#Bloemaert H.
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libriaco · 7 months ago
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Molto […] preoccupante, per chi esige una presenza vitale della cultura classica nella scuola, è […] la proposta di eliminare lo studio delle lingue antiche, e, quindi, la lettura diretta dei testi, riducendo il contatto con l’antichità alla lettura di traduzioni, accompagnate da illustrazioni amene. Tale proposta non solo trova sostegno in ambienti ministeriali, ma incontra facilmente il consenso di quanti, anche fra le persone colte, vogliono allo stesso tempo una scuola più facile e più conforme alle meraviglie del progresso tecnologico, libera dalle muffe del passato.
A. La Penna, Sulla scuola [1999], Roma - Bari, Laterza, ebook, 2014
Immagine: Hendrick Bloemaert, Vecchio che legge (1636), olio su tela, Museo di Belle Arti, Budapest
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joseandrestabarnia · 4 months ago
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Anónimo holandés Grupo familiar siglo XVII óleo sobre tabla 50,5 x 38,7 cm Nº inv. P01667 Colección BBVA España
Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez lo consideró anónimo, aunque señaló su contacto con obras de Hendrick Bloemaert (h. 1601-† d. de 1672), que pintó también algunos retratos familiares análogos. Este tipo de retrato familiar de pequeño formato tuvo mucha aceptación en Holanda en el siglo XVII. El lienzo, procedente de la colección del anticuario Vecht de Ámsterdam, ha tenido varias atribuciones. Primero se consideró obra de Barent Gael (1635-1698) y con posterioridad del flamenco Gonzales Coques (1614-1648), que se especializó en estos retratos familiares, pero cuyo estilo es distinto al que muestra esta obra. Durante el siglo XVII en los países protestantes hubo un cambio en los géneros de pintura, debido a dos circunstancias históricas: la ruptura con la iglesia católica y el florecimiento de un mercado del arte impulsado por los gremios de pintores. La aparición de la pintura de caballete hizo de los cuadros objetos móviles y comerciables, en la medida en que el óleo permitió que los pintores holandeses dignificaran motivos que en otras épocas no se consideraban merecedores de una representación pictórica, como es el caso de los retratos de grupo. Dentro de este género se privilegió la pintura de grupos familiares junto a un perro, que al acompañar a una pareja alude a la fidelidad en el matrimonio. Los rasgos fisonómicos de la esposa y la presencia de un agave, posiblemente un maguey, como planta decorativa a la derecha de la composición, nos recuerdan las intensas relaciones comerciales que, a través de España y Portugal, existían entre los Países Bajos y el Nuevo Mundo, y nos hacen pensar en la posible ascendencia indígena de la mujer. La presencia del abanico da idea de la posición social de los retratados, ya que en ese momento era símbolo de opulencia. Por su parte, la rosa amarilla que el caballero ofrece a su esposa nos habla de inocencia y pureza, aludiendo a los vínculos sagrados del matrimonio, lo que refuerza la idea de fidelidad representada por el perro.
Información e imágenes de la web de la Colección BBVA.
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arthisour-blog · 8 years ago
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Portrait of Sara de Bie Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1638/1651 From the collection of Rijksmuseum Details Title: Portrait of Sara de Bie Creator: Jacob Adriaensz. Backer Date Created: 1638/1651 Physical Dimensions: h 93cm – w 73cm External Link: See more details about this work on the Rijksmuseum Website http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.5864 Medium: oil on panel
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum is the museum of the Netherlands. Its world-famous masterworks from the Dutch Golden Age include the Milkmaid by Vermeer and Rembrandt’s Night Watch. The Rijksmuseum itself is also a masterpiece. The collection is presented in a stunning building with amazing interior design. In 80 galleries 8,000 objects tell the story of 800 years of Dutch art and history, from the Middle Ages to Mondrian. Every year, over 2.5 million visitors travel through the ages and experience a feeling of beauty and sense of time.
