#Blood transfusion
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commiepinkofag · 1 year ago
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Dr. Gao Yaojie: Dissident doctor who exposed China's AIDS epidemic, dies at 95
Her work uncovered how businesses selling blood led to the spread of HIV in the countryside.
She was at the forefront of AIDS activism in China and traveled across the country treating patients, often at her own expense.
A gynecologist by training, she encountered her first AIDS patient in the central province of Henan in 1996.
While she was not the first Chinese doctor to expose the AIDS epidemic, it was her efforts that made the situation known to the country and beyond.
She told the Associated Press in a previous interview that she withstood government pressure and persisted in her work because “everyone has the responsibility to help their own people. As a doctor, that’s my job. So it’s worth it.”
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abybweisse · 1 year ago
Blood Work (p1), Elitism, transmutation, and religious fear
⚠️ long post ⚠️
So, I now have a copy of Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution, by Holly Tucker. It's a reference for Yana-san, as she mentioned it in her old tuna.be blog around the start of the blue arc.
I see in the list of important people a mention of the real Dr. Moreau, and there's a later chapter about chimeras... so I know I'll be talking about that some, over this series of posts.
It's important here, too, because when researchers were first attempting blood transfusions in the 17th century, people were terrified about receiving blood from animals, like sheep and cattle. They thought that animal blood would transmute humans into human-animal hybrids. Even in the 20th century, some white people were terrified of receiving blood from black people, because they thought the blood could effect the race of their future children or grandchildren. Nonsense, of course, but they didn't understand.
17th century blood transfusions were generally performed by taking blood from a lamb or a calf. The barbers/physicians/researchers had no clue about blood types. Jean-Baptiste Denis successfully transfused blood from a lamb into a teenage patient. Then he made several successful attempts at transfusing from a calf to a "madman". The guy later died, and Denis was blamed. Turns out some doctors who didn't want him to succeed had actually poisoned that second subject with arsenic.
It wasn't even a matter of those physicians wanting his experiments to fail while theirs worked; no, they simply didn't want blood transfusions to become a practice. They were afraid of transmutation from animal blood, and they were afraid of what animal-to-human blood transfusions would reveal about humanity -- that we are truly just animals, too. The trial against Denis ended research into blood transfusions for about 150 years.
Blood types were still unknown in the late 18th century, when a physician wanted to attempt to revive George Washington's largely exsanguinated corpse with a transfusion of lamb's blood. FYI, he died on a December 14th, just like Prince Albert. His family refused the offer only because they feared sullying his body with animal blood, and they insisted his body must be left untainted and wholly together for him to be properly received into heaven. Such was the continued lack of understanding. Yana-san might have given Undertaker the idea to use blood transfusions in conjunction with other techniques for the reanimating and revival process from the account of what that physician wanted to do to Washington.
When blood transfusion research was in full swing, in the 19th century, they were starting to piece together the idea of blood groups, but they still didn't quite know about things like universal whole blood donor and universal whole blood recipient. There was a strong elitist element to this, so they generally thought like could only be compatible with like. They also still saw non-human blood as inferior, even if it might be compatible. The best compatibility was expected between twins and then between close relatives.
I have a feeling that Yana-san has played around with this bias, which would explain why real Ciel is only receiving AB (Sirius) blood, Canopus B, Vega O, and Polaris A. All those people at Sphere Music Hall are led to believe they are being treated as equals, when they are in fact being split up into a caste system where some "stars" are of a higher magnitude than others. And, at times, Blavat Sky and others have made it clear they see some blood types as being less worthy than others. By extension, some people are treated as less worthy. Blavat seems to realize that Sirius can receive blood from other blood types, because he gives "leftovers" of Vega and Polaris blood to the Sirius renal patients. It's possible that real Ciel doesn't know he can have any type of whole blood, but I suspect he knows and simply doesn't think anything else is good enough for him.
I'd also like to mention Snake and Finny here, since we know Finny was injected with something to increase his strength and other traits. Then we see Snake with various attributes that are associated with snakes. In either case (or both) we could be dealing with transmutation. It's not realistic in our world, but it might very well be possible in theirs. Each of them might have been injected with chemical cocktails derived from other animals: Snake from snakes and Finny from perhaps a few completely different species.
