bloxxy-slugcats · 1 month
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first OC reference, Void!
Void is a strange slugcat, having actual stars all over his body, that glow in the dark slightly, just like his eyes also glow in the dark, and its known, that he was made by an iterator, called "LttS", or Looks to the Stars (i can finally talk again with that crack head gone fn). and also, he always seems to be in lower gravity
his relationships with everyone go like this
Survivor - good friend | they tend to like to hang out together, and do things together
Monk - good friend | Void finds it nice and easy to relax and rest when with Monk
Hunter - friend | while he doesn't really hang out with Void a lot, he still would want to protect Void if danger appears
Artificer - good friend | she tends to be more protective of him at times, and will often be seen resting, and not minding if Void joins her
Gourmand - good friend | he likes Gourmands cooking, and tends to eat anything (literally, he can even eat spears, aka rebar, but he mostly eats normal things, even though he literally can eat anything, m'boi is a slugcat-black hole mix)
Rivulet - good friend | they like to play tag, and Void is good at it, since he just floats up to where he cant be caught thanks to his constant lower gravity
Spearmaster - good friend | he kinda finds a comfort in knowing Spearmaster was also made by an iterator
Saint - friend | fluffy, easy to sleep with
Nightcat - good friend | she likes how silent he is, and how calm he can be, plus she is quite interested in how Void looks as he does
Enot - friend | while she does pull pranks, Void always finds the funny side of it, plus she doesn't do pranks to him often
Iso - non biological brother | if i were to tell ya'll who they basically the Mario brothers with how close they are
Boomer - best friend | he kind of acts almost in a way like a big brother to him, since he is still as young as he is (around Monks age)
Mimi - best friend | he always finds it interesting and cool how Mimi can do what he can do
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ben-101-rewrite · 6 days
Was it you who put forth the idea that Segmentosapiens (Bloxx) and Lenopans were related species from the same planet? Just that Bloxx was from the dryer regions and Lenopans from the more humid? If so, I’d like to suggest Sandbox being in a very similar boat. Most interpretations of Sandbox have him literally be a mass of living sand. It feels like that’d fit in with the other two
That was me, yes. Bloxx's kind lives on the same homeworld as the Lenopans, being distant relatives made of dirt. Sandbox is an alien that I would most likely make my own ideas for, since while we have popular artists that have made their own versions of him, him and the other S lads are all fun because you can make your own ideas for them. Plus I like keeping the Bloxx and Lenopan concept simple. I don't wanna pull the whole "Every fire/plant/earth alien has to exist on the same planet" issue, as that can feel limiting to me.
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omniglitch-au · 2 months
O.R Ash has already released a video doing the Ultimate forms for the OV Aliens!
What do you guys think of your ultimate forms?
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"It's fun! That flashbang's come in real handy a few times already! I wish The Worst would stop calling me 'bottom-heavy' whenever I use it though..."
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"Eh, it's not that impressive. I kinda feel like I turned into Terraspin whenever I use it."
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"It's nice to be a bit taller! And I like how much more reach I have. I'm so much faster at cleaning up messes!"
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"I guess it's nice bein' more stable, but I prefer havin' a base body to reform into."
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"I could have sworn my Ultimate form was different the last time I used it... Nevermind. It's not like it changed that much anyway."
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tramon81 · 2 years
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I've been toying with the idea for a while in the discord server @ut-poppy-askblog. Poppy 10 is finally a thing (unofficially) and these are 5 of the Original 10 Aliens Poppy starts with, chosen by the Poppy-Man himself (@fmsdraws) and drawn by yours truly.
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gigmusicdscvr · 7 years
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RECAP 02.17.2018
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entityupdates · 2 years
Ben 23 and Rook 23′s Aliens in Rook Gets The Omnitrix
I just introduced Ben 23 and Rook 23 to my Rook Gets the Omnitrix AU. Here’s a list of the aliens in Ben 23’s Omnitrix and Rook 23’s Nemetrix.
