#Blue neon goby
aquariuminfobureau · 7 months
Cobalt river goby
I once bought fish, named emerald river gobies, Stiphodon elegans. The species was presumably misidentified, because those seen (rarely) in the freshwater aquarium trade, are S. semani, misidentified as S. elegans. Their usual trade name, is cobalt river goby, or blue neon goby. Though the genus Stiphodon, is not to be confused, with the marine neon gobies of the genus Elactinus, that are more common in aquaria. Their habitat, captive care, form, and function, are all dissimilar. On the other hand, a trade name might conflate more than one of the species included in Stiphodon.
S. semani is native to clear, coastal, moderately to swift flowing streams, with rocky and boulder strewn bottoms. This environment favors the growth of natural biofilms, which form the diet of these gobies. The reason these gobies live in coastal streams, is because their larvae are dispersed as plankton, by the neighbouring sea. However, the adults of this species, are entirely freshwater denizens. They deposit their eggs in the freshwater streams, for them to hatch, and the larvae to migrate downstream, as freshwater plankton.
No salt should be added to the aquarium water, if the adult S. semani are to be kept. These gobies require a biotope tank, but are not considered difficult to maintain, if their captive needs are respected. These fish are peaceful bottom dwellers, but any tankmates will need to share their specialised demands. Fortunately, they should be maintained in a suitably large social group. Nor does the aquarium need to be large, for these 4.6 centimeter, or 1.8 inch long fish. What they need is rocks, and oxygenated water with a good flow.
The pH that is best for them, is probably slightly acidic to neutral (6.5-7?) though I haven't seen data from collection localities, and I am inferring from other Stiphodon sp. and their habitat preferences. Because S. semani inhabits sunny, lowland areas in the wild, the temperture can be maintained at 24 to 28 degrees. Although the gobies are not violent, the males are competitive, so the decor should be places to break their lines of sight. A further consideration should be, that these gobies are good jumpers, and can also climb the glass, out of the water. Therefore, the lid must be escapeproofed, knowing that Stiphodon is slightly amphibious.
Stiphodon are sometimes described as, algae eating gobies, but that isn't really correct. They are best described as grazing biofilm, communities formed of microscopic organisms, or aufwchs, the small animals and plants that adhere to open surfaces, in aquatic environments. If the substrate is cobbles, S. semani will graze any biofilm that develops there, as well as the infauna associated with algal growth. Though always wild caught, S. semani are easy to feed on a captive diet, that is based on sinking foods, with both animal and plant components. Stiphodon will, for instance, rasp at commercial algae wafers marketed for loricarids, these wafers usually being suitable for omnivores by design.
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emiwrites3reads · 11 months
This hair algae in my tanks is gonna be the death of me
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copperbora · 1 year
Purrling is Almost Fully Stocked!
It's now been a week since I added Moby's mate, Cousteau! Both Moby and Cousteau are clownfish of the species Amphriprion ocellaris, so in the reefing hobby we tend to just call them ocellaris clownfish. (Their other common name, false percula clownfish, is kinda dumb in my opinion given that ocellaris are prettier than percula clowns.) Ocellaris clownfish come in a huuuge range of morphs, all of which were originally found in the wild.
Because they prefer to live in mated pairs and because they don't have any trouble recognizing other ocellaris regardless of their morph, I decided to have a mismatched pair. Moby is a mocha ocellaris; his morph is a slightly darker version of the usual wild type of the species of Finding Nemo fame.
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Yes, he was named for the titular character of Moby Dick by my dad.
Cousteau, meanwhile, is a fancier black snowflake. Since he is the smaller of the two he will stay a male (all clownfish are born male,) while Moby will develop into a female. (That's right, folks: clownfish are trans!🏳️‍⚧️)
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Cousteau is named for the father of marine biology and scuba diving, Jacques Cousteau.
Because my fish dealer didn't have any Euphillia hammer coral in stock that were of a morph I want, I also introduced Nickel the neon blue goby (yep, she is named after the IDW II Transformer's DJD's diminutive little medic, Nickel!) Nickel the fish has been shy but thankfully not as much as my yellow watchman goby Clyde who seems determined to spend her entire existence hiding in her den. Maybe she'll come out more once I give her a pistol shrimp.
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The beautiful little Nickel, whose function, just like the more famous and larger bluestreak cleaner wrasse, is parasite removal from larger fish. (This kinda makes her a medic just like her namesake!)
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The singular good photo that I possess of Clyde, back before my cat Keplar scared the crap out of her somehow and she decided to constantly live in her burrow.
With the addition of Cousteau Purrling Reef's population list of fish is almost complete; the final fish to acquire will be a royal gramma basslet, to be named Amphritite. I also need to get Clyde that pistol shrimp and get a purple pincushion urchin. Then, maybe, (unless I acquire a new cleaner shrimp,) I'll be done adopting ambulatory livestock. I haven't even begun adopting corals however! Here're some of the species I'm hoping to acquire:
- Genus Euphillia: Frogspawn (Yoshi's morph which is green with indigo tentacle tips)
- Genus Euphillia: Hammer (purple with turquoise tentacle tips)
- Favia (arguably not actually Favia as many favia has been reclassified): 'green' (turquoise) and purple morph
- Blastomussa merletti: purple wine morph (it's also purple and turquoise)
- Lepastrea: I'm partial to the blueberry fields morph. I also like the one called polkaroo.
- Possibly some Acans
- Maybe some Cyphastrea. I like the morphs meteor shower, bling bling, seafoam and peppermint.
- Maybe some Duncans; I don't really like duncans though.
- Hard maybe some zoanthids (I'm worried about palytoxin and mine and Keplar's stupidity in regards to sticking parts of our bodies in the water with little thought.)
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Behold, my dream hammer coral (picture by Fragbox Coral.)
In any case, things are progressing slowly but surely with Purrling Reef. I will hopefully be adding some corals next month; there's a local guy with exactly the frogspawn that I want so I might try to get a frag from him.
Skitter, my intrepid blue-eyed hermit crab bids ye adieu. (He would like you to recognize that crabs are in fact far superior to snails.)
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
It's the last day of Mermay...
So have my most common headcanons on who would be which (or take inspiration from such) for if they were merfolk <3 Yes, this is DCxDP but can be used for either separately if you want.
