#Blueberry the Mew
{ image id: a Mew and a shiny Mew gently bappping each other while flying around a happy looking Koraidon}
Strawberry and Blueberry are playing tag while Sandwich watches.
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riggspath · 2 months
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I dont really like the darkish colors but it was quite comfy! Is this what BBA students really wear during summer?
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cannednoodle · 20 days
“What is it this time?”
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[close up underneath]
Absolutely couldn’t help myself, i needed to draw those two idiots in those shirts the moment i saw them, big thanks to my friend for sending me the image!
More or less I would imagine that it’s a Saturday late afternoon at the Blueberry academy, which students can dress a bit more ‘loosely’, but for whatever reason both were called in into the League club room
It was a bit experimental as I tried to draw two different drawings before starting this one, and one after another were going poorly, but I’m so happy how this one turned out! :D
The close up!
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The references i used!
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stars-of-mirage · 6 months
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Previous Page
Revamped my blog to be more fitting with this story! ^v^ I sure hope you like space! (Although to be honest, I'm not sure if I'll keep this story idea that I have in mind. So I might change back.)
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lunaloothemew · 7 months
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Man I’m just posting all kinds of new characters lately. Anyways here is another adopt I got from @bbubbles-mewtopia His name is Bluebean and he’s just a little bab
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alolanrain · 1 year
*holds my mew Oc’s * I adore everything about you four
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bulbagarden · 10 months
What's the rarest pokemon.
so you see that truck over there...?
legend has it that there's a mew there. not just any mew!!
a SHINY one...
i think you should crawl underneath that truck to the other side, jump 35 times, walk EXACTLY two paces up, eat a blueberry, jump 2 more times, and you'll find it!!
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mewtwoandme · 11 months
Now that those two made a truce, do we get to hear how Mewtwo and Mew met Lakota? How it all stared?
That will be an arc on its own that can be told at anytime.
Now, with the recent comic out of the way, it's blueberry season :>
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phant0mmm-jaiden · 5 months
my friends every time Dean Winchester is within view: “WHY IS HE MEWING”
@blueberri-exe @skoik1294bc52
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twstedstoryshop · 2 years
Speedran this fic, not gonna lie. But the filthy Octavinelle lover in me had to do it. For context this is based off my AU of Cat Shifters! In which Azul just happens to be a shapeshifter and can turn into a man or a cat, who happens to be your pet. Without further ado though, enjoy the fic and happy birthday to Azul!!! -Shopkeep
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Morning would greet you not through the scent of coffee or sunlight illuminating your window, but through something pressing hard against your stomach with the barest of scratches. You blinked the sleep from your eyes to get your bearings. You immediately glanced down to your stomach to see a sea of silvery fur. You sighed deeply.
A trill responded instantly and Azul turned his little face to gaze at you. Blue eyes that could rival a sunny day’s sky regarded you with the utmost attention. You had to hide a chuckle behind your fist at his lightning reaction whenever it came to you.
“I appreciate you waking me up at a reasonable time, but maybe next time, you could try and wake me without using claws,” you pleaded softly. At this Azul withdrew his paws underneath his fluff and mewed softly in a saddened tone. You quickly reached out to scratch his chin in reassurance, feeling an instant pang of guilt.
“No, no, buddy, I’m not mad or anything. I appreciate you making biscuits but I wish I was made of thicker skin to take all your kneading, haha!” You sat upright at this point, now moving to start your day. With a yawn, you grabbed your phone from your nightstand to look at the time and any missed notifications. However, something else caught your attention immediately. The date, February 24th. Instantly your mind was taken back to a very special day. The day you found a scrawny little kitten abandoned on the side of an empty street. You had your doubts if that kitten would survive, with the many parasites that riddled his body and his sickly demeanor. Yet here that kitten was, all grown up and having turned into a beautiful Ragdoll that was the envy of every cat show you took him to.
You were a little saddened that you truly didn’t know his birthday but finding him on that day was the next best thing to celebrate. An idea then popped into your mind. You shuffled to your wardrobe and began to throw on a quick outfit. Seeing you do this motion, Azul instantly stood up and meowed in protest.