Ben 23:
Freeze Lizard (Artiguana)
Charcoal Man (Heatblast)
Mr. Monkey (Spidermonkey)
Plug Man (Feedback)
Vomit Man (Upchuck)
Rollaway (Cannonbolt)
Electric Yeti (Shocksquatch)
Orbit Man (Gravattack)
Fright Face (Toepick)
Dognabbit (Wildmutt)
Handy-Man (Four Arms)
Brain Frog (Gray Matter)
Speedyquick (XLR8)
Techno-Bubble (Upgrade)
Fish Fingers (Ripjaws)
Big Bug (Stinkfly)
Eye Guy Acrocat
Mr. Mucky (Swampfire)
Dino-Mighty (Humungousaur) 
Nighty Knight (Pesky Dust)
Windy-Hindy (Clockwork)
Build-A-Guy (Bloxx)
Buglizard (Stinkfly’s predator)
Crabdozer (Heatblast’s predator)
Hypnolick (Big Chill’s predator)
Mucilator (Crashhopper’s predator)
Omnivoracious (Gray Matter’s predator)
Slamworm (Armodrillo’s predator)
Terroranchula (Ball Weevil’s predator)
Tyrannopede (Humungosaur’s predator)
Vicetopus (Brainstorm’s predator)
Sabertooth (Ditto’s predator)
Dez (Zed’s species)
Rook will eventually get a number of Earth pretadors as well.
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coinsweepermaster18 · 3 years
The 10 aliens the batfam would use the most if they had an Omnitrix (+ headcanons)
Dick - Fasttrack, XLR8, Jetray, Ditto, Crashhopper, Astrodactyl, Spidermonkey, Chamalien, Shocksquatch, Whampire (he mainly uses Whampire to make fun of Bruce)
Jason - Heatblast (Jason used Heatblast to get revenge on Roy for the flamethrower-in-the-shower thing), Ghostfreak, Juryrigg, Humungousaur, Kickin Hawk, Bullfrag, Water Hazard, Ampfibian, Diamondhead, Rath
Tim - Grey Matter, Brainstorm, Big Chill (Tim finds it hilarious whenever he's mistaken for Blue Beetle), Upgrade, XLR8 (he occasionally races with Bart; Dick does the same with Wally), Astrodactyl, Atomix, Clockwork (he uses Clockwork whenever one of the Flash's mess with the timestream), Gravattack, NRG
Damian - Diamondhead (Damian once used Diamondhead to make a sword for himself when he was human again; as of now, it's one of his deadliest weapons), Blitzwolfer (he used Blitzwolfer to try to talk to his pets once; he was annoyed when it didn't work), Swampfire, Rath, Echo Echo, Ghostfreak, Cannonbolt, Artiguana, Jetray, Wildmutt
Steph - Chromastone (she uses Chromastone mainly bc he's purple), Blitzwolfer, Ditto, Goop, Fasttrack (she found Fasttrack when she was running to her college class bc she was late), Feedback, Crashhopper, Kickin Hawk, Buzzshock, Swampfire (she has used the 'disarmed' joke 50+ times (Tim counted))
Cass - XLR8, Artiguana, Snare-oh, Big Chill, Four Arms (this is her strongest form), Pesky Dust (she uses Pesky Dust whenever one her siblings doesn't sleep for a few days (she has also used Pesky Dust on Bruce)), Fasttrack, Crashhopper (she used Crashhopper to finally defeat Cricket; Tim and Stephanie high-fived her when they learned about it), Ghostfreak, Jetray
Duke - Diamondhead, Heatblast (he used Heatblast once to make smores for himself and the We-Are-Robin crew (it ended with the building they were in being burned down)), Water Hazard (he used Water Hazard to extinguish the flames after the building burned down), Armodrillo, Gravattack, Clockwork, Swampfire, Ripjaws, Brainstorm, Eye Guy
Harper - Upgrade (you know that vending machine chart? basically that but at the bottom there's an option where it says "tries to dial Upgrade on the Omnitrix by using their head"), Juryrigg, XLR8, Brainstorm, Water Hazard, Feedback, Astrodactyl, Kickin Hawk, Nanomech, Lodestar