Bruce- Ray
Alfred- Remora
Kate- Angel Shark
Dick - Guppy
Cass- Cuttlefish
Jason- Thresher Shark
Tim- Bichir
Steph- Spanish Shawl Sea Slug
Duke- Anglerfish
Harper- Cichlid
Cullen- Rasbora
Damian- Stingray
Carrie- Dusky Batfish
Jarro- Starfish
Terry- Devilfish
Matt- Koi
Barbara- Jellyfish
Gordon- Squirrelfish
Ghostmaker- Moray Eel
Harvey- Tiger Shark
Selina- Catfish
Harley- Clownfish
Poison Ivy- Leafy Seadragon
Riddler- Corydoras
Joker- Piranha
Bane- Pufferfish
Mr. Freeze- Leopard Seal
Scarecrow- Anglerfish
Waylon- Saltwater Crocodile
Solomon Grundy- Coelacanth 
Penguin- Longfin Icedevil
Ras Al Ghul- Sturgeon
Talia- Pike
Dusan- Pike 
Deathstroke- Tiger Barb
Clark- Sea Lion
Connor- Fur Seal
Jon- Fur Seal
Kara- Sea Lion
Martha Kent- Ribbon Seal
Jonathan Kent- Manatee
Lex Luthor- Cardinalfish
Barry Allen- Marlin
Wally West- Swordfish
Bart- Marlin
Iris- Trout
Thawne- Wahoo
Captain Cold- Beluga Whale
Heatwave- Guppy
Captain Boomerang- Discus Fish
Mirror Master- Mahi Mahi
Green Arrow- Goby
Arsenal- Arapaima
Artemis- Grouper
Black Canary- Orca
Diana- Lionfish
Cassie- Lionfish
Cheetah- Spotted Snapper
Vandal Savage- Dunkleosteus 
Marvel- Whale Shark 
Billy- Wrasse
Mary- Wrasse
Freddy- Killifish
Eugene- Loach
Pedro- Danio
Darla- Goby
Black Adam- Gar Fish
Dr. Sivana- Dolphin
Mister Mind- Bristle Worm
Martian Manhunter- Octopus
M’gann- Octopus
Aquaman- Hammerhead Shark
Kaldur- Blue Tang
Oceanmaster- Ray
Plasticman- Oarfish
Booster Gold- Goldfish
Blue Beetle- Blue Shrimp
John Stewart- Sailfish
Hal Jordan- Neon Tetra
Red Tornado- Mantis Shrimp
Zatanna- Swordtail
Constantine- Fighting Fish
Doctor Fate- Wrasse
Deadman- Glass Fish
Klarion- Platy
Cyborg- Mola
Raven- Squid
Beast Boy- Triggerfish
Starfire- Koi Fish
Beast Boy- Fluffy Sculpin
Lobo- Wolf Fish
Deadshot- Ruby Barb
Killer Frost- White Koi
King Shark- Great White Shark
Doctor Light- Dolphin
Catman- Tigerfish
Angel Breaker- Redtail Black Shark
Trigon- Giant Squid 
Martha Wayne- Mako Shark
Thomas Wayne- Devil Ray
Lucious Fox- King Mackeral 
Jack Drake- Freshwater Angelfish
Janet Drake- Comet Goldfish
Danny- Betta Fish (Or Giant Phantom Jelly)
Dan- Lancetfish
Ellie- Betta Fish
Jazz- Oarfish
Sam- Lamprey
Tucker- Devil's Hole Pupfish
Valerie- Cherry Shrimp
Vlad Masters- Vampire Squid
Maddie Fenton- Lion's Mane Jelly
Jack Fenton- Whale
Ida Manson- Gulper Eel
Mr. Lancer- Hatchetfish
Spike- Gourami
Wes Weston- Carp
Kyle Weston- Perch
Paulina- Dragonfish
Star- Cichlid
Dash Baxter- Short Beaked Dolphin
Kwan- Goldfish
Box Ghost- Boxfish
Lunch Lady- Killifish
Skulker- Sea Turtle
Ghostwriter- Lyretail
Sidney Poindexter- Shubunkin
Jonny 13- Corydora
Kitty- Loach
Ember- Basslet
Desiree- Seahorse
Spectra- Eel
Walker- Frogfish
Nocturn- Lanternfish
Overgrowth- Sea Pig
Fright Knight- Swordtail
Pariah Dark- Skate
Princess Dora- Dragon Goby
Pandora- Leaf Scorpionfish
Frostbite- Crabeater Seal
Clockwork- Colossal Squid (or Congor Eel)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want pics of any of the fish/creatures I am happy to put them out, I just can't put that many links on one post lol. (Also apologies if I missed anyone)
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ardentguilt · 11 months
Dash game thingy
Are you named after anyone?
((I guess. My mother got the name from a character in a Tom Cruise movie. I think the movie was Cocktail))
When was the last time you cried?
“What? Me? Cry? Haha. No.”
((4+ years ago))
Do you have kids?
“Oh 8oy. Yeah. 3 from a previous relationship 8ut they’re off doing their own thing nownights and one from a current relationship.”
((Definitely not. No interest or ability to have bio kids but I’m open to maybe one day adopting an older kid if I ever feel ready for that))
What sports do you play/have you played?
“They made us play gru88all as wrigglers 8ut other than that is 8eing a pain in the empire’s ass a sport?”
((Used to do Archery and was freakishly good at it despite being shortsighted and not having glasses back then. Kinda wanna get back into that. Used to run as a kid and was pretty good at it. Also used to do tae kwon do but I don’t do sport nowdays.))
Do you use sarcasm?
“What do you think?”
((Mostly no and if I do it’s not often or usually intentional because autism.))
What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
“Um….I dunno? Is there something specific you should notice first or…?”
((No clue. I don’t like to make eye contact so I guess maybe..hair color? Outfit? Never really paid attention before))
What’s your eye color?
“Right is teal 8ut my left is all fucked up and damaged red.”
((I guess green-brown? I’m a weirdo and they’re still shifting every so often but seem to be settling into the green-brown sort of range. Apparently they’re supposed to settle while you’re still a kid??))
Scary movies or happy endings?
“I don’t have any real preference, I don’t mind an occassional scary movie 8ut romantic stuff is mostly just the same things repackaged with different actors so it’s a 8ut 8oring. I prefer action, sci-fi and drama”
((Same as the muse tbh))
Any talents?
