#Bob Nunn
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Bobby Nunn
Bobby Nunn albums:
Second To Nunn (1982)
Private Party (1983)
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wutbju · 9 months
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Not everything got in the Newsletter.
This was published up in Winston-Salem:
To the Editor of the Journal: "Chet" Huntley, reporting the death of Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., founder of Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina, referred to the location of the university as GREENSville, NORTH Carolina. Even North Carolinian David Brinkley failed to correct his old partner. Perhaps David, too, just didn't know the location of the university or, perhaps, more charitably, just wasn't listening. (David may be smarter than is popularly supposed.) But, aside from all that, "Chet" then closed the item, fraught as it was with inaccuracies all too common in news media, with a snide allusion to "old-time religion" being the purpose of the university. Is it any wonder that we are the most informed, albeit worst informed, people of all time? -HARRY L. NUNN JR.
The "Old-time religion" was hardly a "snide allusion," Mr. Nunn. BJU has always been proud of the phrase.
And everybody mixes up the Carolinas. Get over it.
But doesn't his conclusion sound familiar?
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1264doghouse · 19 days
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Lost Gonzo Band 1977: David "Slappy" Gilstrap, Jerry Jeff Walker, Steve Kieth, Donny Dolan, Bob Livingston, Gary Nunn, Susanna Clark & Honzo Crouch. Photo by Guy Clark.
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faerie-hideaway · 11 months
U.S. users email your representatives this, and make sure to include your zip code:
I am your constituent. I am strongly in favor of defunding Israel. I want my opinion logged on every single one of these pieces of legislation. It is an atrocity that the USA is sending our taxpayer dollars, weaponry, and other support to Israel in order to aid in the genocide of the Palestinian people. It does not reflect the will of your constituents, and I demand that you correct this by voting for/against the following bills, resolutions, and legislation.
To be frank, I will be basing my vote for you in upcoming elections on this issue. I will be watching closely to see how you vote on issues regarding funding to Israel. I will not vote for you in the next election if you vote to send any money, support, or weaponry to Israel. I will be voting for you if you vote to block money, support, and weaponry to Israel.
This is the current legislation I am for, and the current legislation I am against. I would like your office to record my opinion for each bill, and I would like you to take this into consideration when you vote.
I am FOR the following, and expect you to vote for this and co-sponsor, either now or when matching legislation reaches your office.
H.Res. 786: by Rep. Cori Bush
H.Res. 388 by Rep. Rashida Tlaib
H.R. 3103 by Rep. Betty McCollum
I am against Joe Biden’s proposal to spend billions of dollars on Israel via a package for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and the US border. Biden is asking for $100 BILLION for this package and it is only 1 YEAR'S worth of funding. This is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable, and I am against you voting for ANY bill that spends even $1 on Israel. I do not care what else is in the bill. If it gives money to Israel, I am against it.
I am AGAINST the following, and expect you to vote against this and not co-sponsor, either now or when matching legislation reaches your office.
S. 3083 by Sen. Bill Hagerty [R-TN]
S.Res. 417 by Sen. Charles “Chuck” Schumer [D-NY]
H.Res. 797 by Rep. Cory Mills [R-FL7]
S. 3081 by Sen. Steve Daines [R-MT]
H.Res. 796 by Rep. Ernest “Tony” Gonzales [R-TX23]
S.Res. 413 by Sen. Marco Rubio
H.R. 552 by Rep. Lance Gooden
H.R. 5959 by Thomas Tiffany
S. 3081 by Sen. Steve Daines
H.Res. 789 by Rep. Jefferson Van Drew
H.Res. 771 by Rep. Michael McCaul
H.R. 5932 by Rep. David Schweikert
H.Res. 768 by Rep. Michael McCaul
H.Res. 770 by Rep. Zachary (Zach) Nunn
H.Res. 701 by Rep. Bradley “Brad” Schneider