Barbara: [quick note: when Barbara turns into an alien, she's still paralyzed] Grey Matter, Brainstorm, Nanomech, Lodestar (she has used Lodestar multiple times to move her wheelchair at high speeds), Swampfire, Jetray, Big Chill, Astrodactyl, Goop, Upgrade
Kate - Heatblast, Diamondhead, XLR8, Four Arms, Kickin Hawk, Astrodactyl, Water Hazard, Ripjaws, Humungosaur, Lodestar
Bruce - Fasttrack, Brainstorm, Big Chill, Upgrade (he's used Upgrade multiple times on the Batmobile), Humungousaur, Astrodactyl, Swampfire, Gravattack, Goop, NRG
In an au where Cullen got The Omnitrix after some Shenanigans, his most used aliens are: Wildmutt, Echo Echo, Four Arms, Upchuck, Ampfibian, Clockwork, Bloxx (instead of calling him Bloxx tho, Cullen calls him what you say when you step on a lego: Son of a bi-), Crashhopper, Bullfrag, Cannonbolt (Cullen usually uses him to play what the batkids call "Super-size bowling")
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crystal-moon-101 · 3 years
I was bored, so I thought I’d share with you the names for Julie 10′s aliens, since some people seemed to like the AU idea. I may change some later, but let me know which ones you like 💚 1. Heatblast - Hearth (A part of a fireplace)
2. Wildmutt - Capoodle (Mix on the words canoodle and poodle)
3. Diamondhead - Crystal Shard (Relating to crystal pieces)
4. XLR8 - Celer-80 (Celerity mixed with the number 80)
5. Greymatter - Psyche (Relating to soul, mind, or spirit, and the name of a greek Goddess) 
6. Fourarms - Scarslet (Play on the red colour scarlet, and scars)
7. Stinkfly - Litterfly (Crossed with the word litter, relating to trash left behind, and fly from the use of bug names)
8. Ripjaws - Luminous (Relating to bright lights and colour, due to their bulb) 
9. Upgrade - C.P.U (Central processing unit for computers)
10 .Ghostfreak - Willow-Wisp (A type of spirit in myths)
11. Cannonbolt - Wind-Up (In reference to curling up into a ball, and pitching/throwing in baseball)
12. Wildvine - Wisteria (A type of flowering vine)
13. Spitter - Dribble (Saliva spilling from mouth)
14. Buzzshock - Jitter Jolt (Combo of the words jitter and jolt)
15. Arctiguana - Scalcier (Mix of the words scales & glacier)
16. Blitzwolfer - Whir Wolf (A play on the word werewolf by adding in the word whir)
17. Snare-Oh - Papatra (Mixing Cleopatra’s name with papyrus)
18. Frankenstrike - Mary Shockly (A reference to the creator of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, crossed with the word static)
19. Upchuck - Nausea (Feeling so disgust you’re sick)
20. Ditto - Multi (Shortened from the word multiple) 
21. Eye Guy - Iris (Ring-shaped membrane behind the cornea of the eye)
22. Swampfire - Mire Fire (Rhyming with the words mire and fire)
23. Echo Echo - Utter Utter (Speaking out loud) 
24. Humungosaur - Colossosaurus (A mix of the words colossal and the saurus which is used for most dinosaur names)
25. Jetray - Infra-Red (Emphasizing the word red in Infrared) 
26. Big Chill - Snow Wake (Play on the word Snowflake)
27. Chromastone - Rnarock (Pronounced Re-na-rock, with the use of the word RNA which is a long linear polymer of nucleotides found in the nucleus, and the word rock)
28. Brainstorm - Cerebratacean (A mix of the words crustaceans and cerebrate)
29. Spidermonkey - Spinner Scamp (Spinner relating to spider webs, and scamp meaning playfully mischievous)
30. Goop - Poly (Related to the word polymer)
31. Alien X - Andromeda (Name of the closest galaxy to us and a figure in greek stories)
32. Lodestar - Magnetlite (Mixing the words magnetite and lite)
