham (160) 6: Zach DeLoach, Tacoma (165) 5: Bobby Dalbec, Worcester (169) 4: Edmund Burdick, Jacksonville (173) 3: Kameron Misner, Durham (173) 2: Moisés Gómez, Memphis (174) 1: Jerar Encarnación, Jacksonville (195)
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yusukesmomjeans · 4 years
Bobby Misner’s stupid Life of a Millionaire’s Son video has to have inspired the OG I Am Sophie video. They’re so painfully similar it’s hard to believe his is real.
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maxwellthebrit · 4 years
While I was photoshopping celebrities into Richard’s images and expanding the world, I thought I might as well go back to when Richard was rich and with Brabra to expand on his relationship and connections.
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Taken in my garden and not cropped out for once (Shocker). Watching Bobby Misner and looking back at Dan Bilzerian, one thing we were definitely missing from the account is drugs, they’re always smoking and showing it off. So here is my response to that, Richard smoking with Kanye and Brad Pitt, with Brabra being disapproving at the side, one of the first hints of their relationship failure. Again at this point the process is self-explanatory. The weather for the bast few days has taken a bit of a turn so the weather is always overcast. Sunny Scotland, eh. If it was sunny I would have preferred that kind of warm and high contrast aesthetic, but again I still need to add an Instagram filter to this, which I will do in the app when we upload them all. 
Here are some of the photos from before it was Photoshopped. The first one is an outtake that I think looked quite cool.
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Next taking that idea of bookending images in the same location, I took the photo below which is supposed to be him living an ordinary life content with himself in the same place as where he was smoking. It’s now brighter, soften, greener, and more chill, all done with colour correction on Photoshop. I even added a slight white vignette to make it softer.
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A simple photo, but that’s the point. It’s effective at showing his character change because of how different and tame it is compared to the rest. It could be one of my personal favourites.
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henkeakerman · 6 years
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'Billionaire's son' Bobby Misner knows YouTube doesn't like him https://ift.tt/2Eo2qEe
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'Billionaire's son' Bobby Misner knows YouTube doesn't like him
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Bobby Misner knows people don't like him, and he is more than OK with it — he's still raking in views. 
The 23-year-old YouTuber went viral in late 2018 when his video "LIFE of a BILLIONAIRE'S SON" became the subject of popular reaction vloggers. It's something between a travel vlog and a movie trailer, flaunting a rich kid's glamorous, privileged life across yachts on tropical beaches and helipads in major cities. Hate him as much as you want, but the video has more than 4.6 million views and Bobby now has 188,000 subscribers. 
SEE ALSO: YouTuber perfectly parodies pretentious Genius videos
Here's the TL;DR so you don't have to watch all eight minutes and 31 seconds of millennial flexing: Bobby was born into a financially comfortably family in Australia, but it all changed when he was 15, because his father sold his company for $300 million. From there, he bounced between schools, partied with celebrities, and lived the life of the nouveau riche. 
"I've always hated that how just because someone is born into a family of wealth, people automatically label them as a spoiled brat," Bobby said in the video, bizarrely lit so that he appeared like a disembodied head. "Yes, my dad has a private jet. And I love flying it. Yes, my dad has a mansion and cars, and I love making videos with them." 
It's difficult to take anyone seriously when they list "fast cars and beautiful girls" as their major interests. Bobby comes off as incredibly out of touch throughout the video — he even pulls the classic, "I'm not rich, my parents are!" while bragging about attending a party with Kate Moss.
"But I never pretended that those things were something I owned," Bobby's floating head continued in the video. "And I recognize that my dad is the one who worked hard for them." 
Can someone really be so oblivious, though? During a FaceTime call with Mashable, Bobby clarified that it was mostly an act to catch views.
"Basically I see 'Bobby' as a character," the real Bobby said, calling from London. He bounces between cities, and is currently looking to set up a base in Los Angeles. "My name on paper is Robert. Realistically, no one's portraying themselves, everyone pretends they're on holiday the whole time, doing these nice things. If I'm gonna do that, I might as well create a character who ... lives in this dream world."
He has a point. In a twisted way, it's refreshing to see a YouTuber who doesn't rely on being relatable to build an army of subscribers. If anything, he's the embodiment of everything unattainable but highly desired in this capitalist hell. As much a dick as he appears in his videos, Bobby is surprisingly self aware — he notes that he isn't "disadvantaged in any way," and clarifies that he is in fact "a really down to earth guy." 
At times, Bobby does seem like he gets how most people actually live. In a recent Instagram story, he complained about paying $43 for cucumber Juul pods. During the FaceTime call, he notably opted for traditional (wired!) earbuds over the current meme marker of wealth, Airpods. 
"I don't necessarily wake up and drink champagne or something," Bobby laughed. "I feel like a lot of people think that from that video, I'm living this ridiculously lavish lifestyle but I'm actually quite a simple boy." 
But then again, it's hard to believe that when he captions his Instagram photos with "Money is the drug and I'm a junkie." He even uploaded a video that's a cross between a flex and a manifesto called "RICH KID'S rule book to WEALTH," instructing his followers to avoid getting scammed by "keeping your friend circle tight and small." 
View this post on Instagram
Money is the drug and I’m a junkie
A post shared by Bobby Misner (@bobbymisner) on Feb 18, 2019 at 9:55am PST
"When there's someone like me, who has everything and everything appears to be perfect, it's prime," he responded when questioned about being the subject of scathing reaction videos. "It's easy to hate on me because you can." 
It really is too easy to hate on him, because he seems so stuck in his own world. Search "billionaire's son" on YouTube, and you're sure to find titles with his name adjacent to spoiled, arrogant, and cringe.
"It sounds so weird to brag about something your dad did," YouTuber Danny Gonzalez joked in a reaction video. "My dad started bringing really pretty girls around. My dad has a really good work ethic. And I was also there." 
It's clear that Bobby idolizes his father, School of Audio Engineering (SAE) founder Tom Misner. The institute has private, for-profit college campuses worldwide and was sold in 2010. He talks about the elder Misner reverently in his vlogs, and his IMDb bio says he's "learnt the most important aspects of life from his father, and that is to follow your dreams and work hard at attaining them." 
His father still bankrolls Bobby's lifestyle, to an extent. Bobby receives "an allowance" from his old man, but "it's nowhere what people think." He noted that he now makes more money than what his father gives him.
"My dad knows how to do it, right," Bobby said during the call, explaining his channel's goal. "I'm not gotta sit here and tell people, 'I know how to make you millions.' I don't know. I'll just tell you certain philosophies and stuff that I go by, but what I can tell people that when you're here, living this life, there are things that I know." 
He doesn't believe that other YouTubers put in the same amount of effort into making a video that he does. In a subtle dig to the Vlog Squad's style of quick cuts and daily video diaries, Bobby said other vloggers will "just use iMovie and put together some stuff from a day and be like, 'This is it," while his videos involve higher production quality. 
"Longevity is much more important to me than clout," Bobby said. "Each video I put out, I want to watch it myself." 
Even if it means being YouTube's most arrogant influencer — maybe even usurping the Paul brothers from their asshole throne — Bobby is committed to his channel. While other YouTubers strive to be personable, Bobby does the opposite, basking in surreal luxury. He derides the more "authentic" social media stars who FaceTune their photos, perfect themselves with makeup, and then "tell you to be secure in yourself." 
"I'm quite narcissistic," Bobby concludes at the end of our call. He says this with like it's a fact of life instead of a brag. "I like myself. I like the life I live and I'll tell you straight up in my videos. As long as you're honest about that, your viewers — even if they don't like you — will feel like you're telling the truth and they'll follow your story."
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