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overlanderafrica999 · 1 year ago
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backlinks123 · 1 year ago
Custom Ecommerce Design & Development for Itara | Bokaap Design
We strategized a UX & designed UI to develop an E-commerce website for Itara's Lab Grown Diamond Jewellery.
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the-mindful-traveler · 2 years ago
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Discovering the Beauty of Cape Town
Cape Town is a city that has something for everyone. From its stunning beaches to its iconic landmarks, here's a guide to discovering the beauty of Cape Town:
Table Mountain: This iconic landmark is a must-visit when in Cape Town. Take the cable car to the top and enjoy breathtaking views of the city and coastline.
Cape of Good Hope: Located at the southernmost tip of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope is a nature reserve that offers stunning coastal views and opportunities for hiking and wildlife viewing.
Robben Island: This UNESCO World Heritage Site was once a prison where Nelson Mandela was held for 18 years. Take a ferry to the island and learn about the history and significance of this important site.
Beaches: Cape Town is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Whether you want to relax on the sand or try your hand at surfing, there's a beach for everyone.
Winelands: Just outside of Cape Town are the Winelands, a region known for its world-class wine and stunning vineyard scenery. Take a tour and enjoy tastings of some of South Africa's best wines.
Bo-Kaap: This colorful neighborhood in Cape Town's city center is famous for its brightly painted houses and rich history. Take a walking tour and learn about the culture and traditions of the Cape Malay community.
Cape Town is a city that will leave you in awe of its natural beauty and rich history. So why not plan your next vacation to this amazing destination and discover the magic of Cape Town for yourself?
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southafricatravel · 1 year ago
If you've ever strolled through the charming streets of Cape Town, you've probably stumbled upon the Bo-Kaap neighborhood. And if you have, you couldn't have missed the breathtakingly colorful houses that adorn this historic area. But what's the story behind these eye-catching facades?
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trans-africa-2024 · 8 months ago
In the morning we did a sightseeing tour in a taxi and a driver named „Mambo“. The weather was nice and we drove up to the cable car at „Table Mountain“ as the first stop. It was quite busy already but with „Fast Lane“ tickets we got up there in no time at all. The walkways on top of the mountain are neatly laid out and the views are fantastic in every direction. Mambo told us the stories of the various wars between the English, the Dutch (Boers or now Afrikaner), the Germans and French. It all explains why the various regions in South Africa are strongholds of the languages of the colonialists. Afrikaans in the Cape region, German in Namibia, English on the Garden Route towards Kwa Zulu Land and French in the wine regions.
We then continued to the City Centre and walked through the „Bokaap“ quarter and downtown. The „Bookap“ quarter was inhabited in the past by Asian slaves brought in to work on the Dutch farms. Now the quarter is known for its Muslim population. The support for the Palestinian case can be seen everywhere. Mambo argued the case with the similarity of the Palestinian situation with Apartheid. Downtown is a mixture of English colonial style, Dutch and modern buildings. We walked through a wonderful park with trees from all over the world. Everything was very clean and well kept. We ended the tour at the Dutch fortress in the middle of the towns. Entrance was free. Inside there were various stands selling all sorts of local crafts, music, food stands, etc.
After coming back to the hotel it started pouring down and we opted for a light lunch before checking on the car. We were relived when Bruno showed us a picture of it loaded onto a trailer and sure enough it arrived in one piece 15 minutes later! After unloading it we met some new rally people. Most of them are from Belgium. We have to brush up our French!
In the evening we have a reservation at the the „Pot Luck Club“ an offspring of the famous „Test Kitchen“ which closed its doors during the pandemic. Thanks Don Alfredo for the recommendation!
Len & Christof
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desiredtastes · 30 days ago
Such a tasty time with 'Eat Like A Local Cape Town' wandering the city to try traditional Afrikaans cuisine, breakfast porridge, a chocolate cafe, local teas and salts, a milk tart, mochi treat, savory meat pie, boutique wines, and delicious and flavorful Cape Malay delights 🔥🍷🫖 Thank you, Zee! 🙌
#FoodieFun #EatLikeALocal #SpiceShop #FoodTour #Bobotie #Potjiekos #Mieliepap #Samosa #Koeksister #Chocolate #Biltong #Tea #Pinotage #Wine #Melktert #Salt #BoKaap #CapeTown #SouthAfrica #CapeMalay #Afrikaans #Food #Travel #Foodie #SoloTravel #WomenWhoTravel #FoodLover #Africa #SoloFemaleTravel #DesiredTastes
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alsfussballnochrocknrollwar · 11 months ago
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Mit #EPISODE48 geht die #Podcast🎙️- #Retro-Show „ALS FUSSBALL NOCH ROCK’N’ROLL WAR“⚽🎸🕺 am 11. Januar 2024 weiter.
Der Titel der #Folge28 lautet: „Die Deutsche Wüste“.
Auf unserer #Kreuzfahrt🛳️ von Nord nach Süd, waren wir nun im #Südatlantik. Wir kamen zur Insel #Ascension 🇸🇭, eine #Vulkaninsel ohne indigene Bevölkerung, dafür aber mit jeder Menge Abhöreinrichtungen der #NSA. Aber auch Brutplatz der #Suppenschildkröten🐢. Nächster Stopp war ein Platz, den man aus dem Geschichtsunterricht noch kannte, #StHelena 🇸🇭. 1815 Verbannungsort für #NapoleonBonaparte.
