#Bloody Flora
oobbbear · 6 months
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Dialogue assignment, audio from stanley parable
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cero-sleep · 1 year
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@oobbbear them✨
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rickybaby · 6 months
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@.danielricciardo: home on my head
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tmuse-ac · 2 years
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I have always wanted to draw of the BloodyFlora au and just never knew where to start. But the bat boys are so cutteee. My favorite drawing that they've done is sun getting his out of a flower and being covered in pollen! That's actually my discord pfp lol.
This absolutely amazing au is done by the Sun and Moon au queen (king...? royalty? whatever they prefer idk), @oobbbear
If you love sun and moon content and you haven't seen at their content, WTF ARE YOU DOING GUYS?? Their art is FUCKING amazing and soft and flowy (and I would love to know what pen they always use and how to replicate it since I use medibang paint like a cheapo).
Why are you so amazing oobbbear?? Like, can I have some of that awesomeness please?? I always love your AUs and your amazing creative skills!
I've been wanting to make my own au, but I haven't had any ideass.
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derpyraccoon · 2 years
Made a moon plush from @oobbbear bloody flora au!
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Very rushed
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c0smiccl0wn · 1 year
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trying out a new coloring thing. the test subject: @oobbbear’s bloody flora au sun. he’s just a little guy :}
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lec743-my-art · 7 months
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Blond bat for @oobbbear
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skizabaa · 2 years
Just the two of us, we can make it if we try!
Bloody Flora Au by @oobbbear !!
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lec743 · 2 years
Bloody Flora AU (FNAF Fanfic)
There’s a lot of learning curves when it comes to living with mythical creatures, huh @oobbbear. The Y/N in this story is taking those learning curves in stride I say. Hope y’all enjoy the story.
           Living with vampires was difficult to adjust to at first. In the beginning, Sun and Moon were always hungry, and yes, they would eat the fruit and vegetables that you fed them, but that never stopped them from craving your blood.
          You’re not exactly sure how to feel about that. It’s like a mix between being flattered and apprehensive.
          They don’t take a lot of blood. That first time that you were drank from like a living capri sun juice pouch, was the most blood they drank from you. They both only take about half a pint from you now. It’s not bad, but you once made the mistake of letting them feed from you before you started your morning and you accidentally fainted in the middle of your shop while they were asleep in the basement.
          Lesson learned.
          Now you set an alarm and only let them take a sip from you after your workday is over. You’ve also set a boundary of only allowing them to drink from you once a week. Honestly, the arrangement felt like giving a couple of kids some special candy for a job well done.
          You’re capable of giving blood that often, because while you were getting your blood checked to make sure you were safe for them to eat, you learned that you have a genetic anomaly that makes you make more blood than you actually need in your body.
          The jokes of being extra juicy couldn’t help but cross your mind at that revelation.
          With food and the food scheduling down, the next part was training the boys in the jobs that you were needing them to do.
          You… honestly wish you were more patient. This is obviously the first job these two have ever had. It makes you wonder just how long these two have been out on the streets without help. How they’ve even managed to survive without a roof over their heads to protect themselves from the sun is even more concerning.
          So, when you catch Moon eating your flowers or Sun trying to improvise a new method of work that just makes things harder, you would step out and take a breath. Reminding yourself that they are still learning. Then you’d go back into the fray of teaching them both what needs to be done and how to properly do it and teach them when it’s appropriate to eat your flowers. The answer being that it’s never appropriate to eat your flowers unless they plan on paying you.
          It took three months, but they eventually started getting the hang of what needed to be done, and you were able to trust them to finish what you couldn’t finish during the day.
          Which was good because it was February and that means Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and that means an increase in sales, which means more work to do.
           The sun had just set outside your little shop, and you were on a step ladder putting up glittery paper hearts in your windows.
           The door to your basement creaked open and you heard Moon and Sun yawn as they stepped out.
           You turned towards the noise and said, “Evening.”
           Moon was wearing a pair of neon green pants and vest that was reminiscent of old 90’s carpet design. The kind that you would find decorating old bowling-alley buildings and retro theme parks. The little old green night cap that he had on his head wasn’t replaced. In fact, he was adamant that you make it as good as new. Considering how dirty and ripped it was, you tried your best. Now he wears it proudly on his head, despite the fact you think you didn’t do a good enough job of fixing his precious night cap.
           Sun was wearing a pair of neon orange pants and vest that was also reminiscent of the old 90’s carpet design. However, it’s the kind of design that you would find decorating roller rinks and movie theaters. The frills around his head shined brightly around his head, giving him a lovely glow.
           They both looked good and healthy. You’re happy for them.
           You turn your focus back on the work at hand.