“Now don’t be like that, Azul. It’s only for a quick walk. I’ll be right back, you won’t even feel like I was gone,” again, more meows argued with you. You turned around to give the cat a quick kiss on the forehead before bolting for the door. You knew Azul would race with you to try and stop you from leaving but this was for an important mission! You tried your best to ignore the saddened yowls from your front door as you closed it shut. You raced off, hoping you can make record time to get what you needed and come back so Azul wouldn’t be too heartbroken by himself.
You recalled that not far away from your home a certain bakery could be found. Clover Bakery you think it was called? You must have looked like a bread fanatic with how quickly you scanned the shelves and grabbed whatever looked the nicest to you. Cream breads, croissants, sugary doughnuts all went flying into your little basket. You were about to pay for your haul when something caught your eye. In the display window, individual slices of cakes sat in an array of colors and flavors. Your eyes lingered on a piece of white frosted cake adorned with the fluffiest whipped cream and a blueberry. Your mind could only conjure up a certain feline and instantly, you piped up to the one behind the counter for a slice.
Back at your home, Azul was in a morose state, already trudging over to his favorite bed. An oversized purple shell pillow. Granted he never really used the darned thing when he thought the best place to nap was by your side. But it would do for now as a good place to wallow. Not even a paw was placed on the bed as his ears perked up at the door unlocking and your footsteps came in.
“Azuuuuul!” You called and like a bullet, the silvery cat ran up to your feet and meowed with his whole chest in greeting. He circled your legs, rubbing up against them with all his might and could not stop moving in excitement. How long were you even gone? 15-20 minutes at max? You really needed to get this little guy a friend, but that was a thought for another time. You carried the bag filled with your spoils to the kitchen table then smiled at Azul.
“Hey, why don’t you go into the room, get dressed, and come back? I wanna surprise you with something,” you teased.
Azul looked up at you curiously with a tilt of his head, but didn’t question your request. He scurried off back into your room, time passed, and instead of quiet paws stepping back in, you heard footsteps. You looked back and where once was your cute Ragdoll now a handsome man stood. Familiar soft ears perched atop his head and behind him, a fluffy feather duster tail swayed. From his neck, a recognizable purple bowtie collar sat with a bell. No mistake, it was still Azul here with you. He carefully approached you, still wondering why you had asked him to come out in this form.
“Ta-dah!” You moved aside and revealed the dinner table. Strewn about it were all sorts of baked goods still fresh in their wrappers and the blueberry cake slice as the centerpiece. Azul blinked, looked at you, then back at the spread before him.
“What is all this?”
“It’s for you, silly! To celebrate your birthday!”
His ear flicked at this. “Birthday…?”
“Well technically not your real birthday cuz I have no idea when you were actually born. So let’s celebrate instead the day I first found you.”
Azul’s expression softened at this and his hand reached up to clutch at his shirt a little. Like his heart was about to burst from such a sweet gesture. “Thank you… I never had a birthday before. I mean, why would a cat need it? Ah, but this is really nice,” he spoke in such a soft tone. You couldn’t help but to melt a little at his words and you approached him, taking him tightly in your arms. You reached to lightly stroke his hair and nuzzled against him, basking in the warmth you knew so well when he curled against you as a cat.
“You’re not just a cat, Azul. You’re more than that and very special to me, okay?”
You felt Azul’s chest rise up and down with a chuckle followed by the faintest of purrs. “Okay,” he sighed.
“Alright, now c’mon! Let’s eat all this good stuff! I won’t be satisfied until you have your fill!” And so you both did, sitting close together at the table to indulge in the baked treats. Fluffy bread on your tongue, a fluffy tail that curled around your hip, and watching Azul happily chew on a fluffy piece of cake. That was your mood for this morning on Azul’s birthday. A whole lot of fluff in your heart.
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You've got a wide array of interesting Pokémon! Do you mind telling us how you met them?
We're especially interested in Cupcake and the one that looks like Suicune, I think you called it Puppy...
Oh, yeah, and the Mew as well!
Cupcake or as they're more well known as Chien Pao is one of the four ruinous treasures (which I do possess the other three as well) I acquired by accidentally removing all the seals that kept them in. I had to capture them to make sure they didn't destroy the region.
Puppy is a Walking Wake which is a paradox form of Suicune I got in a tera raid den sometime last year that usually sticks close to me or near their Suicune friend Doge in Casseroya Lake.