“Conditional immortality. I’m essentially an escaped imperial experiment. They fucked me up good and I’m VERY hard to kill and even then unless certain criteria is met I won’t stay dead”
((Where do I start? I’m the weird cryptid of my local town. Deceptive strength for my appearance. I don’t feel most physical pain. I heal abnormally fast. I have abnormal night vision, tongue spines, teeth that keep growing back when removed, hypersensitive hearing, my core temperature is above the norm for a human. I befriend wild animals like a Disney Princess…))
Where were you born?
“8rood Cavern C-1768-Z4, Central Alternia.”
((NSW, Australia))
What are your hobbies?
“Horticulture, 8artending and criminal mischief.”
((Reptiles, minerals and videogames))
Do you have any pets?
“Not at this stage no.”
((2 cats who are siblings Willow & River, an abundance of fish [spotted silver dollars, freshwater angelfish, bristlenose plecos {standard color, super red & albino}, bumblebee gobys, Gourami {golden Pearl, honey, coral blue, neon stripes}, phantom glass catfish, freshwater mussels, mystery snail, tetras {neon, Cardinal & rummy nose}, loach {yoyo & banded kuhli}, Siamese algae eaters and 3 generations of swordtails] and 2 central bearded dragons Spike & Puff))
How tall are you?
“Not counting horn height 8’8” 8ut if we’re including horns it’s 9’5” last I checked”
((Last I was measured it was something like 170-172cm))
Favorite subject in school?
“Eww no”
((School was hell on earth so hometime))
Dream job?
“You know I’ve always wanted to open my own 8otanical store….”
((Working with reptiles, specifically in the area of rescue and rehabilitation. I’m working on qualifications to get there but with that I have obtained currently I’m qualified for volunteer work. Just need a first aid course and snake handling course and I’ll have everything officially to get into it fully))
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lamaskot · 2 years
Perfil de especies de peces Neon Goby
Perfil de especies de peces Neon Goby
Los gobios de neón son una adición vibrante a cualquier arrecife o tanque de sal de la comunidad. Aunque son pequeños, estos pacíficos peces se caracterizan por una franja azul vibrante a lo largo de su longitud, lo que les da su otro apodo de Neon Blue Goby. Los miembros del grupo de gobios más limpios, es posible que los vea mordisqueando peces más grandes para ayudar a mantenerlos limpios y…
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thebrackishtank · 2 years
Hey! Thank you for all this great information for a specific aquarium hobby we find ourselves in. I’m in need of a recommendation if it’s not too much to ask. I’ve got a 15 gallon mangrove tank with slightly brackish water. Around 1.006. The tank is mostly about the mangroves but I had bumblebee gobies in it for years now. I’m tired of having to feed live food and want a fish that’s simpler. Any suggestions? I like the endlers but consider them nothing special. Although I like their simple care!
Of course! I'm always happy to give an (unsolicited or not!) opinion on fish keeping.
This is a fairly specific set of requirements - but! There are options you can look into, I just can't promise they will be common. Diamond Killifish, Micropoecilia spp livebearers (Swamp Guppies and Para Mollies), and Neon or Pacific Blue Eyes are some of the smaller fish I might consider here. In place of BBGs, I might look into Desert Gobies, which are more likely to switch to flake foods - though you should be able to easily switch BBGs from live to frozen foods.
I don't highly rate mangroves for home keeping - I've heard reports of them cracking aquarium glass as they grow - but there are many nice fake mangrove decorations I would consider (and in which case you can use even less salt to open up more options). Glue some oyster shells to them with crazy glue and you have a very convincing oyster reef!
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botherbug · 3 years
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neon blue goby appreciation
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X   X   X
X   X   X
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bettablog1 · 5 years
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We got a pipe, think they like it??
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improbablecarny · 5 years
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Caught my goby sitting on a leaf and have to let everyone know
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cobitoidea · 7 years
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Hillstream tank with some stiphodon, sewellia, panda garra.
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fishcommunity · 2 years
hi! i was wondering if i could have advice for a tank i plan on setting up. it's a 10gal. i know there's not much flexibility with that size, but i'm aiming for some oddball nano-fish. i've been searching for something different than the gouramis/corys/tetras/plecos that i'm used to.
any thoughts on indostomus paradoxus and orange-finned danios? they're both peaceful and from similar habitats in myanmar. the paradoxus are slower than the danios, but i wouldn't mind target feeding them their live foods with a pipette.
i'm thinking i might try for a heavily planted, low-flow blackwater tank for them. maybe 7-8 danios and 4-5 paradoxus? max sizes for them are 2" for the danios and 1.5" for the paradoxus. i don't mind doing extra maintenance to keep params in control.
sorry for such a long ask, by the way! i wanted to include all details so that you would have the info needed to answer this 😅
So the thing about 10 gallon tanks is that they are super hard to stock. Any fish much above 1 inch won't work in them long term because it's just not that much space and presents concerns from a psychological perspective (plus the usual environmental ones). The danios are outright not good options here - they seem to be equivalent in size to Zebra Danios, which simply don't work in less than a 20 long. Even then they very much used the entirety of a 55 gallon tank when I last kept them.
I think the sticklebacks you mentioned would be better choices. Being as uncommon as they are, I don't have any firsthand knowledge but being small and sedentary are a good combo for this size tank. Other options I might consider that are easy to find are Endler's Livebearers and Bumblebee Gobies, which I've kept together to good effect. Looking for something more off the wall? Pygmy Sunfish, Pygmy Killifish, and Least Killifish/Dwarf Mosquitofish are all tiny fish that are great choices for a tiny peaceful tank. There are multiple Ricefish I might also consider.
One of my nano fishkeeping books suggests Ruby Tetras, Ember Tetras, Chili Rasboras, Neon Blue Rasboras, CPDs, and Clown Killifish. I can't say for sure myself, but worth investigating.