           “Evening, Lavender,” Sun greeted you with a yawn, “What are you doing?”
           You smile at the nickname. “Just decorating for Valentine’s Day,” you said as you taped in place the glittery paper heart.
           “I though you were a horror type flower shop, why would you decorate your shop in pretty hearts,” Moon asked as you heard him poof, and then you felt him flutter next to you before landing on your shoulder.
           You looked at the green and black bat on your shoulder.
           “Oh, it’ll be horrific all right,” you state proudly, “It’s going to look like a geyser of bloody hearts have exploded in here.”
           Moon giggled in his little voice and said, “Nice.”
           “I’ll get to work on making your dinner,” Sun said as he walked away.
           A lop-sided smile spread across your face at that. Sun has talked to you about wanting to make food for you whenever he can. Explaining that he’s doing it because he wants you to eat good food to make your blood extra delicious.
          You interpret it as him just trying to pay you back for the kindness you have given them by letting them live, work, and eat here. You know, instead of thinking of it as him only considering you as a type of sustenance only.
           You honestly believe that you are friends with them. Not close friends, but you do trust them to take care of your store while you sleep and that’s good enough for you for now.
           “What will we be doing for Valentine’s Day,” Moon’s small voice asked by your ear.
           “Mostly filling out orders. People will want to buy single roses or premade bouquets. We’ll also get some orders for custom made bouquets. It’ll be busier than it has been since you two have been here, so if you two feel overwhelmed by the leftover work that I leave you two, please don’t be afraid to wake me up to ask for help.”
           “Okay. If you’re sure.”
           “I’m sure. This is my store. If I can’t help in it, then what kind of flower shop owner would I be?”
           Moon cozied up against your neck, his fluffy back tickling you under your chin and that dip below your earlobe.
           You worked on putting up the hearts in a bloody, horrific fashion, until Sun called from the top of the stairs, calling that he has your dinner ready.
           You hop down from the step ladder, Moon going, “Weee,” on your shoulder from the short fall. Then when you were up the stairs and crossing your living room, did Moon poof back to his human size.
           The two of you entered your kitchen and you found that Sun had made you a plate of grilled salmon with rice and diced carrots and on the side was a spinach salad with dried raisins, apricots, and walnuts in it. A little bowl of cranberry vinaigrette sat next to the salad.
           Sun was already at his chair, eating an orange without pealing it. The juice running down his hands and chin.
           “Oh, I see kiwis,” Moon said excitedly as he sat down by his brother, and you took your seat.
           “Thank you for the meal,” you told Sun as you poured your dressing on your salad.
           “You’re welcome,” he said, then added, “and thank you.”
           “You’re welcome.”
           As the three of you ate, you all talked about your previous day, what you were up to, the random thoughts you had. The usual thing you had developed the habit of doing since they got here.
           It was nice. You’ve felt a little less lonely since they’ve started living here. Sure, it’s not like you don’t still have friends in this neighborhood, and it’s not like they haven’t visited you in the past. However, as you lived and worked in your flower shop, it seemed like that was all you had the time for, and it was lonely.     Having someone to talk to for a time everyday has been nice.
           Sun told you about how he found this new band called Skrillex and how he’s been listening to all their songs ever since he found them.
           Moon told you about the new cats he befriended and how he found a mother that will be having kittens soon.
           You told them about a movie that you want to watch that’s out in theaters.
           “Why don’t you go watch it then,” Sun asked.
           “Because I don’t have the time for it,” you state before taking a bite out of your salmon, “I have to work here.” You swallow your food.
           “We can take care of things here for you. The theater is usually open during the night, so you’ll be able to go while we work,” Moon stated.
           “Mmm,” you hummed uncertainly, “I could, but I don’t like going to movie theaters by myself. It makes me feel lonely. I prefer going with friends.”
           “Oh,” you heard both brothers’ murmur.
           “I’ll wait until it’s out on dvd. It’s not that big of a deal.”
           Nothing more was said about that, and the topic was changed to Moon daring Sun to see how many grapes he can stuff in his mouth without accidentally spitting any out. Sun only agreed to the challenge if Moon could match him. You smiled at their antics, as it wasn’t long before you were out of grapes for them to stuff their mouths with.
           The Fruit Bat Vampires were helping you do dishes when your alarm went off.
           Moon and Sun’s ears perked up and they stared at you with shinny eyes as you wiped off your wet hands and took out your phone to turn off the weekly alarm.
           You look back at Sun and Moon as they continue to stare at you with restrained excitement.
           You smirk at their eagerness. Leaving the dishes half-finished in the sink, you walked to the living room to sit down on your couch. The two vampires eagerly followed you.