H.Con.Res. 61 by Rep. Janice “Jan” Schakowsky
S. 2587 by Sen. Jon Tester
H.Res. 606 by Rep. Andrew Ogles
S. 2413 by Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez
S. 2438 by Sen. Christopher Coons
H.R. 4709 by Rep. Josh Gottheimer
S.Con.Res. 14: by Sen. Tom Cotton
H.Con.Res. 57 by Rep. August Pfluger
H.R. 4665 by Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart
S. 2265 by Sen. Dan Sullivan
S. 2226 by Sen. John F. “Jack” Reed
H.Res. 581 by Rep. Gregory Steube
S. 2240 by Sen. Christopher Coons
H.R. 4564 by Rep. Claudia Tenney
H.R. 4365 by Rep. Ken Calvert
H.R. 4076 by Rep. Chris Pappas
H.R. 3932 by Rep. Michael Turner
H.R. 3907 by Rep. Lois Frankel
S. 1802 by Sen. Gary Peters
H.R. 3792 by Rep. Joe Wilson
S. 1777 by Sen. Jacky Rosen
H.R. 3393 by Rep. Carlos Gimenez
H.Res. 409 by Rep. Carlos Gimenez
S. 1637 by Sen. Marco Rubio
H.R. 3266 by Rep. Brad Sherman
S. 1504 by Sen. Tom Cotton
H.R. 3099 by Rep. Michael Lawler
S.Res. 188 by Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez
H.Res. 346 by Rep. Randy Weber
H.R. 2973 by Rep. Cathy Anne McMorris Rodgers
S. 1334: by Sen. Jacky Rosen
S. 1300 by Sen. Benjamin Cardin
H.Res. 311 by Rep. Ann Wagner
H.R. 2670 by Rep. Mike Rogers
H.R. 2531 by Rep. Bradley “Brad” Schneider
S. 1143 by Sen. Jerry Moran
H.R. 1777 by Rep. Joe Wilson
H.R. 1218 by Rep. August Pfluger
H.R. 1102 by Rep. Chip Roy
S. 510 by Sen. Tom Cotton
S. 489 by Sen. Rick Scott
S. 430 by Sen. James Risch
S. 431 by Sen. James Risch
H.R. 987 by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
H.Res. 92 by Rep. Josh Gottheimer
H.Res. 76 by Rep. Max Miller
H.R. 687 by Rep. Gregory Steube
H.R. 211 by Rep. Gregory Steube
S. 224 by Sen. Tom Cotton
S. 189 by Sen. Marco Rubio
I am against any legislation that allows troops to deploy to the Middle East in support roles for Israel, as proposed by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
I am against Netanyahu’s ground invasion of Gaza, which will inevitably lead to mass killings of Palestinian civilians and escalate violence. If there are any future bills supporting this, you need to vote against them and not co-sponsor.
The U.S. Constitution and the War Powers Act stipulate that only Congress can authorize the president to use military force in a foreign war, except in cases of self-defense. Previous administrations from both parties have ignored this, with unauthorized strikes in places like Syria and Libya. I want you to stand against ANY use of military force that supports Israel or hurts Palestine.
And of course, I am against the usual funding of $3.8 billion PER YEAR to Israel. This 10-year agreement began in 2016. I do not want a renewal in 2026, and in the next election, I will vote for representatives who WILL NOT VOTE TO FUND ISRAEL. I will be keeping track of how you vote now, and I will not vote for you if you decide to fund Israel in any way.
I am a single-issue voter for this. I want you to defund Israel. I do not want a single dollar spent on supporting Israel. I will be paying attention to how you vote in the upcoming weeks and months, and if you vote to fund or provide weapons, troops, or intelligence to Israel, I will NOT vote for you in the next election.
We are paying attention to the budget. We know when you're giving aid to a country committing genocide instead of helping your constituents in the USA. Both myself and tens of thousands of other constituents have spent years saying that we don’t want our hard-earned taxpayer dollars going to Israel. The lack of willingness to fund anything for American citizens, but the quickness with which you take action for Israel is telling. It is unacceptable.
As an elected official, you have the opportunity to listen to the public and stand against genocide. Israel is currently committing war crimes against Palestine. You can stop this by defunding Israel. THOUSANDS of Palestinian people have been killed, 1/3 of them children, in just a couple of days. One child every 15 minutes is being killed. YOU can prevent this by refusing to send additional weapons and funding to Israel.
We are currently spending BILLIONS of dollars EVERY YEAR on Israel. I do not want my money going towards the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians. Not a dollar more.