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sonipanda · 3 years
Wolford Neon 40 Tights (Grey (Anthracite)
Wolford Neon 40 Tights (Grey (Anthracite)
Yes I am back in Wolford, especially the Neon 40s. It has been some time since I have styled a pair, and I am super psyched to try out grey! I have reviewed a variety of colours in the past. If you have missed those reviews, hit the links below (opens in a new tab): Wolford Neon 40 Tights (Navy Blue) Wolford Neon 40 Tights (Beige Gobi) Wolford Neon 40 Tights (Electric Blue) Wolford Neon 40…
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Flooded Earth DC Merfolk AU
So continuation of This Au right here
What is Everyone? Lemme make a list to ramble about later:
Bruce- Ray
Alfred- Remora
Kate- Angel Shark
Dick - Guppy
Cass- Cuttlefish
Jason- Thresher Shark
Tim- Bichir
Steph- Spanish Shawl Sea Slug
Duke- Anglerfish
Harper- Cichlid
Cullen- Rasbora
Damian- Stingray
Carrie- Dusky Batfish
Jarro- Starfish
Terry- Devilfish
Matt- Koi
Barbara- Jellyfish
Gordon- Squirrelfish
Ghostmaker- Moray Eel
Harvey- Tiger Shark
Selina- Catfish
Joker- Piranha
Harley- Clownfish
Poison Ivy- Leafy Seadragon
Riddler- Corydoras
Bane- Pufferfish
Mr. Freeze- Leopard Seal
Scarecrow- Anglerfish
Waylon- Saltwater Crocodile
Solomon Grundy- Coelacanth 
Penguin- Longfin Icedevil
Ras Al Ghul- Sturgeon
Talia- Pike
Dusan- Pike 
Deathstroke- Tiger Barb
Clark- Sea Lion
Connor- Fur Seal
Jon- Fur Seal
Kara- Sea Lion
Martha Kent- Ribbon Seal
Jonathan Kent- Manatee
Metallo- Sea Turtle
Brainiac- Pinecone Fish
Toyman- Parrot Fish
General Zod- Sea Lion
Lex Luthor- Cardinalfish (if a merfolk, still debating)
Barry Allen- Marlin
Wally- Swordfish
Bart- Marlin
Iris- Trout
Green Arrow- Goby
Arsenal- Arapaima
Artemis- Grouper
Black Canary- Orca
Reverse Flash- Marlin
Captain Cold- Beluga Whale
Heatwave- Guppy
Captain Boomerang- Discus Fish
Mirror Master- Mahi Mahi
Diana- Lionfish
Cassie- Lionfish
Cheetah- Spotted Snapper
Vandal Savage- Dunkleosteus 
Marvel- Whale Shark 
Billy- Wrasse
Mary- Wrasse
Freddy- Killifish
Eugene- Loach
Pedro- Danio
Darla- Goby
Black Adam- Gar Fish
Dr. Sivana- Dolphin
Mister Mind- Bristle Worm
Martian Manhunter- Octopus
M’gann- Octopus
Aquaman- Hammerhead Shark
Kaldur- Blue Tang
Plasticman- Oarfish
Booster Gold- Goldfish
Blue Beetle- Blue Shrimp
John Stewart- Sailfish
Hal Jordan- Neon Tetra
Red Tornado- Mantis Shrimp
Zatanna- Swordtail
Constantine- Fighting Fish
Doctor Fate- Wrasse
Deadman- Glass Fish
Klarion- Platy
Cyborg- Mola
Raven- Squid
Beast Boy- Triggerfish
Starfire- Koi Fish
Lobo- Wolf Fish
Deadshot- Ruby Barb
Killer Frost- White Koi
King Shark- Great White Shark
Doctor Light- Dolphin
Martha Wayne- Mako Shark
Thomas Wayne- Devil Ray
Lucious Fox- King Mackeral 
Jack Drake- Freshwater Angelfish
Janet Drake- Comet Goldfish
Catman- Tigerfish
Angel Breaker- Redtail Black Shark
Trigon- Giant Squid 
Now there's definitely more to be added, and if you have a favorite DC character I missed, lemme know and I'll make sure to add them.
Also I will definitely be rambling about all of these guys separately at some point lol.
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mommagranate · 3 years
Alphabetized lists of ACNH Bugs and Fish, with no extra text or photos, for model collectors making checklists! Just paste the lists into your notes or word app and convert to checklist style.
Agrias Butterfly
Atlas Moth
Banded Dragonfly
Bell Cricket
Blue Weevil Beetle
Brown Cicada
Cicada Shell
Citrus Long-horned Beetle
Common Bluebottle
Common Butterfly
Cyclommatus Stag
Darner Dragonfly
Diving Beetle
Drone Beetle
Dung Beetle
Earth-boring Dung Beetle
Emperor Butterfly
Evening Cicada
Giant Cicada
Giant Stag
Giant Water Bug
Giraffe Stag
Golden Stag
Goliath Beetle
Great Purple Emperor
Hermit Crab
Horned Atlas
Horned Dynastid
Horned Elephant
Horned Herucles
Jewel Beetle
Long Locust
Madagascan Sunset Moth
Man-faced Stink Bug
Migratory Locust
Miyama Stag
Mole Cricket
Monach Butterfly
Orchid Mantis
Paper Kite Butterfly
Peacock Butterfly
Pill Bug
Queen Alexandra's Birdwing
Rainbow Stag
Raja Brooke's Birdwing
Red Dragonfly
Rice Grasshopper
Robust Cicada
Rosalia Batesi Beetle
Saw Stag
Scarab Beetle
Tiger Beetle
Tiger Butterfly
Violin Beetle
Walker Cicada
Walking Leaf
Walking Stick
Wharf Roach
Yellow Butterfly
Barred Knifejaw
Black Bass
Blue Marlin
Butterfly Fish
Cherry Salmon
Clown Fish
Crucian Carp
Football Fish
Freshwater Goby
Giant Snakehead
Giant Trevally
Golden Trout
Great White Shark
Hammerhead Shark
Horse Mackerel
King Salmon
Mitten Crab
Moray Eel
Neon Tetra
Nibble Fish
Ocean Sunfish
Olive Flounder
Pale Chub
Pond Smelt
Pop-eyed Goldfish
Puffer Fish
Ranchu Goldfish
Red Snapper
Ribbon Eel
Saddled Bichir
Saw Shark
Sea Bass
Sea Butterfly
Sea Horse
Snapping Turtle
Soft-shelled Turtle
Whale Shark
Yellow Perch
Zebra Turkeyfish
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encyclopika · 4 years
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained MASTERPOST
So, here’s the Master list of ALL of the fish explained posts, with links, common and scientific names, and the “extra” topics we covered, if any. The AC Fish Explained Series went on from April 6th, 2020 to March 2021! The series continued into the Museum Tour in June 2021. The series was started again for “fish past” in November 2021. *Pocket Camp icons are from Nookipedia.com* *~*Now with over 200 entries. Thank you all for following along!*~*