           You sat down, and Moon had already grabbed your left arm and started licking your wrist where he was going to bite you. You felt your left arm tingle then go completely numb within a minute.
           Sun sat on your right on the couch.
           Moon opened his mouth wide, his fangs glistening under the lamp light, then you watched them sink into your flesh with little resistance and no pain. The only thing you could feel was the slight pressure of him pressing his mouth against you. And the slight suction of his mouth on your skin as it was pulled into his mouth as he gulped.
           Sun sat patiently beside you as you both waited for Moon to have his fill.
           You once tried to let them feed from you at the same time to, save time, but seeing them eat off you at the same time made you anxious and you accidently fainted in the middle of their feeding.
When you came too, you had both vampires crying over your body, acting like they had accidentally killed you.
           It was another mistake you all learned quickly from.
          Thinking back on it, it kind of makes you laugh, because they can hear your heartbeat, but they were so swept up with their perceived guilt for having killed you by accident, that they couldn’t hear you. Though, since you do have a habit of telling people when you’re about to faint, and you didn’t do it that time, you don’t blame them for thinking that they had killed you.
           So, they wait, and take turns for over who eats off you first.
           Moon released his bite on you and licked away any blood that was oozing from your wounds. Then Sun took your right hand and did the same thing to your right arm as Moon went to get the gauze wraps.
           You are healed after two days from their bites, but they still like to play doctor with you. They probably still feel guilty from scarring you so bad after your first encounter with them. You would be lying to yourself if you didn’t get spooked by them sometimes.
           As Moon was wrapping up your arms, Sun got up and got you a bottle of mineral water. Taking the mineral water bottle, you stand up and yawn.
           “Have a good rest of your night boys.”
           “Have a good night, Moonflower,” Moon said.
           You smiled at the nickname as you walked away.
           “We hope you have good dreams,” Sun added
           “I’m sure I will,” you say as you round the corner to go down the hall towards your bedroom.
           You get yourself ready for bed.
           Then as you lay down, you think about how Moon and Sun probably don’t get to do many celebrations. You were so busy during the Christmas and New Year’s orders and with their training, you didn’t have much time to celebrate with anyone. Maybe for Valentine’s Day, you can do something fun for them.
           You drifted off to sleep, thinking about what you’d do.
           As the days counted down to February 14th, you decided to get them something nice since you can’t go anywhere with them without making sure the shop won’t be busy.
           For Sun, you got him a busted old MP3 player and you put a few songs on the MP3 player that you remember hearing him say that he liked. For Moon, you got him catnip so he could bribe the cats into like him more. You wrapped up the presents in red and white paper bags and tied the handles together with a pink ribbon.
           On the morning of February 14th, you found a letter on your bathroom mirror from the two vampires.
           We did some extra work last night. You shouldn’t have much to do, today. ~S&M
           There’s always something to do, you thought with a smile as you took the note down and put it in your medicine cabinet with the other notes.
           You got ready for your day and walked downstairs to your shop. You went through your normal opening routine. Then when you went to see what work was left to do, you found that all the orders that you had were already made. No flower arrangement was left for you to do. So, you went to see what needed to be cleaned, but you found that your store was practically spotless.
           All you really had to do, was take care of customers, take care of your plants, and deal with any last-minute orders that might call in. Though considering it is Valentine’s Day, a last-minute order showing up is unlikely. You’re not that popular of a flower shop.
           With little to do but wait for customers to come pick up their orders, you busied yourself with writing valentines to go with Moon and Sun’s presents. You’ve only known them for three months, so you weren’t sappy with it. You focused on trying to write the perfect joke for them to see. You were stuck between making the pun bat related or valentine related.
           Eventually, for Sun, you wrote, You put the b in “bat-tastic”! Then, for Moon, you wrote, I have a bloody good time with you!
           Is it stupid?
           Are you embarrassed?
           No. You have long forgotten the meaning of embarrassment ever since you got your flower shop.
           Besides, the boys could use something nice that isn’t just what they need to survive.
           Evening came as the sun set and with the setting sun emerged your roommates.
           “So, did you have a good day,” Moon asked excitedly.
           “I did. Everything went smoothly. Are you two okay, though? You guys didn’t have to push yourselves to finish everything last night. That is what working as a team is for.”
          “We wanted to,” Sun stated, “After dinner, we actually have something we want to show you.”
          “Will we need to drive there?”
          “We could,” Moon stated, “but we’d like to fly you to it, instead.”
          “But only if you’re comfortable with that.”
          “Okay. Sounds like a plan,” you say.
          Since all there was to do was take down the valentine decorations, you decided to close-up shop early and join Sun in cooking your dinner.