Es ging zurück Kurs Süd-Ost an die Südwest-Küste #Afrikas, nach #Namibia 🇳🇦. Erster Hafen war dort #WalvisBay.  Hier viel deutsche Geschichte. Das Gebiet war von 1884 „Schutzgebiet“ #DeutschSüdwestafrika und sodann bis zum Ende des ersten Weltkrieges deutsche Kolonie. Wir stießen hier auch noch auf sehr viele Relikte aus dieser Zeit.
Aber zunächst ging es in die #Namib, einem der unwirtlichsten Orte des Planeten. Am Rande der Namib kamen wir auch nach #Swakopmund. Die Stadt gilt bis heute als „deutscheste“ Stadt Namibias. Und es ging auch im nächsten Hafen, #Lüderitz, weiter mit deutscher Kultur in Südwestafrika.
In #Folge29 und dem Titel „Am Kap der Guten Hoffnung, hoffen auf Hannover 96“ erreichten wir den Endpunkt unserer Seereise, #Kapstadt 🇿🇦.
Ein Empfang wie aus dem Bilderbuch mit Blick auf den #Tafelberg und strahlend blauem Himmel. Kapstadt ist wohl eine der faszinierendsten Städte der Welt. Alles im Programm: #VAWaterfront, #LongStreet, #HoutBay, #CampsBay, #GreenPointLighthouse und natürlich #M6, atemberaubende Route dort an der Steilküste entlang. Unser Hotel für das Nachprogramm lag im bunten Stadtviertel #BoKaap. Es ging natürlich auch auf die #KapHalbinsel, #CapePoint und dann zum markanten Holzschild mit der Aufschrift in Africaans: „Kaap die Goeie Hoop“. Hier bat ich um Hoffnung für #Hannover96.
#Folge30 „Abstieg auf allen Ebenen“, zeigt dann leider das alles Hoffen nichts genützt hat für die #Roten. Es ging wieder ab in die 2. Liga.
Ich hatte auch eine ziemlich intensive Debatte mit dem damaligen #Sportchef der größten hannoverschen #Tageszeitung🗞️, einen doch sehr infantilen Zeitgenossen, der dann wohl auch seinen Posten räumen musste. Für mich aber auch Anlass, einmal über #Medien und #Journalismus zu philosophieren, denn den ausgewogenen, unabhängigen, objektiven Journalismus, wie ich ihn noch zu Zeiten von #PetervonZahn, #ThiloKoch, #DagobertLindlau und #MichaelVermehren kannte, die mir Werte vermittelt, #Gesellschaftsordnungen erklärt, die mir #Meinungsfreiheit und #Meinungsvielfalt näher gebracht haben, gibt es schon lange nicht mehr. Ein Beispiel aus dem Sport ist das heuchlerische #Pamphlet „#11Freunde“.
Vielleicht gibt es hier wieder Erkenntnisgewinn, einfach mal reinhören und viel Spaß dabei.
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lost-lycaon · 2 months ago
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mattleete · 3 years ago
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Spontaneous Monroe moment! Daylight, noretouch, incamera, wind, ace model. So many images from this shoot last week @gabi_gomesnascimento @damodelmanagement #noretouch #energy #marilynmonroe #monroe #brazilianmodel #capetownmodel #bokaap #daylightphotography (at Bo-Kaap) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbCSMtxtVn8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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junk-drop · 4 years ago
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Colorful homes in the Bo-Kaap district
📍Cape Town, South Africa
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backlinks123 · 1 year ago
Global design studio specialising in Branding & UX/UI-led tech solutions
Bokaap is a multi-disciplinary design studio that connects the dots between strategy, design, and UX-UI-led digital experiences. Whether commencing from the ground up or refining an existing concept, we turn your ideas into tangible reality.
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southafricatravel · 1 year ago
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A Rainbow of Heritage: The Origins
The Bo-Kaap, which means "Above the Cape" in Afrikaans, is one of Cape Town's oldest neighborhoods. Its roots trace back to the 1760s when the Dutch and French Huguenots settled in the area. However, it's not just the age of the neighborhood that makes it special; it's the people and their culture.
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desiredtastes · 2 months ago
Loved staying along the cobblestone streets of the colorful Bo-Kaap neighborhood. Checked into a 160-year-old home turned into a charming 5-room boutique hotel where I was welcomed by a neighbor's cat and enjoyed wonderful hospitality, breakfasts, and views of Table Mountain 🐈⛰️🍍 Thank you, Batsi! 🇿🇦
#Hotels #Room #Bed #Sauna #Cat #TableMountain #Breakfast #Fruit #Sourdough #Rooibos #Tea #BoKaap #CapeTown #Amina #SouthAfrica #SoloTravel #Traveler #WomenWhoTravel #Travel #Food #WorldTraveler #SoloFemaleTravel #Africa #TravelPhotos #TravelBlog #SouthAfricaTrip2024 #DesiredTastes
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studiohanoi · 5 years ago
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lesfleursdelanuit · 5 years ago
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calluptoheaven · 6 years ago
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Bo Kaap, Cape Town, South Africa
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