If you liked the fish/science posts, please let me know! It makes me so happy to hear that people learned stuff from these! Without further adieu, here they are:
#1 Barreleye ~*~ (Macropinna microstoma) ~*~ Science in Video Games #2 Sea Bass ~*~ Japanese Sea Bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) ~*~       & Black Bass ~*~ Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) ~*~ Problems With Common Names #3 Sturgeon ~*~ Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) ~*~ Fish Migration #4 Football Fish ~*~ (Himantolophus spp.)~*~ Deep Sea Sex Life #5 Goldfish // Popeye Goldfish // Ranchu Goldfish ~*~ (Carassius auratus) ~*~ Goldfish Deserve Better
#6 Sea Butterfly ~*~ Common Clione (Clione limacina) ~*~ Problems with Common Names 2: Electric Boogaloo #7 Coelacanth ~*~ West Indian Ocean Coelacanth (Latimeria menadoensis) ~*~ Lazarus Species & Evolution of Tetrapods  #8 Crawfish ~*~ Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) ~*~ Invasive Species #9 Acanthostega ~*~ (Acanthostega gunnari) ~*~ Stem-Tetrapods #10 Killifish ~*~ Japanese Rice Fish (Oryzias latipes) ~*~ Endemism
#11 Oarfish ~*~ Giant Oarfish (Regalecus glesne) ~*~ Myths and Legends #12 Loach ~*~ Japanese Striped Loach (Cobitis biwae) ~*~ Barbels & Mouth Position in Fish #13 Clownfish ~*~ Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) ~*~ Sequential Hermaphroditism  #14 Surgeonfish ~*~ Regal Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) ~*~ The IUCN, Pet Trade #15 Koi ~*~ Amur Carp (Cyprinus rubrofuscus) subspecies   ~*~ Aquaculture
#16 Manila Clam ~*~ Japanese littleneck clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) ~*~ Mollusks #17 Barred Knifejaw ~*~ Barred Knifejaw (Oplegnathus fasciatus) ~*~ Broadcast Spawning & Larvae Dispersal  #18 Stringfish ~*~ Sakhalin Taimen (Parahucho perryi) ~*~ Anadromy & Osmolarity #19 Freshwater Goby ~*~ Dark Sleeper (Odontobutis obscura) ~*~ Motile Chromatophores #20 Ammonite ~*~ Ammonoidea spp. ~*~ Index Fossils
#21 Blue Marlin ~*~ Atlantic (Makaira nigricans) and/or Indo-Pacific (Makaira mazara) Blue Marlin ~*~ Apex Predators, Billfish Taxonomy #22 Giant Trevally ~*~ Giant Trevally (Caranx ignobilis) ~*~ Opportunistic Animals #23 Tuna ~*~ Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus spp) ~*~ Overfishing & Environmentally Sound Seafood #24 Mahi-Mahi ~*~ Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) ~*~ Meso-predators #25 Opthalmosaurus ~*~ (Ophthalmosaurus icenicus) ~*~ Convergent Evolution
#26 Tadpole & Frog ~*~ Japanese Tree Frog (Dryophytes japonicus) ~*~ Metamorphosis #27 Plesiosaur ~*~ (Futabasaurus suzukii) ~*~ Hydrodynamics of Long Necks #28 Archelon ~*~ (Archelon ischyros) ~*~ Eggs VS Live Birth #29 Snapping Turtle ~*~ Common Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina) ~*~ Omnivores #30 Zebra Turkeyfish ~*~ Luna Lionfish (Pterois lunulata)  ~*~ Venom, Invasive Lionfish
#31 Dace ~*~ Big-Scaled Redfin (Tribolodon hakonensis) ~*~ Acidic Water Tolerance #32 Carp ~*~  Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) ~*~ 100 Most Invasive Species List #33 Bitterling ~*~ Rosy Bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus) or Japanese Rosy Bitterling (Rhodeus smithii) or hybrid ~*~ Nomenclature #34 Crucian Carp ~*~ Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius) ~*~ Low Oxygen Adaptations #35 Cherry Salmon ~*~ Cherry/Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) ~*~ Semelparity VS Iteroparity #36 Anchovy ~*~ Japanese Anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) ~*~ Gills #37 Seahorse ~*~ Korean Sea Horse (Hippocampus haema) ~*~ Seahorses #38 Ribbon Eel ~*~ Ribbon Eel, (Rhinomuraena quaesita) ~*~ Sequential Hermaphroditism (Again) #39 Suckerfish ~*~ Common Remora (Remora remora) ~*~ Mutual Relationships #40 Neon Tetra ~*~ Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) ~*~ Neon Tetra in the Pet Trade
#41 Piranha ~*~ Red-bellied Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) ~*~ Bite Force #42 Arapaima ~*~ Arapaima/Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) ~*~ Air-Breathing (Physostomes) #43 Pufferfish ~*~ Long-spine Porcupinefish (Diodon holocanthus) ~*~ Family Toxin #44 Ocean Sunfish ~*~ Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola) ~*~ Sunbathing fish #45 Spotted Garden Eel ~*~ Spotted Garden Eel (Heteroconger hassi) ~*~ Burrowing
#46 Horseshoe Crab ~*~ Atlantic Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) ~*~ Horseshoe Crabs Are Amazing #47 Moon Jellyfish ~*~ Moon Jellfyfish (Aurelia aurita) ~*~        & Sea Anemone ~*~ Magnificent Sea Anemone (Heteractis magnifica) ~*~ Cnidarians  #48 Butterflyfish ~*~ Oriental Butterflyfish (Chaetodon auripes) ~*~ Monogamy #49 Great White Shark ~*~ Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) ~*~ Functional Endothermy & Shark Attack #50 Whale Shark ~*~ Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) ~*~ Filter-feeding