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alexlacquemanne · 7 months
Février MMXXIV
Maigret voit rouge (1963) de Gilles Grangier avec Jean Gabin, Michel Constantin, Vittorio Sanipoli, Paul Frankeur, Guy Decomble, Françoise Fabian, Paulette Dubost, Laurence Badie, Roland Armontel et Jacques Dynam
L’Étau (Topaz) (1969) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Frederick Stafford, Dany Robin, Claude Jade, Michel Subor, Karin Dor, John Vernon, Michel Piccoli, Philippe Noiret et John Forsythe
Flic Story (1975) de Jacques Deray avec Alain Delon, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Renato Salvatori, Claudine Auger, Maurice Biraud, André Pousse, Mario David et Paul Crauchet
Poupoupidou (2011) de Gérald Hustache-Mathieu avec Jean-Paul Rouve, Sophie Quinton, Guillaume Gouix, Olivier Rabourdin, Joséphine de Meaux, Arsinée Khanjian, Clara Ponsot et Éric Ruf
Air Force One (1997) de Wolfgang Petersen avec Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, Glenn Close, Wendy Crewson, Liesel Matthews, Paul Guilfoyle, William H. Macy et Dean Stockwell
Bob Marley: One Love (2024) de Reinaldo Marcus Green avec Kingsley Ben-Adir, Lashana Lynch, James Norton, Henry Douthwaite, Sevana, Hector Lewis et Tosin Cole
Sister Act (1992) d'Emile Ardolino avec Whoopi Goldberg, Maggie Smith, Kathy Najimy, Wendy Makkena, Mary Wickes, Harvey Keitel, Bill Nunn et Robert Miranda
Astérix : Le Domaine des dieux (2014) d'Alexandre Astier et Louis Clichy avec Roger Carel, Lorànt Deutsch, Guillaume Briat, Alexandre Astier, Alain Chabat, Élie Semoun, Géraldine Nakache, Artus de Penguern, Lionnel Astier et François Morel
Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia (2024) de Stefano Mordini avec Riccardo Scamarcio, Daniel Brühl, Volker Bruch, Katie Clarkson-Hill, Esther Garrel, Gianmaria Martini : Hannu Mikkola et Haley Bennett
Buster (1988) de David Green avec Phil Collins, Julie Walters, Larry Lamb, Stephanie Lawrence, Ellie Beaven, Michael Attwell, Ralph Brown et Anthony Quayle
Laura (1944) d'Otto Preminger avec Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, Clifton Webb, Vincent Price, Judith Anderson, Dorothy Adams et Lane Chandler
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Mortel Karma
Monsieur chasse (1978) de Alain Feydeau avec Michel Roux, William Sabatier, Françoise Fleury, Yvonne Gaudeau, Pierre Mirat, Xavier Vanderberghe, Michel Mayou, Bernard Durand et Roland Oberlin
La Bagatelle (1977) de Jean Meyer avec Amarande, Patrick Préjean, Jacques Balutin, Brigitte Chamarande Bel, René Lefevre, Pierre Aufrey et Didier Roussel
Femmes en colère (2023) de Stéphane Hillel avec Lisa Martino, Gilles Kneusé, Hugo Lebreton, Nathalie Boutefeu, Fabrice de la Villehervé, Sophie Artur, Clément Koch, Magali Lange, Aude Thirion et Béatrice Michel
La Pélerine écossaise (1972) de Sacha Guitry avec Jean Piat, Geneviève Casile, Philippe Etesse, Robert Manuel, Raymond Baillet, Françoise Petit, Alain Souchères, Janine Roux et Ly Sary
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historyhermann · 2 years
The Indie Animation Boom Continues in 2022 [part 1]
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In August of 2021, I wrote about the boom in indie animation, consisting of almost exclusively crowdfunded animations. Earlier this month, I expanded on that and wrote about various indie animations, specifically noting Hazbin Hotel and Wild Card which are in development. As storyboarder Amber Avara put it on January 7, “2022 is the year of sick indie animation, let’s make it happen!” Various creators are making it happen. Due to the number of indie animated series being produced, it is near impossible to mention all of them. Despite that limitation, this article will highlight over ninety indie animated series, giving you a snapshot into the existing boom of indie animation at the present time, with particular notice to those currently airing.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs, my History Hermann WordPress blog on Jan. 21, 2023, and Wayback Machine. This was the ninth article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on January 27, 2022.
