#Bob Enyart
R. Roy Blake and Michael Jurgens
Perhaps one of the most shocking, cynical, dangerous and cowardly cover-ups in the history of American journalism is the Colorado and especially Denver’s media refusal to investigate and report on the extensive involvement of Colorado based actors in 9/11.  While none of the 9/11 hijackers are known to have traveled to Colorado, pre-9/11 communications between bin Laden and Al Qaeda operatives in the US and several Colorado based actors were key to 9/11 including one that the FBI considered at “the heart of the 9/11 story.”  Shockingly, while downplaying or ignoring altogether the Colorado connection to 9/11, the media has become a shill for the Denver organization whose members likely played a major role in the event. 
After 14 years of pressure, the Obama Administration finally declassified a heavily redacted version of the 28 missing pages of the 9/11 report. The redacted version did not mention names such as Anwar al-Awlaki, that had been mentioned as being in the 28 pages by a 60 Minutes report on the subject.  Awlaki, who was born in New Mexico, the son of New Mexico State University professor who had been born in Yemen.  Awlaki attended Colorado State University in Fort Collins, where he was President of the Muslim Student Association.  He later served as Imam (Islamic minister) at the Denver Islamic Society on Birch Street just south of Evans Avenue in Denver. 
In the months prior to 9/11 Awlaki left Denver and became the spiritual advisor to two of the 9/11 hijackers that had summered in San Diego and met with three others who were in Fall Church, Virginia and attended the notorious Saudi financed mosque there.  It was also reported that Awlaki was in constant contact with the Saudi embassy in the months immediately prior to 9/11.  An FBI agent had said that he felt that Awlaki was “at the heart of the 9/11 story.” 
When in 2002, al Awlaki attempted to flee the US to avoid answering more questions about 9/11 he was briefly detained at JFK airport in New York, accused of passport fraud before being released to a Saudi government representative.  Awlaki then fled to the UK and two years thereafter to Yemen. 
While in Yemen, Awlaki joined up with Al Qaeda’s franchise there, known as Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).  During Awlaki’s association with AQAP the went on to conduct terrorist attacks throughout the Arabian peninsula that killed Americans, Belgians, Spaniards, South Koreans and hundreds of Saudis and Yemenis.  AQAP also trained the underwear bomber and plotted attacks on Jewish community centers in the US using mail bombs loaded into printer cartridges, plotted using smuggled explosive liquids onto US bound airlines.  Awlaki was also the spiritual inspiration for the Nidal Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who went on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas that killed 12 and wounded 31.
Others had reported that among the missing names was Homaidan al Turki, a member of the Saudi royal family who had relocated to Denver, Colorado.  Al Turki is currently serving a life sentence in Federal prison for holding an underage Indonesian girl that he had purchased in Saudi Arabia as a slave in his Aurora, Colorado basement.  Al Turki also founded a company called “Al Bashir Publications and Translations” that featured the speeches and sermons of Anwar al Awlaki urging Muslims to violence against non-Muslims and especially the US and the West.  It is difficult to overestimate the effect of Awlaki’s speeches and sermons had, and even after his death, continues to have in terms of inspiring terrorism. 
Even in view of the fact that a significant amount of the 28 pages remained classified, some witting or unwitting Saudi apologists claimed that the redacted portion of the 28 pages “contained no smoking gun” and argued that the matter ought be put to rest. Senator Graham, however, said it did in fact did confirm Saudi government links to the hijackers and that the redacted portions of the 28 pages  ought to be released along with the over 80,000 pages from 9/11 investigations.
The FBI also learned that the two Saudis traveled to Washington to attend a symposium hosted by the Saudi Embassy in collaboration with the Institute for Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, which was chaired by the Saudi ambassador. Before being shut down for terrorist ties, IIASA employed the late al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki as a lecturer. Awlaki ministered to some of the hijackers and helped them obtain housing and IDs.
In 1994, well prior to 9/11 and just following the first attack large attack on the World Trade Center, the London based “Advice and Reformation Committee” (ARC), widely considered Osama bin Laden’s publicity office, established a “secure system for communications between Saudi Arabia and London for Osama bin Laden.  Incredibly, the system reportedly made use of US Army lines!  In the US the system was centered in Denver, Colorado and initially set up by Denver resident Lujain al-Imam, wife of London based Islamic “activist” Mohammad al Massari.  The calls are routed from Saudi Arabia to Britain through Denver using “toll free lines established for US servicemen during the Gulf War.” 
In addition to al Turki and al Awlaki, other Denver residents suspected of involvement with al Qaeda prior to 9/11 include Khalid al Fawwaz who will later be indicted for his involvement in the 1998 US embassy bombings in Africa.  Another is Ziyad Khaleel, vice president of the Denver Islamic Society until 1994.  Together with al Fawwaz, Khaleel is suspected of purchasing a satellite phone for bin Laden. 