33. Rath - Ire (A strong emotion of anger)
34. Water Hazard - Mariana Drench (A play on the word Mariana Trench, being the deepest oceanic trench)
35. Ampfibian - Millidusa (Mixing the words Medusa and milliwatt)
36. Armodrillo - Excaquake (Mix of the words excavate and earthquake)
37. Terraspin - Plastroon (A combination of the words plastron and monsoon)
38. NRG - V-Ray (Switching the letter x out of x-ray for the letter v, relating to the world ultraviolet)
39. Fasttrack - Zoomies (For when cats get the energy in the middle of the night)
40. Chamalien - Balette (A mix of the words palette and ballot)
41. Eatle - Scarab (A type of beetle)
42. Clockwork - “Penny” Pendulum (Pendulums are used in clocks, but Julie goes with the nickname Penny often)
43. Juryrigg - Finecrafts (Meaning you are excellence at working with a particular material)
44. Feedback - Utility (A word meaning the quality of being of practical use)
45. Bloxx - Terracotta (A clay-based unglazed or glazed ceramic)
46. Gravattack - Gravitess (A mix of the words gravity and graveness)
47. Crashhopper - Lobust (A cross of the words locust and robust)
48. Ball Weevil - Microbug (In reference to their size and how they clean up things, even the smallest of things)
49. Walkatrout - Slippers (In references to slipping about, and the word flippers)
50. Pesky Dust - Fairy Trail (A play on the word fairy tales, using the word trails in reference to leaving dust behind)
51. Mole-Stache - Muddy (A name that also references the ability of digging in dirt)
52. Kickin Hawk - Mother Hen (In reference of a protective and motherly nature, and chickens)
53. Toepick - Phobia (A word relating to the idea of fear)
54. Astrodactyl - Supernova (An exploding star, that emits a bright light)
55. Bullfrag - Lily Clad (A play on the word lily pad, using the word clad in reference to the idea of disgusting)
56. Atomix - Isotope (One of two or more atoms with the same atomic number but with different numbers of neutrons)
57. Gutrot - Chemical Confound (A play on the word chemical compound, using the word confound which can mean mix things up)
58. Whampire - Artery (A blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body)
59. Waybig - Gentle Giant (A term used to describe something big, but careful with their movement/gestures)
60. Nanomech - Minitech (The words mini and tech crossed together)
61. Shocksquatch - Static Fur (In reference to static hair)
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Dinge, die ich auf meinem alten Handy gefunden habe
Nachdem meine Mutter es geschafft hat, die Abdeckung zu öffnen, konnte ich nun endlich mein 10 Jahre altes Handy wieder benutzen.
Eine Simkarte von Tchibo, aber die 5€ darauf waren nur bis 2012 gültig
Den guten alten Nokia-Klingelton
Die Internettaste, auf die man niemals draufkommen durfte und wenn man es doch mal getan hat, hat man panisch auf die “Auflegen” Taste gedrückt
Ein Bild von meiner Mutter
Mehrere Bilder von unserem Weihnachtsbaum 2009
Ein Bild von belegten Brötchen
Ein Selfie
Ein Bild von einer Packung Frikadellen
Bilder von damals, als im Altenheim gegenüber ne Mülltonne gebrannt hat, aber es war dunkel und man erkennt nichts.
Videos von mir und meinem Vater, als wir gerade in unsere jetzige Wohnung gezogen waren. Wir trinken Tees und essen Forellenfilets und ich laber jede Menge Scheiße.  Praktischerweise habe ich auch die Zeitung gefilmt. Damalige Schlagzeilen: “Winterwetter bremst Reisende aus” und irgendwas mit Papst Benedikt.