On January 27, the fourth episode of Gods’ School, a French indie animation about Olympian gods and Greek mythology, will air on YouTube. The series is created by one animator, Gaylord Cuvillier Philippe Libessart, on his own! In 2018, the series received support from the French National Center for Cinema and Animation, which gave Libessart the “opportunity to start the production and make the pilot episode.” The first episode aired in January 2019, telling the story of Eris, a goddess trying to find her place among gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus. Gods’ School has been described as having animation as “gorgeous as classic Disney,” and it is adorable, really cool, an addicting and amazing cartoon that should be more well-known, and praised for its talented voice cast. Some have drawn fan art of the show’s characters. As of the writing of this post, three episodes of the series have aired.
Other indie animated series currently airing include Wisdom Nunn’s Bob’s World, Vivienne Medrano’s Helluva Boss, and Nico Colaleo’s series, Ollie & Scoops. Helluva Boss also includes several LGBTQ characters: Blitzo is pansexual, Moxxie is bisexual, Stolas is gay or bisexual, and Sallie May is a trans woman. In the latter series, there was an episode in October 2020 centered around a teacher, Binnie, admitting she liked a fellow teacher, Wendy. Just as prominent is Eddsworld, a long-running animated series which began in December 2004. It continues to rack up millions of views on its YouTube channel, even with its Eddsworld Beyond season, which began in 2021 with Matt Hargreaves as a showrunner.
Additional currently airing series include the spy mystery series SCP Origins, where incompetent spies try and take down villains, an adult animated comedy named Nora and Zin, and an ongoing series named The West Patch which describes itself as “a dark look at the side effects of consequence-free children’s programing.” For the latter series, at present, there have been two episodes so far. There are spinoffs also like Space Triage and The Following Call. Also currently out for viewing are the Instagram clip show Ronzilla, an original animated web series in which all the characters are dolls with the name of Project Infinity, and a murder mystery series named The Marvelous Adventures of Danny DeComp. The majority of these series air on YouTube. This again makes clear the preference of the video sharing platform as a place to share series, making it even more popular than somewhere like Newgrounds.
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Official art of Umi, Port, and Jolly Roger in Port by the Sea
In January of this year, non-binary Argentine artist, Moon, creator of the sci-fi series in development, Indigo, asked indie series creators to promote themselves. Many people responded. Georden Whitman shared news about his animated pilot in development, Port by the Sea, which focuses on two kids (Umi and Port) sailing the seas to “find pieces of their broken moon, before an ancient deity swallows the world in ocean.” Matt Acuña shared information about The Garden Age, a series in development focused on “cute bugs on their journey to stop a lawnmower from destroying their world.” Andre Grandpierre noted that he is developing Long Way from DelArte, an animated series about friends traveling around the world, in hopes of “achieving their artistic dreams.” Some said that they were developing hand-drawn animated films or animated series, all in distinct stages of development. [1] Of these creators, some had some prominence in the animation industry. For instance, Whitman is the creator of Nomad of Nowhere and Acuña is the Production Coordinator for Bob’s Burgers.
There is more “indie animated goodness,” as Whitman termed it. This includes series in development with a focus on magic and adventures like Warlocks of Wrath High, Century Park, True Tail, Stars Align, Wimp Witch, and Evelynne Doom. There are many other animated series in development. [2] One example is a series about a non-binary sheep who is making their way through high school titled Sheepish. Another is a cop buddy show between an ace cop and a succubus entitled Succubus Cop. Two others, Band of Mythix and Stellapie are action series, with the former a musical series as well.
In addition, Mugshot & Pollen is about two best friends hanging out, Starmakers, an action/adventure series, is about a bisexual girl named Astra who joins a guild and teams up with people to fight monsters after escaping those who want her as a “source of power.” There is a sci-fi, comedy, and horror series with the title The Heroes of Tomorrow and a series about wolves called Wolves of Cecila. It is one of the many wolf-related series out there, with those in development including Demon Soul, the concluded series All Lone Ones, and The Shadow Marked. An animated “homage to 8-bit retro gaming” named Bit Wars and a sci-fi series which may be released in June titled Monkey Wrench are just two more examples of potential upcoming indie animated series.