#51 Hammerhead Shark ~*~ Scalloped Hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) ~*~ Evolution of the Hammerhead/Cephalofoil #52 Saw Shark ~*~ Japanese Saw Shark (Pristiophorus japonicus) ~*~ Saw Shark VS Sawfish #53 Shark Tooth Whorl ~*~ Helicoprion spp. ~*~ Chimeras #54 Dorado ~*~ Dorado (Salminus brasiliensis) ~*~ Protecting Species for Profit #55 Guppy ~*~ Guppy  (Poecilia reticulata) ~*~ Sexual Dimorphism
#56 Angelfish ~*~ Freshwater Angel (Pterophyllum scalare)  ~*~ Parental Care #57 Vampire Squid ~*~ Vampire Squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) ~*~ Oxygen Minimum Zone #58 Giant Isopod ~*~ (Bathynomus giganteus) ~*~ Deep-Sea Gigantism #59 Tilapia ~*~ Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) ~*~ Aquaculture Issues #60 Pascal ~*~ Asian Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris lutris) ~*~ Mom’s Fave Foods & Pascal the Philosopher
#61 Arowana ~*~ Asian Arowana (Scleropages formosus) ~*~ Species Definition #62 Sea Pineapple ~*~ Sea Pineapple (Halocynthia roretzi) ~*~ Chordate Zoology #63 Gigas Giant Clam ~*~ Tridacna gigas ~*~ Clam Myths #64 Horse Mackerel ~*~ Japanese Jack Mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) ~*~ Fisheries #65 Mantis Shrimp ~*~ Peacock Mantis Shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus) ~*~ Eyes
#66 Moray Eel ~*~ Kidako Moray Eel (Gymnothorax kidako) ~*~ Pharyngeal Jaws #67 Pale Chub ~*~Pale Chub (Zacco platypus) ~*~ Mate Choice #68 Hermit Crab ~*~ Passionfruit Hermit (Coenobita cavipes) ~*~ Vacancy Chain for Hermits #69 Squid ~*~ Bigfin Reef Squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) ~*~ Morphology #70 Ray ~*~ Red Stingray (Dasyatis akajei) ~*~ Batoids
#71 Napoleonfish ~*~ Humphead Wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) ~*~ IUU Fishing #72 Scallop ~*~ Ezo Giant Scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis) ~*~ Swimming, Seeing Bivalves #73 Octopus ~*~ California Two-Spot Octopus (Octopus bimaculoides) ~*~ Intelligence #74 Soft-shell Turtle ~*~ Chinese Soft-shell Turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) ~*~ Evolution of Turtle Shells #75 Pondskater ~*~ Aquarius paludum ~*~ Surface Tension
#76 Myllokunmingia ~*~ Myllokunmingia fengjiaoa ~*~  Cambrian Explosion #77 Gazami Crab ~*~ Gazami Crab (Portunus trituberculatus) ~*~ Swimming Crabs #78 Acorn Barnacle ~*~ Balanus trigonus ~*~ Crustacean Diversity #79 Bluegill ~*~ Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)  ~*~ Fish Tails #80 Tiger Prawn ~*~ Giant Tiger Prawn ( Penaeus monodon) ~*~ Crustacean Lifecycle & Nauplius
#81 Sea Grapes ~*~ Sea Grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) ~*~ Algae #82 Giant Snakehead ~*~ Northern Snakehead (Channa argus) ~*~ Invasive Snakeheads #83 Spinosaurus ~*~ Spinosaurus aegyptiacus ~*~ Swimming Dinosaurs #84 Umbrella Octopus ~*~ Flapjack Octopus (Opisthoteuthis californiana) ~*~ Oceanic Layers #85 Sea Slug ~*~ Hypselodoris festiva ~*~ Nudibranchs
#86 Salmon ~*~ Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) ~*~ The Changing Salmon #87 Char ~*~ White-Spotted Char (Salvelinus leucomaenis) ~*~ Problem with Dams #88 Golden Trout ~*~ California Golden Trout  (Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita) ~*~ Rainbow Trout Subspecies #89 King Salmon ~*~  Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) ~*~ Site Fidelity #90 Pearl Oyster ~*~ Akoya Pearl Oyster (Pinctada imbricata fucata) ~*~ Pearl Formation
#91 Chambered Nautilus ~*~ Chambered Nautilus (Nautilus pompilius) ~*~ Vertical Migration #92 Gar ~*~Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) ~*~ Holostei Fish #93 Flatworm ~*~ Pseudoceros bimarginatus ~*~ About Flatworms #94 Diving Beetle ~*~ Cybister chinensis ~*~ How Insects Breathe #95 Giant Water Bug ~*~ Lethocerus deyrollei ~*~ Bite of the Toe Biter
#96 Sea Urchin ~*~ Purple Sea Urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) ~*~ Biological Symmetry  #97 Yellow Perch ~*~ Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) ~*~ Cannibalism #98 Oyster ~*~ Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) ~*~ Oyster Reefs #99 Catfish ~*~ Amur Catfish (Silurus asotus) ~*~ Catfish are Ridiculous #100 Dunkleosteus ~*~ Dunkleosteus terrelli ~*~ Placoderms
#101 Rainbowfish ~*~ Ornate Rainbowfish (Rhadinocentrus ornatus) ~*~ Endemism (Again) #102 Slate Pencil Urchin ~*~ Red Slate Pencil Urchin  (Heterocentrotus mamillatus) ~*~ Urchin Spines #103 Saddled Bichir ~*~ Saddled Bichir (Polypterus endlicheri) ~*~ Synapomorphy #104 Nibble Fish ~*~ Doctor Fish (Garra rufa) ~*~ Ichthyotherapy #105 Sweetfish ~*~ Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) ~*~ Traditional Cormorant Fishing
#106 Sweet Shrimp ~*~ Amaebi (Pandalus eous) ~*~ Shrimp Taxonomy #107 Anomalocaris ~*~ Anomalocaris canadensis ~*~ Radiodontids #108 Venus’ Flower Basket ~*~ Venus’ Flower Basket  (Euplectella aspergillum) ~*~ Sponges #109 Sea Cucumber ~*~ Japanese Spiky Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) ~*~ Sea Cucumbers #110 Olive Flounder ~*~ Olive Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) ~*~ Flatfish Lesson 1 #111 Dab ~*~ Alaska Plaice  (Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus) ~*~ Flatfish Lesson 2 #112 Mitten Crab ~*~  Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis) ~*~ What Is a Crab? #113 Snow Crab ~*~ Snow Crab (Chionoecetes opilio) ~*~ Japanese Names #114 Dungeness Crab ~*~ Dungeness Crab (Metacarcinus magister) ~*~ Ocean Acidification #115 Red King Crab ~*~ Red King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) ~*~ Imposter Crab