No doubt the one of the reasons that the Denver and Colorado media have ignored the Colorado 9/11 connection has to do with behind the scenes Saudi Arabian money, such as checks written to Denver super law firm Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber and Schreck.  On its website the Brownstein firm touts its “…deep experience…and political connections” which include hosting major Colorado Republican events.  What the website does not disclose is the fact that the Saudi Arabian government pays the firm to fight off the lawsuits of 9/11 victim families and to otherwise lobby on behalf of the Saudis. 
The Denver Post did a few articles on Anwar al Awlaki that were characterized as would be “puff pieces” by talkshow host Rev. Bob Enyart.  One, written before a drone strike in Yemen killed, the man whom after bin Laden was the world’s most wanted terrorist, contended that Awlaki made little impression in Denver despite the fact that the speeches he gave while in Denver inspired and continue to inspire terrorism to this day. 
The Post article made much of the fact that a Denver Islamic Society elder who wished to remain anonymous stated that he had opposed Awlaki’s recruitment of a young Muslim to fight in Chechnya where he was killed.  A careful reading of the article, however, revealed that the reason for the opposition to the young man’s recruitment wasn’t a rejection of jihadi warfare.  It was the fact that due to the age of the young man, he should not go off to jihad without his parent’s consent. 
The fact that the elder at the Denver Islamic Society did not feel safe enough to reveal his identity speaks volumes about the fact that the influence of Awlaki, al –Turki and the others continue to have on the Denver Islamic Society.  Perhaps the worst part of all of this is that the refusal of the Colorado media to report this allows for influence and infiltration that endangers us all.  The current president of the Denver Islamic Society, Mohammed Malki, has held, and probably continues to hold a sensitive position as an “information security officer,” in the Colorado state government. 
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lacefuneral · 3 years
apparently there’s a pastor who used to celebrate people dying of AIDS and he was antivax and he caught covid recently and died
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phoenixonwheels · 3 years
“…the Denver Post reported that Enyart was a practiced and brutal provocateur who once used a show on cable television to mock by name people who died of Aids.
“According to a 1999 profile by Westword, Enyart ‘gleefully read obituaries of Aids sufferers while cranking Another One Bites the Dust by Queen’.
“Enyart also called for women who had abortions to face the death penalty.”
Bye Bob! Enjoy your lava pit in hell!
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sarcasticcynic · 3 years
COVID-19 claims another conservative media personality who refused vaccination, opposed masks, and spread disinformation.
"It's awful when anyone catches the virus, much less dies from it, but let's go through a list of reasons Enyart's condition wasn't generating much sympathy from the broader public.
"This is a guy who used to mock AIDS victims on his TV show by reading their obituaries while playing Queen's 'Another One Bites the Dust' in the background.
"This is a guy who filed a lawsuit against Colorado's COVID restrictions, only to have a Trump-appointed judge grant a temporary restraining order that allowed indoor churches to open to the masses without having to wear masks. How many people caught the virus because of that irresponsible lawsuit?
"This is a guy who had 'sworn off' taking any of the available vaccines because 'they tested these three products on the cells of aborted babies.' (That's not accurate.)
"This is a guy who urged people to boycott Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson to 'put pressure on the child killers.'
"There's a long list of other horrible beliefs he's held over the years, but you get the idea. This was someone whose most recent career choices put more people at risk of dying of COVID -- and now he's become a victim of his own delusion. ... He had every opportunity to take precautions and get vaccinated, but he idolized a right-wing conspiracy machine and his ignorance finally caught up with him."
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wtffundiefamilies · 3 years
Radio host Bob Enyart — a self-proclaimed “right-wing religious fanatic” who urged a boycott of COVID-19 vaccines — has died after contracting the coronavirus earlier this month while fighting mask and social distancing restrictions in court.
The 62-year-old firebrand’s co-host Fred Williams confirmed Enyart’s passing in a Facebook post Monday.
“It comes with an extremely heavy heart that my close friend and co-host of Real Science Radio has lost his battle with COVID.” lamented Williams. “Bob Enyart was one of the smartest, and without question the wisest person I’ve known.”
Williams concluded the post by asking fans to “pray for Enyart’s family during this difficult time.”
Enyart and his wife, Cheryl, had been hospitalized with COVID-19 for over a week, per a Sept. 3 Facebook post by Denver Bible Church, where the pundit had served as pastor since 2000, according to the Denver Post.
Enyart and his wife had refused to get the jab over concerns that Big Pharma had “tested these three products on the cells of aborted babies,” he said on his website.
He was also an outspoken opponent of homosexuality and gay rights. On his old show, “Bob Enyart Live,” the host would “gleefully read obituaries of AIDS sufferers” while blasting the Queen song “Another One Bites the Dust,” according to Denver news outlet Westworld.
Despite Enyart’s passing after contracting COVID, Williams told 9News, “I’m sure he would do the same thing all over again.”
“Heaven’s gain has left an enormous hole here on earth,” Williams wrote on Facebook. “Bob’s enduring legacy will live on with the treasure trove he leaves behind.”
The vocal anti-vaxxer’s passing came amid his ongoing court battle with the state of Colorado over coronavirus restrictions. The legal dispute began this past October after the Denver Bible Church won a lawsuit against the state that challenged Colorado Gov. Jared Polis’ mandates limiting the number of people at religious gatherings.