I befriended Strawberry my Mew in Paldea and got Blueberry my shiny Mew from an elderly lady that couldn't handle their rambunctious energy.
And I think that's about it.
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riggspath · 2 months
Good morning,,, Tomorrow I shall leave Driftveil for BBA. I'm both excited and sad. Vinny simply follows along, Bagelmon's happy for a new "adventure" as he would assume it, Ares doesn't give a care, Nollene recently tries to spend more quality time with her ma before the depart, Redwheel's been a good emotional support buddy for me, and Jersey... I can't tell how he feels now.
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autumn-may · 2 months
My week 4 artfight attacks! Only 6 days left!
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Find me on artfight @/autumnmay!
week 1 week 2 week 3
characters in order of appearance (if one of these is yours, tell me if you’d like me to remove the @/attack!)
Sea of Restless dreams: @hazelnutnebula
Cara, Tahiti, and Meyer: @deathafterdeux
Zefla: Dedp0ssum on artfight
Octarina: @tartintart
Mew Blueberry: Mewmewawesomefan96 on artfight
Vega: Neptune_333 on artfight
Leanna: Typicalmoth581 on artfight
Indie: @terraxel
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stars-of-mirage · 6 months
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Not my best work, but I'm excited to work on the next few pages! ^v^
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jungle-angel · 9 months
A Dream In Winter (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett are waiting out the cold winter by making plans for spring
Tagging: @floydsmuse and @bobfloydsbabe
The book barn was as warm as ever with the woodstove going and the living green from Christmas still hung everywhere. Outside the snow was blowing fast and hard, whipping across the Abbott land like a pack of wild wolves.
Willie slithered his way into Rhett's lap, meowing like crazy as he licked Rhett's face. "Where's your wife Willie?" he chuckled.
Another meow followed by the tiny mewing of the kittens in the wooden nesting box had answered his question. Eight tiny kittens, four boys and four girls were being nursed by tiny, still blind and so new to this world, having arrived just in time for Christmas.
Rhett looked outside and saw the snow falling harder than before, sighing deeply. Winters in the Rockies tended to last much longer than any other place Rhett knew of and the winter blues that came with it were, to say the least, unpleasant.
"You feeling ok Rhett?" you asked him, handing him the mug full of hazelnut coffee.
"Yeah just thinkin darlin," he sighed. "Wishin for an early spring."
You nodded in agreement. You yourself had grown weary of the winter already, desperate to see the green grass and to see the earth flourishing again. Often times, you and Betsy Livingston, one of Amy's kindergarten teachers, had gotten together for coffee and lamenting at how long the winters could be.
"Maybe we should start prepping for spring?" you asked him. "Would that make you feel better?"
Rhett chuckled and pulled out a notebook and a pen from the storage drawer under the window seat where he had been sitting. "Alright what are we doin here darlin?" he asked.
"Garden," you told him.
"Whatcha thinkin?"
"Tomatoes," you answered. "We'll definitely need tomatoes and I'm thinking cucumbers and peppers."
"Alright, what else?" Rhett asked.
"Ooh, carrots," you told him. "So your mom can make her chicken soup in the fall. Squash is always a good one, Betsy will probably take some squash."
"Any herbs?" Rhett asked, scrawling away in the notebook.
"Basil, catnip for the cats," you told him. "Lavender is always a good one, mint, anything that you can make medicine with."
Rhett hummed at the thought. Already your dream garden was beginning to smell so good.
"Grapes wouldn't be so bad either," he mused. "Big fat dark blueish-purple grapes that we can use to make juice for Amy. Beats havin to buy it at the farm store."
You laughed a little. As good as the farm store was, it was still wretchedly expensive to buy things there. Any opportunity you and Rhett could take to make or grow your own food was a welcome opportunity.
"Blueberries," he chuckled. "Gotta have blueberries for Dad, he's a fiend for'em."
"Oh God, do you remember that time he put a dent in Sara's blueberry pie?" you laughed.
"Don't even get me started on the jam sweetheart," Rhett laughed. "Alright, what else?"
"Huckleberries," you answered. "They smell so sweet.....just like you."
Rhett chuckled as he pulled you in and kissed you. He couldn't wait to get started on the little project come spring, watching it all come to life and watching the earth flourish with it.
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alolanrain · 2 years
Do you have any references of your OCs at all?