Eine “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag” MMS von meiner Tante
Eine “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag” SMS von meiner Tante
Voreingestellte Textvorlagen für SMS, wenn man nicht alles selbst tippen wollte
Eine nie gesendete SMS an meine Mutter, in der ich ihr schreibe, dass Musik ausgefallen ist
Sechs Nummern: Meine Tante, meine Mutter, der Arbeitsplatz meiner Mutter, mein Opa, mein Vater und unsere Festnetznummer (die ich eh auswendig kann)
Drei Spiele: Backgammon, Bubble Bash und City Bloxx
Eine viel zu veraltete Bluetooth-Funktion, die nicht mehr funktioniert, weil sie keine Geräte findet
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therevue · 6 years
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The December 13th edition of #TheMatinee is filled with light and darkness. Some of the songs will cast a spell on you, others will enshroud you in mystery, and a few will have you in a euphoric mood. Click the homepage link in bio, find the mini-playlist, and hear #newmusic from Be Forest. (ITA), M A V I C A - Marta Casanova (SPN/ENG), Kimberly Townsend (USA), Some Sprouts (GER), Pure Mids (USA), Steel Trees (ENG), BLOXX (ENG), GAUCI (AUS), and The Hubbards (ENG). ... Supporting labels: WWNBB collective, Beatnik Creative, These Bloody Thieves Records, Chess Club Records, Scruff of the Neck ... #indiemusic #BeForest #MAVICAmusic #KimberlyTownsend #SomeSprouts #PureMids #SteelTrees #BLOXXband #GAUCI #TheHubbards #indierock #alternative #synthpop #shoegaze #indiepoprock #Britpop #psychedelicpop #newmusicalert #newmusicdiscovery #pressplay #nowplaying #takealisten https://www.instagram.com/p/BrVbnupgQUg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eshcky4lcafl
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bloxxy-slugcats · 2 months
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bigger Hunter reference
when he was tasked with bringing the Slag Reset Key to Moon, he was already starting to feel the symptoms of having the rot inside him: restless nights, losing his appetite even when starving, feeling completly out of energy/about to pass out. but once he delivered it to Moon, he managed to make his way up to FP, who then managed to give Hunter a cure, while it did take awhile to have its full effect, it did cure Hunter, but with some side-effects.
his relationships with everyone go like this (will update after i release my OCs)
Survivor - friend | he saved him from lizards
Monk - friend | he saved him from lizards
Artificer - love | hard to explain, he loves how violent she is, it was practically love at first sight, though, she took a bit longer
Gourmand - friend | he finds Gourmand kind, and mostly likes him because of his very good cooking
Rivulet - neutral/friend | she was kinda the one to convince Hunter to let Artificer know how he felt about her
Spearmaster - best friend | he doesn't mind how Spearmaster acts, he just likes that Spearmaster is basically a naturally built hunter
Saint - neutral | Hunter doesn't mind him, but he thinks Saint could learn a thing or two, of how to fight more, and be more violent
Nightcat - neutral | he doesn't really know Nightcat all that much
Enot - dislike | he finds Enot a little too strange most the time, and tends to just ignore her most the time
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ben-101-rewrite · 3 years
-Ben 101 Rewrite Note-
Lenopans and Segmentasapiens come from the same world, and are sister species to each other. Lenopans come from wet and muddy biomes, while Segmentasapiens come from deserts. Both are dirt/clay based shapeshifting creatures, but do so in different ways. Their cultures are also different, with Lenopans being more aggressive and military like, while Segmentasapiens and calm and quiet. The two species don't come into contact that much due to the drastically different locations, but they are known to be peaceful towards each other.
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omniglitch-au · 2 years
For OV Aliens
Whats the most annyiong thing that the worst dose?
anything that make him "THE WORST"
I Hate him too
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"He keeps being a jerk about me...you know. Being gone for a few years."
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"He leaves his junk everyhwere! I've told him to clean up after himself several times, but he just ignores me! You know what he said to me that one time? 'cleaning up's your job.' I just...Gah! How can any living organism leave that much trash??"
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"He keeps drinking my protein shakes! He doesn't even like them, every time he gulps one down he comes whining to me after about how 'bland' they are, but he keeps doing it anyway!"
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"One time my jetpack was malfunctioning and when I checked I discovered he put one of his gums near the engine! Who does that??? I literally could've died!"
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"I say, he can be quite rude about my moustache. One time he switched out my grooming products for glue! Glue!! Quite lucky I noticed in time."
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"That story 'bout him sticking gum on Astro's jetpack? He does that to me too. Can't dismantle near him even once without bein' used as a trash can. Gross!"
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"He breathes."