The creators of The Descendants said they would pitch their show this year. The series Lumi and the Great Big Galaxy had a fundraiser while the show was in pre-production. Amber Avara, mentioned at the beginning of this article, continued working on an indie anime named Nocturne, sharing information about the character, images of color tests, and character sheets with her followers. Alpha Betas is going ahead, according to its Twitter and listings on its YouTube page. It appears that Long Gone Gulch, by Tara Billinger and Zach Bellissimo, is also going onto the next stage of its development, either by submitting the pilot, or becoming an indie animated series beyond the pilot. It’s hard to know where Long Gone Gulch goes from here, whether it will stay on YouTube or end up on a major network.
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Screenshot from opening of Wild Card
The indie, adult murder mystery series about lawyers set in a Boston where “elite legal universities rule the legal system,” titled Wild Card, keeps moving forward. A pilot episode is in development and there was even a webcomic created on Line Webtoon to generate interest in the series and tell some stories using certain characters. The series’ official Twitter account, and additional social media accounts associated with the series, shared news, test animations, and music in the series. The show features LGBTQ characters like the show’s bisexual protagonist, Jack, based on show creator Alex Bahrawy (who is also bisexual), and a non-binary character. Some called the series, which has been in the works since 2016, “one of the coolest indie productions,” and “really cool.”
Since my last post, Cartoon Connect‘s series Little Ron Ron, Gotta Be Mo, Lumen, or Loyalty High have not been continued. He appears to be working on a new animated series called Kenny Quick, asking for voice actor auditions in November 2021. The same is the case for Brandon Wright – it looks like his animated series Silver Lin is unlikely to continue. The same appears to be the case for Guardian Instance. Despite this, Diver appears to be on track, as a video this month noted that a new episode was being developed. The Quickening, with a pilot airing in July 2020, and Ascendants, a series which appeared to be in development, are dead in the water. [3] While those shows may be ending, unless something miraculous happens, Howdy Cloudboy, a Western genre series with a main cast who are “all black lqbtq+ folks,” is being developed by a Black and Queer led studio named Faeduck Studios.
The Far-Fetched Show, created by Ashley Nichols and Dave Capdevielle, who both previously worked on Hazbin Hotel, has gone ahead. The official account put out a call for more animators and clean-up artists at the beginning of this year. Far-Fetched is a horror comedy about Rue Cervello (voiced by Nola Klop), a young woman who loses her chaotic canine, Kira (voiced by Jazmine Luevanos), and joins a bunch of musical misfits (Quinn, Griff, Piper, and Warren) who are part of the band Sesamoid. They work together to fight and survive in a place where science clashes with the supernatural. There are two villains: Drain (voiced by Michael Zekas) and Blair (voiced by Lauren Landa).
At one point last year, there was a post of the show’s official Twitter, showing the characters holding LGBTQ flags. Rue holds a sweater saying she is questioning, Quinn Hickley (voiced by J. Michael Tatum) holds the demisexual panromantic flag, Griff (voiced by Jacob Takanashi) holds an asexual flag, and Piper Stubbs (voiced by Dani Chambers) holds a lesbian flag, while Kira and Warren Webber (voiced by Jonah Scott) are allies. This was clarified by Nichols. The show’s current route is to fully fund the pilot themselves, then launch a larger crowdfunding campaign and merchandising to give the series “longer episodes” and make additional “bonus content.”