          You talked, and ate, and laughed. Then after cleaning up, you went to your room and put their valentine presents in your backpack to hide them. You wanted to give them the present when they were done showing you what they wanted to show you.
          Once the three of you were outside your shop and your front door was locked, Moon took to the sky first. The cold wind from his wings flapping, hitting you in the face. Then you felt another gust of cold wind and you felt strong, clawed feet wrap over your shoulders and under your arm pits. Your hands wrapped around his ankles as Sun took off to the sky with you in his hold.
          It was neat, being able to see the city that you grew up in from a different angle. You saw the old park that you used to play in after school. You saw the old candy store that you loved as a kid was now abandoned and boarded up. You saw that tree where you had your first kiss under… Man, how things have changed.
          The closer the Vampire brothers got to their destination, the more you realized that you knew where you were going.
          Soon the three of you landed in front of old Mid-Night Cinema. The old movie theater that you used to love to go to with your friends. Still up and running despite everything against it.
          “Ta-da,” Moon said, spreading his winged arms out wide towards the movie theater, “Now you’re able to watch that movie that you said you wanted to watch before.”
          “Happy Valentine’s Day,” Sun stated.
          With a smile, you took off your backpack and fished out their presents, repeating the phrase back to them as you handed them their presents.
          They looked a little dumbfounded, like they didn’t think they would get any presents at all.
          “Well go on. Read your cards and open your presents. I hope you like them.”
          The didn’t need to be told twice.
          Sun and Moon ripped open the paper bags with reckless abandonment, almost making their presents drop to the concrete ground. When they acted like they didn’t know what you got them, you explained. The confusion on their faces, quickly melted into what you could only describe as fondness.
          Their ears flattened against their heads, and their muzzles upturned into a smile that wasn’t them being just happy. There was another emotion there that you weren’t picking up on as they looked over their gifts.
          You didn’t have time to think about it much, because after they read your cards to them, they immediately dog piled you into a group hug.
          “Thank you, Lavender,” Sun said, “We love it.”
          “Best presents ever,” Moon agreed.
          You giggled at their enthusiasm, then said, “I’m glad. Now let’s go watch that movie!”
          You wiggled your way out of their grasp and ran for the movie theater. Moon and Sun running after you just as gleeful as you were.
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florasstudyjournal · 3 months
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another day. another notes slideshow.
i cant wait for the actual winter break to start.
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oobbbear · 1 year
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unkn0wnvariable · 3 months
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Bloody Crane's Bill
One of the pink flowers of bloody crane's bill, fully open in the garden.
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moonshadovv · 1 year
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One of my friends talked me out of fridging Mason's sister Flora, and we instead built up a very interesting compelling story for her about trauma, recovery, and disability to follow alongside my main storylines and I have fallen in love with Flora all over again.
Here she is after the main story.
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orcelito · 2 years
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Tfw u are Vastly outnumbered. Half your units are down, Including your tank, one of your healers, your singer, one of your flyers....
Down to one healer, one flyer, and one royal (important bc he's the only one who can activate the dragon veins lol)
But you decide. I'm Gonna Try To Win It Anyways
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And guess what I managed to do lmao. Thank god it was just a commander defeat for win condition rather than enemy routing. But Man lmfao these maps just keep getting harder and harder. I'm enjoying it ngl
#speculation nation#i shouldve at the start used my flyers to bring more groups together. that was my primary mistake.#so my lil group of me azura and sakura ended up Quickly overwhelmed#kagero got knocked out pretty early. i sent hayato with subaki to try to help us out (& also to escape them being overran)#i realized too late what was going on. the right group was sittin nice and pretty. no enemies going after them#while we were being MOBBED. i sent takumi with reina but by then it was too late. we all got knocked out.#and so i sent them back to the right group#takumi reina jakob oboro hinata and kaze. the only remainders.#mc azura sakura kagero subaki hayato all knocked out#and then the dragon veins Finally appeared. takumi opened the path for the remaining group to advance#and advance we did. through bloody battle. just barely surviving.#kaze got knocked out by the berserker lying in wait. a fucking critical hit. that guy is Terrifying.#but he managed to clear the way for takumi to weaken flora. and then reina to come in for the kill.#7 out of 12 knocked out. hinata with Real low health lmao. that was so much fun#i really hate some of these maps tho lmfao. isolating groups on little islands while they absolutely swamp us with enemies. wowza.#i TRIED to work on leveling some. see my challenge enemies are all super easy#then the mission battles theres like. this asshole doing 60 damage to kaze in one hit. like WHAT????#i need some stronger units so bad lmfao. my main 4 hard hitters cannot do this on their own.
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blanksoullesseyes · 2 years
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lec743-my-art · 8 months
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Bloody Flora au by @oobbbear
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