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"He keeps trying to force me into bright spaces. I've told him many times I can't handle sun-light. And he keeps insisting I'm being 'too sensitive'."
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"I lost count of the amount of times he tried to get me to make some kinda 'love gas' for him to spray on some poor girls."
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"I wish he'd stop tryin' to get me to call back Attea. He's always yabberin' on 'bout 'livin' the good life' once I marry her."
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mikrokomisch · 6 years
wie (un)angebracht ist nostalgie eigentlich?
ich unterrichte gerade deutsch. deutsch als fremdsprache. das heißt: ich muss keine gelangweilten “null bock”- teenager motivieren, sondern tolle erwachsene, die für meine muttersprache zahlen. das gehalt beschissen. die leute toll. was sie zu sagen haben, immaterieller lohn. sage ich mir.
heute bin ich mit meinen schülern/ leute, die mir zuhören und sich für wechselpronomen begeistern, in eine kneipe gegangen. wir haben über musik, plattenläden, passion, abundanz, überdruss und darüber gesprochen, wie cool alles früher war. früher. vor allem in berlin. “lust & sound in west berlin”. “hätte ich damals gelebt....”. früher war sogar prenzlauer berg “voll assi”, hab ich in einer doku gesehen,” sagten sie. “ja.”, sagte ich. “damals waren iggy pop, dawid bowie und nick cave hier. die haben in einer wg gelebt.” “naja, fast.” sage ich. wir fangen an darüber zu sprechen, wie cool alles damals war. und ich denke: früher war alles besser. mmmh. naja. da würde auch die afd unterschreiben. aber es ging uns weniger um politik, denn um musik. worüber ich weitaus lieber plaudere. wir dachten: früher gab es noch etwas zum kämpfen. man musste sich mehr anstrengen für musik. ich sagte nichts mehr, habe aber diesen eintrag in meinem tagebuch gefunden, den ich jetzt hier rein kopiere:
(mai 2009) ein besuch des elternhauses ist irgendwie immer wie eine kleine reise in die vergangenheit - ob man jetzt im allgäu, im emsland, im ruhrgebiet oder in südbrandenburg aufgewachsen ist.
als rebellischer nestflüchter hatte sich in meinem jugendzimmer über jahre nichts getan: ich kam "heim" mit 20, mit 25, mit 30 und noch immer zierte ein green day-poster die tür zu meinem ‘jugenzimmer’. viel stauraum für pubertäre träume und geheimnisse. alles irgendwie irgendwo integriert. maßgeschneidert. wie in einer schiffskajüte. mein reich. am kleiderschrank ein poster mit der silhouette eines sich küssenden pärchens am sinnlich belichteten airbrush-strands. im hintergrund springen zwei delphine aus dem meer und formen ein herz. adoleszente softpornoromantik. bravo girl, ausgabe märz 1994.
ich betrachte mich im spiegel, aber kann mich nicht sehen. das konvolut an stickern aus abonnierten jugendzeitschriften erschwert die sicht auf das eigene antlitz. vermutlich versperrte es auch schon den blick auf die modesünden der 90er. im spiegel sehe ich den setzkasten an der wand hinter mir. kitsch. fette nilpferdfiguren aus ovalen „kinder“-produkten.
geknüpfte freundschaftsarmbänder, fotos des ersten freundes, an dessen namen ich mich nicht erinner. ein tagebuch. die frage: händchen halten oder nicht. eine handgemachte collage: alles gute zum 13. geburtstag. daran hängend ein seidener tanga, eine schachtel eve-frauenzigaretten. fotos, auf denen ich mal rote, mal blonde und mal blond-rote haare habe.
auch musiktechnisch eröffnen sich lange nicht betretene portale in die vergangenheit: kassetten von new kids on the block, roxette, 2unlimited, dune, scooter, blümchen, haddaway, bravo hits 1-18, spin doctors, the prodigy, dog eat dog, the bates, h-bloxx, the offspring, the cranberries, nirvana, skunk anansie, rage against the machine, eine maxi-cd. “max don’t have sex with your ex”. was wohl aus 'max' geworden ist?