Presumably, shows like Satina, a dark comedy, will include LGBTQ characters. Hopefully, Satina will premiere this year. Like Satina, which continues to be in development if anything can be gleaned by creator Hannah Daigle’s YouTube channel, once the episodes of Far-Fetched are finished, they will be on YouTube. Comics of the show’s characters will likely be released.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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megatrip · 1 year
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Earthman, Bob Nunn. @power_comics @floatingworldcomics
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f1 · 1 year
Former Force India deputy team principal Robert Fernley dies aged 70 | 2023 Austrian Grand Prix
Tributes have been paid to former Force India deputy team principal Robert Fernley, who has passed away at the age of 70. Although his job title named him as deputy, in reality Fernley was Force India co-owner Vijay Mallya’s key appointee in charge of the team throughout much of its 15-year existence, until it was taken over by its current owners which eventually rebranded it as Aston Martin. Under Fernley the lean operation regularly produced results which outstripped its comparatively meagre resources. It rose to finish fourth in the championship behind the powerhouse trio Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari in 2016 and 2017, notwithstanding a major aerodynamics rules change across the two seasons. However Mallya’s financial empire was in trouble by then, and by 2018 the situation had become dire. A consortium headed by Lawrence Stroll purchased Force India’s assets and Fernley’s time in charge was over. In the years leading up to then, Fernley was an outspoken and trenchant critic of those he considered responsible for worsening the financial plight faced by teams such as his. In 2013 he launched a scathing attack on F1’s then-owners CVC Capital Partners, accusing them of “raping the sport” and calling them “the worst thing that ever happened to Formula 1.” He also turned his ire on Red Bull, claiming in 2015 they triggered the collapse of the Formula One Teams Association – which was working to obtain better financial deals for the competitors – by striking their own arrangement with Bernie Ecclestone, who was running F1 at the time for CVC. Before heading up Force India, Fernley worked in America’s IndyCar and CanAm series. He ran Ensign F1 cars engineered by Mo Nunn for Mallya in a non-championship Indian Grand Prix, forging the contact which would lead to his F1 return many years later. After Force India’s demise, McLaren hired Fernley to run its Indianapolis 500 entry for Fernando Alonso in 2019. This ended ignominiously, however, as Alonso failed to make the cut for the 33-car field after suffering set-up problems through practice. McLaren and Fernley parted ways soon afterwards. He took charge of the FIA’s Single Seater Commission in 2020, a role he held until last year. Formula 1 CEO Stefano Domenicali, also a former head of the commission and Fernley’s opposite number during his time in charge of Ferrari, said he was “saddened” by the news of his death. “He was such an important part of Formula 1 and his love and passion for the sport will live forever,” Domenicali said. “My thoughts are with his family and friends at this very sad time.” The FIA, Aston Martin and many others paid tribute to him. Among those who drove for him, Esteban Ocon said he was “sad to hear about the passing of Bob Fernley today.” “He was a great person and leader and I was lucky enough to work and learn from him during my days at Force India. Sending my thoughts and condolences to his family and friends.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2023 Austrian Grand Prix Browse all 2023 Austrian Grand Prix articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: January 25, 1986
We cross the street
You hold my hand
Afraid to let go and if I walked away
And left you there
Would you know why
You are the answer now
You don't know
You can be everything
You don't know
You won't believe it now
You don't know anymore
You are the reason and the rhyme
We walk into your room
A mirror's caught your reflection
You walk away and call to me
To fill in the frame
You are the only one
You don't know
You are the fire of love
You don't know
You can believe it now
You don't know anymore
You are the reason and the rhyme
I walk this road
You follow me
I don't know why
And if I walked away
And left you there
Would you know why?
Harry Wayne Casey / Richard Raymond Finch
"You Don't Know" is a song by American band Berlin, which was released in 1986 as the third single from their fourth studio album Count Three & Pray. It was written by John Crawford and produced by Andy Richards, Bob Ezrin and Berlin. It reached No. 39 in the UK and No. 16 in Belgium.
"You Don't Know" was recorded in London. Recalling the initial recording of Count Three & Pray, Nunn said in a 2014 interview for Pop Entertainment: "It was so bad with this guy in England that we trashed the whole thing. I think we kept one song, "You Don't Know," that he had done. We started all over with Bob Ezrin."
A music video was filmed to promote the single, which gained breakout rotation on MTV.
Upon release, Cash Box commented: "A cool, atmospheric treatment shows the musical growth of former synth-pop pioneers. The haunting melody and non-conforming arrangement form a bracing contrast to Terri Nunn's sultry, passionate vocal." Vici MacDonald of Smash Hits described the song as "really quite good" and added: "A screechy guitar and a wailsome woman echo distantly over a foreboding, rolling drumbeat and the whole thing's massive, mysterious and foggy".