#116 Red Snapper ~*~ Northern Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) ~*~ Longevity  #117 Turban Shell ~*~ Horned Turban Snail (Turbo cornutus) ~*~ Snails #118 Trilobite ~*~ Cheirurus spp. ~*~ How Fossils Form #119 Whelk ~*~ Common Whelk (Buccinum undatum) ~*~ Predatory Snails #120 Sea Star ~*~ Brick Red Sea Star (Anthaster valvulatus) ~*~ All About Sea Stars
#121 Seaweed ~*~ Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) ~*~ More Algae #122 Sea Pig ~*~ Sea Pig (Scotoplanes globosa) ~*~ Dueterostomes and Protostomes #123 Pike ~*~ Northern Pike (Esox lucius) ~*~ Aggression #124 Mussel ~*~ Bay Mussel (Mytilus trossulus) ~*~ Ecosystem Services #125 Abalone ~*~ Black Abalone (Haliotis cracherodii) ~*~ Biomimicry
#126 Pond Smelt ~*~ Wakasagi (Hypomesus nipponensis) ~*~ Ice Fishing #127 Spiny Lobster ~*~ Japanese Spiny Lobster (Panulirus japonicus) ~*~ Lobster Imposter #128 Lobster ~*~ American Lobster (Homarus americanus) ~*~ Immortality #129 Coconuts ~*~ Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) ~*~ Unorthodox Seed Dispersal #130 Betta ~*~ Betta/Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens) ~*~ Labyrinth Fish #131 Blowfish ~*~ Fine Patterned Puffer (Takifugu poecilonotus) ~*~ Preparing Toxic Fugu #132 Gulliver/Gullivarrr ~*~ Black-tailed Gull (Larus crassirostris) ~*~ Seabirds #133 Eusthenopteron ~*~  Eusthenopteron foordi ~*~ You’re a Fish #134 Octopus Villager ~*~ Octopus spp. ~*~ Anatomy of an Octopus #135 Spider Crab ~*~ Japanese Spider Crab (Macrocheira kaempferi) ~*~ Big Animals in the Oceans
#136 Beach Shells ~*~ multiple spp. ~*~ General About Spp. #137 Penguin Villager ~*~ Sphenisciformes spp. ~*~ Penguins! #138 Firefly Squid ~*~ Firefly Squid  (Watasenia scintillans) ~*~ Bioluminescence #139 Wardell ~*~ West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus) ~*~ Sirenia, the Manatees and Dugong #140 Lyle & Lottie ~*~ Japanese River Otter (Lutra nippon) ~*~ Extinct River Otters    
#141 Spring Mackerel ~*~ Japanese Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius) ~*~ Scombrid Fish #142 Moorish Idol ~*~ Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus) ~*~ Fish in Culture #143 Barbel Steed ~*~ Barbel Steed (Hemibarbus labeo) ~*~ More F’n Cyprinids #144 Nomura’s Jellyfish ~*~ Nomura’s Jelly (Nemopilema nomurai) ~*~ Native Invader  #145 Frog Villager ~*~ Anura spp. ~*~ Frogs vs Toads #146 Flying Fish ~*~  Bennet’s Flying Fish (Cheilopogon pinnatibarbatus) ~*~ How They Fly #147 Pineapple Fish ~*~ Japanese Pineapple Fish (Monocentris japonica) ~*~ Armor #148 Eel ~*~ Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica) ~*~ Catadromous Lifestyle #149 Sea Bunny ~*~ Sea Bunny (Jorunna parva) ~*~ The Fuzz is a Lie #150 Hippo Villager ~*~ Common Hippo, (Hippopotamus amphibius) ~*~ Hippos
#151 Largehead Hairtail ~*~ Largehead Hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) ~*~ Species Complex Confusion #152 Lumpfish ~*~  Balloon Lumpfish (Eumicrotremus pacificus) ~*~ Suction #153 Giant Catfish ~*~ Giant Lake Biwa Catfish (Silurus biwaensis) ~*~ Earthquake Fish #154 Kapp’n ~*~ Kappa ~*~ The Legend of the Kappa #155 Achilles Surgeonfish ~*~ Achilles Tang (Acanthurus achilles) ~*~ A Fish’s Achilles’ Heel #156 Comb Jelly & Northern Comb Jelly ~*~ Ctenophore spp. ~*~ Ctenophores Are Not Jellyfish #157 Flora ~*~  American Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) ~*~ Flamingos! #158 Red Sea Bream ~*~ Madai (Pagrus major) ~*~ Seasonal Luxury #159 Goliath Frog ~*~ Goliath Frog (Conraua goliath) ~*~ Biggest Frog! #160 Bering Wolffish ~*~ Bering Wolffish (Anarhichas orientalis)  ~*~ Wolffish #161 Bicolor Dottyback ~*~ Bicolor Dottyback (Pictichromis paccagnella) ~*~ Incertae sedis #162 Zebra Moray ~*~ Zebra Moray (Gymnomuraena zebra) ~*~ More Morays #163 Vampire Crab ~*~ (Geosesarma dennerle) ~*~ TFW the Pet Trade Discovers Things Faster Than Science #164 Phineas ~*~ Japanese Sea Lion (Zalophus japonicus) ~*~ Seals vs Sea Lions #165 Amberjack ~*~ Japanese Amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata) ~*~ Farmed Predators
#166 Sakura Shrimp ~*~ Sakura Shrimp (Sergia lucens) ~*~ Actually Prawns #167 Black Ghost Knifefish ~*~ Black Ghost Knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) ~*~ It’s Electric! #168 Black Clownfish ~*~ Ocellaris Clownfish - AGAIN! (Amphiprion ocellaris) ~*~ Polymorphism #169 Pink Anemonefish ~*~ Pink Skunk Clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion) ~*~ Mutuals with an Anemone  #170 Wakin Goldfish ~*~ Goldfish (Carassius auratus) ~*~ Mutants #171 Skipjack Tuna ~*~ Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) ~*~ Pollution? In my seafood? More likely than you think! #172 Yellowfin Tuna ~*~ Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) ~*~ Associations #173 Tiger Catfish ~*~ Tiger Shovelnose Catfish (Pseudoplatystoma spp.) ~*~ Diverse Cats #174 Great Barracuda ~*~ Great Barracuda  (Sphyraena barracuda) ~*~ Unique Predatory Methods #175 Atlantic Mackerel ~*~ Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus)  ~*~ Being a Living Trawl Net