ganz passend, habe ich den letzten abend im fremd gewordenen elternhaus allein, fast einsam verbracht. ein paar gläser guter moselwein. auf arte lief eine doku. „summer of the 90's“. die anfänge von mtv. euro-dance. mayday.
ich konnte mich des akuten anflugs von nostalgie, den diese dokumentation und die inventur meines alten zimmers bei mir auslösten, nur schwer erwehren. wo ist nur die zeit geblieben? ich kann mich noch erinnern, wie ich mit meinem ersten kassettendoppeldeck, dass ich mir schwer erarbeitet hatte, die sonntäglichen radio-charts aufgenommen habe. immer eifrig bemüht, die stimme des nervigen moderators abzuschneiden. hoffend, betend, er möge den song doch bitte vollends ausspielen. hier liegen sie, die zeugnisse dieser zeit. fein verziert und säuberlich archiviert.
das ganze ließ mich nachdenken über die wertschätzung von musik. wenn ich heute in berlin zu einem konzert gehe, frage ich mich immer wieder, wie die menschen es schaffen, so teilnahmslos herumzustehen. mögen die die bands nicht, zu dessen konzerten sie gehen? soll das vintage-blüschen nicht nassgeschwitzt werden? die konzept-mimik nicht verrutschen? ist tanzen peinlich? und lachen? haben sie alles schon gesehen? bin ich zu anspruchslos? stimmt etwas nicht mit meiner begeisterungsfähigkeit?
und warum halten so viele leute permanent ihre i-phones in die lüfte, um videos zu drehen von denen es im weltweitnetz einen haufen in viel besserer qualität gibt? vimeo. youtube. “die neuen MTVs” sagt ein typ in der arte-doku. lange aufbleiben, um „yo raps“ zu sehen oder sogar den wecker zu stellen für ray cokes – nicht mehr nötig. man muss auch nicht mehr in den club gehen, um den dj zu nerven und notizen auf einem kleinen zettel zu machen.
in einer radio-show sagt john peel – dieser zeitgeist-nostradamos, dieses trüffelschwein musikalischer neuigkeiten: „leute, ich hab hier so ne band entdeckt, die heißen nirvana, die spielen ganz gute musik“.
jetzt spotify, downloadhelper, soundcloud, bandcamp, online radio, blog xy. alles verfügbar. immer. grandios. weniger ballast. im regal keine platten und cd's mehr. aber was mache ich, wenn ich einen typen date, seine wohnung inspiziere und da weder tonträger noch bücher finde, weil sich sein geschmack auf mps und e-books versteckt?
vermutlich bin ich einfach nur eine hoffnungslose nostalgikerin. ich liebe die technischen errungenschaften. aber etwas romantik scheint verloren gegangen.
tapes aufnehmen, rausschneiden, die von freunden kopieren, bemalen, wecker stellen, MTV schauen, wochendendticket kaufen, um eine band im damals noch unglaublich weiten berlin zu sehen, kassette oder cd kaufen, millionen mal hören, booklet und lyrics studieren. und ich meine: studieren!
meinen vater am frühstückstisch auf diese gedanken ansprechend wurde mir klar, wie einfach ich es doch hatte. in der ddr aufgewachsen musste man noch einen tacken kreativer sein, um seine lieblingsbands hören zu können. selbstgefrickelte antennen auf dem dach, um einen sender des feindlich-kapitalistischen westens zu empfangen, tonbandgerät und mikro ans radio – mehr gerausche und gesurre, als musikalischer genuss. aber für die beatles, doors und the who macht man alles möglich. repression setzt ungeahnte, kreative energien frei. die für mich schönste geschichte meines vaters ist folgende szene: er ist in der nva. ein 19jähriger, milchgesichtiger dorfjunge, stationiert in königswusterhausen oder so. einmal muss er raus aus der kaserne und einen krank gewordenen kollegen als verkehrspolizist ersetzen. stalinallee. es galt, den verkehr regeln und einen armeekonvoi sicher ans ziel zu bringen. aus dem augenwinkel sah mein vater einen typen, der in einer art bauchladen beatles und rolling stones-platten am strassenrand vertickte. streng verbotener soundtrack des kapitalistischen klassenfeindes im berliner osten. mein vater, wichtig wirkend in seiner nva-uniform, im gesicht noch kaum ein barthaar, zögert nicht lange, lässt den nva-kollegen auf der großen kreuzung allein und rennt los. eine platte. nur eine....wahrscheinlich hätte er all seine ersparnisse, ach, sein letztes hemd dafür gegeben. der dem westen zugewandte, nicht linientreue typ erblickte meinen vater in seiner uniform und rannte, als ginge es um sein leben. und vermutlich hätte es darum gehen können. zumindest um eine stippvisite der stasi. oder eine stippvisite in hohenschönhausen. mein vater hinterher. als ginge es auch um das seinige. eine rollings stones-platte war sein leben. keuchend gab er auf. der typ war schneller. und mit ihm gingen die platten.