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rainingmusic · 6 years
Berlin - Take My Breath Away
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yasbxxgie · 4 years
HARLEM BLUES Vocals By Cynda Williams. Music And Lyrics By Raymond Jones
Branford Marsalis Played Sax For Wesley. Terence Blanchard Played Trumpet For Denzel. Bob Hurst Played Bass For Bill Nunn. Kenny Kirkland Played Piano For Giacarlo Esposito. Jeff Watts Played Himself As Rhythm Jones. ENJOY.
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crewburrowofficial · 3 years
It’s Been awhile! Happy holidays and merry Christmas from Bob’s World! Art by Wisdom Nunn
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wutbju · 8 months
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Bob Jones University is recognized throughout the world as one of the leading universities of its type.... in fact, there is no other university exactly like it. We are proud to have had BJU located in our city for the past 20 years and extend our sincere best wishes for their continued growth.
In like manner, McDonald's is one of Greenville's leading men's stores. The famous names in men's clothing and shoes found at McDonald's Men's Shop are among the leading and distinctively different ... Kuppenheimer, Hammonton Park, Botany '500, Nunn-Bush and many others.
So much propaganda.
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of Jerry Jeff Walker who Died: October 23, 2020 in Austin, Texas
Jerry Jeff Walker was an American country music singer and songwriter. He is best known for writing the 1968 song "Mr. Bojangles".
Walker was born in Oneonta, New York. His maternal grandparents played for square dances in the Oneonta area, with his grandmother, Jessie Conroe, playing piano, and grandfather playing fiddle. During the late 1950s, Crosby was a member of a local Oneonta teen band called The Tones.
The band traveled to Philadelphia to audition for Dick Clark's American Bandstand, but were turned down. Members of the band found Dick Clark's house and were able to get a recommendation to audition at New York City's Baton Records through the company's lead producer Sol Rabinowitz. The band was given a recording contract, but the studio wanted a quintet backed by studio musicians, which left Crosby and another member (Gerald T. Russell) out of their recordings.
After high school, Crosby joined the National Guard, but his thirst for adventure led him to go AWOL and roam the country busking for a living in New Orleans and throughout Texas, Florida, and New York, often accompanied by H.R. Stoneback (a friendship referenced in 1970's "Stoney"). He played mostly ukulele until Harriet Ottenheimer, one of the founders of The Quorum, got him settled on a guitar in 1963. He adopted his stage name "Jerry Jeff Walker" in 1966.
He spent his early folk music days in Greenwich Village in the mid-1960s. He co-founded a band with Bob Bruno in the late-1960s called Circus Maximus that put out two albums, one with the popular FM radio hit "Wind", but Bruno's interest in jazz apparently diverged from Walker's interest in folk music. Walker thus resumed his solo career and recorded the seminal 1968 album Mr. Bojangles with the help of David Bromberg and other influential Atlantic recording artists. He settled in Austin, Texas, in the 1970s, associating mainly with the outlaw country scene that included artists such as Michael Martin Murphey, Willie Nelson, Guy Clark, Waylon Jennings, and Townes Van Zandt.
A string of records for MCA and Elektra followed Jerry Jeff's move to Austin, Texas, before he gave up on the mainstream music business and formed his own independent record label. Tried & True Music was founded in 1986, with his wife Susan as president and manager. Susan also founded Goodknight Music as his management company and Tried & True Artists for his bookings. A series of increasingly autobiographical records followed under the Tried & True imprint. Tried & True also sells his autobiography, Gypsy Songman. In 2004, Jerry Jeff released his first DVD of songs from his past as performed in an intimate setting in Austin.
Walker married Susan Streit in 1974 in Travis County, Texas. They had two children: a son, Django Walker, who is also a musician, and a daughter Jessie Jane. Walker has a retreat on Ambergris Caye in Belize, where he recorded his Cowboy Boots and Bathing Suits album in 1998. Walker also made a guest appearance on Ramblin' Jack Elliott's 1998 album of duets Friends of Mine, singing "He Was a Friend of Mine" and Woody Guthrie's "Hard Travelin.'"