Jacob Adriaensz Backer 1609 – Aug 27, 1651
Jacob Adriaensz Backer was a Dutch Golden Age painter. He produced about 140 paintings in twenty years, including portraits, religious subjects, and mythological paintings. In his style he was influenced by Wybrand de Geest, Rubens and Abraham Bloemaert. He is also noted for his drawings of male and female nudes.
Portrait of Sara de Bie Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1638/1651 was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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joseandrestabarnia · 5 years ago
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Catedral de San Juan en 's-Hertogenbosch, 1646, de Pieter Jansz Saenredam (Assendelft 9 de junio de 1597~Haarlem 31 de mayo de 1665), óleo sobre tabla, en general: 128,9 x 87 cm, enmarcado: 168,3 x 127 cm. Colección Samuel H. Kress, National Gallery of Art.
Pieter Saenredam se especializó en la pintura de interiores de iglesias caracterizados por un tratamiento luminoso y detallado de la arquitectura que lleva la elegancia del diseño abstracto. En esta representación de la Catedral de San Juan del siglo XV, una inscripción en el puesto del coro en la esquina inferior izquierda identifica el tema y fecha la imagen de 1646. Saenredam parece proporcionar una representación precisa del interior espacioso y lleno de luz; Sin embargo, la relación de esta imagen con el sitio real es bastante complicada.
En 1629 's-Hertogenbosch había sido recapturado por las fuerzas rebeldes de las Provincias Unidas; Como resultado, la catedral se convirtió en un lugar de culto protestante y fue despojada de todos los objetos asociados con la liturgia católica, incluidas las vidrieras. El 1 de julio de 1632, Saenredam visitó la iglesia e hizo cuatro dibujos de su interior. Una de ellas muestra el techo abovedado encalado, el elaborado altar barroco en blanco y negro con estatuas de la Virgen y el Niño con San Juan, una cortina donde solía estar el retablo y las tablillas conmemorativas de los gobernantes de los Habsburgo Felipe II y Alberto. de Austria sobre el altar. Un segundo dibujo representa la tumba barroca de Gisbertus Masius, un ex obispo de 's-Hertogenbosch, con una efigie de tamaño real de Masius arrodillado frente a un altar.
Saenredam no creó esta pintura hasta 1646, y en ella alteró la realidad de la apariencia de la iglesia en ese momento. No solo cambió ligeramente las proporciones de las columnas y los arcos para mejorar la altísima calidad de la arquitectura gótica, sino que también insertó la pintura de 1612 de Abraham Bloemaert de la Adoración de los pastores en el altar mayor, una obra que en realidad adornaba un convento cercano. Los sacerdotes que se iban al exilio en el sur de los Países Bajos se habían llevado el retablo original de la catedral, Dios con Cristo y La Virgen como intercesores, 1615, también de Bloemaert. Saenredam incluyó la escultura arrodillada del obispo Masius en el lado izquierdo de la pintura, que probablemente fue creada a pedido de un patrón católico.
Información del museo.
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arthisour-blog · 8 years ago
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Regents of the Amsterdam Nieuwe Zijds Huiszittenhuis Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1640/1651 From the collection of Rijksmuseum Details Title: Regents of the Amsterdam Nieuwe Zijds Huiszittenhuis Creator: Jacob Adriaensz. Backer Date Created: 1640/1651 Physical Dimensions: h 347mm – w 375mm External Link: See more details about this work on the Rijksmuseum Website http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.27431 Medium: paper
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum is the museum of the Netherlands. Its world-famous masterworks from the Dutch Golden Age include the Milkmaid by Vermeer and Rembrandt’s Night Watch. The Rijksmuseum itself is also a masterpiece. The collection is presented in a stunning building with amazing interior design. In 80 galleries 8,000 objects tell the story of 800 years of Dutch art and history, from the Middle Ages to Mondrian. Every year, over 2.5 million visitors travel through the ages and experience a feeling of beauty and sense of time.