nach dem mauerfall kaufte mein vater alle stones und beatles-platten und studierte ihre cover und lyrics. ich meine: studieren. spotify kennt er nicht. vermutlich hat er den computer mit dem 12kg bildschirm, auf dem windows xp läuft, auch schon lange nicht mehr eingeschaltet.
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bloxxy-slugcats · 2 months
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bigger Artificer reference with the boi
after having been alone for a long time, fending for herself, after Gourmand saved her from dying, she decided to stay with his group, seeing it to be better then being alone, she will be with other slugcats again, plus she was still weak from what happened
her relationships with everyone go like this (will update after i release my OCs)
Survivor - friend | he reminds her of her old kids
Monk - friend | he reminds her of her old kids
Hunter - love | hard to explain, she cares about him, and finds it nice having a hunting partner all the time
Gourmand - good friend | awhile ago, he found her hurt and unconscious, and helped her get back to full health
Rivulet - neutral | she only really knows her because of Hunter, even then, Artificer finds her too energetic for her
Spearmaster - friend | she likes that Hunter has a good friend to accompany him when he goes on hunting trips without her for what ever reason
Saint - neutral/biological/nonbiological "sibling" | neither of them know this, but when Saint was being created by SoS. she had been in contact with SRS before her demise. and borrowed some DNA lines that he used to make Artificer, to which she then created Saint, using mostly unchanged versions of those exact DNA lines
Nightcat - neutral | she barely knows Nightcat at all, and rarely sees her most time, but still worrys about her if a situation appears
Enot - dislike | something about her is just, diffrent, and Artificer doesn't like it
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bloxxy-slugcats · 2 months
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bigger Survivor reference (plus an unnamed OC that will get his own later when i finish my other OC's)
Survivor - second youngest of everyone (not including my OC's). tends to enjoy the quiet more, and loves Gourmand's cooking. he had always had slight insomnia, but it had gotten slightly worse after him and Monk got swept away in the giant storm, and he had to stay up late and get up early constantly, to keep them both safe and alive. and he swears he sees a thing with Saint, but after he blinks, its gone, and everyone thinks he is just seeing things.
his relationships with everyone go like this (will update after i release my OCs)
Monk - younger sibling/brother | very very close
Hunter - good friends | he saved them from lizards
Artificer - good friends | she almost acts like a protective figure to him and Monk
Gourmand - uncle-like figure | he knew Survivor and Monk's old colony, and decided to act almost like an uncle for them,
Rivulet - friend | he does find her a little too active at times, but overall he doesn't mind her that much
Spearmaster - neutral | he likes how quiet Spearmaster tends to be, but finds his behavior, confusing
Saint - neutral | while he is calm around Saint, he keeps seeing something with or around him, but no one else sees it, and he only sees it for a moment, it freaks him out
Nightcat - Queerplatonic | they are close, very close, while they aren't mates directly, he finds her shyness and quietness, cute
Enot - neutral | he only really knows her thanks to Nightcat. even then, he finds her weird at times, since she acts funny, and uses slang a lot, that sometimes he cant even understand her because of it
??? - confused |
"Monk, i swear i keep on seeing, something with him!"
"Survivor! please, just sleep, nothings wrong, there isn't some thing with him, just, sleep, your just tired"
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