We now know Snake wasn't born a snake and turned into a human, but there's nothing to say he wasn't born human and "adulterated" with snake traits. There's also the weird story the freak show attendant claims: human mother and snake father. Maybe not an actual snake as his father but more like his mother being injected with snake blood or something... and that producing a hybrid child. Again, not what we'd consider possible, but the Kuroverse plays by different rules.
One other aspect I want to touch on in this post: Othello's and Grelle's fears regarding the very nature of human souls and existence. This is a form of religious fear, not too different from what George Washington's family feared. His family feared he wouldn't be accepted into heaven, while these two reapers fear humans might no longer even need souls, and that heaven may no longer matter to them. What would that mean for the existence of reapers, when their supposed salvation requires them to keep collecting souls?
Well, I'll probably talk about bias and fear again, as well as these other issues, but I'll stop here... for now.
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cephalopod-blends · 23 days ago
I fear ive gone crazy. Here i am googling "twenty one pilots blood types" because its relevant to my writing. Like, i can just pretend they have compatable blood types??
But nooo my dumb brain wants it to be accurate like stfu this is the most fictional piece of fiction ever 😔
Update: to no ones surprise, their blood types are not public information. I'll just make shit up 🤗
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singswan-springswan · 2 months ago
The unbridled glee I felt upon realizing Jason Todd has O- blood really says something about my "oh nooo I prefer writing fluff and comedy over angst" lies
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ggustie · 27 days ago
how would blood transfusions work in alternia?
cuz like if youre a fuschia blood, theres none you can get since ur the only one on the planet with that blood type??
idk, since culling is encouraged on alternia they may not even have the concept of blood transfusions there, or even hospitals idk
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macgyvermedical · 1 year ago
May I ask what would happen if you transfused blood directly from one person to another, assuming the blood types are compatible? This would be a bit of an emergency situation.
First, read this post.
There would probably be a higher risk of bloodborne illnesses, and it's hard to do a white tile test with 100% accuracy if that's all you've got in the way of testing for compatibility.
But it would be possible as outlined here. (sorry for the FF.Net link, AO3 was not loading, but it is on AO3 too).
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abybweisse · 1 year ago
Ch204, Spoilers (part 2)
Part two of the untranslated ch204 spoilers under the cut.
It's possible that Theo is now preparing to risk his life to get to the bottom of all this and shut down the facility. He seems to have found some new resolve.
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He knows they can't get off the orphanage property by the usual means, thanks to all the watchful eyes, barriers, and snipers. But he knows they have to do something.
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Maybe if they grab jars of organs to show the other kids, they can get more people to help them revolt against the staff?
Finny flashes back momentarily to when he was found by the earl and Sebastian, as he escaped from a hatch in the ground. Then there's a sound coming from down the hall? Either Snake turns off his flashlight, or it loses power; idk which.
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But with that light off, they can see light coming from around an ajar door down the hall. For some reason, they think this might be a way to escape? Snake (one of his snakes) says something, and the kids head to this door.
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When they open it, they see Doll dressed in a toga and getting a blood transfusion.
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Doll is 100% Canopus.
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And I can tell that Doll says "Snake...?"
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Well, well, well. What will Snake do now?
And now there's no way for Theo to pretend like he doesn't know what's going on, so how are they all going to handle this?
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honeycombhank · 9 months ago
My mother had her back surgery, it was around 12 hours long. It’s hard to process everything. This has been so hard for my whole family and navigating this sort of thing is sort of unpredictable in so many ways.
She made it! They said it went even better than expected! They said a lot of things and I can’t explain it all now but they were able to remove almost all of the tumor around her spinal nerves and add straps to her lower back where the tumor had eaten away her bones leaving her with out structure and only the muscles really to old everything in place.. ugh
Obviously it’s still a major surgery and she will still be in a lot of pain for awhile but it’s nothing like the pain she was feeling for the past couple of years with her tumor.
It is absolutely amazing what they can do these days for people who are suffering, she had to have at least one blood transfusion and they used someone else’s tibia bones to add to her back for structural integrity.
Wow! I almost can’t believe how grateful I am and thankful for everyone who has been a part of helping my mother.
Thank you to everyone who sent out their prayers and positive thoughts for my mother and my family.
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headakefish7 · 4 months ago
Problems. Most of the night gofer tryed to comprehend a thing. Finally they did. A lofer at a hospital got off ls and went to check up doing lots of female stuff. Looks like Samson will have to be patient
Would rather have ability to drive some thing. But it takes more than saying. It takes credit and or job.