Walker recorded songs written by others such as "LA Freeway" (Guy Clark), "Up Against the Wall Red Neck Mother" (Ray Wylie Hubbard), "(Looking for) The Heart of Saturday Night" (Tom Waits) and "London Homesick Blues" (Gary P. Nunn). He also interpreted the songs of others such as Rodney Crowell, Townes Van Zandt, Paul Siebel, Bob Dylan, Todd Snider, Dave Roberts, and even a rodeo clown named Billy Jim Baker. Some have called Jerry Jeff the Jimmy Buffett of Texas. It was Jerry Jeff who first drove Jimmy Buffett to Key West (from Coconut Grove, Florida in a Packard). Walker and Buffett also co-wrote the song "Railroad Lady" while riding the last run of the Panama Limited.
Walker had an annual birthday celebration in Austin at the Paramount Theatre and at Gruene Hall in Gruene, Texas. This party became an enormous event in Texas and brought some of the biggest names in country music out for a night of picking and swapping stories under the Austin skyline. Jimmy Buffett attended the 2004 birthday bash.
On June 25, 2019, The New York Times Magazine listed Jerry Jeff Walker among hundreds of artists whose material was reportedly destroyed in the 2008 Universal Studios fire.
Walker was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2017 and passed away on Friday, October 23 2020 from cancer-related complications.
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The Senate of Days Gone By. Back in the 80s and 90s the senate was way more fuckable than it is today. Compared to now, democrats were just a hot as the republicans. Check this table out.
Howell Heflin (D) - Sure he had his pant up to his nipples at times, but he had his moments of hotness. Paul Sarbanes (D) - I’d blown him. George Mitchell (D) - Would have blown him too. Sam Nunn (D) - He could have gotten some. David Boren (D) - Apparently, we had a shot with him. William Cohen (R) - He could had gotten anything he wanted from me. Unknown guy #1 sitting - Don't know who he is, but he too could have gotten some. Bob Dole (R)- I bet he had a mean grip with that bad had of his. What? Was that in bad taste? Robert Byrd (D) - Sure he was a former member of the Klan, but back then I didn't know that. Daniel Inouye (D) - I thought he was cute. Unknown guy #2 standing - I can't tell who he is, but again, he could have gotten some.
Now look at that list. Most of them are democrats. So fuck all you who think I support republicans. I support hotness, no matter what party they belong to.
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jedivoodoochile · 4 years
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Matthew Lineham.
"Saturday Morning New Wave"
Fila 1 (fila inferior) Nina Hagen, Sting, Tony Hadley, David Sylvian, Debora Iyall, Bob Geldof, Annabella Lwin, Cyndi Lauper, Stan Ridgeway, Claire Grogan
Fila 2 (de abajo, de izquierda a derecha):
Elvis Costello, Thomas Dolby, Tom Bailey, Chrissie Hynde, Terri Nunn, Trevor Horn, Dave Wakeling, Martin Fry, Jim Kerr
Fila 3: Nena, Marc Almond, Nick Heyward, Morten Harket, Paul Weller, Rik Ocasek, Peter Garrett, Kate Pierson, Fred Schneider, Cindy Wilson
Fila 4: Curt Smith, Roland Orzabal, Mark Hollis, Phillip Oakey, Kevin Rowland, Danny Elfman, Jim Reid, Neil Tennant, Bernard Sumner
Fila 5: Howard Jones, Lene Lovich, Mike Peters, Liz Fraser, Robbie Gray, Michael Hutchence, Ivan Doroschuk, Glenn Gregory, Aimee Mann, Richard Butler
Fila 6: Mike Score, Mick Jones, Dale Bozzio, John Taylor, Simon LeBon, Terry Hall, Annie Lennox, Andy McCluskey, Paul Humphreys
Fila 7: Andy Bell, Ian McCulloch, Alison Moyet, Vince Clarke, Suggs, Dave Gahan, Martin Gore, Limahl, Boy George, Jimmy Somerville
Fila 8: Belinda Carlisle, Midge Ure, Siouxsie, Andrew Eldritch, Ian Curtis, Mark Mothersbaugh, Joe Jackson, Pete Burns, Steve Strange
Fila 9: Daniel Ash, Johnny Marr, Morrissey, Deborah Harry, Billy Idol, Nick Cave, Andy Partridge, Bryan Ferry, Kate Bush, Roland Gift
Fila 10 (fila superior): David Byrne, David Bowie, Johnny Lydon, Peter Murphy, Robert Smith, Grace Jones, Adam Ant, Gary Numan, Klaus Nomi.
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