Jacob Adriaensz Backer 1609 – Aug 27, 1651
Jacob Adriaensz Backer was a Dutch Golden Age painter. He produced about 140 paintings in twenty years, including portraits, religious subjects, and mythological paintings. In his style he was influenced by Wybrand de Geest, Rubens and Abraham Bloemaert. He is also noted for his drawings of male and female nudes.
Regents of the Amsterdam Nieuwe Zijds Huiszittenhuis Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1640/1651 was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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arthisour-blog · 8 years ago
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Portrait of Johannes Lutma Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1638/1651 From the collection of Rijksmuseum Details Title: Portrait of Johannes Lutma Creator: Jacob Adriaensz. Backer Date Created: 1638/1651 Physical Dimensions: h 91cm – w 71cm External Link: See more details about this work on the Rijksmuseum Website http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.5863 Medium: oil on panel
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum is the museum of the Netherlands. Its world-famous masterworks from the Dutch Golden Age include the Milkmaid by Vermeer and Rembrandt’s Night Watch. The Rijksmuseum itself is also a masterpiece. The collection is presented in a stunning building with amazing interior design. In 80 galleries 8,000 objects tell the story of 800 years of Dutch art and history, from the Middle Ages to Mondrian. Every year, over 2.5 million visitors travel through the ages and experience a feeling of beauty and sense of time.
Jacob Adriaensz Backer 1609 – Aug 27, 1651
Jacob Adriaensz Backer was a Dutch Golden Age painter. He produced about 140 paintings in twenty years, including portraits, religious subjects, and mythological paintings. In his style he was influenced by Wybrand de Geest, Rubens and Abraham Bloemaert. He is also noted for his drawings of male and female nudes.
Portrait of Johannes Lutma Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1638/1651 was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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arthisour-blog · 8 years ago
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Portretstuk met vier regenten en vier regentessen, een bediende en een meid Jacob Adriaensz. Backer, Adriaen Backer From the collection of Rijksmuseum Details Title: Portretstuk met vier regenten en vier regentessen, een bediende en een meid Creator: Jacob Adriaensz. Backer, Adriaen Backer Date Created: 1618/1651 Physical Dimensions: h 215mm – w 406mm External Link: See more details about this work on the Rijksmuseum Website http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.27432 Medium: brush
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum is the museum of the Netherlands. Its world-famous masterworks from the Dutch Golden Age include the Milkmaid by Vermeer and Rembrandt’s Night Watch. The Rijksmuseum itself is also a masterpiece. The collection is presented in a stunning building with amazing interior design. In 80 galleries 8,000 objects tell the story of 800 years of Dutch art and history, from the Middle Ages to Mondrian. Every year, over 2.5 million visitors travel through the ages and experience a feeling of beauty and sense of time.
Jacob Adriaensz Backer 1609 – Aug 27, 1651
Jacob Adriaensz Backer was a Dutch Golden Age painter. He produced about 140 paintings in twenty years, including portraits, religious subjects, and mythological paintings. In his style he was influenced by Wybrand de Geest, Rubens and Abraham Bloemaert. He is also noted for his drawings of male and female nudes.
Portretstuk met vier regenten en vier regentessen, een bediende en een meid Jacob Adriaensz. Backer, Adriaen Backer was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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arthisour-blog · 8 years ago
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Regenten Regents of the Nieuwe Zijds Institute for the Outdoor Relief of the Poor, Amsterdam, c 1650 Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1645/1651 From the collection of Rijksmuseum Details Title: Regenten Regents of the Nieuwe Zijds Institute for the Outdoor Relief of the Poor, Amsterdam, c 1650 Creator: Jacob Adriaensz. Backer Date Created: 1645/1651 Physical Dimensions: h 272cm – w 312cm External Link: See more details about this work on the Rijksmuseum Website http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.5861 Medium: oil on canvas
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum is the museum of the Netherlands. Its world-famous masterworks from the Dutch Golden Age include the Milkmaid by Vermeer and Rembrandt’s Night Watch. The Rijksmuseum itself is also a masterpiece. The collection is presented in a stunning building with amazing interior design. In 80 galleries 8,000 objects tell the story of 800 years of Dutch art and history, from the Middle Ages to Mondrian. Every year, over 2.5 million visitors travel through the ages and experience a feeling of beauty and sense of time.
