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#happybirthday @sallychawkins #sallyhawkins #actress #theshapeofwater #godzilla #KingoftheMonsters #TheLostKing #wonka #happygolucky #bluejasmine #maudie #LayerCake #Submarine #JaneEyre #GreatExpectations #Paddington2 #EternalBeauty #Spencer #ABoyCalledChristmas
#happybirthday#sally hawkins#actress#the shape of water#godzilla#king of monsters#the lost king#wonka#happy go lucky#blue jasmine#maudie#layer cake#submarine#jane eyre#great expectations#paddington 2#eternalbeauty#spencer#aboycalledchristmas
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Who doesn't like a botanical print in cool blues...!
This one of a jasmine stem in flower, from my garden, is available printed on all kinds of lovely things at: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/121976032
Sam aka LymphomaLass xx
#jasmine #JasmineTop #sleevelessladiestop #sleevelesstop #bluesleevelesstop #BlueJasmine
#jasmine#cyanotype#cyanotype print#blue jasmine#sleeveless top#ladies sleeveless top#blueprint jasmine
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My 10 favourite movies of 2013 https://tinyurl.com/y2wpc3sz
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cate blanchett
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Ready to try some amazingly delicious food 👌😍 #bluejasmine #bluejasminesouthampton #alacarte #chineserestaurant #visithampshire #southampton #southamptonbloggers #saturday #lunch #dinner #weekend #dayout #asianflavours (at Blue Jasmine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B838X3nBTy3/?igshid=1ghlr3y3hyi08
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Cate’s 2014 Oscars Dress
Film - Blue Jasmine
Dress by - Giorgio Armani
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Cate Blanchett at the Dubai International Film Festival December 6th
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#happybirthday #cateblanchett #actress #producer #hela #thorragnarok #whatif #galadriel #lordoftherings #thehobbit #Borderlands #tar #DontLookUp #nightmarealley #carol #bluejasmine #theaviator #elizabeth #TheGoldenAge #thehousewithaclockinthewalls #cinderella #hanna #indianajones
#happybirthday#cate blanchett#actress#producer#hela#thor ragnarok#what if#galadriel#lord of the rings#the hobbit#boderlands#tar#dont look up#nightmare alley#carol#blue jasmine#the aviator#elizabeth#the golden age#thehousewithaclockonthewalls#cinderella#hanna#indiana jones
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#米津玄師 #BlueJasmine #apple music (コメダ珈琲倉吉店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE0TfV-njzu/?igshid=1l9ctin8tb4mo
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Blue Jasmine. 8” x 10” walnut ink and watercolor of an American wildflower that I painted in 2019. One of my favorites, but it’s time to move on. Original art professionally framed and wired, ready to hang. $155.00 including US shipping. DM or contact through my website in bio. Thanks! #originalart #watercolorpainting #walnutink #bluejasmine #wildflowers (at Chicago metropolitan area) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbRdXSFYb-/?igshid=aiyjhuop7rr
