Fandom(s): Bloedlink, Trust, A Dangerous Fortune Rating: E Chapter(s): 3 Ship(s): Mickey Miranda/Rico, Primo Nizzuto/Rico Summary: The Lighthouse AU! Primo and Rico have come to the little island in the middle of nowhere to tend to the lighthouse, but as Primo continuously refuses to teach the new wickie in his charge, the more Rico finds his grip on reality beginning to slip. There's something Primo isn't telling him. Rico is determined to find out what it is or lose himself in the process.
Note(s): For the @marwan-simposium‘s Year of Marwan Event, for the May prompts: “Mermaid AU,” “Dub Con,” and “What did you just say?”
Thank you @pigsinablanketfort for being my beta for this!!! <33
PLEASE HEED THE TAGS!! and enjoy ;)
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cookiemom6067 · 1 year
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Final chapter of @loflight501 's"Coffee Shop Love" is now available
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quinbi · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: A Dangerous Fortune (2016), Bloedlink | Reckless (2014), Trust (TV 2018), Aladdin (2019) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mickey Miranda/Rico (Bloedlink), Jafar (Disney)/Primo Nizzuto, Jafar (Disney)/Mickey Miranda/Primo Nizzuto/Rico (Bloedlink), Jafar/Primo Nizzuto/Rico (Bloedlink) Characters: Mickey Miranda, Primo Nizzuto, Rico (Bloedlink), Jafar (Disney) Additional Tags: Threesome - M/M/M, Double Penetration, Praise Kink, Voyeurism, Dirty Talk, Dom/sub Undertones, Marwan Kenzari/Luca Marinelli Character Combinations, Kinktober, Not Beta Read, Unbeta'd, hints at subdrop, and a tiny bit of aftercare, but none of these bitches are any good at feelings or being emotionally resposible in anyway, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Series: Part 3 of Portside Business Summary:
“Wh-what did they have planned?” Rico tripped over the ask, worried it might be taken the wrong way.
Mickey circled around behind him, where Rico was doing some machinery repair, and whispered in his ear, “Well, it seems Primo would like to be filled. Completely,” He chuckled when Rico shivered, “And I for one would like to watch that.”
For the @marwan-simposium Kinktober event
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youssefguedira · 2 years
what movies should i watch guys
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bode-leone · 2 years
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me waiting outside matthias schoenaert's home for him to do a gay film a la marwan's bloedlink
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nicolos · 2 years
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Happy 39th Birthday Marwan Kenzari!
A very very very happy birthday to the brilliant Marwan Kenzari, man with the anime-st eyes and, and you can’t change my mind on this, most beautiful smile in the world. It’s been fantastic watching Marwan’s work across such a broad range of roles and genres, and I hope your year is fantastic, and that, selfishly, you get some roles of the sort I’d like to see you in. Heh! And congratulations on your face also. 
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Happy 38th Birthday Marwan Kenzari January 16th 1983
What Happened to Monday (2017) The Angel (2018) The Promise (2016) Aladdin (2019) Hartenstraat (2014) Murder on the Orient Express (2017) Wolf (2013) Instinct (2019) The Old Guard (2020) Bloedlink (2014)
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alkaysani-archived · 3 years
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marwan kenzari as rico - BLOEDLINK (2014)
for @overzonen, my beloved friend <3
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maghrib-genova · 4 years
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Ultimate Crossover AU
Read explanation about the pairings under the cut.
The Crossover AU  in which each Marwan characters has his own Luca from their movie I’ve watched so far.
1.       Pierre x Roberta [Murder on the orient Express x L'ultimo Terrestre]
The softest pairing because both of them are good people who deserve so much love, bond over their love for their mother, clearly love at first sight, meet on the train. A lot of sweet things, rainbow and sunshine pairing, compliments each other daily, calling each other “love” in each other language and super understanding, got married after six months dating and stay together till old and gray.
2.       Daan x Paolo [Hartenstraat x Il Padre D'Italia]
They fall in love through online dating website.  Paolo just recently adopted a daughter and doesn’t really know what he is doing so he is panicking and want to meet someone online that probably can help him a little bit since he doesn’t really have many friends. Paolo dating profile  “not really trying to find someone in particular because I just recently adopted a daughter,  if anyone wanted to share some tips and willing to be the lending ear of my distress I would be more than happy to have a friend like that” and Daan clicked on the profile because of those sweet smile and beautiful eyes. They bond through Daan amazing skill in taking care of kid because he has his own share raising Saar alone to give some tips. They decided to meet up for real after chatting back and forth and Paolo is a goner because Daan got a killer smile ready with the kind eyes, he knew at how all the single moms on the block gets their ovaries warm and melted when Daan smiled at them. Not to mention he loves his daughter so much and always talk about her so freely, Paolo seeing Daan with his daughter really what made Paolo sure about being with him. Paolo is super shy around Daan, like Daan compliment everything about him but he still find it’s hard to believe in his words even though he literally look like the sweetest thing in the world especially when he wake up in Daan’s arm after gentle slow sex in the morning. Daan would be like “my love haven’t you see yourself in the mirror?”. They are the most wholesome parents after they got married. They are both sappy romantic couple that love their daughters so much.