Jacob Adriaensz Backer 1609 – Aug 27, 1651
Jacob Adriaensz Backer was a Dutch Golden Age painter. He produced about 140 paintings in twenty years, including portraits, religious subjects, and mythological paintings. In his style he was influenced by Wybrand de Geest, Rubens and Abraham Bloemaert. He is also noted for his drawings of male and female nudes.
Regenten Regents of the Nieuwe Zijds Institute for the Outdoor Relief of the Poor, Amsterdam, c 1650 Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1645/1651 was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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arthisour-blog · 8 years ago
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Portret van een jonge vrouw met een kapje Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1618/1651 From the collection of Rijksmuseum Details Title: Portret van een jonge vrouw met een kapje Creator: Jacob Adriaensz. Backer Date Created: 1618/1651 Physical Dimensions: h 373mm Ń w 288mm External Link: See more details about this work on the Rijksmuseum Website http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.27433 Medium: paper
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum is the museum of the Netherlands. Its world-famous masterworks from the Dutch Golden Age include the Milkmaid by Vermeer and Rembrandt’s Night Watch. The Rijksmuseum itself is also a masterpiece. The collection is presented in a stunning building with amazing interior design. In 80 galleries 8,000 objects tell the story of 800 years of Dutch art and history, from the Middle Ages to Mondrian. Every year, over 2.5 million visitors travel through the ages and experience a feeling of beauty and sense of time.
Jacob Adriaensz Backer 1609 – Aug 27, 1651
Jacob Adriaensz Backer was a Dutch Golden Age painter. He produced about 140 paintings in twenty years, including portraits, religious subjects, and mythological paintings. In his style he was influenced by Wybrand de Geest, Rubens and Abraham Bloemaert. He is also noted for his drawings of male and female nudes.
Portret van een jonge vrouw met een kapje Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1618/1651 was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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arthisour-blog · 8 years ago
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Officers and other Marksmen of the V District in Amsterdam Led by Captain Cornelis de Graeff and Lieutenant Hendrick Lauwrensz (Arquebusiers’ Civic Guard Company) Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1642 From the collection of Rijksmuseum Details Title: Officers and other Marksmen of the V District in Amsterdam Led by Captain Cornelis de Graeff and Lieutenant Hendrick Lauwrensz (Arquebusiers’ Civic Guard Company) Creator: Jacob Adriaensz. Backer Date Created: 1642/1642 Physical Dimensions: h 367cm – w 511cm External Link: See more details about this work on the Rijksmuseum Website http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.5862 Medium: oil on canvas
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum is the museum of the Netherlands. Its world-famous masterworks from the Dutch Golden Age include the Milkmaid by Vermeer and Rembrandt’s Night Watch. The Rijksmuseum itself is also a masterpiece. The collection is presented in a stunning building with amazing interior design. In 80 galleries 8,000 objects tell the story of 800 years of Dutch art and history, from the Middle Ages to Mondrian. Every year, over 2.5 million visitors travel through the ages and experience a feeling of beauty and sense of time.
Jacob Adriaensz Backer 1609 – Aug 27, 1651
Jacob Adriaensz Backer was a Dutch Golden Age painter. He produced about 140 paintings in twenty years, including portraits, religious subjects, and mythological paintings. In his style he was influenced by Wybrand de Geest, Rubens and Abraham Bloemaert. He is also noted for his drawings of male and female nudes.
Officers and other Marksmen of the V District in Amsterdam Led by Captain Cornelis de Graeff and Lieutenant Hendrick Lauwrensz (Arquebusiers’ Civic Guard Company) Jacob Adriaensz. Backer 1642 was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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