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這部電影確實蠻到位的黑了那些一天起來便想飛上枝頭的拜金女性; 越出身寒微就越想"出人頭地", 以我在香港島工作, 默默的觀察尤其感受到那些專業行業乃至金融界的Office Lady (香港術語"OL")的心態,她們每天的工作除了評頭品足別人的打扮(衣著是否名牌), 就是衡量跟她接觸的人士有沒有可觀的"未來"(可觀收入、身份地位); 然後發動攻勢去接近有識之士,而且她們也很抗拒蠢貨, 跟電影裡的Jasmine 也不相上下。雖然有些專業女性也很勢利眼, 但至少她們有的是內在知識,不是靠外在的虛有其表來取悅他人。
意想不到在Woody Allen眼中的拜金女,也連繫到可以連自己最親的人也看不起,雖說Jasmine 跟Jinger 不是親姐妹,至少是曾經一起長大過,在Jasmine破產的時候,還有妹妹接濟; 但當Jasmine 再次結識有錢人士,為了繼續做上等人,享受高尚生活,可以狠心離棄願意跟她共患難的妹妹。Jasmine 的結局最後不太好,Woody Allen放大那心理創傷,當拜金女的面紗一次又一次被揭開,這確是不好受。
【Blue Jasmine 藍色茉莉 🇺🇸】
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#Repost @hollywoodciak (@get_repost) ・・・ #HappyBirthday #CateBlanchett! Catherine Elise Blanchett AC (born 14 May 1969) is an Australian actress. One of Australia's most accomplished actors, she is known for her roles in both blockbusters and independent films and has received numerous accolades, including two Academy Awards, three Golden Globe Awards, and three British Academy Film Awards. She came to international attention for portraying Elizabeth I in the drama film Elizabeth (1998), for which she won the BAFTA Award for Best Actress and earned her first nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress. Her portrayal of Katharine Hepburn in the biopic The Aviator (2004), earned her the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, and she won the Academy Award for Best Actress for playing a neurotic former socialite in the drama Blue Jasmine (2013). Her other Oscar-nominated roles were in the dramas Notes on a Scandal (2006), Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007), I'm Not There (2007), and Carol (2015). Blanchett's most commercially successful films include The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999), Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001–2003) and The Hobbit trilogy (2012–2014), Babel (2006), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008), Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008), the How to Train Your Dragon film trilogy (2014–2019), Cinderella (2015), Thor: Ragnarok (2017) and Ocean's 8 (2018). From 2008 to 2013, Blanchett and her husband, Andrew Upton, served as the artistic directors of the Sydney Theatre Company. In 2015, she was honoured by the Museum of Modern Art and received the British Film Institute Fellowship. Time magazine named Blanchett one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2007 and in 2018, she was ranked among the highest-paid actresses in the world. #HollywoodCiak #Oscars #TheAviator #BlueJasmine #ImNotThere #Elizabeth #TheTalentedMrRipley #TheCuriousCaseofBenjaminButton #TheLordoftheRings #Galadriel #Cinderella #CoffeeandCigarettes #Oceans8 #ThorRagnarok #TheGift #bday #followme https://www.instagram.com/p/CAK6qa4g8eq/?igshid=1ikywv2bdtble
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Well what can we say about Sunday’s... especially when the weather is awful..
I guess it’s one more day then our plan will set in motion to see exactly what is going on with you...