3.       Majid x Martin [Martin Eden x Wolf]
This pairing is full of angst, misunderstanding and a lot of fighting, Martin clearly use his words to hurt Majid and Majid sometimes can’t help his anger issue so Martin got the slap sometimes in which Majid will keep asking for forgiveness, angst without happy ending it seems with this two. They met at the restaurant near the dock, a few table a part from each other, feel attraction and have one night stand, then they meet again and they were young so they fall hard and they were in love. At first it was easy, just the two of them, they decided to move in together but after a year when money becoming the issue and Majid start getting back to his street way of making money so he could put food on the table and Martin with his own issue, the self doubt , he just want to write but he thinks the world is a sickening place, they start to question about why they still stay together if the conversation always end up in arguments. Always angsty hate fuck with this two when both feeling nauseous afterwards. Majid would hug Martin from behind after they both spent and sweaty from the aftermath and they would murmured while cuddling up in each other arms with words that could cut hearts.
Majid : I can’t quit you but you make me sick, sleeping with you made me sick but I hate you so much because how much I love you.
Martin : You don’t love me for who I am . You want me to change in order for you to give me just some fragments of affection that I barely even get from your rough hands and how you beat up the world and make your own laws.
Majid : You would know better about the state of the world if you didn’t live too long in your idealistic fictional world in your head, step out side and look around you, this world is not getting any better, I work like that so you can live your dreams but you see what I did for you like a disease. 
Martin : Love is not for someone like us, You are too careless about this world and you see me as a joke even from the start, how could you expect me to stand by when you stomped all over my feeling.
Majid would force Martin to look at him while he said those words and Martin would cry and they would kiss again and fuck again and hate each other again, repeat.
4.       Fabio x Jafar [They call me Jeeg x Aladdin]
Fabio who craved for power finally had his wish granted when he found Djin jafar lamp. He rubbed on the magic lamp and had the powerful Djin under his command to do whatever he wants. The unstoppable evil power they would have together. They would rule the world together, a lot of evil laughter, the world will enter dark age, they would be so happy together in their own evil way. Also alot of weird kinky sex. Involved a snake.
5.       Cesare x Rico [Non Essere Cattivo x Bloedlink]
Cesare and Rico a total mess. Cesare trying to find away to sell more drugs and Rico with the idea of kidnapping a girl for some ransom. The quick money they could have and what they should do to get it that’s what they are talking about during breakfast,  dinner time or after sex pillow talk. Briefly meet in prison but wasn’t close but know each other, see each other again at a bar and somehow whey they talk outside they have the same idea and can easily connect so they hit off and start dating. The problem in their so wholesomely in mess relationship is Cesare addiction, like Rico is okay with all the other crimes they committed together but to see Cesare losing himself to drug abuse was hard, they often fight because of the drugs. Probably end up in prison again together (happy ending) or..one of them or both of them get shot during one of their crimes (the sad ending version).
These pairings probably will change if I watched more of their movies and find more suitable characters. I just want each of them to have their own pair. Joe x Nicky infinite alternate universe.
Actually have soft spot for :
1. Majid x Roberta
2. Majid x Fabio
If Roberta wasn’t paired with Pierre I would give her to Majid and if Fabio wasn’t with Jafar I think Majid also really suitable for him. There are Primo, Mickey, Fabrizio, etc to consider but we can talk about them later. I just love Crossover AU so much.
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Marwan Kenzari as Rico in Bloedlink
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Top 5 Marwan MOVIES
The Old Guard
What Happened to Monday
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cookiemom6067 · 2 years
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scarlet-welly-boots · 4 years
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Spent the last couple of weeks sourcing the wonderful Marwan Kenzari's work! Shoot me a message if you need any links <3
(Inc English subs)
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loflight501 · 2 years
Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: Trust (TV 2018), Bloedlink | Reckless (2014), Tutti i santi giorni | Every Blessed Day (2012), The Mummy (2017) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Primo Nizzuto/Rico (Bloedlink), Guido Caselli & Rico (Bloedlink), Guido Caselli & Primo Nizzuto, Guido Caselli/Malik (The Mummy 2017) Characters: Primo Nizzuto, Rico (Bloedlink), Guido Caselli, Malik (The Mummy 2017) Additional Tags: Marwan Kenzari/Luca Marinelli Character Combinations, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Anxiety Attacks, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Hair-pulling Series: Part 2 of Coffee Shop AU Summary:
It's been three months since Primo met Rico and he's been waiting (not-so-patiently) to finally take Rico out on a date. Will a visitor from Rico's past mess things up?
A sequel to Coffee Shop Rescue.
My submission for @kenzarelli-intothemultiverse event for the Fill in the Blanks and Cinnamon Roll badges.
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jenyuki02 · 3 years
I just love this 🤣 besties and (jail) lovers.
❤️Marwant and Tygo on Hartestraat and
❤️Marwan and Tygo on Bloedlink
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Marwan Kenzari and Tygo Gernandt in Bloedlink (Reckless), 2014.
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