Ringo star let's call them saw a junkie below the bridge at hollister and 290 just sit there on pile of what ever. They got a sign says no camp, garbage. Soon they be in crowbar town
Believe me this is not easy to do on Here. But some one has been coped up in a room before. Don't madder who visits. There still longing for that special some one . May be the Lord knows
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bpod-bpod · 8 months ago
Platelet Stream
Our platelets – the blood component necessary for clotting to heal injury – are not cells but nucleus-free 'fragments' produced by very large cells of the bone marrow called megakaryocytes. This study reveals how the cell cycle and the structures involved in it, such as centrosomes, are controlled in megakaryocytes to enable their specialised function – insights for producing platelets for transfusion
Read the published research article here
Video from work by by Isabelle C. Becker & Adrian R. Wilkie, and colleagues
Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Science Advances, June 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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anti-gruvia-blog · 6 months ago
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The phenomenon of Juvia transferring her blood to Gray, leading to a successful blood transfusion, indeed played a role in potentially inducing Stockholm syndrome in Gray.
This could explain his seemingly OOC behavior in the 100 Years Quest.
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cr1zz0 · 9 months ago
oh.. happy blood donors day..
time to donate blood again.. this time, i donated to Red cross Philippines.
oh.. boy this is truly became a habit (this is my 3rd time actually)
CW: Cr1zz0's arm getting blood drawn
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red-denarts · 11 months ago
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“Make a blood pact
with a transfusion,
brothers & sisters
bound via IV”
(OR: How transfusions are like a modern blood pact, w/ the pact unanimously being
“you will live”)
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didanawisgi · 11 months ago
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abybweisse · 1 year ago
Ch204 (p2), Bodies and souls
The head matron drops that bomb from ch203 that Theo is to fledge next.
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I'm a bit confused why they mention Nick, except that he would be the next candidate for real Ciel, if Theo wasn't there. I was worried for a moment there that they had already fledged Nick without us even knowing about it. However, they talk about Ginny in past tense and Nick in present tense, so he must still be there.
Gosh, this young Black lady here. I hope she turns against the orphanage, because I can tell she feels deeply that this is not acceptable. Partly, she is asking because she doesn't know everything that the head matron has already been told, or perhaps she has forgotten what she was already told. Either way, she still wonders why it has to be like this.
The head matron uses the same terms Blavat used at Sphere Music Hall: radiance, stars. However, "aptitude" has been added. She acts like it's these "stars" themselves who "possess technologies way more advanced" that theirs, as if they are from some advanced alien civilization.
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It's odd for her to talk about not just their bodies but also specifically their souls. Someone has told her that their souls need to be as similar to the souls of the "stars", too, not just a match in their bodies. This reminds me of what was told (probably by Undertaker) to Chris Heathfield, and that the baron repeated to Jane.
So, I'm definitely not giving up my theory that Undertaker is experimenting with soul transplants, too, not just blood transfusions and organ transplants. To him, a soul is basically an organ, anyway, right? It could be that the best way for them to match their souls is by assessing their aptitudes. It's not just the blood typing, it's the combination of blood type and aptitude test results. And then reinforcing the similarities. She even has the nerve to call this a "clinical trial".
But Susan doesn't care too much about the details, as she hopes to use her high earnings to leave soon and open her own business, some sort of shop. I wonder where the money is coming from to keep paying such high wages, since we saw those money-donating renal patients die, but it could be coming from the hotel resort in Brighton....
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Susan goes to the cold vault to get blood for Doll, and we see they have also been storing blood for the other lords of the stars. Though it's possible they don't currently have any for Sirius, which would help explain why a Pomeranian like Theo would be next.
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Now this is interesting. "Things are taking longer this time"... compared to what? Last time Doll needed blood? Or something else about Doll's condition? What, exactly, is taking longer this time? 🤔
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newyorkthegoldenage · 1 year ago
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Staff members of a mobile civilian relief hospital placed on display, November 7, 1940, before it was shipped to England, demonstrate how they will help wounded British civilians on the European battlefront. (That's what the original text says. But what would civilians be doing on a battlefront?) Top, an actual blood transfusion in one of the portable rooms of the unit, which is composed of 25 trucks and trailers and 16 tents. Bottom, a nurse cares for a patient in a heated tent. The unit, valued at $100,000 (more than $2 million in today's currency), was designed for use in devastated areas where power and other facilities were lacking.
Photos: Associated Press
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