#176 Wendell ~*~ Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) ~*~ Walrus! #177 Pacific Saury ~*~ Pacific Saury (Cololabis saira) ~*~ Seasonal Migration #178 Spotted Knifejaw ~*~ Spotted Knifejaw (Oplegnathus punctatus) ~*~ Range Expansion #179 Discus ~*~ Discus (Symphysodon discus) ~*~ Parenting like a Mammal #180 Harlequin Shrimp ~*~ Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera picta) ~*~ Tiny knights killing monsters
#181 Dr.Shrunk ~*~ Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) ~*~ Dude looks like a baby - Neotany #182 Freshwater Crab ~*~ Red-Clawed Crab (Perisesarma bidens) ~*~ Multiple Moves to Freshwater #183 Flame Angelfish ~*~ Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loricula) ~*~ Being colorful af  #184 Threadfin Butterflyfish ~*~ Threadfin Butterflyfish (Chaetodon auriga)~*~ Eyespot #185 Splendid Garden Eel ~*~ Splendid Garden Eel (Gorgasia preclara) ~*~ Another Garden Eel 
#186 Splendid Alfonsio ~*~ Splendid Alfonsio (Beryx splendens) ~*~ Big Eyes #187 Manta Ray ~*~ Oceanic Manta Ray (Mobula birostris) ~*~ 2 Mantas #188 Giant River Prawn ~*~ Giant River Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) ~*~ Mr. Sexy Legs #189 Green Spotted Puffer ~*~ Green Spotted Puffer (Dichotomyctere nigroviridis) ~*~ 4 Terrible Teeth #190 Pot-bellied Seahorse ~*~ Pot-bellied Seahorse  (Hippocampus abdominalis) ~*~ Male “Pregnancy”
#191 Herabuna ~*~ Japanese White Crucian Carp (Carassius cuvieri) ~*~ Exclusive Fish #192 Smalltooth Sand Tiger Shark ~*~ Smalltooth Sand Tiger Shark (Odontaspis ferox) ~*~ Shape of Shark Teeth #193 Silver Pomfret ~*~ Silver Pomfret (Pampus argenteus) ~*~ Lessepsian Migration #194 Japanese Halfbeak ~*~ Japanese Halfbeak (Hyporhamphus sajori) ~*~ Long Chin is Long  #195 Alligator Villagers ~*~ Crocodilian spp. ~*~ Crocodiles, Caimans, Alligators, and Gharials!
#196 Clam ~*~ Manila Clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) ~*~ Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change Actually #197 Amazon Leaffish ~*~ Amazon Leaffish (Monocirrhus polyacanthus) ~*~ Cryptic Behavior #198 Red Lionfish ~*~ Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) ~*~ Venom vs Poison #199 White Ribbon Eel ~*~ White Ribbon Eel (Pseudechidna brummeri) ~*~ Animal Elongation #200 Opah ~*~ Opah (Lampris guttatus) ~*~ Whole-Body Endothermy
#201 Yellow Boxfish ~*~ Yellow Boxfish (Ostracion cubicum) ~*~ Shell-Fish  #202 Horsehair Crab ~*~ Horsehair Crab (Erimacrus isenbeckii) ~*~ Setae: Hair for Crab #203 Black Ruby Barb ~*~ Purplehead Barb (Pethia nigrofasciata) ~*~ How Endemism Happens #204 Longsnout Seahorse ~*~ Slender Seahorse (Hippocampus reidi) ~*~ Suction Feeding #205 Threadfin Trevally ~*~ African Pompano (Alectis ciliaris) ~*~ Larval Mimicry
#206 Gourami ~*~  Honey Gourami (Trichogaster chuna) ~*~ Color Edits #207 Duck Villagers ~*~  Anseriformes spp. ~*~ Duck Diversity #208 Weedy Stingfish ~*~ Weedy Stingfish (Scorpaenopsis cirrosa) ~*~ Scorpion Fish #209 Silver Arowana ~*~ Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) ~*~ Surface Predator #210 Longtooth Grouper ~*~ Longtooth Grouper (Epinephelus bruneus) ~*~ Growing Old - for Fish! #211 Yellow King Piranha ~*~ Yellow King Piranha (Serrasalmus ternetzi)~*~ Color Morph With it’s Own Binomial aka Confusing AF #212 Giant Squid ~*~ Giant Squid (Architeuthis dux) ~*~ The Search for a Deep Sea Giant #213 Rainbow Trout ~*~ Rainbow Trout  (Oncorhynchus mykiss) ~*~ Subspeciation - Hows and Whys #214 Brook Trout ~*~ Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) ~*~ Trout? Almost as Bad as Bass! #215 Frogfish ~*~ Painted Frogfish (Antennarius pictus) ~*~ Form Follows Function
#216 Crystal Red Shrimp ~*~ Bee Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis) ~*~ Bred for Perfection #217 Pelly, Phyllis, & Pete ~*~ Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) ~*~ Pelicans! #218 Pelican Eel ~*~ Pelican Eel (Eurypharynx pelecanoides) ~*~ Deep-sea Mouth #219 Dark Banded Rockfish ~*~ Dark Banded Rockfish (Sebastes inermis) ~*~ Why Buying Local is Best #220 Diamond Tetra ~*~ Diamond Tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri) ~*~ Endemic and Endangered
#221 Crab ~*~ Christmas Island Crab (Gecarcoidea natalis) ~*~ Mass Migration #222 Yellow Starfish ~*~ North Pacific Sea Star (Asterias amurensis) ~*~ Water Vascular System #223 Violet Sea Snail ~*~ Violet Sea Snail (Janthina janthina) ~*~ Macroplankton #224 Lemur-Tail Seahorse ~*~ Japanese Seahorse (Hippocampus mohnikei) ~*~ Square Tails #225 Coconut Crab ~*~ Coconut Crab (Birgus latro) ~*~ NOT Nightmare Fuel #226 White Tuxedo Guppy / White Butterfly Koi / White Angelfish ~*~ Albinism, Luecism, and other color disorders #227 Blue Starfish ~*~ Blue Sea Star (Linckia laevigata) ~*~ The Rarity of Blue #228 Chip & CJ ~*~ American Beaver (Castor canadensis) ~*~ Debunking Beaver Myths
~~The Museum Tour - Habitats~~
#1 Open Ocean #2 Nearshore                     #3 Coral Reefs #4 Estuary #5 Rivers #6 Lakes and Ponds #7 Wetlands #8 Aquarium Hobby Tank #9 Polar Regions #10 The Abyss
~~Fish Dish Fridays~~
#1 Aji Fry #2 Salmon Bagel Sandwich #3 Squid Ink Spaghetti #4 Clam Chowder #5 Carpaccio di...
#6 Anchoas al Ajillo #7 Sea Bass Pie #8 Seafood Pizza #9 Poke
308 notes · View notes