I do!
Ma’am/Mama - the biggest Mew out of the four, she also has the longest fur. So think like a Maine Coon but as a mew. She’s about the size comparison to a whole watermelon or a three-four y/o toddler, so BIG. Despite her size and fur difference, she is still the same body as in the anime/game Mew. her fur is also a deep color of mahogany to sangria red. Her eye’s are golden, like Arceus’s golden collar around his body, and her tongue is as equally as gold as her eyes. She has black toe beans and specifically on her left foot Ma’am/Mama has a star, one on each of the three toes. Each star is the main color coat of her children, ranging in size and placement. 
Ma’am/Mama is the first ever Mew, Arceus' first creation and the second living thing created. She is basically Arceus' secretary and keeps an eye on the planet and their “children” which are the other Pokemon and Humans. She is particularly fond of Ash and Pikachu and nudges her creator to throw challenges along the boy's way, hence how they always stumble into Legendaries and Mythicals. 
***Ash is the only one who refers to her as Ma’am as she reeks of controlled and calm authority. Every other living being, so just Pokemon in this chance, refers to her as Mama. even Arceus.
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This fan art is made by the lovely @lunar-draws and she’s currently working on Blueberry’s body shot as well!
Nana - the second biggest Mew. She is also the one with the most defined coat pattern. Her fur is the shortest with the main coat color being hibiscus red with blotches of creamy pink, the pattern gives her a splotchy mask. Though she is not bigger than her mother, Nana is the sturdiest. Built for battle, tactic, and sneakery. Some local pokemon liken the creamy part of her fur to battle wounds in a semi joking manner. Her right paw is damaged, she hides it with Aura that’s given to her from the Tree of Life. her tongue and eyes are the color of rusted bronze, glinting in the sunlight like the actual metal, along with her paw pads. 
Nana’s sole job and the reason behind her creation is to protect The Tree of Life. Though she has taken upon herself to protect the Rota Kingdom as well. Nana wasn’t particularly fond of Sir Aaron or Lucario though allowed Lucario to rest with Aaron’s soul in the Tree of Life, as acknowledgement of their actions to help the tree and the kingdom. Nana actually disguised herself with aura so she resembled her younger sister who actually has come in contact with Ash before. Though Nana was surprised and pleased that despite her easily controlled effort that could fool even the smartest Pokemon, Ash and Pikachu saw right through her like she had never changed in the first place. 
Pippin - The Mew of the world. She is the classic pink mew with baby blue eyes, the only difference between her and Nana is that she has a longer tail. About half longer than Nana’s. Her eyes and tongue are a deep byzantine purple, quite the contrast to her sister and Mama, though her pupils are always thin slits of barn red. Her paw pads are also a deep byzantine purple. 
Pippin’s job is to traverse the world on its surface. She is the traveler and reporter to Ma’am/Mama as well as the trickster to the other living beings. Pippin is also very territorial to what she call’s hers, thankfully the only thing she clings to is her freedom. No human shall be allowed to claim her in any sense, not even Ash in friendship. 
Blueberry - also known as just Blue, he is the smallest Mew and the runt of the family. Body shape is very much like a Munchkin. Despite how small he is, Blue’s tail is the same length as his older Mew relatives. His fur is fluffy but not as long as Ma’am/Mama. Blue also has nine splotches up his spine, kinda like a drip movement, which represent the nine planets of the solar system. His tongue is a baby pink color, much like a normal Pokemon like Pikachu or Arcanine, and his eye’s are the color of fandango pink. There's a little star under his chin which only shows when he shows his neck for scratches, otherwise hidden from sight. His paw pads are also a fandango pink as well. 
Blueberry was given to Ash by Ma’am/Mama with the graceful acceptance of Arceus as Ash and Pikachu had become bigger roles then they were originally meant to be. He’s like a conductor for Ash’s aura like how Sir Aaron had his gloves. Also acting as a translator though it won't be until he’s considered “fully grown” in the sense. Blue is very open and joyful, not knowing the fear that comes with being a Mew as Ash raised him amongst his other Pokemon, so he’s also quite friendly with random people that he comes in contact with. That stresses Ash out because he knows just how bad his fellow humans could be as well as how rare Blue is being considered a “Shiny” despite the difference in each Mew he’s met. 
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