“We were so thankful that a federal court would recognize our God-given right to worship him, our creator, without the government interfering,” Enyart told KMGH-TV at the time.
However, the state subsequently filed an appeal against the decision, prompting Enyart’s congregation to implore the US Supreme Court in June to review their case concerning Colorado laws that govern disasters, including COVID-19. Their request was denied.
The deceased religious figure had been quite vocal in his opposition to the COVID vaccines, which he claimed had been tested on the cells of aborted babies — a statement that has since been proven false.
Enyart, a one-time director of Colorado Right to Life, had even called for a boycott of the coronavirus jab “to further increase social tension and put pressure on the child killers,” 9News reported. He had previously advocated the death penally for women who opt to have abortions.
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tomorrowusa · 3 years
Anti-vaxxers keep dying of COVID-19. 🥱
It’s not exactly news that people who ignore common sense healthcare precautions are ending up dead. But some of these people are particularly vile like the now deceased Bob Enyart.
[T]the Denver Post reported that Enyart was a practiced and brutal provocateur who once used a show on cable television to mock by name people who died of Aids.
According to a 1999 profile by Westword, Enyart “gleefully read obituaries of Aids sufferers while cranking Another One Bites the Dust by Queen”.
Enyart also called for women who had abortions to face the death penalty.
[ ... ]
Enyart is not the first rightwing radio host to oppose vaccines and other Covid-19 public health measures including mask mandates before dying from Covid-19.
Four other such hosts have died.
So Colorado is a better place now that it no longer has the homophobic anti-vaxxing Enyart polluting its airwaves.
Here’s another prominent dead anti-vaxxer. Veronica Wolski would make videos of herself harassing retail workers regarding mask mandates. She was a big QAnon dupe as well. Her supporters claimed that she died because her hospital refused to give her the horse dewormer Ivermectin. That ignores the fact that she probably wouldn’t have even been in the hospital if she had been vaccinated.
If somebody has created a a site featuring verified reports of anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers who have died of COVID-19, I’d love to see it.
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gwydionmisha · 3 years
I know it's rude to respond to an obit with "Good riddance" but Good Riddance .
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toscanoirriverente · 3 years
Bob Enyart is the latest conservative US radio host to die of the virus after complaining about masks and expressing scepticism about vaccines.
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politicsnc · 3 years
Dying because Democrats are worse
Dying because Democrats are worse
Seems every week, we watch some prominent or vocal conservative anti-vaxxer die of COVID. Today, it was a couple in Alabama who called themselves “Alabama Pickers.” They gave people advice on buying and selling used items on their Youtube channel. The husband, Dusty, died yesterday and his wife, Tristan, died August 25. Their last video showed them deriding the vaccine and claiming the pandemic…
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the-gershomite · 4 years
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“Earthstruck” Looney Tunes #1 April 1994 by Jack Enyart, George Wildman, Scott McRae, Bob Pinaha, Dave Tanguay
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brostateexam · 3 years
In contrast, the Denver Post reported that Enyart was a practiced and brutal provocateur who once used a show on cable television to mock by name people who died of Aids.
According to a 1999 profile by Westword, Enyart “gleefully read obituaries of Aids sufferers while cranking Another One Bites the Dust by Queen”.
Enyart also called for women who had abortions to face the death penalty.
Regarding Covid-19 vaccines, Enyart said people should boycott the shots “because …they tested these three products on the cells of aborted babies”.
Last October he successfully sued the state of Colorado over Covid-related restrictions on church attendance.
Enyart is not the first rightwing radio host to oppose vaccines and other Covid-19 public health measures including mask mandates before dying from Covid-19.
Another one bites the fuckin' dust
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Suicide by Stupidity: Anti-Vaxxer dies.
This is the guy who gleefully read obituaries on the air of people who succumbed to the AIDS virus, while playing Queen’s “Another One Bites The Dust”.
If he felt it was appropriate to play the song after someone’s demise, I’m happy to oblige him now that he can’t do it himself.
There are some people who have passed from Covid-19 because they refused to get vaccinated. These people were lied to from Fox and other loudmouths from the Right. They believed those lies. There is no schadenfreude at their passing.
But Bob Enyart? No sympathy.
Fuck that guy.
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djcranberry · 3 years
I mean in his honor I think we should replicate his favorite bit
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stillwithhernothim · 3 years
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A couple of things to unpack here… So Bobby’s pals wants all of us to pray in this “difficult time”?? Hmmmm. To the PASTOR who “On his old show, “Bob Enyart Live,”… would gleefully read obituaries of AIDS sufferers” while blasting the Queen song “Another One Bites the Dust” Here’s our prayers🖕 Also, @denverpost … uh, “firebrand”??? How about HOMOPHOBIC? HATEFUL? VILE? VULGAR? Being complicit means YOU are also part of the problem. 🖕 #DenverPost 👋 👋 #byebitch #seeyoulatergator #wouldntwanttobeyou #boybye (at Denver, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT473LxJkX9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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