You are seriously under my skin, I only managed two hours sleep last night,
I don’t understand why your doing what your doing.
I guess we will see won’t we...
You are making me become more like Jasmine, and that’s a place I don’t want to be...
#askmethings#ifoundmycarol#myqueen#is my carol playing games#heads a mess#cateblanchett#cate blanchett#cate#BlueJasmine
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『如果察覺自己將會失敗,至少,身段要輝煌燦爛。』 (If you know you are going to fail, then fail gloriously.) . 5月14日生日快樂:「無瑕女皇」凱特.布蘭琪(Catherine Élise #Blanchett,1969-) . 是鬼才導演Woody Allen口中的「核武級」演員,也是好萊塢公認「最會演女王的明星」,Catherine誕生於澳大利亞的墨爾本(#Melbourne),10歲時失去廣告人父親,由祖母和母親扶養長大。從衛理公會女子學院到墨爾本大學,她原本主修的是美術與經濟,但興趣使然下,轉而修習劇場藝術,期許能成為一位稱職的表演工作者…據說18歲那年,一次於埃及開羅的自助旅行途中,因旅費透支,所以Catherine只好以應徵臨演的方式來救急支付旅費,但沒想到人生第一次在大螢幕的初體驗,於拳擊電影《Kaboria》中飾演加油的觀眾,居然得到了製作單位的肯定,也讓她更有自信地往演藝圈的道路邁進…然而,她的初衷是戲劇,而非電影。 . 畢業之後,歷經甫出道時的經濟拮据,在雪梨陋室裡啜飲每天僅有的一杯黑咖啡,Catherine透過莎翁經典與新銳劇作家自製的多部舞台劇,跟前輩洛許(Geoffrey Rush,《鋼琴師》與《鵝毛筆》等)的搭檔,開始贏得影評們的注意,更以《#Oleanna》一舉奪下雪梨劇評新人獎與最佳女主角獎。隔年,她獲邀參與澳洲本土電視劇的演出,也在片商的安排下,於西元1997年時首次接檔商業電影《火線浮���錄》,亦順利拿到了進軍美國好萊塢的門票…看似平凡的面貌,卻足以勝任多樣且複雜的角色,不到30歲的她,早已綻放出難以匹敵的舞台絕美。 . 如同史詩再現的《伊莉莎白》(#Elizabeth),在認真學習古典英語、飽覽博物館典藏,加上積極減重與修容之下,Catherine精湛揣摩了西元十六世紀的Virgin #Queen,讓伊莉莎白一世重新回到她摯愛的英國故土,也將Catherine推上了金球獎、英國電影學會獎最佳女主角的寶座!而接續的《魔戒》系列、《神鬼玩家》(The Aviator),到《醜聞筆記》(Notes on a Scandal)與《搖滾啟示錄》(I'm Not There)等等,可說部部在演技上找不到任何瑕疵之處,不只被形容為地表上最會演女王的演員,還以反串男歌手的身分被提名奧斯卡金像獎…好萊塢百年影史上只有三位有此能耐,Catherine正是其中之一。導演Samuel Raimi更讚譽她可以一個人獨力撐起整場戲。 . 『I am happiest when I don't know what's coming next.』 . 功成名就之餘,她依然未曾忘卻對戲劇的熱愛,回到故鄉澳洲,擔任劇團的藝術總監,並粉墨登場,挑戰諸多重量級的舞台劇名角,西元2013年時,Catherine再返美國,更以《藍色茉莉》(#BlueJasmine)裡落難貴婦的出色演技,女神與精神失常者的無縫接軌,強勢登上了當屆美國奧斯卡金像獎、美國演員工會獎(Screen Actors Guild Awards)、英國電影學院獎(British #Academy #Film Awards)和金球獎的四大影后寶座!在紐約備戲期間,她認真到位與敬業不懈的態度,更是讓導演Woody Allen讚嘆,擁有Catherine助陣,劇組團隊彷若就像戰爭時取得核武般同樣強大。 . 以傑出的藝術成就登上澳洲郵票版面,鎂光燈外亦全力支持環保綠化,力推太陽能與節碳政策的Catherine,毫無疑問,是當代最為頂尖的澳大利亞女星代表,但您知道嗎?���實她更是目前影壇唯一一位,勇奪過, . 『美國奧斯卡金像獎』最佳女主角(《藍色茉莉》) 『美國奧斯卡金像獎』最佳女配角(《神鬼玩家》) 『美國演員工會獎』最佳女主角(《藍色茉莉》) 『美國演員工會獎』最佳女配角(《神鬼玩家》) 『英國電影學院獎』最佳女主角(《藍色茉莉》、《伊莉莎白》) 『英國電影學院獎』最佳女配角(《神鬼玩家》) 『金球獎』最佳女主角(《藍色茉莉》、《伊莉莎白》) 『金球獎』最佳女配角(《搖滾啟示錄》) . 所謂真正「八仙過海」,超級「金滿貫」的名人堂影星呢!好的,我知道,今天非常適合搜尋一下「網飛」(#Netflix)的特惠專案。 . #birthday #movie #quotes #australia #actress #love #photo #salute #honor #best #may #fashion #great @netflixtw @australia @cateblanchett_br https://www.instagram.com/p/CAJjq3InC47/?igshid=11ms4p8539kqv
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Bagaimana Cate berhasil menumbuhkan aspek psikologi yang rumit? Baca selengkapnya di Akuaktor. Link ada di bio ya! . . #akuaktor #actingreview #bluejasmine #cateblanchett https://www.instagram.com/p/B_12jaOgx1L/?igshid=1mz1at8ry7tvt
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Our Jersey friends Paulina and T.J. are putting on a workshop in the Hudson Valley with the mighty Christin Geall on April 21 and 22. We CANNOT recommend this enough. Kind, inspired florists? Gorgeous location? YES PLEASE. #bluejasmine (at Clara's Garden) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ImGmiHWog/?igshid=p9q5azidm06x
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